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how about drinking?



  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017

    Hello all,

    It's walking dead night, but I will not be watching too tired. Quickly before I go back and read everything I missed,

    NativeMaine, you had mentioned coverage, sadly my insurance will only cover two places in my area for wigs. One no longer sells wigs and the other had 1 review, it was bad, their website was shotty and my insurance didn't even have an up to date address.

    Now, I do overreact to things lately because of the situation, so I will need to do a little more research and see if they responded to me regarding these two things. I did find one I really liked at this wonderful place. So I'm okay with out of pocket.

    I'll be back later. Need to get the girl out of the tub.

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017

    OKay, I take that back. Just got a response, they will reimburse 60% since I met my deductible! I'm so so so so happy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    very fast poop in, very windy, power is out, Sadie and I are just fine, at least I got coffee made before going dark ! I don't expect power back until after the storm blows through. Going to conserve phone battery power so I don't have to run the car to charge it up.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Awful ending to a great vacation. But first, the good part:

    After we found Bob's phone, we played unproductive phone-tag with Gordy about where & when to meet to celebrate his birthday. Met up with him and took the Downtown route of the Big Bus tour, getting off at the old "Glitter Gulch" neighborhood (including the "Fremont St. Experience"). Much pricier around there than even 2 yrs. ago, but just as tacky. This time, though, there were all sorts of costumed characters and bad street performers all soliciting tips in return for photographing them. (Like Times Sq. to the nth degree). Bob found the odds on the machines much tighter there than they used to be. I spurned the awful frozen boozy slushies and had only a double macchiato from Starbucks. (Two years ago, there were no Starbucks there either).

    Cabbed it back to the SLS resort (formerly Sahara). We went out to Katsuya for a terrific omakase (chef's choice) dinner. Had a flute of Gruet brut with it. Then the Dana Carvey/Jon Lovitz show. Had expected Carvey to be funny, and a bit "bluer" than on TV. He did not disappoint. (His impression of Katharine Hepburn trying to start her car is so classically silly that it left me laughing helplessly to the point of both reaching for the asthma inhaler and being devoutly grateful for bladder pads--and this was the third time I've heard him do it). I had heard mixed reviews, most complaining that the Lovitz half of the show was a boring Q&A. But Lovitz did straight stand-up (except when sitting down at the piano). I'd always thought of him as more of an actor/writer, but he was surprisingly effective as a stand-up, especially considering that was a relatively new aspect of his career. He was definitely the more politically-incorrect of the two, insulting both sides of the aisle and definitely--albeit not crossing the line into misogyny--viewing relationships from a male perspective. (Definitely nowhere near the blatant sexism of Andrew Dice Clay). I guess the mark of an effective, edgy standup is that you feel sort of guilty for laughing but you laugh anyway.

    Afterward, Bob took off for the World's Largest Gift Shop (the convenience store wing) while Gordy & I walked back to the HGV. I "closed" two activity "rings" on my Apple Watch, and got about 11,000 steps in. But unlike the buzzing and faux-fireworks display with which the Fitbit Blaze congratulates you when you reach 10,000 steps, the Apple Watch's "steps" ring shows you're only about a third of the way to your steps goal. And I've noticed that while you can trick the Fitbit into counting applause and arm-waving as "steps," the Apple Watch isn't fooled. Then Gordy went off in search of more casinos and I packed all my clothes & shows except for what I'd wear for the trip home. Crawled into bed, realizing I'd be getting only about 6 hrs. of sleep but still feeling fine.

    And now for the awful part: Starting about 3 am. I spent all night either running to the bathroom (no, not to a norovirus degree) or shivering, teeth chattering, under the covers. Every joint & muscle, and some bones, hurt, as did my eyes, I had to toss & turn just to keep one sinus clear. I slept (actually, lay awake in bed trying to doze off) past the alarm while Bob & Gordy had breakfast & coffee & finished their packing. Fortunately, Bob got us an 11 am checkout, so I managed to drag myself downstairs in time. My ears were ringing and I was getting that "shells snapping shut" brain-zap sensation characteristic of both inadequate sleep and a sinus infection. I thought to myself, "so this is what a hangover feels like." Despite my being TSA-Pre, I had to remove my shoes when something in the left one "lit up." (Same thing outbound, but a different pair of shoes). And they had to inspect my laptop because the plastic protective shell didn't give them a clear enough picture). Bob didn't think I needed a wheelchair in the Vegas airport, but I felt as if I were moving through quicksand to get to our gate. When we got to a cafe near our gate, I bought a neck pillow and--while the guys ate--I placed it atop my purse and tried to sleep. When they announced pre-board, I went to the head of the line and told the gate agent I was sick and needed the extra time to get to my seat at the rear of the plane, she first asked me if I even should be flying; when I told her I had no choice, she asked if she should order a wheelchair to meet me at O'Hare. "Yes, please," I croaked out.

    Bob graciously gave me his window seat so I could lean the pillow & my head against the window. Even though it was so crowded that my arm kept falling asleep (despite the compression, my fingers swelled), I managed to sleep through most of the flight--despite the awful neck pain. I had a cup of ginger-ale to settle my stomach--which was the only nourishment I had from midnight Sat. till 1 pm today. Got to O' wheelchair had been ordered. So had to wait 20 min. for one. By then, just crossing the corridor to the restroom (where, of course, there was a line) left me panting & shuffling. When we got home, I went straight upstairs, kicked off my shoes and went to sleep, fully clad, at 9:30 pm. I awoke 5 hrs. later, feeling as if someone was trying to gnaw my face off from the inside. Took my temp: 100.8 (hadn't felt this bad since the aftermath of my Zometa infusion). Went downstairs to take my night meds. Changed out of my clothes and into PJs and went back to sleep. Finally awoke at 11:30 am. Happy must have sensed how sick I was, because he slept against my leg the whole time--going down to eat when Carrie fed him this morning, and returning to me. Down to 99.8 at noon.

    And then it hit me: Tues. night's rehearsal was cut short because our pianist/conductor had the same virus, and we'd all gathered around the piano to practice a new song with him. And Carrie had gone through this on Friday. So now you know how long it takes this bug to incubate before it hits you. (And I'm still a "hangover virgin").

    I feel a bit better now--yesterday I couldn't focus enough to pick up my computer or even check my phone. Was able to have a cup of coffee, a dry-"fried" egg and a sugar-free cookie. (Except for the water & ginger ale on the plane, the only nourishment I'd taken since Sat. night). Thank goodness Peaopd will be delivering Halloween candy tomorrow morning: no way am I leaving the house today.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Hi friends- back from my little jaunt up north. Some soaking yesterday and a nice concert at my friend's inn. Made for a lovely day. I love northern NM this time of the year and got two great weekend times away during one of my favorite few weeks.

    Ready for Halloween. I stopped on the way down in Santa Fe to meet a friend for lunch and went to Walgreens to get the stash. I have not done the trick or treat thing in few years (since I gave up sugar I think?) but sort of in to it this year. But there will be adult treats too. One of my friends is coming over to drink that long awaited Mumm champagne with me and enjoy some appetizers. Our "adult candy" so to speak.

    Chi- so sorry to hear you were sick on the way out of Vegas. I have gotten sick like that on trips and nothing worse. Being ill and traveling is bad (I am usually on my own too when it happens). I hope you are feeling better as the week goes on.

    NM- I heard there were big storms along the Maine coast and big power outages, is this affecting you?

    Will write more tomorrow. Got some things to get to and a walk to squeeze in before dark, which comes earlier all the time.

    Here is your jazz tune of the day. Many of you probably remember Gino Vannelli from the 70s. If some of you are too young to know his music, worth YouTubing. Here with one of my very fav jazz combo's, the Yellowjackets

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Much better now: temp down to normal, appetite returned. Still no alcohol yet--I drank two weeks' worth of my "allowance" in four days, so my DOTD is Bai Antioxidant Infusion in Malawi Mango, diluted with crushed ice. Gotta rehydrate like crazy. Peapod will be delivering candy to get me through the trick-or-treaters, till at least 8 pm. You can bet I'll be bundled up out on the porch, though.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes! Still no power, and the temps have dropped. Word is power won't be back for several days. Plan is to go out today and find a new battery for the genny, a heavy duty extension cord and some gas and get her fired up so I can run the space heater, have a couple of lights on, and recharge the electronics. In the meantime I'm getting lots of teaching prep done. Looks like no damage other than a screen door nearly blown off that now needs to be taken down. The house is eerily quiet without power. I forget about the little background noises the appliances make.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Jazzy, how nice of your friend to give you that wig, especially since it looks so good on you. Health insurance, don't get me started!!! For several years, when the plans charged you more when you had "pre-existing" condition, we were paying like $3200.00 A MONTH!

    Illona, WTG girl on the 3K.

    NM, haven't seen any news, but heard some talk about a storm heading up the east coast. Hope all is well.

    Sandy, sorry about getting sick on your trip, but I guess getting it at the end was better than in the beginning.

    Karen, we will be here to help you through this journey.

    Cami, I hope Les is doing as good as can be expected. How is Joey "really" handling this?

    Sue, I can't see your DD either. Thinking of you today, as I think you get your results.

    Having a nice visit with my MIL. We went to the movies and saw "Only the Brave". The movie about the 19 fire fighters that were killed in a fire here in AZ, in an area that we lived. So very sad, as most of them were only in their 20's. Good movie and very well done. Tears of course! Will check in again when I can.

    Happy Halloween goils!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2017

    Good Evening DahhhLinKs.

    I said I would try and post my biopsy results. Well, the RB is back in the same foob, but now is double negative, but still her2+. So, it means getting them chopped off and going thru Kadcyla chemo again or just the chemo. My BS is supposed to call me tomorrow as I have a couple of questions before I decide which way to go or no way at all. My dh and dd were with me when I got the results today. My son called me too. I am getting dwunk but have to say I am leaning toward dbl-mast and as soon as I can do it, as HER2+ takes the RB cells and generously spreads them thru-out mese body.

    I do have reason to smile tho. Mese son and his girl are going to try and harvest her eggs w/his sperm and get a surrogate to carry him/her. I'm so excited and want to live to see my grandchild.

    I hate that I've brought bad news, but wanted ya'll to know.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2017


    I cud still see it at the bottom of the previous page, but here it is again. Hope all can see it. Will b seeing my GGranddaughter, Scarlett, this Fri. Will try and post pics of her in several days. now am gonna take mese dwunkin ewwa to mese bed. LUBS ya'll

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited November 2017

    Damnit! Not what any of us wants to hear but glad to have an update. I have every confidence that you will handle whatever treatment plan you decide.

    Got your back and the next refill ;)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited November 2017

    Mema- so sorry to hear the news was not what you were hoping for. We will be here to support you through the next steps sister.

    Sending you much love tonight Heart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2017

    Oh SusyQ I am so so sorry for this news--praying it was good, dammit this is chit. More prayers will be coming <HUGS, TOO> I've always admired ur strength and that will bring u thru with our prayers. Your DD is beautiful.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2017

    I can never get here been so busy, it's that time of year--it starts around 6am til pm and during the nite WTF.


    Karen u'r starting ur chemo the way my DD has started, but she does have her wigs at least. I'm actually learning more from my DD than when I did this. So I feel up on things. Of course I wish u feeling the best u can, but remember rest when u feel like it for sure. I think today ur getting ur port that will be a big help.

    Oh Sandy were u sick or what--I hope u feel better now that was a doozy.

    Ill so glad to hear u were in that K thing Sunday--u sound so good---YYAAAYYY

    NM WTF was that horrible storm from--of course I haven't heard about it, but no electricity is a nitemare for me--no TV GGGRRRRRRRR

    Jazzy that job that's coming up sounds like a winner, but sorry u didn't get the one for short term. Love the sounds u bring us and pics.

    Teka It's so very nice to see u now more often. Like I've always say u don't say much, yet u say it all, one way or another.

    Lori as usual I have no idea where u are but I do hope ur doing well as always.

    And Chevy confuses everyone. She has the onset of insanity for 40 years now, it's just not full blown yet.

    I've been on anti-b's since last week, saw my BFF Saturday nite--it was wonderful, but then she contact me after she got to her brothers nd told me her DD just died---OMG NO is all I could say---she had a heart attack with a lot of complications going on too. She went right home from WI. This is so sad.

    Joey acts fine but know he's not, he's afraid. He didn't see me every dy so he really doesn't know all u might go thru and Leslie and him have a huge thing about hair and hers is gone. She's getting a test today and more talk from the DR. And then she feels bad for not working cuz she was bringing in enough to keep us OK, now we're back, of course I say forgetaboutit. She has to lighten up, She's a tough one. Things will be fine.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2017

    Aw geez you guys.... I wish I could just hold you all, and give you a big hug....  Mem's...  You should  drink yourself silly....  All my best wishes & prayers.... okay?  

    Cammi, you little tart...  I am breathing much better, I think because I'm using the right kind of nasal spray for my broken/septumopolis, or whatever...  and occasionally the nasal strips...  diverticulitus/septum...  whatever....   ANYway, it is easier to breathe now!   Always thinking of you & Leslie & Joey....  Wait..... No TV????  So no more Cops?  I just love that show.  That, and Judge Judy!  Loopy

    We only had 5 trick or treaters!!!  2 huge bags of candy, and FIVE kids???  I even bought little gloves to give them....  Still have all 8 pairs left!   I'll have to find some kids to give them to....  

    Okay.... time for some good news girls...  

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2017

    We live on a double block which takes Halloween very seriously (one house was decorated as Area 51, alien army, spaceship & all; another was the disco Studio 666). The total population (including two apartment houses) is <200. Conservative estimate is that we had 1000 kids last night--the neighborhood's reputation has spread and most of our trick-or-treaters come from less affluent neighborhoods. We went through $97 of candy (plus some left over from last year) between 4:45 and 7:15. That was one piece of candy per kid. After that, I had to close the door and turn off the porch light. It was either that or start handing out wrapped saltines from takeout soup orders, mini-Tabasco and airline Scotch bottles, room service jam & ketchup jars, soy sauce packets, and K-Cups.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited November 2017

    Interesting clip I happen to stumble across on Facebook tonight of my breast surgeon.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2017

    Definitely interesting and encouraging, Jazzy. I was surprised to hear her mention they used to test for only the founder mutations in Sephardi Jews (who arrived with or shortly after the conquistadors), because BRCA 1 & 2 "founder" mutations are much more common among Ashkenazi (E. & Central European ancestry) Jews--who by the time genetic testing began during the late 20th century were pretty much the majority of American Jewry in all 50 states, including the former Spanish colonies. "Pure Sephardic" Jews are far rarer than "pure Ashkenazim," because during & after the Inquisition in Spain & Portugal, forced conversions resulted in much more intermarriage. But rather than forcing Jews to renounce their Judaism, those who persecuted Ashkenazim tended mostly to either exile them or just cut to the chase and kill them. (I'm >96% Ashkenazi).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited November 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I came home from workyesterday to a wonderful surprise--the porch light was on!Yup, the power was back, 3 days earlier than anticipated! Ah, the luxury of a hot shower and being able to flush the toilet! So, except for 2 1/2 days of inconvenience and a screen door that needs to be taken down we got through the big wind storm pretty well. Some branches down, none that hit anything. So I get to start ketchuping this ayem, for a bit, but have video class soon so may not get through everything today.

    Jazzy--gorgeous pic!

    Chi--I've been to the World's Largest Gift Shop! Fun place. So sorry you got sick at the end of that trip. Traveling when you don't feel good is terrible.

    Goldie--yeah, the storm was a bit of an issue. Over now, for me. Still thousands without power, though. Many schools still not back in session due to power outages and blocked roads.

    Mema--oh, dear, so not fair. A grandchild would be so exciting!

    Cammy--I didn't mind not having TV so much, but I really did miss the Kindle when the battery died! Oh my goodness, what a horrible thing for your BFF!

    Chevy--great idea about the gloves to go with the candy for Thanksgiving! Most trick or treating around here is going to be done Friday or over the weekend when most of the downed lines will be fixed and the downed trees cleaned up and most people have power again.

    Chi--1000 trick or treaters?WOW!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Electric Iced Tea

    What You'll Need

    How to Make It

    1. Build the ingredients in a collins glass.
    2. Stir well.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited November 2017

    Good morning friends- been busy and not much time to post outside of a couple quick things after reading. Halloween was a success, probably about 75 kids total and some cute costumes. My friend and I were laughing about how the smallest ones (babies to toddlers) have that clueless look on their faces, not quite sure what was going on but figuring it out. I had about 1/4 of the large bags left (I bought 4 large bags total) and gave some to my friend to take to church this sunday for their after service gathering, took some to my music class last night, and have the rest in a ziplock to take to the young folks who work at my pool. By tomorrow, any residual candy will be gone from this house (I don't eat sugar and it needs to go.....)

    While we answered the door with the candy, we also had our own adult treats including Mumm sparkling rose (been trying to get that one consumed for awhile now) along with some cheese and crackers, pepperoni, olives, grapes and more. YUM! Friend that came over is one of my besties and although we talk a lot, had not seen her in person for a few months. Fun time catching up!

    Chi- that video was posted under something that talked about how NM has some of the lowest cancer rates in the country. I don't know what the data set is for that, but given that we have a very small population in this state compared to many others (like 1.5 million total, 700K in the largest city of ABQ), I have my doubts. I know a lot of people here who have or had cancer, of all kinds. We have very high rates of skin cancer here, some of the highest in the nation. But as I was reading down, that is when I saw the video by my breast surgeon. She is big on genetics testing and because I had bilateral (which is often genetic), she put me through around 3 different sets of genetics testing. I decided to not continue because they never got the proper approvals for them from my insurance and then I was getting these huge bills for $7K per test and said I would ONLY agree to them if they would be paid by insurance. I have never had an easy time with her, but she is a very good surgeon and did right by me. I only see her once a year now.

    You had quite the evening of trick or treaters, wow! I spent about half of what you did for my give away. Someone in my music class last night said Halloween is a $6 billion dollar event now (includes costumes, candy, etc.) It was like a billion twenty years ago.

    Ill- I am so proud of you that you did that run, and especially after having just gone through that gamma knife surgery. You are one kind of strong lady. Did you feel okay after and into this week? I hope you are feeling well and that the RB stays away.

    Mema- thinking of you sister and know you have much ahead of you and sending you love and prayers as you adjust to the news. Kick that RB to the curb sister.

    And so excited for you to become a grandmother in the future. You get well so you can meet your new GS or GD.

    Chevy- if you have extra candy left, I heard there are organizations in each area that are collecting left overs to send to the troops if you have no one to give it to? Hard to know how to buy. My friend saw my stash and said "wow that is a lot of candy". I told her I live in one of the hoods that gets hit big time so I only do the treats if I am up for a big night and willing to spend the cash.

    Oh and about Judge Judy, I lived with some friends while doing a grant funded program at Umass years ago. One of kids there used to babysit for Judge Judy so I had to know what she was like in real life? The young gal said she was very nice and paid her well. I like watching her too, especially when she calls people out on their BS.

    Goldie- I know you are not a fan of the big insurance costs either. I looked on the exchange yesterday to see if one of the previous options might have my docs in network and meds covered. Looks like a lot of them are, need to figure out which are not. I am going to be coming off some things in the beginning of the year including the AI drug by next March and will probably get my last Prolia shot in January. I need to do a double check with my providers on their network contracting with this new provider (Molina) and the cost is $110 less than the current carrier. Plus, I see that NONE of my providers are in network with the current carrier anymore. So it forces me to change. My only other option is BSBC but even more expensive (like an 80% increase) vs a 21% increase with Molina. I hope you have some decent options, but know more states have carriers pulling out with time too?

    Cami- I am glad DD has started chemo and hope she is continues to do okay through all that. And yes, you have to take pressure off yourself when you are going through treatment. I worked through part of mine, just had to being single and having the bills and to keep insurance up, etc. but know we women always feel we have to keep it all together for everyone and everything else. It is good to let her know she needs to focus on herself and to let go of the rest. Joey would be exceptional too if he were not scared. Cancer scares everyone.

    I am glad you got to see your BFF but so sorry to hear about the sudden loss for her.

    NM- that was quite the storm the northeast had. Almost like a mini-hurricane Sandy which I remember hit late season a number of years ago to the Tri state area and up north. Lot of time without power, but sounds like you have a generator. With the changes to our weather, I know many are buying generators around the country. Glad you came home to a nice surprise of lights on!

    How are your mom and Dick doing these days?

    Who am I missing here? CeliaC, how are you? Hsant, sending you much love with all the changes this year. Genny, we miss you!

    Got some things to do and a walk in nature later today. Going to something this weekend called the Marigold parade which is part of Dia Dos Muertos/day of the dead here. Big mexican holiday but big in NM too. Pics to come from that!

    Until we meet again.......

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2017

    Okay once again, brief update before I take a nap with the tot. I got the port in and then today met with oncologist. I will start chemo on Monday. 8 weeks every other week and then 12 weeks every week. And then from there 6 weeks of radiation five days a week.


    I'll try to get online tomorrow after my daughter is home from preschool. :)

    EDIT: So I will enjoy cocktails this weekend as booze free during treatment. :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited November 2017

    Karen- I forgot to include you in my post today. Glad the port is in and you are getting ready for chemo. Get good and rested before hand. We will be here with you as you go through this next step in your treatment. Lots of support on this thread.

    I did not do chemo but always suggest to make your bedroom as comfortable as possible with things accessible on on your nightstand and nice clean sheets along the way. It helps.

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2017


    That sounds like great advice. I want to spend the next three days getting my house as ready as I can and get rest before the chemo starts for sure. ;) My fiance is also a God send. He takes such good care of me.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2017

    Karen, in your pocket starting Monday. With that intense a regimen of AC+T, and then radiation, I wouldn't be surprised if they can't even find a tumor afterward.

    I had no family history of any cancers on either side, except an aunt who drank and smoked her way into esophageal cancer and a half-aunt who overcame melanoma but succumbed to liver mets from gallbladder cancer (she'd elected to have shockwave lithotripsy on her stones rather than a cholecystectomy). My maternal grandma had a basal cell ca. on her cheek, but it wasn't going anywhere and she passed after several MIs and strokes at 92. So it never occurred to me to mention my Ashkenazi ancestry to my BS. But between my lumpectomy and first MO appt., I got to the genetic-mutations section of Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book and was floored to read that genetic testing should be done on anyone with Ashkenazi ancestry who'd had a breast cancer diagnosis, regardless of family history.

    I mentioned this to my MO, and she immediately set up a genetic counseling appt. for me. (I was a United Health PPO patient at the time, a few months too young for Medicare; and United insists on genetic counseling before it will pay for the actual genetic testing). The counselors recommended testing, especially since I have a son, sister and niece who might be at risk. Had an anxious 10 days or so, because we couldn't plan radiation until I knew whether a BMX would be advised. Came back negative for all known mutations (as of autumn 2015), so no BMX but full-speed-ahead for rads. My out-of-pocket cost? $2.50 for parking.

    Oh, and I got that "96.3% Ashkenazi" heritage figure from my 23andMe report this past summer. The other 3.7% of "broad European," including possible "southern & southwestern," tracks with family lore that there was at least one Alsatian convert to Judaism back two or three centuries. Most baby-boomer-age Ashkenazi Jews in America are closer to 100% (the testing companies always throw in a bit of a fudge factor).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited November 2017

    Yay for flushing toilets NM, I think I'd go crazy after a day without TV.

    Jazzy, I'm very well, thanks. I am getting over some severe allergies and I'll be having a rash on my arm looked at tomorrow, it's itching like crazy. Had my PCP's PA look at it but she said it's maybe shingles, however, it's not painful, so I'm having a skin doc at MDA confirm, pretty sure they've seen it all. Other than that, I'm working and walking each day.

    Looking forward to a friends 45th birthday bash on Saturday, cocktails and cake!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2017

    Happy birthday in advance, Ilona!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited November 2017

    ChiSandy, the party is a friends, not mine but I'll take it. My birthdays are February 18th & 19th, two days because I was born in Korea and there's a day time difference. I celebrate the entire month though!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited November 2017

    Chi- my sister is going to do the 23&me test along with her partner. I got so burnt out on all those genetics tests I did I am not interested. My sister is hoping we have some African blood in us, I have always thought we may have some native american indian. Our mother's family settled the town we grew up in back in the 1600s when there was a population of native americans in the town.

    Glad you did not have the gene and have to have the radical surgery. Precision medicine has helped many of us.

    Ill- sorry to hear about the possible shingles. Wishing you a wonderful birthday celebration too!

    This was sunset tonight while I walked in a nearby park. Took my breath away
