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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone had a good day yesterday! I expect many of you are filled up with turkey and maybe some are going to do some black Friday shopping (no stores for this old girl). I did get some shopping done on line this morning with Harry and David to get some of my on line orders done.

    I think I may have had a post sedation reaction with my asthma yesterday. I have had a touch of some kind of respiratory thing, but yesterday, had a wicked cough for most of the day and used both my inhaler and some cold medicine I had. I was instructed to not take any non prescribed meds until after 24 hours from the procedure, and that is around the time the whole thing kicked in. By last night, things finally subsided. They always focus on my asthma with any anesthesia/sedation and not sure what they used, but eek! I was more out of it than the last time I had it. Well, I am glad I made no plans yesterday and just took it easy and do feel better today. Whew!

    I have some errands to do today, going to get to a yoga class too but otherwise, modifying my plans for today to be home more. Lots to do around here and got my Xmas cards started this morning.

    Wishing you all a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    NM, you talked about the pile up accident and not having Sadie that day. You were ok because of your seatbelt. If Sadie was there and no seatbelt, not only could she have been hurt, but she could have flown into you and hurt you.

    Dara, my bad, OMG. Cancer Free, no better words to hear. Congrats for that. Now to get all of these other issues resolved.

    Cami, so we are redoing your room? I'm glad you are letting them do that, but be sure and not let them do something that you won't like, ok? Make sure you are going to be comfortable. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I only wish that meant the end of the D. That Tequila Rose is YUMMY! Especially if you keep it in the freezer.

    Jazzy, a tad scary about the reaction you had. Glad you are doing better. No shopping for this chick either. In fact, today is our Turkey day.

    Hsant, thinking of you and your dad.

    LDB, mese tinks you are in Cancun. I hope you are having fun. Well duh, of course you are!

    I'll have my Tequila Rose straight up please. Hold the margarita mix. See y'all tomorrow. Cheers!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this day after Gobble till You Wobble day?Our meal was exciting, in the middle of dinner Mom's partner, Dick, suddenly couldn't talk.All that came out was gibberish.Mom immediately took him to the ER.By the time they got there he was speaking properly again, but they kept him overnight and will be running tests today due to him being high risk for a stroke. Sadie and I put all the food away and cleaned up the kitchen and locked up the house while waiting to hear what they were going to do with him.Mom was calling me every 10 minutes:don't forget to put the turkey in the fridge.Move out the stuff that doesn't need to be refrigerated if you need to.Is the turkey in the fridge yet? (I said yes, but it was really sitting outside on the steps in the 37 degree cold while I cleaned up enough of the rest of the dishes and such to have room to rearrange the fridge for it. Their fridge is set at 45 degrees. The turkey was fine where it was for the 30 minutes it was out there.)Don't worry about the dishes, just make sure the turkey gets in the fridge.Don't want to lose any of that meat. (it was a 24 pound bird for the 3 of us.) Don't forget the turkey meat on the table, make sure that gets into the fridge, too.Poor Mom, it drives her nuts to not be in charge in her kitchen.And I know I put a lot of things away in the wrong places.She'll be months trying to find everything again!Ah, well, more family stories will come out all this, I'm sure.

    Cammy--Glad you are feeling better, and sleeping is good for healing, so keep sleeping!Sounds like you are getting a bedroom makeover for Christmas!Well, you can be amused by watching all the fuss while sitting back and relaxing.I bet it will be fun!

    Ooh,strawberry Mararita, yumm!

    Jazzy--Any Black Friday shopping this gal does will be online.In fact, ALL my Christmas shopping is done on line.I would do 100% of my shopping on line if I could.I do like to go to the grocery store and farmer's market in person to see stuff and find new things though.Glad the asthma signs subsided.Asthma can be so touchy to deal with sometimes.

    Goldie--Good point about Sadie getting thrown into me and hurting me in the pile up.I hadn't thought of that.I had been thinking of her getting thrown around and getting hurt, or getting loose and getting lost from fear and freezing to death before I could find her again.But she could definitely have hurt me if she was scared and thrown about.I've never tried Tequila Rose, will have to see if I can find some!

    Strawberry Margarita for DOTD, YEAH!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Goldie- enjoy your time with family today! May your turkey be moist.

    NM- omg, how scary. I wonder if he had a TIA? My mother had those before she had her big stroke. I hope things are stabilized for your mom, Dick and the rest. Sorry you did not get to have your dinner as planned, but praying everyone is okay?

    Cami- I love how people are doing a home make-over to your space. Post pics when it is done?

    Working on closets this morning, the final frontier......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Talked with Mom a few minutes ago. All Dick's tests are coming out fine, he's been given a script for a blood thinner and is going home. Diagnosed as a TIA. Every one is breathing a sigh of relief.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    The show proceeds go to Chicago Bar Charities, which picks a different recipient each year. For the past few years, the donees have been various inner-city public schools (our public schools are so strapped for cash that they must solicit for basic supplies on local neighborhood blogs). This year, the front-runner is the Heartland Alliance, an umbrella organization that serves various homeless aid organizations, public clinics and food banks.

    Yesterday, to help ease us into our turkey coma, our friends imbibed Georges Dubouef Beaujolais Nouveau (2 bottles), Terres Dorees “L’Ancien” Beauj. Nouveau, Ste. Michelle Dry Riesling and Caymus Conundrum white blend. (Not bad for 11 of us, of whom only 8 drank). A bottle of Buffalo Trace bourbon was passed around too

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    NM- whew, glad it was nothing worse but they will need to watch him closely after this. Blood thinners should help.

    Got out and about today but discovered the gym did not have the yoga today so I just did a few other errands. Home for a nap!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Hope everyone is having a nice start of the weekend.Was looking forward to a nice leisurely morning until Sadie pulled the batch of cream cheese that was setting up off the counter and spilled it all over the floor.So I've had to wash part of the kitchen floor already, and wipe down counters and generally do cleaning up. Sigh.Good thing I love that dog. But now I'm watching her trying to clean the splatter off her ears, face, tail, legs etc.She's turning herself into a pretzel trying to get to all the places.It's so funny to watch!

    Chi--It's great the show is supporting charity. Nice to know something good is being done along with the fun.

    Jazzy--Ah, naps are good!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Chai Toddy



    Stir all ingredients in a mug and serve steaming hot. Garnish with a peppermint stick.

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.

    Chai Toddy recipe

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- it felt good to get out yesterday, but fits and starts with no yoga class, then tried to taking some donations to a shelter after my last update to you, but they were closed. Shelters that close for the holidays? Where do the residents go? Anyways, I did get to a few other spots and mostly avoided the stores, except a fabulous place I love in town called Mamas Minerals that is has amazing minerals and fossils, which I am am a fan of (I am a geologist by education). And I bought myself a pair of drusy quartz earrings, happy Black Friday to me!

    Ugh, my asthma was back last night and had me up middle of the night, but think did this one to myself. I was out putting leaves in the dumpster late in the afternoon, and think the dust from that puts me over the edge. Working on that last weekend is what started the initial respiratory thing before the procedure, that only worsened after. My breathing was fine all day yesterday, but now am coughing again. So going to either put that remaining work on hold or get some of those dust masks at Ace Hardware today to keep any of the dust out of my lungs to finish the yard work. I wanted to go play music today, but that is off too as blowing into a flute is not a good thing for me today. I will listen to Xmas jazz CDs instead. Got more to do at home to get things organized around here, and did start my Xmas cards this weekend too!

    NM- oh Miss Sadie, what that girl does not get into! I love the visual of her trying to get the creme cheese off her fur. She is a character! I hope you are enjoying your nice long weekend as you work hard, sister. That drink looks yummy too!

    Chi- I forgot to say I loved the story about the wine snob and the Beauj. Nouveau. So how was the one you sampled yesterday? I think of the young wines we would drink in Tuscany when I was there last in Oct of 2009, the owner of the villa would drive down the road and go fill up jugs of fresh young red table wine for our lunches and dinner. We would have wine every day with the two meals, and remember the wine all tested good, even being young! Drinking wine for lunch and dinner is very quickly quite habit forming! It sounds like you are enjoying this holiday and think you are going to NYC next month too?

    Dara- sorry to hear the job you interviewed for was not as good as expected. Part time not ideal for you and it sounds like you still need to get this nerve condition under control. Was your holiday good friend?

    Cami- are you feeling better friend? Has that crud you had moved through now? I saw a fabulous clarinet video below you have to share with Joey. This woman is amazing!

    Wishing you all a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    NM, I guess our moms just don't think we can handle without them, even though we are in our 50's. I promise to NEVER be like that with my kids. The Tequila Rose is very yummy, it's just a sippy drink. Of course it's strawberry flavored. They make a chocolate and java one too. And yes, both you and Sadie could have been hurt. Glad you were both buckled in. Glad that Dick is ok too. My gosh, what a scare.

    Jazzy, I'm jealous of those that can nap. I just can't. My mind races of things I should be doing and it just doesn't stop, hence no falling asleep. I have layed down and fought it for like an hour, trying to get to sleep. I finally get up and say "screw it" and get up.

    NM, you make your own cream cheese? Interesting ingredients for the DOTD. I'll give it a sippy try.

    Dinner was yummy, but oh my what a lot of work for mese! I made the turkey breast in the crockpot, turned out good, was a bit worried about that. Sausage dressing with herbs out of the garden, mashed taters and gravy, sweet corn that I put up and green beans that I put up and of course a pumpkin pie. That is a lot for just one person to do. My back was sure giving me fits. Dumb a$ me should have done more the day before. And then the dishes, which I still have a few! But it was very yummy!

    Image result for tequila rose and chocolate

    You can make a Neapolitan with all three

Tequila Rose
White Godiva Chocolate
Post your cocktail pics using #TipsyBartender We will repost the best ones. Each month the pics with most likes wins...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, thanks for the swim, the water is really nice. Good for you in getting the earrings for yourself. Smart of you to not blow into a flute with your asthma acting up. Oh boy, that gal really gets it on the clarinet!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Bummer about the asthma, Jazzy. I never go anywhere without my inhaler.

    I was pretty disappointed with the Terres Dorees L'Ancien Beauj. Nouveau that the wine snob recommended (or said was the “least worst"). I found it too full-bodied yet austere and tannic, not at all what you'd expect of a Nouveau and much more “closed-in" than a mature more serious cru Beaujolais. (Perhaps aging it in the bottle for a year, unlike with most Nouveaux, might allow its true character to emerge—but then it wouldn't be a Nouveau, would it)? We opened a bottle of the Momessin last night and found it delightful—just as fruity and fresh as the Nectarouge, but a little weightier. I stopped off after grocery-shopping tonight at a new Binny's store in Lincolnwood en route home, and their wine specialist recommended the Domaine Dupeuble (which I'd always found to be the best and most balanced of the lot), but they were out of it (the Binny's in Lincoln Park had plenty but El Snobbo poo-poohed it). She said her second fave is the Fessy, so I got one of those. She recommended against the Cambon, which goes for a whopping $17 (for a Nouveau? Are you f—ing kidding?) as well as a $15 one that didn't float her boat. She agreed with me that the Dubouef ($11 in the supermarkets, $9 at Binny's) was nothing to write home about this year. So I got some more of the Nectarouge and another couple bottles of Momessin. When I told her about the English wine snob at the Lincoln Park branch, she snorted, “oh, him?" and rolled her eyes.

    With dinner tonight at Cellars (short rib pot roast) we had a glass of the end-of-bin special: a Spanish tempranillo from just outside Rioja proper. Went very nicely with the meal—and at $5 a glass was a bargain.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Still raining and dreary here, but we badly need the rain, and better than snow, so I'm just looking and shaking my head.I'm sure the snow will come in it's own good time.

    Image result for rain and snow

    Jazzy--How can shelters be closed on the holidays?As you asked, where do the people go?The earrings sound interesting and fun, good for you!Sorry the asthma reared up it's ugly head.Sadie did have to work to get all the stuff off herself, it was kinda funny watching her contort herself to reach everywhere.I think there may be some cat DNA in her background somewhere given the way she twisted and turned!Good idea to use a dust mask when dealing with leaves and yard stuff. Wow, that is some good clarinet work!

    Image result for dust mask clip art

    Goldie--Mom wasn't really telling me what to do, she was transferring her worry about Dick to her kitchen.I actually kind of expected her to do that.It's her way of dealing, she worries about something very much but only talks about something less earth-shattering until it's all over. Took me years to figure that out about her.I'm experimenting with making cream cheese, cuz I use so much of it. I like bagels with cream cheese for breakfast, it's good to use in crock pot cooking to replace cream that can curdle, not to mention as a base for frostings and glazes for lots of baked goods.Sadie got into the first batch I was making with a well-researched recipe, and it was setting up well, too.I'll probably start a new batch later today.Sounds like you made a great T-Day dinner, and that IS a LOT of work!I can imagine your back hurting you today.I'll have to look for some Rose Tequila flavors, sounds like fun to try!

    Image result for making cream cheese at home


    Chi--funny how different the prices are at different places.So much adventure in wine tasting!

    Image result for wine tasting meme

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD




    Pour into a blender in this order: ice - beer - tequila - rum - daquari mix - margarita mix. Blend until frothy, then pour.

    Best served in a Margarita Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday. My asthma has quieted down once again with the help of cold medicine and my albuterol inhaler. If this continues off and on into the week, I am going to go see my PCP and get some steroids to get these lungs of mine quieted down. I do think I have a few things going on with this resp. bug, that triggers the asthma but pretty sure the sedation and the leaves made things worse. No more yard work for me right now, and going to get some masks this week so by next weekend when I have to finish up the leaves (they are dropping fast now), I will be in a better place to do so.

    This afternoon is my only social event for the weekend. Going to meet a friend for a drink and then go to a free jazz concert. I already decided I am going to drink grand marnier with orange slices, which is my favorite drink thingy when I have any congestion. I have some GM here at home, but no oranges! Think I need to remedy that today on my way home!


    Goldie- I am glad that you had a good dinner at day later. Putting together a holiday meal is never an easy job, never mind all the clean up. I hope you are enjoying some good left overs.

    NM- retrievers can twist themselves into interesting positions, can't they? My sister's golden managed to wedge herself between us on the couch one day as we sat next to each other. We could not figure out how this 85 pound dog could make herself so small to get into that space. Contortion artist for sure! Sounds like Sadie and my sister's Miss Bella have similar behaviors......

    I hope Dick is doing okay and do realize people have a tendency to try to control other things (kitchens, people, etc.) when they are stressed out. They cannot do anything about a particular situation, so they look elsewhere where they can. I expect all your hospice training has taught you to see this with people around any unexpected healthcare situation. You were a good daughter to just get things taken care of for her and hope things are better for them soon.

    And I LOVE bagels and creme cheese too but don't eat them too much because of the calories and carbs in the bagels.

    ChiSandy- well that is too bad about the BN not being as good as one might hope, even with the recommendation of Mr. Wine Know It all. Here is onward to some better vintage for the next holidays coming up......

    Got some home things to do today before I am out for the afternoon. Wishing everyone a good wrap up to the long holiday weekend and a good start to the week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Started feeling a little crummy about a couple of hours after dinner last night, and I went to bed at 1am, having set my alarm for 7:45 in order to get ready to be out the door at 9:30 in order to get to rehearsal at 10:30, since my first number to rehearse with the band was scheduled for 10:55. Well, my head hit the pillow and I realized sleep wasn’t going to come easily—I felt that familiar tired and semi-scratchy feeling in my throat and my sinuses beginning to drip. Uh to the oh. I barely slept a wink and all day long I’ve had that weird zapping sensation in my upper sinuses (a former singing partner described it as “shells snapping shut”). We open Thurs. night and I am at the start of a cold (3 days coming, 3 days with you, 3 days going) and well on my way to laryngitis. So I’ve been mainlining water and warm tea with honey, spritzing my throat often with Singer’s Saving Grace. Sang at half volume, and except for my lines, pretty much doing vocal rest. So far (knock wood) I haven’t lost any notes….yet. But if I start going hoarse, I will haul out the Medrol Dosepak I keep on hand (along with a course of doxycycline) for bacterial lower respiratory infections. Pretty sure this one is viral, so will leave the abx alone unless I start coughing up or sneezing out Technicolor. I can tell it’s bacterial if it is yellowish tan and tastes like peanut butter…but usually, it’s….snot. (Sorry, that was just too easy).

    Tonight’s DOTD? Chicken broth. And all the water I can stand.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    ChiSandy- well girlfriend, I think I gave you my danged cold. That feeling you described is how it started for me last Monday. All I can say is get on top of it as you seem to be, and if you have any Vitamin C, start taking it. I have found taking extra C at the beginning of anything makes it less intense. I know you have your performance coming up and hope you can push through this, but know it is hard to perform when under the weather.

    Enjoyed a nice afternoon out listening to some great jazz. My favorite piece was Christmas Time is Here, with a little rift of Silent Night in the middle of it. Just lovely.

    Have a good week friends and ChiSandy, feel better soon!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    By the way, I wanted to share a video of this gal, Ashleigh Smith, who is my fav new vocalist in 2016. She won the Sarah Vaughn international voice competition in 2014 and away she went!

    And I love the swing in the middle of the apartment.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Thanks, Jazzy, she's amazing—will keep an eye out for her if she tours around here or I can catch her in NY. There's something about jazz vocalists—so straightforward, no mannerisms or affectations, nothing to get in the way of the lyric. Looks a helluva lot easier than it is! The best singer in the Bar Show cast, who plays Hillary Clinton singing a parody of “I Dreamed a Dream" (more heart-wrenching than funny—only one joke in the lyric), moonlights as a jazz vocalist and used to be the lead singer for a gypsy jazz band.

    I've been pushing C since yesterday—1 gm every 4 hrs. Had started zinc—but all I have are the 50mg tabs, which I found out are useless for colds and may be 10mg more than the safe daily intake limit from all sources including food. A nap helped me feel a bit better—didn't need chicken soup (all I have is canned chicken noodle & chicken rice, which don't help, and “Better than Bouillon" concentrate which does have a bit of actual chicken in it). Did saute some snap peas and pan-seared scallops in grapeseed oil & Old Bay, deglazing with some amontillado and a little bit of butter. Fortunately, my tastebuds still work fine, as does my sense of smell. Bob & I had some more of the Momessin BN, and I'm detecting more raspberry than cherry and a bit of tannin. This year's harvest was weird—rainy spring, hot & intense but short summer, and picking a week later than usual. Last year's BNs were sugar-bombs; this year, making something enjoyable as young as a BN is is a tricky task. Yes, it's a marketing thing, perhaps more than a little hype—but necessary to provide the vintners with enough revenue to allow them to hold back the bulk of the harvest to age an extra year (or more for the individual village “cru" Beauj. like Fleurie, Morgon, Moulin a Vent, etc.).

    Bob says if I can still sing tomorrow but it seems my voice is getting hoarser, to start the Medrol on Tues. morning—but if I wake up with laryngitis, to start it tomorrow.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2016

    ok ladies, trying to catch up,went to my happy place after last post ,must live up to my dw name, saw ortho and shoulder is stiffer than before so back to pt!

    glad to hear you might have a soljution for your headaches dara

    lol on joey's college plan, moving on to paage 1996 now

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!It's the beginning of a new week, and a new chance to make a difference in someone's life.And time to start seeing Christmas lights in the evenings.I do like looking at the Christmas lights.Not enough energy to put them up myself any more.Or, more accurately, not enough energy to take them down again at the end of the season.Rather spend the time cuddling with Sadie and reading a good book.

    Jazzy--Grand marnier with orange slices, sounds like my kind of congestion reliever!Do you use a maintenanceinhaled steroid like Pulmicort?That helps me keep thing under control without using systemic steroids as often.I do not like taking steroid pills, makes me feel disconnected, unfocused, and unable to sleep.I bet Sadie and Miss Bella do get into similar contorted positions!I guess when a retriever wants something, they go after it.Dick is doing fine, thank goodness, is now on Plavix to help prevent future episodes.This is not the first time this has happened, but it is the first time it's happened since he got the pacemaker.People do have interesting coping mechanisms, and control freaks like my Mom will find something to control no matter how trivial it seems to anyone else, and the best thing to do is to just roll with it.She'll settle when whatever is going on is over.

    Chi--groan.Coughing/sneezing out Technicolor I've heard before, but tasting like peanut butter?Ick.Just as I was feeding Sadie a piece of toast with peanut butter.My favorite go to for winter illness is to put some chicken in a crock pot, add as many peeled cloves as I can get out of 1 or 2 bulbs, cover with chicken or veggie broth (or water and a tablespoon of Better Than Bullion) and let it go on low for 8 to 12 hours.Makes the house smell of garlic and tastes absolutely heavenly when I have a sore throat and/or nasal/chest congestion. Often I just drink the broth, Sadie gets the meat.

    Jazzy--a swing in the middle of an apartment?What a great idea!She has a great voice.

    Chi--praying you don't need the Medrol, but if you do, praying it helps quickly!

    Julie--Hey, there, glad you are ketchuping.Not so happy the shoulder is stiffer, but maybe you got distracted from exercises?Not like there's been anything on your mind, after all.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Cadillac Sidecar

    Instructions: In a cocktail shaker with ice, combine 2 ounces of Cognac (for cocktails, we're fans of H by Hine), 1 ounce of Grand Marnier, an ounce of fresh lemon juice, and 1/4 ounce of simple syrup. Shake all that up hard and strain it into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon peel, twisting it on top of the drink to spray its citrus oils over the surface.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Jazzy, what the heck. I'm like NM, shelters closed for the holidays??? Glad you are feeling better and I hope the masks work. When my allergies kick in, in the spring, I will sometimes get something I can tie around my nose and mouth, but I wet it. Hoping that it will catch even more of the pollen. Don't know if it actually works or not, but seems logical, right? I had some of my TG leftovers last night. It tasted better second time around. Ha ha, I would never get anything done if I had a swing in my house!

    NM, good that you know your mom enough to know that she was just trying to cope with what her partner was going through. But I'm sure you wouldn't have minded anyways. They are our mothers, we love them unconditionally. I was leaving my moms one time, long ago, it was winter. I wasn't going to put my coat on just to go from the house to my car. And she said to me, you better put your coat on, it's cold out there. I told her that I didn't have to, but because she was my mother, I would. We still laugh about that. I hope your cream cheese turns out and Sadie doesn't get any. I hardly ever use it. I'll freeze milk for use in recipes if it's not much, cup or so. Or for mashed taters. We don't always have milk. That Beeraquirilla DOTD looks wicked!

    Uh oh Sandy. Getting sick right before a show, oh no! Do you have parts where you sing alone? I mean if you are singing with others and don't, maybe they won't notice? And you already know what to anticipate with the laryngitis! Hoping none of it happens. Jazzy mentioned the Vit. C, I was always told to do Zinc with it too. But your DH is a doctor, so I'm sure you are on top of all that. Ahhhhh yep, I see I'm at least right in my thinking…lol.

    Oh Julie, so good to have you back here. I knew you snucked off to see Mickey. But bummer on the shoulder.

    NM, what a sweet comment in the beginning of your post "a new chance to make a difference in someone's life". I did that the other day, I'll tell about it later. I don't even bother with Xmas decorations anymore. We are always gone, there is no family to share with, so why bother. And I have to do it all alone. Glad to hear that Dick is doing better. How come you don't eat the chicken from the crock pot with the garlic? I made my turkey in the crock pot, it came out pretty good. Broiled it for a bit at the end to crispen up the skin.

    Back in a bit…

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2016

    Ok, so I won't go into details about the people, but.... I have some neighbors that are a bit "different" we'll say. Well anyways, it's just the man that lives there with his dog. He is 60. His mother used to live there, she had to leave, it was actually HER place. Friends paid for this guy to go to Ca. His sister came from TX to care for his dog. Well, she too is "different". Been on drugs, been in jail, been a wild child all her life. She is about 50. No job, not sure where she gets money, same with brother. I know his mother sends him money. Anyways, I took over a plate of food to her of our TG dinner, then took her out on the quad for a ride. She was tickled to death. But I learned that the fridge over there doesn't work, they just keep stuff in there that they don't want the mice to get in to. They have a chest type freezer, they bought from us over 10 years ago that hardly works. Pretty much just stays cold at the bottom. Not sure the status of their solar, but they don't have a generator. I guess it's a good thing he is a vegetarian!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    So far so good—dress rehearsal (un-miked) went well, and I can still hit all the notes. I have the lead role in a quartet number, where I do get several vocal solo lines before ending the song with an alto harmony. In another scene, I have a speaking role. And in one group ensemble, I actually have to help carry the tenor (!) section—there is only one tenor besides me, in a sea of baritones, altos & sopranos. Natch, only the tenors get to do a harmony. We moved all our costumes & props to the theater tonight, and tomorrow will be tech rehearsal (including wireless head-worn mics). The sound engineer is pretty good about boosting volume to compensate for laryngitis.

    I’m popping 1 gm of C four times a day. Zinc lozenges help, but only if you start them when you think you’re coming down with a cold. The name of the game right now is keeping my throat lubed, voice rested when not performing, staying well-hydrated and suppressing coughs. Nothing in my lungs yet (knock wood) to have to bring up, so no need for an expectorant. Been drinking tea with honey and lemon and sucking on some honey drops I got in Spain. If I wake up tomorrow without laryngitis but develop it Wednesday (or Thurs. morning, heaven forfend), I’ll go to my PCP or the doc-in-a-box around the corner for a Medrol shot. That should kick in by curtain time Thurs. and last through Sunday. No need to sing again after that till Dec. 13.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday!Looking at the weather report for today, winter storm advisory for the North-Eastern half of the state, mixed precip in the middle, (where I am), rain on the coast.Sigh.New it was coming, not happy to see it arrive.Still, it is almost December.Woke up in the middle of the night with an asthma attack, coughing until I threw up several times, gagging and generally miserable for half an hour or so.Able to get back to sleep after, dreamed some very odd dreams, the alarm went off in the middle of one, I'm still not completely sure if I'm awake or sill dreaming!Seriously odd dreams, but I'm losing the details already.

    Goldie--the cream cheese turned out pretty good!Hung it to drain overnight, had some on a bagel this ayem.Should have added a bit of salt, will remember that for next time.Once it firms up a bit in the fridge it should be great!Just a tad soft today, but creamy and not grainy like I was afraid it was going to be.When the asthma is acting up eating solid foods is a challenge between lack fo energy and lack of appetite.The broth I can sip on, and sipping on hot stuff always helps my throat and helps cut down on the coughing, so I focus on that.Don't want the meat to go to waste, so I give it to Sadie.Hmmm, bet I could freeze it for use in something later, like a casserole.May have to think about that.Now you've got me curious about making a difference in someone's life, can't wait to hear more!Oh,wait, here is "the rest of the story"The neighbors sound like they are having a rough time.Kind of you to take over leftovers and give her a ride.I bet she loved it!

    Chi--Praying the regimen works and keeps the laryngitis away!But it sounds like you have a plan that will get you through show time at least.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:




    Blend Pear Liqueur, Milk and Ice. Add 7-Up to taste.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Snowflake recipe

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Stolen from another thread:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- yesterday back to work was a LONG day. The cold that has been having it's way with me, had me super congested and tired yesterday. I seem to be on the "every other day" plan where I feel okay, then I don't. So the good news is I came home and went to bed early and do feel better today. Sometimes extra sleep can make all the difference (although I won't say I am sleeping through the night, but sleeping enough at least). I have one of the vendor docs coming in this am and my exec meeting today and a whole lot of other stuff too, so I have another busy day ahead. We will find out today if the senior leaders feel we are good to move forward with the go live.

    NM- we have our first snow here now as well. A cold front blew in Sunday with cold, high winds and yesterday the clouds rolled in. There was moisture on the patio but no accumulation. The mountains here get the bulk of the moisture, but the valley got some last night too. Lows in the 20s last night and highs in the 40s for us here today. Changing my outfit for today to be a bit warmer!

    Goldie- that was a super kind thing to bring the neighbors some food. Sometimes that is all we need to do, just extend a kindness on a holiday when many don't have the ability to pull off anything holiday for themselves. You are a good soul, sister.

    Chi- I hope you are continuing to feel better and can do your gig.

    Where is Cami? Oh I know, she is out with those guys above that NM found a photo of.

    Today is Giving Tuesday in the series of Black Friday to Cyber Monday to today! Don't forget to do your end of the year donations to your favorite charities!

    Have a good day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies, Kind of caught up.

    How many of u have asthma? I never heard of so much. Wow it's got to be horrible.

    Sandy I hope u'r throat stays clear, u really have alot riding on this. sounds like u do ll the right things but I know this thing is tricky. But I do like the way u describe what's coming out of u, cuz we've all had that, just didn't exactly know how to say it. Just take it easy, cuz this cold is going around like crazy and it's really a bad one, I think anyway. I used to always say the "3 days rule" but these colds or whatever don't follow the rules.

    NM I agree with Lori, I loved the way u started out Mondays post. Glad to hear Dick is doing better and how u'r mom reacts sounds kind of typical, but u understand. My SIL told me just thismorning Maine is getting some kind of snow and Minnesota--well we're right in the middle, but like u said it's almost December, at least we got this far--we've been getting rain, so we'll see.

    Jazzy Joey and I really enjoyed the clarinet video, as did all of us, Thank you. And how could shelters be closed for Holidays? I've never heard of that. I'm glad u had a nice weekend with the concert and all too--u have such varied interests u can never be bored. Good for u. And u too take care of u'rself.

    Julie---our DW, had a feeling u had to get u'r fix but so glad u pooped in, but sorry about going thru PT more.

    Lori so kind of u to take over stuff for u'r neighbor that's "different" I think I would just stay away. Glad to hear u had a nice holiday but it is a lot of work, I think that's the workiest Holiday of the year--so many dishes and different kinds of food--and then to be the one to do it Ugh And I bet u'r pushing me into the pewl right now, cuz I'm so slow. As long as u feel good, cuz I know u rest if u need to, or at least should rest.--Is SusyQ home yet, she's been gone for a while.

    Well I did finally recover from my Thanksgiving, it seems to take longer each time. LOL Dan doesn't understand I never went shopping in a store for anything except groceries--I have never been in a Target, or Walmart or anything in over 25 yrs. I hate to shop, always did. I'd only go when my mom would beg me--infact she would buy my clothes when I was younger, hated to go then to, good thing she had good taste--no one gets that with me really, so it has nothing to do with me now it's just the way it is. I lost a whole sentence somewhere. How does that happen? I did pick out a loveseat on-line tho and I can tell it's what I want. I am keeping my ottoman tho, cuz it's a big one and I use it as a desk, kinda, anyway the ottomans cost more than the loveseats--crazy to me Oh our decorations are almost all up and this neighborhood looks so pretty--we're unincorporated and it's dark on these streets but when everyone decorates it's so happy looking (to me) and everyone really goes pretty big and it's just fun.

    OK that's about it, hoping everyone is OK.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    OK Jazzy pushed me into the pewl, I know it would happen. Oh Jazzy this "cold" can be brutal do whatever u can to take care of u'r self. Joey didn't feel well last nite and all I could think of is oh no u can't start this all over again but today he seemed all right.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Cami, I used to believe that a cold lasts 7 days if you treat it and a week if you don’t. But years ago, on an episode of the classic “Mary Tyler Moore Show,” her character (who was hilariously suffering the effects of a cold just before an important awards banquet) grumbled that a cold is “3 days coming, 3 days with ya, and 3 days going.” The latter—at least the “cold” part and not any secondary bacterial infection—has always held true for me.

    This morning, I decided to unleash the medical SWAT team on it. I'd popped a Norco at bedtime because I had no cough syrup. During the night, I had a weird dream that after rehearsal, some cast members had offered to give me a ride back to an accessible L station (the one nearest the theater lacks escalators & elevators) but instead took me to a comedy training center, where I was thrown into the “deep end of the pool” and told to write and perform a sketch on the spot with a random troupe member. I kept trying, but getting interrupted by various matters affecting the center, and I felt my voice getting croakier and croakier. A fellow cast member of the Bar Show took me aside and asked if I was all right, concerned that I might be blowing my Second City audition. Say WHA? “Second City audition?” You mean I was actually supposed to do real “yes, and” improv? I woke up, shaken, with my throat feeling very, very “croaky.” Tried to do the “zipper” vocal warmup (humming like a “siren” from lowest to highest) and there was a hole of silence right where my register break would be. Uh-oh.

    Called my PCP—his associate told me to start the 6-day Medrol Dosepak immediately (they don’t treat URIs with shots at that office), along with all the usual stuff I was already doing (warm tea with lemon & honey, lots of fluids, limiting caffeine & alcohol, breathing steam, vocal rest except for my lines and solo parts, speaking softly in chest register rather than whispering, no throat-clearing); she phoned in an antibiotic. When I returned my pharmacy’s “it’s ready” robo-call, the pharmacist told me it was a Z-Pack. I called the PCP’s office and told her that the last couple of times I took a Z-Pack, I had some mild transient palpitations after a couple of glasses of wine over the course of an evening. I thought she’d tell me to lay off the wine. Instead, she told me a Zithromax arrhythmia could be fatal at my age and that it wasn’t the addition of alcohol but the Z-Pack alone that gave me palpitations. I told her I had a couple of courses of Keflex on hand along with that Medrol, for just such an eventuality as this while traveling. She said to take the Keflex twice a day for 10 days. I asked why the antibiotic when this is apparently viral, and she replied that I am an asthmatic with chronic sinusitis anyway, with a history of secondary bacterial bronchitis—and that sinusitis, since it percolates in a closed environment, tends to go bacterial very quickly if it isn’t already bacterial. She also said I didn’t need a codeine cough syrup—plain Robitussin or Delsym (w/o an expectorant) should do. And if I’m not driving, a teaspoon of brandy in my honey-lemon tea might be a good idea, just not at bedtime.

    So here I sit, guzzling Constant Comment with honey & lemon (2 cups plus a shot of espresso is all the caffeine I need to keep the headaches at bay and my lungs clear—switching to herbal for the rest of the day), popping Vit. C along with the abx and Medrol. The Delsym is sort of old, so I’ll lay off it. Gordy offered me his Thera-Flu, but I don’t need the acetaminophen, decongestant and antihistamine in it. (The decongestant, phenylephrine, is useless; the only one that works, pseudoephedrine, is off-limits because I have hypertension). En route to the L tonight I will stop at Walgreen’s or CVS and pick up a couple bottles of Robitussin and packs of Ricola drops. Meanwhile, the Medro is kicking in and I can do the “zipper” again without any “dropouts,” but I’m not taking any chances. Still not talking unless I have to. Tonight’s rehearsal is tech—everything I have to do will be close-miked, as will tomorrow’s full-dress and all performances. I needn’t “project.” Whew.