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how about drinking?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Happy Tuesday to all.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    yumm - Chambord French Manhattan. I don't keep or have vermouth, but I do have some orange bitters. (well at least Orange Curacuo - which should work just as well)

    Goldie - wow - swinging those 40 lb bags!!! I like the plan to leave your car at a friends. Hope the trip is wonderful!! I don't have any trips planned yet. Only an hour north for lunch one day with my BFF - when the heat breaks.

    Sunshine - I have some peach schnapps but the only time I've used it recently is to add to vanilla pudding in place of some of the milk.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Ha ha Minus, I'm not "swinging" ANYTHING! Believe me, it's all I can do to lift those damn bags! Besides being heavy, they are hard to get a good grip on, because of what they are and the bags are floppy. At least I can still manage to do it!

    Follow up with nephrologist, or at least the PA, NA or MA, not sure of her title, went well. I was a bit put off when she told me "you know you are too thin for your size." Well duh lady, I'm not like this by choice! Anyways, kidneys are improving, but still have a ways to go.

    DOTD: Copper Camel

    1 oz Bailey's Irish Cream Chilled
    1/2 oz Butterscotch Schnapps Chilled

    Add Bailey's to Shot Glass
    Top With Butterscotch Schnapps
    Enjoy by Slowly Sipping

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Oh I love Bailey & Butterscotch Schnapps. But boy that's a really small portion. I have to be good tonight since I went out to eat with two girlfriends after a funeral visitation and had TWO gin & tonics. Maybe tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Checking in here after a week. Whole bunch of everything & nothing kept me away from this site for awhile. Cat stuff, researching various things, dealing with the heat—which has been fierce today. (High of 98, but heat index of 114. Sounds like a typical day down southwest…except we have extreme humidity). Anyway, DOTD was Kirkland Pinot Grigio (hey, it was open—Bob has trouble working the spigot on the box so we decant it into an empty bottle which we then refrigerate).

    We're going all the way down to 80F by 6am before we rebound to a predicted high of 101-102.

    My Anticonquista coffee guys skipped the farmers' market for the third week in a row, so I had to go to Metropolis to buy my beans.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Got home from NC yesterday, spend the peeyem cuddling with the puppers. The week off from work stuff, computer stuff, online stuff, was marvelous. Just what I needed. It will be interesting to see how things are at work now.

    Chi--wow, that was a long time to be with out Internet!

    Minus--great sounding recipe for Hummingbird Cake!

    Goldie--great Nutting Irishman drink! Actually, all the drinks look fabulous!

    Well, off to work, see you all again tomorrow!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    We're having a nice cool spell. 59 when I woke up this morning and 74 predicted for the high. Almost fall weather. Unfortunately we're expecting smoke to move in today and stay throughout the weekend. Might clear Mon or Tues and maybe rain on Tues. Very welcome. We haven't had rain in months. Wish I could send cool air to Sandy. Those temps are just miserable.

    Getting a haircut tomorrow 3 weeks after first appointment due to a comedy of errors. Between having curly grey hair coming in and thinning due to Ibrance, my future do may be a thin grey fuzz. My hair was always dark brown with a very slight wave. This new stuff is just weird.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    chisandy, I like the Kirkland Pinot Grigio. Haven't had it in a while, but I remember liking it. I like screw tops as they're easier on my hands.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Sunshine - there are quite a few Kirkland wines I like.

    NM - welcome back. Hope work sorted itself out while you were gone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Welcome back, NM.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! The puppers and I are enjoying a very relaxing day today. Extra long cuddle in bed before getting up, just puttering around the house is the plan for the day today. Tomorrow it's off to visit Mom and help her with her application for the apartment she wants. Going back to work was interesting. The feel is totally different in the office, at least for me. Three current nurses are interviewing for the open Patient Care Manager position. The office director and the other PCM have already made plans for how things are going to work. I've got to get caught up on that this coming week and find out what the plan is.

    Wren--I came home from NC's 90 degrees and sunny to Maine's 60 degrees and rainy. I actually pulled out a long sleeved shirt to put on last night!

    Sunshine--screw top bottles are a lot easier on the hands!

    Morning, Carole!

    Bright and Rainy Cocktail

    • 1.5 oz gin
    • 0.5 oz peach schnapps
    • 0.25 oz lime juice
    • 3 oz ginger beer/ginger ale


    1. Stir all ingredients over ice in a rocks glass. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Just a quick Saturday "good morning" to all of our Loungette's.

    NM, welcome home. Hoping you see a "positive" change at work and good luck with mom tomorrow.

    Trying to get things done around here before I leave Wednesday, which is a very long/busy day. 4 hour drive down, chemo around 1 and then kidney ultra sound for 4:30, then get my car to my friend's place, which is at least a half hour in the opposite direction from the airport and my hotel, then get back to my hotel, another 45 minutes and fly out Thursday. So, cleaning, getting clothes out, etc.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes

    Monday, May 26, 2014

    11:53 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! It's going to be interesting to see how things go with Mom's application this afternoon. I hope she can qualify and get a place sooner rather than later, I do not relish the idea of moving her during the winter. But I have no control over that, so I keep reminding myself. The idea of retiring in February is getting more attractive and more frightening at the same time.

    Goldie--Good luck with the traveling and appointment coming up!


    The Sunflower Cocktail


    • 1 oz. fresh lemon juice, plus lemon twist, for garnish
    • 1 oz. gin
    • 1 oz. elderflower liqueur
    • 1 oz. Cointreau
    • 1/8 tsp. absinthe
    • Sunflower petals, for garnish


    Combine lemon juice, gin, elderflower liqueur, Cointreau, and absinthe in a cocktail shaker. Top with ice and shake until very cold, about 20 seconds. Strain into a coupe glass. Serve garnished with lemon twist and sunflower petals.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Good morning ladies:

    Here we are cruising into the late summer. New Mexico is FINALLY getting some much needed and overdue moisture. You have heard me talk about the summer monsoons which can start as early as mid June, but often show up by July 4th. El Ninjo has had all the moisture going around us or not showing up at all. We got a bit of left over Hurricane Harold that came up from the Gulf Coast (where the summer rains usually come from), but the past two days have brought more true monsoonal rain. Better late than never and usually they wrap up by end of September but I expect they could stick around longer into the fall. We seem to see more rain around balloon fiesta time anymore which brings challenges to the balloons being able to go up. Anyways, I am grateful the rains have come and think my trees and gardens appreciate it too.

    I love this time of the year as the temps cool (especially after this hot summer) and also love the late summer blooms. I was over to the botanical gardens last week to see some of those pretties, and yesterday, went to the sunflower farm. They changed locations to be closer to me, and we went quickly after lunch and got some lovely flowers and some great photos in the field of blooms too. You saw the photos above.

    Despite this being a HOT summer, I will say it was nice to be able to return to all the things that went on hold since before the pandemic. I enjoyed reconnecting with some friends I had not seen before we shut down and also enjoying more of the plethora of summer events that go on here. I didn't quit go to everything I planned just because of the intense heat July, but do feel life is full again. My big accomplishment for this summer is to get back into playing music again and finished my class I took this summer this past week. September and October are by far our best weather months here and we have a great state fair coming up and balloon fiesta. I am and will be continuing to take some short weekend breaks for trips into the fall, and do have a nice 10 day break at the end of the year which will have me doing a couple trips over the holiday time. I feel 2023 has gone very fast so far…..

    NM- glad you are back and had a good visit to see the fam. I am a year or so behind you with my retirement plans, but am doing the work to be ready financially and with what I will do after I leave the FT work world. I plan to still do some work PT for a bit and learning a lot along the way for some of the pitfalls of what people wish they knew before retiring. I will send you a PM with some things I have learned along the way so far that may help you feel less scared and more prepared.

    Teka- glad you enjoyed the sunflower. The field was filled with bees and with it cooling down, I notice more of them in the yard too. The heat this summer has thrown off a lot of nature's cycles this summer.

    Goldie- I hope everything comes together for your trip and that your travels are easy and enjoyable this week.

    ChiSandy, Illimae, Minus Two, Mistyeyes and everyone else, hope your weekend is good. What fun things is everyone doing for Labor Day?

    Labor Day is next weekend already. I am taking a little break and going south to Truth or Consequences for some hot springs time and just a break from work and life here in the city. I have probably talked about it and it's fun and funky little town off I-25 in southern NM a couple hours south of here. The whole town is built up around the hot springs there. Got a massage planned there too at a local spa and looking forward to my little get away. Labor Day is my fav summary holiday as there as it honors those of us poor slobs who are still on the hamster wheel working away and find it has less "consumerism" than most of the other holidays. Always seems to be something marketed for the other holidays, think most everyone looks at this as the end of summer but here in New Mexico, kids went back to school early the first week of August and it can be summer like for quite some time. September is my favorite month of the year here.

    Wishing everyone a good holiday and be back with more stories and photos soon.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Jazzy, Sounds like a lovely time. What instrument do you play?

    We're nailed down with wildfire smoke here. Its expected to lift Monday. I spent Sat coughing all day. Today has been better. As of this morning 2 cross state highways were closed due to fires. The N. Cascades highway has been closed much of the summer.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Goldie - hope tomorrow isn't as bad as it sounds. And your flight the next day is easy. Have a safe trip.

    Jazzy - loved your post. Will try to answer later this week.

    NM - what happened w/your Mom's application?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Welcome back, Kim! Jazzy, gorgeous sunflower pix. Lori, safe travels Wed. & Thurs. (and in your pocket for the chemo session & ultrasound).

    DsOTD: Fri. night at Andie's (Mediterranean, mostly Greek), retsina; Sat. night. at Chengdu Impression, we brought our own bottle of Piesporter Michelsberg Riesling Kabinett 2020 to go with the spicier dishes. Sun. night with mixed leftovers, from both restaurants, and tonight with the Sichuan leftovers, water.

    The Anticonquista Coffee guys came back to the farmers' mkt today. They explained they were rained out 2 weeks ago and last week didn't have enough beans roasted and ready to sell. Today I got a bag of their dark roast to use for espresso. Made a nice almond milk breve latte.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! My computer has been very slow lately, but the time I got it up and running yesterday it was time to leave for work. It seems to be working better this ayem, though.

    Jazzy--the sunflower pics are beautiful! It's hard to believe Labor Day is almost here. Good for you for the upcoming hot springs visit.

    Wren--wow, you really are having a bad time with the wildfires and smoke.

    Minus--Mom's application wasn't as complicated as I was afraid it would be. I do think she will not be eligible for the low income rental rate, but the market rental isn't too bad. She was going to take it in yesterday, I hope she remembered to do that. Now it's wait and see what happens time.

    Chi--Glad to hear your coffee people were back at the Farmer's Market. Nothing like good coffee!

    Wildfire Margarita


    1.5 oz

    Roca Patrón Silver

    .5 oz

    Giffard Banana

    .25 cup

    Chopped celery

    .75 oz

    Lime juice

    .5 oz

    Honey syrup (1:1)


    Tajîn salt rim


    1. Place celery in shaker and muddle lightly with back of spoon or cocktail muddler.
    2. Add all remaining ingredients and shake with ice.
    3. Fine strain with a cone strainer to remove any celery fibers.
    4. Strain over fresh ice into a Tajîn salted rocks glass.
    5. Garnish with a celery ribbon.

    From <>

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Yesterday was our trip to Seattle for DH's radioactive treatment. It was a miracle we made it…huge accident that blocked the road getting to Hood Canal bridge; grateful the bridge wasn't closed. Lots of construction but we still made the early ferry. That allowed us to grab a lunch. I tried the Pierogi place attached to Swedish Oncology and it was good. I'd say I enjoyed it but the brioche type dough was a tad too sweet for me. It had been in the 90s for a few days out there but yesterday, never got above 66…and the air was good to moderate. We also managed to score the earliest ferry back to Bainbridge and then drive home. So from 8:45am to 5:30pm, all was done and dusted. LOONG day. Now the 3 day quarantine for DH.

    Seeing some beautiful California Quails at our feeder. Such sweet looking birds!

    I don't think we will hit 70s any more this year, but with this nutsy weather, who knows. We almost never have thunder…today, thunder and lightning since about 6:30am. And rain!! We have had zero rain since March…very welcome. Almost makes me feel like I am back home in WI, except for the temperatures of August, LOL.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Glad you made the trip to Seattle successfully. It sounds like an ordeal.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Carole, it is an ordeal. I hate it. And the return trip is worse since DH and I have to stay separated and he can't be near anyone for any length of time. I have to sit in back while he drives or vice-versa.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! My computer has been giving me grief the last few days. It never did get working yesterday ayem. Had to do the shut down/reboot thing, and it seems to be working this ayem. We'll see how long this lasts!

    Wally--wow, that must have been some accident! We had rain here, too, yesterday, sometimes pretty heavy. But we've been getting rain every few days all summer, so it's getting to be old news. I hope DH's appointment went well.

    Morning, Carole!

    Sunshine in the Rain


    1.5 oz

    Patrón Añejo

    1 oz

    Pineapple juice

    1 oz

    Lemon juice

    .75 oz

    Orange juice

    .75 oz

    Allspice vanilla syrup

    10 drops

    Tiki bitters


    Lemon wheel for garnish


    Orchid for garnish


    1. Add all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
    2. Shake to chill and combine.
    3. Pour contents into a collins glass.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wheel and an orchid.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Hard to believe summer in MN is about over. DH and I discussed whether the summer had passed by fast or whether that's just a perception in retrospect. Mentally I'm ready to "do things" to pack up in preparation for leaving but it's still too soon.

    Yesterday I printed out some documents from Trafalgar for our trip to Ireland and Scotland. Also a travel guide. The trip is entering the realm of "really going to happen."

    Hope Thursday goes well for everyone.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Carole, hope you have a fabulous trip.

    NM, the 8:45 to 5:30 is actually shorter than typical because we made all the early ferries and hit all the lights; the detour didn't affect our ferry boarding. We are usually home closer to 7. It is an ordeal…at least an hour to get to the ferry, 1/2 hour for the ferry to cross to Seattle, find the hospital, get his treatment, walk back to the ferry, and tack on that 1-1/2 or so hours in reverse. If you miss one ferry, that's another 1/2 hour wait.

    I opened a Chte de Grezeles cohor grenache/merlot blend. Just OK (costco xmas 4 bottle promo). I'll keep drinking that till its gone; I followed with a cheap Trader Joe tawny port for dessert.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704

    Hi all, just hanging out in my bar, listening to reggae and enjoying a cocktail. I finally got orgreat syrup and what a difference it makes. This is one heck of a delicious Mai Tai 😃 Cheers!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Oh yes Mae !!! Beach bar has Tanqueray & Captain Morgans - I'm ready.

    Carole - when do you head back to LA? I think you leave for your big adventure on the 10th.

    Wally - been there & done that on that ferry when I visited my friends who used to live in Sequim.

    NM - thinking about your Mom and hoping she will be accepted & able to more soon.

    Jazzy - I talked to my friend in Bernalillo today and he tells me it's been brutally hot up there. They want to move back to the West coast and are looking around Depot Bay, OR this time.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Illimae, Love that glass!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! We're waking up to temps in the 40s in parts of Maine this ayem. 45 degrees here at my place. A definite warning that summer is winding down. I was very happy to have the puppers to cuddle with last night!

    Carol--the trip to Ireland and Scotland sounds so exciting!

    Wally--wow, sounds like using the ferries really adds to the complexity of a trip.

    Illi--Oh, wow, how I wish I could be with you at the bar! It looks so fun and inviting! Love the pics on the light string!

    Minus--I hope Mom can get in soon, too, but there's a bit of a bump in the road right now--COVID. The people who process applications are out sick, and won't be back until after the holiday, and some residents have tested positive, too. We shall have to wait and see.

    Watermelon Tequila Punch


    • ▢2 pounds baby watermelon (seeds removed as needed)
    • ▢½ cup honey
    • ▢2 cups mint leaves, plus sprigs for serving
    • ▢1 750-ml bottle tequila blanco
    • ▢1 cup fresh lime juice
    • ▢lime wheels or wedges for serving


    • Remove the watermelon rind and discard.
    • Purée watermelon flesh and honey in a blender until smooth. Add mint and blend on low for about 10 seconds (don’t overprocess). Let sit for 15 minutes, then strain into a pitcher. Whisk in tequila and lime juice. Taste and adjust honey if needed. Chill until cold, at least 1 hour and up to 4 hours
    • Pour punch into ice-filled rocks glasses. Garnish with mint sprigs and lime wheels

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Minus, we head south to LA on the 10th. Trip departure is 20th, I think. Will definitely find out for sure, LOL.

    Wow, NM, 45 degrees is winter time in LA. It's in the 60's here this morning.

    Mae, you really enjoy your beach bar.

    I saw the large doe this morning. She looks healthy. Mary puts anti-deer stuff in her garden beds to discourage grazing.

    I have to go to town and pick up the hamburger patties for the Labor Day party tomorrow. Will also visit a laundromat and wash the LL Bean fleece blanket that is too big for the washer in our laundry room here at the resort.

    Hope things are going well for Goldie.

    Happy Friday.