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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    And NO damnit!  I don't take care of those chickens!  Just their cat, when they go out of town...  I'll tell you, we have more chickens in this neighborhood, than any farm does within 500 miles!  I really got sick one time... by feeding, and watering their chickens, because they never clean the coop!   And  I found out you can BUY eggs in the store!!!  Imagine that!    We have 3 neighbors who harbor chickens!   

    So I don't do chickin-sittin.... Nope!  I had Asthma, Bronchitis, and Pneumonia the last time I cared for them!  You can get this problem, called "something"...  From bird droppings!   They keep them a little cleaner, but not much.

    You put your legs up?  Is that what you said?  Over your head?  Still doin' that, eh?  And I wish you could "red" your own hand-writing... You gotta be such a kick to work with....!  I LOVE you little Cammi! xoxo

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    It's me...wanted to poop in to tell ya'll that the biopsy was no biggie. I can't shower or lift heavy things til tomorrow. And what do I do....go grocery shopping after I dropped the pooches off for their bathes. The bagboy helped me out to my car, but dh was playing ball, so once I got home, I was on my own. I did use my left hand/arm as much as possible. I did not cause my biop spot to all is good. I will kno results on Halloween day. Think I told ya'll that already. Will keep ya'll posted. Had a wonderful 24th anniversary on Sat with both my kids and their sig. others. Think I told ya'll that already too. But anywho, jes wanted to update and hopefully I will be back soon.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Mema- I am glad you are on the other side of the biopsy and we will be here as you receive your results. Prayers for this to be nothing of concern sister.

    Cami- I so cannot read my own writing. I used to have great penmanship and it really is awful now. I take a lot of hand written notes for meetings and sometimes go back and cannot read them either. LOL. The joy of getting older. I hope when I go off the AI drugs that it all gets better?

    Ill- how are you doing friend since the surgery last week?

    Chevy- Cami puts her legs over her head, when she is "on the pole"......

    Karen- you are blessed with some children already, that is nice to know. I hope they are all doing okay as you go through. Can be scary for the kiddos. How are you feeling since the surgery? Looks like you have rads coming up next. I had them too, but internal and a whole other conversation.

    dara, Dara, DARA- let us know how you are doing with your problem too?

    Okay, time for bed and hope everyone had a good hump day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Yup, ladies, both Bob & Gordy are here with me in Vegas. Landed about 90 min. ago and just checked in--nice to be able to tear off that sleeve & gauntlet! Our DOTD was at the ripe hour of 9 the "Bubbles" bar at O'Hare. I went to the loo to put on my compression, and told Bob to get me anything sparkling except prosecco--I think I said "Champagne" because that's the only other sparkler I saw in the wine fridge. When I returned to the table, there was a glass (actually, the contents of an entire split) of Veuve Clicquot waiting for me! At $32, you better believe I drank it all. It was supposedly only 6 oz, but the flute was filled to the brim and it was a large flute. (Bob had a Bloody Mary & a beer, Gordy a screwdriver). On the plane I stuck to coffee (had a shot of espresso back home) & water.

    We're in the original HGV Club at the north end of the Strip. Not as nice or convenient as the Elara, but it was this or the Trump (where we had a studio the first time, in 2013). The price is right, though--3 nights free (plus a 4th for $90) if we endure the upsell presentation tomorrow morning. Bob & I are practicing our mantra: "no, no, no... " We were weak the first three times, and bought first a studio in S.Beach and then a 1-BR here. But we're not giving up the NYC timeshare to which we upgraded in Dec. (Gordy will sleep in).

    Here we have a 1-BR, though only 1 bath (but with Jacuzzi & shower). And remember my bee-yotching about the coffee situation (to refresh your memory, when I phoned from Chicago the desk clerk told me the rooms had only those crummy little single-cup packet drippers)? So I bought fresh beans (the shop owner, who's the head roaster, said it was okay to grind them at home if I was only going to be away for 5 days) and left the hand-grinder at home; I brought a press-pot, Aeropress, and about half a lb. of Guatemala ground coarsely for the both of them. So what did I see on the kitchenette counter in our suite? A normal, large 10-cup Mr. Coffee....and a few wussy little packets for it. We immediately had housekeeping send up many more. (Shoulda brought some filters for it so I could use my ground coffee in it, but oh, well). They're also sending up a teakettle so I can use the brewers I brought with me. Worse comes to worst, I can always use a saucepan. Turns out the s#*itty little single-cup drippers are only in the studios.

    Bob & Gordy are out exploring in search of lunch & casinos. (Circus Circus is across the Strip about a block south; the Wynn/Encore are about 1/4 mile). The spa downstairs is doing "Wine Wednesdays:" wine and spa service sampling. Gonna change into sandals & a T-shirt dress, buy some breakfast supplies in the on-site mini-mart, and call the guys to see if they want to join me at the spa. (Bob says wine is always fine by him, but Gordy's not a spa guy). May hit the pool.

    Gordy's phone--his umpteenth reconditioned Samsung--"bricked" on him in the Uber en route to O'Hare--he rebooted twice upon landing, same result. (Why I hate Android devices). Finally, after 10 minutes of charging it in the suite, it revived. Meanwhile, at home, when I put my iPhone on the charging pad last night it read "76%" battery. (Usually takes about 24 hrs. for it to get that low). Woke up, had coffee, got dressed, and 10 min. before calling the Uber went to the pad to pick it back up--and it said "Low power mode"--only 7% power remaining. WTF??? One of the cats must have jostled it just enough for it to discharge instead of charge. Had I just kept it in my purse overnight it'd have been at least 60%. Pulled my fast-charger adapter out of the suitcase, and 10 min. later was back up to 30%, enough to get me through the flight (was back down to 18% when we landed & I took it out of Airplane Mode) and to the resort.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Mema, glad you have the biopsy in the rearview mirror--may you get happy results.

    Much wine today & tonight--besides the aforementioned pre-flight champagne, there was the "wine Wednesday" in the hotel spa. They offered a sweet Riesling, a dry Chardonnay and a Pinot Noir (all generic California). I tried the Chard...meh. But it was only 3 oz. And the spa "sampler" was awesome--three 8-min. services. First was neck & shoulder massage with hot and cold stones. (The stones were a 15-min. extension). Next was back compression (during which I discovered just how many trigger points I have, mostly in the glutes & hamstrings). Nevertheless, I needed it. Finally, the best foot massage I've ever had, including aromatherapy. Tomorrow after my workout I'll try a full-body massage & perhaps a facial.

    We went to Carnevino in the Palazzo for dinner. The "Vino" part was excellent, but compared to our last visit the "Carne" part yielded mixed results. (That part I'll explain in the "What's for Dinner?" thread). Started with a Ferrari Brut Rosé (natural method, not the bulk tank method used for Prosecco). Then an Antinori super-Tuscan (sangiovese & Rhone varietals). Gordy & I went back to the HGV, while Bob stayed behind to try to extend his win streak...which broke. But he still stayed w/in his daily budget. Gordy then went out to nearby Circus Circus to ride the roller coasters. We have that sales presentation at 9:30 am, but Gordy will doubtless sleep in since he'll be out for a while longer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    cat birthday happy birthday cat GIFOf course I might be wrong I am a day late, but Dara if I'm right HAPPY HAPPY BELATEDBIRTHDAY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017


    SusyQ--Praying for GRRREAT results, for sure!!!

    Sandy I'm jelly, your massage, oh sounds great, now get the full length thing, when done well it is so very relaxing, u already sound like u'r having a fantastic time and it just started---see start something with champagne and how can anything go wrong---Hope Bob gets lucky anyway u want him too.

    Oh Chevy I'm still splainin' things to u. Of course I can put my legs over my head, it's done me well all these yrs. I know for a fact what u've done with it, but then again no judging here remember???

    My niece is taking me to the Dr. this morning, oh why do I hate this so much. Takes me forever to get ready and I still look like chit and I hate trying to explain anything anymore, they don't take time looking at u since they are in the puter the whole time, can't wait to just get it over with. Such a stupid complaint.

    Ah Leslie's clump starting coming out--Today she's getting her hair shaved--wigs are all ready


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Talk about rain, got 2.29 inches in my gauge over the last 24 hours. It came down pretty dang hard at times, too. First training class starts in an hour and a half, need to get on about 20 minutes before to make sure there are no technical glitches needing ironing out. Planning to use the bedroom where there will be the least background distraction and I can be comfortable (I hope). 3 hours is a long class, but I've done that before and can do it again, right? I suspect Sadie will come curl up on the bed with me and learn along with me. Does it show that I'm a little nervous?

    Has anyone else seen the news report on the woman who had a bilateral mast and hysterectomy and then found out the genetic testing was read incorrectly? It was picked up when she had complications and her record was being reviewed. Can you imagine going through all that and then finding out that it wasn't necessary?

    Chevy--oh, dear, you did break your nose? OUCH!

    Cammi--yup, still filling up the dumpster weekly. Pretty soon it's going to slow down cuz I've got most of the big stuff out now, but that's ok, I'll just have the dumpster emptied every 2 weeks and when I get to the maintenance stage it will be once a month. Maybe. If I keep getting stuff delivered I may need to stay at every other week pick up just cuz of the cardboard boxes! Take care of yourself and rest if you need to, and drink lots of fluids!

    Goldie--Yup, very entertaining in Hospice. Had to have a long talk with myself while driving home yesterday. Ended the day with a webinar on documentation, the person giving the TWO HOURpresentation (think talking sloth movement speed) kept saying the documentation was identical in home health and hospice, has never documented in a hospice chart cuz it's NOT identical, and brought to my mind a whole list of issues I tried to get addressed when the system was first being rolled out. Can't do half of what she said to do cuz one of the necessary buttons isn't reliably available in the hospice charting system. I had to remind myself that I am no longer a case manager, it's not my responsibility to make the records meet standards without the right tools, and not my responsibility to get the system fixed. I thought 4 hours of homework per week was pretty decent, too. Still scheduled in some extra as a buffer. I really want to do well in this job.

    Karen--I stole the Not my circus, Not my monkeys, it's really helpful so steal away!I won't tell!

    Image result for not my circus, not my monkeys>

    Camm--love the "patient zero" name for everyone!

    Chevy--LOL at discovering you can buy eggs at the store! Do need to be careful around birds and farm animals, lots of sickies you can catch. But the birds are the worst!

    Mema--glad the biopsy wasn't anything big. Still praying for B9 results. AT least you will know soon.

    Teka--happy anniversary!

    Chi--the coffee saga continues! At least it sounds like you have options this time!

    Happy Birthday, DARA!!!!!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Gentleman and Scholar


    1.5oz Rye

    .5oz Laphroaig

    .75oz Strega

    .75oz Amaro Averna

    4 dashes Aromatic Bitters

    2 dashes Citrus Bitters

    Orange Twist

    .5 Bacon Slice


    Add the Rye, Laphroaig, Strega, Amaro Averna, Aromatic and Citrus Bitters to a chilled cocktail glass. Add ice and stir for a few seconds. Strain it into a chilled rocks glass over a large ice cube (if possible). Garnish with the orange twist and bacon slice.

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017

    Hi Jazzy,

    Yes I have one little girl. She is four, about to be 5. She doesn't fully understand it, but I did tell her I would be losing my hair. The other kid I mentioned is my little half-brother. J The lumpectomy went really great and if weren't for my age and triple negative and the tumor going slightly invasive, I would probably just be doing RADs.

    I have my oncology appointment today so should know when the chemo starts. At this point I only know that I'm scheduled to have the port put in on November 1. Radiation will begin after the chemo. Fun times a head.

    Went to buy a wig last night or at least window shop because of the upcoming wedding in May and they booked me at a different store then where I went. So I was at the wrong location (which was the one that closes earlier). So I have to rebook the consult. Not a total waste. My cousin and I went across the street and had some wine. J


    Good luck on the biopsy!

    I have to take off again. Leaving for the appointment soon so I want to try and get some stuff done around the office. J

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Chevy, you would be a good one to bix Cami up! OMG, your comment about her putting her legs up. You two need to take your show on the road!

    Karen, you are so right about wishing this site didn't need to exist! It just seems as though cancer is the new "epidemic". I can't believe how many people and animals are getting the RB. What is the J that you type after some sentences? Sounds funny to hear someone talk about getting a 5 year old a kindle!

    Cami, I hear ya about the phone ringing when you just put your feet up! Are you still using the blue tooth? What a funny name, I wonder why it's called a "blue tooth"? Having trouble reading your own writing. Can you type things out and then maybe print them? When I shaved my head, it wasn't too bad. What I hated the most was losing my eyelashes. Hated wearing fake ones, but maybe I wasn't applying them right.

    LDB, glad things seem to go well with the biopsy and you better be back soon. Happy Anniversary to you and DH. Now to wait for results.

    Jazzy, no adventures yesterday???? You are always up to something!

    Sandy, $32.00 for a glass of wine? Wow, your phone goes down quick. Enjoy your time in Sin City and let us know how the presentation goes. How did you change your font?

    NM, can you pause your class? Don't be noyvous, you will be fine. I just barely heard about that woman. So she didn't have cancer, or just not in the genetic testing? Would that be BRCA? Oh my, that DOTD, I don't know what most of that stuff is, but mainly cuz I've never heard of it!

    Leaving tomorrow for Phoenix. I'll be bock, have to go birthday shopping for my Wacko friend!!!!

    Image result for not my circus not my monkeys my monkeys fly

    Ha ha, I like this one too!

    Image result for not my circus

    Or this one!

    Image result for not my circus not my monkeys my monkeys fly

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017


    Okay I have to reply. LMAO Right...well I would never in my wildest have thought I would be getting a kindle for my 5 year old, but my mom had given me her old one to use. From there I let DD use it and somehow it just has become hers. After my brother passed, my cousin got his IPAD, but she has (deliberately) left it at my house and I use that. But the old kindle is getting very old and the kids version is more kid proof. It is weird. I said I would never do HALF the things I'm doing. I did have a friend who got her kid an ipad at the age of 2...I dont know. We are all gonna end up like the movie WALL - E if we make it that long. So I try to remember board games and hand crafts for gifts too and she will choose outside over any of that stuff.

    I keep forgetting about the J. If I type my response in a word doc first and copy and paste into here a smiley face turns into that J for some reason. I will have to try and remember that going forward. :)

    And love both the bull and the monkey saying! :D

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARA!!! Hope you have a GR8 day!!!!

    My heartfelt thanks going out to all my breasties who were so caring and giving toward me.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    NOOOOO not Micaela, but you get the idea!!!!

    Happy Boifday Dara, Wacko, Dorothy!!!

    Image result for happy birthday wacko

    Image result for happy birthday dorothy purple cake

    Image result for happy birthday jack daniels cake

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Karen, good luck at your appointment today. Something you might want to do in the future, if you have questions, write them down. Because you will no sooner get somewhere and forget all that you want to ask. TLC catalogs have pretty good wigs. I had bought 2 from them. Here is me in my wigs.


    Also, you can get your house cleaned for free! Cleaning for a reason is the company. Thanks for the splanation of the "J". I do my replies in word too, then copy and paste. The kindle can also be used as a fun learning tool for your DD as well. So not totally bad. I shared this story in the past. Recently in Wal Mart, little kid through his moms phone. She picked it up, checked it out and gave it back to him!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Okay, a "Blue tooth" is just that!  It is a tooth that you have given the tooth fairy, and it comes back to haunt you as you get older.  It is blue because they have to pack it in this "bluing" stuff, like we used to add to the whites in the wringer washer...  or the rinse water.....but the teeth just stay blue, because it is more convenient, for them, and they preserve better.

    They somehow become "wired" and then they are "into the present".... and people buy they, because they like the name.... and they can plug them into the car, and maybe talk to the passenger with them...  So therefore....  It's a "blue tooth" communicator !  

    It would sound funny if it was named "shoe".... or "nose".... so it is a tooth.... which makes no sense at all. 

    Anything else?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    I thought "Bluetooth" was a nickname for a potty-mouthed dentist.

    Today we went to the presentation--which wasn't a presentation, but a one-on-one with our assigned membership rep. He gave us tips on how to use our Club and HHonors points--some of which can be used for flight upgrades, cruise discounts and even discounts at Macy's.

    We did end up trading in the NY Hilton Club 1BR for a 2BR in this bldg. (HGV Las Vegas Blvd.), where we owned a 1BR before we traded it for the NY property. (Yeah, it's confusing). Turns out that for the NY property we were paying $1300/yr. maintenance and only getting 5000 Club points per year (we'd converted our 2016 Club points for a crapload of HHonors points, and rolled our 5000 Club points into 2018--with 9000 bonus Club points that must either be used or converted to HHonors points by mid-Dec. 2018). Turns out it takes nearly twice as many Club points per night to stay at either of the NY properties than anywhere other than Hawaii, Tuscany (in spring or fall), or the Rockies during ski or hiking season. We are now paying only $900 annual maintenance, but getting 7000 Club points per year--which can be rolled over indefinitely. The kicker was when we found out we can use HHonors points to halve the price of a stay at any Hilton property in NYC--whether at one of the Clubs or a Hilton, Doubletree, Hilton Garden Inn--and elsewhere. We found out we have close to a million HHonors points, which we probably will never exhaust. (Unless Bob starts using them to reduce the cost of his Oak Lawn Hilton stays...but he has been getting >2000 points for every night he stays down there, and even more for the HG Inn at Midway). The location here is problematic...but the Elara is available for actual stays (it wasn't because this stay was a promo freebie).

    And the price of this purchase was less than the annual savings we got for trading the NY timeshare back. We now have 7000 unrestricted Club points for 2018 instead of 5000--but we still keep the 5000 we rolled over from this year. That's 12,000, plus the 9000 bonus points we have to use or convert in 2018. Suddenly, we have enough points for a week in Scotland, Portugal, or Tuscany (at a more opportune time of year), plus either free coach airfare or Premium or Business class upgrades.

    DODTs were drip coffee (2 packs for 8 cups of water), free cappuccino & espresso at the promo meeting, and cava (Segura Viudas brut and Marques de Caceres brut rosado)--at lunch at Julian Serrano Tapas in the Aria. (Also an Aeropress of that good Guatemalan I brought from home, along with a--don't judge--Krispy Kreme chocolate iced creme-filled). We have a 10 pm at Bouchon in the Venetian tonight (we'll eat off the appetizers section of the menu). Tomorrow we'll use half of our 2-day Big Bus Tour passes (the Strip and the old Downtown); and we have tickets (nosebleed seats, but so what) for Elton John tomorrow night (he was off tonight, and Carlos Santana at the HOB is sold out--even SRO--till Nov. 1); Sat. night we'll see Dana Carvey & Jon Lovitz--Gordy's choice, since it'll be his birthday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    In case anyone is confused, last Dec. we'd bought at the NY Hilton Club (as a result of a freebie promo trip to the W. 57th St. Club) because only owners at that property can stay there; and because that's where we're originally from we thought we'd be visiting NYC at least once or twice a year--especially since Bob's 50th HS reunion was coming up, and his 35th had been held in midtown near Penn Station (a short subway ride south of the Hilton Club). But the reunion ended up being held all the way out in Melville in Suffolk County (though the HS is in Queens), so had we stayed at the Hilton Club we'd have had to take the subway to the LIRR and then call another cab...and repeat the whole process in reverse after midnight. That, and the fact that Bob had taken no other vacations in 2017 except the reunion, our impulse July getaway to Boston, and this Vegas freebie--all only just long weekends. When we found out today that the NY Hilton Club has fewer amenities (such as daily housekeeping) than the hotel surrounding it, we began to realize that "no, no, no..." was perhaps a mantra to be shelved for another day. We're at the HHonors Gold level and always get the Exec. floor (with Concierge Lounge) anyway whenever we stay at any Hilton hotel.

    Tonight we had a late dinner at Bouchon, so the evening DOTD was Cremant d'Alsace. (Yeah, I'm a fizz freak).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! First day of school went pretty well. Some technical issues, but got them worked out. Only 5 people in the class, not the 100 on the list of participants I saw earlier. Much better to have the smaller number, I'll be able to do more demo teaching and get more feedback than in the bigger group. I'm the only nurse who isn't a Nurse Practitioner, which is a little odd feeling. The classes are recorded, so I will be able to watch/listen again without worrying about the tech, and be able to pause to make notes, etc. That's the game plan for this peeyem after the morning clinic work. Poor Sadie was confused, she went into her crate as if I was going to work, then kept looking at me funny when I came out on breaks. Finally she did come in and get up on the bed and snooze during the last part of the class. Lots of homework to do, probably going to need more than the 6 hours mentioned, glad I have some extra worked in. Not going to work for Hospice next week, got enough on my plate. I imagine they will be disappointed. I'm not particularly concerned. Boy, what a change from a year ago!

    Karen--it probably feels a bit better, a bit less chaotic, to have a plan and dates in place. Will probably feel even better when you get your chemo schedule. 5 is a hard age to have to explain something like cancer. Sounds like the wig appointment could have been better communicated, like, specifically which location! Oh well, there is still time.

    Goldie--The class is live, but it is recorded so I can play it again and pause it where needed. Which is a good thing cuz she covered a LOT of info yesterday. The manual they sent me is very detailed as well, as is the info available on the website. And, it's all cross referenced, which is really nice! That woman did not have cancer, she was told she had MLH1 gene mutation and Lynch Syndrome and BRACA1 mutation. She got the surgeries based on the BRACA1 mutation info.

    I'm not sure what some of that stuff in the drink is either, but it sounded really good, and potent! Have a good trip to Phoenix.

    Ooh, I like the Not my bull, not my bull$i##, too!

    Chevy--is all that true about "blue tooth"?I've never heard of a blue tooth in relation to the tooth fairy! Very fun explanation.

    Chi--ok, all that about honors points and club points and such went right over my head. I'm judging from the tone that you made out well, so that's good. Oooh, Krispy Kreme donuts!YUM!Sounds like a very productive trip for you so far.

    Dances with Hornet's DOTD:

    Teacher's Pet



    Pour the whiskey, vermouth and bitters into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Garnish with a maraschino cherry and a slice of orange, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Chevy, I think you have me even more confused now, re the blue tooth!

    Sandy, I like your description better, "potty-mouthed dentist".

    NM, glad the classes went well and that it is recorded as well, so you can go back and like you said, review and take more notes. YES, I liked the "not my bull…".

    Karen and Cami, I think both had doctor appts. Girls?

    Quiet in here, so was an easy post today. Now to finish up around here and get on the road.

  • karentwriter
    karentwriter Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2017

    I will be able to post more later, definitely tonight. :) But I will say this much. I had my appointment yesterday and schedule a ton next week. They are going to test my heart on my Monday with a MUGA to see if I can handle the strongest chemo. Tuesday is chemo class. Wednesday is port installation day. Thursday is meeting with the oncologist again. Friday is a chest xray and the 8th is a psych appointment.

    If my heart passes the test I will have the red devil first every other week for I think he said 12 weeks and then Taxol for 8 every week? I basically have an 88% 5 year survivability and 84% for a 10 year. But if I add the strongest chemo it goes to 92%. I want to close the gap as much as possible. Definitely have to do radiation no matter what. But that will come after the chemo.

    My head is spinning. But they gave my daughter a bag of stuff from the "angel foundation" and apparently there is a fun camp in the summer for free and the possibility of tickets to things that I could take her too. A make up class they offer for free with a make up bag. If I need financial assistance places I can go. If I want to freeze my eggs...on and on.

    It was all great stuff, but again, overwhelming. lol! A longer appointment than I anticipated.


    Those wigs look great. I do have the magazine of TLC I got at the hospital. So I will be checking out both places. :)


    Creative Hair definitely felt bad about the mix up. She thought I was talking about roseville the whole time and I the opposite. But she felt fairly bad about it. Maybe I'll get a discount. lol j/k

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning friends- been a busy week but here we are at friday. I am almost done with a contract for some new work for 2018 with a company I really am excited to team with. The changes we (meaning myself with the help of my biz atty) submitted were accepted, although they deleted a clause we wanted changed and something else inserted. I resubmitted a question on that and then asked my atty if it was removed, if we are okay with it? It is something he never likes anyways, so we will see. We have a big project pending and it will be five years of work and keep me very busy for a long time, so fingers crossed. More than anything, I feel this is a great teaming arrangement with an org that gets me.

    The disappointing news is that there was a short term gig in Santa Barbara I was hoping to secure for now through early next year that would have filled the gap nicely, but learned yesterday they chose someone else. That being said, not surprised as I heard they wanted some certifications I did not have and was told they needed someone asap. When I did not get a follow up quickly for a phone interview, I figured maybe not in the running. I thought SB would be a nice place to spend some time over the winter? Anyways, this company is one who has been interested in me working for them before and did do some reference checks this week so perhaps something else short term there. The right things come at the right time.

    The hardest news from yesterday was reading the letter from my health insurance company on the increase to my current plan by $241 per month, 48% more than 2016. I get my plan off the exchange and had been hearing the rate increases would be huge this coming year, average of 40% for most. So here we are, sigh. I bet some of you who are self employed may be seeing the same thing from your states. I will look next week on day one (Nov 1st) to check out some other silver plans and also check BSBC (whom have my docs in network) to see if there are any better options. My guess is not and already decided to raise my hourly consulting rates (now I know how much) and will just make less profit next year with my biz possibley. As you know, we MUST have health insurance....

    ChiSandy- I am excited you will be seeing Elton. We saw him at Ceasers in February and the show was incredible. Even in the noise bleed section, because of the set up there, you will still have a great experience. Can't wait to hear how the concert is.

    And did I get that right, you say you have over a million Honors points? Shocked

    Karen- NM is right that having the plan in place with treatment will help you to anchor around those dates, times and places so you can plan around that. The dx part and all the tests throw you in to a tailspin, but getting the next parts nailed down are key. Glad you are having the heart test done to know what the right protocol for your care.

    Have you checked on line here for some mom threads to talk to other women who have young children? I know there are a number of them here, and perhaps may give you some good advice on navigating this world with a young family. One day at a time here.

    NM- congrats on the first teaching class. Always a few tech glitches. I have been a software trainer during points in my IT life and always had techy issues and loved small groups. More about helping students than banging through the material as requested.

    I am glad you are getting a break from Hospice. I think they still sometimes treat you like you are FT staff, but that just comes with your previous role. Being there less will help to keep the boundaries up. Not your circus......

    Goldie- no adventures since the yoga retreat, but I am going up north for an overnighter to a spot near my fav hot springs with some friends who are hosting a special concert at their inn on Sunday night. They were encouraging me to come and it worked out for me to go! Going to go soak in the springs Sunday, do the concert and spend the night at the nearby inn, then head to Santa Fe to meet someone for lunch on Monday. Foliage may be past but will find out when I get there. That being said, it is my most favorite time right now to spend time in northern NM so it will be good.

    And there are many fun things in November. Something called the Marigold Parade for Dia Dos Muertos on 11/5, a a concert with my drum group on 11/19 and a trip to Dallas for Thanksgiving. Girls just gotta have fun?

    And you look amazing in those wigs! Remember that pic of me on FB with the short dark and grey wig? My friend closed her consignment store and is giving it to me. When I need to go in cognito, lol. I may let my hair go grey eventually again and then do the dark low lights, but not ready yet. At least I have the wig to play with for now? I told myself when I turn 60 (few more years), I might be ready.

    Chevy- have you had your first frost yet? I know you have had snow up there. We are going down in the 30s tonight so plants coming in or otherwise being covered.

    Cami- how are things at the end of this week with you and the fam? Have you stayed off the pole?

    Ill- thinking of you friend and wondering how you are feeling a week later after your procedure?

    Mema- waiting on results is the worst. I hope that you are able to just embrace each day and do something nice for yourself as you wait. I personally think waiting on biopsy results is one of the worst feelings ever.

    Sending you much love and prayers for nothing of concern here friend Heart

    Teka- hope you are staying warm in north country?

    Genny, Celia C, Hsant, and everyone else here who may still be with us, thinking of you too and wishing everyone a good weekend. Will poop back in when I am back in town.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Who wants this chair?


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    That's great! I'm sending the pic to my friend who builds thing from pallets and wire spools right now.

    I'm doing well too, even walking a 5k this Sunday :)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Hi girls,

    Quick pop in from work, gotta be fast as I am behind today. I wanted to take all ewe vunderful goils for the birthday wishes, cakes and likker! It is very much appreciated.

    Mema, hoping and praying for good results and that you get the results on time.

    Lori, have a safe road trip, will miss you.

    Illi, glad you are feeling so well, best to you with the run tomorrow. You go goil go!

    To all my other lublies, hello. Have a great weekend all goils, will try to check back on Sunday FUNday. Can't wait as I put in a lot of time working on Saturday's.

    chEErs, lots of it!

    tata friends.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Happy belated birthday, Dara! Think of it as a "birthday extension."

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Ill- good to hear you are doing well. Good luck on your 5K this weekend. You inspire me friend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I had one of those moments that come along unexpectedly that just make you glad to be alive yesterday. The flu clinic got done early, so I was at the Farm Store/Café run by some friends of mine at lunch time and decided to eat there as well as pick up my weekly milk and half-n-half supply. Chose a grilled cheese with bacon sandwich, thinking easy, quick, inexpensive. Got a heavenly sandwich made with homemade bread made that morning, cheddar cheese made on the farm from their own milk, thick cut maple bacon from another local farm, grilled in butter made on the farm. I just aboutmelted into a puddle of YUM eating that sandwich, it tasted soooo good. Sometimes I forget how good the simple things can be. I literally sat there letting the taste of that sandwich drive every other thought out of my head. And loved every minute of it.

    Looks like today is going to be the only really sunny day for a bit, so I will need to get some outside stuff done, like fixing the clothes line. The rope has jumped the track, probably due to a break in the wheel, it's just plastic and I've had a metal one to replace it with for a while. Got high wind warnings up for Sunday night into Monday, maybe with rain, maybe not. Sounds like it's gonna get kinda wild and woolly for a bit.

    Apparently Sadie's agenda for me for today is to be let in, let out, let in, let out, we're on the 4th cycle and I'm only half way through my coffee!Hard to ignore that very cold, wet nose when she nudges my arm.

    Goldie--yup, one of the projects for today is to get the kitchen table cleared off (again), bring the speakers from the bedroom out and hook up to the new tablet and run that class while taking notes and cooking up some meal kits to have ready to go this coming week. I almost think I like the Not My Bull saying better than the Not My Monkey one, but the monkey one is better suited for professional settings!

    Karen--sounds like the treatment plan is coming together for you and will have some really good benefit. It's amazing how much support there is available now, especially when young children are involved. I'm sure the hair place person feels bad. Should still verify site every appointment if they have more than one, though. Hope you do get a discount! Most of it should be covered by insurance.

    Jazzy--It is so exciting to hear about the new, long term project coming together! Too bad about the short term project, but maybe there is something else in the works there. I've got to spend some time really looking at my health insurance options. I found out from Hospice that I have enough hours in to qualify to get health insurance through them this coming year, and, in fact, qualified after I changed status and could have stayed with that plan all along. Sigh. Got to sit down and do some hard numbers crunching analyzing deductibles, out of pocket maxes, co-insurances, pharmacy coverage and premiums and see what ends up benefiting me the most. The exchange premium increase notices have been scaring me silly, particularly since another insurance company is pulling out of Maine's exchange, effectively leaving one company and they are going to be able to do pretty much whatever they want. I almost wonder if not getting insurance and negotiating cash prices witheveryone might not be a better way to go. I like the small group classwork, too. Funny, as a generic, just out of high school student I hated being called on to answer questions or do demos, now I'm looking forward to the "teach backs" and getting feedback. We do change over time, don't we?

    I saw that chair on Fb, so glad you got it onto here!

    Illi--Glad you are doing so well!Keep up the walking!

    Dara--work hard today, partyhard tomorrow! See you in the Lounge on Funday!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017


    My DD before heading off to work. I kno I'm biased, but aint she purdy?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Got 4 out of 6 planned jobs for the day done yesterday. Gonna work on the other 2 today. I was hoping it would be a bit sunnier today, but it's very gray and gloomy again. Looks very Novembery, but is more like Septembery warm, which is nice. Did a lot of cooking yesterday and now have some very nice meals ready to heat up in the fridge. Got the makings for a couple more meals that will be quick and easy to fix, and the stuff to get out the crock pot and make a beef stew with. That's my strategy for making sure I don't eat just junk food all week, since I'm only going out to work 1 day. Gonna be a very different kind of week. Sadie will love it. Belly rubs, ear scratches and games of fetch on demand for a week. She'll be in heaven! Of course, if the storm coming in tonight takes out the power I will be totally screwed, cuz I haven't gotten the genny up and running yet. Hmm, better put that on my list of things to get done this coming week.

    Teka--Your hubby is right to be concerned about the ticks, they carry a lot more than just Lyme Disease. There's anaplasmosis, babesiosis, andPowassan disease, all carried by ticks in the Northeast US (and other places). Powassan infection causes neurological problems and can be as serious or more serious than Lyme, fortunately it's much rarer than Lyme. Those nests are amazing structures. I do hope the low to the ground nest is predicting a mild winter!

    Mema--nothing wrong with being biased!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Image result for halloween cocktail recipe

    Black Martini Recipe



    Our black martini recipe is easy to follow: Rim your chilled glasses with our Bats in the Belfry Cocktail Rim Sugar. Make sure to use the honey or simple syrup to moisten the glass rim, as it will help the rim sugar stick beautifully. Set the glasses aside. Add vodka, black Sambuca to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into your garnished martini glasses and serve

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    Done in under an hour (walked) and it was fun.
