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how about drinking?



  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017


    It's so much fun to have watch parties, isn't it? I love it. This week I won't be going all out, just the new drinks to try. And I need to clean. I've been kind of lazy since the lumpectomy. Poor fiance has been doing the work. I will need to suck it up with the chemo and radiation coming.


    Yeah, poor Jake suffered quite a bit through his life. I miss him lots! The sentiments of child birth at 48, seemed to be consistent with everyone who hears that. lol! Anyhoo, the pans I spoke of look like this...


    I think I will have to try that drink you shared too...I'll have loads of new Walking Dead drinks just from here. :)


    My fiance even suggested waiting until after Halloween for pricing. Probably a pretty good idea. :) I'm so jealous of the wine tasting! That has to be a good time! I remember I went on one before my daughter was born on Lake Minnetonka. So we could drink our wines and see all the giant homes on the lake. It was a good time for sure!

    I'll be back later. I need to clean for the get together...Is it (I'm always here with a normaly to have pain in your arm (the side of the lump) after the lumpectomy. My arms feels bruised by the elbow and down the forearm. I'm wondering if some nerve was damaged or something. Man..I'm a total spaz worrying about every pain.

    EDIT - I found plenty of articles talking about this. I feel much better now. Whew.

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017


    Thanks! I'm going to look at that story after Halloween and see if they lower the price further. Then I'll make these fun pizza skulls!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Hi girls!

    So much going on in here, I missed several days of posts and wow, this place is hopping.

    Karen, welcome to the lounge, it is nice to have you. A child at 48? HOLY THE COW, that is brave! Sorry you were hit with the RB aka the rat basturd. I love your posts, you seem like a great gal to partay with. Sending rounds in your honor to all.

    I am trying to catch up with work, got my EWWA up at 9:30 am after not going to sleep til after 5am. Had a kick ass fire in the pit last night and drank almost til de sun scorched my ass and motivated me to git some sleep.

    Sue, have not yet made that appt, I cringe at the thought. Will def do it this calendar year so that I only have to pay 20%. Also need to git back to ortho for my trigger thumb, damn thing is clicking again.

    Cam Cam Cam, so sorry and sad to hear about Les. But her attitude sounds wonderful. Remind her of all the stage III/IV goils in de lounge past and present who are living full lives despite their diagnoses. Love to Leslie and to you. And of course some for young Joey. Saw on FB that he is in the HS marching band.

    Lori, your DD is so beautiful and I agree she looks to be in her early 20's.

    Sue, Lori, Ill, Karen and all others stressing, hurting or skeered, sending love, prayers and huggles to ye.

    Almost lost my post so gonna sign off and git back to work. Hate working, the day is glorious here, abundant sunshine and going to near 80. Love this time of year, very chilly nights and great blue sky days.

    Gonna try to post a pic of my fire for those not on facebook. Used a color enhancer and it was uber fn cool.

    Image may contain: fire and night

    CheeRs goils, love and peace....peace and love to all mese lubly ladies!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    I saw one where they made meat balls out of the skull and served it on sketti.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    Karen, you may have some pain from the lymph node/lumpectomy for several months. The nerves get all worked up on occasion and it feels like a fire any bite or sting to me.

    Happy Sunday all :)

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017


    Thank you! That makes me feel even more okay with the pain. I had a sore bicep before dx, so I'm guessing more explanation of the pain then and now...I truly think that tumor was pressing on something in that line, including causing the stomach pains on that same side.


    That sounds good too, but I have to beware certain foods going forward now as I'm going to do my best to try and prevent the best I can. But what will be will be.


    Thank you! My mom is either brave or crazy...probably both. She is 63 with a soon to be 15 year old...yipes! I don't know that I could do it. I was thinking about having kiddos with my fiance once we got married, but now with all of this, I'm thinking it may not be the best idea for many reasons. I do love hosting parties. :D As hectic as it gets to do that, I love it!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Hi folks- back from my yoga retreat and more on that tomorrow. Just wanted to check in on a few folks here this afternoon who I know are either in the hospital or having procedures. Ill you were one of the ones on my list, also wanted to see if there were any updates on Leslie from Cami.

    Ill- I am glad you are on the other side of the procedure. You can scream, cry, cuss and all the rest. I pray the gamma knife did it's job and the MRI scan is clean next go around. Heal well sister and have that cocktail when you are up to it

    I put you all in the yoga circle with us this weekend and hope you felt the love Heart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day! Here I am getting up for work and it is totally dark. As in NO sun. This is so not right. And I noticed last night that it is getting dark WAY too early in the evening. And yet here it is the end of October and still getting temps in the 60's during the daytime. Seems like it should be colder--not that I'm wanting the colder weather, just observing. It seems like the seasons have shifted a month or so and are running out of sync with the calendar. Someone needs to talk to Mother Nature!

    Hmm, I meant to post a pic with yesterday's DOTD and forgot. But I'm sure you can all picture candy corn in a shot glass!

    Teka--interesting looking drink! Any idea what the name of it was?

    Karen--that pan would make some scary cakes! Good idea to wait for after Halloween price drops, you can probably pick up one pretty inexpensively then. The feeling bruised and sore on the lumpectomy arm side is normal. Often surgeon leans on that arm during the surgery, or the arm can be manipulated into some pretty odd positions, especially if any lymph nodes are being taken. The worrying about every pain is par for the course, it's something we all live with but it does fade over time. Never goes away completely, but it does fade quite a bit.

    Those pizza skulls are awesome!

    Dara--that fire enhancer certainly is cool! Love the colors!

    Goldie--sketti and skulls, perfect for Halloween!

    Karen--yourMom sure is brave, or crazy, or maybe a bit of both? Cudos to her!

    Jazzy--No wonder my weekend was so pleasant, you had me covered! Welcome home.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Smokin' Skulls Shot

    Smoking Skulls


    1 ounce bourbon

    1/2 ounce lime juice

    1/4 ounce grenadine

    splash of Mountain Dew

    dry ice chips, for presentation (optional)

    Note: Always observe dry ice safety measures: Never touch dry ice with bare skin and do not swallow.


    1. Pour bourbon, lime juice and grenadine into a shaker over ice.

    2. Shake well and strain into shot glass.

    3. Drop dry ice chips into shot glass and top with Mountain Dew.

    Note: Dry ice chips will sink to the bottom of the shot glass. Do not swallow them, wait till dry ice has evaporated to consume the drink.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Karen, what you are feeling could also be what they call cording. Almost feels like someone is pulling a cord inside your arm. Gosh, not sure what to say about having more children. I understand where you are coming from. Say you don't have cancer, and have a baby in a year and 2 years down the road you hit and killed in a car crash. You don't NOT have children cuz you are afraid you might get in a car accident. And you did catch it early. Tough call.

    Love the colors on the fire Wacko. I too am sort of a pyro, but we really have to be careful out here. I will let my DD know that you said she looks younger than 34. How is that sweet lil Logan

    Also missing pictures of aNORAble. Mary, calling mary?????

    Jazzy, how sweet of you to think of all of us at your retreat. Always feel the love from my sisters here.

    NM, we are suppose to have a warm winter out here where I am. Not sure if that is for the whole country or not. Teka's drink she posted looks like a Bloody Mary? I too hate that it gets dark so early and stays dark so late.

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017


    Yeah this is also true. I know I caught it early, but I guess I fear it will come back, honestly it doesn't feel gone. I'm guessing this is something we all go through, but it feels like this will always be apart of me. But it is early. I'm sure with time that feeling will fade as well. I think we just have to see what happens with the treatments and how old I am before they think it's safe to try to make a baby. I DO NOT want to be 48 and pregnant! lol!


    That shot made me shiver a little. lol! Okay I should get to work myself ladies. ;) I'll be back later. Thanks for all of the information on the arm. It has really helped me to feel better about the pains.

    Oh and here are the drinks I posted earlier that I actually made last night..mine aren't as pretty as the original (professional) photos...I'll admit. I had to go with the black food coloring as my combination of other colors wasn't doing the trick. It looked far more grey in the orange drink when I first started out than it does in the final concoction.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    So yes...  I have a one-legged rash.  Teka, I still shave my legs, but what a person doesn't want to do, is spray a fragrance with alcohol all over ones-self after your shower!  

    Actually I whipped up a new "rash-cream"!  It is Preparation H...  Hydrocortisone, Anti-itch cream, Benadryl Cream, and one for athletes foot!   I'm here to tell you, it WORKS!!!  OMG!!!  I wear compression stockings for my one leg with lymphedema, and it helps the one-legged rash on my other!    

    I've always had some sort of skin problem, SOMEwhere!  But I think this time, I should patent it, and make millions...  Better than pole-dancing!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Karen, you are so brave to get preggers at 48. My sis was 42 for her first & only daughter, and freaked out when she saw the phrase "elderly primipara" on her chart. I consoled her by admitting my chart said the 33! You can expect to get a few zingers & zaps from nerves reconnecting for about 12-18 mos. They're only momentary, though. And don't freak if you feel a lump at the incisions--they're usually seromas if soft & a bit sore, or scar tissue if hard & painless. Tell your surgeon, but you will likely be reassured.

    Back from Iowa City last night (it was gorgeous & in the 70s till Sat. night, cleared up Sun. morning, and I hit rain about 10 mi. before crossing back into IL). Did several performances and actually scored a couple of booking promises for 2018-19. (In all the years I've been attending, this is the first time it bore fruit). Catnapped, then a belated b'day dinner w/Bob at the Palm--I had done a lotta "sipping" at the folk conf., (and will definitely indulge in Vegas), so I limited myself to a 6-ouncer of 2013 Davis Bynum (Sonoma) Pinot Noir to go with my wagyu ribeye. Best quaff at the conf. was Graham Beck sparkling Brut Rosé from S. Africa.

    All is not rosy on the "other beverage" front--aka coffee. The Sheraton IA City had large filter packs of Starbucks, but for some reason only the machines for the little bitty pods. After the first cup (which was <4 oz and stronger than espresso) flooded all over the desk, I finessed dripping a teeny bit of water at a time while the "on" light was still lit, then dump the filter pack and top up with hot water to taste. Fortunately, the meeting area and brunch/dinner room had urns of the stuff.

    But my trip to Vegas will pose a true caffeine challenge. We'll be in an all-suite resort (timeshare freebie in exchange for enduring an upsell sales pitch), and the concierge just admitted that despite having a full kitchenette the only coffeemakers in the suites are that same stupid one-cup teeny-pod drippers, but with at least an unlimited supply of those crummy stale little pods. (Last visit to LV at the Elara in 2015 there was at least a kettle & Melitta filter pot--and I had to sweet-talk the Starbucks in the lobby into grinding & selling me a half-lb. of beans and a few filters; the other two HGV properties where we'd stayed had Keurigs). This time there will be three of us needing coffee at the same time every morning; no room svce.; and I need coffee before I can get dressed and go downstairs for coffee. So I rounded up my Aeropress (looks like a manual breast pump) and some filters, mini-hand-grinder, and a small acrylic French press to pack in my suitcase. (Gordy knows how to work a French press & Bob doesn't mind the pod stuff, since that's what he drinks when he has to stay down at the Hilton Oak Lawn). There will be a kettle. I'm off to CVS to pick up an Rx, then to Metropolis for a half-lb. of beans, then to my workout; will be a packin' fool after dinner--tomorrow is too full a day to do much packing, since I have a mani-pedi and a downtown rehearsal at 5pm. Our flight Wed. a.m is at 10:15 at ORD, so we have to leave the house by 8 at the latest.

    And it'll be in the 80s in LV, so yeah, for me it's still leg-shaving season. (T-shirt dresses are easy to pack but do show some leg. Don't mind the knee-surg. scars and spider veins showing, but leg hair's gross. Gotta do the pits, too, if I expect to swim). We leave Chi. in the 40s and get home to possible flurries--ugh. And though there are no molds in Vegas, it's still ragweed season ("moderate" levels). That chit will grow anywhere before the first frost. Here, no more pollen-&-mold counts: old Dr. Leija stopped going up to the hospital roof after Fri. and won't start up again till mid-March. Amazingly, no other place in Chi. does allergen counts!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good evening friends- I started a pretty lengthy post this morning, lost it, then never got back here until now. So I will just do a quick update for now and share some photos from the yoga weekend retreat area we were in!







  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Teka, not shaving legs was one of the nice things about doing chemo!

    Karen, I never got cancer out of my head until after I hit my 5 year mark. Was so nice not to think of cancer EVERY SINGLE F'ing DAY. Then BAMM, at 6 years the RB struck again. So, what drinks did you do for your party? And do you know what chemo you will doing?

    ED, leave it to you to use Prep H for a cream. And what is a one legged rash anyways. Oh, I'll bet Cami has an answer for that one!

    Sandy, what resort are you staying at in Vegas. We did one those "sales pitches" while visiting in Lake Havasu….never again! Hairy legs or pits, a big no no!!!!!

    Jazzy, that picture of the yellow leafed trees looks like you are just looking out a window. Looks like you had a most beautiful and relaxing weekend.

    Cami, those stuffed shells that Leslie made looked scrumcious! How are you holding up?

    LDB, thinking of you today and just knowing how concerned you are. May they find nothing at all! I love you and sending big huge prayers your way. I hope you don't have to wait long for results. FURB!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Hospice was pretty good and did give me only half a day, but I specified that I could go to Bar Harbor only if there was not a staff meeting in the morning, and there was one. So I skipped it. Moderate sized no-no since the meetings are supposed to be mandatory. Also heard about another nurse leaving full time and going per diem. And a bunch of new nurses are starting. We've really outgrown the office space we have, that's for sure. And we've started seeing patients in the northernmost part of the county, 100 miles from the office. The nurse that's primary in that area is retiring at the end of December. Life is getting entertaining in Hospice! But I did get the time I needed to finish up some paperwork and other errands for the teaching job that officially starts on Thursday. And, of, course, have run into a small glitch. I need to download 3 files, but the site only accepted one file. So I've got a couple e-mails out asking for help, should get this squared away soon. I have until 3 days after I start to finish this--proving I'm eligible to work in the US. If all else fails I'll drive to the Kaplan university in Augusta and take care of it in person Thursday afternoon. Flu clinics are starting to slow down, so things are easing off on the juggling 3 jobs front. Thank the Lord for on line calendar systems accessible by computer, phone, tablet and everything else! Next step is to start scheduling walks with Sadie so we both get some exercise. I need it badly and Sadie just loves it.

    Goldie--Teka's drink could be aBloody Mary, but the rim trim looks different. Or maybe that's what makes the drink special?Teka?

    Teka--leg shaving season IS nearly over! Yeah!

    Karen--I remember that feeling of wondering for sure it the Rat Ba$#ard was really gone, and if it would come back. I think it was almost 3 years before I got to the point where I could plan something beyond the next medical appointment, let alone a year away. Thinking about something like making babies while you are in the midst of treatment has got to be really hard. I think waiting a bit to make that decision is wise. Once the intensive treatment is over things start feeling differently, and I think it's easier to have a longer term perspective. But having babies was never an option for me, so what do I know? Those are scary looking drinks you mixed up! Got names for them?

    Chevy--wow, that is a wonderful sounding concoction! I bet you could make money off it!

    Chi--So glad you got some booking promises! I'd love to try a sparkling Brut Rose, will have to look for one. Funny the hotel would have coffee packs that don't fit the coffee pots. I bet they end up cleaning up lots of overflow messes! Sounds like you need a separate packing pod for your coffee service, one that you can move from bag to bag and know you have everything youneed with you at all times! I guess I'm lucky, as much as I prefer freshly ground and French pressed coffee I can live with Starbucks Via Veranda blend instant coffee. Just so long as I don't have to use powdered coffee "creamer"! And I'm with you, need a cup of coffee to get awake enough to go find a cup of coffee in the ayem!.

    Jazzy--Is that an actual window with a view or a painting?It's gorgeous, either way! The mountains are incredible. What a wonderful place for a retreat.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Vampire Cocktail is the perfect spooky Halloween drink. Syringes filled with sweetened raspberry puree look gory, but taste amazing!



    • 2 cups raspberries
    • 1/4 cup sugar
    • 4 ounces vodka
    • 2 ounces amaretto
    • 2 ounces orange juice
    • 6 ounces club soda
    • 4 plastic syringes


    1. Puree the raspberries in a blender or food processor. Press the puree through a fine mesh strainer to separate the pulp from the seeds. Discard the seeds.
    2. Combine the puree with the sugar in a small saucepan over medium high heat. Stir frequently and cook until mixture darkens and thickens, about 10 minutes. Chill until ready to use.
    3. Add vodka and amaretto to a shaker with ice and shake until very cold, about 20 seconds. Stir in orange juice and club soda. Pour into iced glasses.
    4. Fill syringes with equal parts of the raspberry syrup and place in glasses before serving.
  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017


    No, not me. My mom. She was 48 when she had my brother. I will be 40 in November and was thinking of getting pregnant after me and the fiance got married in May. Now I'm on the fence. I have a wonderful (girl who will be 5 in two weeks) daughter from a previous relationship and we have a great little family. My little brother that my mom had, is so awesome. I still think he is adorable even at 14. :) He is very smart and even had a small part in the beginning of a local MN movie. :) I adore him.

    And oddly, I'm afraid to feel the breast now. Either one. Blah!


    I should find out Thursday what chemo I will be doing. I'm assuming (based on research) and my cancer Taxol followed by Ad ..(I can't remember how to spell it, starts with an A, also known as "red devil", someone told me.

    I tried to make new vodka based drinks each Sunday. Like the ones pictured above. I'm bound and determined to find the one that is phenomenal, have to have for every Walking Dead viewing. lol!


    Yeah I want to wait for the big picture before I start planning the big picture. And the reality is, it may not be a decision that is up to me after treatment. I can't afford egg harvesting. lol!

    The orange one is Black Magic Halloween Cocktail and then the other is the Black Widow Halloween Shot. I definitely want to try your shot. It's looks awesome. I'm not a fan of those mandatory meetings, which by the way I have two of those today. :( Oh well, it's not our busy season, so no way out of it. lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning friends- there is a nip in the air this morning and it tells me I need to start getting my indoor plants off the patio. I have lot of potted things, some are more seasonal, others house plants that won't survive the winter. I got my dining area space changed up last week for the change (dining room becomes a bit of a green house in the winter). I am heading out to Walgreens and then to the store for work and back to do some worky things. Swimming today too. I think my busted toe is finally better.....

    The yoga retreat was just perfect with the group of women who attended, the practices, the setting, wonderful food and free time to enjoy the area. One of my favorite things about retreats is being cooked for. The meals are always vegetarian and so delicious. I stayed at a different place this time, an inn next door but really fabulous too!

    Saturday we had some free time so I went in to town to hit a "trail sale" that was up the valley and featuring a lot of yard stuff, but also some arts and crafts. A soak at one of my favorite hot springs along with a hot stone massage at the spa back on site that afternoon. I had the "trifecta" of detoxing, including yoga, hot springs and massage. I felt SO good on Sunday morning and do still. I think I left a lot of junk up there this weekend. I will do another retreat at this same spot mid January, which is a norm for me the past few years. This was my first time doing an October one and you can see the glory of the foliage colors we had this time!

    Goldie- that picture of the trees is actually a shot taken through a window looking out on the property through a sauna. After my massage this weekend at the inn where we were doing yoga (they have a small spa there for treatments), I went in there and had my phone with me, and as I looked out the window and thought "wow, that looks like a picture on a wall." I showed our yoga leader and the owner of the property and they ran down to get similar shots. One of the best photos I have probably ever taken, given the context. Everyone loves it that I have shared it with.

    Chi- I can relate on the coffee front when I travel. I always have to seek out a lobby with the bigger brewed stuff or coffee spot that may be adjacent. I hope you have some other options near you that don't have you out hunting forever.

    Karen- if I can suggest anything, just be present with getting through treatment right now. Future stuff is hard to wrap your head around when all this is going on and the medical care is perhaps for longer than most any of us have ever dealt with before. My treatment was six months, but it took years for me to come back from things (I had another surgery for something else right before too so a double whammy). Surgery, rads, chemo, anti-hormone therapies all take a toll on our bodies with needing lots of extra rest, etc. I had to live in the present for a long time (and sort of still do). You will have time to decide about other things as you come down the line on this. Wishing you the best for a successful treatment and speedy recovery.

    Teka- ha ha, not true for me because I am a swimmer, but in general, don't bother much anymore anyways. I am blonde so I have less issues around this than other women. I grew up with a lot of italian friends who hated the fact I never had to shave much! Time to put away the capri's and tank tops, and pull out the pants and warm sweaters!

    Chevy- I hope your bruising has healed up some?

    NM- I hate the loss of light this time of the year. So dark in the am and also in the pm! DLS coming up in another 10 days. I always love the change in the spring when the light returns, but the fall is HARD! Even with the extra hour of sleep?

    That is all she wrote for now. Gotta get to some things and wishing you all a terrific tuesday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Something from the Land of Enchantment

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Karen, my bad for getting you & your mom mixed up. It is a tough decision—will you be banking your eggs just in case? At least with triple-neg. you don’t have to worry about hormonal aspects of pregnancy. That “red devil” is Adriamycin.

    Up way too late, considering we have to leave home by 7:30 am tomorrow for a 10am flight to Vegas. Barely been home long enough to clean out the suitcase and pack it back up again. Bob’s not home yet, and will hit the ceiling when he finds out the alarm is set for 6 am—an hour that used to be bedtime for me after late night gigs. Gonna warn him by cellphone before I hit the hay. Catch up here after we check into the condo

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Raining like a son of a gun here, had 0.55 inches in the gauge.We need the water, the ground is so dry. There have been several fires this fall, a few of the usual controlled burned that got uncontrolled, and some further back in the woodlands that may be natural origin (can't rule out camp fires not completely put out). So far none have gotten really big, and this rain will help keep that from happening, too. Sadie is not a fan of rain, funny for a water loving dog. Had to have a conversation with her about going out to pee this ayem. She did finally go out, but boy the dirty looks I got! Got all the technology lined up and checked out for the first virtual class for the teaching job tomorrow ayem. Each class is 3 hours on a Thursday ayem, for 3 weeks. With homework. Lots of homework! The site estimates 4 hours per class, so I've gone through my schedule and set up 6 hours of study time a week. The only thing left to do is to find my good travel mug so I can have hot coffee through the class to help keep me going! I'm getting really excited and just a teensy bit nervous. There are 110 participants listed for this class.

    Karen--The A is probably Adriamycin, also called the "Red Devil" from the red color of the medication in the syringe. It must be a real challenge to come up with a new vodka drink with a Walking Dead theme every week, good for you! Mandatory meetings are fine things if you can get 100% attendance all the time. Unfortunately there is no way to get the info given at these meetings unless you are at the meeting, no method set up for people who are out sick, not working, or who have been sent out to do an admission or attend a death. That's going to cause a big problem someday, and I've told them so, but nothing has changed. So I now file it under "not my circus, not my monkey." Those are great looking drinks!

    Jazzy--I've got some plants outside I'd like to bring in for the winter but am having trouble figuring out where to put them where they will get enough light, be warm enough, and not be subjected to enthusiastic Sadie romps. Glad the toe is better! It is nice to be cooked for, isn't it? That and being cleaned up after is part of what I like about traveling. So good you could leave so much junk there, AND have plans to go back! I have trouble adjusting to the time change both ways, just hate it. Wish we would do away with it. Or join Canada on Atlantic Time. That wouldn't change the total hours of darkness but it would shift things so it's not full dark at 4:30 pm for so much of the winter.

    Chi--Talk about a quick turn around! Is Bob going to Vegas with you? Take care not to tire yourself out too much.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Raining like a son of a gun here, had 0.55 inches in the gauge.We need the water, the ground is so dry. There have been several fires this fall, a few of the usual controlled burned that got uncontrolled, and some further back in the woodlands that may be natural origin (can't rule out camp fires not completely put out). So far none have gotten really big, and this rain will help keep that from happening, too. Sadie is not a fan of rain, funny for a water loving dog. Had to have a conversation with her about going out to pee this ayem. She did finally go out, but boy the dirty looks I got! Got all the technology lined up and checked out for the first virtual class for the teaching job tomorrow ayem. Each class is 3 hours on a Thursday ayem, for 3 weeks. With homework. Lots of homework! The site estimates 4 hours per class, so I've gone through my schedule and set up 6 hours of study time a week. The only thing left to do is to find my good travel mug so I can have hot coffee through the class to help keep me going! I'm getting really excited and just a teensy bit nervous. There are 110 participants listed for this class.

    Karen--The A is probably Adriamycin, also called the "Red Devil" from the red color of the medication in the syringe. It must be a real challenge to come up with a new vodka drink with a Walking Dead theme every week, good for you! Mandatory meetings are fine things if you can get 100% attendance all the time. Unfortunately there is no way to get the info given at these meetings unless you are at the meeting, no method set up for people who are out sick, not working, or who have been sent out to do an admission or attend a death. That's going to cause a big problem someday, and I've told them so, but nothing has changed. So I now file it under "not my circus, not my monkey." Those are great looking drinks!

    Jazzy--I've got some plants outside I'd like to bring in for the winter but am having trouble figuring out where to put them where they will get enough light, be warm enough, and not be subjected to enthusiastic Sadie romps. Glad the toe is better! It is nice to be cooked for, isn't it? That and being cleaned up after is part of what I like about traveling. So good you could leave so much junk there, AND have plans to go back! I have trouble adjusting to the time change both ways, just hate it. Wish we would do away with it. Or join Canada on Atlantic Time. That wouldn't change the total hours of darkness but it would shift things so it's not full dark at 4:30 pm for so much of the winter.

    Chi--Talk about a quick turn around! Is Bob going to Vegas with you? Take care not to tire yourself out too much.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Internet hiccuped, post went through twice, deleted one.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    And so that nose dive I did a few months ago?  Went to see my PC for that annual physical...  I asked her about that 1/2 of my nose trouble, and sure nuff' it is just what Doc Google told me it was...  I "broke" it at the time...  but actually you just have cartilage in there, and it caused a deviated septum...  I showed her 2 nasal sprays, and one ... the Nasacort, is the one I should be using...  NOT the other one I liked!  

    And Chi....  she said they don't do surgery unless it gets worse...  You said Bob had one?  Does he use those Breathe Right Nasal Strips?  Those  help also...

    So I'm really okay... I mean for my age... Ha!  Shut up Cammi..... Even my Doc said "I just want to be like you when I get older" Meaning still happy, and only have a few past trauma's, and nothing seriously wrong.  

    I'm soooooo lucky, to still have my Husband... even if he is a PITA once in a while....  We are BOTH lucky, to have each other! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Image result for married so long

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning Ladies---oh so much is going on--I can't keep up at all.

    Lori U'r DD is beautiful, but look who she has as a mother. And praying it's a stupid bite, but I knw u have fear, but with everywhere she's been sounds reasonable to be a bite.

    Ill OMG when I saw that pic. I had to look away, it looked like it hurt so bad, I'd be cussin' like crazy-u are doing so good tho

    Welcome Karen sorry u r here but this is a great thread and lots of great women. U have to much fun to let this get u down. OK I have to say it---48 yrs old--Holy chit---Whoa---those parties u have sound hilarious keep on keepin' on. U and Ill are our youngest so not right. but u both have great attitudes and that helps so so much.

    Kim what a scare with u'r mom, glad everything was OK. WOW ur still filling those dumpsterup--u have this energy now that u can give to ur home and Sadie and that's always good.

    Jazzy u'r retreat sounded like we should have all been there.U'r pics are great

    SusyQ <<<PRAYERS AND HUGS>>>

    Chevy my phones are so busy with the weather changing, but it's my 800 and 900 numbers that are always busy- but of course u would know that--after all u were the queen of the, well let's just say runway--and not modeling--

    -nuff said.

    Teka I'm always glad to see a post from u, and so glad u r here.

    Jeez we have a lot of drinks floating around here, all so colorful and lookin' good, I want one of each too.

    Thanks so much for all u'r prayers for Leslie she can use them, I'm worried to about her mental reactions to all of this.

    Sandy u got some jobs from this??? Wow tht's great I maybe confused --Oh what a surprise---but u r going to Vegas right. Sounds good to me--I enjoy just going there.

    I had a temp of 100.5 for a couple of days and kept pretty much to myself--it's OK now but I see one of my Drs. tomorrow anyway so we'll see. I'm just so tired.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    NM, "life is getting entertaining in Hospice". There's that circus! Not sure what would have been on the rim of Teka's cocktail. Certainly NOT pepper! I looked at some Bloody Mary recipes, it's celery salt on the rim. Love the vampire cocktail…CReEpY! 4 hours per week of homework? Not too bad, and I'm sure you will do just fine.

    Karen, the Red Devil is Adriamycin. I did that one, along with Taxol and Cytoxin. A/C together and T after those. I hope that if it is God's plan that you can have that baby and watch him/her grow up. If not, at least you have your little girl. And if your eggs are a problem, you could always adopt. Google "Grateful Dead cocktails". Also "grateful dead cocktail tipsy bartender". Check out the images.

    Jazzy, the way that window is framed, it def. looks like a picture.Good for you to dispose of all that junk at your retreat! Beautiful views with The Fat City Horns.

    Sandy, we leave Friday for TN, on our return flight home, we fly out of Nashville at 5 am! Plane leaves at that time. I am NOT looking forward to that morning! Safe travels and enjoy.

    Chevy, sorry about that broken nose, but like you said, we sort of already new that. As for DH being a PITA sometimes, I'm sure they think the same about us too.

    Cami, don't worry about keeping up, you have enough at home and with your own derned self to worry about. Les seems to be doing ok, or is it pretty much a "front". That fever is probably what has you so tired and worn out.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Do you mean me Cams?  You mean I might have cussed?   It was so fast, I was just shocked!  Then I laid there, just amazed that I was still "okay"....  I laid there, pushing paint away from me, into the little run-off...  Then I even got UP!!!   Had to get that paint problem stabilized!!!  Went and got the hose, and tried to wash more of the paint away..

    THEN I went in the house, and looked in the mirror...   Still amazed that I was okay!!   So not bad at all....  The bruising then spread everywhere, Hah!  

    Cams...  Keep telling Leslie she is okay....  Because even if other things pop-up, she won't be as afraid....  I remember just being afraid of everything about my breast cancer....  But everyday, it was a little better!  Stay positive.... with Joey...

    And what was your fever?  I think we are supposed to go see a Doctor when things like that happen?  But nope!  Not you and me.  We wait until everything is better, THEN go!   A fever means something is wrong....  NEXT time, just go!  You probably have a low-grade infection somewhere....  (That's Dr. talk)...  You might get an anti-biotic...  Get a urine test too... Okay.....  Next time just come see me, and I'll fix you! xoxo

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017

    Jazzygirl ,

    Definitely a good point to focus on today. Most likely I will not be doing the kid thing, but why worry about that now. J

    I'm so jealous, I would love to be cooked for. J


    No worries about the confusion. I will not be doing the eggs thing as I cannot afford it and my coverage doesn't make it so I can even afford it. I hope you had a safe flight!


    Yep, seems to be the devil. The drinks were pretty tasty, but I'm thinking I could probably jazz them up next time or find a new one. I like that saying for sure! Not my monkey, not my circus. Totally need to steal that some day. And that drink looks awesome! J I'm sure it will definitely knock you on your butt.


    Thanks for the welcome. Yes, I love hosting the parties. J but I'm still getting energy back from surgery, just in time to lose it before the chemo, right? Lol! Yeah, my mom is a nut, but that little brother is so awesome. Couldn't love a kid more…besides my own. Sometimes he feels like mine (that is probably the age difference). I'm having a great experience on this site so far, wonderful women. Wish it didn't need to exist though, right?


    Thanks for the google tips, I'll have to check that out for sure. J Yeah the eggs, probably won't work and probably we'd be okay with our family of three that we have now. My daughter is from a previous relationship, but my fiancé and I have talked about it and he said if it happens great, if it doesn't, he is perfectly content with what we have. J He spent hours researching the perfect kindle for her 5th birthday. He is tired of the toys she never plays with…this we both know she will likely wear out.

    Alright, my lunch is over, back to work.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    I'm just poopin in for a minute

    Dara ur bery bery busy now that ur a working girl, I don't like it. But u'd better see u'r dr. about that thingy. I don't like that either, at all.

    Every time I put my feet up my phone rings GRRRRRR, I'm starting to try to talk people out of work, I think Dan noticed. Oh well he just laughs anyway.

    BTW Chevy u know damn well I don't remember what I said and to whom I said it, ever. U silly chicken lady. And do u still take care of u'r neighbors chickens when they go out of town, all the time???

    Oh I decided this afternoon to just take messages for a while so I could keep my legs up a little anyway--Big Mistake--Well of course I can't remember and of course I can't red my own handwriting, but I did compare the numbers on the phone for right numbers, but all these people are named patient zero, which doesn't even make sense.