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how about drinking?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,521

    Food and wine sound amazing Chisandy, though so sorry for what else you have to manage!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi ladies- happy August. I have not been here in a few weeks, and wanted to pop in and say hello. Read back a bit to ketchup (as NM would say) on everyone's goings on.

    August has been "memorial time" with a couple services for friends who lost their battles with long term illness. Yesterday's service was a closer friend who passed in August and was very special and sacred with a Native American Elder who opened the gathering with a healing song and a closing with a chant by a Buddist to send the departed on their way. Another person got up to talk about the traditions for the one who had passed from the Jewish traditions. All very special but emotionally tiring. I go to more funerals than anything else sometimes but part of being in my 60s now.

    Work feels like a chore and dealing with people who don't know what they are doing, some making bad decisions and looking for others to clean up the mess. I am almost to my three year anniversary and a couple more years to go, but for sure FT for another year. I get job offers all the time even though I am not looking, lol. But even if I work PT, I won't wanting to be doing what I am doing now.

    So NM I feel your challenges with work and know we are both looking forward to retirement! I like that you are thinking of moving to NC (better weather for the retirement years). I left New England twice and the last time for the longest period and many family members have left and more moving south too. It will be a big change for you as I think you have lived in Maine your whole life.

    Goldie- I wish you luck with the kidney treatments. Have you gotten any rain this week? Monsoons finally showed up this week and some rain monday, tons on tuesday but nothing since. Temps are cooler and yesterday we did not go above 90. Whew.

    Mistyeyes- nice to hear from you and glad you had a nice trip to NY. It's lovely in the summer. I hear FL has been hot and humid this summer.

    Chi- sounds like you had worries with ONJ. I had some major dental work the past few years and was worried about that too but stopped Prolia and now back on the bone builders again. Glad you are okay.

    Been having a great summer with music and not done yet! I started playing my flute again, taking a class on reharmonizing jazz standards which is myself and a bunch of guitar players. I have played my flute at some other venues including at a local jazz jam as well as at my friends memorial last weekend. One of my goals when I retire is to form an all female jazz group for some special events type gigs. The NM Jazz Festival is starting up next month and will see a couple groups/performers here in town and also snagged a ticket in October to see one of my favorite musicians, Corrine Bailey Rae. She was really popular back around 2006 and her music was everywhere and she is back again and coming here. So excited.

    Wishing everyone a good wrap up to summer. It comes and goes quickly, yes?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Serious prime rib envy, Sandy. Chicago land is a good place to find good prime rib. With dh's family all moving to other places, we don't go to Chicago any more.

    There are things to consider when moving to more southern coastal country. Heat, humidity and hurricanes. The three H's have caused us to abandon home for four months during the summers and live in a 5th wheel camper in MN. This summer has been brutal along the gulf coast and I doubt whether the heat is a rarity. It seems to me there is more violent weather everywhere in the country. We watch the North Dakota Valley News and ND has been hit with huge hail storms this summer. So far we have avoided them in our little area of north MN. Some of the huge hail has spikes.

    We've had some days this summer with temperatures in the high 80's when we had to resort to a/c but there have been many more comfortable days when we can enjoy sitting on the deck and just use fans indoors.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394
    edited August 2023

    No, Pink are their own variety. It is otherwise known as the humpback. Like keta/chum is distinct to the species. Pink are high in omega-3 but not as high as King. They are a very mild fish. If you didn't know it was salmon, you'd never guess. The pinks run every other year. This is obviously a "pink year" for them. Coho start coming in later, towards fall, so we hope to get some of those. Coho are milder than sockeye but more distinct in flavor than the Pink. I don't think we've ever caught a keta. We fish off the beach. I've only caught a King once. Most are caught from boats.

    Also having Prime rib envy!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I was totally lazy yesterday, even laid in bed cuddling with the puppers and reading until almost 11 ayem. It felt wonderful. A nice thunderstorm came through in the afternoon, didn't see much lightning but there was some good thunder boomers and some wind to listen to. One area northeast of here got hit pretty hard with lightning strikes, power outages, trees down and roads closed.

    Saturday's tour was very successful, Mom had decided she wants to move into that independent living facility. I helped her fill out the Pre-Application form and emailed it in Saturday peeyem. Even better, Mom talked with Uncle Kenny Saturday afternoon and he is doing better. Turns out he had fluid in his chest interfering with his heart functioning, that was taken off and he is much better. Still undergoing some tests to find out why it happened, but he reported feeling pretty good. Mom is now planning at trip to Texas to visit with him in the fall when the weather is cooler.

    Today and tomorrow at work then a week off. I really am looking forward to this break, even if I do have to get up at o-dark hundred Wednesday to get to the airport! I'll be in NC by lunch time.

    Goldie--I hope the meltdown at work will have a lasting effect. The real test will be what happens when I get back from vacay. What a disappointment about the corn! Add in the muddy road and getting out is just not fun, I imagine.

    Wallycat--so sorry you are having issues with the neighbors' dogs. So not right.

    Chi--Squid salad sound interesting.

    Jazzy--I have lived in Maine my whole life. Moving would be a big change, but not having to deal with the bitter cold and potentially huge amounts of snow would be a real positive, as would being closer to my brother and his wife. What that would mean for Mom is a major concern, I'm not sure what she will end up doing. So many variables to think about.

    Carole--When it comes to moving south I know about the heat and humidity, my brother and his wife have experienced that part. They aren't really coastal, so hurricanes haven't been an issue, but tornados have been, and I am terrified of the thought of tornados because of the way they can come with so little, if any, warning. Lots to think about.

    Envy Cocktail



    In a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes, pour tequila, blue curaçao, and pineapple juice.

    Shake well.

    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass over fresh ice, if you like.

    Garnish with a maraschino cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    WallyCat, my brother recently has been making a lemon Picatti salmon, he's made it for me while visiting, sooooo yummy. Sounds like you know your salmon! Sorry about the bad neighbors and their dogs, can you call animal control?

    Jazzy, sorry about your losses. That's one of the sucky things about getting older. I don't like it! We had 2 days of rain last week, might get more this week. Nice that you picked up your flute again. Reminds me of when Cami would talk about Joey and playing.

    Carol, I'm envious of you being able to "camp" for 4 months, I would love that. My DH and I had a toy hauler, but we always dry camped, but he hated it and only did it for me. His idea of camping was staying at the Hilton.

    NM, nothing wrong with those lazy days. Glad mom found a place she likes. I hope she can get in sooner than later. Do you have any plans whilst in NC, or just visiting with DB? Oh dear, do you think mom can handle a trip to TX by herself? And don't even think about work while your gone. ENJOY! I leave in just over 2 weeks. It goes by so fast!

    Need to clean my kitchen, make that Hummingbird cake and take care of some paperwork.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I've checked in for my flight tomorrow. Dropping the puppers off at the kennel this ayem on the way to work. Got to remember to call Mom and remind her that I'll be traveling tomorrow. Got to remember to set up an out of office message on the work email. Got to remember to turn off all the work related apps on my phone, and double check that all the work related alarms and reminders are turned off. Need to be at the airport by 4 ayem, so need to leave home around 1:30 ayem so it's come home from work, finish packing and grab a nap, if I can sleep at all.

    I found out something at work yesterday. The Sr. Patient Care Manager is taking yesterday and today off, and then Thursday and Friday off next week, to break up her time off so it doesn't coincide with my time off. I could have sworn there was NO one with approved time off for this time I put in for. I as feeling badly that I had interfered with her vacation plans with her family (even while feeling quite relieved that she isn't in the office) until I apologized to the office Director and explained that I really did check the calendar before choosing my time off. The Director told me that I had done it correctly, when I put in for the time, the Sr. PCM had not asked for the week off, and the Director didn't approve her request for the week. So the Sr. PCM chose to break the week into two long weekends instead, and it was NOT my fault or my issue in any way, particularly given how many long weekends the Sr. PCM is taking this summer. And, the Director has talked with HR about the Sr. PCM treating certain staff members the same way she has treated me. So maybe, just maybe, things really are going to change at work. Time will still tell. But as of 5 peeyem today, nothing related to work is going to get any of my time at all!

    Goldie--I hope Mom can get in sooner rather than later, too. The idea of trying to move her during the winter is something I dread. But I'm not going to think about that for the next 8 days, either. The vacay plans are pretty laid back, mostly visiting with DB and SIL, playing in their pool, there are a couple of things they've been wanting to do around the area and are using my visit as an excuse to "play tourist" as SIL puts it. As for Mom going to Texas, there is no way she could go by herself, not even with wheelchair assistance and a direct flight. Particularly as it's likely that Uncle Kenny would not be able to pick her up at the airport. There is NO WAY she can drive a rental car in an area where she doesn't know where she is going. I'm thinking I'm going to have to take some time off and fly her down, and then again to go down and bring her back, as she wants to stay for at least a couple of weeks. I just hope she will wait until after school starts to do this trip, the Sr. PCM won't be wanting long weekends as often after schools starts. But I'll deal with that when it happens. I do think the trip is a good idea, it will likely be the last time they see each other given their ages and health issues.



    • 2 ounces gin
    • 1/2 ounce maraschino liqueur
    • 1/4 ounce creme de violette
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • Garnish: brandied cherry


    1. Add the gin, maraschino liqueur, creme de violette and lemon juice to a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with a brandied cherry.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Enjoy your vacation, NM! You deserve some relaxation time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, I don't think I could bring myself to leave the house at 1:30 am to catch a flight, especially since I don't like to drive in the dark. And even if I were already at a hotel and only minutes from the airport! I guess it's good you are not just being singled out by Sr. PCM. And absolutely, put work and mom's move on the back burner for now. It's time for YOU! Wow, having to take mom to TX and then go back to get her! That's awesome if you are able to do that for her. Enjoy your time and I hope you get a chance to check in with us, if not, of course we understand. Safe travels!

    Well, I made my Hummingbird cake yesterday and damn if I didn't forget to fold the nuts in the batter. So wanted to kick myself in the behind! I think I try to focus too hard, read and re-read to make sure I've done everything right, and still do it wrong! My DH called me Scarecrow for a reason! Maybe I should change my name from Goldie to Scarecrow!
    We had some good family news yesterday, Nora had a check up, doc was amazed at her progress. She was supposesd to have an MRI, but he didn't see any need to do that and even said she was a little advanced for her age. Not sure if they've taken her off all of her seizure meds, I'll have to ask about that.

    Good morning, Carole!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    oh my goodness, you will never guess what I just found out. The Sr PCM was let go this morning. Not related to the things I’ve had issues with but something else unrelated.

    I am so surprised I don’t know how I feel about this.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Wow NM I hope this means a more settled environment for you. We never really know what is going on behind the scenes I guess. Enjoy your time away!

    Goldie, Scarecrow II here, as regards baking in particular. I used to take pride in that but now I seem to make a lot more mistakes. I'll bet it was still delicious. Also glad about Nora's progress.

    Lots of iced tea going on here with these Temps🥃🥃

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Wow, mainer, what timing for the letting go of the Sr PCM.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    NM - have a WONDERFUL trip. Don't even think about work!!! Is it possible your brother would do one of the flights to/from Texas to deliver or PU your Mom? Maybe you should push for that.

    Goldie - I'm not enamored with the Scarecrow name. It doesn't suit my vision of you at all. And I agree with Reader. I bet the cake was delicious anyway.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    NM, re Sr PCM, WOW, just WOW! I just hope it doesn't land more work for you. But no time to be worried about that!

    Reader, it's not just baking for me, which I really am not much of a baker, in fact, I don't really care or eat many sweets, but I get cravings sometimes at night. So, I bake things and freeze individual portions for when those cravings hit.

    Minus, the cake and the lemon blueberry pound cake ARE good, and moist too. However, both are crumbly. I am def. "Scarecrow". The other night I left my milk out on the counter all night, almost a full half gallon. I left something else out too, but don't remember what. Last night I had made some fresh green beans to have with some boiled cabbage/potatoes. Scooped up some beans and then put on low, as they weren't quite done enough. Well, didn't turn the burner off, noticed it about an hour (maybe less) later. All the water gone and beans toast! I have to use my keys to lock my door, last week I left the house and left my keys in the door! That's just a few of my "Scarecrow" moments!

    Not much going on here, just trying to get stuff done and house hunting. I leave in 2 weeks.

    DOTD: The Scarecrow: A Chamomile Drink




    Fill a shaker with melon and ice. Muddle through the ice, breaking up the melon into bits. Add the tea, syrup and lemon. Shake vigorously. Fine-strain into an ice-filled glass and garnish.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Goldie, My recipe for hummingbird cake doesn't have nuts - so you were using my recipe. We call it Doctor Bird cake because that's the local name for humming birds.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    This is the first time I've heard about hummingbird cake. I don't make cakes or cookies. I do like to bake bread.

    Also was not aware that Scarecrow is a name for forgetful people. I'm learning new stuff!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Wren, thanks for having my back, with the "doctor cake".

    Carole, the cake has pineapple and banana's in it, and also nuts, depending on which cake you make… Scarecrow, as in "I haven't got a brain!"

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Whew—after 12 hrs. our internet (including landline/VOIP and cable TV) is back up. Whole neighborhood was down.

    Sunday night we had more of the Fess Parker pinot noir. Monday, teetotled. Last night, with seafood andouille & grilled eggplant, "Summer Rain" rosé (Central Coast) on sale at Whole Foods. Cedar-planking coho tonight, so more of that pinot. Also the last of the Mumm Napa with salmon roe appetizer.

    The Anticonquista coffee guys skipped the farmers' market due to storms. (And I didn't go last week because there wasn't anything I needed). So my beans will have to last another week. Meanwhile, I bit the bullet and had Cora Italian Specialties come pick up my espresso machine for a long-overdue maintenance (last time was 2018, and I've had it since 2009), Between the cleanings, descalings and various gasket & parts replacements over the years, I probably spent as much as had I popped for the latest Breville machine ($800 at Williams Sonoma) recommended by ATK. But seeing as how though I originally paid $1300 when it was new, and its brandmate successor is now >$2K, and that it's built like a tank and still humming along, I see no need to replace it. If I MUST have espresso or cappuccino at home, I can always either use the Nespresso (10 yrs old now) or the manual pour-over ROK (looks like a giant winged corkscrew atop a platform) and froth the milk in the Aeroccino. My LaCora (a rebadged Quickmill Andreja Premium) does both the espresso and frothing almost as well as a $5K coffeehouse machine—so I will be patient until it's back.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Here's the Hummingbird recipe I have. But yes, I have made it without nuts for kids who don't want nuts. What's the difference with the "doctor bird" recipe?

    Hummingbird Cake

    3 c. flour 1 tsp vanilla

    1 tsp. baking soda 3 eggs

    1 tsp salt 1 (8 oz) crushed pineapple with juice

    1 tsp cinnamon 3 bananas mashed

    2 c. sugar 1 c. pecans

    Mix flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, sugar, oil, eggs and pineapple. Mix with spoon. Add bananas and pecans. Mix well. Pour into greased and floured tube or bundt pan. Bake 60 minutes at 350. Cool 1 hour before removing from pan.


    1 box powdered sugar 4 oz. cream cheese, softened

    1 T butter 1 tsp vanilla or almond extract

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Regalia, around the block from us, makes a fantastic Aviation. But now Whole Foods sells a premixed one that is surprisingly good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Minus yes, that is the recipe. I think the Doctor Bird cake is the same, just no nuts. Is that right Wren?

    NM, I hope you made it safely, and was able to get rested up!

    Hmmmm, what shall we have for a DOTD on this Thirsty Thursday????

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Nuts or no nuts, how about a Nutty Irishman

    1 oz. of Baileys Irish Cream
    1 oz. of Frangelica
    1 oz. of Kahlua
    1/4 cup heavy cream
    Chopped nuts for garnish (optional)

    Add the Baileys, Frangelica and Kahlua to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into glasses.
    Beat the heavy cream with a whisk for 3-4 minutes until just thickened.
    Slowly pour the cream into the glass so the cream sits on top.
    Garnish with chopped nuts if desired.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Same recipe. It's actually a quick bread rather than a cake. I loved that it didn't need a mixer and only got 2 bowls dirty. It's my son's favorite cake.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Hmmm - I don't have any Frangelica - but I think I'll mix up some Baileys & Tia Maria with a dash of heavy cream for my bedtime sipping pleasure. No calories there….

    Opened a lovey Spanish Tempranillo to go with dinner - in spite of the fact that dinner was garlic shrimp.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Happy SAT💩DAY

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Minus, another cocktail for use of your Bailey's!

    DOTD: Yoda Poop Cocktail……..why not? Looks yummy to me!

    1 scoop Mint Choc-Chip Ice Cream
    2 oz Irish Cream
    1 oz Peppermint Schnapps

    Ad ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake well.
    Pour into a cocktail glass and garnish with a cherry.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    I like that take on an ice cream float!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Wow - there is rarely a day that there aren't posts on this thread. Can't remember - is NM back on Monday or staying into next week? And Goldie - you will leave in only another week, right? I'm not going anywhere until the weather breaks. 106 today & still no rain in sight. We had a cold snap one night last week. It got down to 79 (LOL).

    Going to be having the drink I made up a couple of weeks ago - bourbon with some chamboard.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Happy Monkey Day, as we call it!

    Miriandra, I agree! I would totally have one of those.

    Minus, not sure when NM returns. I know she left mid week, so maybe she comes home mid week? Where are you headed when the weather breaks?

    I leave here on the 30th to head to Phoenix for chemo and fly out on the 31st. My last ride home it had rained and my car was caked with mud, so I spent yesterday hosing all the mud off from underneath, mud flaps and just all around up underneath the tires. Then cleaned out the inside. After chemo I will check in to my hotel and then drive over to my friends, so I can leave my car there for the 3 weeks I'm gone, then she will take me back to my hotel. Then she can bring my car to the hotel and leave it, right before I return. Cleaning my car totally wore me out and I went to bed at 5:30! I don't know if it's the kidney issues that are zapping my energy or what. I'll be sure and talk to my MO about it. He did mention that I was anemic.


    1 part Chambord
    1 & 1⁄2 part bourbon
    1⁄2 part vermouth rosso
    Orange bitters
    Garnish with an orange twist

    To start, we take a shaker and fill it with ice, bourbon and vermouth Rosso.
    Next, we add a splash of the Chambord, orange bitters and stir until chilled.
    Then we pour into an elegant Martini glass.
    Finally, we garnish with an orange twist for a sumptuous Chambord French Manhattan!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Yoda Poop? I almost choked on my coffee on that one! I love it. It reminds me of Grasshopper Pie or something like that. I'm thinking now of maybe a milkshake with thin mint ice cream and Creme de menthe.

    I've sort of been wanting a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. I've not had any alcohol since May but I'm really not craving it. I think stuff like Creme de Menthe would last a long time, right? Or maybe I could just get one of the little bottles. I might walk into our local liquor stores. I'll let you know. I used to put peppermint schnapps in my hot chocolate. Haven't thought of that in years.

    Happy Monday!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sunshine, glad you got a chuckle out of the Yoda Poop! Any sipping liqueur would last me a long time. Good idea in looking for just one of those little bottles, but I don't recall ever seeing a liqueur, just the hard stuff. Never had grasshopper pie.

    Went and got my Faslodex shots yesterday and picked up 9 bags of pellets. Need to unload those today, then heading back out for doctor appt. in regard to my kidneys and I'll pick up another 9 bags of pellets. Ugh, they weigh 40 lbs each.

    DOTD: Grasshopper Cocktail

    To make one, place equal parts creme de menthe, creme de cacao, and 1/2-&-1/2 in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Give the mixture a good shake and strain into a chilled martini glass. That's all there is to it.

    If you'd like to be fancy, garnish the cocktail with a few chocolate curls or a fresh mint leaf. But this certainly isn't necessary to enjoy its great taste.