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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited December 2021

    Jazzy, YUM!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Oh wow Jazzy. Thanks for posting. Yum is right. Were you at OldTown?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    I'm officially on winter break!SillyHeart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Late getting moving this ayem, just pooping in to post a DOTD, will ketchup tomorrow.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Just going to jump in. We are home, finally! My appts. went fine, gal that does my ECHO remembers me, and we always have nice conversations. She said she peeked at my previous scan and was pleased with what she was seeing that day. DH appt. was like 4 hours, due to all the people he had to see, OT, PT, RT, speech therapist, social worker, person from ALS, seems like 1 or 2 more, but I don't remember, and of course the doctor. EVERYONE loves my DH! He is always so joking with them and is just so likeable to others. I would so like to tell them, this is NOT the person I live with!

    Looks like many of you were hit with the storm that passed through here. I don't see any bad reports, so I guess everyone is good.

    My MO and I are always talking gardening and stuff, and in years past I have taken him tomatoes. He has a new house and lots of fruit trees and always telling me he wants to give me some cumquats. So when I saw him the other day, he was saying that he was just thinking about that and that he needed to see when I was coming next, well it was that day! However, I told him we were staying the night and I could get some tomorrow. So he brought some fruit and left it at the front desk for me. Some HUGE meyer lemons, 2 grapefruit, 2 oranges and about a dozen cumquats!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Lori - what a sweet oncologist. Sounds like the two of you have a great relationship. Your husband sounds like my late mother - when she went to her pcp everything was wonderful. I would have to speak up and "tell the truth". Her neuro-degenerative disease was different than ALS but horrid non the less. Glad your scan went well.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Karen, DH tells the truth. He's just over the top friendly and jokes with them, making them laugh. But he laughs too, so that makes me happy. He's quite the jokey smurf. As for my MO, we do have a great relationship. My visits with him are more about gardening, his trees, and other stuff. Cancer talk is brief, as nothing ever changes for me, except the TM's always going up.

    NM, helping out. Glad the test pool was negative! I hope you are sleeping in this morning.

    Helped DH with a shower yesterday. He's having trouble getting up from the bench, and this morning it was a struggle to stand up from the side of the bed. If he loses his ability to bear weight, I don't know what I'll do!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Staturday! Ketchup day for me today, here and around the house. The weather has been going back and forth between snow/sleet/freezing rain to thawing/melting/black ice in places, with gusty, windy times in between.

    Things at school have been up and down. The negative pool tests were great to get. Finding out the CDC will no longer be case managing the close contacts of school exposures was not. Guess who's been given job of daily symptom checks, quarantine follow up, test ordering?School nurses?Right in one! The Fed CDC has endorsed a test-to-stay approach for schools, meaning student who are close contacts of a confirmed case stay in school and get tested (at school by the school nurses who probably won't be able to have enough test cards due to the shortage) two or three days a week. The state Dept of Ed Nurse consultant has started saying that school nurses should continue to put off other work--like vision andhearing screenings, vaccination (other than COVID and chicken pox) tracking, and have teachers and office staff take over seeing kiddos with minor injuries, upset tummies, and administering medications needed during school hours. I feel like we're being told to give up doing school nurse work, and just be CDC extenders. The Maine CDC is putting out a new Standard Operating Procedure for managing COVID in schools during the winter break, to go into effect when schools reopen in January, and we're all wondering, and afraid of, what that's going to look like.

    Then, yesterday, there was an apparently nation-wide Tik Tok challenge to bring a gun to school. So we spend the day in semi-lock down, made all the kiddos drop off their coats and back packs on entering, and we searched them all before letting the kids have them back. Over a dozen kids were kept home because of the threat. At least one gun was found being brought into a nearby middle school. Several schools in the area just plain closed for the day.

    I was amazed how many students were totally aware of the challenge, but then it had been on the local news that morning.

    But to finish the day, the teachers/staff had the annual potluck holiday lunch get together. There was some pretty good food there--mac and cheese, vegan scalloped potatoes, a homemade cheese ball, cookies, candies, and all sorts of goodies. It was a lot of fun to actually have some time to sit and eat and chat with people.

    Karen--Lots of wind everywhere, recently, it seems! Enjoy your break time, as best you can without traveling. FIL sounds like a wonderful person.

    Chi--sounds like you are well prepared for the windy conditions!

    Goldie--wow, what a nice looking collection of fruit! Glad your appointment went well. Sounds like DH really had the whole treatment, and too bad you couldn't tell them what he can be like at home. People can be so very different with medical people than with their family members.

    Thanks for the DOTD help! I did sleep in this ayem, quite late. And enjoyed it!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    NM, DH is like that with any females, not just medical people. That is how we became friends with Tammy (dental hygienist) Tonya and Stephanie (cocktail waitresses at Embassy), Basia (cocktail waitress in Laughlin). I tell them they are part of his harem!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Waking up to a couple inches of snow, an d still coming down lazily. Really slept in this ayem, didn't get up till 9! Of course, I was up and down until at least 2:30 ayem, just could not get comfortable, couldn't get my mind to turn off, and generally restless. Mom called yesterday and now her plan is for us to take a couple of 2 or 3 day trips, one in the spring and one in the fall, to "have something to look forward to." I think she's realizing that she really can't travel alone any more. I can understand her wanting to get away for a bit I just wish she had someone else to travel with. I'm going to let her plan the whole thing, she'll never get it all put together and maybe that will get me out ofat least the second trip. If she gets the first one put together, she'll never get the second one put together before I go back to work. And if I pick up summer school coverage, there won't be time for more than one trip. Mom doesn't know about the February trip yet. I did tell her quite some time ago that one was planned, but she's probably forgotten about it by now. At least she's not mentioned it.

    I'm still waiting for Sadie nose nudges for ear scratches while I'm checking email and such in the mornings. And still saving the very last bite of whatever I eat for breakfast for her. The house still doesn't feel right without her. I got lovely cards from the emergency vet and from the regular vet. It's better than it was, but it's still hard being without her.

    Goldie--what a hoot about your DH and his harem!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday as NM would say. Catching up here say hello before the next holiday arrives next weekend. I am working three days this coming week, we have Thur and Friday off and I will be heading to the closer hot springs in Santa Fe for an overnighter at the resort there. I have a nice treatment planned on Xmas Eve for some self care and will head back home Xmas afternoon. I have another four day long weekend the week after and will be in town for that, and plannning to catch up with some more friends and things at home to be ready for another year ahead.

    Been getting out for a few holiday things selectively. Went to a beautiful concert last Sunday evening with the Santa Fe Chorale who did a concert here in Albuquerque. I heard them years ago, but only a subset of the group that lives in New Mexico. What I did not realize is that this group includes vocalists from all over the country. It was so beautiful and moving (brought tears a few times). You know the music is really good when you are moved to tears. Beautiful music does that to me. Here is a short clip off YouTube.

    Yesterday I went to a small gathering at a friends house for a holiday open house. She was careful to only invited people she knew were triple vaxed, and no more than 10 people there. My friend consolidated homes with an aging parent and they now have three women (three generations) under one roof, plus space for a whole lotta pets but it all works beautifully. Ton of work to get this home, move in and sell the rest but they did it. It was nice to see her new place and have a visit with the family. There was a little dog that wanted to be my BFF and came and sat on my lap for a good first half hour. Funny how animals pick you right away for friends!

    We had a bit of weather this week (moisture followed by wind) and hoping to get more rain and snow but not sure we will have a white Xmas.

    Goldie- glad you got back and forth okay to PHX. I have more than a few relatives who were or are charming to outsiders, and were never that kind to me. When people are in failing health, they can react all different kinds of ways but also believe the way people act in public and within a family are usually completely different. Sounds like he likes the attention from his harem. The fruit from the people providing you care to you are so thoughtful. Will you both be home to relax over the holiday or more company coming?

    Ill- my coworkers I have been working with on my last project coordinated two outings this week, one for one of the ladies' birthdays and another with someone we worked closely with. The first picture of the tacos were from one place called The Range that has delicious food but find the wait for the meal to be too long to do for lunch anymore. We have gone twice now and it's close to an hour from order to meal and we don't have that kind of time with our meetings. Love their food, will continue to patronize but not for a work day lunch. The second is a place called Los Cuates which is a local favorite and that combo plate was one of the best I have ever had. As a matter of fact, everyone was eyeing my plate and wanting to order it next visit. What good things are you eating this holiday season?

    NM -reading about the TikTok challenge to bring a gun to school is totally frightening to me. Some twenty years after Columbine, we are still dealing with school shootings, including a number of really bad ones lately. How stressful for you and on top of this Covid stuff. And with respect to your mom, if she keeps bringing up the dog, I hope you can just tell her you don't want to discuss anything more with her around Sadie. I have learned with my family who likes to pick at things about my life they think should be different or that I don't have the right to feel a certain way to result in a speedy shut down with "I am not having this convrsation again/anymore, etc." We are too old to put up with this nonsense. Do you have finals you are doing with your coursework right now?

    MinusTwo- the two restaurants you asked about are on Central and the other on Lomas. I am planning another trip to Old Town later this week around dusk on Thursday to see some of the decorations at sunset. I think they may have the luminarias up on the plaza by Thursday evening, as they usually do a big event on Xmas Eve (did that a few years back). I will post pics if I can get some good ones, it's so beautiful down there at Xmas time.

    Karen- congrats with being on winter break!

    Chi- sounds like those winds did a bit of damage where you live. I read the second storm that came thorugh here tossed a bunch of smaller planes around at the airport in Santa Fe resulting in $1 M in damage at the airport there.

    Celia C, Teka, Mistyeyes, Cami, and more- hoping your holiday season is going okay!

    Got some baking started this weekend and need mo butter to finish baking my biscotti. Made the choc decadence yesterday, will do the caramel walnut and some cranberry orange varieties later today.

    Wishing everyone a Merry Xmas (and Winter Solstice too) that will be celebrating this week!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Love the cartoon Jazzy!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monkey Monday!Short week at school this week, today, tomorrow, half a day Wednesday. I've got to admit I'm looking forward to some time off from covid stuff. Maine CDC's plan is to start a new protocol for managing covid in schools when schools reopen in the new year, so we'll be starting over with a new set of instructions. Not exactly what I'm looking forward to, learning the ins and outs all over again, but it is what it is, and maybe, just maybe, the new protocol will make more sense and be easier, although I doubt it very much. One thing I noticed listening to the news this ayem, the Maine CDC does not case manage or contact trace during the weekends. But school nurses are expected to do just that. That little bit of info just frosts my cake this ayem.

    We got about 4 inches of snow over the weekend, enough to get the driveway plowed for the first time this season. Very pretty to look at, fluffy and sparkly in the sun. Not sure if it will melt off before Christmas or not.

    Jazzy--great music, and love the pic!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    NM, when I wrote Saturday and said you must be sleeping in, I first wrote you and Sadie, then remembered. I know it's hard, it's still fresh. I totally get the mind not shutting off. That is one of the reasons I can't nap, my brain doesn't stop. Then I think, now I've wasted an hour, laying here trying to sleep and it doesn't happen. Hmmm, what kind of little trips do you think mom wants to take? Something local? I sure hope the new covid rules will be good ones.

    Jazzy, as for DH, he's always been like that. He's like that with men too if they have a personality, but doesn't usually create a personal friendship with them. And yes, I think he likes the attention, which is most likely why he does it. Enjoy that spa visit! No plans for us, no company, just another day. Making filet mignon with some kind of shrimp, baked potato, veggie and garlic bread.

    Nothing going on here, just been doing some much needed cleaning, washing the floors and bathrooms. Neighbors came by to bring some cookies, which set me back, but that's ok. When the kids were staying here, whatever kind of "products" they use, they set something on the counter in the bathroom, took the finish off and then splashed something on my wood door, took the finish and stain off of that! I have pictures on my phone, so will come back and post those.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    The spot on the counter is between the handle and the towel, oval shaped, kind of hard to see in the picture, but much more noticable in person.



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    When your friends get you


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Last full day before break. Only a half day tomorrow, and, of course, the day is supposed to start out with snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Everyone is wondering if the powers-that-be will just decide today to ditch tomorrow entirely. We shall see, I suppose. No pool testing today, which is good. The district got another delivery of COVID test cards yesterday, every one of the 40 boxes is expired. When the lead nurse called about that she was told that they can be used for 90 days past the expiration date under an emergency use authorization. So we are not only using tests for a purpose not designed or originally approved, but outdated as well. Makes me really confident in the results. Sigh.

    Goldie--I'm still sleeping in the recliner, I miss Sadie too much when I try to sleep in the bed and she's not there to help warm up the bed. And I don't sleep as well in the recliner, so I feel tired during the day, so I tell myself I've got to sleep in the bed, then night comes and I just can't make myself get in the bed. I know that will fade, but it's one of the times I miss Sadie the most. We'd have cuddles and belly rubs, and tick checks, and 'fights' over who gets how many pillows. Mom is thinking of taking trips to someplace a day's drive away and staying overnight or for a couple of nights, places where there is something she wants to see or do, or where she remembers going for something or other and wants to see again (she forgets places change over time, and the museum she got into for a quarter as a teenager will cost a lot more now if it's even still in operation). What it means for me is listening to the same stories over and over, listening to her complaints about my brother and his wife not calling (they called several time over 2 days around his birthday, could not get through to her), and all the other stuff she complains about. I'm afraid it's going to turn into a real $#*t show if she insists on driving, because I simply will not ride that far with her driving, it's not safe. That will trigger a huge fight, I'm sure. But given her performance around her trip to see my brother and SIL and all the days trips she planned for me and herself last summer, the trips will never happen. OH MY GOODNESS! Whatever they were using probably shouldn'tbe used on skin! Look at the damage! You must feel awful looking at that.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Jazzy, what a nice gift. What were the 8 flavored mixers?

    NM, I'm sorry for the continued struggle of missing Sadie. I guess you'll hit the bed when you are ready. Sounds like the trips with mom not happening would be for the better! If they do happen, and she starts, maybe you can say "can we talk about something else", or "can we talk about something a little more positive and happy". It does make me sick to look at the damage. I have towels on the counter that I put to cover that, but haven't come up with anything for the door, and have to look at it every time I go in there. I thought the same thing about putting that on your skin or hair.

    My son and a friend of his are moving into an apartment today. He's been in a sober living house for 18 months. I'm happy for him, but also very scared.

    A better picture of the counter.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Jazzy - great gift.

    Kim - I hear. you about your mother driving. Can you tell her you are happy to join here on the trips as long as you take your car and you drive. Suggest that way she can enjoy the scenery and the memories. It is a tough situation. Sending you hugs for Sadie. Do you have a sofa that might be more comfy than the recliner but not ready for your bed yet? Half day school makes no sense - the powers to be should cancel regardless of weather. But I know 1/2 day counts as a day of school. When do you go back. I get two weeks winter break, but I don't get February break like lots of schools back east.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    May be a cartoon of text that says 'crabby Road 1-13-11 I'm snowed in! Nothing a little tcan'thandle... especially around the rim ofa margarita glass.'

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Oh man, I remember having to take my Grandma places! I was the only one in the family who she could ask, or depend on... And it was just plain hard, Hah! She never drove, but always told me, how to get someplace, right or wrong... Once in awhile I just thought of pushing her out the car door, Hah! No, not really,.... but you know....

    And then she called me one day, and said she didn't feel good!!! I asked her what happened, and I could tell something was wrong.... I called an ambulance for her, went to her house, and they took her to the hospital! That was the last time she ever got to be home... I took her little dog Patty home with me.... They released her after a few days, and took her to an Assisted Living a block from my house! That heart attack was the start of her Dementia... and I was the only one she had....

    So Patty & I would go visit her every day! I would help her dress, and show her old picture albums, trying to help her remember things... But she kept getting worse.... and couldn't remember.... and she ran out of money.... So the State helped me place her in a nursing home, saying I could rent her house out for a minimum amount to pay for her care....

    At one point we went to put the house in my name, to be able to sell to take care of her. But the State really helped me with her care....financially.... That is until I couldn't find some of her stuff, & I went in other rooms, and found her patch-work family blanket I had made for her... I had printed and sewn pictures of our family onto a quilted blanket for her, to help her remember!

    I moved her 3 times, for different reasons... and my best memories are of bringing hamburgers to her room, and us having a "picnic" on TV trays, and just talking and being together!

    Then that last morning, the home called and said she passed away right after I left.... I ran back & crawled in bed with her, and I just talked to her and told her I always cared about her, and now she could be with Grampa... Ah geez... I still miss her....

    Sometimes life just takes it out of us.... Gotta keep going on... don't let the bad and sad things take you down.... Try and stay away from negative people as much as you can.... or at least put up with their crap, then go home and fix yourself a chocolate coke & go outdoors & just enjoy SOMEthing! Hah!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Chevy - heartwarming story.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!As anticipated yesterday, no school today due to sleet, freezing rain, snow, and assorted cold weather yuck that arrived just about start of school time this morning. I've got a good quarter inch of sleet on the deck that I'm going to have to chip off pretty soon. Half the state closed down schools and offices yesterday afternoon/evening, but our superintendent waits until 5 ayem this morning to do the deed. The Robocall and text woke me up, so I stayed up a bit to read the emails and catch some news, then dosed for a while. Finally got up about half an hour before kid brother went into surgery. SIL says 4 to 6 hours expected time, but he won't be in his room until 8 peeyem. She and I are texting back and forth, she doesn't admit to being nervous, but I think she is. I know I am. And I think she's alone, which is even harder. I'll do what I can to support her. We texted back and forth a while back one day while she was home alone during a tornado watch/warning. Fortunately, that one was 100 miles away, but she'd never been through anything like that before.

    Goldie--I'd just as soon the trips with Mom didn't happen. They're hard to get through, and getting harder, with the non-stop repeated stories (not so bad, just tiresome after the 4th or 5th time) and needing to be so careful what I say so as not set her off on one of her "how do you think it makes me feel when you" or "I'm so embarrassed when my friends find out about how you treat me/keep house/don't keep in touch with your brother like I ask/" and the ongoing complaints about everybody and everything else in the world go from boring to tedious to depressing after a few hours. It's already going to start out on rocky ground because I won't go if she is driving, and that conversation is going to spark lots of hard feelings on her part, she thinks she is an excellent driver when she really isn't. She can get around to familiar places during the day, but anything beyond that and she doesn't see speed limit change signs (she only drives at 2 speeds, 45 mph and 10 mph regardless of where she is) and often does not stay in her lane, she practically drives in the breakdown lane or along the shoulder of the road, because oncoming cars are "so close to the middle line they are in my lane." I don't know how many mailboxes and such she has missed by inches. "I was nowhere near that mailbox. I was in the middle of my lane" is her response when someone riding with her points out a near-miss. I'm hoping that her incessant need to find motels/hotels, activities, etc that cost what she remembers them costing as a young adult or her ongoing refusal to pay more than a set number of dollars for anything will keep her busy until too late in the summer to actually make a trip happen. When she went to visit my brother and his wife she dithered about the plane tickets for so long that she had to change the travel dates twice before she finally actually bought tickets. I'll tell her she's in charge of making reservations, that should give her something to do and make her happy, and, hopefully, never actually get made.I can imagine it's scary for you with your son moving into an apartment. I'm sure he's learned a lot in the house he was in, and I hope he and his friend can be a support to each other. I'll be praying for him. SMH at the counter damage. What was in that bottle????

    Karen--If it looks like a trip will happen I will tell her that I will be driving. I know that's going to set off a round of "life isn't worth living any more, I can't do anything anymore, if I get sick don't treat it just let me die. I'm not going to kill myself but if it's natural I'll let it happen. Nobody will even notice anyway" talk. At which point I will probably tell her that she needs to get her depression treated before I'll go on any trip with her, and set of a round of "I don't like to take pills, there's nothing wrong with my mind, no one should take pills just to feel better, and those pills don't work anyway, I had a prescription once and took one and nothing happened so I didn't take any more, that's all stupid anyway" at which point I will either leave and go home or tell her that if she isn't depressed she's getting dementia, and since she is terrified of getting dementia that would be a very cruel thing to say to her. Anyway, with school out today (and we do have to make up this half day in June) I am on break for a week and a half. School starts again January 3rd. Then there will be about 5 weeks before February break and the Disney trip with the cousins, which I am seriously looking forward to. The planner cousin is already booking meal reservations--that can be done 60 days before the trip. Mostly I'm looking forward to the heated pool and hot tub!

    Goldie--too funny, and too true!

    Chevy--I'm kind of afraid something similar will happen with Mom. She has A-fib and arthritis in her spine, and God only knows what else going on, and I'm afraid all it will take is one fall or one illness to start a downhill slide. I know she won't live forever, and I don't want our last interaction to be unpleasant, and sometimes it's hard to balance everything. I'm trying to take care of myself, but even that makes me feel guilty because Mom interprets that as rejecting her. . .


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Kim, happy winter break! I also go back January 3rd. We get the last two weeks of December off for winter break, but we don't get any time off in February. Between winter break and spring break (last week in March) we have MLK and Presidents Day off so its a long stretch with no time off. In the fall we get Thanksgiving week off. Hope your brother's surgery went well. Did he have bypass surgery? How many grafts? Wishing your brother a speedy, easy and full recovery If you remember my DH had 5 bypass just as Covid was shutting down the world in March 2020. He is doing well and now only sees the cardiologist annually. How old is your mom? Be safe with the ice.

    It's quiet here, so everyone must be busy getting ready for the holidays.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Let the holiday weekend begin


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Have fun at your SPA, Jazzy - and drive carefully.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    ED, lovely story about your grandma. I really enjoyed reading it, thank you for sharing.

    NM, obviously your DB should be out of surgery, praying all went well. I hear ya on your mom and can sense the frustration. You are aware of all the ways she can cause you hurt, yet you are so careful not to cause her any. I hope things fall into place you expect and there will be no trips. Can you bring up now (well after Xmas) about not letting her drive, and you will only go if you drive? Or will she just forget that in time. Taking care of you is not rejecting her. Listen to yourself!Enjoy your days off. 5 weeks will go by fast and you will be in FL before you know it.

    Karen, I remember your DH having his heart surgery. You too enjoy your time off.

    Pretty cocktail pic Jazzy. Enjoy your time away.

    I had to go to town yesterday, so that takes all day. The only thing I had to eat all day was some cheese and crackers before I went to bed. Driving by the hospital on my way home, they had a huge sign/banner out front that said "Hospital Over Capacity", never seen that before. Looking around in Wal Mart, I don't know if 10% were wearing masks.

    Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all my loungettes. No plans here, just another day.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Oh I have to share this. I was talking to my brother (Nora's Pop Pop) on my way home yesterday. Nora's daddy was laying on the floor, doing some core exercises. Raising his legs, spreading them, and putting them back down. Nora crawls over next to him, lays on her back and tries to mimic her daddy! He sent me the video, but I don't know if it will post. It's so cute!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021