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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    The video won't post, so I just did a screen shot.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Good morning friends- done with the work week, and was reminded that three days working and four days off is my perfect schedule. It was pretty quiet there and I am getting up to speed on my new project, and finding the best ways to work with the oversight firm and my department. There is one dude who is a pain-in-da-butt but there is one on every project (and only one if you are lucky). They are the one that is the minority but feels like the majority. In general, this is going to be a better project for me and take me into mid 2024.

    Kim- your mother and mine could have been emotional twins. The comments about her constant disappointment that you are not doing enough with anything or anyone ever, eye roll. Sometimes when we are the only ones around left, we get the brunt of their anger, disappointments, etc. Your mom does sound like she has some cognitive changes going on, but when they are stubborn, about all you can do is do what you can and where you can. And I know that movie too with the living with the past costs for things. Your mother might be pretty shocked at the cost of everything right now with inflation, right? You focus on your studies, your self care and hoping the holiday will go okay. When do the Women and Wine group get together again? And vacation on the horizon too, whoot......

    Goldie- I looked in the little vodka mixer box and see things like screwdriver, martini, etc. I tend to drink more red wine in the winter than vodka (more of as summer drink for me) but going to try something over New Years weekend.

    Chevy- I loved your story about your grandmother. I used to take Subway sandwiches when I visited my mother in assisted living in CA during the time she was there. She loved those subs, the chips and a diet coke, nothing like that in the place she was getting (although they used to host family holiday meals and had great food, or maybe they put the show for family). I had a very sweet relationship with my father's mother, my mothers mother passed before I was born.

    Karen- glad you are on a break and heard Israel was making more changes with who they let in and out. I hope you can get over there for a visit when things are better. I have family back east who keep asking me to visit and told them not until things are better. Right now I have a tentative plan to go back east July 4th weekend next year for a family reunion, my sister has a beach house rented for two weeks and going for one.

    Cami, cami, cami- merry Xmas!

    I am going today for an overdue hair cut (been almost four months, eek) but have been trying to grow my hair out longer this fall. I have a new style picked out that works with the length and will make apts going forward every 8 weeks now. Few errands to do and plan to go down to Old Town to see the Xmas lights one more time before the season ends. Tomorrow I head to the hot springs and it looks like we are going to get some rain and snow tomorrow (more snow in Santa Fe) and that means I get to sit in the springs while it snows. Yay, my favorite thing to do. Last time I went there two years ago it snowed too. They say there is a "river of moisture" coming so I think those in AZ, CO and here in New Mexico will get some much needed moisture. I got invited to an open house with a former client at my other healthcare org here (she is also a friend too) and going to stop there on the way in to town tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a good holiday who is celebrating. Be safe if you are traveling anywhere, including on the roads. Merry Xmas!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Got up to a very bright and sparkly ayem today, yesterday's storm was mostly sleet and freezing rain, ending with the freezing rain, so just about every surface has a quarter inch of ice coating it, catching the sun and sparkling like diamonds on TV commercials. There's a bit of a breeze, so I can hear the branches clacking, and see where some more have come down overnight. More will probably come down during the day today. With the temps in the teens it is quite brisk out there. But the sun is bright and cheerful, and that feels good.

    Kid brother's surgery went well. 5 arteries were replaced. He will be moved out of ICU to the cardiac unit sometime today. He expects to be in the hospital through the weekend. His wife did ok, too, but she was nervous. She and I texted back and forth from the time he went into surgery until he was in recovery.

    Karen--happy break to you, too! Yes, brother's surgery went well, 5 grafts. Mom is 84.

    Jazzy--I'm with you, let the holiday weekend commence!

    Morning, Minus!

    Goldie--thanks for the prayers for DB, it did go well. I plan to bring up the driving situation only if Mom actually gets a trip put together with reservations and such, or if something comes up that makes it time to talk about that, or if she brings it up herself. I know that taking care of me is not rejecting her, but she doesn't see it that way. For right now I'm trying to keep myself together until the February break trip, where I will really be able to get a break and recharge. Speaking of taking care of oneself, you should have had more to eat than that during you trip to town! But I know how that happens. I cannot imagine a hospital hanging out a banner announcing being over capacity! That's something a hospital usually tried to hide from the public. Well, times are different. Oh my goodness, what a screen shot! That video must be absolutely hilarious and totally darling! And I've been careful to get Christmas spirit in bottles with stoppers, going for the twist off ones this year!

    Just got a text from SIL. Kid brother is going to stay in ICU today, move out tomorrow. He's awake, very tired, and hurting. He's got his phone, but I'm going to wait until he calls or texts before I text him to let him rest. I expect he doesn't feel up to much conversation yet.

    Jazzy--so glad the new project is going well. There truly is at least one pain-in-the-anatomy person in every group, it's good to identify them early on and figure out how to manage them. WWW gets together on the 12th.And the Feb trip is less than 2 months away. So I just need to get through Christmas, then I can pretty much deal with Mom on the phone for the rest of break, and start serious vacay planning. Mom is often very dismayed at the cost of things. One of Dad's favorite stories to tell used to be about going shopping for a shirt for him with Mom one time. Drove an hour to the nearest town with more than one store to shop in, spent all day driving from store to store to store comparing prices only to go back to the first store to buy the shirt for 2 cents less than anywhere else. Enjoy yourself at the spa, and travel safe yourself, ok!

    Merry Christmas Eve Eve, Cammy Cat!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Jazzy, enjoy spa time. I too need a haircut. Haven't had one since mid July. I was letting it grow out, it's not quit shoulder length but beginning to get ratty. I asked asked DH to take a picture to ask girls what they think about hair now or just after hair cut in July and he goes what about me don't I get a say😃. He said if I let it grow long, long maybe but that would take forever. I have a fair amount of hair but since AIs it doesn't look good long gets too stringy. Before cancer I had Gilda Radner hair. It grew back great till Aromasin. Will wait till beginning of week to avoid Christmas crowds and New Years crowds. I just go to Great Clips. Orange hat today, gray hat July soon after hair cut. I need to take a photo of hair a year after finishing chemo It was great. Nice and thick and curly imageimage

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Hair in June 2008, 11 months after finishing chemo. Soon after this picture I started Aromasin and my hair thinned and got straggly. By October my hair was “ several inches longer". That is when I started keeping my hair shorter. I do miss this hair but I don't complain. I'm also 13 years older. What is age and what is treatment side effects? When I see women in 50s and 60s with thick wavy gray long hair I sigh and miss my “Gilda" hair. When we were dating, my now husband used to say he could see my hair before he could see me. image

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2021

    Goldie, IDK about the area on the sink but you might try "restore a finish". you can get it at a hardware store or online. I think it comes in a small size ( like a sharpie pen) or by the pint. What a pain!

    Happy Christmas to all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Happy Christmas Eve Eve to all here. And good Festivus to the restivus. I'm sure wa all have plenty of grievances to air! Looks like we will have a wet Christmas and New Year's (temps up into the low-to-mid 50s). This is the latest we've ever gone w/o any measurable snow.

    Since the last time I checked in here, Chicago has gone from foreboding to ominous to totally scary. Almost 19,000 cases in IL today (5000 in Chi.) and both the city & the state have a test-positivity rate of 8.6...which was 4.9 only Monday.

    We're debating whether to keep our dinner res. at Regalia tomorrow night (eating leftovers from last night at Mon Ami Gabi, supplemented with veg & salad). Bob is inclined to keep it, because it may be our last chance before more places close. Although the city & county finally enacted a proof-of-vax mandate for indoor restaurants, bars, cafes, theaters & gyms, it inexplicably doesn't take effect till Jan. 3. Talk about locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen. Also rethinking New Year's Eve--Gordy & Leslie are boosted but will have traveled from TX; my godson (BFFs' kid) & his wife are flying in from Seattle (and though they will leave him with a sitter, their baby is only 3 months old). Touch & go with that--maybe just our households for champagne--no dinner out--and keep our fingers crossed. Bob points out that since he sees patients every day he might already have had Omicron (and likely exposed me), but I think that's wishful thinking (he thought the same thing about "O.G." COVID in March 2020 but was crestfallen to learn he had a negative antibody titer). He wears N95s all day (and I just took delivery of some). We're afraid to self-test in the absence of symptoms, and not to our knowledge having been exposed--because if either of us tests positive we'll both have to isolate for at least 7 days (CDC now reduced that from 10 days). He can't stay home unless he gets symptoms. No idea how we can possibly isolate from each other and the cats. CDC is also saying that asymptomatic hospital workers who haven't tested positive don't have to quarantine, because hospitals need all hands on deck. He's off from New Year's Eve through Mon. 1/3, on Wed. 1/5 (Wed. will be his permanent day off), and Fri. 1/7 through Sun. 1/9.

    Got up early to get my ducks in a row (and cats fed) before leaving for my mani-pedi, when I got a text that the salon had to close because the owner tested positive. They were going to be closed through Sunday anyway--but now the staff is all quarantining at home and will be tested on Sat. The place will reopen once everyone tests (and the owner re-tests) negative. She wears cloth masks and her staff wears paper "procedure" masks all day from morning till 8pm--I read that you're safe indoors in a cloth mask for only an hour or two, up to three hours in a surgical, and 6 hours in an N95 or KN95/KF94. That's assuming all of those fit perfectly. Meanwhile, my ingrown toenails are killing me, but even podiatrists aren't allowed to treat anything right now less urgent than acute fractures or suppurating wounds.

    Our Congresswoman, Jan Schakowsky, got a mild case (like a mild cold from which one wouldn't normally stay home) and is already feeling fine. She & her husband have had their boosters, as are just about every notable politician and celeb who've tested positive. I bet that Southwest CEO who testified (maskless) before her committee that in his opinion, because of air filtration, mask-wearing on planes is unnecessary (and who promptly got COVID thereafter) infected almost everyone in the room. Herb Kelleher, the founder & longtime CEO of Southwest, is likely spinning in his grave.

    Karen, if they let you into Israel, demand that fourth shot they're giving out to the 60+ and immuno-vulnerable.

    Okay, time to talk DsOTD. Last night was Marquis de la Tour Brut NV, followed by a 2017 Pouilly-Fuissé (white Macon Burgundy). With tonight's leftovers, probably a Williams-Selyem or Fess Parker Pinot Noir. Or maybe I'll go down to the cellar and see if any of our Bordeaux & high-end cabernets (Ch. Palmer, Margaux, a demi of Opus One '87 and an '86 Dominus) are still drinkable--that Coravin does come in handy.

    UPDATE: There's been a shooting at the upscale outdoor OakBrook Mall--no reports if the shooter is still there, and there are over 100 police cars, ambulances & fire trucks. Tens of thousands of shoppers hiding either inside the stores or their cars (before the shooting, there was a massive traffic jam in the parking-lot perimeter road).Thank heaven Bob decided not to shop there today.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Been puttering in the house all week - slow and steady. An hour here, an hour there. So far, I've tackled the pantry - and did I find things (non food) that I forgot were there. Many got added to the give away pile. Deep cleaned the baseboards in my bedroom and bathroom and good thorough vacuuming. Today, I organized the hall bathroom linen closet I am giving away several table cloths that have been sitting unused for years. Some were from my childhood so I will have the memories, but someone will get to use them. There were a few things that I just couldn't give away quite yet, though I don't remember them. Many of the tablecloths are 50+ years old and need ironing. Who wants to iron these days - and are pink. DH spent time in the garage and know he can find some of his tools - still tons more to go in the garage. There are cupboards that have stuff in them that is easy to forget about and aren't being used, so time to donate as DH tackles that. I had fun today texting photos of some of my linen closet finds with DD#1.

    Sandy - definitely will get shot #4 if/when we get to Israel next. It won't be till summer due to my school/work schedule. DH doesn't want to go over spring break - I would have to extend it by 2 days on each side to make it worthwhile. Hopefully the USA will no longer be a red country and DD#2 can come to us for Passover. DH is retiring the end of March 2022, so I think he doesn't want to take any time off and just finish out the month. I'm planning 2 more years, but there are days that I think I'm done this year. But it's probably not good for both of us to retire at the same time. So maybe instead of 2 years, 1 year. Even after I retire, I can always work on call when I want - for hourly pay - though way less than my salary. I could tell my manager that when I'm in town I want to work 2-3 days/week certain months. We always need extra people to fill in positions. Plenty of time to figure that out. I've been a really good girl. I have not checked emails at all since I started winter break. I go back on January 3rd so I'll probably check emails at night on the 2nd. The 3rd is a PD and work day and I have no idea what I'm doing that day!!!!Loopy

    Sandy - how scary about the shooting. Way too many shootings happening. I hope and pray that no one was killed or severely injured. Keep us posted.

    Denver weather is way too warm for this time of year - low 60s today and 50s tomorrow. The mountains are predicted to get one to two feet of snow, but Denver will be lucky to get a teeny amount of rain. Christmas is definitely brown in Denver. I don't celebrate Christmas, but with this weather it doesn't feel like Christmas, but then again I really don't know what Christmas should feel like.

    Wishing all those who celebrate, a happy, healthy and relaxing Christmas. May your holiday be everything you want it to be.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    AFAIK, there were four shot (one of whom was a combatant and three bystanders hit by ricochets) but not killed. Preliminary reports are that it started as an argument outside Ann Taylor and the combatants ran into Nordstrom's. One shooter in custody, another (the combatant who was hit) hospitalized in a secure unit with non-life-threatening injuries. There may or may not be one more at large, The three bystanders who got hit by ricochets were also admitted to hospital, and one shopper got a sprained ankle trying to run from the gunfire. At least it wasn't a mass-casualty event.

    Bob shyly asked if I could get more oysters. Turns out WholeFoods around the corner had them for $2 ea. (on a non-holiday Friday, they do a "Fishmonger's Friday" with a dozen--their choice--for $12). So I made a quick jaunt, and with a bit of mess, a microwave and a lotta elbow grease, I got them open. Therefore tonight's first DOTD is Mumm Napa DVX Brut 2012.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931
    edited December 2021

    Cheers to you, this holiday season!

    I hope you all have a new year filled with love!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2021

    Good Lord! You would think with all the misery we have had for almost 2 years people could leave out shooting other people?

    Going to be a quiet holiday here. Just the kids tomorrow.

    DIL that works at trauma hospital here says they are overwhelmed. Covid up in Buffalo and every day at least one person gets shot.

    Our weather has been weird here too. Dusting tonight but barely freezing. I remember when kids came home for Thanksgiving, we would have enough snow for skiing. Not any more for the last few years. Not even really cold enough to make snow.

    I don't have any fancy drinks to offer but they sure look good!

    Last year the kids gave me an ornament that had the Grinch and a mask, and it said "stink, stank, stunk. I added 2021 to it.

    Wishing all a peaceful and safe holiday

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    With the pompano, some 2019 pinot grigio from Friuli.

    It was time to pair wine to steak. I went to the basement to look for an older Bordeaux or equivalent--but most of that wine rack was hidden behind boxes of miscellaneous stuff. I managed to retrieve two dusty bottles: a 1993 "Great Boat," the secondary label of Ch Beychevelle (which to my chagrin when I brought it upstairs into the light turned out to be a white Sauv. Blanc-based Bordeaux--out it goes without even opening it); and a 1986 Arrowood Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon--the bottle was autographed in metallic sharpie by Richard Arrowood, the winemaker. (He founded the winery when he left Chateau St. Jean). I tried Coravining it--but because the capsule had begun to peel back (or so I thought was the cause), it leaked a bit when I pushed the lever, but what did come out into the glass was surprisingly decent. I decided to just open the bottle--but the cork broke off and crumbled. Unable to find my pronged cork-puller tool, I managed to bore a hole through the cork and ran the wine through the Vinturi aerator/filter Gordy gave me one Christmas, into the decanter on the Vinturi's stand. Success! I poured two glasses and let them breathe further, and they were delightful. Against my better judgment, I poured myself another couple of ounces, which I am enjoying now with a small piece of truffle Gouda as dessert.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day!Waking up to a 3 degree morning, it is COLD outside! Absolutely beautiful, but COLD. Kid brother should be moved out of ICU today, so SIL should be able to see him today. I know she's looking forward to that.

    Merry Christmas Eve to everyone! Season's Greetings to all!

    May be an image of sky, nature and tree

    Karen--I think both pic look just great! The curly hair is wonderful, too. It is hard to tell what is the effect of years and what is the effect of medicines.

    Morning, KID!

    Chi--Wow, it must be very unsettling to hear about an active shooter incident so close to home.

    Karen--you are better than I am at not checking work emails during break! I have checked them, but I've only opened 2, one was Christmas wishes from the principal, the other was theannouncement of the Admin. Assistant's new baby boy's arrival and pics.

    Chi--scary to think there may be a third person at large and not knowing for sure. Sounds like the oysters were stubborn!

    JWOO--I have never seen this recipe before, but it sounds really good!

    KID--I love the idea of the Grinch and mask ornament!The weather sure has changed, when I was young we always got Halloween costumes that fit over snow pants and winter coats, because it would be cold enough for them, and having snow on the ground for Halloween was not unusual. Snow that stayed by Thanksgiving was the norm. Hunting for Christmas trees was almost always in the snow. The last few years getting snow that stays by Christmas is iffy.

    Chi--sounds like a wonderful bottle of wine you have there!

    DOTD for today and tomorrow, since I'll be at Mom's:



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Karen, love the hair pics. You look good with short hair. I can relate to the chemo curls. I had wavy hair prior, then the chemo curls, and now I have some hair that is curly (the hair underneath) and then straight hair. I know you are a hat person, have you ever counted how many you have? I too have been puttering around the house. I'm liking not having to work.

    KID, thanks for tip, I'll have to look for that product. On your name, is it even KID, can't tell if that's a number one after the D or another I. Looks like an I to me if I compare it to the one in 919. Is that your birthday? I think one of my GF's got a Grinch ornament like that last year.


    Sandy, hope you stay safe in all that you and Bob do. I'm just not that brave. Hopefully no one seriously hurt in the shooting and if there is one at large, they find them. Looks like you won with the oysters AND the cork!

    JWoo, hot Dr. Pepper, who would have thunk? Not a fan, but then again I don't drink much pop/soda anyways.

    NM, you have sure had the most winter weather amongst us. I too remember having to have Halloween costumes to fit over snow pants for the kids. If we didn't have snow, it was rain. Is it tomorrow with mom? Seems as if your DB is doing well. Any idea when he can go home?

    Raining here this morning, we could sure use it. Glad I don't have to go out! I've had to add boards to the bench in our shower, DH was having trouble getting up, so I put 4 x 6's in there and that is helpful. I've also started getting in there with them to wash him and make sure the feet, especially between the toes, and bumm get well cleaned. He has not been doing a good job cleaning himself after using the toilet, but realizes he needs me to help him with that. After the shower, I had to do his toes, cleaning all the stinky gunk in between the toes and then clipping his nails using cuticle scissors. He doesn't want to have to go out and have it done. But with me helping him, he was near as winded as when he was showering alone. He is in the electric w/c all day now. The only walking he does is from the bed to the chair, or in the bathroom.

    My chemo curls (2008) before and after styling, or trying to style!

    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Lori, I have at least 2 dozen hats. Some I wear more than others. The white one with the girls was gifted to me during chemo but since given away as it wasn't a favorite. I remember you posting your chemo curls years ago.

    Kim, this is the first time I haven't checked emails and have no plans to. I'm sure it will come back to bite me in the arse but oh well!
    The mountains are getting snow upwards of one to two feet. Denver is brown and dry. It's been in the 60s most of week.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Lori, long hair becomes you--and Karen, so does your mid-length. My hair had started to thin even before bc., beginning when I was about 60.

    There's one place in Chicagoland that will have a white Christmas: Villa Olivia ski resort in suburban Bartlett. Whenever the mercury dips below 28, the snowmaking cannons get fired up. They have enough of a base now for cross-country or the bunny slope...unless the warm rain washes it away.

    By the time I had to load the dishwasher last night, my right elbow felt as if I'd fractured it, though there was no redness or swelling. Turns out "tennis elbow" (lateral epicondylitis) is actually an occupational hazard for oyster shuckers. You couldn't pay me enough to do that as a job, much less career.

    We've decided not to host a restaurant dinner on NYE (unless case have dropped as precipitously by then as they're rising now), just have the kids and a few boostered friends over for nibbles & midnght bubbles (and gift exchanging). No more than 8 people.

    Going out to Fireside for a late dinner tomorrow night...on their heated roofed patio.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2021

    Hi girls! Jwow! That reminds me of when I worked for Pepsi, here in Denver, in about 1970 until 1980... and every Winter, we Demo's would serve HOT Dr. Pepper in the stores! It is soooooo good, and yes, with a slice of lemon! We used to have Dr. Pepper syrup, and then mix it with water... That was my favorite drink in those days.

    Lorrie! You kind of reminded me of a young Betty White in those pictures! Did you see where she is turning 100 soon? MAN! I thought I was old, Hah!

    I fell this morning.... tripped on the edge of our rug, but only fell on my knees & hands, and then rolled over on the rug, so didn't really hurt... Just took a minute to catch my damn breath! I could pull myself up with the foot-stool in front of the couch... so no big deal. I had answered the phone, and fell, & told Janie, "Honey, wait a second"... So I got up off the floor, and said, "Okay... I just fell, but I'm okay".... She yelled "YOU WHAT???? I'M COMING RIGHT OVER!!!!" I calmly said, "no honey, I'm okay.... honest! I'm already up!".... So she has called a couple times today.... I'm just thankful we have someone close that I talk to like 3 times a day! And I STILL don't hurt anywhere, Hah!

    Janie is bringing over a roast chicken from Kings, and we will have a nice Christmas Dinner tomorrow~ A lot of side dishes, and I love the cranberry sauce I make...! I doctor up the whole cranberry sauce from Kings with marshmellows, celery, chopped pineapple and I love it with cottage cheese!

    It's snowing/raining here, and COLD... Hah! Glad we aren't going anywhere! Merry Christmas everyone! xoxo


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2021

    Chevy - glad you are not hurt from falling. Of course you worried your daughter - I gasped when I first read it. No snow by me, started raining about an hour ago. It is damp and gray out.

    Sandy - thanks for the compliment. I'm now ready to get it cut. My hair started thinning in my early 50s. It got better after I stopped AIs but the weight of the length makes it look thinner and straggly. It's me who notices it - of course no one would say anything, not even my girls. Now DH would tell me if it didn't look good.

    It started raining about an hour ago - not too hard to we might be able to get a walk in. Mountains are getting quite a bit of snow. SW mountains 2 - 3 feet and "front range" mountains 1 - 2 feet.

    My Shabbat dinner is done - its amazing how much more time I. have when I don't have to go to the grocery store and I didn't even start till 10 or so and took a break for a walk. Lots of food that will take us through the week-end. Challah, roast garlic, green beans, asparagus, roasted Brussel sprouts, grilled chicken thighs, pastrami roast and marble cake. It will also serve as tomorrow nights dinner. We eat a light lunch all week so no different on Shabbat (Saturday) - generally tuna wrap, tuna on a salad or if we have left over salmon we have that. DS is home for Shabbat dinner so that is a treat for us. Tomorrow he is off and is spending the day with a good friend. He has today and tomorrow off with holiday pay.

    One week of winter break is over and one to go. Enjoy having the time to work/putter in the house. And to relax and read.

    To those who celebrate, have a happy, healthy and enjoyable Christmas.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited December 2021

    Hello, all! Just downed 2 "cocktails" made with the remainder of a bottle of prosecco & some Chambord. Presents wrapped and dinner cooking plans sorted out for tomorrow.

    Love that 3 French Hens cocktail you posted on 12/23, NM. No Kahlua on hand, so will have to try a "2 Calling Birds" (Irish Cream Liqueur & Chambord).

    Canceled my trip to NYC/CT on Tuesday after DD called to advise she and Liv tested Covid positive. Way too risky to go to that part of the US (especially LGA). They had appointments for their boosters today, so will have to try to re-schedule those. Feeling bad for my sister, who will be by herself, except for Reggie, the lovely cat she is pet sitting.

    Enjoyed the "hair stories" - my SIL's hair also came in curly after chemo.

    Temps to reach almost record high of 66 tomorrow (greater Cincinnati, OH area).

    Happy Holidays to those who are celebrating!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    We've been watching BBC News--the UK is now mandating masks outdoors! We have friends who've been traveling through northern Spain the past few weeks, and Catalunya has a 6pm-6am curfew now. Glad we hadn't planned on leaving Chicago, as flights are being canceled left & right due to crew shortages (either they're out sick or afraid of catching COVID). Things are getting crazy here--not just with COVID (no reports today but yesterday IL hit almost 19,000 cases and both the city and state are at 8.9% positivity) but weather-wise: it's 57 right now and it won't get below 50 overnight.

    This is my hair today, after I blow-dried and flatironed it into submission. Hope the sprays can keep the frizzies at bay.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Merry Xmas from the hot springs


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited December 2021

    Oh lovely - thanks Jazzy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Night shot even better


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Gorgeous, Jazzy!

    DsOTD tonight at Regalia was a 2018 Natalie VergaBarbera d'Asti with our dinner (we brought half the bottle home); and shots of the restaurant's housemade caffecello after dessert. (They still don't have an espresso machine).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2021

    Karen, I've posted chemo curls a few times. Glad you are keeping work at work, and hopefully it won't be by to bite you. LOL at your DH would tell you if you didn't look good. Sounds like a lot of food you have for Shabbat.

    Sandy, thank you, the only time I had short was it was growing back from chemo. Someone once told me that women over 50 should not have long hair, BS! Yours is somewhat long too and looks good on you. 19,000 cases in one day?

    ED, a young Betty White? First time I've heard that! And yes 100, she's amazing. Oh dear, you fell again! See, you are the one that needs that necklace to call for help. So glad you weren't hurt and I'm hoping you are not sore today.

    See the source image

    Good morning Celia, let us know how you like the "2 Calling Birds", if you try it. Sorry you had to cancel your trip.

    Jazzy, looks very inviting! Do they only allow so many people in at a time, due to Covid? Gotta love Maxine!

    NM, are you at moms? I hope all goes well, or at least fairly well!

    Had rain here all day, but it was a nice sprinkle, no down pours. Nothing special for us today, just another day. Surf & Turf for dinner.

    Merry Christmas all.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2021

    Happy Holidays to all of you! I made out pretty lucky this year, none of the celebrations were at my house. No mess and no waiting for stragglers to leave. We went to my son and daughter in laws Christmas eve morning for breakfast and gifts. Christmas eve night we went to celebrate with my husbands family. So Christmas morning was quiet at my house with just me and my youngest son. We did go to my son's and daughter's home to see what the kids got for Christmas morning. Our weather is warm, we are in the 70's, it was a beautiful day.

    Karen- I liked your hair in both pictures, I would go with whatever is easier to maintain and what you feel good in.

    Chevy-- I am glad you are ok after your fall. Jwoo and Chevy - I have never heard of the hot Dr. Pepper either. Geez, I keep finding out there is more and more things I don't know. lol

    Sandy I hope that this virus gets better so it doesn't ruin your son's wedding.

    Goldie Surf and Turf sounds delicious! I hope you and your husband are feeling good and you had a pleasant day.

    Jazzy - I am loving your pictures. I hope you are having a great time!

    NM - its great to have fun things to look forward to. My mom was really good all through the holidays. She went with me to my son's for breakfast. I hope you had a nice day with your mom.

    Hello to minus, celia, teka, cami and all I missed/

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2021

    Happy Day after Xmas friends!

    Well the hot springs get away did not disappoint as you can see from my posts. We had quite the soaker on New Years Eve day with a river of moisture that is soaking the west coast and came this way. I have not seen it rain like that in awhile and drove up in heavy rain and it rained most of the day, but that did not stop me from my springs time. A warm hat and some warmer waters were enjoyable. Thought it might snow later that evenning but never got warm enough, this front is still around and brings warm balmy temps. I had a nice treatment on New Years Eve, and some good food along the way. Yesterday, the sun came out for a lovely morning of soaking before I left to come back to town. My second part of Xmas was going to a friends holiday open house for a get together. All in all, a very nice holiday and felt very grateful after spending last year alone at home with the pandemic.

    Today I am catching up at home and go back to work for three days, and should have an easier week with the oversight firm on my project out this week. Gives me time to get some things structured for the duration, which I need. I walked into a project in progress, so they were throwing stuff at me to do and not the way to manage a project. Wish me luck!

    Goldie- I am not quite sure what the restrictions are with the pandemic. There was a time places with rooms and restaurants had reduced capacity, but we have been back to 100% since the summer. I don't think it was that busy though, and never is when I have gone pre-pandemic. Just people looking for a quieter holiday experience. I hope you and DH had a simple easy day yesterday.

    Mistyeyes- always a plus when we don't have to host, cook, clean, etc. Your weather sounds lovely!

    CeliaC- sorry to hear about your family testing positive and having to skip the travels this year. I read about how many flights were cancelled this season and glad you did not get stuck in an airport somewhere. Hopefully you can see each other when things are better, whenever that is.....

    Chi- we have had the indoor mask mandate since the summer when Delta showed up and it's been with us since. I find when I am in and out of places that I just wear mine all the time, unless I am eating. I also heard the Pfizer booster is only good for 10 weeks which is about where I am at right now. Sigh, the struggle is real and continues on. When is the wedding with Gordie and Leslie? Next summer I think? I like your hair.

    Karen- how much snow did the mountains get? I think a couple feet here. The ski resorts will be happy, as I know yours will too.

    JWoo- nice to see you and wishing you and yours a happy holiday season. I know Dr. Pepper is a big thing from my time living in TX long ago.

    NM- thinking of you and hope yesterday with mom went okay.....

    MinusTwo- hoping you had a peaceful easy holiday friend.

    Cami, Cami, Cami......missing you....

    Oh and my hair cut on Wed came out great. Picture to follow.

    Wishing everyone a funday sunday or recovery day as it may be for some with holiday hangovers from good food, beverage and more.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2021

    Good Morning, Loungette!Happy Boxing Day!At least I think today is Boxing day. Christmas with Mom was not as hard as I was afraid it was going to be. She never mentioned Sadie or pets at all. No 'probably my last Christmas' talk. Some talk about wanting to go to Prince Edward Island for a couple of days this summer. I was able to do a couple of things for her that she couldn't that made her happy. I did discover that her vision is really poor. I did not realize how poor her vision had gotten. She has her laptop screen enlarged so much it only shows one and a half icons and you have to scroll all over the place to find anything on a page. And I discovered that she tends to rest her hands/fingers on the touchpad, causing all sorts of odd pages to pop up and things to jump around, so I turned that off and she can navigate better now. She thinks she doesn't use passwords for sites because "I never used to have to put in passwords, I just went there and did what I wanted to do." Turns out that kid brother set up her old desk top and the last laptop with something that did the password thing automatically. I was trying to get into her PayPal account to deauthorized an automatic payment for something she doesn't use and found out she has no idea what the password is and the email address she set it up with is one that is no longer accessible. How she's been able to buy things with PayPal on the laptop without a password absolutely baffles me. And her cognitive status is definitely declining. And the number of times she almost fell is worrisome. She really shouldn't be living alone, but there is no way I'll ever be able to convince her of that. I'm just going to have to let things play out and see what happens.

    Kid brother is doing well, got to talk to him on the phone for a minute, SIL sent a pic, he looks pale (to be expected) but otherwise tired but good. He's going home today or tomorrow.

    Found out Christmas Eve afternoon that another student tested positive for COVID. God bless the principal, she did all the contact phone calls. Fortunately, with the podding we've been doing it only affected one class, and some of those students are fully vaxxed as of 12/24. So while technically they need to quarantine because the exposure was on the 22nd, it's unlikely this exposure will spread very far even if people don't quarantine. Which they aren't anyway. A new protocol is supposed to come out from the Me CDC and Dept of Ed this coming week, it will be interesting to see how things change.

    Goldie--We did have a White Christmas here, and it's very pretty! I guess I am getting my fair share of winter weather. It just seems like it starts later in the year than it used to. DB should be going home today or tomorrow. I'm sorry to hear about DH's decline. Such a cruel disease.The curly hair pics are wonderful to see!

    Karen--Here's to no a$ biting work emails come January! I am monitoring emails this week but only responding to the ones directly related to positive tests and the new protocol when it comes out. The new protocol is supposed to be instituted the day school reopens, so I will need to know what it is before hand so I can explain it to the principal and know what to be doing Jan 3rd.

    Chi--oyster and clam shucking, crab and lobster picking, not jobs I enjoy or would ever do for longer than it takes to get enough for a meal! That's a lot of hard work for little bits of yumminess! Hope your elbow gets better soon.

    Chevy--YIKES!Scary tumble!Glad you didn't get hurt and could get up easily. That cranberry sauce recipe sounds yummy, I may have to try to make a little someday. It's cold here, too, only getting up into the 20's, but that is better than all the snow melting to slush and mud every other day.

    Karen--your Shabbat cooking sounds like it makes for a lovely weekend of meals. Have a Happy Shabbat (is that an appropriate Shabbat wish?) dinner with DS.

    Celia--ooh, Chambord!Love that stuff, rarely buy it. I'm sorry to hear about the trip being cancelled. The east coast is not a good place to be, especially New England, right now. The first omicron variant was identified in Maine only a week or so ago, and is already suspected of spreading widely and wildly.

    Chi--Ihadn't heard that about the UK.What BBC News do you watch? Great pic!

    Jazzy-- oh my, what a wonderful place you've found! LOL at the red's ok, too, Christmas!

    Morning, Minus!

    Misty--it sounds like you had a very peaceful and happy Christmas!It is good to have things to look forward to, I agree.

    Boxing Day



    1. Pour all ingredients into a shaker glass filled with ice. Shake well. Strain into a rocks glass over ice. Garnish with an orange twist.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2021

    Happy Boxing Day! Bob came home at 8:30pm and we went straight to dinner--and when we got home he went straight upstairs to read a slew of echocardiograms and then call the appropriate nurses' stations with instructions & prescriptions. By the time he was done, it was bedtime (he has to be at work by 8:30am every day this week while his "call-trading" interventionalist colleague is in Punta Cana with his family till the 31st). So today, before a late dinner of leftovers, will be "un-Boxing" Day as we open a smaller number of gifts under the tree. (None of the usual gifts from referring physicians, not even the huge tray of baklava from Shattila Bakery in Dearborn, MI--the shrink who used to send them has decided to retire). The only gifts from patients are two identical boxes of booze-filled chocolates, which I'm not crazy about.

    Gordy's wedding is set for April 9 in New Orleans--so at this point it's fingers-crossed, touch & go. Deposits have been paid, so we're hoping that at worst we can pull it off with a shortened guest list--maybe only the wedding party and immediate family, all masked. Barring a new variant, though, I think it'll be much better by then than it is now. I think it'll peak by early March.

    DOTD yesterday was a 2018 Mark West Pinot Noir, and the restaurant's own recipe Swedish gløgg as dessert. Bedtime snack was almondmilk nog with a squirt of whipped cream and a grating of nutmeg.