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how about drinking?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,325

    OMG, Illimae….80s and no a/c on….ugh. I'm such a wussy-girl. I turn the car a/c on when it is 55 outside. I'd turn it on in the house except DH has horrible Raynaud's and my heatpump guy said the lowest I can set it is 71. In WI, with REAL a/c, I set it to 64. Ah, fun times.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403
    edited May 5

    With roast duck, 2022 Bobo red blend (unspecified varietals) from the San Joaquin Valley.

    Happy Jose Cuervo's Birthday in advance.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Cinco de Mayo! In the mornings while I'm on the computer Colt likes to hand out in the recliner. Yesterday Zoe got in the recliner before him. Colt was not happy about that, and after a while of lounging in his crate and on the dog beds he came over and stared at me like he does when he wants something. So I start talking to him, trying to figure out what he wants, going through the usual list. Do you want ear scritches? Do you want treat? Do you see squirrel? Do you want to go out? At this one Zoe pops her head up, looks around, and then runs to the kitchen door to go out, while Colt saunters over to the recliner and hops up in and settles down with a very smug look on his face! Zoe comes trotting back as I start laughing out loud, and the look she gave us both was priceless! She then decided she needed an extra long tug session. Never a dull moment with these two!

    Chi--so glad to hear the MRI results are good, and I hope the radiologists recommendation will be taken seriously. I'd be terrified of semi-annual mammograms--at what point does the radiation exposure risk become a risk factor all by itself?

    Illi--the beach bar and the Tequila Sunrise look marvelous!

    Jazzy--beautiful blooms!

    Minus--It absolutely blows my mind that it's so hard to find a place to get a blood draw from a foot or ankle. It's not like there are so few of us bc survivors trying to follow lymphedema precautions. In the 1970s taking blood, starting IVs, taking blood pressures on ankles of women after mastectomy was routinely taught to nurses and lab techs. Now I don't think women are being told anything about LE precautions, and medical people certainly aren't being taught about it. It's funny, I have no problem getting shots in my legs at the PCP office, and have even taught a few of the med techs how to do it. You should have seen the looks on their faces the first time I asked about it, though, and when there were 3 or 4 people talking about if it was allowed/how to document it in the EHR which doesn't give leg site options after infancy, when I picked up the syringe and gave it to myself. The next time I was in the office the electronic record system had been updated to include thighs as a site for adults!

    Carole--you must be looking forward to heading to MN!

    Chi--I've never tried a Mint Julep, I really want to do that sometime. Picking your own mint must be fun. I've tried to get mint patches established here but haven't been able to overwinter them successfully yet.

    Wally--turning on the AC at 55? I'm still turning on the heat when the house temp hits 55!

    Mezcal Paloma


    • 2 ounces mezcal
    • 1/2 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 4 ounces grapefruit soda, to top 
    • Tajín, for rim
    • Salt, for rim
    • Garnish: lime wedge


    1. Rub a lime wedge around the edge of a highball glass, and dip the rim in salt and Tajín (optional).
    2. Add the tequila and lime juice to the glass, and fill with ice.
    3. Top with grapefruit soda, and stir briefly and gently to combine.
    4. Garnish with a lime wedge.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,964

    Good morning. Funny story about Colt, NM. How long have you had the pups? I believe you said they are rescues.

    We're already into the sizzle of summer and it's only early May. Happy Sunday to all.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,677

    NM what a funny story! Thanks for starting my day with a smile.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,636

    Wallycat, it’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s cooler inside the bar and outside we have a great cool breeze being on the edge of a mountain ridge.

    Taco’s and Rita’s today 😁

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Radiation exposure from mammograms, even semiannual, is minimal at most. You get just as much from biennial dental x-rays. It's the emotional baggage, especially the "diagnostic spot compression," of waiting in the waiting room, clad in a pink robe idly paging through a leaflet., that's the biggest stressor.

    Around here, mint overwinters whether or not you want it to. It overwhelms almost every other herb in its path.

    High of 60 today—so I turned the heat back on last night. Not going to turn it off, just turn the thermostat down to 70-72 so it doesn't kick in on warmer days.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,114

    Mint is a very aggressive propogator. A friend of mine thought she was being so careful by isolating her mint in a big pot on a gravel patch near her front door. One day, she noticed a suspicious little sprout in the grass on the hellstrip between her sidewalk and the road. Sure enough, it was mint.

    She lifted up the pot and found a root extruding from the drainage hole at the bottom. It had burrowed all the way from her stoop, under the sidewalk, to emerge by the road. 🌱🌱🌱

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Just a quick "ME" post. Saw MO today, one of my TM's have come down 1000 pnts. My weight has gone from 94 to 118. Really happy about both of those. Had an awesome time at Nora's birthday party. I got her a ton of princess dress up things. I'll post a pic from my phone. Also, on a sadder note, not sure if you remember me talking about my little buddy, they had a place just down the road from me, he had cerebral palsy, was in a wheel chair and such a joy. He peacefully passed last night and is now at peace with his mom and dad.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,178

    Goldie - great news and thanks for posting Nora's picture. Hard to believe how big she is.

    So back to the Averna Amaro discussion. I actually bought the smallest bottle I could find today - $32.00. The vendor was in the store & tried to get me to buy another brand, but that smallest bottle was $41. Luckily it is a smooth sipping drink. Not quite a 'sharp' as I prefer, and a bit sweeter than Tuaca, but the bottle will get consumed in due course as I salute the Benedictine monks for the original recipe.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 890
    edited May 7

    Goldie happy for the good news. And your princess is just a doll!

    Raspberry wine of some sort with dinner. Interesting flavor blend with leftover chicken korma.

    Mammogram tomorrow with a slight bit of scanziety on the side. 😶‍🌫️🙄 I think it's not diagnostic. I've usually requested those to get immediate results. But here this hospital system seems to post results very quickly anyway so I told my provider screening was fine. Appreciate the support 😳

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Fantastic news, Lori! And Nora gets cuter every day.

    Rosé prosecco with dinner.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,964

    Good news on the weight gain, Goldie, and the picture is so cute. Glad you're with family.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Spent the day with the Mother yesterday straightening out her pills. She takes pills twice a day, but was putting the entire day's pills in one pill container per day, and depending on the pills being different colors, shapes, and sizes to pick out the morning and evening pills. Well, the mail order pharmacy I got her into uses different suppliers, so all but 2 of her pills are now round and white, and only 2 different sizes so she can't tell them apart. She can't see well enough to look at the imprints and has no way to look up what the pills are from the imprint/description. So I got her a pill minder with boxes for ayem and peeyem, sat down and sorted out all the pills using a magnifying glass, then used a pill identification site to identify them, and filled her pill minder for the week. She likes to keep a week's worth of pills in her car in case she gets caught out somewhere, so I also got her some ziplock pill holders, marked them AM and PM and filled those, which she now has in a change purse in her glove compartment. We found 2 more pill minders in her pill drawer, I got those sorted and identified. Because of the arthritis in her hands she can't open the childproof caps, so I transferred all her pills to older pill bottles without childproof caps and told her when she gets her next pill delivery to NOT OPEN ANYTHING, and I'll come and transfer the pills to the correct older bottles until I can get her switched to non-childproof caps. For a little while there I felt like I was back at work!

    Carole--The puppers are rescues, I got them 3 years ago this month. I went in to get Colt (I'd picked him up a month earlier when he was running loose and I had to let him go back to his home. He was a frequent flyer according to the ACO, so I was keeping an eye out for him showing up in a shelter) and he was playing with Zoe, who was just so beautiful, I couldn't stand leaving her there, so I adopted them both. Very glad that I did!

    Sunshine--you are welcome! They make me laugh out loud many times a day!

    Illi--sounds wonderful!

    Chi--I keep trying to establish mint where I want it to take over so I won't have to mow that area. I think I'm the only person in the world who can't get mint to take!

    Mirandra--I've heard that mint is aggressive and hardy, I guess it just doesn't like me@

    Goldie--so sorry to hear about your little buddy passing. Hugs. Nora in the princess dress up is so sweet! I bet that was a fun party. Hooray for the TM drop and weight gain!

    Minus--when I went to the package store I picked up Amarula instead of Amaro. They had several Amaros, but not Averna, so I'm waiting for the store to have some or I will order some online sometime. The Amarula is a wonderful sipping drink!

    Reader--There is a winery near me that makes a wonderful raspberry wine. They specialize in fruit wines, my absolute fav of theirs is Sin-a-Berry, a cranberry cinnamon wine. Good luck with the mammo!

    Rosemary Amaro Spritz


    Rosemary brown sugar syrup

    • 1 cup light brown sugar
    • 6 rosemary sprigs
    • 1 cup water

    Amaro Rosemary Spritz

    • 1/2 ounce rosemary brown sugar syrup
    • 1 fig (sliced in half, stem removed)
    • 1 1/2 ounces amaro (such as Averna)
    • 3 ounces Prosecco
    • 1 1/2 ounces soda water
    • 1 tsp rosemary


    Make rosemary brown sugar syrup

    1. Combine sugar, water, and rosemary sprigs in a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer. Once sugar is dissolved, remove from heat and let flavors steep while the syrup cools completely (about 30 minutes to an hour).
    2. Once cooled, strain out the rosemary sprigs and transfer syrup into an airtight container.  Store in the refrigerator for about two to three weeks.

    Make Rosemary Amaro spritz

    1. Add fig into a wine glass with rosemary syrup and muddle gently.
    2. Add amaro, Prosecco, and ice. Top with soda water. Garnish with a rosemary sprig. 

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,178

    NM - I always keep a bottle of Amarula around. It makes me happy to think of those elephants tromping across the savanna to eat the ripe berries. Glad you like it.

    Oh Mom and the pills. Good thing you solved the problem. Hope she pays attention to your advice and doesn't try to fill them herself.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,325

    Goldie, your post made me smile.

    DH had his hearing test yesterday. He can hear tree frogs but not humans, LOL. He'll try a pair of hearing aids (costco free exam, $1500 for hearing aids. …OUCH!).

    More Bogle Petite Sirah.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,964

    Your challenge, Wally, is to talk like a tree frog!

    My mom went into a nursing home at age 93 after having a stroke. Until that time she was still taking care of organizing her meds. She lived another three years and adjusted well to nursing home living. This month she will have been gone four years. I still miss her a lot.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,114

    Great news on the positive changes, Lori! I'm glad you got your daily dose of adorable from your grandkiddos.

    We got some long awaited good news. Almost exactly two years ago seven members of my team and I filed complaints for unpaid wages against our then-employer. We just got word from the CDLE (Colorado Dept. of Labor and Employment) that not only does he owe us back pay….

    • he owes us backpay at our massage pay rate, not merely minimum wage
    • his refusal to pay legal wages was willful, so he owes penalties as well as backpay
    • as a result, what had started as a claim of around $40K total over the eight of us will now be in the $150K-260K range depending on when he gets around to paying us

    This is just the report from the investigating agent, and he can still appeal the finding. But the report is pretty damning. We'll see if he wants to continue to pay money to his lawyer - who hasn't done a lot in his favor so far. He lost the NLRB recommendation and settled rather than go before a labor judge. We'll see if he's willing to hedge is bets toward another labor judge.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    May your victory "stick," Miriandra!

    Kim, I use two different shot glasses for my pills, which I fill every night. Before I go on a trip, I use a folding nylon pill case with plastic slider envelopes—8 each for morning & night. (Two of them if we're away longer). Takes a solid hour to sort & fill them—and it can be a chore to keep the kitties off the counter when I do it. Magellan's & Travelsmith sell them. They're about the size of a small diary or paperback.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Wednesday, Women, and Wine get together this evening, I'm looking forward to that. I'm going to try to enjoy the sunny ayem before the rain comes in this peeyem. It was actually warm enough to sit on the deck and read for a bit yesterday!

    Minus-I set up Mom's pharmacy account with my email address, so I'll get a notice when her pills are shipped, so I can be on the lookout for them. She can't open the bottles because of the arthritis in her hands, so at least she can't open the bottles and get them mixed up trying to transfer them to the bottles she can open.

    Wally--DH can hear tree frogs but not people? Wow. So funny!

    Carole--Mom is still mostly managing her meds, she fills her pill box weekly and with the new one I think she'll be able to keep doing that for some time to come. The biggest problem now is her ability to read the prescription bottles. Next step is to relabel the bottles with larger print.

    Miriandra--WOW! The finding in your favor must feel like a real affirmation and emotionally. Regardless of when/if he pays out, you made your point, and that must feel satisfying.

    Chi--thanks for the tip!



    • 1oz Midori.
    • 0.25oz Baileys.
    • Snowy River red layering syrup.
    • Snowy River Red Cocktail Sugar.


    • Pre-rim half the glass with Snowy River red cocktail sugar using egg white (for a thicker rim) as the binding agent.
    • Add Midori to shot glass
    • Add Baileys as a top layer.
    • Add 2-3 drops of Red Syrup onto Baileys layer to form the effect

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,964

    Miriandra, hope you get money as well as satisfaction!!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,325

    LOL, trying to sound like a tree frog, LOL. I did a few "ribbit" noises and he heard me!! Too funny.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    I miss when the pharmacies in Target were not CVS. Their wedge-shaped bottles were easy to open, color-coded for each family member, with large print labels.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,114

    Thank you, ladies. It is very validating to get the initial decision. Oh to be a fly on the wall when he talks to his lawyer about this!

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 411

    Your news is wonderful, Miriandra. I hope he leaves it at that and doesn't try to take it further.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,544

    Carole, My HAs are from Costco and actually $1500 for a pair if pretty good price. That what Paid for mine. Their customer service are warranty are great.

    My medical oncology visit was good. HE was incredulous all the things that have transpired in the past 6 months. Labs are stable and so do labs for Hematologist seem stable. I see him on Monday. I have my annual physical on Friday.

    4 weeks left to the school year and they will be busy!!! Still lots of evaluations to finish and hold meetings.

    Next Tuesday night we leave to see GD for her 1st birthday on Thursday!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,544

    Lori - Nora is a doll. I remember getting DD#2 a dress up trunk at Target around the same age. She loved it. Great news on tumor markers and weight gain.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,178

    More on the Amaro. I served tastes from my new bottle of Amaro to two friends who came over for happy hour. One thought it tasted like the horrible medicine her Mother made her take when she was young. The other said it reminded her of Absorbine Jr. As I mentioned, I'm not wild about it but I don't think it's that horrible. It will no doubt get consumed over time. Mind you - I'm sure mixed in cocktails is a totally different story

    Just for fun - percentage of alcohol by volume of the 'sipping' drinks in my cupboard: Amaro - 29%; Tuaca - 35%; Baileys - 17%; Tia Maria - 26.5%; Amarula - 17%; Chambord - 18.5%; Butterscotch Schnapps - 15%.

    Miriandra - good news. Fingers crossed for the eventual outcome.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,856

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a lovely evening with the Wednesday,
    Women, and Wine group last night. We're thinking about changing our name to
    Wednesday, Women, and Whatever as we've drifted away from the original focus on
    wine. WWW actually started out as a subgroup of a Wine Lovers Meet Up group.
    There were 14 of us last night, with a couple being first time attendees. We
    were seated at one long table and boy did we chatter away! It was nice to catch
    up with some of the ladies I've met there and meet the new ones. And
    bittersweet, as one of the ladies who used to come while she was in Maine for
    the summers died recently. Fortunately she was ill for a very short time,
    diagnosed with cancer and died a few weeks after. She was last with us in
    December, a meeting I missed due to work. That part was a bit hard. My section
    of the table was filled with dog Moms, and we had a great time trading
    adoption/rescue stories and fur baby antics. We were passing around phones
    showing pictures just as much as the ladies with new grand baby pictures were
    at their end of the table! So we ended on a high note.


    Morning, Carole!


    Wally--I can just
    imagine you trying to talk to DH in frog language now!


    Chi--I really think
    large print labels should be mandated for prescription bottles, for at least
    the drug name, strength, and instructions.


    Morning, Malleemiss!


    Karen--Hooray for
    the good appointment! You must be so looking forward to leaving Tuesday.


    Minus--hmm, I love
    Moxie soda, which many people say tastes like cough medicine, so I bet I would like the Amaro, too! I'll get that next trip to the big likker store for
    special bottles.



    2 oz  Bourbon

    1oz  Vanilla Chai

    .5 oz  Allen's Coffee Brandy

    1oz Moxie Soda

    A Sprinkle of Nutmeg


    Bourbon, Vanilla Chai, Allen’s Coffee Brandy, and Moxie soda in a highball
    glass over ice. Stir to combine. Garnish with a sprinkle of ground nutmeg.


    FYI: Allen's Coffee Brandy is an iconic Maine product