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how about drinking?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited November 2021

    Goldie - thanks for the Cami update.

    Cami - if you're reading & just not posting WE MISS YOU and we're glad to hear you are doing OK.

    Kim - I think you fast-forwarded one week to many. Thanksgiving is two weeks. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to do with all the confusion going on at your school.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori, I'm 5'4 or at least used to be. Girls are short, but not tiny :) Glad the biPap is helping your husband. I'm sure his attitude and him sleeping will make things a little easier for you.

    It has been extremely windy the past 3 days. Weather is warming up to the 70s into next week, in time for us to go to visit DD#1 and SIL. Temps will be 49-50 damp cloudy weather! Short work week for me as I'm taking Thursday off and leaving 1.5 hours early on Wednesday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    Misteyes - thinking of you today visiting your DH in his resting place 🙏

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Waking up to another frosty ayem today. Weird thing happened last night, I swear the alarm went off, I got up, and was very confused to turn on the TV and not have the news playing. Looked at the clock, it was just turning 1 ayem! Got a glass of milk and wandered back to bed. Sadie slept through the whole thing. Now I'm not sure if the alarm really went off (not set for that time of day) or if I dreamed the alarm, or what. Oh well, one of life's mysteries, I guess.

    Goldie--glad to hear the machine is working for DH, and thanks for the Cammi update!

    Hey, there, Misty!Sounds like your family is keeping you busy. I think it's good to be busy. I like your doc's comment about not drinking the whole bottle of Christmas Wine!

    Minus--Looking at the calendar again, and yup, you are right, I fast forwarded too far! And people wonder why I cross off the days on the calendar!

    Karen--Havegreat break!

    Morning, Jazzy.

    Green Machine


    1.25 oz Tanqueray No. TEN

    3 oz "green juice" (apple, lemon, and assorted greens)


    • Blend apple, lemon, and assorted greens to create the "green juice," then fine strain it into an Old-Fashioned glass with ice.
    • Add Tanqueray No. TEN and stir.
    • Garnish with a mint sprig and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    NM, or that person that got in the car crash, didn't lose their battle with the car! It's just stupid. If I were that nurse at the other school, if mom doesn't want any medical done, I would be calling her to come and get the child. And then she would be like "she only needs a bandaid". Ma'am, that's medical. You and I both jumped a week ahead. I'm so glad it's NOT next week. Surely the alarm clock going off was a dream.

    Misty, we ARE old friends! LOL @ the Xmas wine.

    Karen, safe travels and enjoy your visit. Bi level is working well for DH.

    So yesterday morning, my husband says to me "would you marry me again?" Well, ya. Oh, you don't seem too excited. Well, I'm already married to you, I guess I don't look at that as something important to do. Ok, nevermind, you don't seem too excited.

    Ok, so a little while later he's like, well I wanted to marry you again and invite all our families and I'm footing the bill. I plan on about 25-35K. WHAAAAAT? Oh, I see. It's another pity party for Darrell, or is it funeral #3?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    I can't help you guys, I have to share some of this cuteness. I love her so much. She got her ears pierced!

    May be an image of person, baby, standing and outdoors

    May be an image of person, child, dog, footwear and outdoors

    May be an image of person, child, dog and outdoors

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Goldie, “I wanna blow 30k on a party for us, that you’ll have to do lots of preparation for” doesn’t sound sensible or romantic to me either.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori and Kim - I'm not leaving till next Wednesday - just starting Thanksgiving break a little early. 5 nights then I come home to a couple days to me!

    Lori - Nora is adorable - keep the pictures coming.

    Have a great week-end. Its supposed to be nice this week-end, sunny, blue sky and 60s. I'll take that.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    Goldie0827...She is adorable!!! The little guy I watch is not quite 7 months old and is a sweety. She looks about the same age. And yes after the podcast exit I did have a drink! LOL

    I have to agree with illimae, sounds super stressful and that is a lot of money!

    SIL still in hospital but improving. You would think after being hospitalized once already with covid (spring it was I think) you would stay away from people as much as possible. She's a pain in the ass (I do love her but...).

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    PS. SIL was vaccinated but she didn't produce any or very few antibodies due to her chemo. Just saying in case anyone was wondering.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Got through another windy and rainy night, a few more branches down in the yard but nothing else other than a few frozen over puddles. Not feeling terribly energetic this ayem, not a good sign when I need to write a paper this weekend. But I'll manage.

    Working in a school is getting to be a strange experience. The other day I walked between a couple of students who were getting rowdy in the cafeteria. As I walked by, I tapped one student's knee with my finger to remind the student to turn round and sit with both feet on the same side of the bench. Yesterday the principal had to speak to me about doing that, because another child saw me do that and got upset and complained to parents. A new law went into effect recently that a child cannot be touched without their consent while in school. Yes, I knew about the new law. I didn't intentionally violate the law, I didn't even think about it. I had spoken to the child several times AFTER 2 other adults had spoken with the child, I have a relationship with the child, and the tap did the job--captured the child's attention. Legally, however, I assaulted the child. I went back and reviewed the new ruling. If a child is beating up on another child I cannot touch the child doing the beating without getting his/her permission. If a child is leaving the school room or school building, or school property, I cannot touch that child without getting his/her permission first. If a child is hitting, kicking, biting, or throwing things like chairs and desks at me, I cannot touch the child without getting permission first, not even to defend myself. A child can be touched without his/her permission ONLY if the child is in imminent danger of death or serious injury.

    Goldie--You, me and the other nurse are all thinking along the same lines--she plans to call Mom every time the child needs ANYTHING from the nurse's office and have Mom sign that she was present when the band aid was put on and that Mom was waiving the requirement that Dad be present for that medical care. The really scary thing about the situation is that lawsuits are being filed against schools over just this scenario--a joint custody order but no copy given to the school, the one parent the school has ever dealt with brings a child in for a vaccination clinic and signs the consent form, the other parent disagrees and finds out the vax was given and sues the school for violating the custody agreement. At least this mom has sent in a copy of the custody document (after being asked to and reminded that the school cannot be held to an agreement we weren't even told existed when the child was registered). DH wants to marry you again with the families present? Did you two have a very small wedding so he's trying to give you the big wedding he thinks you always wanted? I can see it turning into a funeral event given the circumstances. Don't apologize for sharing the pics, she is the cutest little thing and I (and I expect everyone else) enjoy seeing them!

    Illi--I hadn't thought about Goldie having to do a lot of work for the party, that really does shed a different light on it.

    Karen--so it's your fault I though Thanksgiving was next week!Kidding--hope you have a great trip and come home to some wonderful you time!

    Kidi--you would think that someone would be super careful after being hospitalized once, maybe SIL will be more careful after this second go-round?

    image alt="Straight Law Cocktail Recipe">

    Straight Law Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    3/4 oz of Gin

    1 1/2 oz of Dry Sherry (or fortified wine)

    Stir ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    BabyGirl, I need a new car! There is nothing wrong with mine really, but it does have 180,000 miles on it!

    Karen, nothing wrong with a few "me" days.

    KID, Nora is a Cinco de Mayo baby, so not far behind your nephew, or whoever the little guy is. Boy, talk about dumb luck, re your SIL. Covid twice, twice in the hospital and she's been vaxxed!

    NM, that is udderly recockulous about touching (or not) a child. What is our world becoming? A simple tap on the knee, come on! When DH and I got married, it was in HI. DH planned the whole thing. It was done the same as in Blue Hawaii with Elvis, and done in the same location. His oldest DD and her family came, and then we had his best friend and his wife. So it was "his" dream wedding. I am not an Elvis fan. But no, not many people.

    Well, there is something wrong with me, and I don't know what. I am major fatigued. I do the smallest chore and have to sit down and rest. I feel like I have chills sometimes, but no fever. I have this cough and have had a nap the last two days. I can smell and taste, so I don't think it's Covid. DH has pretty much become totally dependant on me, does as little as possible. Every time I get up, he asks me to get him something. I understand the disease and how horrible it is, but he just doesn't even try.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2021

    Morning all my friends! Geez, seems it's just hard to stay "normal" lately. All that is going on is just plain scary. My Husband is about the same I guess... It's just that taking care of someone, trying to help them, and not get frustrated, is sometimes heart-breaking. I just have to have more patience...

    And I'm still so afraid of going "out" or doing things like we used to do, like just shop around, and even going up to Central City to gamble. So we mostly stay home, or go out before 9 to the store, for awhile. Thank heavens for our yards, and gardens I can go fool around in.

    Except it's getting cooler now... and won't be long before the snow flies. Our one Daughter is always checking on us, twice a day at least, and comes by at least once a week with lunch on one of her days off! Our other Orlando Daughter is maybe coming out next month.... depending on how this virus crap is going on in this State!

    So many people refuse to be vaccinated! And don't seem to care about other people!

    I'm still having a hard time with losing my Brother... He was a year younger, and we were always buddies... But he didn't want to get the vaccine... He and his wife, who was on Dialysis lived in Nashville. So he calls me one morning, because he called the nurse, where they lived at June Carter Assisted Living, and with his fever, he tested positive. So he was told to quarantine... The next day, I called, but they had taken him to the hospital. I never got to talk to him again. The hospital finally let me "talk to him".... A nurse took the phone into his room, set it on the pillow, and I got to tell him how much I loved him and missed him..... He couldn't answer. Awhile later, my Husband and I went to the store, and I got a text from his Daughter, saying he had passed away. His Daughter's couldn't tell their Mom, that he was even in the Hospital! She was still in a nursing home!..... She just couldn't handle it... Then a week later, she passed away also......

    You know, it's still hard to think about! You know, I AM lucky and blessed to still have my Husband, to be able to live by ourselves, and still do things.... but sometimes life and memories just make you sad..... I gotta go fix up a chocolate coke..

    His biography is online... Kenny Malone, Nashville Drummer.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    ED, your heart is aching and I'm so sorry. Winter is moving in and you won't have your garden retreat. What are things that you and your DH did in the past in the winter time? We always went a few times a year to Laughlin to get away and gamble. Not now.

    I'm still not feeling well. Took an hour and a half nap, and slept for 12 hours last night. I can walk out to the barn and back, and my legs feel like they are going to give out on me. I have to keep plugging along. It took me all day yesterday to get my one bathroom cleaned, laundry room floor and foyer. I can usually do that in an hour. All I had to eat all day was a half of a can of Campbells chicken noodle soup. Tomorrow DH gets his power chair. Gonna try and get my other bathroom done today!

    DOTD: Riverboat Gambler

    See the source image

    1.5 ounces Cardinal Spirits Tiki Rum infused with Darjeeling tea
    3/4 ounce Cardinal Spirits Flora
    1/2 ounce fresh lime juice
    2 strawberries, one for garnish

    Add 1 strawberry and Flora to a shaker and muddle to break up the strawberry. Add the tea-infused rum (recipe follows) and lime juice to the shaker, than add ice. Shake vigorously, then strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with a strawberry.

    For the Darjeeling tea-infused Tiki Rum: Place two Darjeeling tea bags in a bottle of Tiki Rum (750ml) and let steep for two hours. Remove tea bags and discard.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Afternoon, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Well, it will be a more fun day now that this week's paper has been submitted. I've got to admit I'm looking forward to the couple weeks of break time after this class is over! Budget stuff has never interested me, and certainly doesn't impress me as any more entertaining now. Even Sadie walks away when I talk to her about that stuff!

    Goldie--yeah, the no touching rule is recockulous, and is going to be the reason some child gets seriously hurt or even killed, because it takes away the only truly effective option to stop an out of control child. But that's what it's come to, that a child can be so sensitive to being touched that it triggers a meltdown to see another child get tapped on the knee. I'm going to have to start documenting that I asked and got permission from the child to touch him/her every time I put on a bandaid from now on. Interesting that DH planned the whole wedding, I've not heard of that happening before. It does sound like something is going on with you. As hard as you work and with all you are doing I'm not surprised that you've gotten worn out. Add to that your immune system hijacking as much energy as it can to fight off something and you would feel drained. I hope what ever it is passes off soon.

    Chevy--It must be so hard to have been so far away when your brother took ill. And then things moved so fast, it can be hard to handle all that. I think it's the kindest thing for his wife to never know about it all.

    Goldie--did it occur to you to maybe take a day off and rest and let your body take care of whatever it's trying to take care of? I know it's really hard to do that, and you can't totally take a day off, but maybe cut way back on the housework for one or two days? That Riverboat Gambler sounds very yummy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Lori, I wish you could take it easy! With the time change (and early sunsets, especially the further south), Seasonal Affective Disorder--a type of depression--can set in and even have physical manifestations such as fatigue. Add to that the stress with your DH's illness, and it's not surprising.

    Kim, this "no touching" is getting ridiculous. I'm not surprised, though--just read an article about how Gen-Zers are so emotionally fragile and entitled that they're driving their millennial bosses crazy. More and more people are taking words literally and fewer can recognize context or irony. I'm liberal, but "wokeness" is being taken way too far.

    I can see how someone who knows her immune system is crap is willing to keep rolling the dice on her own COVID risk--but she is risking everyone around her too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Getting in the dark to lots of rain. Going to be a wet and chilly day, from the looks. Some places up north got some snow overnight. Now the news is talking about a shortage of snowplow drivers for the upcoming snow season. It is just amazing how much things have changed in the last few years.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Chi--I hadn't thought about the effect of the time change on Goldie, but that is a very good point. And the no touch law is going to create a whole new raft of problems after a while. I can see it being extended to include all the other kiddos in the school, too, and that will be a nightmare. I know there have been incidents of inappropriate touching by adults, sexual and violent, and those need to be stopped and prosecuted, but to remove touch from school entirely is going to have serious negative effects on the emotional development of the kids. The world is getting more frightening every year.


    The Flying Monkey


    1 oz. (30ml) Creme de Banana

    1 (30ml) Coffee Liqueur

    1 1/2 (45ml) Irish Cream

    1 (30ml) Half & Half


    Garnish: Whipped Cream, Banana, Cherry,


    1. In a blender with ice, combine creme de banana, coffee liqueur, Irish cream, half & half, and one banana. Blend thoroughly until smooth.
    2. Pour mix into your serving glass and top with whipped cream, a banana garnish, a cherry, and ground nutmeg.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    NM, glad you got your paper done, but sorry it was less than exciting! Yes, DH worked with a wedding planner, planned the whole wedding, all the island stops, hotels and excursions. Sure hate to hear that the snow is starting to fly!

    You guys, we don't change time. And it's sunny 95% of the time. The timing is odd too. We left Phoenix on Friday, DH in the hospital Tues/Wed, and I started feeling ill on Thursday. I am however taking it very easy. I have no choice actually. Walking out to the barn and back, my legs feel like they are going to give out on me. So anyways, I take lots of breaks.

    Sandy, I don't what it is with kids these days. Oh wait, yes I do, it's their parents!

    Not me Teka, not me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Winter is definitely settling in, the weather people are talking about wind chill factors for today. Brrr. Not ready for this. Yesterday was a sort of bummer day all the way around. Found out one of my uncles died yesterday ayem, he had dementia and had been declining for last few months, although I did not know that he had been in the hospital recently. So not a surprise but I didn't know it was imminent. One of our students who has been out in quarantine because a family member tested positive lost their grandparent who lives in the home with them over the weekend. Then a person tested positive at the sister school, so I helped with that lot of phone calls. The general response from parents was one of resignation and tiredness."Again?" was the response of the day. Not enough participation in the pooled testing program to prevent sending the entire grade into remote learning.Having a bunch of kids in quarantine through Thanksgiving is going to create some issues for families, I'm thinking.

    Anyway, hoping for a less depressing day today.Sadie says I should take her to school with me, and I wish the rules would let me take her!

    Goldie--Sunny is good. I like sunny. I don't like getting up in the dark and driving home from work in the dark. That happened yesterday. I'm hoping the driving home in the dark was because of the rain and my working an hour later than usual

    Cool Wind Recipe



    • Stir all ingredients with ice in a mixing glass.
    • Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    NM - sorry about the passing of your uncle. Hugs to you and your family sister 🙏❤️

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori - I hope you are starting to feel better. You are great about listening to your body.

    Kim - sorry to hear about your uncle.

    I don't like the time change - it's over a week and I don't think my body has adjusted to it yet.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I'm having a bit of trouble getting myself up and moving this ayem. Went to bed early since I fell asleep in the recliner anyway. I think I slept pretty well, but still tired this ayem. Oh well, I'll keep on keeping on and it will all pass, right? Sadie says it will.

    Jazzy--thank you!

    Karen--thank you. I don't like the time change, either.I can't tell if I'm adjusting or not.

    The weather people are talking about a winter weather advisory for area north of me for tonight. Then temps in the 50s or better tomorrow. Talk about a roller coaster!

    Irish Winter - whiskey spiked hot coffeeT

    Irish Winter Spiked Coffee


    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a warm mug or Irish coffee glass, pour the Irish whiskey, coffee liqueur, and Irish cream.
    3. Fill with hot coffee.
    4. Stir to combine.
    5. Top with whipped cream. Serve and enjoy.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    NM, I'm sorry for your family's loss. I wonder if we'll see a big surge after TG. Sorry you are getting crappy weather already.

    Karen, bummer you haven't adjusted to the time. But at least you have a nice trip coming up to look forward to.

    I am still not well. My DH is running me ragged. He has his chair, doesn't utilize the things that it's capable of, guy came yesterday with the ventilator, of course when he went to bed, it wasn't working right. I'm just tired of being pulled in all different directions. Depression is setting in. TG next week. No one seems to care how Lori feels, or what all Lori has to do. The one DD from San Diego, her husbands mom lives about an hour and a half from me, they usually stay there. Well, she won't let them now, because of Covid, but let them stay there a few months ago!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    (((Lori))), we care about how you feel and all you have to do.

    COVID is on the rise even in Chicago---but the increase here is mainly among unvaccinated teenagers. Of course, it doesn't take a genius to see the spike in cases is taking place in mostly northern states--where the weather isn't conducive to outdoor dining. Amazingly, the IN state legislature is pressing its Gov. to lift the Emergency Order because "it's time to move on." Natch, IN is spiking more than IL is. LIfting mask mandates is possibly the single stupidest thing a gov't can do now.

    We're "boostered," and so are all our guests, so we feel TG at the Signature Room atop the Hancock will not be particularly risky--except perhaps for that elevator to the 95th floor. I imagine that there will be strict limits as to how many can ride at a time, and nobody even gets into the building lobby w/o a mask.

    En route soon to UIC for my 3-month eye scans and ocular onc appt. Opening my pocket if anyone here wants to hop inside...

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    DOTD tonight will likely be some bubbly: latest eye scans showed the tumor shrank a little since August! (Raising a glass to my BCO "pocket pals").

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    The 2021 Beauj. Nouveau will go on sale at midnight. Much smaller yields, due to frost & hail during growing season. Reviews say "elegant" (read "lighter body, more acidic, no blockbusters"). Prices are much steeper--the cheapest Duboeuf is listed at $12 (traditionally, below $10). Duboeuf, though, will also release a Beaujolais-Villages Nouveau, which is a bit bigger, fruitier, and a buck costlier. They're also bringing out a Rosé version. The wine columnists mention a slew of boutique labels I never see in wine shops--year after year, all that's available around here (smack-dsb in the middle of the third largest city in America) are Duboeuf, Drouhin, Bouchard, Momessin & Henry Fessy. (And most places carry only the Duboeuf).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Sandy, glad your appt. went well the tumor is shrinking.

    Well, I've managed to hit my low weight, 135. At 63 yo, and 5'9", it's not a very healthy look!

    It's a miracle! Been giving DH kind of the cold shoulder. Guess what? He dressed himself yesterday. Pants, button shirt AND got his socks on.

    DOTD: Skinny Hurricane

    This Skinny Hurricane Cocktail is a healthier version of the classic Mardi Gras drink is filled with orange and cranberry juice and finished with light rum for a refreshing cocktail! #MardiGras #Skinny #Cocktail #Beverage


    1 1/2 ounces White Rum

    2 ounces Light Orange Juice

    2 ounces Light Cranberry Juice

    Garnish, Orange Peel Twist

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Goldie, that’s great about your DH. I hope he feels a sense of accomplishment that will inspire him to continue, realize what he’s capable of and find more joy than despair.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day, and I am so glad it's TGIF day and for this week to END. We had our first round of pool testing for COVID at school this week, and, of course, one of the pools came back positive. So I ran in early yesterday ayem to rapid test myself, since I was in that pool, and rapid test everyone else in the pool. The infected person is one of the adults, not one of the kids, and has very few close contacts so, good news was, no one needed to quarantine. Bad news, someone who should not have had known who tested positive found out somehow and started talking to the staff, and some of the staff decided that I should have closed the school, giving me a hard time. I'm still shaking my head. I don't have authority to close the school. There is no medical reason to close the school. The very same people who want the school closed for fear of catching COVID will NOT wear masks correctly and will not get vaccinated, but it's going to be my fault if they get sick because I did not do something that won't make one bit of difference, even if I could close down the school! I'm still fuming even though the principal and superintendent have taken over the situation and an email sent out about the situation makes it clear that all appropriate steps have been taken and outlines who has what authority. So today will be a day for lavender in the atomizer and my letting go of all that stuff. Then the vaccination clinic in the afternoon, and I'm going to get my booster and hopefully won't end up feeling crummy over the weekend. I originally got the Moderna vax, this clinic is using Pfizer, so it will be interesting to see how I react.

    Goldie--a big surge of COVID after Thanksgiving and Christmas is all but a given with more and more people getting sloppy with masking or not masking at all and all the people planning to travel. I expect my school will end up going remote after at least one of the vacation breaks, if not both. I'm sorry you are feeling so pulled apart, that is a very uncomfortable and stressful feeling. You are well within your rights to tell people they can come visit but need to stay somewhere else because you need to concentrate on taking care of DH. You are not responsible for their travel arrangements, they are. And please pay attention to the depression. Talk to your doc, medication or a medication change can be a big help, I know from experience.

    Chi--it's just amazing to me how many people want to stop doing the very things that make a difference and still expect to be protected. Just crazy. That restaurant sounds lovely! CONGRATS on the tumor regression!

    Goldie--YEAH!Good for the cold shoulder treatment!Love the skinny hurricane, too!

    Morning, Illi!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2021

    Morning glories! Hah! Thanks Kim, for talking about the booster shot being different than the others! When I talked to Janie yesterday, she was having a hard time setting up an appointment at HER store for the booster... "Long lines" she said. Well later she called, and she had gotten her shot!!! At night! So it pays to be persistent ! I had asked if she could just go to Walmart & get the Phizer, instead of the Moderna.... she didn't know! But it all worked out. She got the Moderna from the store she works at, same as where she got the first 2.

    I still can't believe my "little" brother passed away from the virus! Just makes me kind of mad! It hurts to think about him, and I think if he wasn't so stubborn, or afraid to get the shots, he would still be here! He was a year younger than me, and we were always together.... holding onto each other when our parents were fighting... and we had that "bond" even when we grew up and away from each other! But I guess I should be thankful for all the time we were together, and thank God I still have all of our memories....

    Our other Orlando Daughter is still coming on the 2nd.... Then a week later, our oldest Grandson will be meeting her here, they they go back together... They want to see "Dad"... or "Pa-pa".... He is doing just okay.... some things just don't get better, or easier.... but you have to adjust. Thank God I have people like you guys, and other "pen-pals" to talk things over with....

    Sheri is sort of afraid to travel... and I'm kind of afraid for her also! I would rather them wait a few months... maybe until Spring, or it getting warmer, so we could be out-doors more.... They just want to see "Dad" soon....but I tell them I would let them know if things got worse...... What do you all think? Colorado isn't getting any safer lately, it seems! Anyway Janie has been coming over and helping me "clean" and organize the little room upstairs, where the 2 girls stayed when they were just kids... Hah! I remember hearing a big thud one night.... Sheri had fallen off the top bunk!!! But I ran upstairs, and she was climbing back up the ladder to the top bunk.... didn't get hurt!!!! Man, those things were lethal without the guard rail! From then on, that guard-rail was UP THERE!

    We have collected and saved sooooo much stuff! And I just never got rid of "stuff"...! So she has been such a big help, I "crawl" up those steps, and then lean against the wall, and hold on coming down, Hah! I just boxed up "His" stuff from on top of his desk up there, and Janie will carry it down. The "soft" stuff, I just throw down, and she collects it all, and takes it home to give away, or we put stuff out for our neighbors across the alley.

    It's amazing all the things you can DO when you are younger, and don't even THINK about it! And then one day you wonder, "what happened? I used to RUN up and down those steps! " And why did I SAVE everything??? Hah!

    I remember my Grandma & Mom used to save everything also.... thinking they would NEED it someday! But things were a lot different in those days...

    They really weren't "hoarders".... just afraid to throw stuff away, thinking you would use it again... and if it wasn't "broke"... you had to save it.... right? Hah!

    Okay.... have a beautiful Friday! xoxo