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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    NM, makes sense about mom being nosy, sorry about that. Does she really go through closets and cupboards? Yikes! I'm OCD about hair, so that one would bug me. If a person standing in front of me at a checkout had hair on their back, I will pick it off if I can do w/o them noticing. And I can't stand having hair on me or in the car. As for the step DD, she didn't do much walking to the kitchen, as she makes her DH get everything for her. Watching her DH swirl and sniff the beer was more like a WTF are you doing? Are you kidding me? He's dumber than a box of rocks, but he puts up with DH's DD, who is actually rather mean to him. Like a bully. You better do X for me, or you'll see what happens. Or things like "and where do you think that'll get you". They both work, but he does everything else, cooking/cleaning/etc. He helps her in the shower, puts her shoes on her, he probably helps her dress! Kiddos vs parents, I'd take the kiddos too! Cute drink Toilet Water.

    ED, I'm so sorry the toilet is take so much longer. Blame it on the cement. Hopefully today!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2021

    It's DONE!!!! Yay!!!! And it works perfect! Only took a few minutes! He liked the way I replaced the linoleum tile on the floor, AND repaired the wall where the other tank was bolted in! Boy these modern toilets are something else!

    And DH is happy with everything! That means a lot! So everything is good..... The bathroom sink faucet wasn't working, but he said he didn't do anything with that... "Probably from shutting off the water, and turning it back on, loosened rust, but right now, it is cleaning itself out! We won't drink from there, otherwise we would get rusty! Loopy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Lori, only way I'd drink wine through a straw is if it's slipped through the side or bottom of my mask...or my jaws were wired shut! And I too am constantly picking shed hairs off my shirts or sweaters. If you can't stand hair on clothing, good thing you've never met my cats!

    Latest info trickling in about Omicron is that the few cases requiring hospitalization are in unvaccinated people. Since boosters raise antibody titers exponentially, they should provide protection against it at least as well as the 2-shot protocol does against Delta. Add masks & common sense, and there is no need to panic. Spring-2020-esque lockdowns and stay-home orders should be unnecessary (the "freedom"-addled determinedly COVID-skeptics would defy them anyway). I'm concerned but not afraid. We went ahead and booked our hotel & flights for Gordy's wedding; but still definitely on the fence about traveling to SC in early Jan. to see friends, as their counties (Charleston & Union) have much higher rates of COVID than does ours. Maybe go to NYC (lower COVID than Chicago), where we do have a freebie stay coming--yeah, the weather'll be as bad as it is here, but that may mean fewer tourists and easier access to shows & restaurants.

    DOTD last night was some Coravined Beauj. Nouveau.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited December 2021

    Hello, all. Been "silent" for a long while. Still imbibing in my liqueur laced daily coffee. About kids being "far away": DD (Kate) lives in NYC. Hubs no longer will fly, so we pay for her to come here. Booked flights to NYC on 12/24 & returning 1/1/22 in the evening. First time I have flown since Dec 2018. Hoping the new Omicron variant does not necessitate any change in plans. Will stay w/my sister in CT. Nothing yet planned with Kate, who seems to be in a bit of a "funk".

    Cheers to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Still waiting on the pool testing reports, praying for negatives, fully aware that's probably impossible. Had one parent come in and pick up a student who was exposed last week to take home to quarantine. Had another student with a positive testing family member I had to put into quarantine, the parents are NOT happy about quarantine being longer than isolation for the positive testing family member. And the effect of the Thanksgiving travel and get togethers won't hit until next week or the week after. I foresee a very busy December coming up.

    Kid brother saw the cardiac surgeon yesterday. He's scheduled for testing to see what veins he has that can be used for bypass grafts. The plan is to have the surgery done before the end of the year since he's at his max out of pocket coverage for this year already. He's not going to tell Mom about all this until it's all over. Which I don't blame him for, I do the same thing, dealing with Mom's freaking out and millions of questions is a full time job that's really hard to handle on top of recovery.

    Chevy--Never a dull moment in the life of a home-owner! It's amazing how much work what seems like a simple chore can turn into. I can imagine it is a bit confusing having a toilet in the hallway. Good for you for being able to do so much prep work yourself.And having water in the house is a real bonus!

    Goldie--Yup, mom really does look into closets and cupboards. I don't like and don't put up with dog hair on the clothes and furniture, but a hair or few on the floor doesn't freak me out the way it does mom. And it's not like she notices and comments, she then goes on and on about it, sometimes for more than half an hour. I still can't get over the guy swirling and sniffing the beer like wine. It must be hilarious to watch! DH's DD sounds like a bit of a biotch.

    Chevy--So glad to hear the toilet job is complete!Yeah! And that DH is happy with it is quite the bonus! Not drinking from the bathroom tap doesn't sound like too big and inconvenience.

    Chi--I've been reading that the COVID experts are thinking we will need a yearly or twice a year COVID booster shot that will eventually become routine, then over a decade or so it will calm down and become a yearly shot like the flu. I'll take a yearly shot over masking and watching families totally ignore quarantine and isolation. A child in "isolation" for testing positive went to a community gymnastics class and now two more kids in the class have tested positive, and one of those has been seen in local stores and attended school althletic events. And people wonder why it's still spreading!

    Morning, Celia!

    OK, running late, got to scoot--add your favorite shot to your morning coffee!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    I'll be back later or tomorrow. Have to go to town, have an appt. for an oil change on my FJ and then some groceries.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Morning girls! Everything A-ok here! I can't believe it! And last night, we had no hot water! Zero! And it just happens, our neighbor Chris texted me, and asked if he could come by, because they got us a gift for feeding "Mouse" for a week!

    Sure! He brought a beautiful Winter arrangement, with pine-cones, frosted fake little branches, etc.! So pretty! I happened to mention our hot water tank must be off! So he went down-stairs, used his phone, to light up the directions on the panel in front, turned a knob a couple times, and it re-lit! WOW! I would have never been able to do that one! He waited awhile, and water felt like it was getting warm. Who knows how long it had been out.... or why!!!

    Anyway, the water is hot this morning... and the toilet is working, and it is 50 degrees out.... Hah! Life is good!

    Kim, I felt like crying when I read your post about your brother... Just brought back so many memories of me losing my "little" brother a couple months ago... You know, he didn't want to get vaccinated... Afraid he would have a reaction... damn kid... But a week after he caught it, he was gone.... I just never thought I wouldn't have him in my in my life! He had a pace-maker put in about 10 years ago, so I never dreamed ....... oh well..... Me and my Husband still have each other.... and life is good!

    Our sunset last night! Sooooo beautiful! My Daughter's picture from Westminster!

    May be an image of cloud, tree and twilight

  • SuQu31
    SuQu31 Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2021

    Hi all, “Bourbon Lurker" here. I enjoy keeping up with all of you but seldom have anything of interest to post. I think of all of you with your health issues and family concerns.

    NM, I wanted to tell you that your mother sounds a lot like mine with the incessant worrying. When I had my diagnosis and double MX, I made the decision to have my brother tell my mother the night after surgery. That way, he could tell her what happened, why and that all was well. He is a physician, so I knew she would believe him. And I was in the hospital, so could not be reached! Of course, I ended up having to answer questions once I got home (many questions, multiple times), but by then, I could handle it better. I just could not add her stress and worry to my own. It was exhausting, and it was so bad for “regular" things, that I knew it would be too much for anything serious.

    There was some thought to not telling her at all, since I live in a different city, but I could not do that. I had my surgeries during the holiday season and would not have been able to lie to her for that long. Even with dementia and other issues, she was still my mother, and she knew something was up with me. Honestly, it was kinder to everyone (including my brother who lived in her city and watched over her) to keep the news from her until it was all over. I still felt guilty and even agreed to discuss it all in detail with one of her best friends, who had questions and did not have dementia. That actually helped, because she could remind my mother that my surgery had a longer recovery, but that I was going to be ok.

    We were all together at Thanksgiving that year, and the surgery was already scheduled. Everyone knew except my mother. I threatened everyone to not tell, or they would be in charge of all subsequent phone calls!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Hi guys! SuQu..... I think it's easier sometimes to not tell someone close to you something that would not be understood, or cause them serious worry. This happens more than you know....!

    My brother, after he did get the virus and passed away, his wife had to go to a nursing home right before he was hospitalized. She had memory loss, and dialysis 3 times a week... they lived in assisted living. But she was in the hospital, then to a nursing home while my Brother was hospitalized. He of course couldn't go see her, then HE was hospitalized.

    She would ask her one Daughter where he was, and was told ... "Well he will be here, when he can".... After he passed away, she would occasionally ask, and was told the same thing.... We all thought it best not to tell her! A week later, SHE passed away! So we all feel like we did the right thing.... It's okay....

    People with Dementia, and memory loss can't seem to grasp things as well as we can.... and they forget it anyway. It's hard to understand how their mind works, but I am learning. The biggest thing to remember, is not lose your patience or temper. I try so hard to be loving and caring, but I'll tell you, sometimes I just want to break down and cry.

    I "lost" my husband in the store this morning... MAN I was scared! He was right behind me, and when I looked around, he was gone! He likes to stop & look at things, or goes a different way! I pushed that buggy all over, looking for him! I even went up front & had him paged! After about 20 minutes, the gal at the door signaled me to come back, and pointed up the other way! And sure enough, he was looking all over, up front! The other checkers were calling him! So I was just so relieved I didn't even cry!!! I will have to be more careful! I'm so glad I have you guys to talk to.... It helps.... for someone to understand.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    When Bob & I are out shopping (especially for gifts or groceries), we agree where & when to meet before checking out. Let me tell you, cellphones are a Godsend. (I text him, he calls back because he "fat-fingers" onscreen keyboards and speech-to-text is difficult in crowded noisy stores). He always uses speakerphone because he's deaf in one ear and sometimes his beard accidentally brushes the red onscreen button, ending the call. It can be embarrassing in restaurants--but it happens often because as a cardiologist the ICUs are constantly "paging" him. (And the paging app one of his hospitals uses often has glitches).

    We're going out tonight to a new Italian restaursnt a couple of blocks away that is having its "soft-open" this week. It's so new it doesn't even have a phone or website--I stopped in yesterday to speak to the owner and pick up a menu. Decent by-the-glass wine list, with some excellent and affordable Italian bottles (especially a Sardinian vermentino and a Sicilian Nero d'Avola).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! This week's pool testing results came back negative at my school, but the sister school has a positive pool, so I'll be spending part of the day there helping with phone calls today. The snow that was predicted for today is now going to be mostly rain, that should give us some nice slushy spots. Sadie is not going to like the slushy stuff.

    Got some good news, Auntie was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Also found out that kid brother is having surgery on the 22nd.

    I see that the Omicron variant has been confirmed in California. Which means it's probably been here for a while before circumstances aligned to catch it in a lab. I'm hoping it's not going to be a big problem. The Delta variant is problematic enough.

    Goldie--have a safe and peaceful trip into town!

    Chevy--Hooray for the toilet saga being completed, and getting the hot water tank relit so easily. I'm trying not to get too wound up about kid brother's surgery. He and his wife both caught COVID early in the pandemic, and both have been vaccinated since. His problem was picked up with routine monitoring, he's never had any symptoms, so I'm holding on to the caught early/easier treated idea. That sunset is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

    SuQu31--thanks for sharing. It helps to know that we aren't the only family dealing with an incessantly worrying mom. It is exhausting dealing with all the questions on top of recovery in general.

    Chevy---oh my goodness, that must have been quite the scare! So glad it ended well.

    Chi--it's amazing how sensitive some cell phones can be!

    Snowy Cocktail

    Snowy Cocktail


    • 3-4 cups crushed ice
    • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    • 3 oz condensed milk
    • 4 oz vodka
    • 2 cherries to decorate (optional)


    • 1 Place the ice, lemon juice, condensed milk and vodka in a blender.
    • 2 Blend everything until it looks like snow. Taste it and see if it needs more ice or condensed milk, depending on your taste.
    • 3 Serve in a short glass decorated with cherries, if you like.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    ED, glad you got the toilet done, but sorry about the water. Is that resolved now? How scary to lose George in the store. I know how that feels. My dad had Alz's and I was in FL visiting, they were taking me to the airport for my flight home. Because this was not typical for my dad, it sent him spinning. Every 5 minutes, he says he has to go to the bathroom. Well one place we stopped, he wandered out and wandered away, scary! Beautiful sunset, fire in the sky!

    Celia, welcome back. I fly once a year and Delta is pretty good. Most wear their masks and they give you a wipe when you board. I take my own and wipe everything down. IN the airport it's a bit different and some try to get away with not wearing their masks. Sorry about the funk your DD is going through, do you know why?

    NM, I agree about Dec being a busy Covid month, and shame on those parents for putting so many at risk. Maybe your brother can get by with not telling mom at all? I mean why does she even need to know? It won't be anything noticable, right? As for DH's DD, YES, she can be biotch!

    Hi and welcome Bourbon Lurker, I mean SuQu! I don't know if any of us really has anything of "interest" to talk about, we just chatter! So grab and bar stool and start chattering!

    Sandy, my DH and I would also text to see where the other one was in the store. But no more, since he doesn't go out anymore.

    NM, I don't know about that drink. It's pretty, but milk, vodka and lemon? Don't you put lemon or vinegar in milk to make it buttermilk?

    As for the "mom" thing, I never told my mom about me becoming stage IV. I talked to my mom almost every day, but only saw her 1-2 times a year. She lived way longer than we expected, so much so, I thought she was going to outlive me! Town yesterday was a joke. I had a 10 am appt for the oil change, didn't get out of there until 1:30. I WAS NOT a happy camper.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Yeah, it would be nice if people with dementia could understand important issues... but sometimes they cannot even USE a phone, much less a cell-phone! That's okay.... I just have to understand, and not lose my patience. And as far as remembering "instructions".... that is almost impossible. You just have to "be there" for them....

    Like trying to push open the back door.... It wasn't locked... just stuck, because after the new storm door was put in, I thought I could "cover-up" some of the "skinned" woodwork on the door jam. I did! With Duck Tape! But it made the door tighter! So he couldn't open the back door, and went to our neighbor's house to help him "un-lock" the back door!

    I was in sitting on the couch, taking a quick 15 minute nap! I didn't hear him! And he thought he was locked out! I got up when they were both in the house, saying the door was "locked"... but it wasn't...

    So I took the tape off, sanded it, and sprayed that area with white paint... And the door opens easier now.

    I just have to talk to him, and remind him which button to push to "answer" the phone.... I'm thinking about ordering one of those home alarms! With a button to push, like a panic button, if something were to happen to me! You are charged monthly for this service.... A neighbor had one... I'm wondering if he would remember to use it? What do you think Kim?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    ED, be careful with what you get. I tried for my mom, some you have to have a land line, which my mom did not. Others then, if she wanted to use it, would have to be able to speak and give your address. In the case of a stroke or heart attack, a person might not be able to speak. And of course neither one would be helpful to the person if they were alone and knocked unconcious.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Oh Thank you Lorrie! Okey.... our neighbor had one, but you really DO have to have your senses about you to use it! We DO have a land-line... but it makes sense, you HAVE to know your address, and can answer the phone! Might as well call 911, if it were me!

    Our Daughter that lives here, calls at least twice a day.... Our Daughter in Orlando, just once... And they kind of know what is going on... Also one of our neighbors keeps an eye out for us.... Thanks!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    That is lovely Teka. Thanks.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2021

    Oh Teka, so beautiful and a season of peace and kindness would be the best.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Chevy - my late mother had a "panic button" - it was helpful when she was doing well but as her health declined including cognition she ignored it - didn't even know where the bracelet was - she then got a necklace cuz sleeping once the panic button went off when there was nothing wrong. I remember Katie Couric saying her mother's panic button hung on the dresser more than on her mom. I think they are good ideas for people with physical limitations but not with cognitive limitations. Glad that you weren't hurt when you feel.

    Our sunsets and sunrises have bee beautiful. Yesterday it was 73 in Denver - beautiful weather but not for December 1st.

    Chevy - what is your neighborhood called? I know some of the ones by you. I have friends who grew up by Sloans Lake on the sough side of the lake near where the old St. Anthony Hospital. I've been covering at Bryant-Webster since September. I've also covered at Lake M.S. and Colfax Elementary plus a few others on the NE part of town. I can't believe how gentrified so many neighborhoods have become. Your house must be beautiful. I love the old houses.

    Sandy - I made potato latkes on Tuesday and DH grilled chicken wings - only night my son was home for dinner. I make latkes once/year. DD#2 taught me to make them in a large pot rather than fry pan so less splatter.

    Lori - I'm lucky that at least one of my three kids lives in the US and more importantly in Denver.

    Regarding Israel, I've heard 2 different stories - one is that after 2 weeks the borders will open again for those vaccinated within 6 months with PCR on arrival at airport, and another on day 3 of quarantine. The other is that borders will stay closed through January. Talked to DD#2 about the situation. DH doesn't want to quarantine for 3 days so if that is the case, we will postpone the trip. Israel is really strict about quarantine. Police will call and check up on you. If they text you and you don't reply soon enough they will show up at your door. Huge fine for citizens and foreigners plus foreigners kicked out of country for 5 years.

    Canada has also closed borders to multiple countries but so far not for the US. Time will tell what happens. So much unknown. How long does the booster (3rd jab last).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Morning girls! Karen, we live in 'West Highlands' .... ha! Sounds fancy, right? And our house is just one of a few that haven't been re-modeled in this neighborhood. Things just start to fall apart though, same as with us, hah! Growing up a block away from here, this area was just North Denver.

    I couldn't sleep, so got up at 2.... Sometimes you do your best thinking in the middle of the night...... I think a lot of my husband's problems, are because he has been taking Fluoxitine for the past 4 months. Always dry mouth, problems with digestion, etc! So I'm calling our Doc to see about cutting down, and not just stop........ hoping that will solve a few of his problems! I quit giving them to him yesterday, but early this morning, I thought, maybe that isn't a good idea... so maybe cutting back, but I'll ask our Doc first.

    Yeah, a panic button has to be for someone that knows what is going on.... so it wouldn't be a good idea here..... i'm just thankful that I can still handle things at my age.... Hah!

    Kim, i was thinking of asking your advice .... again.... but i kind of know what you would say... So I am calling our Doc this morning...

    Thanks for all your thoughts gals! i can use all the help I can get....

    This is our little house... We live next to Rocky Mountain Ditch, on the left, so a lot of trees, but it's really quiet around here! And they built that grey house so close to us, but nothing we could do... Glad we love those neighbors! NEXT year, i'm not going to have as many doo-dads around the yard...image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day, and boy am I glad it's Friday. Yesterday was a double whammy day. Got the positive person identified at the sister school, contact tracing included bus riders, always a fun job watching the bus videos and trying to figure out how long each student is within 6 feet of a particular other student. We got a bit lucky, one of the bus drivers has had behavioral issues and assigned seats a couple weeks ago, so that one was clear cut. We get that one all straightened out and I get a call, one of the students in quarantine from a different exposure tested positive, so I had to do a whole second round of tracing and notifications. Finally got the last phone call made at quarter to five peeyem. Today I have a pile of paperwork to finish up and then catch up on. Thank God today the students are in class only half the day, so I'll have the afternoon to work with fewer interruptions. I was on the computer answering questions until almost 9 peeyem, didn't sleep worth a damn, and am getting up still feeling exhausted. Sadie didn't even give me a hard time about getting home late last night, she just listened to me rant and rave and put her head on my feet.

    Goldie--Kid brother may decide not to tell Mom anything at all about his stuff. He has a lot of tattoos on his arms, if they take a vein from an arm it will show on the tattoos, so he'll have to say something next time Mom visits them or they come home for a visit, assuming either of them travel to the other again. That will be up to him to decide. Hmm I hadn't thought about the lemon and milk thing. I thought it looked pretty. Good heavens, what happened to make an oil change take so long???

    Chevy--the home alarm idea may be a really good one. There are a lot of them out there now, some can be set up so someone calls and checks every day, some have GPS built in to help locate someone who may wander off, some work outside of the home as well as in the home (good for times like the other day at the store). Would DH remember to use it if something happened? Hard to tell. It would be worth it to take a look at what is available in your area and through cell phone services. Chances are also very high that if something did happen to you, you would be able to signal for help or instruct DH to signal for help. I think if something happened to you DH would eventually go to the neighbor's house, he's done that before like he did this time. There are some serious advantages to some of the alarm systems, worth looking into.

    Goldie--good points, many alarm systems do require a land line, and many do require verbal responses.

    Morning, Teka, and a happy holiday season to you!

    Morning Minus and misty!

    Karen--sounds like Israel is really taking the pandemic thing seriously. How long the booster is good for isn't known yet. We're going to have to wait and see, like we did when the vax first came out. It's a time will tell thing.

    Chevy--Yup, do talk to your doc, and do NOT stop the fluoxetine all at once!It needs to be weaned off to prevent some nasty side effects of going cold turkey. Your yard is beautiful!

    Screaming Viking


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour the vodka, dry vermouth, and lime juice.
    3. Stir well.
    4. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    5. Garnish with a celery stalk and cucumber spear. Serve and enjoy.

    From <>

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day, and boy am I glad it's Friday. Yesterday was a double whammy day. Got the positive person identified at the sister school, contact tracing included bus riders, always a fun job watching the bus videos and trying to figure out how long each student is within 6 feet of a particular other student. We got a bit lucky, one of the bus drivers has had behavioral issues and assigned seats a couple weeks ago, so that one was clear cut. We get that one all straightened out and I get a call, one of the students in quarantine from a different exposure tested positive, so I had to do a whole second round of tracing and notifications. Finally got the last phone call made at quarter to five peeyem. Today I have a pile of paperwork to finish up and then catch up on. Thank God today the students are in class only half the day, so I'll have the afternoon to work with fewer interruptions. I was on the computer answering questions until almost 9 peeyem, didn't sleep worth a damn, and am getting up still feeling exhausted. Sadie didn't even give me a hard time about getting home late last night, she just listened to me rant and rave and put her head on my feet.

    Goldie--Kid brother may decide not to tell Mom anything at all about his stuff. He has a lot of tattoos on his arms, if they take a vein from an arm it will show on the tattoos, so he'll have to say something next time Mom visits them or they come home for a visit, assuming either of them travel to the other again. That will be up to him to decide. Hmm I hadn't thought about the lemon and milk thing. I thought it looked pretty. Good heavens, what happened to make an oil change take so long???

    Chevy--the home alarm idea may be a really good one. There are a lot of them out there now, some can be set up so someone calls and checks every day, some have GPS built in to help locate someone who may wander off, some work outside of the home as well as in the home (good for times like the other day at the store). Would DH remember to use it if something happened? Hard to tell. It would be worth it to take a look at what is available in your area and through cell phone services. Chances are also very high that if something did happen to you, you would be able to signal for help or instruct DH to signal for help. I think if something happened to you DH would eventually go to the neighbor's house, he's done that before like he did this time. There are some serious advantages to some of the alarm systems, worth looking into.

    Goldie--good points, many alarm systems do require a land line, and many do require verbal responses.

    Morning, Teka, and a happy holiday season to you!

    Morning Minus and misty!

    Karen--sounds like Israel is really taking the pandemic thing seriously. How long the booster is good for isn't known yet. We're going to have to wait and see, like we did when the vax first came out. It's a time will tell thing.

    Chevy--Yup, do talk to your doc, and do NOT stop the fluoxetine all at once!It needs to be weaned off to prevent some nasty side effects of going cold turkey. Your yard is beautiful!

    Screaming Viking Cocktail

    Screaming Viking


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour the vodka, dry vermouth, and lime juice.
    3. Stir well.
    4. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    5. Garnish with a celery stalk and cucumber spear. Serve and enjoy.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    ED, if you were to get one, you should get one for YOU, not George! Hmmm, I can't see your picture.

    Teka, thank you and the same to you.

    Moring Minus and Misty.

    Karen, yes you are lucky to have your son there! Is your SIL continuing to improve daily? Our weather here has been nice too, around 60's.

    NM, so sorry about all the work yesterday at school. I'm glad it's Friday for you and only a half day for the kids. I have no idea what took so long for the oil change. One guy told me they were short of techs, so maybe that and I think they just booked too many. I was not a happy camper. Oh dear, I thought today was Thursday. Ha ha, much better DOTD, but the other one WAS prettier.

    I was shaking my head at DH yesterday, our accountant and her boyfriend are the ones that bought our business came over, him to load product and her just to visit. DH hasn't used his w/c in 2 days and I don't think he's used the ventilator (during the day), since the kids left last Friday. Well yesterday he got both. He did not use the ventilator, but had it sitting there. Too hard to talk with it on. He does use it every night. We'll see if he uses the chair today?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Lorrie, i could see my picture.... up a few posts....i was going to post it again, but let me know if you can find it! And I could always use either the home phone, or my cell phone to call for help....

    Yes, okay Kim, I'm going to call the Doctor... But I hope he can just stop taking it at some point.... I happened to look up the SE's of that drug, and found a lot that is happening to him.....that's why i am going to call the Doc. And it DOES say, don't stop cold-turkey!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    ED, I meant if you fell, you would have it to use. I still can't see the pic, it shows as a small gray circle with a dash through it. I did see one on your FB, was it this one?

    No photo description available.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Seasons Greetings from Twisted Butternut


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Hah Lorrie! I like that picture even better!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Spicy Sparkle Pants checking in here. Last night with "surf & turf" (branzino in parchment with veg. & herbs, plus the Regalia leftovers), Beaujolais Nouveau. Tonight I'm chilling the last of our 2019 Clif Family "Rte Blanc" (Sauv. & chenin blanc) because Bob plans to bring home grilled calamari & octopus for dinner (blowing off a prepaid nurses' party in a so-so banquet hall down in the SW suburbs because I'm sure they'll all rip off their masks as soon as they shed their coats and start drinking--generic house wine, cheap bottle beer, & rudimentary cocktails--and dancing. It's MAGA country and I suspect many of the nurses opted to test weekly rather than get vaccinated).

    Kim, for the first time in recent memory I have all the necessary ingredients for your DOTD (basically a lime vodka martini). May make it tonight. (Is the lime juice Rose's sweetened, or is it actual fresh lime juice)?

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2021

    Hi gals, last night I had a delicious Cupcake Vineyards sauvignon blanc (I think) with a nice Italian meal of creamy tortellini. DH came home the other night with a fresh bottle of Baileys Irish Creme since it 'tis the season. Whipped cream's in the fridge so I'm ready!

    Have a good weekend! Sounds like many of us need it. 😉🥂

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Oh dear, Smelly Tipsy Toes here! Thanks Jazzy.

    ED, so that IS your house? It's adorable, I love it. Looks like a country cottage. Let me know if you want me to take it off here.

    Sandy, you have a cute elf name.

    Mornin Reader. Love me some Baileys. I have some Tequila Rose in the freezer, but I always forget about it!

    Worked outside most of the day yesterday, trying to get things cut back. What a chore. I also have to dig up my Iris's and replant. I did one yesterday, except replanting. I've texted Cami a few times, no response. So I reached out to her DD yesterday. No response from her yet either, but it does show that she read it. Sold our mini excavator, so that is being picked up today. Hopefully get more garden work done.

    DOTD: English Country Garden



    1. 25ml gin
    2. 25ml St. Germain elderflower liqueur
    3. 2 springs of mint
    4. 1/2 a lime
    5. Ice
    6. Apple juice
    1. In a large highball glass, place 1 spring of mint and 1/4 of the lime in the bottom. Using the end of a rolling pin, bash the mint and lime together. Fill the glass up with ice and add the gin, elderflower liqueur and top up with the apple juice.
    2. Garnish with the other sprig of mint and lime wedge.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Afternoon, Loungettes!Not going tot say good afternoon because it's a sucky day. I had to have Sadie euthanized this morning. She'd been off for a couple of days, not really eating, although eating some, shivering at times, and last night when I got home from work she was sitting up, shivering off and on, would lie down and then get right up again as if it was uncomfortable, did eat her Friday pizza treat, but slowly, and didn't even try to get into the rest of the pie. She was up and down all last night, but did finally sleep for a few hours with her head and shoulders propped up on my shoulder and arm. Took her to the emergency vet first thing this morning, the Vet found a big tumor in her abdomen. Most likely from the spleen, but the ultrasound wasn't clear enough to be sure of that, even though the lab work indicated it wasn't liver or bowel or kidney. If from the spleen, could be fixed with surgery. But, it would take time to get in to a place with a more sophisticated ultrasound, it would be major belly surgery with a long recovery time, and the chance of complications pretty good due to her age of 13 years. Asmuch as I hated to do it, I could not justify her feeling miserable and probably getting worse every day to verify something that is pretty certain already just to undergo a treatment that she would never totally bounce back from, leaving her with poor quality of life from now until the end. She'd been declining very gradually this last couple of months, but I thought it was age-related, I'm slowing down and sleeping more, too. But last night I just knew something was really wrong, and I've known we've been on borrowed time for a year to two anyway. So the vet started an IV and I held her head in my lap while the drugs were given and her heart and breathing stopped. Then I went over to Mom's t drop off some stuff she left in my car and tell her about Sadie, and got an earful of how if she catches COVID we are not to give her any medication to keep her alive, life isn't worth living with a son who won't talk to her and daughter she can't visit and how embarrassing it would be for her if I ever called an ambulance and it was all over the news about how messy my place is and she would have to move out of town and on and on and on. And after brining in her artificial Christmas Tree and a couple of other things she needed help with I was getting ready to leave and she's telling me to be sure not to try to kill or hurt myself over missing "that dog" because she would never be able to explain it to her friends.

    How does one divorce their mother without creating huge amounts of family drama?

    Stopped by my favorite winery on the way home and got 4 bottles of Sin-a-berry wine (cranberry wine with cinnamon) and have a bottle open and started and plan to keep drinking it all day.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    NM- I just saw your post on Facebook. My heart breaks for you.

    Step away from your mom right now. You are entitled to be sad with listening to her nonsense.

    Sending much love to you friend ❤️🙏