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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Hunky--thinking of and praying for you, and saving a seat at the poolside bar for you!

    I don't have a cat, but I do have a German Shepherd that catches mice.  Yup, stalks and catches mice.  Plays fetch with them until they die, then presents them to me.  She must have cat genes in her somewhere! 

    For those who like their wine sweeter rather than drier, try Citra.  I've had the white, merlot and burgundy and all were very tasty.  Even the white, and I 'm not a big white wine person! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Nice hearing from so many of our drinking buds lately! NativeMainer, I haven't heard of Citra...where do you find it at? Grocery or wine store? I do like sweet wines, absolutely love ice wine from Canada, and have had some nice dessert wines from Spain....but not Portuguese Madeira wine even though my ancestors came from there...that is a bit too sweet for me!

    Excitement this afternoon...DH saw a black cat up in a neighbors tree near our back least 40 ft up, and was a narrow trunked tree. Dogs were going wild, so had to put them up. Luckily the secretary had not left yet and put out an email throughout the subdivision....and soon someone called turned out their cat had gone missing last night. It is in the 30's at night and very windy. With DH's surgery, he couldn't help, but they spent an hr trying to coax the cat down...then an older man was able to climb up to it...thought he would fall....narrow branches up there...and just two branches where the cat was, it was up so high...took him awhile to get it grabbed the branches like it would never let go. Was sorta comical to watch, but soooo glad when he and the cat finally made it down. Couldn't leave the house till then,cause if we had let the dogs back out that poor cat never would have come down! What was also funny is in the email she wrote that my DH would have climbed up to get it, if not for his surgery. WHAT??? He would have prob called the fire they still rescue cats from trees???

    SO now it is pau hana time and I am ready for it!! Gotta borrow Hunky's armored gun belt and hunt down those squirrels....she won't be using it for a few days, at least. Hope your surgery is finished, and those pain meds are taking effect, and you are able to rest! I am raising my glass to you, and will be sure to drink at least double, cause you know I don't want you to miss Happy Hour! Here's to you HD..... (hic!)...

    Cheers to YOU HunkyD,


  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited December 2009

    Good morning all!

    Just popping in to say hello and hope you are having a good week.

    HunkyD, hope to hear from you soon :)


  • Grakenmom
    Grakenmom Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2009

    Hi all - hope everyone is well, especially Hunky - hope your surgery was perfect and uneventful, and hope your pain meds are working well!  Also hope you get to go home soon & get some real rest. I'll save you a pool raft with a beverage holder for when you're up to floating & sipping.

    Cheers to HD,


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone,

    I've been MIA on bco for awhile... spending more time on Facebook, and doing my share of drinking...

    I will be seeing my onc on Dec 11th, and may be switching from Tamoxifen to an AI...  at least, that is the plan. 

    I will probably be having a drink or two or three to celebrate!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Hi Harley, Long Time No See! Glad to have you back here....pull up a bar stool and stay awhile! Hope your onc visit goes well and you are able to make the switch. We'll all celebrate along with you! Welcome back!

    HunkyD, Still hoping to hear from you and hope you only had to have a one night stay and are back home recuperating! Its pau hana time, so..... (twist my arm)....I guess I'll just have to drink extra for you....again!!! We're all anxious to hear how you are doing. Gentle hugs and best wishes!

    Hope everyone else is doing all probably heard my scream when the "critter" scampered right near me in the attic...didn't see him but it sure sounded BIG! My DH is real sick having to take care of him.\



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Wahini-- I get Citra at the local Shop & Save.  If it's in a local rural Maine store it's probably easy to find anywhere! 

    Where are the Tattie Tenders? I need something strong and large to drink and something hunky, strong and large for distraction.  I came home to a message from one of my doc's offices asking me to call about my upcoming appointment.  How much you want to bet this will be the second appointment in 2 weeks to be rescheduled on short notice?  I am soooooo frustrated and upset by last minute rescheduling after working so hard 6 months ago to get everything scheduled during semester break just to have it all changed at the last minute. 

    WHERE'S MY DRINK????!!!!!!!!! 

  • victorious
    victorious Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2009

    Hi All Imbibers,

    I stopped by BCO today to look up some stuff about metastasis and saw this topic active.  I am a wine drinker and have been feeling like a "bad girl" for continuing to have my glass (sometimes large!) of red with dinner every PM.  If friends are over I'll have a cocktail as well.

     My onc tells me not to do any of it.  A 4 oz glass of wine a few times a week.  That sure isn't me ....and I worry that I am digging my own grave.  I have hormone positive bc and that is the big concern .  I have a healthy diet and do yoga and all that stuff.

    So it helps to read that others out there just keep on keepin' on with how they have lived their lives prior to bc in the wine/beer/cocktails dept.

     Thanks for brining this topic back to life.


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2009

    Short pop in, thanks again for all the well wishes....I am pretty out today.  4 hour surgery this time, but only one drain.  Yea!  You are all going to have to drink for me.  My diet consists of water, pain meds, and senokot-s. I am hoping to feel bettter each day.  Welcome to everyone new at ye ole' watering hole...I think Junie was in my pocket.  Someone kept pushing my morphine button.  I needed it though so thanks Junie!  Later to ya all...I am still out of it.  XXOO HunkyD  P.S.  You are next Dee and Kitty 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009


    So glad to hear that you are doing well, after your surgery.  Don't'll be drinking with us again real soon!!

    Welcome, Victorious!!  Yes, some of us gals still DO drink...  I've had to cut back, just because if I drink in the evening, I don't sleep very well, and I get terrible Night Flashes!!   So, I have started drinking earlier in the day.... 



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    YAY, HunkyD is IN THE HOUSE!!! Welcome back! Glad to hear you are back at home. Remember to take it real easy,and get lots of rest. Good thing junie was there to hit that morphine button, and glad to know that even through your pain, you still have your sense of humor! Thank you SOOOOOO much for letting us know you are ok!

    Cheers to getting well,


  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited December 2009

    Welcome Home, HunkyD--don't worry--we'll be happy to drink for you for a bit.  You'll be feeling better in no time and able to toast with us.

    Harley, good to see you posting.   Welcome, Vic--before my chemo I asked the onc about drinking...he said I could have a small glass of red wine each evening.    I pouted and asked--you mean I can't drink the whole bottle!   Actually was surprised that he was ok with an occasional drink during tx.   Sooooo, making up for lost time!!!!

    Winter is here for me!   We had our first little bit of sleety drizzle today.   I am immediately sending it on to Wahine!!!   Wahine, you can thank me later!!!!

    hugggsssss to all!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    I take medication for depression, anxiety, bc, and high blood pressure.  If I added up all the food & drink I supposed to avoid, and didn't do all the activities I shouldn't do while taking these drugs I would be able to drink small amounts of water, eat only lettuce and not drive or work.  If I followed all the restrictions I couldn't afford the pills and would die.  Or I can follow all the restrictions and might as well be dead.  BAH.  I'm going to live my life.  The pills are supposed to serve me, I'm not here to serve the pills.  So, I drive, work, have a glass of wine with dinner when I want, have a cocktail when out with friends when I want, I eat meals made of real food that I like and generally live my life.  SO THERE DRUGS! 

    When I get off work today I am definately going to stop in at my favorite bar--right here! 

    Welcome back Hunky, glad you are doing well!  Good "pocket job" Junnie! 

    Welcome, victorius!  Don't feel like a "bad girl" because you are choosing to live your life your way despite bc.  Just being alive isn't living, and there is no point being alive if you can't live.Going overboard, of course, will have consequences worth avoiding, but that doesn't mean we can't have a glass of wine now and again (or every evening)!

    Kathy--hoping your hubby feels better soon!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Native, Good for you....we still need to enjoy the things we like....go for it girl! Thats why this lounge is such a fun place to be...we do what we WANT to do here!!! Thanks for asking about my hubby....he is SO much better today...I still have to take him to all his appts this afternoon, cause of his surgery, but glad that whatever hit him yesterday is almost gone.

    Junie, Not sure if we will get that GORGEOUS (NOT) weather you had....will listen to the weather report soon. But if that crappy weather comes here, I will know where it came from......LOL. You know, when the weather is that bad, you COULD send it somewhere feelings won't be hurt....really! j/k

    Glad you popped in Erika! And Dee, hope you are having a good week! You still have some good drinking time till your surgery Dee...hope junie will be up to another trip, to travel to your hospital too! Apparently she was very handy hitting that morphine button!

    Victorious, Welcome to our lounge! You need to see all the kewl pics that have been posted about what we designed here...and our hot tattie tenders! They will take good care of you....

    HunkyD, Hope your recovery is going well....and the drugs are dong their thing. So glad that surgery is behind you now!! Pretty soon you can drink again with us...yay!

    Cheers to all my breast friends,


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009


    Hey, good to see you again!! 

    Hunky D.

    Good to see you here!  Hope you have a quick and easy recovery!!!   Morphine is a GOOD thing!! 

    I agree...   and since I have been having problems with hot flashes at night, especially when I drink late at night, I have started drinking earlier in the day....  so I drink as much as I want, without the constant interruptions to my sleep...  :D

    Have a great weekend, folks!  I don't work tomorrow, so I have an extended weekend!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Greetings, ladies!

    A few of us went out for dinner after a long, grueling afternoon meeting.  I had a raspberry martini--it had Chambord in it, not sure what else but boy, oh, boy was it YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was soooooo tempted to have a second!  And it felt soooooo nice to sit in a restaraunt, eat fetuccini alfredo, have a good drink and a better gab session.  I actually did not think about bc for an entire hour and a half!  This is a record for me!  

    My assignment to the Tatttie Tenders--find the recipe for that raspberry martini and mix me up a pitcher full!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009

    ....mmm... raspberry... sounds good!!  :D

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2009

    I am for living every day for fun!  Nothing is worth more than this day!  Nice to see you back Harley.  NM, glad you enjoyed your lunch out and martini.  Any time you can forget BC is a pleasant time indeed!  I am sure the boys can make you a nice big pitcher of your choice.  CAZ, have fun on your progressive dinner...I have a feeling you don't even own a bottle of lousy wine...LOL! want me to send the bouncer over from the HTL to persuade your contractor into a new set of standards?  LOL.  Got my drain out today....time to celebrate!  Dee, Kathy, Junie, Lori, Kitty, Donna, Erika, V....Happy Friday.  HunkyD

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Yummmm...raspberry martini....I don't even drink martinis but that sounds goooood!!! HD, so glad to hear that drain got pulled....hope it didn't hurt too much! That alone is something to celebrate!

    Heres to No Drains, No Pains, and No Freezing Rains,


  • Grakenmom
    Grakenmom Member Posts: 137
    edited December 2009

    I second Kathy's toast!!  Happy to hear your DH is much better too - guess that means you'll be warming your regular barstool with us?

    HD - nice to see you!  Here's your raft, complete with a nice heater for your back, cup (or bottle) holder, some trashy magazines, and all the Percotinis and Vicogins you may need. Seriously, hope everything went well & that you're back in top form in no time!!

    Hi Harley and Victorious - (I'm waving from my pool raft) - nice to meet you. Hope you'll stick around and/or visit often. I tend to "drink" more here than I do IRL, but that's only because there are no hangovers from the HTL!! 

    NativeMainer - That raspberry martini thing sounds awesome - when you get that pitcher, please fill me up - er, I mean, fill up my *glass* - "filling" has a much different meaning around these parts!!  

    Speaking of, I had my first fill last Tues - it was ok, unexpected, and bothersome,but not too awful. Next one is this Tues, and PS will probably clear me to start doing range-of-motion exercises for my arms - which I'm really not looking forward to. Am healing up pretty well, PS drained one area which was problematic & giving me severe pains - it appears to have filled up again, so we'll see if he'll drain it again on Tues.

    Dee - thinking of you, and hoping you're doing well.

    Junie, CAZ, Jaybird, Lori, and everyone - I'VE MISSED YOU!  It's nice to be floating again on my favorite raft, enjoying the conversations, and the TT scenery. Love and hugs to you all,


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited December 2009

    Thanks E...for setting up my raft.  Nobody better be getting any wild ideas about tipping it.  Love the vicogin too.....LOL!  HunkyD

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Hi Erika, Glad your first fill is behind you (or in front of you...LOL)....if you are able to have fills below 50cc,it seems more tolerable. Congrats on having the first one!!! Hope the pains go away and it isn't tooooo sore when that area gets drained.

    We had our FIRST snowfall this morning....woke up to winter! Now, for many of you, you would laugh, cause we prob got about 1/2",but the past few years we have been traveling when our area got snow, so this is nice to see. And what I thought was really strange, is that my white ginger (from Hawaii) is STILL this tropical plant has snow on it, and I wanted to share the pic I took. I took it from inside though (wanted to be WARM!), so it is through the window and window screen, which makes it not so clear.

     WhiteGinger1.jpg white ginger, through window screen 12-09 picture by katied456

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2009

    I'M HOME!

    I have missed everyone. I am making this quick.

    HD, I am so glad everything is done, went well and you are home healing and will be back to our old HD soon. Junie, thank you so much for punching that morphine button for her. You are a champ!

    Welcome to the newbies, you can't help it but to love it here!

    Looks like we need a new fountain, for raspberry martinis?

    Kathy, your picture is beautiful, there's something about a flower blooming in the snow!

    Sounds like everyone is doing quite well, and living LIFE!

    ~~ TO LIFE~~

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Welcome back Lori! Good to have you back at the HTL. I think we need to get Pants and Jocks to put luminaries all around our lounge, pool, casino, etc. Drove around our neighborhood tonight, as all the luminaries are out on every street, and it was GORGEOUS!!!! So pretty! And saw Santa doing his run, with his "reindeer" people....and kids running with him. He runs up and down every street on the night we do the luminaries. Really neat. So many homes were so beautifully decorated. Felt badly though cause this is the FIRST year I have not put out any outside lights and decorations...and we usually put TONS out. Just got too busy, and since we will be away for awhile, I think we will skip it this year. Made me feel like scrooge somewhat, but I really do have the Christmas Spirit....or the Seagrams spirit....the Baileys spirit...etc. At least our tree is up and decorated, but only cause I left it up from last year....LOL. G'son was in the parade today, and then tomorrow night he and his sister will have a Christmas program, so of course we will go to that!

    Tried some Czech beer tonight,but realized I really like the domestics better! Thought it was sorta bitter. Well, cheers everyone!

    Cheers to the Christmas Spirit (or whatever spirit you want!),


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Caz--that's a great use for wine you don't want to drink yourself!  I love wine so none ever goes to waste in my place. 

    Wahini--where do you find ice wine from Canada--I'd love to try that one and have just a little $$ left over from November's grocery budget to get a treat for myself. 

    Harley--I take lupron to shut down my ovaries so I can take an AI--tamoxifen depression was killing me (literally).  I do have hot flashed, but not bad and are predictable--about 8:30 in the am and then a few in the evening after 6 pm.  No major joint pains, and I feel so much better on the AI.  I'm sure you'll sail through the change over with no problems.

    Grekenmom--I love the way you customize the pool floats!  This is indeed a wonderful place with wonderful people.  I've put in an order for a pticher of  raspbery martini with the Tattie Tenders--just raise your mug when you're ready for a refill. Congratulations on your first fil!   

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009


    Congratulations on your FIRST FILL!!   YAY!!  I'll drink to that!  LOL   I didn't get fills...  my ps just shoved the implants in under my chest muscle (OUCH!) and filled them up with saline.... OUCH!!

    I am kinda small, so that is why he said he could do it this way.  I was glad to have it done all at once, even though it was very painful...


    How long have you been on the AI?  Which one do you take?  I am thinking of taking Femara, because I am hoping there will be less se's with it.   I've done ok with Tamoxifen, but...  about 6 months after starting Tamoxifen, I had some bleeding issues, and had to have a D & C... which was HORRIBLE!!   IT was THE MOST PAINFUL SURGERY I have ever had!!   I actually woke up in recovery, and said I'M CRAMPY!!   They put some more drugs in my IV...  and I was OUT, like a light!!   Anyway, I don't want to have to do THAT again!!  Glad the AI's are working good for you.  I am nervous about switching, of course, because ... it's the UNKNOWN....

    Have a great SUNDAY, everyone!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    Good Morning Gals! Hope everyone is having a nice, restful day. HD, I hope you had a great time gambling! We leave for Vegas in the morning...not sure if we will bring $ back,but we will bring weight back w/ the all day buffets...guess we'll get our money's worth that way...LOL!

    Native, We got our Canada Ice Wines when we were in Toronto,and also driving thru the Niagra Falls area. And at a liquor store in AZ once, too. Also brought some ice wine home from our trip to OZ in Sept...not sure if that was from Canada though...haven't tried it yet. Also,I haven't looked for it in our area. But since you are in the NE, maybe it is available there! I love it...very sweet...and you are supposed to drink just a wee bit....well when I have it I like LOTS! Years ago, Delta had it in first class on a flt we were on...think we upset the stewardess as we had almost 2 full bottles of it ourselves!!! But we knew what a gem it was. Doubt that they serve it anymore, except maybe on certain flts. I think I'll get an upgrade tomorrow...but on the Vegas flt, they prob won't have any real special drinks.

    Hope everyone is doing well. HD, hope you are continuing to heal well, and Dee, I hope you are feeling much better! A big hello to everyone else...and I think I will try that new raspberry martini fountain....



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2009

    My DD saw this online...maybe a good idea for those of us that don't want to do the whole outside decorating this year......LOL...ditto!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Harley--I've been on Arimidex for a couple of years now.  I was only on tamoxifen for about a year.  I know change is scary.  If it helps any, the research is showing that the AIs are actually a bit better at prevent recurrence than tamoxifen.  It's not a big enough distance to justify having your ovaries shut down if you are premenopausal unless someone cannot tolerate the SEs of Tamoxifen. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited December 2009

    Wahini--LOL the website!  My sentiments EXACTLY!