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how about drinking?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2021

    Goldie, my bosses daughter had something like that. They were able to "glue" the leak closed. It was a weakness in a blood vessel. Hopefully she will be ok. Covid or the other one making the rounds here. A nephew and 2 nieces are sick but not seriously.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Well, our New Year's Eve is falling apart as we speak. Our godson, his wife & baby were in St. Louis for Christmas--and he (godson) just rapid-tested positive but asymptomatic. (Wife is negative, baby--3 mos. old--hasn't been tested). Godson's parents--our BFFs--also need to be tested so the whole clan will be isolating for at least the next 5 days. Gordy & Leslie got back from TX last night--also found out today her BIL (the science teacher who boasted he didn't need a booster) just tested positive--the rest of her family tested negative. Gordy & Leslie are feeling fine but haven't been tested. They may or may not come over for nibbles & bubbles. Their dog got GI distress in the car en route home but seems to be improving. Bob won't be home tonight till after midnight (what else is new)? The kids are afraid of infecting us, but as long as they test negative we'll be fine. Obviously, not going to have friends over--we invited another couple plus a friend who hosted a small party we all attended 12/18, but I'd be extremely surprised if they were willing to drop by.

    Meanwhile, the hell with what my NP says. I don't feel like eating a plate of vegetables. I found a piece of fried chicken in the freezer--something I haven't had in months if not almost a year--and I'm nibbling it now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Mom called last night, It seems her car battery is dead and she needs a jump. She's been trying to get hold of AAA all day on the computer (I do not know why she doesn't call the number and talk to a person), can't figure out what button she's supposed to push on her modem per the directions on the compter screen, won't ask the neighbor for help because he's been sick with pneumonia, can't call a service station directly because she can't get on the internet to look up a phone number. So I'm supposed to call her this morning when I'm up and about and see if she figured out the problem and go jump start her car if she hasn't gotten hold of AAA yet. She also found out thatfriend of hers, the husband of a couple that used to go to Bean Suppahs with Mom and Dick regularly, has COVID and is pretty sick with it. Mom is convinced that he is going to die from it so he can be with his wife who died last year. She had dementia and his whole life revolved around taking care of her for the last several years. I'm not sure what mom's "very sick with it" really means, but he is still at home and has been vaccinated, so it's hard to sort out what is real information and what is Mom's interpretation.

    Goldie--looks like we bumped each other into the pool!Funny, the last herbal sparkling water I was drinking was Aura Bora Cactus Rose!

    Welcome, OhioNana!

    Chi--I think your NP's advice is sound. With the changes the CDC made in quarantine and isolation rules for healthcare workers (isolate for 5 days if you test positive, no quarantine if you are a close contact as long as you aren't symptomatic) the hospital must be frighteningly short staffed if they don't even want to test!

    OK, going to stop here for a minute, just got a notice of a preview of the new schoolSOP is available to view (nurses only, not to be shared yet), going to pop over and check that out.

    Ok, back now. That was some interesting reading. The details are currently embargoed, so I can't talk about them right now, but the overall effect is not going to be less work for school nurses, as promised. More when I can talk about it.

    Karen--You are probably wise to wait until school starts up again before even looking at the emails. Give the powers that be a chance to get their heads wrapped around the new procedure and be able to explain it before worrying about it. Good foryou getting 2 loads out to donate!

    Chi--always nice to suddenly have more time to prepare for something!

    KID--it's amazing what medicine can fix these days!

    Chi--sorry to hear that Covid has hit your family.


    Embargo Cocktail

    Embargo Cocktail

    2 1/2 oz Embargo Ron Extra Del Caribe

    1/2 oz fresh squeezed Lemon Juice

    1/2 oz fresh squeezed Lime Juice

    1/2 oz Orange Curacao (Triple Sec)

    1/2 oz Sugar Syrup


    Citrus Peel

    Add the Embargo Rum, and the other of the ingredients into a metal cocktail shaker with ice

    Shake until the sides of the shaker frost

    Pour the chilled mixture into a glass filled 1/3 with chipped ice

    Add a Citrus coil for garnish

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Kim, thankfully my school district has a FB page. Going back January 3rd as planned in person. No changes. I’m sure I got a work email 😂. Only thing I need to figure out is what I’m doing Monday as it’s a PD day - work from home or go to my Monday site. Other thing is where I’ll be after MLK. Not worried about that as I’ll find out next week when I look at emails.

    Met a friend for coffee yesterday and meeting a friend to walk this afternoon. Break is just about over 🙁 I’ve really enjoyed the time off

    Have a great Th

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Good morning friends- back to the last of my long weekends and holiday time with the job. It's been so nice to have this extra time off the end of the year, first with Thanksgiving week off, and then these two long weekends. My next time off planned is not until late March, when I have day off around my b-day and another hot springs trip planned. With more vacation time accrued and the ability to flip unused sick time to vacation time each summer, I am planning to take more three day weekends between now and our next holiday over Memorial Day. We don't get some of the extras like MLK or presidents day off, but I have time accrued and will be sure to take some extra three day weekends. Work to live, not live to work, right?

    I am going this morning to meet up with a friend for breakfast, then do some errands. Tomorrow we are supposed to get another storm (had one Tuesday night that brought snow to the state like Goldie got, but not much). More rain and snow coming tomorrow night into NY Day. I have no plans for tomorrow outside of a swim at the pool at noon, then will be home chillaxin for the holiday. I do have plans for a NY Day yoga class and a friend is coming over later in the day for wine and apps. Mostly going to slow down this weekend. I will say I am far more rested right now than I have been in awhile, I wake up feeling rested. Thankful for these days to rest and restore end of the year.

    Goldie- hope your loved one is going to heal up okay from everything. Stay safe in the storm that is coming.

    NM- I find the on line way to get help for car service to be less ideal than calling. They try to direct you to the on line thing and probably because they are not able to staff the phone lines like they used to. Hoping mom gets them to come over and help her so you don't have to go play AAA. Wishing you a good year and you have a fun vacation coming up too.

    Glad your brother is doing well too and think he didn't share anything with mom which is smart. Nothing to be gained......

    Chi- hoping your upcoming performances go well. I am so far away from playing music these past few years and want to get back in to it. I am thinking of taking some saxophone lessons this coming year. Let us know how it goes?

    Hope everyone moves through the Covid infections quickly and without anything worse. Stupid pandemic.

    Reader- hi and thanks for popping in. Happy New Year!

    Karen- sounds like you will be getting some of this same storm that is coming through the west.

    Ohio- you are welcome for the song. I have another one to post here for New Years time.

    Ill- what are you doing for NYE? Time in the city or out to West Texas?

    Mistyeyes, Celia C, Cami, Teka, and others I may be missing, hoping you have a good start to 2022 with much good health.

    Okay, that's it for now, see you in the new year and wishing everyone a safe one!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    NM, I hear all the talk on the news about the new 5 day quarantine. Thank for explaining "stable" on the clot. I hope you are getting better rest being back in your bed. My mom was always a negative Nellie too, would always say "this doesn't sound good", or "this does look good", when someone was sick. I hope she the car taken care of and you don't have to go over there. Funny about the cactus rose.

    Sandy, I had to go look at my cheese! Not "cheese wanna be", which is what I call it. Now that I think of it, Swiss cheese wanna be is also square and wrapped like the American. Don't think I've ever seen processed provolone. Sorry about your NYE.

    Karen, glad your break has been relaxing for you. Snow predicted for us too, up to 12".

    KID, sorry about your nephew/nieces, glad it doesn't sound serious.

    Jazzy ABSOLUTLEY, "work to live". Glad you are feeling rested as well.

    I spoke a bit yesterday with Lindsay, via text. She is on some kind of med that will hopefully shrink the clot, but it could take months. Pain meds are keeping the headaches away. Still struggling with the high BP, but that has been on going for years and hereditary. Might get to go home today.

    I also spoke with Cami yesterday, via text. She doesn't have much to say. She apologized for not getting back with me sooner, says she's very tired and sleeps all the time and they are still giving her just a few months. I had asked her some other questions, but she didn't answer.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited December 2021

    Goldie, sorry about your friend, sending good vibes for recovery and thanks for the cami update, I hate to hear she’s not doing so great but glad she’s communicating.

    Jazzy, NYE will likely be quiet for us in Houston, maybe a couple drinks with DH (I have scans on 1/3). We’ll be heading to the mountain after results the following day for two weeks to get some cabin work done and visit with my secondary (localish) oncologist.

    Not much going on here, 3 good friends have had Covid in the last week or so. All recovered but DH and I have been laying low, fortunately we enjoy each other, lol

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Lori, thanks for update on Cami

    The wind is fierce, definitely something moving in. Temperature wise today not too cold except for windchill. Saturday high is in the teens. Snow 3-6” but they don’t really know.

    Heading out to meet a friend for a walk. Hope we don’t get blown away

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    So HI gals! Lorrie, what's wrong with Cammi? What did you just say? She'll be alright, okay? I mean what ELSE can go wrong nowadays? DAMN!!

    Yes Karen! We were out early.... first time in 4 days, and the wind nearly blew me into the fence when we were coming back to the house! Blue skies right now, but yes, supposed to get that storm later on!

    It's just hard to believe this past year... Everyone is wearing masks in our local Walmart, as they are supposed to... But yes, it is HARD to hear or understand people with them on, and me with my hearing aids!

    My Daughter that lives close to us, brought me over a marked-down little Christmas tree last week! I repotted it, and bought some little glitter pine-cones & a few little straw ornaments to fancy it up before I plant it this Spring out on our parking!

    I just wish you all a Happy New Year! I pray for a million more tomorrows, and pray that someday we will be back to normal, and feel safe again!

    Okay kids.... stay safe and warm.... xoxoxo

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Thank you for the update on Cami 🙏🙏🙏

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Chevy - the masks make it very difficult to hear/understand people - I too wear hearing aids. I've been talking to my husband about cochlear implants but I don't even know if I'm a candidate.

    Colorado is on fire!!! Over 500 homes have been lost in Boulder County. Whole neighborhoods have been lost. Strong, strong winds so nothing fire fighters could do. The Sheriff in Boulder County said it won't be over till the winds die down. So, so very tragic. I'm at least 30 - 45 minutes from where the fires are. Feel so helpless. Snow is due tomorrow and into Saturday - hopefully the fires will be out before then. We are so very dry - these fires started as grass fires.

    Hospitals in the area have evacuated patients to other hospitals.

    Everyone stay healthy and safe.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited December 2021

    Another thanks for the update on Cami. I really miss her humorous posts.

    Hoping for better times ahead in 2022.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Yes Goldie - I too appreciate the Cami update. It sounds like she isn't in pain - and that's a blessing.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited December 2021

    Hi all I posted this funny ( below) on the wrong thread. Thought you'd enjoy. Happy new years eve to all. Like Sandy, our plans changed. Instead of going out to dinner my husband said his stomach is a bit "off" so we'll quietly celebrate at home. Also, thank you Goldie for the update from Cami. Prayers.

    "Burgundy Beef was for dinner tonight. With DH at work I couldn't ask him where the burgundy or even red wine was ( He organizes it all). So I went downstairs and picked a bottle. After bringing it up, I didn't really recognize it as one we drink and it was older looking. I decided to just use a bit more water and seasoning. Well when he got home and I told him the story above, he looked at the (still unopened) bottle and turned very pale. It seems that bottle was a gift from a colleague worth a couple hundred dollars! Really glad I thought twice on that one!! He retrieved an actual burgundy for me, I added it to the stew, and all's well that ends well."

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Dotd - nice dry reisling


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Lori, thanks for the update on Cami. I hope she is not in pain, but learning one's expected "expiration date" is disquieting to say the least unless spiritually prepared. I miss her wry posts--and will forever be indebted to her for coining the term "recockulous." I wish I'd gotten to meet her in person, not just online.

    Karen, I hadn't realized that your hats were part of being religiously observant. I'm used to seeing snoods, berets, and wigs. (Reform temples don't have them, but I recall attending High Holy Days services at a Conservative syagogue where tulle doilies were provided for married women to cover their heads. Two separate bins--the other held kippot for the men). I didn't have a bobby pin or clip (something that never occurred to me to carry), so I was careful not to move my head too much lest the doily fall off.

    Well, there is some better news in my circle today: my godson re-tested three more times--at three different places--and all his tests csme back negative. His wife and baby also tested "strongly negative" (the "control" line was bold). I gave my BFFs one of my test kits--and they're both negative as well. They will come over tomorrow night (as will a couple more friends), but my godson won't. His wife & baby are staying across town with friends, and he's with his parents (on their couch--he's not even allowed to go to the friends' house to get a change of clothing from his luggage). His wife spoke to the pediatrician back in Seattle, who told her that despite my godson's negative tests they need to isolate for 10 days. (Obviously didn't get the memo from the CDC). That positive result from the first test was from one of those sketchy parking-lot pop-up walk-in testing sites--most likely they mixed his test up with someone else's...with that "someone else" blithely & unwittingly spreading their viral load around.

    Gordy & Leslie got a bunch of rapid home tests from Walgreen's. He works from home, but she works a few days a week at an office at a South Side inner-city school where quite a few little kids are unvaccinated--because their parents distrust a medical system that disrespected them for generations. So she's a bit wary. (CPS is insisting on going back to in-person school on Tues. "test-to-stay" policy rather than quarantining close contacts). They will test tomorrow morning--which is Day 5 after having been exposed to the idiot BIL in Texas. They plan to come over for drinks out on the deck--it'll be warm enough for that. Sat. of course will be our first Snowmageddon. Expecting up to 8" (updated forecast) by the time it ends Sunday morning,

    Eerily, New Year's Day 1999 was the day of Chicago's worst snowstorm ever--it had been predicted for days in advance, given the classification "Black 10." We got >2 feet (some areas got >3), and afterwards the temps plunged well below zero. That was the weekend of Bob's aunt's funeral in NY--but not only were the planes grounded, Amtrak didn't run and the bus would've taken too long. I had worked on our Congresswoman's first campaign in 1998, and a bunch of us volunteers were to be rewarded with a bus trip to DC and overnight in a hotel to watch her swearing-in. When we got to the meeting place, there was no bus--the driver refused to come out in the storm's deep-freeze aftermath. We all chipped in to hire a Greyhound, which came to us rather than our having to go downtown to the scuzzy bus terminal. It took us 18 hours (changing drivers in Cleveland) to get to DC, arriving in the middle of the night, with major mixups with room keys. Ah, good times. (She's still our Congresswoman). Rather than endure the return bus trip, I spent the next couple of days with my sister in Arlington and flew home on (the late, great) AirTran. Those were the days you could upgrade on AirTran to first class for only $25 per leg.

    DOTD was Mumm Napa DVX 2012. Found out it's 1 gm net carb per 5-oz glass...and I had 3 oz.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    It's like what ELSE can go wrong, right? The Boulder/Superior fires going on are just so devasting! I have never heard of or seen anything like this. We were watching this un-fold since yesterday at about 3 in the afternoon. And the WINDS, even here in North Denver were unbelievable. They say hundreds of homes have been destroyed....

    Our Daughter is about 5 miles from that area, and the smoke is everywhere.... I told her to keep her and the cats indoors! We are expecting snow later on today.... finally!

    I tried to copy a link, but wouldn't come through....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    ED, Cami has some sort of odd blood disease, cancer related I believe. She was going every few weeks for transfusions, but those are no longer working, so she doesn't get them anymore. She's lost a ton of weight, not much of an appetite. Very tired and sleeps a lot. Given just a few months to live.

    ED and Karen, I hope you are both ok with the fire in CO, near Denver. It looks like it's north of Denver.

    Ok Karen, you are a little ways away, but not much! Are you in the path with the wind?

    ED, sounds like you aren't too close, but your DD is! At least she can come to you if need be. Praying for everyone's safety. I believe as of yet, there have not been any fatalities and only 1 injury, to a firefighter.

    BabyGirl, you always have good scans, so let's keep that going! Had to laff at your comment about you and DH enjoying each other!

    Minus2, I kind of get the feeling that she isn't in any pain. I did ask her other than being so tired and sleeping a lot, how she felt, but she did not answer that question.

    Reader, glad you didn't use the expensive bottle in the stew, but then you could have just used it to celebrate NY's with! What's he saving it for?

    Jazzy, what does your coaster say? Can't quite make it all out.

    Sandy, glad for all the negative testing.

    Teka, I'm having the same problem!

    I'll get in touch with Cami's DD and see if I can find anything else out.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    DOTD: New Year's Eve Rum Berry Cocktail!

    New Year's Eve Rum Berry Cocktail! With rum, Cointreau, pomegranate juice and ginger beer! Use frozen berries instead of ice cubes to finish the look!

    90 ml spiced rum (I use Kraken spiced rum)

    510 ml pomegranate juice - 100% juice, not the diluted kind

    30 ml Cointreau

    240 ml spiced ginger beer

    250 g frozen mixed berries

    Ice - optional

    90 g fresh raspberries

    A few sprigs of fresh thyme

    Pour the rum, pomegranate juice, Cointreau and ginger beer into a large jug. Stir to mix.

    Half fill 4-6 glasses with frozen berries (add a little ice to if you want to).

    Fill the glasses with the cocktail, then top with a few fresh raspberries and a sprig of fresh thyme before serving.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I didn't get as much done around the house this break as I wanted to, but that's ok, I can keep plugging away at things. It has been nice to not be dealing with a lot of high emotional stuff from parents and school staff, although I know I'll be walking into quite a bit of that on Monday. Basically, with the new rules, if a student/staff member is vaxed, or in pool testing, they don't need to quarantine when they are close contacts anymore. Being on a school bus or at recess and touching someone who tests positive won't be considered a close contact anymore, just an exposure. School nurses will be responsible for tracking and monitoring all exposed but not considered close contact people and close contact people for symptoms, masking and testing for 10 days. Quarantine is now 5 days followed by 5 days of mask wearing whenever in contact with other people. Isolation is now 5 days followed by 5 days of masking around when in contact with other people. School nurses will now need to keep track of booster shots, too, as "fully vaxxed" means having a booster if eligible and 18 or older. 16 and 17 year olds eligible for a booster but don't have one are still considered fully vaxxed. Unvaccinated staff and students do not have to quarantine when exposed/close contacts as long as they test, but the test frequency has not been set, expected to be daily to every other day for 10 days. Everyone exposed or close contacting needs to test on day 5 after exposure. Home tests are acceptable as long as the date of test and individual tested can be verified by the school (no help on how to do that given yet).

    Mom finally got through to AAA and got her car boosted yesterday ayem, but her bank called me when they couldn't get hold of her to verify a check written for over $9K that would overdraw her checking account. Come to find out, the check was supposed to be for $900 something, but she wrote "nine thousand" whatever. Not the first time this has happened, but the bank not being able to get hold of her meant I had to drive over and get her on the phone with her bank on my phone (her's worked long enough to get AAA, then no one could get through and she couldn't get out on either phone again). I told her she needs a land line so she can be reached with some reliability and she pitched a total fit about the idea, she's not going to be "tied down to a damned phone" and not be able to go anywhere or do anything. The rest of us are tearing out hair out trying to reach her at times, she's missing doctor's appointments because she depends on the day before reminder calls and isn't getting them, won't finish setting up the new phone until the old number is moved to the new phone, the phone company needs he to do something she doesn't understand to move the number (she probably needs to finish setting up the new phone for use, I know the texting and voice mail isn't turned on and she won't turn them on but gets upset because she doesn't get texts and voice mails on the new phone) I am ready to scream at her, which will just set off another lecture about what a bad daughter I am to her and how life isn't worth living, etc, etc. Oh, and when the car got running again, she noticed the gas was on empty. She swears she stopped and filled it up just before driving home the last time she was out so now she's convinced that someone is stealing gas out of her car. Her car is parked in front of the apartment right in full sight of the main road and the apartment windows. I don't know if she really did fill the car up or if she did one of her common planning to do something on the way home and changing her mind at the last minute because it's getting dark or too cold, or gas went up a penny and she wouldn't pay that much, or she's too tired or whatever. I don't think her car's gas cap can be opened from outside the car (although I suppose if someone wants to steal the gas they can figure out a way to open it). She swears she turned the inside lights off after the car was jumped (that's what ran down the battery) and then found them on again when she checked on the care later. I don't know what to believe any more about what's going on.

    Thanks for letting me rant. Normally I'd talk about this stuff with my brother and SIL, but I don't want to be getting them riled up while he's recovering.

    Karen--I've enjoyed being able to sleep in a bit, and being able to ignore most of the work emails this week. I do feel like I've had a bit of a chance to breathe away from COVID stuff. It will be interesting to see the reaction to the new rules. Most people should like it, very little quarantining will be happening going forward.

    Jazzy--work to live is right! I have to admit I do like the 3 day weekends around MLK day and am really starting to look forward to the February break trip. I'm not crazy about the on-line AAA service, either, and generally Mom doesn't try to use it at all, but she kept getting sent toit the other day, but was able to call through early yesterday ayem. So it probably was a call volume issue. I'm stubborn enough to stay on hold until I get to a real person, ignoring the messages to go online. Mom thinks those messages are actual instructions and if she holds she won't get anywhere. Glad you had a good break and some wonderful time at the hot springs!

    Goldie--Lindsay is probably on a blood thinner, keeps the clot from getting bigger and lets the body shrink it down gradually without little bits breaking off and causing trouble. It can take a really long time for a clot like that to completely "resolve" as we call it, or completely be dissolved away. Thanks for the Cammy update. Please give her my love next time you talk to her.

    Illi--don't blame you for laying low this NYE.At least it's easy to find a NYE celebration to watch on TV when you don't want to go out. Me, I probably won't even stay up that late.

    Karen--watch out for that wind and windchill, it can get nasty! Supposed to be getting snow and rain and crud here, but the sun is shining right now.

    Chevy--I struggle with understanding people with the masks, too. Even hearing aids don't always help with. You should post a pic of the little tree, I bet it's really cute!

    Karen-- I saw something about a big fire on the news this ayem, I bet it was that one in Colorado. It looked absolutely horrible and terrifying.

    Morning, and Happy New Year, Celia!

    Happy New Year, Minus!

    Reader--WOW!What a close call you had!Glad it ended well!

    Chi--Wow, that was a memorable DC trip you had!

    Teka--I'm with you!I might not even go!

    Goldie--love the rum berry cocktail!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Hi gals! Reading your posts, and especially thinking of you Kim.... I don't think things will improve much with your Mom... I mean I'm just speaking from experience, trying to deal with my husband, and trying to help him understand what is going on, from one day to the next... He can't drive... and that is good...

    At least he has lost that domineering attitude that was so hard to deal with... I know he could not be left alone, so I won't ever do that... And I think that is easier than trying to deal with someone who always has to be in charge, and who is driving, and living on their own. MAN, I don't know WHAT I would do if I had to stand by, and watch things happen!

    We DO have a land-line... and my cell-phone. But I turn off my cell-phone at night, and just rely on hearing the home phone ring in the other room. BUT Daughter in Florida tried to call after we went to bed... Couldn't reach us, because DH didn't get to the phone in time, and she didn't leave a message... She was worried about that fire, being just a few miles from Janie's house! And SHE was at her friends, and didn't hear her phone!

    So I fixed my land-line, where it will just ring... forever, Hah! And I will keep my cell by the bed, in case there is an emergency with someone, AND keep it on!

    We are expecting that snow storm.... I know we will stay in.... Just hoping that helps with all the fire-danger, and helps put out that huge fire! I feel so bad for all the folks that lost everything! It was all over the news here, even this morning still! ...or whatever I just said... Hah! YOU know what I mean.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited December 2021

    I’d like to think Betty was looking to 2022 and thought “Nah, I’m out.” but honestly I’m crushed. There was a line in the movie lake placid, where she told a cop/ranger to suck her dick (or something similar) and I remember dying laughing, I’d only seen golden girls, so that was wildly unexpected. RIP Betty.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Bummed out majorly that Betty White passed before turning 100. She was terrific!

    Sounds like Cami might have myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), which sometimes happens years after extensive chemo. The bone marrow has trouble making enough normal blood cells. In younger people, stem cell transplants may work (as it did with Robin Roberts), but at Cami’s age it’s not wise to torture her with the new chemo and then isolation.

    Karen, ED—please stay safe from the flames. Snow may be a blessing.

    Well, NYE is falling apart again. One of our guests—who returned yesterday from seeing a new granddaughter in Tampa—awoke today with a cough & fatigue, so he & his wife bowed out. Our godson’s wife (who tested negative for COVID) awoke with a fever—she dropped the baby & our godson’s clothes off at our BFFs and she’s isolating till she can be tested for flu, which is going around because this year’s quadrivalent vaccine doesn’t contain the strain that’s making the rounds now. So my BFFs are on the fence about coming over. Gordy has a very early work day tomorrow (processing bowl game ticket refunds and dealing with irate customers) so he & Leslie will be over for a little while a bit past 9 and we will huddle around the gas grill—I will send them home with food. Another bestie is coming over—but since he’s a smoker, he & Bob will have some quality outdoor time as well. Looks like we will be eating party munchies all day tomorrow during the blizzard.

    Couldn’t fall asleep last night because I was worried about Heidi, who was leaving drops of blood around the house these past few days. I feared we’d have to drop her off at the emergency vet hospital—but we just got back from our own vet, and found the bleeding was from a couple of very ingrown claws (at 17, it’s age-related, just like in humans). The mani-pedi she got will do the trick and let her be more agile on the stairs. But I carb-comforted myself watching DVRed stuff till the other half of my Xanax took hold (I know, I should have just taken an indica edible instead, but I wanted to be sleepy, not stoned). May nap a bit before I get myself and the foods ready for tonight.

    Maybe my nightcap will be the remaining ounce of Sauternes with Roquefort & strawberries

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Betty White - ❤️❤️❤️🙏😔

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2022

    Happy New Year friends! Man, it must have snowed at least 6 inches between yesterday afternoon and this morning.... just like they said it would!

    No-where to go, and that is the best thing. we just stay in and stay warm! Our neighbors usually shovel our snow out front, and I can take care of the rest out back, to the little dumpsters & back gate.

    I'm just so bummed about Cammi! Lorri, when you talk to her, please tell her I love her, and wish she would hurry the damn-up and get better! We have to stay together... we have a lot of trouble to get into, and we just need each other. I can imagine Joey is doing his best to help her... Tell her I'll send her a chocolate coke to get her mind off her troubles.... and we can then sit on the front-porch together & yell things to our neighbors. There was just something about her, that made me think she was as crazy as I was..... I mean am!

    I feel so bad for all the folks that lost everything in those fires! I can't imagine having to run away from my home, and coming back to...... nothing! You just wonder how people go on...

    Chi.... I know how it is to worry about our furry family.... Daughter in Florida has 2 older cats, and each one has been having issues... fever, etc! She has to wait out-side of Vets in her car, and then they will prescribe SOMETHING to help.... hopefully..

    Well, I love you guys... wish I could make all the bad news go away, and we could all start out this New Year healthier and happier than this past year.... xoxoxo Jeannette

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy New Year!Here's to 2022 coming in with high hopes and lots of good energy! I fell asleep in the recliner before 9 peeyem, eneded up staying there for the night, didn't get up until almost 8 ayem! It was a great sleep, except for the time the neighbor's fireworks woke me up, not sure what time it was but I was dreaming when they went off and woke up thinking something was burning somewhere in the house for afew minutes. Then more fireworks went off and I could see the color flashes and realized what it was and got completely awake and calmed down. It's not like I don't know the neighbors are going to set off fireworks every holiday, often I will watch for them and step outside and enjoy the show. Makes me wonder what I was dreaming about at the time!

    Chevy--I know things won't get better with Mom over time, but things will get better for me eventually. Right now I'm missing Sadie so much it still physically hurts, and even thinking about adopting another dog feels like being disloyal to her memory. My mind knows that's not true but my emotions don't agree. Losing Sadie so suddenly on top of the cumulative effect of 3 years of COVID, the death of a dear high school friend, brother's surgery, Christmas, and evidence of Mom's decline overloaded the coping mechanisms. About cell phones at night, I have a "focus" button in settings that let me schedule the ringer and notifications to turn off overnight and let me add people/numbers whose calls will be let through directly. All other calls go to voice mail. There is an option I turned on that allows a call through if the same number calls a second time in within 3 minutes. It's a good way to not have the phone going off with notifications all night but still getting emergency calls and calls from certain people. Setting the land line to ring forever is good, too!

    Teka--NO!Oh my, somehow I thought she would go on forever.

    Illi--I remember that line, too!Hilarious!

    Chi--party munchies during a blizzard doesn't sound like too bad a way to pass a day! Looks like the weather I'm going to get today is going to be mostly rain, if I get any at all. The temp is up and the fog is very thick, all the ice coating is off the trees and bushes. Got to clean some ice/slush off the back deck in a bit. I guess the real precipitation will come later today or maybe even tomorrow, I heard something about traveling issues Monday morning. Wondering if we will start the school session off with a remote day.Sorry about your NYE plans unravelling, sounds like it's just not meant to be this year. My heart dropped when you mentioned Heidi leaving blood drops around, so glad to hear it's just a toenail thing and not a serious illness.

    Chevy--I'm with you on making all the bad news go away for the coming year!

    Happy New Year, Jazzy!

    Two Blizzard Bourbon Cranberry Cocktails sit on a platter, ready for drinking

    Blizzard Cranberry Bourbon Cocktail


    • 2 ¼ oz. bourbon
    • 1 ½ oz. unsweetened cranberry juice
    • ½ oz. lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1 oz. simple syrup
    • Lemon slices and cranberries, for garnish


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Pour the bourbon, cranberry juice, freshly squeezed lemon juice and simple syrup into the cocktail shaker.
    3. Place the lid onto the cocktail shaker, and shake vigorously.
    4. Place spherical ice or whiskey stones in an old fashioned glass.
    5. Pour the drink over the ice cube/whiskey stones.
    6. Garnish with a slice of lemon or a couple of cranberries, and enjoy immediately.


    Unsweetened cranberry juice adds SUCH a nice tartness to this cocktail. Please try to find that in the grocery instead of the sweetened cranberry juice cocktail that's widely available.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    OH NM, you can rant here about your mom all you want. You are an awesome daughter, and for whatever reason, your mom can't accept that, or much of anything else. I say just do what you always do, and take it with a grain of salt, which you do. And just pray that she doesn't hurt herself or someone else. What was her comment about the $9K check? As for getting things done around the house, I never get everything done that I plan on and I'm home all day, every day! I just tell my self "it'll be there tomorrow!"

    BabyGirl, I think I will look that movie up, it looks funny. She says to a cop "If I had a dick, this is when I would tell you to suck it!". I'll post the clip at the end of my post.

    Sandy/Teka, that is exactly what she has, also Myeloproliferative Disorder.

    Sandy, sorry about your party, but glad for Heidi.

    NM/Chevy, I'll pass on the messages.

    Getting snow here this morning, had a nice dinner, bbq ribs on the barbie, baked tater, brussel sprouts, shrimp cocktail and garlic bread! I know, I know, not the "what's for dinner" thread. But it was so good! Was going to try and get to town today, but that's not a good idea when snowing, so groceries will have to wait.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Happy, safe & healthy New Year, everyone!

    Well, the NYE party did go on, but in a modified way. Until it got too chilly & drizzly, we hung out on the deck (note to self: gas grills make lousy patio heaters) with drinks & nibbles. Gordy & Leslie wore their NYE party hats (Gordy's actually lit up). When it was time to move inside, Gordy & Leslie went home. Both tested negative, but still didn't want to possibly endanger all of us oldsters (ages ranging from 66-78); Gordy has an early work day today, dealing with various fraud and customer service issues regarding refunds & credits for canceled college bowl games; and Leslie goes back to work Monday with kiddos (many if not a majority of whom are unvaccinated due to to parental mistrust of a health system that has disrespected POC for generations) in an "inner-city" school a few days a week. (Odd how we say "inner-city" as a euphemism, especially in cities like ours where downtown is now the condo district). Anyway, our BFFs came over (godson stayed with his wife--who despite two negative tests was running a slight fever and is frazzled by the tensions of the past few days--and baby, who has begun teething), as did our other friend. We went through much bubbly and many munchies (some actually healthful) till the party broke up shortly after 1 am.

    We are expecting up to 9" of snow, starting now with the worst of it from 3-11pm, with some more lake effect stuff overnight. Staying home unless Regalia is open for dinner and the two blocks are still walkable. Alas, they don't deliver. Wind gusts of 40mph are expected. We couldn't have made that open house tonight even if there were no ethical health considerations. We will let it accumulate until our landscaper/snow guy gets to it--we're too old to try to shovel it safely. We lost a 70-yr-old neighbor to a heart attack a few years ago when she tried to shovel her sidewalk. I will let the judgmental snark from those on our NextDoor neighborhood blog roll off my back. Should a neighborhood kid with a shovel come by, I will gladly take up his offer despite our paying a huge chunk of change to our landscaper. We don't keep much cash around any longer, but teens these days all have Venmo or Zelle.

    By Thurs. afternoon, Whole Foods had run out of every form of black-eyed peas. I might have an old can lurking in the pantry, beyond the reach of my search--but it's at least a decade old. Perhaps even attempting to dredge up some black-eyed-peas has some positive superstition value.

    DsOTD were the remainder of the Mumm Napa DVX (out on the deck with the kids), Moet Brut Imperial, and the beginnings of a bottle of Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut. Our stash of bubbly makes us immune to the worldwide shortage of Champagne. But all I can think of right now is hot coffee, spice tea and cocoa. Might make gløgg later.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    What's going on here today
