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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Hey, Tattie Tenders!  I"m puttring in an order for Cheetos as bar snacks! 

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2009

    Aww, NM, I don't think cheetas' should be to hard to come up with, after all...we have Tiger Woods don't we...LOL!  Bad joke...I know...please don't report me!  HunkyD

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2009

    Popping in for an early happy hour.   Want to wish everyone a good weekend.   The B&B is in business with kids/grandkid/dog coming to visit.    It will be a fun time!  The forecast looks good, though cold; their drives will be long but not hazardous.

    Need to dig the blender out.  One of these kids is always whipping up something good and aloholic!!   Everyone stay warm!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Groan, Hunky.  I'll give you a pass this time since you are still recovering, but just you wait, girl, I'll get you back someday! 

    I need more raspetini--where are the "boys"? 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Hey Drinkin Buds! Remember me? Still have a barstool left for me? Sorry I was Lori said, there is no free wifi here! However, we are at the Vegas airport, about 3 hrs till flights, and finally have wifi!!!! I got to catch up on all the posts. I missed you all....we had fun, and we DID win the buffets!! They should have weighed us before and after...I'm sure they would have charged us more at checkout! Left too much money in the machines though....they were COLD AS least for us. Had fun though, saw a couple of shows....its been freezing cold every day though. Today is DH's'day so after checking out we went to CITY CENTER, which has the upscale shopping areas open so far...then quickly got evacuated....some emergency we never found out what it was....just had to get the h*ll out of Dodge! Ate at Benihana VIllage tonight in the Hilton....really really nice and fun.....NOW to start that diet...I mean I really need to get cracking on that!

    Jaybird, your new pup sounds adorable!!! What did you name it? Avery must be in heaven with her new pup!

    Everyone else, glad to hear that most are doing well. Sorry about all the  snow and cold temps! Dee, how are you doing? HD still healing ok????

    Will get 1st class on this flight...they messed me up on the way over and I ended up staying in coach.....   :(    Trying to think of something to drink.....

    CHeers to the Friendly Skies,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Wahini!!!  We;ve been keeping a bar stool, a pool float, and a space in the hot tub--your choice!  Vegas is such fun if you don't expect to win money--I look at it as buying entertainment.  The shows are great and the buffets are greater!  You got evacuated?  I'll bet it was because of flash flooding--they've had warnings up for days.  (I watch the weather there because I have family there now). 


    For the gossip mill:  is anyone else as UNsurprised as I am to at the "unprecidented" news that Tiger is pulling out of pro golf for a while?  The Today show must not have much to talk about if they think that bit of news is at all unexpected. 

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2009

    Good morning all.  I must thank Dee for coming up with my new hairstyle on this avatar.  She knew I got my hair highlighted yesterday and I wanted to thank her for sending me my new look.  I also want to wish her a happy Birthday today.  Not so cold here today.  It is already 25 degrees.  Welcome back Kathy, you must be home by now. Glad you got a good chunk of their food. Junie, have fun with the kids, grandkids.  NM...I think Tiger might have a little problem with the yips if he tried to putt these days.  He might encounter some nasty comments from the crowds too, even though I think most of the guys thinks he's just a good ole boy and too bad he didn't get away with it!  Happy Saturday to all..HunkyD

    Edited to add:  Good luck Lori with the Mammo and tests!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Dee, You and my Dad have the same birthday!! He is 93 today. I hope you are having a really good birthday and feel well enough to PARTY HEARTY!!! We need to have a big blowout birthday party for you tonight at the HTL....will get Jocks working on it right away! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    funny_birthday_comment_02-1.gif picture by katied456

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Lori, Hope your tests go real well, and you have nothing but good results!!!!! And I hope you can enjoy your time in Phoenix! Cool Let us know when you get your results so we can celebrate with you!



  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2009

    LOL @ Lori's santa pic. Oops! I have to say, though, that I hate it when we hit birds.....

    LOVE the new hair/style/color HD!

    Avery does love the new puppy, and doesn't terrorize her too much! Her name is Lucy and while I didn't intend to get a dog with similar coloring to my last cocker, well, I did but it's okay. No sadness just craziness in dealing with a puppy's potty needs in freezing/snowy weather.

    Off to Moscow again tomorrow. I'll make a concerted effort while there to post some pics.

    Had my annual mammogram on Monday and so far no report of anything 'bad' showing up and also saw my onc on Friday and I don't have to see him again until next August. He seems to think I'm going to be okay! Let's hope for the best for all of us, eh?



  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009


    YAY!!  So glad your mammogram was all clear!! 

    I really needed to hear some good news today!!

    I'll drink to that!!


  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2009

    Hey gals! It's been a while since I've been on here.  So much going on.  I'm having my implant exchange surgery on Tuesday, Dec 15th.  woo-hoo!  I thought i was coming down with a cold, so my PCP gave me a Z-Pack prescription.  I don't want to postpone this surgery!!! 

    So, my hubby and I are out to dinner with this couple we just started hanging out with.  I tell them that I have about 1-2 glasses of wine a couple times a week.  My hubby gives me this, "Are you on crack" look and tells them I drink almost daily!  LOL!  I really have been limiting my alcohol during the week.  Oh well.  Work and this BC crap has been stressful.  I deserve my vino!  :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Anybody here got a good, old-fashioned recipe for homemade Eggnog? 

    I used to have one but it's disappeared.  I've got an Eggnog craving that the store-bought stuff just isn't fixing. . .

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2009

    HA! Kittycat, that was SO funny! Aren't our spouses suppose to support us no matter what we say??? How dare he insinuate that you're a lush whether it be true or not!  :)

    Navtive, I'll check my recipe box when I get home as I'm sure I have some sort of recipe for you. Have you tried the Silk Nog? It's really good and lower in fat. We only drink soy milk and I swear you can't taste the difference,  plus no lactose issues!

    I'm on the wagon (???) for two weeks (!!!) as I came down with a sinus and throat infection (WTF?) and my doc gave me an antibiotic that I take twice a day for 14 days. It's kicking my butt so I'm sure it's hard on my liver so I should be good and not over tax it. Look out on Dec. 26th though! If I can't get rid of my x-mas trip I'll be in Barcelona on the 26th and I'm definitely drinking that day!

    Cheers to all until then!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Thanks, Jaybird--I haven't tried the soy stuff, had ER+ bc and can't seem to get a straight answer or find reliable research about safety of soy-based stuff and ER+ status.  I have tried rice milk, which was ok but not great, going to try almond milk next.  Probably a good idea to avoid alcohol until the antibiotics are done, though.  At least you know it can't hurt.  I can sympathize with the sinus infection--I have a chronic sinus infection that flares up periodically and ususally right around the holidays is a favorite time. 

    kittycat--congrats on the exchange surgery date! Be careful with the antibiotics--they don't kill viruses that cause colds and flus.  Make sure you keep washing/sanitizing your hands, drink lots of fluids, get extra sleep, so your body can fight off any viruses that are lurking around!  The Z-Pac will take care of any bacteria.  Don't forget to eat some yogurt every day! 

    Dee--happy belated birthday wishes! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Wow...the mimosa and the raspberry martini fountains sure are busy today! Enjoying lying by the pool watching Pants and Jocks...they look FINE in their swim trunks...good eye candy! Hey, quit splashing me, NativeMainer...I promise I'll get in soon

    Jaybird, I always wondered also about what Native mentioned about the soy products. Now I just read that an average serving should be ok....but I quit eating edamame and tofu, etc. last year...don't know if its good or bad for ER+. My DH had to get on antibiotics right b4 our Vegas trip, but his surgery site sure looked swollen and hurt the whole time...maybe he shouldn't have been drinking...did not realize that..oops!

    Kittycat, you and Dee are one day apart for your exch surgery...YAY!!! Soon you will be through with surgery and recovery, and can get well at the HTL. Don't forget stool softeners...something about surgery and pain meds....but it can stop you up in ways you don't want to be stopped up! I almost went to ER with it...pain was unbearable....and I WAS taking stool softeners and still got backed up. So, just wanted to mention it in case you weren't aware.

    Dee, Where are you, girl???? We miss you here....

    Jaybird, Sorry you are on the wagon....maybe it could be a beer wagon instead....! But I know you will make up for it when you are thru with the antib's...and you will have a lot of catching up to do!

    Hi to everyone else...I read all the posts, but would write 2 pages worth if I replied to all as I would want to! But I'm here partying with you....hope everyone is having a great day!

    Mele Kalikimaka,


  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2009

    I'm off to Moscow today and it's not like I drink a lot there, usually get two bottles of 1664 (don't really like Russian beer) at the 'convenient' store at the airport while we're waiting for our passports, so no big deal on not drinking. Will probably sleep a lot as this antibiotic is making me very tired! I'm really looking forward, though, to when my 14 day wagon ride is over!  :)

    I drink soy milk but not often. I use it in mashed potatoes and such, whever milk is called for. It's what I give Avery and she likes it. Can the Japanese be all that wrong??? It's my understanding that all-soy all-day isn't good but that some soy is beneficial. Hey, 'they' say we're not supposed to drink either, so who are we to believe and to what extent???

    Happy Sunday to all,  and GO BEARS! :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    wahini--did I spash you? I'm sorry--I was watching Pats and Jocks refilling the raspberry martini fountain and for some reason that makes my hand and feet kinda twtichy, one of them must have been in the water when it twitched. . .

    I'm sure soy-based foods are fine in moderation, but for some reason the thought of eating/drinking soy foods makes me feel like I'm feeding any stray cells there may be floating around in my body. I have no idea where that idea got into my head from, and I realize it's irrational, but, since avoiding soy foods won't hurt me and makes me feel more comfortable, that's what I do. I decided a while ago that it was just fine if I endulged this one irrational fear.  I didn't mean to imply that anyone else should avoid soy foods. 

    jaybird, I can't imagine what Moscow is like--it's one place I always wanted to see.  If you get a chance to snap some pics I'd love to see them.   

    Ok, time for a refill, and maybe something to nibble on while I sip. . . .

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2009

    2 more days until the exchange!  Yes, I will only take the pain killers if I need to.  My PS said most of his patients take pain killers after the exchange for only one day (if that).  So, hopefully my pain will be manageable.  I hate getting stopped up.  Not to be gross, but I have enough problems in that area - I don't need any help.  My hubby and I were at the grocery store tonight, stocking up on snacks and high fiber food for me this week!  :)

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited December 2009
    Good morning ladies,
    It's a beautiful Monday morning :)~
    Been here since 5 am and I am ready to get outta here already!
    Kitty good luck with your exchange, I know you must be nervous but yet excited to get the aliens off your chest! I know I am. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I went with Julz to her work Xmas party on my Bday(Sat), it was fun, they had a casino night theme and she won some stuff. She got Harley sunglasses and gloves and a buckopoly game (Ohio State monopoly game) Other than that we just hung out and went to Starbucks to meet up with friends on Sunday and just chilled out. Got to catch up with my "girls" last night, was nice catching up ;) I will be starting the antibiotics and stool softners tomorrow. (the things we talk Like kitty I am hoping I dont need alot for pain, but if I do I am ready. Gonna get a mani and pedi after work so I look presentable on Wed haha Oh and can't forget to shave! You all have a great day and I will check back, maybe stop by the HTL for a few brews or may a percotini for fun later tonight. Hugs to all!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Kittycat, Thinking of you and your upcoming surgery tomorrow! We will be here for you, and will be sure to drink a toast in your honor tomorrow! Please come online as soon as you can after your surgery and let us know how you are doing!

    Dee, Glad you are doing well, and sounds like you had a fun birthday!!! Have fun getting pampered with your mani and pedi (boy could I use that too!).....and you know we will be with you on the 16th for your surgery! Your operating room will be real crowded with all your breast friends here....



  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited December 2009

    Where is everybody? I'm grabbing a beer a heading over to the pool table, anyone want to play?

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2009

    I'll take you on a game Dee...gawd knows those TE's might hide a shot or two from your eyeballs....LOL.  Just kidding.  I am counting down the days for you and Kitty.  I had a dentist appt afterwork and can almost feel my mouth.  Guess husband is having a glorius holiday cause I can't really talk!  Love to ya all....HunkyD

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2009

    I'll come watch the pool game as soon as my bucket is iced down.   Needing a long stay at the HTL tonight to sooth frazzled nerves.   Fun but wild week-end at the B&B this weekend with kids.   The granddog isn't invited back until he learns some manners (AND gets potty trained!)   Kids were good to clean up after him quickly, but hope they'll board him next time they come to visit.

    Lots going on with everyone, on top of all the Christmas rush.   Good thing we have the lounge and Jocks and Pants to help us relax and regain our sanity!!

    hugggssss to all!!


  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2009

    Happy Birthday Dee!  Good luck on your surgery.

    OMG - I didn't paint my toenails!  Agghhh...  You know I'll do it in the morning.  Now I have to set my alarm another 30 minutes early. 

    Thanks for the well wishes everyone.  Will keep you posted when I can!  :)

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2009

    I waited up till almost midnight to get a drink ..... of water of course - before surgery!  Maybe I do have a drinking addiction.  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Nothing like being told that you can't have something to make you want it--even if you don't like it!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2009

    Kitty and Dee, wishing you girls breeze right through this surgery. Kitty we are there with you today and Dee, we will be right there with you too. Hoping the pain and back ups are minimal! But yes, do check in ASAP to let us know all is ok. Will give you the boys to be at your beck and call. Kitty, hope you get those toe nails done!

    On the soy issue, I try to avoid it as much as I can, but I can't bellieve how many foods have some sort of soy something or other in it.

    NM, I too love Cheetos. My very favorite snack! On the egg nog, I bet if you just google egg nog recipes, you will find one that will meet your needs.

    Junie, so glad you enjoyed your family, but I can't imagine taking a pooch to someone elses house and it not being potty trained! I think I would suggest the boarding next time.

    Jaybird, how are things going with your remodel problem? Are you getting it resolved? Sorry to hear that you have to refrain from some liquid pleasures, but we don't need any of our girls sick either. I bet you are looking forward to Xmas morning with Avery, she is at such a fun age.

    Kathy, welcome home. Sorry you didn't hit that big jackpot, but I know you had tons of fun and food! Whats going on with that squirrel?

    HD, look at you!!!! Dee - you did a good job! Well how did going back to work go? Its always so hard to do, after being off.

    E, Caz, Donna, Harley (gosh, hope I'm not missing anyone) hope you are all doing great. Our little lounge as grown so much with all of our patronage. Isn't it wonderful!

    Bottoms Up, Lori

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2009

    Just another funny to share with my breast buds!

  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited December 2009

    She shoulda got double scoops....TOO FUNNY LORI!!