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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning NM. Oh boy, how a pee can ruin a nice warm comfy spot in bed. And then iffin it's a bit chilly….daaaaaaaaang! Working til 8, no wonder you and Sadie slept in. Cost factor or pat on the back. I'll take pat on the back. And like I said too, no preservatives when you make it yourself. And it really doesn't sound hard at all. Love the vision of you and Sadie cooking together. I can see it now.

    You: Now where did I put that wisk?

    Sadie: I think I have it mom, let me go and check in my crate. Yep, here it is.

    Ya, we need to pull Cami over to the bar with us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Oh u gals lubs me in the pewl, it's like I have to swim wid de fishes. Well our pewl is clean. OMG NM I libs dat pic. with the math, it that for real? LOL Well maybe for some, but not me, I realized I cn't even add well. I hope u and Sadie (aand u'r both so lucky) have a good one.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- waking up to a bit of snow this am! They forecasted some down here, think only an inch on the ground and it goes fast (sublimation in the dry desert). Goldie knows about this. Nice to see some moisture here.

    I have more of a to-do kind of weekend with errands and shopping at home improvement and for food. But I have all kinds of plans for next weekend with an over-nighter to Santa Fe with a deal I got from the Hilton there and some time in the City Different, then a concert with a friend with drinks before and after. My only real fun this month as I will miss other things with the go live. I have been fun deprived lately and creating some good things to cheer myself up!

    NM- I love all those photos you posted. You and Sadie sleeping in, she loves you so. Does she get special presents for Xmas? How is Dick doing? I hope you can enjoy some nice down time today. You work hard like me, sister.

    Cami- ha ha, I push you in the pewl all the time, don't I? Did I read the Anti-B's helped your D? Maybe you have had a low level intestinal infection they missed? Whew, is this finally better girlfriend? I hope so. I want a pic of the new love seat please!

    Goldie- I checked the fares around that time and it looks like $260-ish, but have points and will use them once we have the final dates confirmed. My sister said they may go out a couple days earlier than me as they have friends who live there they want to spend time with. One of the women has been going through bc treatment too, so I am sure she could use some support from my sis who had it at the same time I did. I told them instead of a Xmas present this year (I usually just get a check, nothing great goes on there), to put it towards my Elton ticket.

    ChiSandy- so glad to hear your performance went well. How many more do you have?

    Gotta get going to my day and wishing you all a nice one!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning DahhhLinks

    I apologize for not posting, but seems I been sooo busy lately and with 7 days travel to Cancun. I haven't even unpacked yet. Just wanted you all to kno I am alive and kicking and have missed yaking with all of you. I will be back when I can.

    Hope all had a wonderful Turkey Day!!

    Lubslubslubslubs all ya'll

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Two more shows—tonight and a matinee tomorrow. Staying at the Hilton across the street tonight—there’s a Bears game tomorrow and it’s supposed to snow/sleet/rain. (Good times). I’m gonna Uber it down (not gonna wrestle another suitcase up subway stairs), Bob will drive down after office hours (we got a room with a parking pass), and he will hole up in the room and later Kitty O’Shea’s watching football during the matinee and its aftermath (loading stuff out of the theater). Then we will go home and collapse. Have a little Beauj. Nouveau left over, so that’ll be tomorrow’s DOTD. Might not drink tonight (except a Kaliber at Kitty’s) unless I can convince Bob to go to the final cast party at the Plymouth tonight (about 1/2 mi. NW). We’d drive but for no in-and-out privileges at the hotel garage (and the drinking opportunity). Cabs should be plentiful & cheap, though. Monday I have an aft. appt. w/my LE doc.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Mema- welcome back and tell us all about your trip when you are settled!

    ChiSandy- I hope everything went well tonight and tomorrow's matinee goes perfectly. Sounds like you are getting through this, despite the cold? You have LE Sandy?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016
    Hi girls, just caught up, read all your posts. Cam, NM, Lori, Jazzy, SUE (welcome home!) Julie, Chi I feel you all and thinking of you all. Its been an exhausting day and week. Had my grandson's official birthday party today with friends and family, thank God for Imitrex, otherwise would not have made it through, very noisy with pinata with whistles and toys too. Lots of little kiddies. Fun had by all, was able to enjoy my family this time! Saw new neurologist and another apt with ENT, appt for blood for preop. have to sched blood draw to check for lymes, MS etc, just to rule out. Also getting MRI, just got the preauth approved. %75 better. Had a drink, time to sleep, bad night last night,feeling very weird from imitrex but overall glad it is is helping. cant wait to get this numb hand bixed up on thurs. hope to catch up soon, luv ye all goils. cheerS!
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    forgot to mention, my new and younger hot Indian neurologist is thinking my medical issues are NOT trigeminal neuralgia which is great news, smart man he is, thinks I have six month migraine. yep, yesterday was the six month headache-versary. But Im not buying it, I'm back to the theory that it is to due to the tooth extraction that changed the occlusion of my bite along with the trauma caused by grinding and clenching my teeth. it sucks is all I know but imma ganna keep on plugging along til i get it figured the hail out, hell to the yes biothes!!!! good night, have a great tomorrow!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016

    Image result for Happy sunday funday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday, Funday!Except that I go on call at 5 pm.The weekend nurse took the weekend off for a family function and a bunch of us split up the call time.Hopefully I won't have to go out tonight, cuz tomorrow is going to be a long day at work with the added hassle of needing to drop off the car and pick up a rental, etc. Which reminds me, I will need to take some time and really clean out the car today.It's full of junk. That's what you get from working out of your car!

    Goldie--making cream cheese isn't hard, and is fun. The conversation is often

    Me: I could have sworn I put block of cheese right next to the grater, ready to go while the sauce is warming.

    Sadie:Yup, you did.Were you planning to put some in the sauce?

    Me:Ah, yes, it is a key ingredient in a cheese sauce.

    Sadie:I'm sure you have more in the fridge, I can even point to the drawer where you keep it.

    Me:But what about the block of cheese already measured out that was right here on the counter?

    Sadie:You turned your back to stir the sauce. By the way, the sauce is scorching, better stir it up again.


    Cammy--no idea if the math is real or not, but it looks impressive!

    Jazzy--Sadie gets presents at Christmas, she even gets to open them herself, which is funny to watch since we spend all day telling her to leave the presents alone, then expect her to open one!Dick is fine, thanks for asking.Now on Plavix to prevent further TIAs.All the testing showed no problems or signs of a bigger stroke coming.And yesterday was pretty much a down day, I didn't even get dressed!

    Mema--can't wait to hear about Cancun!

    Chi--hope the last 2 shows go well and you have a good audience and great cast party/drinking time!

    Dara--is a 6 month migraine really a thing?I'll have to research that. Never heard of it. But if it's a thing there should be a treatment for it, right? I'll be glad when your hand is better, too.

    Tootsie the Sugar Plum Dancer's DOTD:

    Sugar Plum Dreams Cocktail


    • 1½ oz. Pisco (Peruvian Brandy)
    • 1 oz. sugar plum reduction
    • ¼ oz. lemon juice

    For the sugar plum reduction:

    • 10 plums
    • ¾ c. lemon juice
    • ½ c. water
    • 1 c. Demerara sugar


    1. Combine all ingredients in a martini shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a small sniffer or pony glass with the rim coated with festive-colored sugar. Garnish with a lemon twist.
    2. For the sugar plum reduction: Place all ingredients in a pot over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it's reduced by half. Strain through a fine metal strainer and discard solids.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is doing well on Sunday Funday. I was out and about taking care of some must do errands, but then ended up going up to a little community to check out a store I discovered earlier in the week during an after work happy hour. I got a new blind ordered at Lowes yesterday for the one in my BR that was broken, and that the handyman helped to take down on Friday. Should be coming in the next couple weeks. And some fun Xmas stuff including a lovely pointsettia in ivy (photo) and a glittery wreath for the front door (photo). My extent of holiday decorating, lol

    One of those shops I stopped at yesterday included one of my consignment shops (more of a home store, but they have bought some of my silver jewelry that I was ready to put back out in to the community). And well, I discovered I had a check waiting for me too. Whoot whoot! Found a beautiful blue shimmery scarf for $15 I picked up for the holidays.

    NM- a day in PJs is always the best and think you needed that. I love days like that, had at least one over the Thanksgiving weekend like that with my cold and procedure recovery. I too hope you don't have to go out tonight. And I hope you can get your car stuff taken care of, but understand the hassle. My car looks like a landfill too, and going to work on that today as a matter of fact......

    Dara- your headaches have sounded like a migraine to me, and know people who have had them for days, but never for months. Did he offer you anything like a medication to try to help with this? Migraines can be hormonally-driven, I know two people who are bc survivors and without hormones these days, and have bad headaches too. Did you get a mouth guard to try to avoid the grinding? I hope your wrist surgery goes well friend.

    ChiSandy- looking forward to hearing more about your final performance today. I hope your cold is better.

    Wishing everyone a good day!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Cami, I like our morning pool swims. I can usually count on you, NM or Jazzy to join me, and once in awhile Ms. Mary. Does Joey do that Common Core math?

    Jazzy, winter here is much easier to deal with than when I lived in Michigan. But I still hate the cold and it getting dark so early. Trip to Santa Fe sounds nice and well deserved for some fun for sure. NM's post with all the pictures, is how she used to post ALL THE TIME! Gosh, I would have thought you could find tickets for like $99 to Vegas from Albuquerque. Your Holiday decorating is about the same as mine. But all I have right now is a Christmas tablecloth on the table!

    And dares my lil doity butt. Glad you made it home ok and trust you had a goot time girl.

    Sandy, break a leg girl. Can't wait to see some video of the performance.

    Dara, 6 mo migraine? Never heard of such a thing. Glad you will get your hand bixed, but mese wants you head bixed. Hoping to see birfday pictures of that sweet lil boy of yours.

    NM, sounds like a bizzy day for you tomorrow. Hoping for no calls tonight. Love yours and Sadies conversation. I can even see it playing out. And I can see her laying next to you in bed with her head resting next to your face.

    Leaving for Vegas tomorrow. I think we return on Thursday. So I will check in iffin I get the time.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Goldie- I think the rates are high right now around the holidays. I expect when we get in to the new year, they will drop. February is not a huge travel time (March is with spring break for many though). Since I will use points, will wait to get the best deal, most likely after the holiday season. My sister is working out the exact dates she wants to go out and head back and get the time off at work. So things are moving along. Elton here we come. Another bucket list item, I keep chipping away.....

    I have driven to Vegas too, but 9 hours from here and a long drive by yourself. Plus Feb is unpredictable with I-40 from here into AZ. Often shut down with storms that come through and know to leave people stranded by the side of the road. My sister and her partner are driving in from southern Cali (4 hours) so they will have a car. Flying is the better choice in winter from here to there.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016




  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Last nights DOTD was mediocre Cabernet, but with friends and fun at the cast party. Hope I didn't damage my voice with all the noise--I have 4 people coming to the show today! And yes, Jazzy, I do have LE, but very mild--using compression only for flight, altitude, long gigs playing guitar in the heat, and repetitive exercises against resistance. Right now it's Stage 0. We'll see what the doc says tomorrow

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,Well another beginning, going so fast.

    Sandy u sound like things went well and of course it would be nice to see a video or at least pics. U really had to work for u'r song on this one, but I do hope u'r doing well now.

    Jazzy I knew u'd find more things to do, u can never stay still, I wish I had some of u'r energy and u'r another one for pics.

    OK Dara, Again I'm befuddled "a 6 month migraine" is something really called that? Now I don't know anything about headaches but that sounds like a 3 month broken finger, whatever that is--But if whatever they do works call it anything u want. But I'm with u about the tooth thing, but then again I'm no Dr. Grey or whoevers anatomey it's called. Well I am glad u got to stay for u'r little sweethearts BD--No pics? Oh u must feel just wful all the time.

    SusyQ so glad u'r home, u must be exhausted so come back when u feel like it and maybe some pics too.

    And Lori is off again, u've really been going a lot Lori--sounds like fun, just hope u take it a little easy too.

    NM like the conversation, u and Sadie can have such a good time together. Luv it. And we got our first snow stuff, I think here about 4,5 ins. Marty was lucky enough to be on call, so he had to go and plow the streets and sidewalks where he works, took him about 6 hrs. to do it all and it snowed all day. Now it possed to turn cold in a couple of days, really cold. Well it doesn't affect me really but everyone else for sure. And BTW u are officially the first person I know to make cream cheese, but mayo I don't understand cuz doesn't it call for a raw egg? can we eat those now? (I think Lori mentioned this)

    I didn't get my loveseat Sat., don't have a clue why not, but I'll call Dan and find out what's going on. I never get excited about new furn. if it comes fine, if not fine. Sometimes I wish I was a tue shopper, oh well. Most of my weekend was consumed with my D. U gals put up with my crabby and I thank u.

    Oh I took a survey from Amazon the other daay and I was telling Joey---well the main topic was chrome and the whole time I thought they were talking about the actual old fashion chrome--it didn't dawn on me it was a computer thingy, I totally talked about chrome and polishing it, I think they'll exclude me for further surveys.

    Oh Joey has his Christmas concert Tomorrow nite, I hope I can go but they at least video it for me now, he had to get new pants, the last ones were like capris on him and he wore them for the other concert , so he finally got some PJ pants and I got him Bears slippers for Christmas, which he doesn't even like football, Oh jeez he's such a nerd, I don't mind, but High School will.

    I hope everyone has a decent dy today and stay safe.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday!Gonna be a long day today, got to take the care for fixing, switch over to a rental, get caught up on the weekend charting (the tablet battery died, thought it was plugged in but it wasn't,oops), etc, etc.And cold.With wind chill talk and snow coming.Sigh.

    Jazzy--Did have to go out, but it was just before 5 pm, home by 7:30, then nothing all night.So not bad.Still on the hook for a couple more hours, though.Wow, that poinsettia ivy is BEAUTIFUL! So is the wreath, especially with the cactus on the side.

    Goldie--Call was good, glad for that.Now to tackle the day.Sadie and I have all sorts of conversations through the course of a day.I'm sure people would think I'm crazy if they could see/hear me.Cuz Sadie's comments are usually silent to any ears but mine.And maybe the crew here in the HTL.

    Jazzy--good points about the airfare changes.I think flying would be better than chancing getting stuck on the highway in a storm.I think I would be very scared if that happened to me, especially if I was alone!

    Oh, No!Christmas Torture in progress!!!!!

    Chi--Praying the LE never progresses past Stage 0.

    Cammy--I have made mayo in the past, it does use raw egg, and is something to think about these days.It also doesn't keep well, or at least it didn't for me.I know a couple of people who make it regularly at home, both have their own hens and use their own eggs.6 hours of plowing, ugg.Unless Marty gets paid extra?That might not be so bad.

    Tootsie the Sugar Plum Dancer's DOTD:

    Atomic Tootsie Roll



    Pour rum and coke into a glass. Then, slowly squirt chocolate syrup until the mixture fizzes. Stir gently until a chocolate brown. Add ice if desired.

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Jazzy, I hope you are right about the airfare. It really should only be about $99. Those Elf things are so funny. We were on 40 that year we got the huge snow in 2006, it was horrible.

    Cami yes, we are off again. Truth be known, I think my DH is trying to cram as much as possible in our life. I did mention about making mayo. And I do believe it is from raw egg whites. OMG, too frickin funny about Chrome.

    NM, I hope things go smoothly with the car issue. Glad you were only called in for a bit yesterday.

    Tonight is a Cirque show. Mystere.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- well, it was a productive weekend all the way around. Spent some time yesterday getting Xmas cards done for both personal and business. Almost done, just a few more to go! Lots of home stuff and was working on the closets and decided that I need a home improvement for my closet space for better storage space in this small home. I was thinking I may check out California Closets for ideas, but the guy that came on Friday who does home stuff may be able to do it for less (I know CA closets is very expensive). Got a bunch of stuff to take to donations this week. I have the cleaning company coming this am so some more picking up to do to be ready for that, then will head in this morning for another fab day at work. I started feeling excited this weekend that I get to leave this client site soon (so ready.....)

    Cami- sounds like you got some of the white stuff too this weekend. Sounds like the D is back, ugh sister. You can caveche here as much as you want about that. And where is that love seat, did the weather keep it from being delivered? And I LOVE that you answered the survey about the metal vs. the software. Why were they not more specific about that anyways? Bunch of millennials did that survey no doubt.

    Funny story about talking with a young person on sat. I was in a store and this young gal was talking about these super soft leggings they had and said "I am so glad leggings are back, they used to be so popular in the 1980s, then they disappeared for decades, and glad they seem to be here to stay!" She looked at me like she had no idea what I was talking about. I said that she probably was not even born yet in the 1980's and she replied "nope, 1996". She was a really nice gal, and totally loves horses.

    NM- good to hear that you did not have a late night last night, just a few hours. I agree with Cami that you and Sadie have such a good time together. My sister's golden is her total buddy too. Hoping all goes well with the cars stuff too. I never heard from the ins company from the hail storm a month ago, and called Friday to find out the claims got "stuck" and the check is coming. I need to call the auto body shop to make my apt to bring the convertible in after the holidays for her dents removal!

    I got caught in a very bad storm here years ago when I worked out here in 1987 on a project and was living in ABQ for a few months. Went with another fellow on our team and we were heading back from a place down south, and got stuck on I-25 heading north to ABQ in what felt like a blizzard. We were in a company van too with no real traction, and it was VERY SCARY. The storms here move in fast and are powerful as there is nothing to slow down the winds (Goldie in AZ knows all about this too).

    Gotta get going to a busy day. I have to start meeting with the CEO and the exec team daily as we prepare to go live next week. My client told me Friday, she will not be in the room with us but on the phone as she has to take one of her kids to a med apt. Ha ha, they don't scare me!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Got almost 2 inches of snow yesterday and overnight.Light fluffy stuff.Very pretty.Everyone driving like idiots.The rental car does well in the snow though.Still, will be glad to get the jeep back and get the studded tires on it.

    Goldie--so far so good with the car, now to see if the estimate of ready on Thursday is anywhere near close to accurate.I'm betting no, based on past experience.But we'll see.

    Jazzy--feels good to have a productive day, doesn't it?You must be really ready to be done with the current project.I'll be glad for you when it is done and over with.Too funny talking with the gal born in 1996 about fashion from the 80's!Getting stuck in a storm is scary enough, getting stuck in a van must have been 10 times scarier!Holy cow!I cannot imagine what the wind is like in the plains with nothing to slow it down at all for miles and miles and miles.Talk about a force of nature!Sadie and I do have a good time together.I hope she likes hanging out with me as much as I like hanging out with her.

    Tootsie the Sugar Plum Dancer's DOTD:

    Tootsie Roll



    Because of the darkness of this particular shooter, layering is not necessary.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Rather unpleasantly stoned this a.m. due to Xanax & Norco for the mother-in-law of all sudden backaches that struck me yesterday. Since booze is a no-no on those CNS depressants, my DOTD was deep dark hot chocolate (Ghirardelli powder, Hershey Lite syrup, and skim milk frothed with my espresso machine steam wand and topped with heavy cream whipped with an egg beater, plus a shot of espresso). Feeling even worse today, despite an Aleve and a lidocaine patch at bedtime, replaced by a Flector patch, Xanax & Norco. If I can manage to get dressed and down the stairs, my housekeeper will drive me over to the immediate care center for a new Norco script (been using the ones from Bob's 2015 botched colonoscopy adventure, and he insists I replace them--and nobody will issue an opioids over the phone and without physically seeing the patient first (so Bob's partner won't write me a script). It has to be on paper, for no more than a month's worth, non-renewable. (Don't they realize they are driving pain patients to heroin)? My housekeeper brought me breakfast in bed (with my legs propped up on three pillows) and had to help dress me. So embarrassing--I was less helpless immediately after knee replacement surgery. Hope I don't have to get any further than the immediate care center and the CVS. Who goes to the hospital for a back spasm?

    Of course, I keep thinking "what if it's mets?" Stupid cancer!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016

    love the elf photos, been to orlando again so need to catch up!


    had breakfast with the grinch!

    just got an email off sister,her father in law is in hospital with low heart rate of 30,most people don't feel too good when their heart rate is that low but again like my mother he's sat up in bed drinking a cup of tea wondering what the fuss is all about!,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Went to the Immediate Care center. After telling them about my breast cancer & letrozole, they rushed me into X-ray. Good news and bad news. First the good news: no, it’s not bone mets from the cancer, nor is it a spinal compression fracture from AI-induced osteopenia. It’s just another of my bi-or-triennial back spasms from a worn vertebral facet joint—OA of the spine since my late 20s. The doc speculated that despite it having come on suddenly yesterday seemingly w/o provocation, I probably actually injured myself during the run of the Bar Show but the prednisone I’d been on masked it and it didn’t manifest till the final dose wore off (and no, no refill on the Medrol Dosepak, lest I eat everything not nailed down). Now the bad news: I’ve already been doing just about everything that should be done for it and need to “let nature take its course.” (F-U, Mother Nature). That means no replenishing Bob’s Norco Rx—the doc said opioids really don’t help this sort of thing other than make me loopy; she also switched me from Xanax to a bedtime dose of Flexeril, and is having me double up on Celebrex. Heat instead of ice. No topical NSAIDs, since even they find their way to the gut and aggravate my GERD (so no gravity-inversion sessions at the PT gym either). Instead, 12 hrs on/12 hrs off of Lidoderm patches, and maybe trying some TENS therapy and Traumeel or Arnicare gel when the patch is off. No alcohol till I’m off Flexeril (so today’s DOTD was a mocha when I got home and some lemon seltzer with take-out fish & chips tonight from B’way Cellars. Josie the bartender/baker sent Bob home with some homemade oatmeal-raisin nuggets for me).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Still below freezing here, a bit more snow expected later today.Got a call yesterday that the jeep was going in for painting, should be ready on Thursday as estimated, waiting to see if that actually happens.Did get a check in the mail for $50 for being claim free for a year, but was told it would be applied directly to the deductible, but then, I was told I would get an estimate on the repair cost by e-mail and that didn't happen. Also got a letter from the other guy's insurance company, they want me to call.Don't know if I will or not. Still thinking about that.Still wondering if I should ask about the Clinical Manager position, and who to ask about it.Generally feeling a bit abused this week, not sure why.Nothing really bad going on besides being very tight on money due to the car stuff, but that's covered by the emergency fund, so not sure why I'm feeling a bit bummed out.Ah, well, it will pass, right?

    Chi--Who goes to the ER for back spasms?People in too much pain to go to the doc's office by car and need and ambulance to get somewhere where they can get pain meds cuz docs can't write a script without seeing the person first, that's who.All the rules designed to stop prescription drug abuse is just blocking people with pain from getting pain relief.And, of course, "what if it's mets?" is always in the back of our minds.Praying you are feeling better by now.

    Julie--I want to have breakfast with the Grinch! Or anyone at Disney!LOL at your sis's FIL drinking tea and wondering about the fuss with a heart rate of 30!

    Chi--Glad to hear there are no mets, no fractures.The old "letting nature take its course" line is never very helpful, unless one has a really good relationship with Mother Nature in her herbalist form and can get some really effective herbal treatments.Maybe the oatmeal raisin nuggets had an 'extra special' ingredient?

    Tootsie the Sugar Plum Dancer's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I always think I come everyday, then I see I don't WTF.

    Sandy spasms are so painful and I know they can last as long as they want to and sometimes movement is almost impossible. I hope whatever they give u helps a little, but I do understand the reason for pain meds, but then again I don't. To me it's like if there is something to make u feel even a little better it should be available to u. It's not like u'r 18 looking for a fix, I think that's what bothers me the most. I really hope this passes quickly for u, it's a PITA all the way around.

    Jazzy u seem like u'r trying to wrap things up with u'r job quickly to go on with another, I can tell it's time for u to do that. This is silly but I've learned so much from u and Lori about weather, I've always thought in u'r areas it's constant heat and dusty dry all year. I even pay attention to all of the country now when I do watch the weather. And my Loveseat wasn't set to be delivered as I thought, the guys will pick it up when then can get the time, cuz they already have the trucks, but it's all fine with me.

    NM so much snow here and now so cold coming our way, but after all it Dec. And I so understand conversations with our furbabies I sometimes talk to mine a lot and all she does is stare and meow every so often. But here she has more people to talk with so it's not as cozy as it used to be, but we all know cats are whores by nature. It's humpday and feels like Friday to me I think cuz it's dark so much, but who knows. Oh and Marty gets time and 1/2 for that, so he's fine with it actually.

    Julie if being a DW makes u happy than always go for it.

    Lori, if u'r feeling OK then enjoy wherever u go, if u want to and u always seem to so why not. U2 always like to be together and that's good enough.

    Joey had his concert last nite, and personally I think having it on a Tuesday is crappy, for the parents who rush around after work and the kids who come home so tired and the next day is school--But then again I don't like the kids have sports on Sundays either, that screws up a whole family day (that's my thinking) but I see it all the time in my family. I'm just old-fashioned I guess, well I'm old anyway.

    Well I still have my D and I should be as thin as a rail, but u can see my hernias LOL My cholesterol should be high as a kite, but it's fine--all I eat are chees and crackers, well sometimes I go crazy with crackers and cheese, rice and bananas, but I do eat sweets when I throw caution to the wind, my downfall, but it all completely empties even with 8 Imodium a day. so what's the difference. I know I'm not going to one of the hospitals my Dr. recommended, it's far and everyone has to work or to old now to take me, so I'm kind of screwed. Anyway I checked about my Drs. and they all did residency at one of those hospitals so why can't they act like it. OK I'm crabby again.

    Is everyone aware Christmas is in a little over 2 weeks away. Sandy do u celebrate both now? My sister and I were talking and she used to make banana, pumpkin and someothers in collected coffee cans and they would come out easy and have a little design on them and wrap them for little gifts for neighbors. And I would make cookies. Well Joey and I made cookies last year. so we'll se about this year. I always made great fudge (I know it's easy), I should try again. I always hate to ask but every so often I ask my boss for 1/2 month's pay--cuz I get paid at the beginning of the month--well I can finish my shopping, and get my fudge and cookie stuff then--I say this every year and end up making 1/2 of what I wanted to do. (maybe)

    OK ladies I should get set up for work now, it started early yesterday and I wasn't really ready, so of course I couldn't read my writing and just made things up, they're used to that tho.

    Where's SusyQ, Mary, Hsant , Dara get back here, miss u all and Nancy must be really busy.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Cami, we do celebrate both—we have a tree, decorate with wreath, boughs & ribbons; and light Hanukkah candles, keep an electric menorah in the window and eat potato latkes. This year will be a bit dicey, though, as both holidays are more or less at the same time but we'll be out of town. (Gordy will hold down the fort, I guess).

    Every morning I wake up with my back even work. The “doc" I saw yesterday at the urgent care center around the corner is a P.A., and she told me to stop the Xanax and take ONE Flexeril, and only at bedtime—and ONE Celebrex twice a day for pain. Really? REALLY? That's practically placebo strength—flushing one pill down the toilet every day (or just looking at the bottle) would accomplish the same thing. And she gave me a sheet of exercises to do, including bridges, crunches, modified downward-dog (which my LE doc told me NEVER to do lest my R arm swell up from the weightbearing). Yes—she knows about the LE, because I told her and showed her my Medic-Alert bracelet and card.Will call my primary today—neither he nor his own PA can call in a Norco script of course (thank you, DEA), but at least they can call in a script for more Flexeril, which one is supposed to be taken every 4-6 hrs. as needed….when it has to work! I asked Bob and he agreed that as long as I'm not driving or operating any machinery heavier than a Keuring or electric toothbrush, I should take the Flexeril 3-4x/day as needed, double up on the Celebrex and ditch the Tylenol (or keep the latter to 2000mg/day, tops), and take one prednisone pill a day so long as I am too stiff and agonized to attempt the exercises. If I hadn't gotten that rollator yesterday, I'd be darn near immobile. And of course, so much for tomorrow night's wine-and-champagne tasting with prime rib carving station: looks like chicken soup, salad, coffee/tea/seltzer and eggs instead. Ugh.

    Seriously considering finding out what a week of in-patient ortho rehab would cost—the PTs would be better able to gauge what I can & can't safely do, and I wouldn't have to cab or Uber it to Athletico twice a day in the freezing cold. (They have massage tables, so I wouldn't have to try to get down to or up off the floor). Or maybe I could get a PT who makes house calls.

    Can’t imagine what it would be like to have to deal with a back sprain and the Big D simultaneously—I can’t even reach around to wipe my butt properly!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Hi friends- we are about a week out from go live (some times called "go dead" because of the way these things make you feel, like they will KILL YOU!) Lots of things getting done so very last minute due to the vendor as well as some unexpected surprises thrown at us. They make it super hard here, so I am ready to get this done and be done end of the month. I started putting the big X's on my calendar today to show we are winding down!

    I was at the dentist early yesterday and told me that my problem tooth from 2002 days that in

    Included a root canal, crown, multiple infections through time, a retrograde filling in 2005, and some continued bone loss may need to have more work. Tooth underneath has changes (shading?) and she wants to take the crown off and check the tooth. The crown is worn and needing replacement too. That will be the best case scenario, a new crown, and the worst will be it is coming out and I may need a bridge or implant. I am sure you all know this won't be cheap.

    NM- ugh on the car stuff. Will that guy's company be paying for the repairs? Tell your family to give you cash for Xmas! A holiday go fund me account!

    Between this gnarly project, my cold the past month and the holidays (not a big fan of end of the year holidays), I have not been my chipper self either. I am always relieved to get in to the new year, although I am not sure I will feel that in 2017.

    Do you have an HR dept? I would call them about your application. They should be able to tell you if the position was filled or not. Unfortunately, most never tell you if you did not get the job. Ask if anything else is coming up you could be considered for. Don't give up!

    Cami- two weeks to Xmas! I am heading off to the hot springs on the 24th and have treatments set up for the weekend and look forward to not having to talk to anyone. Me and the thermal waters, a good book, sitting by the fire, hot chocolate, some nice therapies. I will really need it.

    ChiSandy- sorry to hear about your back issues. I am glad there are no mets, but problems just the same. I hope you can feel better soon. Whenever I have a problem, I go to the cancer place.

    My Xmas shopping is done, kept it simple this year with gift cards and on line stuff. Got a big package in the mail from a friend this week but waiting until closer to the holiday. Do you do on line shopping? What are you getting Joey? I promise I won't tell!

    Hsant- we have not heard from you in awhile and hoping all is okay with you and your dad. Check in when you can?

    Juliet- love that photo!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Holy chit--No one has been here. Well I am now, but wish I was sleeping.

    Sandy u sound like a mess--I don't mean that an an insult really. But as I said before I think back spasms are horrible, it affords u so little movement and I'm sorry I hate all this PY stuff when u can hardly move to begin with, and I also think sometimes these drs. don't realize what u are limited to anyway. And meds are so goffy we all know our own bodies basically and how much they can handle with certain meds. I take Xanax and I get the ,05 mil. which I did tell my dr. my mom and sister take that and they are half my size (well my mom WAS) so of course I take 2, one hardly does the job. But spasms are so severe it' like u'r eyes even hurt, so listen to u'r DH (of course) and u'rself and don't even think of something that would aggravate u'r LE, well that's a whole other bunch of problems. Oh I like the way u celebrate the Holiday, the best of 2 worlds.

    Oh Jazzy I'm sure u have that date etched in u'r brain, now just pray it all goes as planned, then u can get out of this. Itotally shop on line, well I used to do it by mail, but now it is easier. I leave Joey up to his parents, but I get him little things that I see, like slippers, robe cuddley things even fun pillows--we both like them. He pretty much saves for the expensive things and buy him surrounding things and now clothes--which he always loved.. U'r Christmas sounds so relaxing tho, not all the crazy prep stuff (which I used to like, but can't do now) BTW I even order all the wrapping things, bags, boxes all of it. See that's prep stuff too. U know I used to always help my mom make cookies (which I hated) up until the yr. before she died and we'd make them like for a few nites and all different kinds and the tasted like they were just baked when they were served. I did try some of them myself and nothing tasted fresh when I did serve them. So that lasted like that one year. But we'd make batches and batches of all different kinds of cookies and they were good. Oh well

    I had horrible D ll day and nite, I think it's stopped now so maybe I cn get some sleep. so I'll see u gals later in the day. It's Friday Eve now.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve!We've got enough snow on the ground now to look pretty, not enough to be a problem or need plowing.Just about right.But makes for very chilly days.I'm beginning to think it's time to start wearing my boots.Don't like to, make my feet too hot in the car, and too messy, but necessary I suppose.I think I'm going to give up on the Clinical Manager position.Haven't heard a single word after the automated "we received your application" e-mail in October.Not one word from the boss when I e-mailed him that I was applying. I'm going to let things ride through the holidays, then re-evaluate my options.I don't want to leave this company, but I am really tired of all the driving and practically living in the car.I guess time will tell, right?

    Cammy--as long as Marty gets time and a half and is ok with the hours, why not?Cats are whores by nature.How's that saying go? " Dogs have owners, Cats have staff." Which is so true! I agree with you that weekday concerts and such are not such a hot idea for school age kids and their families.And I think the same way about Sunday's too.But in this day and age, whatever goes.Keeping Sunday free could be considered offensive to people who don't go to church on Sunday, after all.Mustn't upset anyone.I am very much aware that Christmas is only 2 weeks away.Love getting together with the family, hate Christmas shopping.Still putting it off.

    Chi--oh, boy, what a state your back has you in!Did he "doc" give reasons for that particular medication regimen?Is she cutting back the Celebrex due to the potential cardiac side effects or is she just getting too scared to recommend ANY pain medication more than twice a day?What ahorrible situation.It would be interesting to find out what the cost of inpatient rehab would be.Might just be worthwhile!

    Jazzy--eventually the other guy's insurance will be paying.I only have to pay the deductible, and when the other guy's insurance pays I'll get a reimbursement check from my insurance company for the deductible.The other option was to wait for the insurance companies to hash everything out and THEN get the repairs made.I didn't want to give the winter road salt too much chance to get in where it isn't supposed to get and create more problems, not to mention I didn't want to be looking at that mess for ages.Hmm, maybe I will check withHR.The position is in my office, so I know it's not filled, but I don't know if they've decided not to fill it.I guess that's the real question.If they've decided not to fill it, that's one thing.I just would be nice to know.


    Tootsie the Sugar Plum Dancer's DOTD:

    Take your pick:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning again, well no sleep, I must be wicked.

    Oh NM what a beautiful display of drinks, right now tho something hot really hot is needed. It is so cold here and supposedly much more snow is coming again on the weekend and more during the week, but we all know it can change. And it's a good thing u got u'r car done, waiting for the insurance companies is like waiting for molasses to drip. I don't know what takes so long, they know from the beginning what needs to be paid and if anything else needs it and they know how much everything is worth. Even people parts and if someone is done with all medical stuff--it's done. I was just thinking (yes I do that sometimes) maybe the position u want is going to be made the first of the year. So many places do that at this time of year for practical purposes ($$$$$) with all the books. And it's so close now, u never know why places do anything actually. Just a thought.

    I smell breakfast being made, I'm so hungry, it's been days since I really ate, I should be model thin, I really think that's why drs. don't take me seriously---I don't understand it either. Oh wait I eat sweets, that's what I live on.LOL

    I think Lori is gone again, and now I've been thinking about Hsant, I hope things are all right.