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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I'm giving in and admitting it's winter.Watched Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer last night.Love that show.Look for it every year. Will watch it more than once if I can find it playing more than once! Looking for Frosty the Snowman, too.Now if the snow and sleet would go away. Fortunately it's warmed up enough overnight to change to all rain, but still yucky.Better than up north, one place got 10 inches of snow yesterday/overnight!Welcome to winter in Maine!There was one crash last night, a tractor-trailer hauling potatoes lost control on the ice, the cab ended up on one side of the highway, the trailer on the other!

    Jazzy--nothing like having a cold to make a long day seem even longer!I've had a sore throat off and on since the bout with asthma/bronchitis earlier this month.It's a good thing that drinking something hot makes it feel better, cuz that gives me an excuse to be drinking coffee all day long!Hoping the senior leaders are feel things are good to go live, it seems like time to be done with this project.I hadn't heard of Giving Tuesday, that's a great idea!Will definitely keep it in mind for next year.

    Cammy--The snow here in Maine is still mostly in the north, not central where I am.But my turn is coming, I'm sure!Glad to hear you are recovering from T-day festivities.You haven't ever been in Target or Walmart or anyplace like that?Wow, I didn't think that would even be possible in this day and age, but you are a very unique individual!The ottoman sounds like quite the piece of furniture, don't blame you for not wanting to give it up.I can just picture how pretty your neighborhood is when it's all decorated and lit up.Happy looking is a good description!

    Chi--I've hear the 3 days coming, 3 day with you, 3 days going thing about colds before.My problem is the 3 days with you and 3 days going seems to want to stretch out to 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 days.Like your medical SWAT team approach, bet it knocks the stuffing out of just about any virus!That was a weird dream, that's for sure.There's something about pain meds that will give people very odd dreams at times.Those of us with asthma have to be careful about secondary bacterial infections during/after a viral infection, the excess mucus produced in the lungs during an asthma flare up is a great breeding medium for bacteria, and there's lots of bacteria in our noses and sinuses.AS much as I don't like taking steroids and Aunty B's, I know I won't get better untilI do.Good luck with the rehersals!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Brandied Ginger



    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a piece of preserved ginger. Sprinkle with grated chocolate, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Good morning friends- waking up to a chilly morning today with temps in the low 20s. Time to pull out them warm sweaters!

    The exec meeting went well yesterday, although it continues to be clear that one of the lead physicians is going to continue to fight for this change to go in. Then there is a new infrastructure change they want to put in the same weekend as ours and if that happens, it will go in to next year. But honestly, I told myself yesterday, if that happens, then I am pretty convinced this project can't be finished.

    Well the best news of the week is that Elton John is coming to ABQ for a March concert! I am going to GO, he is long on my bucket list and a huge fan. Tickets go on sale on Monday, I am so there!

    And my cold is waning, less congestion each day.

    Julie- it's good to see you back here. How is your family doing?

    Chi- you keep kicking that cold with the SWAT team. Wishing you better days and some great performances this week.

    NM- I hope that person who was in the accident is okay. I bet the wildlife will go eat all them potatoes on the side of the road!

    Cami- I am glad to hear Joey is pulling through a bug. I have had asthma since I was young, and it is part of the reason I don't have pets. I am very allergic to kitties, less so to dogs, but doctors told me years ago to avoid indoor pets. My parents had it too, siblings as well. My sister has it but also has a tribe of critters!

    Wishing everyone a good day. Stay warm friends, it's cold outside (except maybe in Florida.....)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow Sandy u have all the troups behind u for fighting this cold thing. I sure hope it all works, U have so much on u'r mind with u'r performance too--so just rest u'r throat, but it seems like u have it going under control now, I hope so. And LOL that's where I heard it from the Mary Tyler Moore show and never forgot it.I tried never to miss it in those days.

    NM, I hope u'r feeling well. BTW I forgot to mention the cream cheese yesterday.-Again in my whole life I never knew anyone who made it before--anyone. I really didn't know it was makeable unless u had some kind of farm. It's like u don't have enough to do. Well I figured u not way north but knowing it's has to be coming soon, now anyway--us too.

    Jazzy ELTON JOHN, wow--I've watched him on PBS and loved his concerts and the last one he had 2 young cello players that were amazing, and of course I too loved all his songs and still amazes me his hands are so short (fingers) and yet he plays well. He's just fun to watch--that should be fun. Growing up with Asthma u gals always knew how difficult it was.

    Well my boss was here at almost midnite and left about 2am, but he did finish teaching me my puter part, and he ordered the loveseat I wanted= in deep slate blue. And of course we gossiped about one of our in-laws for a while, he can be so much fun, Anyway I think I learned my part for work with the puter (I hope)

    NM the weather is holding out here, supposed to be cooler now, but no snow yet--We're waiting for it. But not wanting it really.

    Hoping everyone has a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2016

    Image result for hump day drink

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    Hello girls,

    Sorry I have not posted in a while. My Thanksgiving was OK, I wish I could say I was feeling better. I went to my sisters house but stayed for less than an hour. My sisters are still oblivious to how bad I've been feeling. I will see them again on Saturday for Logan's birthday party at DD's house. I'm worried about the noise.I am going back to the ENT today. I am still blowing green crack boogies, as I call them, from my nose. I do like Sandy's term, technicolor, much better than crack boogies LOL. Also, I am seeing another neurologist tomorrow for a second opinion. The thing that sucks about my current neurologist and ENT is that they are both very old.... in their late 70s if you can believe it. The reason I settled for these doctors was because they were the only ones where I could be seen quickly. The doctor that I am seeing tomorrow, the appointment was made mid September. Same with the ENT. This is health care in the USA??

    NM, sorry about what happened to Dick and your family on Thanksgiving.. glad he is alright.. You did a great job handling your Mom and packing up the table, you poor dear. Sorry about the asthma attack too, ughhhh. Glad you got through it. I also like your opening post yesterday. Thanks for the eye candy, OH BABY!! Stay warm my dear friend!

    Sandy, bad time to be sick but seems you have everything under control. Regardless I hate that you're going through all this, especially now. I hope your medication and homeopathic regimen get the job done and that you're able to have your usual stellar performance. I look forward to hearing all about it. Sorry to you and all the other women here about the asthma flare ups. What a crazy dream you had. And glad your primary care doctor is on the ball for you.

    Jazzy, it sounds like your client is making things difficult for you. I wish that they were ready to go live and you could be done with them if that is what you want. I hope you continue to feel better. It must suck having had asthma since childhood. It seems to me that you would love having an animal and that the asthma has stopped you from doing so. Bummer. I saw Elton John perform in the early 80s and he is a great show man. You will love his showmanship. I'm so envious. Can you bring me? LOL.

    Lori, your Thanksgiving dinner sounds super delish. Ha ha, I'm sure you get my joke there. But really. And I recall you talking about the neighbors that are different. How very sweet of you to make them a platter and give them a ride. You do have a heart bigger than most people I know. How are you feeling now that you're taking the RSO again? I'm sorry that all that cooking for Thanksgiving set your body on fire, I hope that everything has calmed down and that you're feeling better. I love you girl. Do you know when Sue is coming back? I miss her.

    Julie, hello, it's good to see your face pop in the lounge. I miss you but understand your absence. Good for you taking a trip to Disney. I think it is just what the doctor ordered. Sorry you have to do physical therapy again. I hope to see you around here more often. I too will try not to be absent so much as well.

    Cam, I hope that we can see photos of your new love seat. I'm sure you will love it. That Dan sounds like such a gem. And I hope that Joey is feeling better. Poor boy. I also watched the clarinet piece that Jazzy posted and it was amazing. Thet woman was so talented, she made that instrument sing at the top of its lungs LOL. I saw your house decorated on Facebook and it really was pretty. With your permission I can share a photo of your home here. I love the star shower thing using what I think was laser lights! Let me know if OK to share the pics your DD shared on FB of your house so beautifully decorated!

    Well thanks for hearing me whine! Dwink up goils. chEErs! and lotsa lubs lubs lubs!

    more chEEEEEErs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2016

    For Jazzy and all mese bwestest fwends, with luv

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2016

    morning all,hope everybody is on the mend,strange how so many of us have asthma! which radiation makes worse i'm sure, well i got off light in the cold department, just sniffly and tired, wish i could say i didn't do my execises w,hile i was home but i did,

    nm-glad dick is ok now but how scary for you all,thinking of sadie and all that food surprised she didn't help you put it all away,going home for christmas and mutley(chocolate lab) will be there the weekend i arriveHappy, he has frb somewhere, had a lump on his head that was biopsied, his doggie oncologist wanted to do full scans and chemo treatment but my sister and family said he's 10 1/2 years old , so he's an old man for a lab,so he's comfort measures , currently no pain, but on 25mg of prednisone,now every other day thank fully to keep swelling down ,well can you imagine lab appetite plus steroid munchies!

    cammi- a new room how lovely! you deserve it! the house looks fabulous all decorated for Christmas,joey and sil did a great job,

    chi-hope all goes well with the show and you feel 100% ,always feel strange with that" break a leg" expression,

    jazzy the idiots are planning on scheduling 2 big changes at the same time, oh god staff xanax use has just gone through the roof! been there done that, ate way too much choccie to get me through the shift!

    lori- you remain as beautiful inside as you do outside,

    the family are doing as well as expected, we all miss her, it was her birthday on black friday, but we know how much she suffered those last few months so definitely in a better place now and she gets to see her great grand baby. we are back to our usual humour,my sister who did most of the running around for my parents really was missing her,well she's got a pandora bracelet so i got her a angel wing charm to go on it off my dad and me for all she did for them,showed my dad ,yes its alright he said not really looking,you know typical man! well we gave it to her and has she's putting it on her bracelet ,trying to hold back the tears,my dad suddenly said why's there only 1 wing? so my brother in law said she gets the second one when you hoof it(local slang for dying), giggles all round

    it was guy fawkes night while i was home, he tried to blow up parliament in1605 on nov 5th,never sure if we are comiserating or commerating that he didn't succeed, so there's always fireworks and bonfires on that night, on the 6th we went to caldicot castle for fireworks, but on the wayback ,the radio in beth's car went crazy ,they have hard rock normally but it went to a christien station then the local punjabi station! so the joke became nanny was possessing the radio!

    and to finish on a lighter note my niece nic who lost the baby in august was absolutely glowing that night, her hormones had obviously gone crazy after she lost the baby and she had the most awful acne and felt awful, but as i said she looked so full of health that night and her and hubby were definitiely loved up so maybe some good news in the new year

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2016

    Hi friends- well, I decided this morning I was going to work from home today. This girl can only handle so much insanity. The inmates are running the asylum! Getting a lot done and in a better frame of mind. There is a lot to be said for detaching.

    So about Elton, I have a new plan instead of seeing him here. Given it is mid week and the venue they have is crappy and the tix expensive, I told myself "why don't you see if he is playing in Vegas, that is always where you wanted to see him." Sure enough, he is there late December through end of Feb at Caesers Palace and making a plan to meet sister and her partner there mid Feb for an outing. A better plan with work stuff to do it around a weekend and a Vegas trip too. The tickets expensive there too, but it a better place. I think we may stay at the Venetian!

    But OMG, I posted about him being here in March on FB and someone asked me to buy them tickets if I was getting some. What do I look like here people, a freaking Ticketmaster? I have not responded to this person but going to say I am not planning to go, but was sharing it for others who are. Go get your own tickets. Who does that?

    Juliet- I was thinking you might be missing mom with the holidays and a birthday in there too. Always hard in the beginning with all the changes. Holidays make me feel those losses so much more. Hugs sister, take it easy this year. You have all been through much.

    How kind of the folks with the lab to keep him comfortable. One of my besties back east put her dog through two rounds of chemo. The dog just passed. As one friend said, it is a personal choice but doubt animals appreciate being put through such things.

    Dara dear- I think most people just ignore our suffering, especially during the holidays. Just do what feels best for you. You may need to just tell your sister you can only come for awhile. I am praying you get some better help. And eek, green coming out? You may have a sinus infection friend. Please take good care of yourself.

    Okay back to work. Later friends!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    I got to see Elton & Billy Joel in a “dueling pianos” concert at Wrigley Field a few years back. Amazing!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Another rainy day, raining hard overnight, a bit over half an inch.The top of the state is getting snow and getting a good bit of it. I'm ok with it staying at rain for now.Not ready for snow, just don't want it yet.OK, gang, I need some advice.I applied for the Clinical Manager position late in October.The next day, Oct 25th, I got an automated "received your submission and will contact you if there is a match. . . ." e-mail.On Nov 10th the posting was changed to "Inactive (No Longer Accepting Job Submissions).The office Director knows I applied, I e-mailed him when I applied.I haven't heard a single thing other than the automated e-mail.Do I figure they've decided not to hire a third Clinical Manager and let it go, or do I contact HR or someone to ask what the status is, or do I practice patience and give it more time?What's the usual/expected time frame from application to hearing something (sorry position filled, sorry you don't qualify, or an appointment for an interview) for professional positions?Am I just being impatient?

    Jazzy--20's is definitely sweater time!Sorry to hear about the doc that is being a wrench in the gears.If the other project gets the start weekend, will you continue with the doomed project or can you get out?Hooray for the waning cold!The driver of the truck was ok.The trailer was enclosed, so no potatoes on the roadside for the wildlife this time, but it has happened in the past!Unless they have to dump some of the potatoes to get the trailer upright again, then feast time for the critters!

    Now, THAT kind of tree even I can manage!

    Cammy--making cream cheese turns out to be pretty easy.Warm up whole milk, add a packet of culture, add a couple drops of rennet, let it sit until it looks like yogurt (takes anywhere from 8 hours on up depending on how warm or cool your house is) then line a colander with cheese cloth and let the whey drip off, again the longer the draining the firmer the cheese, then mix in a bit of salt, refrigerate and eat!This batch was ok with regular milk from the store, next batch will be with raw milk, I think it will come out a bit firmer.This batch is just a tad softer than I would like.This is the first time I've tried this, it's pretty easy--as long as Sadie doesn't "help"--and I've got a nice big bowlful.I've made butter off and on for years, great way to use cream that's about to start turning.Not to mention fun whipping it up and adding stuff (garlic, honey, herbs, whatever) to make special spreads.You and your boss must be night owls, to be studying/learning computer work at that time of night!

    Guess what day. . . Um,never mind, I'll find a calendar.

    Dara--sorry your T-day wasn't good.So wish you were feeling better.Hopefully the second opinions will shed some more light on the issues and identify a fix.

    Julie--I'm glad Dick is OK, too.And Sadie did TRY to help with the clean up, just like she "helps" with any cooking I do.Funny, as soon as I step into the kitchen Sadie feels the need to be within 2 inches of my body at all times, if not actually in contact with me!And usually in front of me, between me and the counter.I swear I need longer arms some days!Oh, my goodness, lab food drive plus steroids!Keep the food locked up!I can imagine your family is missing your Mum, but it sounds like she's making her presence known through the radio!Praying for your niece, and good news in the new year!

    Jazzy--Oh my goodness, staying at the Venetian, what a time that would be!And I agree that spending big money for tix is better if the venue is good, and an excuse for a weekend away makes it even better!

    Buzzed Cherry Bombs sound WONDERFUL!!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD

    Cherry Bomber



    Mix all parts together and serve cold in a tall glass.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

    Cherry Bomber recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    NM, isn't that weird how you can wake up in the middle of a dream, living it, knowing it, etc. and then later in the day….*POOF*, it's gone! Don't remember a thing. Is the cream cheese cost effective to make your own? I was going to try and make my own mayo, but never got around to it, plus I don't really eat it that much. There's lots you could do with the chicken after boiling it. That chicken gnocci soup I made was really good. So yeah, soups or casseroles and right to the freezer. I don't think it would be wrong to ask about the job position. I mean, you can't get in trouble for it! I don't think you are being impatient at all. However, I have no idea how long something like this might take.

    Jazzy, we got our first snow too. I was afraid we might have trouble traveling to Flagstaff, but all was clear. Elton John, how exciting! I hope you get good seats. Will you go alone? I see, we are doing Vegas now and maybe with your sister. Get me some tickets please? Kidding! Who does that? Someone without a computer? Oh wait, they have FB! Love tree smelly on the wall. I need to do that!

    Nope, not me Boss Lady. Not this time. (pushing you in the pool). I'm not much of a shopper either. And I see you ARE gonna get your love seat, YEAH! Worries me that you are picking it out online. What if it's not comfortable? Can you share a picture of it with us? Slate Blue, I can see you and Joey cuddling up on it.

    LOL Sandy, unleashing the medical SWAT team! Why no brandy at bedtime? I hope you are feeling better when the time comes.

    Oh Dorothy, you poor thing you. Appointment made in Sept??? WTF! That is crazy. I do hope they can help you. I am back on the RSO. I've been having pain around my neck and shoulders. Like when you sleep wrong and get up with a stiff neck and can't turn your head. I think it might be the mets tho. So the good doc will probably want to order scans. I guess it's about to happen sooner or later. I do not know when Sue will be back. I love you too. Green, Technicolor, crack boogies….too funny.

    Who is that writing as my DW! Just kidding Jules, just don't recall you ever writing so much. I'm so sorry to hear about Mutley, I hope his remaining days are pain free. Thank you for the sweet words and Happy Birthday to your Mum up in Heaven. Sweet of you to get the wing charm for your sister and good come back from her hubby to your dad. Hopefully there will be another new miracle in your family in the near future.

    The neighbors are nice, I miss the mom. The son that lives there now can really drink and when he gets drunk he is verbally abusive. Mom had got to a point where she feared for her life, so she left. But she sends him money so he can survive. She lives with her youngest son now, who came up here to live when he got out of jail. But he couldn't get along with his brother either. There are like 5 siblings and I think like 3 fathers. There was abuse to the kids growing up. One of the husbands was an evangelist. I really don't know all of it. The mother raised her grand daughters, girls that belong to the daughter that I took dinner to. I think we leave Monday for Vegas. I'll let you know when the time gets closer.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Lori, I find that if I have alcohol too close to bedtime I wake up after a couple of hours and have trouble getting back to sleep. Might be different for others, but as I get older I need to listen to my body and say “yes, ma’am."

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2016




    well the Gwent police are getting in on elf on the shelf and have put him on their most wanted list and have been putting up photos of his misbehaviour

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Lol, elf on the shelf! Happy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Not to mention the Mensch on the Bench!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Hasn't been too bad a week but today looks like it could be a long one, but that's typical for Friday.I will survive, right?Take the car in Monday to start the repairs. Not super impressed with the body shop the insurance company uses, still haven't gotten an estimate, don't have confirmation of a rental car, just a call to bring the car in on Monday.We'll see how this goes.

    Goldie--It is weird how dreams can POOF away during the day.Really too bad, many of my dreams are very entertaining and I wouldn't mind reviewing them!Not sure about the cost effectiveness of making cream cheese, got to sit down and figure that out. Cost effective or not, I'll probably keep doing it just for the fun factor.Glad the trip to Flagstaff was clear.Living next door to an abusive drunk can't be easy.Glad the rest of them are nice.

    LOL!The Elf is in TROUBLE!!!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Elf Tea recipe

    Elf Tea



    Pour the peppermint liqueur and iced tea into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and sweeten to taste. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon over the top, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Related image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Sandy, I hate when that happens, can't go back to sleep. But just a tsp would do it to you? How's that throat?

    Julie, what is Gwent? A city? Ok, a county in Wales. Love me some of those Elf on a Shelf. I like the toothbrush one.

    NM, I'm sorry you are not pleased with the car place. Not hardly fair that you have to take it where THEY want you to. It's YOUR car. That's like being told we can only go to a certain doctor, even if we don't like them. If making the cream cheese if more for fun and the "I did it" fact, then I wouldn't worry about the cost effectiveness. There are probably preservatives in the store bought kind, but not in yours!

    Trixiey the Snowballed Toffee Nut here. Off to the eye doctor to see how my eyes are. I think they are better than they were, but not totally. And I don't know what would happen if I stopped the drops and ointment.

    Image result for mensch on the bench

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I wish I could tell u what the proper wait is for a job position-but I know I would ask what's going on. U and Sadie are so much fun together whether u'r snuggling or cooking, but she really likes the kitchen--that's why she collects it.

    Julie, it so very nice tht u came to really talk. I'm sure this is a difficult time for u'r family and yet I would also think it;s a peaceful time. How nice u'r sister got the bracelet and wing (I think that's what I member) Sounds like lots of luv in u'r family. Oh but the poor Lab going thru all that, so sad to hear.

    Oh Dara, u must be so sick and I pray that these new Docs. will be able to help u really uickly. For u to leave in an hour, is unheard of to me. But I do have to say --u didn't have to say VERY OLD for their late 70's, I agree old but VERY, seems a bit radical to use that adjective to me at my age. Just feel good, u've had a time of it again this year. And of course u can share our home, I don't know how to do it but it's perfectly fine. (((HUGS )))

    Lori I'm sorry u don't feel so well, but sometimes it's not the stage IV that does it, it's what the stage IV that makes it happen. It seems like bones get a big hit with this stage, big time and quickly too. It still downs't make u feel better I know, I just hope it lets up on u. BTW I have never bought a chair or any peice of furn. that I relax on in person, so I'm so used to that.

    Jazzy LAS VEGAS sounds so much better for anything. Great idea and it's really not that far from u right? Well don't forget I'm thinking about from Chicago.And Sandy u saw that concert, oh sounds like another great one. I really always enjoyed their music. And I hope u feel well for u'r music too.

    I thought I was posting here yesterday and saw I missed a whole day. Yes Dan and I are nite owls, but he sleeps late, I wake up between 4-5 am--so I'm muggy all day. But I asked Dan to pay me mostly in a gift card, so I could shop on line yesterday, so between work nd shopping I guess I was busy. I'm still not done but getting there anyway. It's funny but before I would be done way early and Joey would help me wrap and I taught him how to print names, now I never did that with my kids, ever LOL So far he's hiding Leslie's stuff under his bed and he'll have to do the rest under there too. BTW I asked my Dr. if I could be on anti_B[s for a period of time, I gave her many people that are on them for a while since for some reason I don't have my D when I'm on them and 2 days after I stop it's goes crazy on me, so I thought during the Holidays would be great. But we'll see how she thinks. I did tell her my medical group (sister, cousin and me) absolutely agreed especially since my sister was on for a long time. I would like to have a Holiday where I can plan to do things.

    It's TGIF and Joey reminded me this morning, I'm forgetting I seemed to have lost a day--SHOPPING, which I enjoy on line alot. I hope u all have a good day and special prayers going out for anyone not feeling well.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- back home again today after being at the asylum again yesterday. Working to get this change delivered, but that other big thing is being backed up against us. I have talked to the vendor about it and said it is really this org's decision how they want to do things. They seem to think other people will make this decision for them? Ha ha, your org, your system, your processes. And here is the best part of all, I get paid no matter what. They have been unsuccessful at delivering any meaningful changes on the technology side this entire year, so a bigger issue going on and remind myself of that.

    I had a new handyman type come this am and fix a lot of things at the house that needed tending. I have some very high ceilings and had buggy lights in a few places that needed some attention, and he checked the roof for me too. Just a few areas around the pipes that needed some caulking. He said the roof is really nice (replaced in 2013 after a bad hail storm). Skylights are solid too. And a broken shade in my bedroom I had a hard time getting fixed is down and going to Lowe's tomorrow for replacement. Got lots of accrued needs taken care of today! Yay!

    Cami- the plans for the Vegas trip are in motion. My sister will take the job of buying us the tickets and I am going to work on finding us the right rooms for our trip! Something to look forward too! And yes, Vegas is an hour plan ride from here and a very easy weekend visit. Think I have enough points on my SW account for a free ticket too! That just leaves the hotel, meals and some shopping!

    Someone at work told me yesterday I don't look well. I said I had have had a cold and still working to feel better. My sister said the more appropriate response would be "this is what an unhappy person looks like." My sister said she saw me a month ago and said I seemed fine then. So many things one can only think but never say out loud.....

    It is cold here and flurries abound. The shop and strolls are starting but none for me thanks. Too cold and will make me sicker. I did see a cool store I want to check out this weekend though, but will do it during the warmth of the day!

    Wishing you all a good Friday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Lori, sure hope you feel better. And I love that ecumenical pairing of the Elf & the Mensch! Haven’t tried just a tsp. of brandy (the equivalent of an ounce of wine) so it might be ok in my bedtime warm herb tea with honey & lemon.

    Cami, the show opened last night. The sound in my solo number was a little wonky—my opening sung lines are waaaay down in my lower register/chest voice, low A flat (think “first tenor” even though I’m a mezzo-soprano) and it’s tough to project notes that low even with a healthy set of vocal cords. With laryngitis, you can just imagine! The sound engineer realized immediately, and cranked up my mic for the solo notes in my middle voice, which is strong. The result was so loud I think I might have scared the other three gals in the quartet. So when my next solo notes came along (high C & D up in the “break” going into head voice, which is more pronounced when I have phlegm), he turned down the fader and I could barely be heard—thank goodness higher pitches do “carry” better. I sent an e-mail to the director, and she said she would have a talk with the sound guy—seems the “mix” between the four of us on the harmonies was a bit off too.

    The guy in the cast who plays Rahm Emanuel (and looks uncannily like him) is actually Rahm’s second cousin. Rahm used to come to the show when he was in Congress and the White House staff, but not since he was elected Mayor. But his parents come every year. In past years, we’ve had former Gov. Quinn and the late Francis Cardinal George attend (that year, I played a TV reporter in a scene set in front of Bernard Cardinal Law’s house in Boston, introducing a song “How Do You Solve a Problem With the Priesthood” (parody of the “Maria” number from Sound of Music). He did not seem to be smiling. I thought to myself, “thank goodness I’m Jewish, or else I might have to go to confession and say a bazillion Hail Marys & Our Fathers”.

    Last night’s DOTD was Prosecco at post-show dinner with my son. Tonight, probably Cava or Rioja, since we’re all going out for tapas after the show.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Something to make you laugh at the end of the week! Enjoy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Well, I was wrong about tonight’s DOTD: when I met my husband and our friends for tapas after the show, they’d already ordered a pitcher of sangria. Hadn’t had that in years. Drank a couple glasses (ate the fruit for vitamins & fiber, at least that’s my excuse).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    Cami, how odd that the anti B's get rid of the D. You would think they could figure it out with just that information. You must only sleep for a few hours at a time. Staying up so late and then getting up so early. When do you get your love seat?

    Jazzy, not my monkeys, not my circus! We usually drive when going to Vegas. Airport is in the wrong direction and it's 4 hours away. You must certainly get some deals from there to Vegas? I am NEVER one to think of a quick come back. I might think of something a day later. Perhaps they should have just asked how you were feeling, instead of telling you that you that you didn't look well.

    Sandy, I hope they can get everything bixed up for you and your performance. Enjoy! Vitamins and fiber, doesn't matter how you get them! The pain is easing up some. I guess it's all a part this game that we have to play.

    Eye doc said my eyes are much better, but not healed completely and to keep up with the drops and ointment. The cause is NOT the FU pills, but because I sleep with my eyes open! I've been doing some deep cleaning around my home. Things that haven't been done in a looooooooong time. Decided that I will video my home and put it on the market. Home and business. Would be a great opportunity for some youngins. A group of them. Put it up on Craigs List, maybe some realtor magazines and DH suggested maybe some magazines, like Mother Earth and such.

    DOTD-Vitamins and Fiber!

    Image result for sangria

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Sadie and Tootsie the Sugarplum Dancer had such a lovely sleep in this morning.So warm, so relaxed, her snout on my neck, I think both of us were snoring at one point.Gray and gloomy, chilly, so nice for a long lie in.If it weren't for needing to pee and needing coffee we'd still be in bed!Yesterday went long at work, as expected.Got home around 8 pm.

    Image result for sleeping with dog

    Goldie--Actually, I did have a choice of this or another place that is very inconveniently located, or someplace else entirely.I went with this one cuz they work directly with the insurance company, will get the work done quickest, and is on the way to the office.And there really aren't that many choices in the area.As long as it all get taken care of, that's all that I'm really trying to stay focused on.I think the "made it myself" factor is bigger than the cost factor for the cream cheese, but I am going to figure out the costs just for the fun of it.Let you know what I figger out.

    Image result for figuring out

    Cammy--Sadie really does like to participate in all the kitchen work, even washing dishes!It's kind of fun, though, and I like having her to talk to and share with.She's an eager taste tester, but not very honest, she pretty much says everything tastes good, no matter how bad it really is!The antibiotic idea sounds like a good one, hope your doc goes along with it.Online shopping, YEAH!Great invention!

    Image result for dog helping in kitchen

    Jazzy--getting a lot of needs taken care of at once must feel great!Maybe I should make a list.There's a handyman company near hear called "Rent a Husband", maybe I can get a bunch of stuff done that way, too!Being told you don't look well at work is not a good sign. Hope you are feeling better.

    Image result for rent a husband

    Chi--the more I hear about the show the more I can just picture the fun!Sounds like you are having fun with it, too.

    Image result for musical meme

    Jazzy--that goat and baby video is PRICELESS!!!!!

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    Tootsie the Sugarplum Dancer's DOTD:

    Sparkling Sugar Plum Punch


    • ½ cup granulated sugar
    • 2 egg whites
    • 1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries
    • 1 cup red grapes
    • 2 plums, sliced
    • 2 bottles Welch's Sparkling White Grape Juice, chilled
    • 4 cups cranberry juice
    • ⅓ cup lime juice


    1. Place the sugar in a shallow dish. Beat the egg whites until frothy. Dip the cranberries and grapes in the egg whites and shake off the excess; roll in the sugar. Arrange coated fruit on a wire rack to dry for at least 1 hour. Skewer cranberries, grapes and sliced plums on decorative cocktail picks.

    2. Stir the grape juice with the cranberry juice and lime juice in a pitcher or punch bowl. Serve over ice and garnish with cocktail picks.

    Sparkling Sugar Plum Punch recipe holiday drink recipes, festive drinks, sparkling drinks:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow Sandy u had a lot going on with u'r show, I had to LOL at the priest song, but I hoe u'r voice is very true to form ASAP, but I'm sure u sounded great or u wouldn't have performed at all. And I do lke u'r choice of medicinal Sangria for all purposes.

    Jazzy u go girl, I like that whatever is going on u still get paid, that's the best part. OK Now we have Vegas to look forward to and it's good u and u'r sister have u'r own jobs. U 2 make a great team on vacations.

    I've been a bit busy with work but the new system is easier for me and of course my "D" is in full force--I'm so crabby. I'm supposed to get my new loveseat today, my luck even tho there is protection tht I sit on I'll christen it somehow. And the rest of the decorations go up today Not much left. Just the icing.

    Well I hope everyo ne is doing OK and (((DARA))) I hope we hear from u today.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Woops, Goldie, didn't mean to bump you into the pool! But since we're here, lets stroke over to the swim up bar and get Pants and Jock to mix up a couple pitchers of punches!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Come join us, Cammy!
