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how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    It is has been cold and windy, temp 30 or less in ayem when I get up. Getting harder to get the dogs to the park, but by noon it's usually hi 40s. Bought sweaters for mese kids from BaxterBoo on line. Am really glad I did. Well am full blown smoker again, relegated to the garage. Agreed to that as long as it was warm enuf. Am in the office now, puffing away. Saw Cardio in LV, he said my chest pain is not my heart, but maybe mets. Onco says no, due to latest PET scan. So I jes keep on keeping on. DH asked onco for referral for phy therapy, 1st appt tomorrow. I love that he is looking out for me but can be pushy, that I don't like.

    Both computers were down yest. Tech came at noon and he was still working on DH's at 8pm, but all seems good now. OK enuf about me.

    Read 2 pages, and saw something about mouth guards for headaches. Well it is TRUE, my headaches still come and go but not wicked like they were before the guards. Takes some getting used to but has helped me.

    Lowee - I still take RSO but only 2X a week. But I use CBD tincture under tongue every night. Don't give up hope, get outta da r-hole, keep trying to find your comfort zone. Still sending u prayers and lots of positive energy…Muah!

    Dara - good to see your posts. Logan is sooo cute and getting so big.

    Mary - Anorable getting big too, but she is still a cute cute cutie!

    Cami - LOL about the office. Used to think about same thing w/my sons business. I too am 'out of it' quite a bit lately, no xmas decos in my house this year and I've not done my usual cards either. DS is hosting this year, we always have chili-concarnie, tamales, beans etc on xmas. All I have to do is bake 2 pumpkin pies and heat up refried beans, woohoo. Glad they are making it easy for me this year.

    Haven't heard anything from my grandkids, only 1 am sure I'll see is Scarlett. Am happy about that but sad if the others don't show.

    Well I kno I've missed several of my beasties, just kno u all are in my prayers every night. Will try and post another Cancun pic.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs to all and to all a good day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    imageMy DS taking chances!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016
    Just found out that another nurse has been recruited for the third Clinical manager position that I applied for 2 months ago. Apparently my application wasn't even considered. Feeling a little hurt right now.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2016
    Oh Kim (NM), I am oh so sad for you. Imma gonna whip up c curse for the decision maker that overlooked you. Really, how could they not even consider you for that job? That is just wrong. Sending you lots of hugs and some dwinks too. I hope Sadie gives you some extra love and kisses as well.

    As for the sheets over the furniture at the hotel. Steve gets extra sheets from room service. He does this all th e time. The boy makes me nugging futs!

    Suzie!! So nice to see you. It is good that DH looks after you but sorry you feel he is pushy. Hope chest pain is not mets, glad seems not to be sumting serious. And hope you do get to see grands for Christmas.

    Jazzy, funny cartoon. So how ya feeling? Glad better but ya think good enuff to get away? Or waiting for time to tail ya? Praying for good health for you and all mese goils. Will try to post some pics of our messy suite!

    Lori, I can understand you not wanting to watch depressing video. I am still so sad for the kids of the US. I get mad at people like Angelina Jolie in adopting outside the country when there is so much help needed right here in our own home country but I guess each their own. I hope that you are able to keep your head outta dat hole or at de least, poke yer head out now n then.

    Cam, I would more than anything to be a fly on the all at your house, especially when your wild n crazy fam is around. It sounds like such a crazy and fun place to be. I would also be lol'ing. I do hope and pray that you can make all of the Christmas festivities.

    Chi, hope you made some progress figuring out your issues with medicare plans and such. I sure do not look forward to it. I have witnessed conversations over this subject and it sounds so un-fun. Thanks for essplaining about your family and religion(s),makes sense. And you get the best of both!

    Julie, ya home?

    Missing my MIA goils always and thinking of them. Hsant, Julia, Genny and who else?!? And tinking of goils from days past!

    Got my stitches out today, woooo hooo!

    Scheduled same deal with left hand Jan 30th, ugh! But gotta her i tt done sooner rather than later since having pins and needles and want to git er bixed before the total numbness happens.

    K, gonna see about getting some pics up here!

    AND GONNA MAKE A widdle dwink of gentleman jack, have some left from de weekend and chit, it is jest a few minutes before 5 pee em AND reason to sailabrate - no sutures AND can wash both hands again, wooo hooo! it is de little tings goils! embrace them.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Hi friends- greetings from the command center. Things were busy this morning, quieter in the afternoon. We are going to shorten up our command center hours today and should be done here in another 90 minutes. I feel ALOT better today and turning the corner on this crud.

    NM- there is nothing worse than being passed by for good opps as you have been. Not even being considered is hurtful for sure. Two thoughts for you, is there any way you can get feedback on why you were not considered (i.e., the candidate chosen had more management experience, etc) so you can know for the future? Sometimes they won't tell you that for fear of some type discriminatory action (being female, ageism, etc.) My second thought is to go where you are celebrated vs. tolerated. Maybe you won't be able to do anything right now (you mentioned other opps that are more driving, etc.), but something to work on in the new year? Set a goal sister, and go make it happen. We are rooting for you!

    Dara- I did cancel my plans to go to the hot springs because on Sunday when I was hitting the wall, I realized my house was a mess, I had no bandwidth to pack, etc. and realized there was no way I would enjoy going feeling so behind and stressed out. So instead, I am going to take it easy this weekend, focus on getting back in to my routines, get some rest, hit the gym, cook myself some good food. I need to get back to center. That being said, I am already looking at the January window to go up mid week for a stay and to do everything I planned. Probably the second week of January. The hot springs will be there for me when I am ready.

    Duty calls, later gators!

  • NormaJean65
    NormaJean65 Member Posts: 173
    edited December 2016

    ChiSandy, your experience on the phone, being passed around without any answers or resolve sound like my phone conversations with Shark & trying to get my credit back on my card for the vacuum I returned & they acknowledge they have received.. Those are so frustrating & time consuming. Grrrrr !!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Bummer about getting passed over about the job, Kim. I can definitely relate. When I first moved to Chicago and was looking for work as an attorney (after having been an associate about to make partner in a small Bellevue, WA firm when Bob matched at the UIC residency program and we had to move), I was so excited to find out I was in the running for a job as a PR officer for the ABA—they called me after I applied in writing. Every couple of weeks, they would call to tell me I had survived the next round of consideration, until they told me I was one of the final two. This was really weird, as I’d never had an interview—they just kept moving me up on the basis of my resume and references. I was waiting for the request to interview me when I got the call that they had filled the position…….from within. I bet that every outside applicant was led along the same primrose path as I, and the only reason they didn’t just promote their employee was because of labor regulations mandating that they at least go through the motions of listing the position to avoid allegations of illegal discrimination. Wonder if something similar was at work (no pun intended) in your case.

    My little black princess kitty Heidi is recovering nicely from her kidney stone surgery but is still not happy about having to wear that E-collar until her sutures are out and her incision fully healed. Chilling a bottle of rosé to have a glass as a nightcap (it’s a 2015 so it needs to be consumed ASAP).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- the day went better yesterday, bought everyone lunch in the command center, lots of "kumbaya" moments about the project and our time together. But no good day goes unpunished and we had a particularly gnarly conversation at the end of the day with our provider teams that will continue on until today.

    Several are freaked out that we two dedicated resources are done next week. Well, not our problem as we asked if they wanted us to stay on so we could have contracts amended in time but no opportunity for that now. I have some suggestions for them for how to support this into the new year without us. My lead and I talked about things on the way out last night that with some of the politics that go on and on, it is time for us to get on our way. We have delivered on our scope of work, time for them to own the longer term.

    The resp problems are pushing through although I am just purely tired physically right now. Sleeping lots every night, although not always consistently through the night. Can't wait to get to the weekend for some rest.

    I hope the rest of you are looking forward to a great holiday weekend to celebrate with family & friends, or just relax by the fireplace.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I started a post and my Katie-Kat walked all over, silly cat.

    Kim I'm so sorry about the new position. I always wonder if people are basically already picked (like Sandy said) but they have to go thru all the crap, which is so unfair to everyone. U r more than ualified with a super disposition, so believe me it is their loss.

    Susy it's great seeing u and u r as pretty as a pic. That lizard didn't look so great to me tho. I'm so glad u don't have a lot to do for the holiday, but there is still plenty to do, I know. U sound good, hope u feel that way.

    Jazzy good to hear u'r a bit better, but I know it takes time. U really do need to unwind and relax--u pour u'r heart and soul into u'r work and it's got to be tiring and lots of stress.

    Sandy if anyone can get thru and UNDERSTAND insurance it has to be u. See why I can't deal with it. I just don't get it. I never did it's just to complicated for me, especially now. And I too have always found everyone I had to talk to knew less and less and all different things on top of it. And I worked for 2 ins. companies too.

    Dara no stitch Dara, BTW I still LOL when Lori talks to u, she cracks me up. but it seems like u'r doing OK which is always good. I'm still thinking about those sheets. hehe I've also been thinking about the gals MIA I hope they chime in for the holiday so we can see what's happening.

    Lori I'm asking little uestions, cuz I know u tell as soon as possible, just know u are in my heart.

    Dan came over last nite, we were LOLing, I still don't have my loveseat. He's so bad about some things but u have to love this man really. He insists on making omelets, waffles and hashbrowns on sunday, I was trying to talk him into simple stuff but I told him he was an ASS again. After he left I finished all my on-line stuff--He bought me a Visa gift card- He is so good to me in so many ways and yet I'm always calling him names. It's fun for me anyway. We have really been so busy with so many furnaces, but the guys are keeping up so I'm glad for all these people.

    OK back to business, hope all is good today.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    WAIT WAIT who is Norma Jean, do we know u? I tend to forget, if not drop by any time our lounge is always open.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Image result for drinks with vodka recipes Just in case DOTD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Yesterday turned out to be a day from he##.A family wanted to take a patient home from the hospital (the hospital was giving too much pain medication, not making her eat/drink enough) first in the morning, then when I got to the hospital to coordinate everything they decided it would be better in the afternoon, so I set that up, then they decided I had to be at the house when she got home, so I had to reschedule half my visits, then the ambulance wasn't available until almost the end of the work day.Finally got all that taken care of.In the middle of the day got a general e-mail announcing that another nurse has been recruited to the position I applied for.Apparently I wasn't even considered.Then the car breaks down on the way home, and I end up sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck for almost 3 hours.Fortunately, it was not too far from Mom and Dick's, they came out, Dick lent me his car so I could get home.Taking the day off work to deal with all this mess, and let someone else deal with all the stuff that's piling up cuz I can't do the work of two people.I am so fricken tired of being tired.

    Jazzy--Love the Christmas Group Therapy!

    Cammy--LOL, following you around with a mop!Well, worse things could happen, I suppose.I hope you do go Christmas Day.Take lots of chux and depends with you, and a change or 2 of clothes and roll with the flow!Too funny about the DOTD popping up on the work screen and going out to the men!

    OK, got arrangements made for the car to get looked at. Working on arranging a rental through the dealer, so if whatever is wrong is covered under extended warrantee I can use the rental coverage.Will pay out of pocket for aday or two until it gets looked at.

    Goldie--Sadie is being a Godsend right now!

    Jazzy--Hugs and prayers!Hang in and hang on!

    Mema--glad your computers are back up and running.Having them down is annoying to say the least.WHAT is that reptilian looking beast????? Gorgeous birds! Gorgeous lady, too!

    Dara--Sadie is being a very, very good support.I'm telling myself that if I didn't get the position God doesn't want me there.Not sure how much longer I can keep up with the current workload, though.But I have got to remember to keep my mouth shut, not say or do anything right now, to take time to think things through and make rational decisions. I wonder what the housekeeping people think of your DH asking for extra sheets, and then seeing them over the furniture. Or maybe they just shake their heads and carry on.No sutures and being able to wash hands is definitely worth a visit with Gentleman Jack!

    Jazzy--Good news on turning the corner on the project!I may try to find out more about my application, but not right now.Right now I'm afraid I'll say something I shouldn't out of hurt.Don't blame you for taking some time to recenter.Recentering is always a good thing!

    Morning, NormaJean!

    Chi--It crossed my mind that they may have known who they wanted in that position when they posted it.The nurse who got it is my age, has less experience than me in Hospice and in the company, but more management experience. I wouldn't be anywhere near as hurt if someone, anyone had ever said they got my application but she has more management experience.These are people I work with and see every day.To get total silence is baffling.Glad kitty Heidi is on the mend.Wearing the cone of shame is not fun for our fur babies.

    Jazzy--Amazing how they can not listen to you right up until they decide they can't live without you!Good pint they need to take over and run with the ball, so to speak.Looking forward to a nice 3 day weekend, most of it with the family.Brother and his wife coming up Friday or Saturday, depending on work schedules and snow predictions.Will be staying until Sunday, probably head back Sunday ayem.Got the turkey out of the freezer to deliver to Mom later today when I have rental car arrangements made and can get Dick's car back to him.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Christmas Jello Shots

    Christmas Jello Shot Martini

    • 1.33 Cups Hot Water
    • 1 Can Condensed Milk
    • 2 tbs Unflavoured Gelatine
    • 1 Packet Lime Jello / Jelly
    • 1 Packet Strawberry Jello / Jelly
    • 1.5 Cups Vodka

    Make Green Jello

    1. Add lime flavored Jello and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Stir until the gelatin completely dissolves. Pour 1 cup of vodka into a bowl or container. Sprinkle 1 envelope of unflavored gelatin over the vodka. Let it stand for about one minute.

    Make White Jello

    1. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of unflavored gelatin over boiling water and stir until the gelatin completely dissolves. Pour the sweetened condensed milk and stir well then top with Vodka.

    Make Red Jello

    1. Sprinkle 1 envelope of red (strawberry, raspberry, port wine jello) flavored gelatin over the hot water and stir until the gelatin completely dissolves. Pour 1 cup of vodka and stir.

    Method to Make Martini Jello Shots

    1. Pour a small amount of the red jello into a Martini Glass or Container to create 1st layer. Refrigerate for about half hour or until the gelatin is firm.
    2. Pour a small amount of the white jello on top of the set red jello. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes or until the gelatin is firm enough to add the green layer.
    3. Pour a small amount of the Green jello into your glass or container and place it in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes or until the gelatin is firm enough to add the next layer.
    4. Keep repeating this until you have created all your layers.
    5. You could also use other white spirits other than vodka like white rum, coconut rum or even flavoured Vodkas. For the green layer you could also use peppermint schnapps or liquour.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    LDB, good to see you back in the lounge. I sure hope you get to see all the GK's. Where did you and your DS go? At first I thought it was in his yard! Until I saw some of the other animals. Unless he had them brought in. Maybe smoking in the garage will help keep the smoking to a minimum? At least you're trying and at this point, what difference does it make, right? Praying for no mets as well. I hate this FUCKING disease! Sorry girls….just how I feel right now. Not happy! You look beautiful as ever and so happy to be with your son.

    Kim, that's a bummer. I can tell by the tone, you were really hoping for this. I guess all we can do is go with the thought that it just wasn't meant to be at this time. Cuz something better's gonna come along.

    Wacko, does XDH get the room cleaned when you guys leave for the day? I am poking my head out. And yes, we do have lots of poverty. It's a terrible shame, and really if you think about, there is no reason for it!

    Jazzy, such sweet words from you for our Heroin addict. LOL, sorry couldn't resist. We have a Disney Whore and a heroin addict. Anyways, would be willing to bet that age had something to do with it. Glad you are felling better too.

    BossLady, you are in my heart as well, right there next too all of these gals here. I love you all so much. Would love to see a picture of you and Dan together.

    OH NM, what can I say. You poor dear. I do have a HUGE hug for you and I do hope today is mucho better.

    Never finished reading or sending my response. Not a good day today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016

    G'afternoon DahhhLinKs

    NM - I can't believe it either that you were passed over. OGM what a terrible day you had with the car breaking down and all that happened before. Big HUGZ and lots of prayers going out to ya. Love the xmas jello shots!

    Lowee - we spent 6 days in Cancun over Turkey Day. There were 8 of us. I have not gotten pics from anyone but my DS. Will post 1 more that is decent. Yes smoking has diminished. Am glad you are trying to post everyday, hope you are feeling OK. MUAH!!

    Norma Jean - Welcome!! I had an Aunt named Norma Jean (last name), so I don't think I'll forget ur name.

    Dara Dahhhling - you are sounding better too, how have your headaches been?

    Cami - Glad you appreciate ur boss-Dan, he sounds like he cares a good deal about you. That lizard is an iguana, the one in DS pic is not the biggest we saw. They call the great big one...Godzilla. I laughed cuz all I could think about was the old Godzilla movies and how they pronounced it...grodcira.

    I kno I missed Jazz and Sandi, a few others too maybe, jes kno I think about all mese breasties. Got PT today, 1st aptt, will see how it goes.

    Gonna post this w/o pic for fear I'll lose it.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good evening friends- I knew it was coming based on a worked up provider conversation last night, and today was simply awful. But the team and I got through and we are having transition talks tomorrow with management. That is my client's to do and I will sit back and watch and just know I only have five and a half days left on this ride. My hope is we have a better side down into the last day on friday. Then three days away from the group to lay low, watch the tube, etc. I finally got to the store tonight and picked up some food for the rest of the week and into the weekend, including a stuffed chicken I will make on Xmas Eve.

    Heard from family today an uncle passed away. He has not been well for awhile and had a lot of contact from my cousins the past few months on this. He was in the hospital last weekend and had a feeling it was coming. We were not close (he was actually always very mean to me, many others too including my aunt) so I personally don't feel a loss, but have great compassion for my cousins who have to do a funeral this Xmas weekend. Loosing family members this time of the year creating a lingering sorrow for so many. That was the last of that generation on both sides. Life feels more fragile as we get older......

    NM- I figured that asking them right now about the why might be too hard, and so you just need to think broader for next year and what you want. Is working for Hospice your only option or are there other types of nursing opps you could consider? I know certain types of jobs are more appealing than others in different times in our lives. I am glad Sadie is there for you, we are too! Hoping you can enjoy some family time this holiday and come in to the new year with fresh perspective and opps to boot.

    Cami- I am SO going to unplug this weekend. The hours are one thing, but the way some act are just unbelievable. Someone said today, good to work with you and see you next time. My thought was "yeah, not if I can help it." LOL!

    Goldie- ha ha, who is the heroin addict and think there is more than one Disney whore on this thread? Me, I am a hot spring junkie and shoe ho!

    My chest was tighter today and asthma not as good so heading to bed early and hoping to get some good rest. I think I am going to make an apt with my PCP to get a check in on all things lung to make sure nothing more is going on for me. I have had a lot of respiratory problems this year.

    Few more days to Xmas, hope you have been nice vs. naughty!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2016

    Good morning girls, I've skimmed through and think I'm pretty well caught up. I seem to be on a new sleep schedule lately, falling asleep at 9 and waking up at 5. Gives me lotsa extra time in the morning tho so here I am. I got Nora Friday night, love her to peices but boy does she wear me out ! She is so busy, hardly ever naps and if she does never for more than an hour. She must do everything by herself....everything! My DH and both had boys and we were talking about how you just give them some cars and trucks and they'll play for hours.... at least that was our experience. So it was close to time that I was going to return her to her parents and my son, the truck driver called to tell me roads were too icy to drive and I'd have to keep her another night! So I gave her an early Christmas present, little doll things and she played with them for about an hour which was pretty good. By the time I took her back the next day I felt like I'd run a marathon. So I told my son if I was giving them a second night alone that I'd better have a grandson by next Christmas!

    Well, now I have to tell you all about our Emma girl. About 2 weeks ago, it was a Thursday, all was well, I had taken her to the park and she was running around as usual, got home and it was 8 at night and we let her and Junior out to pee, all of a sudden we hear Junior barking a very frantic bark and we look out and see Emma lying on the ground. Very short of breath, we thought she was dying. So long story short, we go to the emergency vet, they put her on 02, and found that she had a lot of fluid around her heart causing an arrhythmia that caused the collapse. So they drained the fluid off and kept her overnight and then did an echocardiogram and found that she has a tumor in her heart. we brought her home and so far so good, she is doing fine but is terminal..... ugh, our hearts are breaking. So last week my DH brought up that when my 16 year old schnoodle, Wicket was dx with liver CA I went and got Taz, a schnauzer/yorkie mix. And then when Taz was dx with CHF, I went and got Junior. Well, the rescue org that he got Emma from had just sent him their latest posting of 7 year old Jagger, a male GSD that'd been in the same home since he was a puppy, 3 kids, mom and dad, fenced yard. Well for whatever reason, they are moving into an apartment and can't take you all know where this is going.... he came to live with us last Sunday. He is a very sweet and timid boy, had never seen a cat, Moose just walked up to him, sniiffed him and looked as tho he was thinking how to teach him to cuddle. Jagger just cocks his head like, what the hell is that thing? All in all he is doing fine and adjusting well. He's very talkative, my DH gave him a shower and it sounded as tho he was being tortured. Junior is pretty jealous tho.

    Ok, now my last little bit of news... my Blood pressure has been crazy high. Took it out of the blue on Monday and it's been systolic close to 200 and diastolic over 100. I called the cardiologist and he put me on Norvasc and made me and appointment for Jan 4. I've taken 4 and so far it hasen't really budged, when I first got home from work last night it was 220/127, but I waited a few hours and it had come down a bit. They said as long as I remain asymptomatic just stay on a low sodium diet and wait for appointment, if symptoms start go to ER. Ugh, always sumtin!

    2 more days of work and I'm off for 3, can't wait to get all this holiday hair done! No time to address everyone, I have to get in the shower and go in for another round of shampoo/sets, the end is in sight thank God! Sorry this post is all about me but I've been wanting to tail ya all what's going on.

    NM, so sorry about your totally chitty day yesterday, hope the new year brings you the job of your dreams.

    Lori, I think about you all the time, when are the scans? Maybe go back on the FU pills for 6 months, then off for 6? They did work well, just and idea, get the numbers down and go from there? So glad you are still popping out of the wabbit hole to come to the lounge.

    Dara, I knew SD wouldn't stay in the pic for long, thank goodness Glad you got a getaway, hope the hand ends up good as new and bite guard does the trick.

    Julie, Jazzy, Sue, Sandy, hsant, Cami and whoever I'm missing... love to all, got to run!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve! Finally found a rental car, going to pick it up later this ayem, so another day off work, which I think is more benefit that I realized it would be.Just not having to deal with that stuff beyond a few little things has been a relief.Except for the very odd and unsettling dreams, but I can deal with those.So today's plan is to drive Dick's car to their place, drop off the Christmas Turkey, pick up Dick, go pick up the rental, which is at the dealer where Pearl is, get some work gear out of Pearl, do some grocery shopping on the way home, then some more at home chill out time.Go to work tomorrow, see how that goes, then a 3 day weekend off. YEAH!

    Mema--thanks for the prayers, I need them right now.Got to have patience until I find out what the deal with Pearl is, then I can figure out how to move forward from there.Sounds like you had a great Turkey day!

    Nice Pic!

    Jazzy--Sorry to hear about your Uncle, even with the difficult circumstances.Maybe the family can plan the funeral for after the holiday weekend?There is no hard and fast rule about when the funeral or whatever has to be done.Working for Hospice is not my only option, I get calls regularly from recruiters for various, mostly nursing home positions.Unfortunately most of those are night positions, and I am not sure I can adjust to that schedule at this point in my life.Nor do I really want to go back to working every other weekend.My real problem is not being able to keep up with the current workload, and not seeing any help coming even though I keep getting told it's coming.What I really need to do is sit down when I'm not feeling soemotionally fragile and sort out what I want, what I will accept, and what options I have and make some decisions. But you are correct that right now is not the time to be doing all that.But for right now I need to get through the Holidays, the car issue, and find some peace.And it sounds like your project site needs to transition from children to adults, pick themselves up and get going.Time to cut the apron strings for them!Take care of the respiratory things, asthma can go south really, really fast when it wants to.I know from experience.

    I would love to be a Disney Whore.Where do I sign up?I bet the health benefits are fantastic!

    Genny--LOL at the second night alone/grandson by next Christmas remark!I can just picture Nora as a little perpetual motion machine.Poor Emma.At least she is comfortable and loved andhappy.Heartbreaking though.Amazing timing with Jagger!GSDs can sound absolutely horrendous when they feel abused, I can just imagine what that bath sounded like!Funny introduction between Moose and the big GSD.Those are some scary blood pressures!And never apologize for posting all about you, we ALL need that from time to time!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Coquito – Classic Puerto Rican Christmas Drink Recipe


    Pinch of salt

    3/4 teaspoon of cloves

    ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg

    1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

    1 cup of coconut flavored Bacardi

    1 15 oz can cream of coconut (Coco Lopez is the best!)

    1 13.5 oz can of coconut milk

    1 12 oz can of evaporated milk

    1 14 oz can of condensed milk

    2 anise stars

    1 ½ cups of water


    1. In a small pot, add water and anise. Gently boil for 2-3 minutes. Let cool completely, remove anise seeds from water.

    2. In a blender, add all of the ingredients, minus the Bacardi. (Depending on size of the blender, you may have to do this in batches.)

    3. Add mixture to a pitcher. Add in Bacardi, and with a large spoon, mix. Refrigerate for at least an hour or two before serving.


    1. In a small pot, add water and anise. Gently boil for 2-3 minutes. Let cool completely, remove anise seeds from water.

    2. In a blender, add all of the ingredients, minus the Bacardi. (Depending on size of the blender, you may have to do this in batches.)

    3. Add mixture to a pitcher. Add in Bacardi, and with a large spoon, mix. Refrigerate for at least an hour or two before serving.


    1. In a small pot, add water and anise. Gently boil for 2-3 minutes. Let cool completely, remove anise seeds from water.

    2. In a blender, add all of the ingredients, minus the Bacardi. (Depending on size of the blender, you may have to do this in batches.)

    3. Add mixture to a pitcher. Add in Bacardi, and with a large spoon, mix. Refrigerate for at least an hour or two before serving.

    Coquito - A Classic Puerto Rican Christmas Drink Recipe with rum, coconut and spices.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Wow NM what a time u've been having all within a short time too. Well maybe all is over for this kind of luck--But u sure do take care of things like lightening. Everything is under control for u, u'r so organized. I am truly sorry about that job, but u really deserve so much more for who and how u are. And the new year is coming and I pray all good things come u'r way.

    Jazzy u'r another work whore, but u'd better get everything checked out with the Drs. so u know all is all right and this is a bump of not feeling well for now. Plus u'll be off this project soon so that will help.

    Mary so nice to see u and our Anorable with Santa. She looks so wide eyed and innocent. But I'm sure she's a handful now--but still so much fun. Oh u take u'r BP at home? Wow Maybe u just have to much going on right now too, relaxation does help, I think, please take care of u'r self. And all of our furbabies mean so much to us, it's just sad to hear something is wrong.

    I have to close for now--be right back--business.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    ha ha, I just told my fellow consultant in the command center my friends are calling me a work whore! He is one too. We consultants are pimps and ho's all the way.

    NM- I lived in PR for awhile and LOVE that you posted a drink from there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2016

    OK I'm back--

    Susy happy smile, Just feel well and yea smoking and leaving the house does cut it down, I smoke in my room only, but that's why I picked the other side of the house with a huge fan in my window (it helps) LOL--My onc told me oh why bother quitting, well that's all I had to hear, I'm an addict personality I know, Now it's smoking. Oh well.

    Lori I'm so glad to see u poking out for us, it means a lot--(((HUGS)))

    Well all but 2 presents have been delivered and according to my email they're on the way--so Joey and I can wrap today--Leslie's going to work. We're not making anything tho this year, just buying things to bring. The Grinch does live here tho, (not me) so it doesn't help

    My phones are going.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2016

    LDB, whoever took the pic of you on the sofa, got a great shot. I'm so glad your hair came back. You lookin bootiful there girlfriend.

    Jazzy, you posted about NM (New Mexico, NativeMainer) having a heroin problem. So it looked like our sweet NM had a problem! It was just funny to me. I think most women can be shoe/boot ho's. I'm guilty!

    Mary, we are early to bed and early to rise. I'm sure you are up to your ears in holiday hair. I hope you get that new grand baby. What was the comment from them, when you told them you better be getting one if you are keeping aNORAlbe for an extra night! And a new pooch, but I am soooooo sorry to hear about Emma. I hear ya on the high BP, me too as well as heart rate. Makes me think I'm gonna die from a heart attack as opposed to the Rat BasTURD. The FU pills were getting hard. My body was a mess, fatigue horrible, the H/F syndrome was horrific. I had to lay down 2-3 times a day. I really don't want to go back to living like that.

    Cami, you and Joey have a delightful day wrapping.

    I am waiting for insurance to approve the scans. I'm trying to get them before the end of the year. My insurance runs out and since my deductable is met, I'm trying to squeeze it in.

    Sending all the love and hugs I can!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    Mary, sounds like you could use a little meditation intervention to go with the medication intervention. If Norvasc isn't helping, maybe ask a bout a stronger calcium channel blocker (this from Bob), as well as adding another class of drug. So sorry about sweet Emma. Hope she can be comfortable and you can comfort each other. Jazzy, sounds like you're stuck in Stressville right now, and losing your uncle isn't helping matters. Kim, so sorry about the job. Cami, have you tried vaping? I keep trying to get Bob to switch to it because he will stand on the porch no matter the weather for his 1/4 pack/night, but he says that if he could vape indoors he'd probably increase his intake. He says -25 wind chills are a great smoking-reduction device. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone.

    Long day today, after late night charging devices & packing yesterday. Didn't help matters that I tore the house apart looking for my MacBookAir (travel 'puter) and it turned out to have been in the zip-off computer compartment of my travel guitar case. So I have to get something else for Christmas (we were gonna hit the Apple Store on W. 57 tomorrow). Our flight was at noon, and I got a wheelchair bec. the Rollator would've been too unwieldy (and my back is much better). I am TSA Pre, but the wheelchair attendant at MDW said that even using the wheelchair lane, I could skip the shoes/liquids/remove-the-computer b.s. WRONG. They put a newbie TSA ID checker at the wheelchair lane, and when I got to the rotary scanner they said to take off my shoes (lace-up, of course) because I'm under 75. When I showed my boarding pass, they got snotty and said TSA Pre works only in the TSA Pre lane, and I could have gone through it in the wheelchair. GRRR. They picked apart my carry-on, made me boot all my electronics, measured all the fluids in my quart baggie. At least now I know what to do the rest of the trip (Sun. flying LGA-MDW-DCA).

    The hotel (W. 57 by Hilton) is posh. But no microwave (there is a regular mini-fridge and Keurig besides a minibar). The up-sellpresentation is tomorrow at 9 am (ugh). We probably won't bite, as the property taxes and therefore the maintenance will be much higher in NYC than it is in Vegas where we currently own an HGV timeshare. But they will give us restaurant & theater vouchers. Meanwhile, we're meeting Bob's BFF from high school (our best man 45+ yrs ago) at the hotel and will walk the 1/2 mi. to Ruth's Chris for dinner. He is not an adventurous eater, to put it mildly--wherever we go he ends up ordering a steak or a burger. Dunno where we'll eat tom'w night. Christmas Eve is at Butter, Christmas brunch at Tavern on the Green, and dinner at Fogo de Chao (Bob's fave). In return I get to pick all the other meals, as weird as I want them. Just nothing with a strict dress code--I brought only pants, and he just a jacket & tie, no suits. Tonight we're business casual. (As is our friend).

    DOTD is whatever the heck they'll be pouring--probably a Cab. (the guys will of course have beer, or a martini for Bob). For me on the plane it was seltzer.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Goldie- you are welcome. We are glad to be here for you, sister.

    Man, if I am talking about people having a heroin problem, I either need to a) get some sleep or b) join a couple of you with the MJ. I laughed about being a work ho all day long. True dat.

    Cold rainy day here and lots of rain in town, snow in the mountains. We left the command center around 5 p.m. and the surfaces were getting a bit slick. I expect things will be turning to black ice tonight and in fact, saw one car spun out and in the ditch coming home. Tomorrow should be clear and sunny, but expect I will need to watch the roads heading in early.

    I got invited to a Xmas open house and told them I may stop by in the evening but they know I am beat from go live, so we will see. Part of me says yes, but another part says just stay home and relax. We will see which side wins (any guesses?)

    And now, a warning about the holiday Xmas parties......


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Also, I love Vanessa Williams and her Xmas CD is one of my long time favorites. This is one of my most favorite holiday songs, almost like a prayer, but the music is so beautiful and just watch the expression on her face as she performs this. The chord changes at the very end are so lovely.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited December 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF!Going to go to work today and get through it, one way or another.Going to try not to have a meltdown, but if I do melt down, then I'll deal with the consequences.Hoping I can keep the conversation on Christmas plans and the like and get out the door and on the road quickly.Not crazy about the rental car I've got for winter driving, but grateful to have one, so trying to concentrate on that.And trying to concentrate on the fact that my brother and his wife are coming up today or tomorrow so I will get a nice visit with them.And Sadie keeps reminding me to smile or even laugh out loud with her antics!

    Cammy--I'm hoping the bad news/hard times stuff is done with for a while.Got enough to deal with, don't need more problems.So, got to find the good, right?And the New Year will be a new start.And I have a whole lot of friends I can depend on!All I have to do is come here or look at my facebook page to see that.

    Jazzy--Hmm, what is the definition of a work whore?I think I might be one!You lived in PR?What was it like?

    Cammy--Finished my Christmas shopping on Amazon, too.Hooray for Amazon Prime!

    Goldie--GREAT pic!Can I steal it?I was surprised to see I had a heroin problem, too!Takes me a second to realize when NM means New Mexico.The FU pills were very hard on your system.I'd hate to see you have to go back to that way of living.Praying the insurance comes through for the scans.

    Chi--Sometimes I wonder how the TSA catches anything at all, they seem so disorganized and undereducated/undertrained for their jobs.And so quick to argue about details.A posh hotel, sounds like fun!No microwave?You'll have to drop them down a star on the review for that.

    Jazzy--WHAT!!!!!Too funny!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Christmas Pomegranate Margarita:


    • 1 1/2 parts Jose Cuervo Silver Tequila
    • 2 parts POM Wonderful Juice
    • ½ part Margarita mix (I use the Cuervo mix)
    • ½ part triple sec
    • Float Pomegranate Seeds on top
    • Red & White Sugar Crystals
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2016

    Good morning friends- got a half day of support in the command center and then OUTTA there! We did a post production meeting yesterday and the doctor that has been the biggest PITA to our project the whole time, said "so who is running the project after next week?" Dude, the project is OVER, the change is in production. We did the call sitting in the command center waving goodbye to him on the phone. I am in the home stretch now, ladies!

    Well, I just read some more sad family news. One of my cousin's daughters just got diagnosed with breast cancer. She and I have a connection and thinking about how to reach out (especially since my sister and I never told any of the cousins on either side of the family due to circumstances that particular year). Her sister was diagnosed with cancer during a pregnancy in her 30s (think he is beyond the five years and doing okay), and this gal is younger too, maybe early 40s at the most. Decided I will talk to my sister about it first and then reach out to my cousin after the holiday.

    I am convinced there is now seems to be a cancer family history on my father's side of the family. When my sister and I both got diagnosed within two months of each other, my medical team felt sure there may be a genetic link. I have had a ton of genetics tests with no real findings. They asked about the family history and we had very little, outside of my fathers brother (prostate) and the sister of the one just diagnosed. Now what I see is my uncle, and two sets of sisters with bc (including ourselves) all linked to the paternal side. My sister used to say we don't come from the cancer family, but that is increasingly turning out to not be true. Sigh......

    NM- I have not been able to keep up with all the posts but why do you have another rental? I thought you got your fender bender fixed? Did your car break down and getting serviced? Thank god for dogs that make us smile. Sadie knows you are struggling and keeping you going with her antics. I can only imagine all the pots, pans and utensils in her box again. I still see a TV show in the future for you both called "Cooking with Sadie". Got a ring to it?

    Got some pic up done around here last night and found a set of missing keys and a few other things. Still trying to locate a gift card I bought for someone I cannot find for the life of me, but may just give up for now and get another. Tis the season to be disorganized.

    Wishing everyone a good slide into the holiday weekend!