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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi ladies- just popping in to say hello. Glad you liked the pictures from Truth or Consequences (yes the real name of at town here) in southern New Mexico. I used to go down there for a yoga retreat once a year, but then stopped for awhile when those stopped and resumed going back again in the past few years. Despite it still being pretty warm out here (still running in the mid to upper 90s). The name of the hot springs is called Riverbend Hot Springs and highly recommend it if you happened to be passing through southern NM on I-25. My time there was restorative and really great!

    Here we are in Sept and looking forward to things cooling down next week again. Tired of the heat and no rain but guess this is our "new normal". Our state fair started this week, but decided to pass this year for several reasons. Lots of other great festivals and the like, plus the New Mexico Jazz Festival just started and more concerts coming up, whoo hoo. I would like to say things are slowing down but not too much yet, but I am also learning to be more judicious with my time as I just don't have that much free time with working FT. Some day when I am retired, it will change……

    Someone asked awhile back what instrument I play and my primary instrument is the flute, but I also play the soprano and alto sax, violin and steel drums. I was classically trained and played in many bands and orchestras into my 30s, but changed things up to play jazz and now it's more the horns that are my thing. I hope to start an all female jazz group here when I retire and already floated the idea with a few female musician friends and there is an interest. I am going to listen to some jazz tonight but not bringing my axe, as we sometimes call it…..

    Karen- I don't get here as much anymore but had noticed you were gone and knew you had a lot going on with your health from the last time I read a post. Congrats on your anniversary and beautiful new granddaughter and so glad there are positives here to embrace in the midst of all the rest.

    Ill-I always love the photos from your bar. Cheers to our friend Jimmy Buffet who always was happy and reminded us life was to be enjoyed every day.

    NM- I can relate to doing the work of a lot of people and I think it's the norm in a lot of places but especially in healthcare. One of my co-workers who has been pretty checked out for awhile works remote and always pushing back and arguing about doing her work. I have distanced myself from her as she is dead weight and not mine to manage, but another colleague who is working on something with her and they have an aggressive deadline next week and she has not done a thing. I suspect something else is going on with her, but when she misses the deadline, it's not going to be good. I am sure you are like me, looking forward to retirement as soon as it's practical!

    Goldie- congrats on finding a house!

    Teka, Chisandy, Mistyeyes and all my other new friends here, hoping your weekend is going well.

    Until we meet again, stay well ladies and hope you have a beautiful end of summer these next few weeks.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Gorgeous pics from Riverbend, Jazzy. I have a few friends who always make a stop at Ten Thousand Waves in Santa Fe. One of them also stocks up on a particular restaurant's salsa, but I can't remember the name of the place he likes.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Hi all, have been a bit MIA here just due to packing and planning our move but enjoy your posts. Getting excited as it gets closer but a tad frantic too. And I don't have the energy to be frantic, ha!

    Goldie congratulations on the house, or cheers!! There's gotta be a drink called a "housewarmer" somewhere!

    NM I'm so glad the pups provide such joy and support. Also hope your mom gets settled and sorted at the perfect place.

    Jazzy I love jazz too and think your idea of an all girl band is terrific.

    I've missed mentioning many but think of you all and enjoy your posts! Have a good rest of the weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Mirianda- Ten Thousand Waves is still there. When I first moved here and was downhill skiing, we used to stop on the way down the mountain to soak before driving back to the city. It's very busy now with tourists so I have not been in a long time. My favorite hot springs are up just to the west of Taos and go there every Xmas for some downtime.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Welcome, Kirtts. The only requirement on this thread is you have to mention your "quaffs" of choice—hard or soft, leaded or unleaded. We often use the acronym "DOTD," as in "drink of the day."

    Miriandra, so sorry about the loss of your job, but schadenfreude about the lowlife studio head is definitely warranted. Are there any spas or health clubs that can use an experienced set of hands like yours?

    Karen, sorry I got your osteoporosis mixed up with your MM—may the latter improve to "stable" and kinahurrah, NED. Shana Tova! We're going out Thurs. or Sat. night for one of the Lettuce Entertain You chain's Rosh Hashonah menus.

    Well, it's been a sort of eventful week. After we got home from the Van Gogh exhibit and dinner at Joe's, I decided to finally unpack from Fox Valley. My iPad in its heavy keyboard case fell on my L foot—right on the bad (3d) toe. Elevated, iced, applied arnica—felt well enough to sleep as usual. Woke up Tues. morning to see it had turned black all around the nail (except for the callus, which had no blood vessels). And the toenail hurt to touch. Was able to get a podiatrist appt. for Friday.

    Then a few bogus charges from Chipotle showed up on my AmEx (as "your card may not have been present"), and I went through the gauntlet with several different customer reps on the other side of the world. (Had to call several times, because each time a new charge showed up I was told to contact AmEx again—they promised to flag and deny those charges but they kept showing up as "approved." They promised to credit my account, and gave me a new card). Nobody in our family uses Chipotle since Leslie got food poisoning from one a couple of years ago. I'd never ordered online from them—and the last time I ate at a Chipotle—a decade ago—I paid in cash.

    The podiatrist appt. was an unpleasant surprise. The doc declared that not only did I suffer a severe contusion of that toe but that as a "crush injury" its distal phalange was likely fractured—but said that regardless of whether an X-ray would confirm it the treatment would be the same. No immobilization necessary—but here's the unpleasant part: the nail was loosening and beginning to bleed. In order to prevent infection, he had to remove the nail. (Ugh). So when I got home I didn't really want to go out that night or all the way to the SW Side for a colleague's memorial Mass & repast. Heidi's meal schedule would have to be thrown out of whack, and we wouldn't be there at noon (nor soon enough thereafter) to give her the thyroid-suppressant, which has to be given every 12 hours. He reluctantly agreed. The anesthetic had worn off enough that I couldn't sleep despite CBD, CBN and my half a Xanax—I got up and did puzzles and snacked till I felt sleepy enough.

    Yesterday morning, only a couple of hours after I fell asleep, Bob shook me awake and asked me where we keep the COVID tests. Natch, I couldn't fall back asleep. He usually gets a sinus infection every September (due in part to a deviated septum), and he tested negative (we're hoping that's all it is). But he only went to the Mass—didn't feel well enough to hang out and eat Polish banquet food; and the only person there he knew was his colleague's widow. Everyone was weeping, which didn't do his mood any favors. At home, he took one of my Zyrtecs, which made him feel better; he had a slightly elevated temp that wasn't a fever. I made him sleep in the guest room last night.

    He's still stuffy (sounds like he usually does when he has this sinusitis—not at all like he did the two times he had COVID) but otherwise felt fine enough to go to work. He's bringing home wings tonight. I'm crossing my fingers that he either doesn't need to re-test or continues to improve. I've been masking everywhere to keep from catching COVID again so I can get the new shot when it comes out this week, rather than having to wait 3 months. I feel sorry for him having sinusitis, but if he tests positive from COVID I admit I'd be livid—except when one-on-one with patients he's stopped masking.

    DsOTD this week, when I did drink (starting Tues.), were a "Chatham Artillery Punch" (Southern cocktail) at Big Jones, and a Coravin each of La Gourmande southern France red blend and Fess Parker Pinot Noir. Tonight, with wings, gonna have "Vive La Loire" NV rosé from Whole Foods.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Oh goodness, Sandy! I hope you and your DH are both feeling much better soon. That's all a bucket full of suck. I'm glad AmEx finally cancelled your stolen card - took them long enough if charges were continuing to be made while you were on the bloody phone with them.

    Last night DH and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary. We had a lovely meal at Yard House; indulging in a very nice mojito. We stumbled on them this past Valentine's. We had reservations (on Valentine's) at Fogo de Chao, which is supposed to be this amazing Brazillian steakhouse place. We got there before our reservation time to see a line coiling out the door into the plaza, and when we checked in were told that we'd have a 40 minute wait. "But we have a 7:00 reservation." "Yes, and I'm putting you on our list for having checked in at 7:00." That's not how reservations work, darlin'. I was pissed, but willing to wait it out. DH checked in around some of the other restaurants in the plaza, and Yard House had no wait. So we jumped ship over there and really enjoyed our date night. DH asked if I wanted to give the steakhouse another chance for our anniversary, but I'm not inclined to support a business that tolerates such a poorly run front of house. Yard House was much better.

    DOTD tonight - Line 39 pinot noir

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Spent the afternoon cooking/baking - all for the freezer - meatballs with cabbage, potato leek soup, potato knishes, sweet round challah and an apple challah. I'm spent tonight. Yes, I did a lot but not as much as I could do in the past. I will try to cook one thing each night so I don't have so much to do on Friday.

    My freezer is pretty full. Working on my menu for Friday night, Saturday lunch and Sunday lunch. When we eat a big lunch, especially when it is late as it will be on Saturday and Sunday (Rosh Hashannah), we eat a very light dinner. Keeping it simple. I try to make my kids favorites when they are here.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    So Bob is better today, though the storms passing through overnight made both our sinuses ache. He went to work today and didn't re-test. So far so good for both of us.

    Going on a WTTW Lakefront Cruise (rain-or-shine, and it's definitely raining) tonight, with dinner & 2 drinks included. Its docent will be Chicago historian & TV host Geoffrey Baer. Got an e-mail warning that we may have to stay on the river if the lake is too rough. Will report back on the food & beverages on the appropriate threads.

    Rather than try to explain to a cab or Uber how to get to the handicap-access dock on Lower Lower Wacker (not a typo) and then afterwards try to walk 1/2 mi. to the accessible ramp from the Riverwalk, will cowgirl up and take the two flights of stairs from street level (and parking garage if I drive instead of cab it) down to the dock. I was able to pad the band-aids on my toes and don both a diabetic sock and closed shoe. Gonna wear my hooded rain jacket, take my cane…and use a ton of careful patience. Don't need any more injuries.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Went on the WTTW (PBS) donor lakefront cruise tonight with Chicago historian/TV host Geoffrey Baer as docent. Because of rain, there was a chance it'd have had to be just a river cruise instead, but the lake wasn't choppy so we did cruise around the downtown lakefront before heading back through the locks into the Chicago River's south branch and back. I was able to make it down the 3 flights of stairs to the dock, albeit slowly. Climbing back up was much easier. My foot did fine.

    The cruise included two drinks, but I had only one—Wycliff Brut a so-so California bulk-fermented sparkler. Meh, but hey, it was free.

    Intermittent drizzle stopped for most of the cruise, and held off just long enough for me to get my car. As soon as I turned on to Michigan Ave., the heavens opened. Glad I had not just a hooded rain jacket (my 25-yr-old REI standby) but also an umbrella stashed in the car, which came in handy when I got home and had to walk from the garage in a downpour.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Is anyone here noticing that when editing a post, the font changes (to something smaller and amaterurish-looking), and sometimes the space bar doesn't work? (See my post immediately above).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Sandy yes I've seen that before. Odd but probably a coding error on the BC site. Glad you enjoyed your cruise and had no mishaps!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I've got the day out of the office today, going to take a certification exam and get recertified in Hospice and Palliative Care nursing. It's an hour and a half drive to the testing stie because, for some obscure reason, they don't have one in any of the usual places that are closer to population centers. Oh well, such is life, and it gave me a good excuse to take the entire day off.

    Lee is the first hurricane of the season to possibly impact Maine. Right now it looks to pass out to sea far enough to only bring gusty winds and some wind where I am, and some wave action on the immediate coastline. Time to get ready for winter weather, I guess.

    Jazzy--your yoga retreats sound like such a wonderfully restorative time! I am looking forward to retiring as soon as practical. I just hope I will have resources enough to be able to travel a bit. I have made an appointment with a financial planner to start getting ready for this life transition. I hear you about the deadweight co-worker issue. It is a huge problem for everyone involved. I really feel badly for your colleague who is working with her.

    Morning, Miriandra!

    Reader--moving is such a big project! I hope yours goes pretty smoothly. Hectic and frantic are not fun states to be in. I do love my puppers, and they are my sanity right now.

    Chi--oh my goodness, your poor toe! I'm getting a new AmEx card, too, also because of some bogus charges. I wonder if it's coincidence or something else going on? Your poor DH, sinusitis is not fun, but it is still better than COVID, I suppose.

    Karen--so nice to have a freezer full of goodies, good for you!

    Chi--I hadn't noticed the change when editing, but it is odd.

    Test Pilot


    • 1 1/2 ounces dark Jamaican rum
    • 3/4 ounce light rum
    • 1/2 ounce Cointreau
    • 1/2 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce falernum
    • 1 dash Angostura bitters
    • 6 drops Pernod
    • Garnish: maraschino cherry, speared


    1. Add all ingredients into a blender with a cup of ice and blend at high speed for 5 seconds, until ice is crushed but not smooth.
    2. Pour into a double rocks glass, adding more crushed ice to fill, if needed.
    3. Garnish with a speared maraschino cherry.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Stopping in for a quickie. I have managed to land myself in the hospital yet again. Saturday morning when I woke up the right side of my tummy was swollen and hard, but I went to the baby shower anyways. When I got home that night and went to bed the pain started and I told my brother and my daughter that I thought I needed to go to the hospital. Well I had scar tissue pushing on my colon causing it to bend. I had to have emergency surgery and I am now dawning and ileostomy bag. Hoping to get out of the hospital tomorrow. Not sure what the rest of my stay is going to look like as I was supposed to go home on the 19th and have chemo on the 20th and also see the urologist in regards to my kidney issues. Surgeon seems to think I should hold off a month from the day of surgery before doing any more chemo. I only have my phone to work with, so I’m hoping talk to text is working! That’s all for now I’ll check in more when I can get to my laptop.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Took the exam and got my certification as a Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse yesterday. It's the second time around on taking the test and getting certified. I let the first certification expire when I thought I was done working in hospice care. The test was a lot easier this time than I remember it being the first time. The positive effect of experience, I guess. The puppers where happy to have me home early, and even happier to share the pizza I brought home for a late lunch/early dinner.

    Goldie--oh my goodness, what you have been through! I hope you do get out of the hospital quickly, and recover quickly as well. Your talk to text works pretty well!

    Final Exam Relief Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    2 oz of amaretto almond liqueur (or almond liqueur)

    1 oz of Triple Sec

    Pineapple Juice

    sprite soda

    3 oz of captain morgan parrot bay coconut rum (or Coconut Rum)

    Pour the Captain Morgan Parrot Bay coconut rum, amaretto almond liqueur and triple sec into a collins glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Stir and fill up the rest of the glass with equal portions of pineapple juice and Sprite. Top with a little grenadine and some cherries if desired, and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Lori - I'm so sorry that you are having so many new health issues and needed emergency surgery. Wishing you and easy and speedy recovery. The 19th is a week away - hopefully you'll feel well enough to travel home. Hugs my friend.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Goldie, sending you healing wishes. Glad you are near family as you recover from surgery.

    Stay safe, NM. Odd to think of you being affected by a hurricane.

    Such awful weather/climate happenings around the globe. Makes me unwilling to complain about coming home to Louisiana to heat and humidity plus drought conditions. Thank goodness, the a/c is working and it's good to be back home after a safe journey of 2 longish days and one shorter day.

    A lot to accomplish today with moving stuff into the house and going to the supermarket for essentials.

    Happy Wednesday wherever you are and whatever the circumstances of your day.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Chisandy, that’s weird about the font changing. Glad your river/lake cruise was fun. Sorry the wine was meh…

    Goldie, WHAT??? I’m so sorry. I hope you get home soon and feel better. Is the ileostomy bag permanent? Sorry I don’t know about these things.

    Waving hi to the rest of the group. To the person who asked if you have to drink to be a part of this group, I haven’t been drinking, but I haven’t been kicked out of the group yet. Haha. I’ve heard about people lying about drinking, but I might have to lie and say, “Oh, yes, I had some wine last night” when I really didn’t.

    Love this group!


  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Goldie, I'm sending healing thoughts too.

    Shanah Tovah for those celebrating.

    DH is having a rough time with the 3rd treatment. He's getting a brain/head MRI …earliest available is October 2nd. Constant mouth/gum pain; I suspect it is treatment related but no one is listening to me. He'll have to decide if he wants to continue with it. The 4th is October 9th, back to Seattle…blech. At least no more heat waves by then, LOL.

    Carole, safe journey to you on your vacation and good to know you are home safe. I agree, the weather around the globe is insane.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    wallycat, I'm sorry your DH is having a rough time. The mouth pain is no fun, especially when it's constant. I hope he can get some relief. Even if it's "not" treatment related (and we all know it is) you'd think someone on his medical team would have some solutions for him.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Ouch, Lori! Sending healing vibes your way.

    Yesterday's DOTD was the remainder of the Fess Parker Pinot Noir (had 1.5 glasses remaining, so no point in wasting any argon from the Coravin—I had the half-glass and Bob had the rest).

    Had planned to serve the remaining Loire rosé, but Bob knocked it over reaching for a can of soda, and it crashed to the floor. Took a rag mop, a Swiffer Wet Jet & Power Mop and a handheld pet wet-vac to clean it all up enough for me to pick up the large pieces of glass. I guess he never played Tetris (much less packed a suitcase or car trunk), so it didn't occur to him to remove the tall bottle before reaching for anything on the shelf above it.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    chisandy, what a bummer and what a mess! I'm so sorry.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Oh no, Lori!! I hope you're feeling better soon, and I'm glad they caught the issue. Gentle hugs to you.

    Hugs to you and your DH too, WallyCat. I hope you're able to get some answers and an easy fix.

    Congrats on passing your certs, NM; and welcome home, Carole!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    No alcohol last night. DOTD tonight was 2021 "Sunshine" Chardonnay (Binny's $5 end-of-bin special), which paired well with pan-seared scallops in a saffron-cream beurre blanc.

    Diluted some unsweetened 100% cranberry juice with "Good & Gather" tropical-cherry seltzer and a couple of drops of monkfruit to take the acid edge off.

    Threw my back out for real this morning. Making sure to get up and ambulate every hour (with a Rollator), do stretches and use topicals has loosened it up a tad. Debating about whether to have a little pre-made "Aviation" bottled cocktail or a thimbleful of Carlos I ("Primero") Spanish brandy before Bob finishes it off.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a wonderful time at the Wednesday, Women, and Wine get together last night. I had a lovely drink, a Broad Street Bubbly (Broad Street is the address of the restaurant). It was a nice way to end a hard day at work. I was finally given a specific list of things that I'm not doing at work but expected to be doing and was totally blindsided by the length of the list and number of the items on it that I've never heard about, let alone been taught how to do. They say they want to help me be successful, but have no plan to get me the orientation/training someone in my position should get on hire, because the office is too busy. I've decided this is no longer worth struggling with, that any chance of things actually getting better are very small, and it's not worth it to try to stick out even for the 5 months until I turn 65. I'm going to take the weekend to figure out what exactly I want to do--stay with the company in another position, find a job with another company, leave nursing entirely, retire early, whatever my other options may be.

    Good Morning, again, Loungettes, Happy TGIF day today. Looks Hurricane Lee's effects will start to be felt around midnight tonight, with rain and gusty wind and clear out Sunday.

    Carole--it looks like the hurricane effect won't be as much as originally predicted. It is always nice to be home again after traveling, isn't it?

    Sunshine--actually drinking is not required to be on this thread, just being willing to talk about drinking!

    Wally--so sorry to hear DH is having a difficult time with the treatment. I pray it gets better for him.

    Chi--oh my, what a mess that bottle made!

    Thank you, Mirandra!

    Teka--what an adoraBER kitty!

    Chi--hoping your back gets better ASAP!

    The Friday Afternoon Downtime Cocktail


    • 1/4 cup (2 fluid ounces) gin, preferably Malfy Gin con Limone
    • 1/4 cup (2 fluid ounces) Giffard Crème de Fruits de la Passion
    • 1/4 cup (2 fluid ounces) fresh lemon juice (from about 2 large lemons)
    • plain or lemon seltzer


    1. Fill 2 large highball glasses or Collins glasses with ice.
    2. Stir the gin, passion fruit liqueur, and lemon juice together in a measuring cup or Boston shaker glass.
    3. Divide evenly between the two ice-filled glasses.
    4. Top each glass with seltzer and serve immediately.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Kim - hope you figure things our with work. I hear you about not staying in a toxic work environment. What about the schools again? When can you take full social security retirement? For me it was 66 and 4 months - not that I get much since I'm in the state retirement fund. Hope you are hit to hard from the storm.

    Lori - checking in to see how you are doing. Hope you are out of the hospital and on the mend. Hugs my friend.

    Sandy - Shana Tov. May 5784 be a year filled with good health and happiness. I know I'm praying for better health than this past year.

    Got my labs from earlier this week - some numbers are way out of range - waiting to see what nephrologist says on Wednesday. my Creatinine and EGFR and always up and down a bit but more or less stable. My Calcium continues to rise a little each month. Going to send a copy of the labs to my Hematologist and Endocrinologist.

    I will be offline starting dinner time tonight through Sunday night for Rosh Hashana. For everyone that celebrates, Shana Tova.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Oh dear NM, so sorry about the work situation, but I have to agree with you, not worth it at this stage in life.

    Wally, sorry about your DH and his struggle with treatment.

    Carole, exciting times coming for you and DH, enjoy your trip.

    Karen, I hope your numbers aren't too off. Your girls will be there soon!

    I got out of the hospital Tuesday, still pretty sore, but managing. Also trying to get used to this ileostomy bag, not fun! Have to figure out how to travel with pre-medicated syringes, will call the airline today. Closing on the house today, post op visit Monday and leaving Tuesday. Then Wednesday I see the urologist in regards to my kidneys. I feel like I'm falling apart! What the heck else can go wrong with me!!!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    NM, best wishes with making the right decision for yourself. The problems seem overwhelming.

    Goldie, glad to hear from you. Hugs for healing.

    Karen, glad to have you return to posting. I know you will enjoy the company of your children during the Jewish holiday. Hugs for healing for you, too.

    And for your dh, Wally. Gosh, a lot of hugging is in order. LOL.

    I'm hoping to look better after a hair appointment today. In my present condition, I qualify for the role of witch. Long hair, faded color.

    Happy Friday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Shana Tova, Karen! May this year be brighter and better.

    Kim, good idea to take the weekend to weigh your options. They have a lot of nerve insisting you do things you never heard of yet refuse to train you how to do them. Will your sanity hold out for the 5 months till you reach 65? Hoping you can find a solution that works (no pun intended).

    Glad you made it home okay, Lori. The airlines and TSA have lots of info online as to what personal medical equipment can be carried on to the plane.

    Didn't have the cocktail or brandy, but we had Kirkland pinot grigio with our chicken dinner last night. But today's DOTD is cranberry juice and as much water as I can stand. My first-ever UTI, and it's no fun. The urgent care clinic confirmed it's some kind of UTI (per the results of the instant "dipstick" UA), though we won't know what bug it is till the culture results come back. They say it's mild but it was still scary. Starting the antibiotic tonight: CVS only had 4 pills on hand, they and all other branches in the city were about to close, and they won't get more till Monday night—Bob may have to write me a script for the other 3 days if they don't get their shipment in. Insanely, they can't have another branch of CVS fill the rest of a prescription for which they issue a "partial fill"—stupid corporate rule).

    Speaking of CVS, more fun & games. Got a text that they had to cancel Monday's COVID shot, because they now won't get their initial supply till Wednesday. So that's 2 extra days of masking everywhere (and sleeping & even eating in separate rooms), because it's going around Bob's Union Health clinic like wildfire. He tested negative last week but refuses to re-test, insisting he's much better. And none of the other staff nor docs are testing even if they're sick—the docs are all per diem, and don't get sick days; the rest of the staff can get only one sick day, which they have to preserve if their kids bring it home from school. This "mask optional" crap is infuriating—had my back improved enough for me to handle walking to temple (or negotiating the steep stairs in the parking-lot shuttle buses), I'd likely have been one of the only ones masked. Heck, at the urgent care clinic & pharmacy I was the only patient wearing a mask. Common sense & courtesy are being held hostage to "freedom"…more than that, the mods won't let me say on this thread.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Well, Hurricane Lee turned out to be less than impressive here where I am. Some good wind, lots of leaves and branches down, some good rain, but we get thunderstorms with a lot worse. Power did go out for about an hour yesterday ayem, and flickered off and on through the day, so I left the computer turned off and spent the day cuddling with the puppers, reading, and listening to the wind and rain. Quite relaxing.

    I've decided to give up on making my current position as a Patient Care Manager work and am going to go back to direct patient care and case management. The company wants me to stay with the branch badly enough that they are willing to pay me PCM pay for the Case Manager job. I had a long talk with the Branch Director, flat out told her that if it gets to be like it was in the position I had before I would leave with a 2 week notice. So, if I start getting sent all over the territory and driving more than 80 miles a day, start not getting home from work until after 7 peeyem, or driving an hour to make a visit more than once a week, or find myself spending more than an hour on weekends catching up on paperwork, I will be gone in 2 weeks. At this point in my life I'm close enough to 65 that I can quit working early and live off my savings until then and not have to put up with the crap that made my life miserable to the point that I left hospice once before. Better to sound like a bitch now than have it be a surprise when I walk away later.

    Karen--I can take full social security at 64 years and 10 months. I wonder how they come up with these full retirement ages? I'm holding the school nursing in reserve as a Plan B, mostly because the cut in pay would be nearly 50%. The storm did not hit very hard where I am. It was a bit more problematic on the coast, but mostly for the folks with boats still in the water and property right on the coast. Apparently there was some pretty good surf and some really nice breakers, which are fun to watch, but also means road washouts and closures and spotty flooding issues, particularly with the heavy rain coming onto already saturated ground. Wishing you and yours a meaningful and pleasant holiday.

    Goldie--glad to hear you are out of the hospital. Traveling with the syringes shouldn't be too bad, medical supplies have to be allowed. Some things I've learned talking with patients who have traveled: carry medical supplies in your carryon, packed in a zip lock bag or packing cube or other container, with nothing but the medical supplies. Pack meds in the original containers if possible, with the prescription information on it. Have your doctor write prescriptions for the medical supplies and put a copy in the container with the med/supplies, keep the original with your passport/ID/wallet. When you go through screening take the med supplies out of the carry on and put them in the bin with your carry on, like you do with liquids and shoes. I can imagine you do feel like you are falling apart. So much has happened to you recently. Hugs.

    Carole--thank you and it does seem like a lot of problems all at the same time. At least I have a plan for this particular set of work problems. 3 nurses applied for the currently open PCM position, and it will be in the company's favor to replace one with an experience case managing nurse who will need minimal orientation time (me). I just hope whoever they choose to promote will be given a better orientation than I was.

    The Blue Sunday Cocktail

    Ingredients needed to make a blue cocktail

    • 2 ounces Blanc de Bleu Sparkling Wine
    • 1 1/2 ounces quality gin
    • 1/2 ounce citrus tonic water
    • 1-ounce orange curacao
    • 1-2 dashes citrus Angostura bitters
    • Lemon peel
    • Ice

    Directions on making a blue cocktail

    1. Into a cocktail shaker add gin, orange curacao, bitters, and ice.

    2. Secure the lid and shake vigorously for 30 seconds.

    3. Strain in serving glass and top with Blanc de Bleu Sparkling wine and a half-ounce of citrus tonic water and give it a couple of swirls. 

    4. Garnish with a lemon peel.

    5. Serve.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Good morning, dear ladies!

    Chisandy, sorry about the UTI. They are NO fun. I hope you get the correct drugs to get it under control. Did they give you the pill that turns your urine deep orange but kills the pain? It starts with a “P” but I don’t remember the name. Sorry, too, about the CVS mess.

    Mainer, glad you didn’t get the worst of the storm. The worst storm I remember when I was in Maine was a sudden hail storm while I was driving on the 95. Came out of nowhere. Everyone pulled over, and I sat there scared out of my mind. Dented my car and cracked my windshield. When I got back to my office in Waterville, my boss thought I was exaggerating until I showed him the car. Quite the event for this Californina girl.

    Your job sounds way more stressful than what I would want to do. I retired way before 65 and decided I might as well start taking my Social Security now, while I’m still alive. It’s not a huge amount and D is still working. I figure I can just bank that money and if I die sooner than later at least I’ll have collected some of it.

    I’ll see the pulmonologist tomorrow. My cough is better, but rib is hurting. Maybe it’s just a pulled muscle. We shall see.

    Hope everyone has a good and safe weekend.
