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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thanksgiving Day! I hope everyone has a happy and comfortable day where every you are and who ever you are with.

    Kid brother's heart cath was short and sweet. They went in, found all four major arteries with 75% blockage, and many more partial blockage is the lesser arteries. So he's being referred to a thoracic surgeon for treatment. He has a phone consult tomorrow and will know more then. I also found out that Aunt Libby, Uncle Roger's widow, is in the hospital with COVID, all the family in the area is in quarantine. Makes me think Uncle Roger had COVID when he died, but I'm not sure. Life is getting crazier and crazier.

    Karen--glad DD got the water bottle opened! There really has been way too much stressful stuff going on for way too long. Everyone is feeling the pressure, I think.

    Chi--It does seem easier to get tipsy as we get older, doesn't it?

    Reader--I didn't realize flu shots were hard to get this year. I would have thought that would be a priority before flu gets out of hand and creates a second viral monster.

    Goldie--I'm sorry the kids aren't being very helpful. At least the one did help some, until the belt broke.

    Great DOTD! Going to have to look into candied cranberry rosemary, that sounds very intriguing!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Oh, and another thing that is really annoying, they laugh either before something they say and almost always after. And the DD does this too. Drives me nuts! We're talking grown a$$ adults, in their early and mid 40's.

    Just ignore me, I'm just ranting....LOL!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    Happy Thanksgiving friends. Hoping everyone has a good day with family, home time, etc. Lubs you all!


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2021

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Having traditional dinner here for the three of us--DH, granddaughter, and me. Cold front blew in about three a.m. and is still blowing so it feels like winter is coming!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited November 2021

    Is green casserole an American Thanksgiving thing? I had to be told what was in it? I never had it at a Canadian Thanksgiving.

    Goldie: You are showing more patience that I could ever. I am afraid at one point I would snap and scream "Grt off your asses and shut the F up!" Maybe a good thing I neve had kids.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Elderberry, yes, green bean casserole is a standard. I wasn’t always a fan until I replaced the cream of mushroom soup with cream of chicken and doubled the French’s fried onions. Now I love it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Day after Turkey Day! Spent the day with Mom, including driving her to where she's got a bunch of stuff stored to pick up her artificial Christmas Tree. Mom was particularly complaining and negative yesterday, it got pretty hard to listen to after a while. I wish she wasn't so lonely and had more things to do and knew more people her age with similar interests. Oh, she decided that I'm cooking Christmas dinner this year, because her gravy didn't come out as good as she wanted it to. She decorates for Christmas, I don't, so I'll have to listen to that a good part of Christmas day. Oh well, at least I still have her around!

    Sadie wasn't impressed with me getting home late for her din dins. But she forgave me when I gave her extra belly rubs.

    Goldie--I can imagine the annoyance of all that laughing!

    Jazzy--very cute cartoon!

    Beaver--sounds like a really nice TG dinner for your family. It's getting cold here, too. Winter weather advisory up for later today.

    Elderberry--green bean casserole is common in some areas of the U.S. I didn't run into it until I was an adult.

    Illi--that sounds like a good variation on the casserole recipe!

    Frozen Cranberry Cosmopoltan

    Cranberry Sauce Frozen Cosmo

    Turn your leftover Thanksgiving side into a boozy slushy


    ¼ cup cranberry sauce

    1½ ounces vodka

    ½ ounce Cointreau

    ½ ounce lime juice



    In a blender, combine all of the ingredients and mix until smooth. Transfer to a martini glass and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    NM, sounds like your brother is going to have to have surgery? Sure sounds like your uncle could have had Covid. I'm surprised they didn't test him. Glad I refreshed, or in the pewl we would have went. Which usually isn't a bad thing! And yes, be glad to still have your mom. I miss mine, and still want to pick up the phone and call her, as I pretty much talked to her every day. I don't do Xmas deco either. Do you have just a few small things to put out, or what about doing the cooking at her place? The laughing before and/or after everything is horribly annoying.

    Hadn't seen that one before Jazzy, cute.

    Beaver, did you do the cooking? How old is your GD?

    Elderberry, I wish I had balls to do that, but I just don't. My DD and I stay at my brothers for 10 days, and we just get up and do dishes or help cook. And if my younger brother comes over, he helps too. We don't ask "is there anything I can do", you just do it.

    10+ hours in the kitchen yesterday , not to mention the 3-4 hours prep the night before. Not sure about the day before that. Not one iota of help, not one f'ing thing! NEVER again! I told son in law if they wanted to take some turkey with them, he could come cut it. Boy, he was there in a flash. I said, be sure and take some dark meat, not all the white. What does he do, he takes mostly white!

    My husband was crying the other day when I was working outside, 63 yo woman with stage IV cancer, busting my arse off and there they sit, watching tv. He was so disgusted with them, more so with the son in law, cuz it is HIS daughter. They are leaving this morning and not soon enough!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Oh, and if you remember, the kids wanted to back some kolaczki cookies. Well, my cookie sheets aren't the nicest, so I use parchment paper on them. Well, when they were done baking, they used more parchment paper to cover them, instead of foil or saran wrap!

    These are the cookies, but not the ones they did.

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited November 2021

    Goldie, I do wish I could be at your house when the family is there and as a stranger to them, and just absolutely go off on them, not to be mean but as a form wake up call.

    The cookies look great!

    I don’t decorate either since we don’t celebrate Christmas but our anniversary is 12/24, so we always celebrate ourselves in some was and do cook a big holiday meal, not on the day but sometimes that week usually.

    DH’s niece may move to Texas and stay with us, which will be challenging since we’re moving from our home to a 1 bedroom cabin, not sure how that’s gonna work out yet. She’s good but currently out of work and staying on a friends couch, her 18 year old twins moved out, she left her boyfriend and is having a tough time dealing but she’s welcome here, we’ll figure it out.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    LOL BabyGirl, thanks! Another thing that gets me is, DH doesn't say anything. I would be all up in my kids arse if they acted like that. There were other things I wanted to make, but just didn't have the time. Deviled eggs and a pudding desert called Better Than Sex. They are outta here some time this morning, so all will be good. I think the other clan may try to come by for another visit, but not sure, since they had some car trouble.

    Sorry to hear about your friend. Nice of you to help her out. Hopefully things will turn around for her.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Rather disappointed with the Signature Room yesterday. Coffee in the waiting area was lukewarm. They did give complementary pear mimosas--I found them cloyingly sweet and not bubbly enough. The dry riesling from MI's Leelanau Peninsula was delicious & went well with the turkey--but the portions were quite tiny. Maybe 3 oz. of breast over another couple oz. (at most) of shredded dark meat they called a "confit." Cream gravy (which they called "jus") dolloped (scantily) on the side of the plate. "Wrinkled green beans" were okay, generously sized. Very small disk of "cornbread pudding" (sort of like a dry-textured small-crumb stuffing). We could have stuffing, green beans or mashed potatoes--but not all of them (none offered as an add-on side, either). No cranberry sauce, either!. Pumpkin pie & caramel ice cream were okay--the pie was too sweet, but it did come with two (!) sugared cranberries. Prices were high for what we were served, with no buffet (we knew that part going in) and no turkey leftovers to take home as they always had in years past. I did discipline myself enough to take home some of my turkey & green beans for supper, and DOTD with that was Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau.

    Not sure what we'll do tonight--no restaurants we've looked at online or phoned have turkey on the menu today, except maybe Boston Market, and they'll likely run out. Maybe we'll order early delivery and reheat it when we're ready to eat.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    Wow Goldie U have a lot more patience than me! I cannot stand it when someone laughs after every sentence. Had the misfortune to work with someone like that. Sounds like you got a lot done outside which is where I would have headed having that bunch in the house.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2021

    Goldie, multiple gold stars for patience. Make some of that dessert as a treat for yourself. You asked about our granddaughter. She's in her twenties, a college graduate trying for an entry level position in her field with no success yet (even entry level positions are asking for experience, not sure where one is supposed to get the experience when they also require a college degree!). Her parents are working overseas, her part time job doesn't pay enough to live on so she is currently living with us.

    Our DOTD for Thanksgiving was a 2011 Ken Volk Pinot Noir.

    Was going to say more but I lost this message once so I'll close for now!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Sorry for the disappointment Sandy.

    KID, I spent one whole day pretty much outside. But had too much to do Wed. night and of course on Thurs. The laughing at everything drives me nuts, and there are 3 of them that do it!

    Beaver, that's a shame for your GD. I'm like you, how is she suppose to get experience??? Guess I didn't know (or forgot) that she lived with you. When you lose a post, try hitting Ctrl and z, works for me every time.


    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Maybe I should have posted this with you guys, altho many of you seen it on FB. My niece entered Nora in a cute baby contest. It only goes for 3 more days if y'all are interested in voting for her.

    Online Baby Photo Contest : Learn How Online CuteKid Photo Contest Works (

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Lori, I'll surf on over to the contest & vote for Nora! Meanwhile, the only mannerism that annoys me more than people laughing at their own utterances (makes it difficult for me to watch certain news pundits who do that) are ending every sentence with "am I right," "see what I'm saying," or "doesn't that make sense to you?"

    So I have some low-carb stuffing in the skillet right now (stale Natural Ovens keto burger buns crumbled up with mushrooms & shallots sauteed in butter & olive oil, homegrown parsley & thyme, chicken stock and a little herbes de Provence; too lazy to go out in the cold and harvest rosemary). And in the mini-Cuisinart: a relish made with cranberries, a Clementine, walnuts, cranberry juice and granulated monkfruit. I did manage to find a can of store-brand jellied cranberry sauce, but I think I'll save it for next year.

    DOTD with dinner was 2019 Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve chardonnay, Bought Bob some Oberweis egg nog (per his request); I couldn't find any plant-based version that didn't have sugar added. So I will probably whip a little cream and add it to that NotMilk I bought; then a dollop of DaVinci Sugar-Free Eggnog syrup to taste and a grating of nutmeg. Bob's nog gets some bourbon.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    SIL was discharged from hospital Thursday afternoon. He has a duodenal ulcer and that was the cause of the bleeding - nothing else found. He lost so much blood, so he needed 4 units of blood and he had 2 iron transfusions. It is so much easier for my daughter to have him recover at home than in the hospital. SIL slept most of the day today and is upset that he is so "white". Doctor told him it could take 2 weeks to get his coloring back. It will be a long recovery.

    Elderberry - we never did Thanksgiving in Canada and my kids don't either (DD and SIL are in Toronto) - it was just another day of the week. My late mother was born on Canadian Thanksgiving. I've been in the states for decades. I don't remember Thanksgiving till I was grown - don't remember doing much in high school - but then again my memory stinks.

    Illi - I love your thinking. Lori - you are too kind. You truly do work your arse off!!!

    Not ready to go back to work on Monday - had this past week off plus I took the Thursday before Thanksgiving - wondering if this is more and more of a sign that I should retire sooner than later. Haven't looked at anything from work since I left on Wednesday the week for TG, but will look at my calendar and emails tomorrow night.

    Booked trip to visit DD#2 but it may not happen. Borders are closing for 2 weeks midnight Sunday night for 14 days. We don't leave for 3 weeks so there still is time to cancel. We took out trip insurance on flight and VRBO.

    Lots of turkey leftover - it was small - 12# but even 6 dinners ( 3 people 2 nights) barely makes a dent in a turkey. DD#1 and I were talking about TG and counting back several years - the last real thanksgiving eaten at home was 2014. 2015 I was with DD#1, 2016 and 2017 I cooked but we took dinner to my late mother's apt, 2018 we TG on Wednesday and DH went to his mother then next day and 2019 we were cleaning out my late MIL's house. Last year was just the two of us so I only made a turkey leg and turkey wing. No wonder my turkey was so good this year! I brined it and the white meat was so moist. DS polished off the pecan pie tonight and I'm sure he'' finish the pumpkin pie tomorrow.

    Lori - those cookies look yummy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Woke up yesterday to wind and snow. Got about 2 inches, and it's sticking. Making things look very pretty and very wintery. Of course, the satellite internet was out most of the day, so I took that as an excuse to curl up with Sadie and read all day. Did next to nothing else all day long. Did listen to a woodpecker banging on the side of the house for a while. Probably forgot the suet feeder was on the other side of the house.So today is catch up housework day. Sadie didn't seem to mind too much!

    Goldie--it does sound like brother is going to have surgery. Now the surgeon consult is scheduled for Tuesday. Find out more then. I don't actually know if my uncle had COVID or not or was tested or not, or even why, specifically he was in the hospital, or if he died in the hospital or at home. Mom will interrogate people to find out all those details, but I won't. What people want to talk about or tell me, they will tell me. And, yes, I am glad I still have my Mom. It's just getting so hard to get all the complaining about how my brother and his wife don't call or text or whatever from Mom and get all the complaining from brother and SIL about trying to call or text Mom and not being able to get through or her not having time to talk with both sides coming up with crazy ideas about why the other isn't doing whatever when there isn't one damned thing I can do about the situation on either side. If I repeat anything from one side to the other there will be a huge blow up with both sides making me the bad guy. So I keep silent and sometimes wish I could walk away from both sides entirely. You'd think after years of this I get used to it. As to cooking for Christmas, I told her I would cook at her place, she insists on coming to my place. I know she can't safely manage the stairs here, even I'm having trouble with them lately and I'm 22 years younger than her and haven't had knee replacements! Right now I really miss having the excuse of working on Christmas day, but then she'd just pick another day for me to make Christmas dinner. Not sure yet what I'm going to do about it.

    I'm sorry you got stuck with all the cooking and all the work around the house while DD and SIL sat around watching TV. I am glad DH realized what was happening. Maybe now he will say something to them next time they want to visit.

    Pretty cookies! I hope they took the parchment paper covered ones, so they get the stale cookies!

    Illi--sounds like DH's niece is having a hard time. Hopefully she can get herself sorted out fairly quickly. Maybe there will be better work prosects in Texas for her?

    Chi--that does sound rather disappointing for aholiday meal. I cannot imagine no cranberry sauce! That's just not right!

    Morning, Kid!

    Beaver--yeah, the whole needing experience thing is creating real issues. No one is willing to give experience, where do they think experienced people will come from?

    Goldie--I keep forgetting about the Ctrl + Z trick. I need to write it down! And I have voted for Nora in the baby contest.

    Chi--I have to admit I like Egg Nog, but with rum rather than bourbon. I suppose that makes me rather strange.

    Karen--Glad to hear your brother his home and the problem identified. Now it can be treated and managed. He probably does look pretty white. I'm not ready to go back to work tomorrow, either, but maybe it will do me good to have something else to focus on than family drama!

    Woody Woodpecker Recipe

    Woody Woodpecker Recipe

    The Woody Woodpecker drink recipe is an orange colored cocktail made from Boca Loca cachaca, Galliano liqueur and orange juice, and served over ice in a highball glass.



    • Shake cachaca, Galliano and orange juice with ice in a cocktail shaker.
    • Strain into a highball glass full of ice.
    • Garnish with an orange slice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Sandy, and then there's "know what I mean".

    Karen, glad your SIL is home. Hard to believe an ulcer could do so much. Were you born in CA? I hope all goes ok for you to visit DD2. Is she going to stay in Israel, or just until done with school?

    NM, sorry about the bickering between your mom and brother and being stuck in the middle. I can relate, but I think more so between my kids. Can you tell your mom that you'd rather cook at her place as you are concerned for her safety with the stairs? Even tell her you have a hard time with them? Give Ctrl/z a try, test it out. Type something, highlight it and delete, then Ctrl/z and see if it comes back.

    DH will not say anything to either of his kids. This has gone on for 20+ years, so nothing is going to change. As for the cookies, there were none left, and I covered them with foil. Like I said, they just sit around and eat! So they devoured most of the cookies, but there is 2 of them and only 1 of DH!

    I had made a breakfast casserole, 9x13 pan. DH and I each had 1 serving, they each had 2, and another one a little later on. So now I only have 2 servings left. The next morning DH had a hamb. steak and eggs and I grabbed one casserole before they got up, so they had to share one!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2021

    Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Some pics from the bird refuge from yesterdays adventure





  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2021

    Lori - yup, I'm a Canuk! Second generation. My family came to Canada early 1900s to 1920s. My parents moved to the states when I was 11. Still have lots of family in QC and ON, though my mother has cousins in the states. Being Canadian made it easier for DD#1 when she got married and moved to Toronto where her husband's family is from. DD#2 became and Israeli citizen 4 1/2 years ago so Israel is her home. She texted this morning to see if we have travel insurance for our plane ticket. Time will tell what will happen in a couple weeks. Not going to stress about it. I told husband that maybe I'd take a few days extra around spring break which is around when he retires, but he said he rather go longer in the summer. Lots of time to make decisions.

    Kim - its SIL, not brother. Poor guy feels so defeated - we texted this morning and he says he is still so weak. I told him that he's been through a lot and just being released from the hospital doesn't mean he is well, just doesn't need a hospital bed and as long as he feels a bit better each day he's moving in the right direction.

    Jazzy - gorgeous photos.

    Going to go eat lunch with DH. Have a great Sunday

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2021

    Jazzygirl: wonderful pictures!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2021

    Karen, are they treating your SIL's ulcer with antibiotics (for h. pylori) and/or a PPI (Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix or the like)? Or are only gastric ulcers caused by h. pylori? My BFF's DH had a gastric ulcer about 20 years ago--it made him so anemic he could barely walk & talk. He was white as a sheet (even his lips were pale) until the transfusions finally "took." Bummer about Israel closing its borders to every foreigner; I get the sinking feeling that all these border closings are basically locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen. The one hopeful sign is that none of the new Omicron infections (if indeed all of them have been sequenced as such) seem to be serious enough to warrant an ICU stay.

    Happy Hanukkah! We screwed in the first two bulbs (actually first + ahamash) in the electric menorah in the window, and lit real candles in the old-school one on the foil-covered center griddle of our stove (for safety's sake, out of kitty-reach). We rotate them nightly through the holiday: tonight was my ceramic "Synagogues of Jerusalem" one with the shamash on the end; I also have a trad silver one with the shamash in the center, and a stainless-and-brass lower-slung one with the shamash on the end.

    We went ahead and booked our hotel for Gordy's wedding in NOLA's French Quarter the first week of April. Haven't bought the plane tickets yet, as fares may go down after the dead of winter. He & Leslie will be staying at an AirBnB a few blocks from the venue.

    We decided to go out for Hanukkah dinner, and booked a table at RPM Steak, which the Chicago Tribune said was one of the city's restaurants offering a Hanukkah menu (brisket, latkes, etc.). When we got there (and paid the parking valet), we found out that only a couple of restaurants in the Lettuce Entertain You chain--Aba, Ema (both of which are Israeli-themed) and L.Woods (in heavily Jewish Lincolnwood)--were offering it. But we did have their fried beignet donuts for dessert, which is sort of "oil-fried-compliant." DsOTD were Graham Beck Sparkling Brut Rosé (S. Africa) with the apps and 2019 George "Hansen" vineyard Russian R. Valley Pinot Noir with the entrees.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Waking up to a little bit of snow fall, just some good sized, lazy flakes and clumps drifting down, not supposed to amount to anything but should make for a pretty drive to work. Sadie made her morning trip out a quick one and then headed straight back to the still-warm bed! That doggo loves being warm and comfy.

    Goldie--I just tested out the Ctrl+Z trick and it worked! I probably will bring up the concern about the stairs again with Mom, and see what happens. If she gets her stubborn on I'll have to decide if I'm going to just say "no" and deal with her being angry and pissy or giving in and hoping she doesn't get hurt. I'll have to make up my mind what I'm going to do pretty soon. Some things don't change, and Mom and her stubborn streak is one of them. And at this point, every holiday could be the last one. Good for you for grabbing the casserole before the guests got up!

    Jazzy--have a bird or two! Looks like that was a great trip!

    Karen--good advice to the SIL! Recovery from something as big as what he went through is going to take time. Sorry for getting the relationship mixed up. Got my brother on my mind, I guess.

    Morning, KID!

    Chi--I'd love to see pics of your menorahs, they sound so beautiful. I'm watching the omicron variant, too, it's worrisome that it has so many mutations. It's going to take time to sort out what effect they all will have.

    Birch Whiskey Snow Cocktail


    6 ounces (3/4 cup) bourbon or your whiskey of choice

    4 ounces (1/2 cup) birch syrup or maple syrup

    2 ounces (1/4 cup) dry sherry

    2 drops bitters if using maple syrup

    Freshly fallen snow or shaved ice


    1. In a pitcher, mix together the whiskey, syrup, sherry, and bitters if using. Chill thoroughly.
    2. Before serving, fill small highball glasses (or half-pint jelly jars) with snow, packing it down lightly. Drizzle in the cold whiskey mixture, adding as much or as little as desired. Serve with a small spoon.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2021

    Morning girls... Well, I'm up early, and plumber is coming back at 8...I sure hope this goes as planned! Our new toilet is out back, and he will take our old one out, or off... and hopefully connect the new one!

    Man, this just scares me! Our old one is on it's last legs... and he sounds like he knows what he is doing. And hopefully it won't take but a couple hours!

    So I was raking more leaves up yesterday, and tripped & fell in my side garden, but only skinned one knee! THAT is a miracle! I laid there for awhile, and thought, well, I can hold onto the fence, push myself onto one knee, and never mind the knee I fell on that is bleeding, and I'll be okay. It worked! Cleaned it off, put an anti-biotic on it, and a bandage, and it's good! My OTHER hip hurts this morning, Hah! But I got the leaves done, and bushes trimmed.

    This old house is in pretty good shape, being built in 1886. New roof last year, and new plumbing pipes out back, into the alley main, so THAT is taken care of! Nothing else major.... and we used to do everything else... My husband put on storm windows years ago, a nice fence, flagstone in the back, and I did all the inside work like painting, tiles in the bathroom, and hard-wood flooring. So we beLONG here... and we love it! I really dread the day we have to make changes... don't want to even think about it.... but man, sometimes with things the way they are, just worrying about it all keeps me awake all night...

    So I gotta get ready for the big switch! Have extra water on hand, and just pray it doesn't take longer than 2 hours, right? I have a contingency plan, but hope I don't have to use it..... Later guys!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Jazzy, that is a LOT of birds! Wowsa!

    Karen, so DD2 will stay in Israel then. I know what it's like not having your kids close by. I told my husband I was jealous that he has gotten to see his kids 3 times in the last 6 months, I see mine once a year! Surely your SIL wants to feel better yesterday, but like you said, he has to be patient.

    NM, maybe ask your mom what's the big deal about having dinner at your house, as opposed to hers? Does she not want the mess? I'm not looking forward to snow! Been pretty nice here and for the next week or so close to 60, I'll take it!

    Oh ED, you need to be more aware of your surroundings and stop falling girl! I'm glad you weren't hurt any worse than the knee. Are you getting a handicapped toilet, one that sits higher up?

    Morning KID, Sandy.

    So, the daughter that was staying with us put this post up on FB " It's been an exhausting week. Time to go back to reality tomorrow. I need another day to sleep. I'm not even motivated to start Christmas stuff yet."

    I'd like to know what she did that was so exhausting!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2021

    Ha ha, forgot to tell about the box red wine they brought with which was drank in plastic cups with ice and a straw. Who drinks wine with a darned straw? Really? Another time we were at a hotel with them, they had recently been to winery. Anyways, he was having a beer and darned if he didn't swirl and smell it like you would when wine tasting!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited November 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Kiddos were pretty wound up and glad to be back in school yesterday. The kiddos are a lot of fun to be around. Their parents, on the other hand, are sometimes royal pains in the anatomy. One kiddo's parents have shared custody, child spends one week at a time with each parent. One parent called last week, student and parent were contacted by the CDC, in quarantine as close contacts. Parent #1 didn't tell Parent #2 about the child being in quarantine, so sent the child to school. Then had to come pick up the child. Another parent flat out lied about getting a child tested and got caught out by their own statements. An then there was the kiddo who came to me for a band-aide for a scratch who is so excited to be getting the second COVID shot later this week they were bouncing up and down almost yelling "I'm going to be COVID safe!"

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Chevy-- I hope the toilet switchover went smoothly, that kind of thing can be a bit worrisome! So glad the tumble in the garden wasn't any worse. A skinned knee is manageable, other injuries are a lot more work to get over. Isn't it odd how you can fall one way and the other side hurts later?

    Goldie--I think the biggest reason Mom wants Christmas at my place is pure nosiness. Every time she visits she goes through every room and every closet and every cupboard and comments on how things should be arranged and how my housekeeping isn't up to her standards and how embarrassed she would be if her friends found out she didn't teach me proper housekeeping--that is mostly aimed at dog hair, I'm not fanatic about picking up every single shed hair twice a day or making sure the dining table is totally cleaned off after every meal. She can go on about that kind of stuff for hours and I end up feeling like a total failure, so I put a stop to her coming to the house "until I get it totally cleaned up." It's amazing how exhausting sitting around and eating is for the daughter! She must have had to walk more steps between the bedroom and kitchen or bathroom or living room than she does at home. SMH. Drinking wine in plastic cups I can see, and have done on occasion. I've even put an ice cube in a glass of wine from time to time on really hot days. But a straw? What's the point, you don't taste things that way! It must be hilarious watching the guy swirl and sniff the beer!

    Horizontal image of toilet water served in mason jars on a wood board.

    Toilet Water Drink


    • 2L7-UpSprite also works
    • 750mlgood quality vodkamore or less to taste
    • 355mlMixed Berry Blue Gatorademore or less to taste
    • 1/2cupCointreaumore or less to taste


    • Pour all the ingredients into a large pitcher. Mix well. Chill until needed.
    • Serve with a big old toilet water loving smile!

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2021

    Morning girls.... Getting this toilet put in has been hair-pulling! He started it Sunday... this is Tuesday Morning, and it is NOT connected yet! Not his fault.... Old house, having to drill the old toilet out of the floor... repairing the floor, AND putting in cement underneath, & up to the floor level! I kept the two pieces of Laminate Tile he took out, so I am gluing that in again! He will be here in about 1/2 hour... I'll bet he'll be surprised at how I "fixed" the wall where the last tank was bolted in! AND the floor tile I put back together! Had to wait for the cement to set before he could finish it!

    My Husband is still sort of confused as to why the toilet is in the hallway, and not connected yet.... That's okay, it will be over with today, hopefully! I was resourceful enough to implement a big bucket with plastic bags, plus the official chrome bed-pan my Grandma had, and luckily he installed a water shut-off to the toilet, so we DID have water in the house!

    I mean, sometimes you just ask NOW WHAT???