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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Haven't heard anything about that one Jazzy! Hope everyone is ok!

    May be an image of text that says 'I'm opening a gym called Resolutions. It will have exercise equipment for the first two weeks and then it turns into a wine bar for the rest of the year'

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    May be an image of text

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Love both memes, Lori. Jazzy, we don't have trams here, but it's coming down steadily here--and the wind gusts are slamming the "Merry Christmas" lights & sign against the porch wall on which it's hung. At first my cats were startled, looking under the front room daybed for phantom rodents. The snow is playing havoc with my voice teacher's cell provider--the FaceBook Messenger video connection during our lesson kept dropping out mid-arpeggio. It's gonna start falling harder very soon. We're hoping to be able to walk to Regalia for dinner, but if the snow's too heavy I'll just cook indoors. (Grilling isn't gonna happen, of course--maybe I'll just have to sous-vide and then briefly sear a steak rather than set off the smoke detectors using cast iron for the entire cooking).

    DOTD thus far has been coffee (Honduras), Fired up the espresso machine, but too full from lunch to drink a cappuccino just yet. Tonight, besides Beauj. Nouveau & champagne, maybe eggnog or gløgg.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    No Regalia tonight--the owner is closing at 8 because just about all reservations were cancelled due to the snow. He said (at 6:40) he could take us if we came by 7pm, but I told him it wouldn't be fair to keep the place open just for us--so he & the staff should be able to go home and celebrate the New Year with their loved ones. We'll go Wed. night--they're closed tomorrow, Bob has office Mon. night, and wants to bring home takout from Chez Joel Tues. after he wraps up his day at Union Health. Tomorrow night I'm thinking of going to L.Woods (WI-style lodge "supper club") for whatever is on Sun. special...or the Fred Flinstone-size beef ribs if they have them.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2022

    Wishing all a better 2022 than 2021!!

    Also sending warm thoughts and gentle hugs to Cami. She is certainly missed.

    Jazzy, Yikes, stuck on a tram overnight! Any updates?

    Chi, glad your NYE party was able to happen after all the uncertainties. We had a quiet evening, dog sitting GS#1 fiancee's dog; they joined us around 10pm and we chose to celebrate with the New York ball drop.

    Lori, love the memes!

    NM, hang in there. It is a struggle taking care of a parent!

    Since my gout diagnosis am being careful about diet, including alcohol. Did have a glass of Duchman Montepulciano with pasta tonight.

    Am really hoping for a better year. In the last week of 2021 we learned that our son has been diagnosed with radiation induced sarcoma of the one lymph node that has kept lighting up on scans in spite of the chemo he has had.

    They were planning to radiate it but it looks like delicate surgery is called for ( it is very close to his aorta). Also, a friend and breast cancer survivor had a tennis ball sized mass removed from her left frontal lobe and, you guessed it, pathology report says malignant. Have not found out if it is related to her breast cancer or a totally new cancer. Bummer of a way to end the year. Basically yesterday felt more like just another Friday than a special day.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited January 2022

    Beaver - so sorry to hear about both your son & your friend. What a nasty ending to a horrible year. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    Although it's still 83 degrees at 8pm, the weatherman is predicting 34 tonight & 29 for Sunday night in our NW part of Houston. I expect you'll be even colder.

    Goldie - I loved your dinner description,. Glad you posted.

    Happy New Year to all. Thanks for letting me lurk & toss in an occasionally post.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2022

    Popped the cork on my CM present Moet et Chandon to have with early dinner at 2pm and nursed my way through it until the "ball drop" at midnight. Made for a very happy New Year's Eve!

    Looking forward to better times in 2022 for all!

    Sorry to hear of the different sad news many have posted about. Especially thinking of Cami and her family.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited January 2022

    Happy new year all. I echo everyone's sentiments for a better new year. We had a very quiet new years eve, made pizza and salad and were in bed early. DH sleeping and me reading for a bit. Today we had my sister and her hubby over for chili. We sent along a few little gifts for their kids/ grands. Although only an hour away who knows when we'll be able to see them, given current conditions.

    This thread is special and I enjoy everyone's stories and try to pray for the hard things shared. Thank you all. Pizza here, even though it's not the dinner thread 🤗


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Sandy, do you know every restaurant owner in Chicago??? That was certainly nice of them to offer to stay open for you.

    Beaver, sorry to hear that about your son and your friend. CANCER SUCKS, what else can we say?? Let us know if your son has to have surgery.

    Minus2, we are glad to have you. Stay warm.

    Reader, does someone not like pepperoni? I made a roast a few days ago, then made some chili with the left over.

    NM, I hope things go smoothly back at school tomorrow....IF you have school!

    I sent Cami everyone's sentiments, she did reply, but with only 2 thumbs up, but at least I know she saw it. A big whopping ZERO degrees here this morning....BRRRRR!!!! Our New Years cheer was to make the best of each day, and one day at a time.

    DOTD: Pepperoni Passion

    140929_Dominos pizza cocktail

    Cocktail ingredients

    50ml of pepperoni infused vodka (to make, cook 500g of pepperoni in a pan with no oil, then wait for the oil to come naturally from the pepperoni, add the oil to a bottle of vodka then put in the freezer overnight. The next morning, the juices from the pepperoni will have set, while the flavour molecules will have attached themselves to the vodka. Strain off the solids et voila – pepperoni infused vodka.)

    75ml of tomato juice

    15ml of fresh pressed lemon juice

    20ml of passion fruit puree

    10ml of sugar syrup (equal parts caster sugar to water)

    1 teaspoon of hot sauce

    Pizza garnish

    4 x slices of pepperoni

    2 x small pieces of mozzarella cheese

    Handful of basil

    Combine all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker and roll. Don't shake the mixture as this separates the tomato juice.

    Then, strain into a highball glass over cubed ice and garnish with pizza topping by skewering pieces of pepperoni, mozzarella cheese and basil.

    And hey presto, a perfect slice of cocktail heaven.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Good morning friends and Happy New Year!

    We are in to a fresh year and sending much love to those whose 2021 was a really tough year and also got some bad news end of the year. Praying for better days in 2022 on all fronts.

    Thinking of Cami and hoping she is feeling safe, warm and loved during this time. I miss her here too.

    And Betty White, what a shock as everyone had been talking up her upcoming 100th birthday. I have a friend who got to work with her years ago on a commercial and said she was such a hoot. I agree with Illimae who said she probably looked forward and said "nah." Betty lived a good health life right up until the end and left as graciously as she did in her life. I always said I wanted to be Betty White when I grow up. She will be missed.

    My New Years weekend (four days!) has been lovely- time to reconnect with a few more folks, get some errands done, a nice restorative class on New Years Eve afternoon, and more sleep. I have been really very tired for awhile now with the last project I was on which had me running around too much. My new project should not be as much of that, but time will tell. I am looking forward to better work/life balance in the new year.

    And weather, we had a lot of rain NYE and then some snow yesterday and it's very cold this morning (18 degrees waking up today). The people on the Tram were restaurant workers that were coming down after their New Years Eve dinner around 1 a.m. and the lines froze with the freezing rain up in the mountains. They couldn't do the rescue until daylight so they were there overnight and until yesterday right afternoon. They got them all out and hoping they will all be okay. Sounds like a few others got some weather too.

    And the fires in Denver, what a tragedy. The wild land firefighters say there is no way to do anything when fires burn acres per second but get people evacuated asap. Sounded a lot like the Paradise fire that leveled that town. I am glad there was no loss of life but know these fires are scary. We have had some in town before, one that was close to my old place I lived and seeing those flames so close was terrifying. We all live with this new scary risk here in the west.

    Will be back again soon. Battery dying on my puter....

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,710
    edited January 2022

    Beaverintx, I too am so sorry about the medical issues your son and friend are going through. And as someone with brain mets, I can’t imagine a tennis ball sized tumor, or how it even fits up there? Please know I’m not unsympathetic, I’m just so blown away by the size in that location, it’s crazy.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2022

    Illimae, I too was blown away by the size of her tumor. Surgeon said the surgery went well and has predicted her personality will return, albeit slowly. Since it is her frontal lobe that is involved I have wondered. Her daughter's statement was to the effect that her mom in still in there somewhere. Sad...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    We got about 6" snow Friday night into Saturday but it was bitter cold - only about 12 for the high. It's supposed to get to the low 40s today - it's already 30. Thursday is supposed to be bitter cold again.

    Almost 1000 homes/structures were lost in the fires. 3 people are unaccounted for. Such a senseless tragedy. They are now investigating the cause of the fire as xcel energy says no power lines were down (original thought for cause of fire). The winds upwards of 100mph made it impossible to do anything.

    Beaver - so sorry to hear about your son and your friend.

    Such a shock about Betty White. She was planning her 100th birthday party. She was such a class act.

    Winter break is over - back to work tomorrow. It's been a relaxing 2 weeks, accomplished a fair amount in the house.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    (((Beav))). So sorry about the "rat bastard" sneaking back into your son & friend. A brain tumor that huge is almost certainly a new primary (hopefully not glioblastoma multiforme), not bc mets.

    Last night's SNL rerun of Betty White's hosting episode was a hoot. But I think for the monologue they used the dress rehearsal version, in which she called Facebook "a huge waste of time." I distinctly remember that in the live version she used the term "time-suck," knowing it was live and S&P wouldn't be able to make the call in time to bleep it. That was so Betty! The writing in all her sketches was much racier than for other hosts.

    Overindulged in the Perrier-Jouet last night--a full 9-oz. flute and then some. I paid for it with more than a few "skipped" heartbeats. Funny how that never happens to me with red wine or even the rare glass of spirits.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2022

    My heart goes out to you Beaverntx. It is so hard when one of your children are sick and you can't fix it for them.

    I am thinking of Cami and her family during this time. Joey must feel like he is losing his best friend and confidant.

    Jazzy- I didn't hear about the people stuck on the tram, I can't imaging being stuck on it for that long. I think this will end of being a movie of the week one day.

    Goldie - I had to laugh about your comment to Sandy about knowing all the restaurant owners. I was thinking the same thing, that at least she knows the ones that she like to go to.

    NM- Sorry you going through so much and you had a some big things hit you at once and it is hard to handle and grief makes you tired and I know when I am tired my mom is harder for me to deal with.

    Hoping things get better in the new year. We always do that - put so much hope in a new year. I guess a new beginning for good things to happen.

    Good night to everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Around these parts it's pretty easy to know the owners of non-chain restaurants, especially the small ones we've been patronizing for quite some time.

    DOTD, with tapas & paella, was a flute of Marques de Caceres rosé cava--which I nursed through the whole meal. (No, I don't personally know the owner of the place, which is part of the Lettuce Entertain You chain).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Back to school today, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing the kiddoes again. Going to be lots going on with meetings about the new COVID guidelines starting first thing. Going to be lots and lots of questions, I'm sure. Getting back to a routine will be a good thing for me.

    Goldie--thanks for the kind words, they mean a lot! Mom's comment was "Oops, did it again.I'll have to send another check" and then changed the subject. That Betty White clip is still as funny as I remember it!

    Chi--sounds like the NYE party was enjoyable, if quieter and smaller than originally planned. Sounds like you are going to get quite the bit of snow. Stay warm and toasty!

    Jazzy--oh my goodness, what a thing to have happen!I hope they are all down safely.

    Goldie--I'll invest in your Resolutions business!!Love that decision, too.

    Chi--if you get that Flintstone size ribs, get a pic to post!

    Beaver--you really did have a sucky end to the year. Gout is not fun, from what people have told me. Praying for your son and your friend.

    Minus--don't you just love the temperature swings that are going on?

    Celia--sounds like a really nice way to spend NYE!

    Reader--Pretty looking pizza! I bet it was really good.

    Goldie--looks like school will be happening. No where near as much snow as the 2-3 inches predicted, barely a coating, the big problem is going to be the refreezing of the snow that melted yesterday, but I've heard DOT trucks out sanding, so should be ok.

    Jazzy--so glad you had a wonderful NYE weekend to recharge!

    Karen--Wow, that is a huge amount of damage done by the fires. I can't imagine what trying to fight a wildfire in 100 mph winds must be like. Praying the unaccounted for people are ok, just out of contact.

    Misty--I feel for Joey, too. I hope he's doing ok. You are right, things/people are harder to deal when I'm tired, but I have caught up on some rest and am beginning to feel better, so I'm hoping I'm over the worst of it for now.

    Back to School-tini


    • 2ouncesTitos vodka
    • 1/2ozMalibu Coconut Rum
    • 1/2ozapple juice
    • Splash of Grenadine
    • apple slice for garnish


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice.
    2. Pour in the vodka, coconut rum, and apple juice. Add a splash of Grenadine.
    3. Shake well and strain into a martinis glass.
    4. Garnish with an apple slice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Winter break is over. Today is a PD day and I have no idea what I’m doing. Based on recent email from superintendent all trainings are remote. No in person meetings. Kia return in person tomorrow like first semester. But I need to see what trainings there are and sign up. I didn’t look at emails till 9:30 last night.

    Kim, still 1 or 2 people not accounted for. The devastation is unbelievable. So far via donations in 2 days 1.2 million $ raised. One small boutique is offering woman to shop for clothing free up to $500 each. So much kindness in all this tragedy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Jazzy, funny that you wanted to be Betty White when you grow up! How is your sister doing? How scary to be stuck on that tram overnight with such cold temps.

    BabyGirl, you make a good point about such a large tumor and how in the heck it fits there! Sounds pretty scary, I can't even imagine.

    Beaver, glad to hear that the daughter's comment was that her mom was still in there somewhere.

    Misty, Joey is a HUGE comfort to Cami. You would not believe how sweet he is to her. But he's a sweet kid period.

    NM, well of course that was mom's response to the miswritten check. Not surprising at all, after all, she is the perfect one, right? I'm surprised she didn't blame you for it in some manner! We too didn't get the amount of snow predicted, just a dusting. But it sure is cold!

    Karen, I had to look up PD day, personal developement? Praying the unaccounted for are found. How the heck does one store even have enough clothes for all those women to spend $500 each?!?!

    Ran to town yesterday for groceries, Phoenix on Wed. for treatment. I'm just gobsmacked at how many are not wearing masks. I've mentioned before how our cases average about 3000 day, well Saturday was the most in one day, reaching over 8000. Here is the sign in front of the hospital.

    May be an image of outdoors

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022

    Goldie - my sister struggled through the holidays and now may be putting down her 13 year old golden retriever today. Hopefully things will be better soon🙏

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2022


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Woke up (well, was awakened by Heidi purring and slamming her face into mine) and didn’t feel like eating at all—what with all the worry about COVID in our community, the cats (she puked twice yesterday), weather, foot issues (one podiatrist retired, the other is not seeing non-emergencies, and my nail salon is still closed), etc. I hadn’t eaten since 9:30pm last night. Along about 1:30pm today I realized that perhaps taking my morning meds on an empty stomach might not have been the wisest thing. So I made coffee—and a nagging little ache over one eye disappeared. (Hadn’t had caffeine since noon yesterday). And avocado toast with an egg actually settled my stomach. So intermittent fasting is teaching me what hunger, as opposed to appetite or craving, feels like. It’s a long road back to self-discipline

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2022

    Lori - sorry for using an acronym/initials. PD stands for professional development. I'm guessing that the store is pricey - it is a boutique and locally owned in the area impacted by the fires. Joey must be a junior or senior in high school by now. Cami and Joey have a very special relationship.

    Jazzy - sorry to hear that your sister will have to put her fur baby down. So many losses in a short time.

    Tonight and tomorrow is my mother's 4th yarzheit (anniversary of her death). On the English calendar its January 18th but we light the yarzheit (memorial candle on the Hebrew date. I miss her more with every passing day.

    It warmed today (40s), tomorrow high 40s, but it will get cold again on Wednesday afternoon and more snow. Single digits Wednesday night.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited January 2022

    I enjoyed a glass of burgundy wine with dinner tonight. Slowly polishing off the bottle opened for my recent stew.

    Haha, yes on the pizza picture I posted Lori. My DH loves pepperoni on his but I don't so we half it that way. I used Boars Head Turkey pepperoni this time to try and cut the fat/salt. He liked it.

    Sandy I'm with you on the long road back to discipline.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    I'm kind of weird in that I don't like pepperoni on pizza--but I love anchovies (just not too many because they're so salty). Guess it's a vestige of my Brooklyn upbringing. Sausage or green peppers & mushrooms are my faves.

    No DOTD today except coffee this morning and water the rest of the day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was so nice to see the kiddoes at school yesterday ayem. The new COVID rules are a total shambles, so many questions, and so much more work for school nurses that many are flat out saying they aren't going to be able to do all the contact tracing and monitoring with all the changing dates and sliding quarantines and isolation dates, and all the variaibles (fully vaxxed defined differently for age 5-11, 12-15, 16 and 17 year olds, and 18+, how many months ago the last shot or booster was,eligibility for booster or 3rd shot, immune compromised or not, positive test in the last 90 days, date of symptom onset or positive test without symptoms, school with universal masking policy or not, participating in pool testing or not), and those are just the ones that I remember off the top of my head.And the word is out in the infectious diseases community that the decrease of isolation and quarantine from 10 days to 5 is already under fire and will probably be reversed in the next few weeks.The bottom line right now where I am is that it takes 2 to 3 days to get a testing appointment, then it takes 2 to 5 days to get the results. By the time someone knows they are infected, the isolation period is over, and no one is quarantining while waiting for test results. Can't keep a child out of school while waiting for a test result now. Under the new rules, a child who has a parent or sibling with a positive test, who is being exposed every day, keeps coming to school until they, too, have symptoms. Kiddos riding a bus with a child who tests positive no longer quarantine, they just get notified.Bottom line, keep everyone in school during the most contagious period. It's very, very frightening right now.

    Karen--it's amazing that so few people are unaccounted for. And so much consideration, rare in this day and age.

    Goldie--It's sure cold here, too! One school district has a 2 hour delay this ayem because the school buses won't start!Mom's reaction was pretty predictable. She can't blame me, because I don't hand write her checks, she does that herself and won't allow any help (this isn't the first time she's written the wrong amount on that line). She seemed to think it was funny.I'm just keeping my mouth shut unless the bank calls me, and waiting for this situation to bite her in the ass.

    Jazzy--please send my love and hugs to your sister.

    OK, need to leave a little earlier today, icy roads from the severe temp drops and an 8 ayem meeting--back to finish up tomorrow.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2022

    Oh dear Jazzy, I'm sorry hear about your DS's fur baby.

    Sandy, hopefully today is a better day for you.

    Karen, I figured out the PD. Most of them I know, since I worked with special needs kids. But I had to look that one up. I miss my mom too, but I don't consider the day she died for anything. Just me. I wish I didn't even know the date of her death, but it was the day after my DD had a medical emergency and I almost lost her. Weather is cray cray for sure, we are supposed to get to 60 by Friday.

    Reader, I like anything on my pizza. Not a fan of green peppers or onions, but will still eat them. No anchvoies please or anything spicy. My DH will ONLY eat Italian sausage and pineapple, sometimes with bacon.

    NM, that all sounds HORRIBLE at school. This is not going to end well! What I meant about your mom blaming you for the wrong check writing was something you said or done that caused her to be upset or baffled, therefore causing her to write the wrong number. Glad you are leaving early due to road conditions.

    Arizona had their all time high in daily Covid cases. Usually around 3000 a day and has been as high as 8000. Yesterday cases totaled over 14,000! I have neighbors that are anti mask, Covid is a joke, it's just the government wanting to turn you into a puppet, yaddy yaddy yada, you know the type. Well they are now asking for prayers because someone they know has Covid!

    I spoke with my DD, she informed me that my son has gone back to smoking pot and his buddy is drinking. They just moved into their own apartment, both were staying at the safe house and both were sober, my son over 18 months, his friend not too far behind. I imagine my son will be drinking shortly as well. I hope and pray not. He drives for a road construction company and could lose his job if they test him.

    Can't find a "themed" cocktail, so just thought this looked yummy.

    White Cosmo

    White Cosomopolitan Winter Cocktail Recipe


    • 1 oz. of white cranberry cocktail juice
    • 1 oz. of white crème de cacao
    • ½ oz. of white chocolate liqueur
    • Cranberries
    • Shaved chocolate


    1. Put ice in a cocktail mixer and combine cranberry cocktail juice, white crème de cacao and white chocolate liqueur
    2. Shake the mixture and strain it into a martini glass
    3. Wet the rim with water and dip in sugar. Pierce cranberries on a cocktail toothpick and place in the glass as a garnish
    4. Add sprinkles of shaved white chocolate to the top of the drink
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    The only "prayers" I would offer for the unvaccinated maskholes is that they come to their senses, or else go off the grid into the wilderness and stay away.

    IL had 89,000 cases from Thurs-Sun. 20K yesterday and 27K today. Test positivity jumped from 12.5% to 17.5% in one week. Chicago's test positivity nearly doubled, from 13.6% to 23.2%; but the rate of increase in case numbers is slowing, and numbers of new deaths & hospitalizations are beginning to drop here in the city even as they are skyrocketing statewide. Our city health commissioner is cautiously predicting this wave will peak by late January, perhaps even as soon as next week.

    Not sure what we will do tonight (which will "drive" what we drink). Bob gets off work at 5:30, and wants to pick up takeout from nearby Chez Joel and go to Regalia tomorrow night--but tonight will be relatively warm while tomorrow night will be down into the single digits (air temp, not wind-chill) around dinnertime. He's off tomorrow, so maybe we can skip lunch and have a very early dinner at Regalia. But first, I need to call both places today at their posted opening hours to make sure they'll be open. Can't take that for granted these days.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2022

    karen1956 - Lighting the yarzheit sounds like such a lovely way to memorialize loved ones. Very interesting to know more about such traditions, especially since my brother & SIL converted to Judaism a couple years ago and my daughter is just beginning her conversion.

    Had a yummy Chambord Spritzer this evening. Everyone stay safe out there!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited January 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Interesting twist at work yesterday. The nurse that works at the sister school tested positive for COVID yesterday ayem. So she's stuck at home, but her older child can continue to go to school, it's an odd situation all the way around, but that's the way the new rules work. It's going to be a crazy ride.

    Chi--what a way to wake up in the ayem! I'm curious about the intermittent fasting, I've heard about it but don't know any details.

    Karen--Hugs and condolences on your Mom's yarzheit.

    Reader--that was an interesting pizza!

    Goldie--no, the new rules are not going to end well for schools and their communities. Nurses everywhere are trying to tell the US CDC and their state CDCs this, but we're not being heard yet. I see what you mean about Mom and the check, I hadn't thought of that angle. Prayers for your DS. The White Cosmo looks really good!

    Thank you, Teka! I hope so, too.

    Chi--so sad that we can't take for granted that a restaurant will be open on any given day! What has the world come to?

    Morning, Celia!