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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    My new cut


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Nice, Jazzy!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2021

    Jazzy - I love the haircut. It looks like it can easily go from the office to the hot springs!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Gorgeous hair Jazzy. Yes, thanks, my holiday was exactly that - peaceful. I cooked broiled lobster tails on Christmas Eve.

    NM - I'm so glad you made it through Christmas day w/o any major upsets. And good to hear your brother is OK. I'm going to try the Baileys, Kahlua & Chambord - just don't have any Baileys. A bottle of Chambord lasts me several years. Now a bottle of Amarula... doesn't even last a month. That is soooooo good.

    Goldie - If I remember - you managed to avoid house guests or dinner guests for Christmas. Hope your weekend was peaceful too.

    Chevy - hope your bruises are healing. Be careful my friend.

    Cami - we miss you and think of you always.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    I got 3" cut off my hair today. It looks so much better. Misty - no matter what length I keep my hair, it must be no fuss!!! Anything more than blow dry is too much work. I will post a selfie that I took to send to my girls from my phone. DH likes the hair cut and says he prefers my hair this length. To be honest so do I as it looks better. I do miss my curls and longer hair. The two people I know who I envy their long gray hair are in their 50s and 60s. I agree that its BS to over 50 no long hair!!!! The same with clothes - wear what looks good on you and that is comfortable.

    Jazzy - SW mountains got about 2 feet and the "front range" mountains about 1 foot. The spa pictures look great. Nice cut.

    Kim - thanks yes, happy Shabbat is an appropriate message. The pastrami roast was amazing. I always love grilled chicken. The green beans and asparagus were a little overdone. Think I need to cook them ahead of time and just have them room temp.

    Lori - yes, it was a lot of food. DH and I ate dinner again Saturday night. Still leftovers from the 2 kugels and pastrami roast that will get finished throughout the week.

    We ate Beyond Burgers for dinner tonight and I am still so full. We ate 3 1/2 hours ago and I'm miserable. Haven't snacked at all since dinner other than a Pellegrino seltzer.

    Finished a book yesterday. Time to now pick a new book - I bought 3 earlier this month so just need to decide which one.

    Tomorrow, I need to load up my car to take the donations. I think most everything will fit, but not the tables.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Sun is shining this ayem, looks to be a pretty day, and supposed to be in the 20's which is more comfortable than the teens and single digits. Kid brother went home from the hospital yesterday peeyem, SIL sent a pic of him happily napping in his recliner with his kitty on his lap. Planning to try to get some laundry done today, I've gotten behind and there is quite the pile in the bedroom.

    Chi--too bad Bob has to work so much on Boxing Day. Praying for things to work out for the wedding in April.

    Jazzy--Nice cut!

    Morning, Misty!

    Minus--I had to look up Amarula, What does it taste like? The description I found says "fruity" but that's a little vague.

    Karen--fixing a meal so that all the parts are hot and perfectly done at the same time is a vanishing art, I'm afraid. I'm with you with the rules about hair and clothes and age rules.

    cranberry mulled wine

    Cranberry Mulled Wine


    6 allspice berries

    3 whole cloves

    2 cinnamon sticks

    6 thin slices fresh ginger

    1 750-mL bottle dry red wine

    3/4 c. sugar

    1 c. fresh or frozen cranberries

    1/2 c. brandy

    Pear slices, for garnish


    1. Put allspice berries, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and fresh ginger slices in a saucepan.
    2. Add dry red wine, sugar and fresh or frozen cranberries and bring to a simmer. Let simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
    3. Remove the spices with a slotted spoon. Stir in brandy. Ladle the mulled wine and cranberries into mugs and garnish with pear slices.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Mistyeyes, sounds like your Christmas was pretty relaxed. I too have never heard of hot Dr. Pepper! Our dinner was real good!

    Jazzy, sounds like your trip was nothing other than perfect. There are places here that say masks are required, but it's not enforced at all, no one wears a mask. The hair looks great, and so healthy. Also the color is really pretty (in my opinion).

    NM, so glad things went well with mom, albeit seeing the changes. I just hope nothing happens where she hurts herself, or someone else. Would she be up to using a walker? My MIL just fell a few days ago, she has a walker, but insists she doesn't need, and a cane is all she needs. She falls every 2-3 months. You are a long hair gal too.

    Sandy, love me some good Bakliva! Hope all goes smoothly for the kids wedding.

    Minus2, you are correct, no company for us. Never heard of Amarula.

    Karen, my hair needs to be styled. I like it layered, but haven't been to a hairdresser in over 18 months, so it's all one length right now. I too like a no fuss, I'll curl for special occasion. But since so much of my hair fell out, new hair is coming in now, about 3"-4" long, if I were to get it layered now, I'm afraid it will look even worse. I do have some wispy bangs. Beyond Burgers, is that place or way to make burgers?

    Windy here yesterday and for the next few days, and some cold and maybe snow coming over the new year.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    On my FB page I am asking for prayers. This is Lindsay, her mom Suzanne and I were best friends and the kids grew up together. We were neighbors. Suzanne passed at the young age of 39, high bp and they think some kind of brain aneurysm, no autopsy was ever done. Lindsay went in the hospital yesterday, she also deals with high bp and had something similar to happen. Last night she was stable, and they are checking her for meningitis. I have no news this morning. So if you all could say a prayer for her? She's the blonde on MY right.

    EDITED: She had been having a headache for a couple of days, then started throwing up. Her ex and youngest DD took her to the hospital where they discovered a blood clot in her brain.

    May be an image of one or more people, people standing and indoor

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Oh how top describe Amarula. Below are some notes from several sites. It's fun to research because supposedly the elephants in South Africa journey miles to get the fruit of the Marula Tree when it's ripe. A friend in Washington introduced me to this delicious treat. Most people I talk to who have heard of it, tasted it in Europe. I like to pour a tot to sip at the end of the day, or to sip with a cup of coffee after dinner (instead of dessert for me). Try the original before you branch out into the other added flavors (vanilla being one). I do not keep it cold or pour over ice - but that's recommended on some sites. It's really hard not to pour a second 3 ozs. That said it's fairly expensive ($20+), but I decided I'm worth it.

    Amarula is a cream liquor similar to Bailey made with the fruit of the marula tree

    >>>Our original classic cream liqueur is a velvety smooth cream liqueur, infused with the exotic taste of the marula fruit,

    >>>Amarula Cream Liqueur is a nutty, citrus-driven cream liqueur made and flavored with Africa's marula fruit. Its creamy milk-like texture in the glass leads to a plush and mouth-filling palate without being too heavy.

    >>>It's difficult to describe the flavor the marula fruit imparts to this liqueur. It's a bit nutty and also citrusy. The overall texture is milky, unmistakably a cream liqueur, but it's a bit lighter and less sticky-sweet than many other cream liqueurs on the market.

    >>>It has the taste of slightly fruity caramel.

    Amarula Fruit Cream 750ml

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Goldie - so sorry about Lindsay. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Lori, holding Lindsay in my heart too.

    Anyone who says long hair is only for those under 50 is nuts. Tell it to Emmylou Harris (who went silver in her 40s). I like mine long because although (due to its texture) it's higher-maintenance, it gives balance to my body, at least above the waist. As to those 3-4" "baby hairs" (I get them too), my stylist recommends spraying your palms with hairspray (any brand) and then stroking them gently down your hair from roots to mid-shaft.

    Last night Bob didn't get home till after midnight. He ate dinner (college-dorm-food, as he put it--chicken fingers & packaged salad from the hospital vending machines) at work, but requested a cheese board to go with the good red wines we have open (1986 Arrowood Sonoma Cab. Sauv. and 2018 Natale Verga Barbera d'Asti from northern Italy). I scrambled through my deli drawer and threw out a slew of cheeses that I'd bought in 2020--one or two pre-pandemic--that were too moldy to "shave clean." Others that seemed too hard softened up nicely when left out at room temp. I did treat myself to an ounce of Sauternes (the remainder of the bottle in the fridge from a B'way Cellars French wine dinner). We had the Arrowood with the cheeses. Earlier, with my leftover halibut & veg from Christmas Eve, I had a couple oz. of 2020 Lugana from the Friuli region. It was perfect. (And it would have gone well with the nicely ripe but not runny brie, maybe also the herbed chêvre).

    Tonight will be some of that Barbera with my leftover prime rib & veg.

    Speaking of alcohol, Bob's Chistmas gift haul included Jack Daniel's (with JD-flavored instant coffee & a matching mug), Belvedere vodka, Maker's Mark bourbon, Remy Martin VSOP, and yet more boozy dark chocolates (filled with Kirkland's brands of XO Cognac, tawny port, Scotch, & Irish whiskies). Another patient gave him a dozen flavored hot chocolate "bombs."

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    My friend Suzanne and Lindsay, probably 35 years or so ago.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Lori, Beyond Burgers are a brand of vegetarian burgers that taste like the real thing. Keeping Lindsay in my thoughts.

    My son is off New Years Day. I told him that I could make steak. He goes “you’re not going to make chicken wings and potato knishes”? I’m been making that for year, don’t remember how many. So that’s the menu. New Years Eve is Shabbat do it will be our typical Friday night. Hard to believe that 2021 is almost over. Not the least bit sad to say good riddance! Wishing for all things good in the coming year. Won’t ask for normal because I have no clue what normal is anymore.

    Here is my hair minus the 3” It is much more grey than it shows in the photo The under side is brown but the outer layer is pretty much all gray


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Karen - love the new hairdo ❤️

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Waking up to snow again this ayem. I don't think it's supposed to amount to a whole lot. Should be a good day for puttering around the house. I did go back to sleeping in the bed last night. It's time to stop sleeping in the recliner, where I'm not getting really good sleep. Not that I got any really good sleep last night, but I've got to start somewhere. I really missed cuddling up to Sadie last night. But I'm not as stiff in the back and hips as I am when I sleep in the recliner. I hope a can readjust this week before work starts again.

    Kid Brother is doing well at home, up walking around frequently and walking to the mailbox and back a couple of times yesterday. It's a good start for him.

    Goldie--I don't think Mom would consider using a walker yet. She is going to ask her doctor for another referral to the Physical Therapist she likes to see, when she does the exercises her back is less bothersome and she can walk further without having to stop due to the pain (she has arthritis in her spine). Her near falls are happening mostly when she is bending over and picking things up off the floor, which she does a lot due to dropping things so often. Now she had a new rocker/recliner that swivels that she's fallen off the edge of at least once already. She hasn't got the strength in her legs to completely push the foot rest down until it catches, I can foresee that causing problems, too, but what can I say? Yup, I am a long hair gal, and plan to stay that way! Oh my goodness, what a horrible thing your friend and her family is going through. Prayers. Great pic of Suzanne and Lindsey!

    Minus--Nice descriptions of Amarula! I'll have to see if I can find some, it sounds really good. I've found that some liqueurs are better at room temp than chilled, I like Chambord room temp, it seems to have more and deeper flavor. But Chambord in an icy cold bubbly is very good, too!

    Chi--I am amazed at how you could put together a cheese board on such short notice! I bet it was all very good!

    Karen--You need to be careful about changing those holiday traditions, the adult kids will notice! Love the hairdo, it really suits you!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Morning, Cammy Cat!Miss you!

    image alt="Kitten Cuddler - Easy Cocktail Recipes">

    Kitten Cuddler Cocktail

    1 oz of Vodka

    1 oz of creme de bananes

    1 oz of Pineapple Juice

    1/2 oz of Lemon Juice

    1/2 tsp of grenadine syrup

    1 tsp of Lapponia Lakka Cloudberry Liqueur

    3 oz of chilled sprite soda

    Shake all ingredients (except sprite) and strain into an ice-filled collins glass. Add sprite. Garnish with a cherry, slices of orange and lemon, and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Minus2, interesting story on the Amarula. I love the elephant on the bottle and I love Bailey's!

    Sandy, you have and ate cheese from 2020? Well, that quite the haul of booze and chocolates you got there.

    Karen, it really tastes like a real burger? DH had the one at Burger King, at first he said it tasted just like a whopper, then changed his mind, said it left a funny after taste in his mouth. Your hair looks good and it looks more brown than gray to me.

    NM, big step sleeping in the bed, but better you get better sleep and not so stiff when you get up. It will get easier. I can relate to those foot rests being hard to get down, the one on my couch is like that. Glad to hear your brother's recovery is going well. Interesting cocktail, sounds yummy tho. I had to look up the Cloudberry Liquer, sweeter than cranberries, but more subtle than raspberries. That was all I could find.

    Lindsay has tested negative for meningitis, blood clot is stable (not sure what that means), but they can't get her blood pressure down.

    I look at Covid numbers daily and AZ on an average would have about 3000 new cases daily, yesterday we had 7641 new cases...YOWSER!


    See the source image

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Lori, depends on the lighting how the grey shows up. I’m actually proud of my grey. I just wish it was all grey. DH and I think they taste pretty close to real thing.
    Kim, at 30 something I don’t refer do my DS or DD#1 as young adults but do my 20 something DD#2. But you’re right, don’t mess with traditions. I love grilled chicken wings and potato knishes so happy with menu.
    Winter break is going too fast! Heading to basement to clean out crawl space. Took a car load to donate yesterday and may have more tomorrow.

    Indulge me. Two more hair pictures. The one I sent the girls and one I had my son take if the back. You can see more of the grey. I’ve earned every one😂



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Yes Karen, the lighting makes a difference!

    Here is me with my blonde wig right after chemo, no eyelashes/eyebrows.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Cute wig, Lori! Hard to see lack of lashes in the photo, but you seem to have done a great job "creating" eyebrows.

    Karen, your hair frames your face beautifully! Have you thought of not smushing the top down under a hat? You can easily "rock" that full head of hair all by itself.

    We got about 1/2" of snow before the temps rose and it turned to rain. Slush on deck, roads & sidewalk has all melted. We do have a bit still on the grass. We're probably gonna be a lot less lucky on New Year's Day: will start in the morning, snow all day into the evening and then temps will plummet. Our landscaper will finally have some winter work beyond stringing holiday lights. (But he will have a skeleton crew, as most of his guys have moved to a freelance app).

    I am very, very nervous about my upcoming cantorial-solo stints on 1/15 & 1/29. Have a Zoom session with the cantor tomorrow, and I'm afraid I've bitten off more than I can chew. Will have to do stuff line by line with her recordings and the text. Complicating matters is that I thought I had the prayerbook, Mishkan T'filah, which replaced the one we've used for years and which I have (Gates of Prayer). But to my dismay I searched until I realized that what I have is the High Holy Days set--I never bought the Shabbat book because the temple always has plenty in the pews. (For High Holy Days, they request we buy our own because they don't have enough--or didn't, pre-pandemic). I've never used it when watching online services because the text is up in slides onscreen. So I thought quickly, went to Amazon, and bought & downloaded the Kindle version--which I now have on my iPad. Will be practicing all evening (hope my pipes hold up), and hoping I can memorize some of the melodies and we can do just a partial run-through on Zoom tomorrow.

    But before that, I have a Doximity visit with my NP. I have to weigh myself and take my own BP reading, and face her extreme disapproval. Doesn't help matters that the gastro group at Holy Cross came through and we took delivery today of the annual baklava tray from Shattila Bakery in Dearborn. If we can still have friends over Friday night, I hope they can make a dent in it and take some home to boot. Re-thinking plans by the minute--may not go out to Regalia at all, except perhaps to order for pickup.

    We've been invited to a retired pulmonologist's New Year's Day open house party (a little too far to walk in the snow & subfreezing temps, I fear; and parking will be tight enough that we'd need a rideshare). He's 81 and his wife is 75, so I'm sure they're boostered despite his political conservatism. (His subspecialty was infectious diseases). Their house is a multilevel mansion with very high ceilings and an industrial-strength HEPA & ventilation system (and I'm sure they'll have some strategically-opened windows). We went in 2020, but they didn't do it last year of course. They have a catered buffet too. If we go (we RSVPd "yes," but the weather may be a perfect excuse to back out), we will bring a bottle of our best Champagne as a gift; wear our KN95s and "dip & sip," probably not eat, definitely NOT gather round the piano to sing, and likely stay less than an hour...if we go...

    DOTD tonight will likely be some of that Barbera, with keto cauliflower lasagna.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Oh, and as to that 2020 cheese? Hard cheeses age pretty well; so long as they're natural (as opposed to "pasteurized process" like American slices or Laughing Cow), if the chunk is big enough the moldy parts can be easily sliced or even shaved off. Can't do that with thin wedges or soft cheeses, of course.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited December 2021

    Hi gals just popping in to say I had a celebratory glass of Italian pinot grigio tonight at a local Italian place we like to go to for dinner. BIRADS 2 B9 diagnostic mammogram and a good Onc. Visit. I wish I did not get so worked up before these appointments but oh well. My BP showed it as did my pulse, but hey oxygen saturation was 100%...😂

    On the way to and from DC today for my appointment I saw crazy things, including a young dog on a leash laying on a hill ( like it was sleeping but probably resisting moving) owner was pleading with said doggo to get up! On the way back from my appointment I saw a very disheveled looking man (average size) riding a teeny-tiny bicycle in the traffic lanes....made the trips more interesting.

    I'm enjoying everyone's posts and wish you all a happy new year. For new years eve if all feels right, we will go ( early) to Fleming's steak house. I have a lovely Christmas-y outfit I didn't get to wear over the holidays- red and black checked slacks and probably a red tunic length sweater set.

    NM my brother just had open heart surgery again too. Prayers for yours. Mine is doing very well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    DOTD was a 2011 Barbera d'Asti (not the Natale Verga, which Bob killed off last night) that I Coravined. I had it with a surprisingly tasty & filling frozen cauliflower lasagna.

    Tomorrow will be trying. My weight mgmt. NP appt. would have been switched to remote even if I'd chosen in-person. I suspect that except for lab tests & scans, nothing will be in-person till at least mid-Feb. Almost certain my derm is going to cancel on me...again. On the fence about dining out now. (And I say this as triple-Moderna (full-strength)-vaccinated with KN95 and N95 masks). IL had nearly 21,000 cases in the past 24 hrs., 5700 of them in Chicago. Our positivity rate in the city is now >15%. And I'm finding it extremely difficult to work on the cantorial-solo stuff: Most of the recordings the cantor gave me are not in "Gates of Song" (at least not the melodies). I spent nearly 3 hrs. on two hymns today and am very shaky on them--the guitar chords help but the Hebrew is a tongue-twister. I suspect she will have to coach me line-by-line.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Sandy, I used a brown eye shadow for eye brows and the same under lower lashes, which I always do anyways. I hated losing eye lashes and brows more than the hair on my head! Good luck with those upcoming cantorial-solo stints. My block cheese doesn't last long enough to get moldy. My DH loves processed cheese, American and the Velveeta, I don't think they are capable of getting moldy! I have had my provolone or swiss get moldy, but they are the sliced ones, I'll have to look to see if those are "processed".

    LOL Jazzy!

    Reader, hooray for the good onc visit. It's hard not to get worked up. Glad you had some things to make the trip interesting! DH and I will be staying home for NY and NYE, just like we do everyday! Also glad that your DB is doing well.

    We got a little bit of snow last night, maybe 1" - 2", but it's still dark out, so I can't really tell. Came across this on FB, and thought it was good.

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    DOTD: Cactus Rose

    See the source image

    6 ounces white tequila
    3/4 ounce agave nectar
    3 ounces fresh lime juice
    1 red nopales fruit, peeled and sliced

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Looks like the first bits of info about the new COVID protocols is starting to come out. The one document I've seen so far this morning indicates Maine will be going to 5 day isolation for people testing positive, vaccinated people who are close contacts will not have to quarantine at all, just wear a mask when around people for 10 days, and unvaccinated people will quarantine for 5 days then wear masks around other people for 5 more days. The weekly MeCDC briefing this afternoon should be pretty interesting. I think the public expectation is elimination of isolation and quarantine. I'll be checking the Me CDC and Dept of Ed sites pretty regularly today, hoping more comes out, like the updated protocol they've been promising would be out this week. Although I expect that will come out on Friday or over the weekend, that would be consistent with all the other updates coming out with a little prep time as possible.

    Goldie--last night wasa little easier going to bed in the bed, I know it will get easier. In a situation like Lindsay's, a stable blood clot is one that is not getting bigger, and not showing signs of breaking up into little pieces that can travel around and cause trouble. Stable is a good thing. I remember looking up cloudberries once, too, and came across the same description. I haven't yet found any Cloudberry Liqueur, but I'm keeping an eye out. 1,080 cases per 10K residents as of this ayem. 1 to 1.5K new cases per day over the last couple of weeks, roughly twice what it's been since it all started. Seems rather surreal.

    Karen--I wish my hair would go all grey like yours! I actually like the look of all grey hair. Particularly on someone who wears it proudly! I suppose at 30 they are full adults and not young adults anymore.

    Goldie-- I think you look great in that pic!

    Chi--aren't Kindle books marvelous things! Or any digital book platform, for that matter. Instant access has its advantages.


    Reader--HOORAY for the good mammo report! Glad to hear your brother is doing well, too!

    Chi--I have faith that you will master the songs in time!

    Song of Songs Cocktail Recipe by Marcy Franklin

    Song of Songs Cocktail


    • 2 Ounces Laird's Bonded Apple Brandy
    • 1/2 Ounce unsweetened unfiltered organic cranberry juice
    • 3/4 Ounces simple syrup
    • 2 dashes orange bitters
    • 3 dashes Angostura bitters
    • Apple fan, to garnish


    Combine all ingredients in a shaker, and serve on the rocks with an apple fan garnish on 2 toothpicks.

    From <>

  • ohionana1605
    ohionana1605 Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2021

    jazzy girl, thanks for the song. Beautiful. I love music. Be

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Haven't seen cloudberries in any stores or farmers' markets, but I once got cloudberry jam at one of the two Swedish deli/groceries (Carlson's & Ericksen's) that used to be on Clark St. in my old neighborhood of Andersonville, one mile south of where I am now. The only remnants of anything Swedish there (now that the Swedish Bakery owners retired and sold the building to a clinic) are the Swedish Museum, and the tiny (and breakfast/lunch-only) Svea cafe. Ann Sather's moved up here to Edgewater, but they too are open only through early lunch. (Good thing, as their signature cinnamon rolls--which back in the day came free with everything you ordered--are evil). Such are the casualties of a neighborhood turning hip and trendy. BTW, Nespresso had a limited-edition cloudberry-infused espresso capsule. Ran through them pretty quickly.

    The sliced cheeses--so long as they don't say "pasteurized process" or "cheese food"--are natural. But because they each have a larger surface area than the blocks or wheels from which they came, they can go moldy faster and the mold can't be scraped off the surface. However, if the mold is only at the edges or corners, it's easy to cut it off and safe to eat what remains: mold will permeate processed cheese, but unless it's a cheese that's supposed to be moldy (e.g., any blue cheeses), it won't permeate below the surface of a block of natural cheese. (Of course, when bread gets moldy the spores are alive throughout the loaf, which must be discarded).

    Had a slightly painful NP televisit today (albeit phone call because she was at home and couldn't get her camera to work). She is not happy about my weight gain (but if she knew what I had weighed before I put the hammer down 2 weeks ago...). She's okay with my maintaining, so long as I really try hard to control portions and increase my veggies--and try intermittent fasting, which I used to do by default anyway. She won't order an antibody titer, because my booster was only 4 months ago, and she says as long as I stay as careful as I've been, I'm as protected as I can be until fourth shots are authorized. She says I should do all my own cooking, not go to any restaurants (even the safer ones), and eat dinner on my own schedule, not Bob's. But we hardly ever get to spend quality time together with him working so hard...and in these pandemic days, tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

    Bob came home late last night and declared we have an even better--and wholly ethical--reason to change our RSVP to "no:" he sees an increasing number of COVID patients ,and his hospitals don't want him to test lest he have to stay home--they're that short-staffed. The party's host is 81--and quite frankly, Bob might pose a danger to him. But he still thinks I can safely attend without exposing the host, and if I'm careful, without getting exposed myself. (But that would use up one of our precious rapid tests, which ethically I ought to take before leaving the house). I don't think it's worth it--who knows if I have Bob's viral load already? Also not worth wasting a precious rapid test I might need to take if I have somewhere important to go. And as much fun as the party might be (and we might even see the owners of Broadway Cellars there), getting there would be an ordeal. Saturday's weather looks perfect...for staying home in sweats, watching whatever bowl games might still not have been canceled, and eating leftover food from our own party.

    Meeting online with the cantor in 1/2 hr--will probably get through 2 hymns & one liturgical section...slowly, line-by-line. There's a way I could do this more smoothly, singing along to her without digital delay or echo: Zoom on the computer, use one iPad for the Kindle prayerbook and the other cued up with her recordings coming into one earbud. But would also have to use a music stand for the Gates of Song book (which has the musical notation for some stuff) and play my guitar. And that's if I can keep Happy off my lap. Think I will just try the hymn solo with the guitar and chant the liturgy guided line-by-line. I have a giant music book with all the liturgy & hymns--in larger print--coming next week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Sandy, I’ve been covering my hair for almost a dozen years- made the decision to take on one more mitzvot after my daughter got married (not smushing the top down). But thank you for the compliment about my hair framing my face nicely.

    Kim, DH keeps wondering what will be with school after winter break. He feels that there will be lots of sick kiddos. I’ve not looked at emails so far this break, but I did go to email to find pay stub to see what I made this year. I saw lots of junk emails and one that included January in subject line but that can wait to Sunday night or early Monday morning. This break has been really relaxing having time to go through stuff. I’ve taken 2 car loads to donate. Nice feeling of accomplishment to see the space I’ve cleared.

    It is COLD today. 12 when we got up. Met a retired teacher friend for coffee this morning. Meeting a school nurse friend from my old district tomorrow to walk.

    Reader, stubborn dogs! And that guy on the bike is a danger to all drivers.

    Snow is predicted for Denver Friday night and Saturday. Anywhere from 2 to 8 inches depending on what model the weather person uses. Very cold Saturday as well. This will be the first real snow of the season.

    Need to ask DH when he wants to walk.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    WHEW!!! Just finished today's session with the cantor--and it turns out I only have to co-lead Jan. 29th, because the 15th is the special Shabbat Shira (Song Sabbath), at which she wants me to sing & play the post-silent-meditation hymn I composed. She's pleased with what I've done so far, and the guy who'll be subbing for the Rabbi will do a lot of the chanted liturgy. So I have a month, not a week and a half.

    Gonna make myself a late lunch (second half of brunch) and another pourover cup of Honduran coffee.