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  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Help...the screen on my laptop is turning PINK..what is going on???It started in the right lower corner...
    Anyone know why???
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Hate to bust in here with bad news but another sister has passed away. My SO is a teacher and a co worker teacher with 3 children ages 15, 13 and 8 has passed away. She was diagnosed with Mets 4 years ago and it had already spread throughout her lungs when it was detected. She gave it a hard fight but her body had all that it could take last night. Please keep her family in your thoughts and also my SO as she was having a very hard time dealing with someone dying that had BC mets as she has never had to deal with that before. Last night was a tough night for her and I am sure today at school has not been good with all the students finding out.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Dear Amy-

    That is so hard. Give your SO a gentle hugs from me. Fear is a powerful thing, but so is love. Tell her I said to choose love.

    I will keep you all in my prayers.

    Deb C
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Bright sun and no snow here. Supposed to get freezing rain/sleet/snow Saturday night/Sunday morning. Gonna be a fun drive to church.

    Deb - I hope that little guy isn't outside with his six guns in just a diaper today.... if he is you grow them tough as nails up there.

    You'll be able to relate to this one considering how much you love your dog. Our cat got a hold of some rug yarn, and when he started to pass it, he was threaded, if you get my drift. (Everybody in unison - Eeewww!!!) So we took the poor paniced thing to the vet, who prescribed Amoxicillin - you know that pink liquid that our kids have all gotten for ear infections. Which is what my son had his bottle for. So I had 2 identical bottles in my fridge - one for the kid, one for the cat. The kid's cost me about 50 cents (good insurance at the time) The cat's cost about $150. As you say, it's a good thing we love our pets.

    Will 5:00 NEVER get here today! I'm so ready to go get my yarn to try out the crochet Tit Bit pattern, get my groceries and GO HOME. Only slept about 2 hours last night (I love steriods.) and I know by about 7:00 they'll have worn off and I'll be dead.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Hello to all,

    Madison: I'm glad you are having fun with the squares! Can't wait to see the finished project!
    I don't have much use for Ortho's either. Most seem to have the personality of rocks. Take care of the shoulder (and all), that can be tricky to heal.

    Yes, Grey's anatomy was a tear jerker last night. I've always watched E.R. (still do), but Grey's anatomy caught my attention this season and it is a must see!

    Vickie: How's the painting? I bet it is pretty..DD has a way with using colors on her walls, and it always looks great. I'm to scared to try it and my husband would probably have a Coronary if he came home to Red Walls! (see, there are some advantages to being single!)

    NS: Any official word yet? Hang in there, I'm thinking of you.

    Karen: I sure hope your Dad starts doing better. Is he in Nursing care or a rehab center? Maybe, he can come home BUT only if help comes with him..It's to hard on Family to handle it on their own. Best wishes.

    Bayyore: I like Madisons post..BYOB. New Nickname for you?

    Anne and Nicki: Sounds like you guys give alot of special encouragement to people. The world could use alot more of that!
    As usual, to be cont'd....I hate losing posts

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Oops, I skipped a page somehow.

    Sheri - so sorry to her about your kid troubles. Have faith, all will be well. In the meantime, I agree with Madison - head for the center of the circle!

    Lisa - Are you sure it isn't just that beautiful rose photo you posted taking over?? I'm using that as my desktop and all my co-workers love it. Seriously, We had a monitor go all pink and it was one of the color guns had gone bad. It was a CRT and I don't know if the LCD monitors on laptops act the same or not. Good luck. Computer repairs are ridiculus!

    Amy - so sorry to hear about your SO's coworker. That is so hard for her and the kids. Hugs to both of you.

    Okay, I'm really done now.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Amy, please put SO in the inner circle were we can take care of her. That is terrible about her co-worker. I just hate to hear about people passing, who have young children. It is just not fair. I'm sure it is worse for SO because of your dx. It makes everything hit closer to home. I know DH is more sensitive about cancer since I went through tx. He really gets upset when he hears about people we know being dx or passing on. We will keep her co-worker's family in our thoughts.

    Karen, I know it's hard when bad things start happening to our parents. I think your dad may be better off at home. Sometimes being in those rehab facilities can be really depressing. If he is happier, maybe the rehab will go better.

    Jeannie, a big fat BOO!!! to your ortho guy. Aging indeed! Humff! I'm still a young, ravishing 18 years old (in my own mind )

    Texas Sunrise, that was truely beautiful. I need to start embracing the good things about growing older.

    Deb, -14??? I know what is wrong with your poor pooch. His fur is in a state of shock from the cold!!! He needs a touch of VO5 .

    Sheri, that's a shame you are having kid problems. They always seem to come along at the worst possible time. You need to come to the inner circle also. ((Hugs))

    Cheri, got to love the pink potty!! And on wheels no less!

    Nicki, I heard about the next storm coming. When DH leaves Atlanta tomorrow night, he will be flying to Cleveland first. I am not happy. He flew down non-stop and I wish that was how he was coming back. Hopefully he will get through there before the weather turns really nasty. There is wrestling in Sturgis?? I never heard that. I do remember you said you liked the HBK. And girl, we are definately NOT old!

    Not much going on here in my end of the circle. I think I'm going to go out and get Chinese food for dinner. Not very dietetic, but I don't care. I just don't feel like making dinner just for me. I'll check in a little later. Need to get ready for the hoe-down this weekend!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    I'm back!

    Peggy: I hope your Mammo went well. Let us know!

    Amy: I am so sorry about your SO's co-worker. My thoughts will be with the sisters family as well as with your SO.

    Texas Sunrise: Beautiful Words for all to live by.

    Sheri: Ouch! You need some special care. Come to the center. Hugs and understanding are abundant. We're here for you.

    Tracey: Boss stuck in the elevator! To Funny! I've always been known for sticking my foot in my mouth, so I really laughed when you said your boss heard your "leave him in there" comment!

    I know this machine is gonna make my post go puffffff!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Actually, it didn't eat my post!

    Amy: I like the straight knifty knitter. But, you know, being the PRO that I am, I have every size of the round ones and every size of the straight ones! I don't jump often, but when I do....I jump HIGH!
    Good luck!

    Deb: Are you ready for us?? I'm all packed and ready for a HoeDown! I'm sure Vickie has borrowed anything we might need. And I see the guys have been ordered. I'll polish my boots (think anyone will notice they are snow boots), grab my hat (stocking cap), and be on my way. YEEEEEHAWWWWW!

    To anyone I missed..Thinking of you and hoping all have a great weekend!

    Love and Hugs,

    p.s. I hate snow too! More coming tomorrow along with sleet! Can't wait..Not!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: TGIF!! Im home, Ive got wine, and I dont have to exercise today. Have the whole week-end to exercise at my leisure.

    If ya all dont mind, Im wearing my jammies and slippers to the ho down. Just feels too darn comfortable.

    Laura: I think the one thing that is special about the boards and chat is that we do support each other. And Im so addicted.

    Madison: Hmmmm there was a time when my hair was first growing back, that all I had to do was put some moose it in and be on my way. Now I have to spend a whole lotta time trying to make some style out of this mess.

    MargaretB: Oh man, Im sorry about your mom. Dialysis 3 times a week is so hard. And those darn fistulas get blocked all the time.

    Jeannie: I told ya, those ortho doctors are pompous asses. Many moons ago when I was a nursing student, I was doing my tour in surgery. Had to duck from a wet roll of plaster which he threw across the room cause he got angry at someone. There I was young, scared, with my big Italian eyes looking out above the mask I was wearing. Now - man - I will get right in their faces if I have to. And he called you older? Oh my, I would have had his boys in my hand until he talked in a very high voice. Hope the family crisis isnt too bad.

    Amy: Ya know I was thinking the same thing about the dog poop. I would bite ya too. My goofy half black lab, half border collie, all monster - named Mister - marks everything. All I have to say is "what did you do?" He goes running to my husband for protection. But it doesnt stop him. He still marks things. If a coin fell on the floor he would look at it and say "hey thats new" and bingo - the cin is sitting in a puddle. And you are so right about dogs and glasses. When this trouble maker was a puppy, he chewed my eye glasses, along with my favorite cd's and the connection for my Direct TV. And he didnt even get electrocuted!!

    Madison: Awwww, you said such nice things about me. I really feel that I get so much more than I give. I have been in health care for 36 years and helping people gives me life. But with this BC journey - I needed help and found it here. So thankful for!

    DebC: Man oh man, its just like with Tracey. Whenever you guys get bad weather, it seems like a prediction for whats coming our way here in Chicago. -14 degrees is just awful. Way too cold. My goofy dog should be neutered. My female cat is. Now isnt it funny that my male cat and male dog arnt" Why you ask? Cause my husband wont let me do it to them. Guess its a male thing. Thats why my dog marks everywhere he can. And my poor cat, is putting out a interested smell - so both of my progesterone ridden males wont leave her alone!

    Sherloc: Shirley hates snowwwww! Shirley hates snowwww! So do I. I hate ice more. And this week-end we a getting ice, sleet, and snow. I dont have to work so I love that, but my husband is playing at a pub and I hate that! I really cant wait till Spring. I want to plant flowers. Decided Im gonna have a garden of flowers and plant one for each of you. Im gonna name the flowers lol.

    Tracey: Hahahahahaha boss in the elevator. One day last year I actually had the nerve to tell my boss that she looked a little hoooooish with her short red skirt and spiked red high heals. Ooooooops!!! wrong move.

    Sheri: Oh my goodness. What a tough day. I dont know if I told you, but my brother has Paranoid Schizophrenia and has to live at a nursing home cause its so bad. The desease is frightening. Unfortunately with your daughter, she needs the medications! Thats whats gonna help her. Maybe they can find something that wont make her feel like a zombie. I just loved the movie "Its A Beautiful Mind."

    Jeannie: You have humbly reminded me that things could be a whole lot worse. I guess 5-10 inches aint so bad. Its all relative.

    Oh Amy: Such a sad story. We have come so far, but not nearly far enough. Tough emotions in your house. Your SO is trying to deal with this loss and is also thinking of you. And you must be going through a whole different set of emotions. Big sigh!! I always said, even as a young nurse, that I would see a cure for cancer in my lifetime. And I think we are so very close I can taste it.

    Anne: Poor kitty. Last summer, my dog got fleas and had an allergic reaction to their bites. I told the vet about my bc and trying to keep the cost as low as possible. $600.00 dollars and 3 months later, the fleas were gone.

    Denise: I just want you to know that somehow, whenever I read one of your posts - I smile

    Anne and LIsa: OMG, I hope Lisa's computer isnt having a big issue. And when it goes bad, why does it have to be pink?

    Jan: All I know is that every year, once a year there is a big party in Sturgis. Have friends that go there all the time. Well about 5 years bakc there was the WCW and they always had a big pay for view during this big party. Now talk about comfort. My BIL goes there every year with his friends. They get a mobile home, put there motorcycles in it, and drive in comfort until they get there. Big wanna be's lol Oh and the Heart Break Kid! I have a six foot cardboard stand up of him in my exercise room. Have some wild stories about live wrestling events I went to. Hoping your husband gets home safely. Did I mention. I hate snow?

    OK! So now I see, others have already posted before I finished. Im gonna check out their posts and then get some dinner.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    sorry to rain on the hoe down with the passing of a sister but I knew you all would understand. I wasnt much help last night with the SO even though she was upset because I do much better in my own little denial land. There are some times you just dont know what to say. I mean she planned her funeral and asked her pall bearers personally so I guess if you can feel at peace about something you have to know that she knew it was coming and was preparing. She had a long talk with her children but still it doesnt make it any easier. They told her about 2 weeks ago that there was nothing else to be done and probably had a few months to live. Goes to show you nobody knows the timeline,,thats for sure.

    ok back to denial land where I prefer to live because obviously her doctors wasnt as good as mine and she didnt react to chemo like I am,,,so there. Thats my feelings and I am sticking with them. Nothing is going to ruin the hoedown.

    ok bring on the keg!!!! I also managed to steal us a mechanical bull. There is no pain at this hoedown party!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon girls. I stayed up much too late and slept much too late. Aww, I don't guess it really matters. My dd and her family stayed the night with me last night cos the furnace went out for the second time in the house they're renting. Dd put baby Kevin in my bed to sleep cos I stay up late anyway. Now ya all know the child doesn't like me. He's not used to sleeping with anyone & neither am I on a regular basis. When he woke up this morning he just looked over at me & grinned. We played a little and then he went in to see his mommy & I went back to sleep. So, I think I'm making progress with the little guy. I'm babysitting tonight for him cos his 2 brothers both have B-ball games & they don't take him. I used to never miss any of Ethans games of any kind. But I just can't do the walking.

    Margaret, thanks for teaching me how to post pics but you sure created a monster. lol

    Jeannie, I do not like Orthos either. They've done nothing but mess up my ankle/foot for years. Hoping the guy I'm traveling so far to see is as good as his reputation.

    Texas, beautiful post.

    Amy, Scooter is not new here. He's had plenty of time. I think the dog is just plain dumb. He gets in so much trouble yet he continues to do the same thing. Just about had it with him. So sorry about your SO's co-worker.Prayers for her and her friends family.

    Madison, Hell I may ride the pink motorized toilet to NY.
    Wouldn't that be quite a site going down the interstate. lol Bet my pic would end up on the web. But I could make pretty good time cos I wouldn't have to stop for bathroom breaks! Haha

    Deb, my rat terrier has a skin disorder. We tried shots but they were expensive and didn't seem to help. He rubs his underside back & forth on the carpet, which is really great when we have company. lol But his is seasonal. I just can't decide which season it is.

    Shirley, hope your satelite works today. Ours goes out in a heavy rain.

    Sheri, so sorry about your problems with your dd. I think if things ever settled down it just wouldn't be Life.

    Mena, are you up yet?? Come on out & play. People here still miss you. That was a pretty short post, little missy, for someone who has been gone for weeks except the occassional pop-in. I do believe you can do better.

    NS, you should hear from your dr. today. Please let us know. I'm thinking of you. Praying all your techs were right.

    Hey to all my friends, Vickie, Nicki, Tracey, Jan, Ginney, Shel, Lini, Anne, Lisa, Karen, Denise, Brenda, Carrie, Denise, Laura, LauraB, Holly, MB, Christine, CY and anyone I've mistakenly missed. Hope you're all having a nice afternoon. See ya at the Hoe-down. YeeHaw

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    woo hoo a mechanical bull!!! NOT. I have all I can do to sit in a chair without falling out and thats when I'm sober.
    The living room is RED!!! woo hoo the painting is done! I LOVE IT! I have to hang the border later and get things put back "together" and I'll post a picture.
    Aww Amy...give you SO a hug for me. Thats so very hard. I'm with you in denial land and you can come here and post anything at all...if someone we won't mention can say the "P" word we can take anything you throw at us. Seriously though...sending warm hugs.
    Uh Nicki...wanna share that wine? Hee sister got me a box of wine...something I didn't even know that had and it's really good! Think I'll have a glass now in anticipation of our hoe (ho) down.
    Cheri...hope you took care of our creepy friends...don't need them showing up at this party! Where are you dear friend...need some backup here.
    Sheri...sending you hugs and hope things get better soon.
    Lisa...your screen is turning pink!!! Hmmm...that's one I haven't seen before but I'll see what I can find out for you and let you know.
    Uh Madison...73 degrees is NOT icky!!! Come hang out with me and you'll love icky 73 degrees. It's nasty driveway is a sheet of ice thats about an inch think! Backed down my driveway to go to work the other day and slid into the six foot friggin snow drift beside my garage...yup...stuck...big time. I hate shoveling!! Would rather hibernate and crochet LOL.
    Tracey...boss in the elevator. Too funny. We had our exective secretary get stuck in the laundry room one was hilarious. She went in and the door shut behind her and something happened to the doorknob and there was no way to get her back out. The screws to take the doorknob apart were on the inside of the door and we couldn't get a screwdriver in to her...had to call the fire dept...oh was she embarrassed.
    Peggy dear...where are you...we need to hear some good news.
    Deb...14 below...I don't know how you do it. Lovin the men you posted...hmmm...naked in a haymow doesn't sound real comfortable though!
    Jeannie...I am sick of snush too...took furbaby to the vet today to get neutered and it was white outs all the way over and back...not fun. Ready for spring.
    Denise...what would you like me to borrow? I got your squares today and laughed at your note! The green ones aren't that did a great job! I will add them to the newest afghan.
    Jan...send some beef and broccoli this way...I love that!
    Ok...out of time...gotta get my living room picked up so I can get pictures and fix dinner...starving as usual.
    I'll be back...sorry to all I missed...didn't take notes.
    Love to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Amy: Well Im wiping the tears from my eyes. How sad and yet touching. She even picked her pallbearers. I hope I beat this beast, but if I didnt - I know in my heart I have had a good life. Maybe not an easy life, but a GOOD one.

    Ho down! Hoochie Coochie! Can you smoke that? I am

    Cheri: Oh poor little doggy. I think my dog is dumb too. Not one of the top 5 in all the animals I have had in my lifetime. Im not very good at training animals as all my animals run this household.

    Vickie: I swear, the problem with this Pinot Grigio is that it goes does down way too easy. Already on my thrid glass and ready to dance up a storm. Or pass out lol. I should be on the dang drinking thread, but I just dont have enough computer time lol.

    Cheri: Somewhere, somehow - I missed the creepy friends thing. Please, back up in my last name.

    OK - gotta go. Dinner is done. See ya all later.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Jan---Age is relative. I was 18 until the divorce festival aged me to about 25. The BC experience has gotten me up to about 35. My sIL is 40 and my son is 35, but who gives a rip! Learned it from my Mom---she was 81 when she died and thought she was in the same peer group as my kids. Kept calling me a "piece of work" because she thought it was hip.

    Nicki---Big family crisis. Sister has decided to leave her husband of 37 years because she's not happy. Believe me, I know "not happy" but why leave a long term marriage when his worst sin is that he loves her too much and is completely passive. With her, you HAVE to be passive! My kids have looked up to their Uncle as their substitute Dad since their real Dad is such a jerk and this has just thrown them for a loop. Really bad day spent mostly on the phone. She will be staying here until she can get into her new apartment next Thursday. Almost enough to distract me from the biopsy Wednesday---almost. Brings up a lot of old feelings about my divorce that I thought I'd put to bed years ago.

    Talked to my DIL and her Dad was dx with laryngeal CA today. This week SUCKS---her Mom is in tx for a BC recurrence too. We decided this week next year we are all going to Disneyworld! She may have to force her Dad onto a plane with her gun (she's an FBI agent) but we're going, dammit!

    AMY---that has to be so hard for your SO. Tell her we are all sending her hugs and moving her to the center of the circle.

    Just waiting for the phone to ring---it will be daughter, in tears, because she's just talked to her aunt.


    Have been really trying to break the alcohol habit but SO understands and brought me BIG martini tonite. I do declare, I think my nerves are shot and I never let things get to me to that degree. Do any of us have a "normal" family?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Zowie! Look who I saw on their way to the hoe-down. Spose granny will share some of her rheumitize medicine with us. No, wait, the moonshine is what started the fire. Better wait on the 'shine til after fire is built. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, what does "Please back up in my last name" mean? You know the weird friends, Vickie has brought them up a couple of times, the odd guys in the blue and red leather strap thingy. I got a great big dog to chase them away.

    Susan, you are MIA today. That's not good. We miss you.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    I think its secret spy code. Sorta like 'the dog barks at midnight and umbrellas fly in the dark.' Better get your super junior spy coat on!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Wow, I can't even finish reading the post until I find out what Nicki was referring to when she told Jeanie that sometimes 5 or 10 inches isn't so bad!?!?!?!? We's gonna get censored!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Always, I did better than that. I got Columbo to help figure out the cryptic code in Nickis post.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Ahahaha you all are just too funny. Snow I tell you, 5-10 inches of snow.

    Blame everything else on chemo brain and wine.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Cheri, I found those strappy leather guys this time. I swear I saw them sneaking into your tent.

    Nicki, I'm on my 2nd glass of wine after my big Martini Hi, my name is Jan and I am an alcoholic..oh I mean boardoholic . I friggin' hate ice!!! I can handle snow, wind, whatever, but ICE!!! AAAHHHH!!!!

    Vickie, a red living room!! I'll bet it looks really cool. I don't have the nerve to paint bold colors. My house is very neutral. I think it's because I'm afraid of freaking out DH ! I had General Tso's Chicken. When I say I'm being bad, I mean it!

    Amy, I'll join you in my favorite river in Egypt, De Nile . You know, I've told DH what I want to do if I go before him. No viewing!!! I want to be cremated and my ashes scattered where I live. A memorial service where my friends would celebrate my life would be fine. I want people to tell funny stories about me. No tears.

    Enough!!! It is hoe-down time. I am going to watch,"My Big Fat Greek Wedding, At The Hoe-Down". I always wanted to see it, but DH said it was a chick flick. Pllllfffttt!! I'm alone and I can watch whatever I want, so THERE!! So, throw another log on the fire, just not too close to the hay bales, and tune up the fiddles!! YeeHaw!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH my red living room is soooo actually takes my breath away. I love it. I just put up the border but need one more roll.
    Grabbing a glass of wine and be right back.
    What's this about 5 to 10 inches? LOL...we are going to get censored iffen we isn't careful...and where in the heck is Shel...and Mena...and Peggy...geez!
    Love ya all
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    The snow stopped the sun came out. All is well with my world.
    Have I mentioned that I hate snow?

    Hope everyone had a grand friday. Is it time for the hoe-down?
    I see we have a portapotty and some cowpokes. Somebody pass me a beer.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, here's you a beer! You better sit close to the porta-potty if you drink all that. But I bet you have help. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Ok. Looks like I have no playmates tonight. Where is everyone? That's alright I need to crochet anyway.

    NS, it'd be nice to know if you've talked to your dr. yet.

    Mena, come on out you little Roadrunner you! You have to admit you zip aroung these boards pretty fast. lol

    Susan, you ok?

    Vickie, ii know your busy with your room, glad you like the paint so well.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 is the red living room!!! Only part of it as it's too big to post all of it here.
    This is the border and you can see the red color on the walls
    My computer you can imagine where I am when I'm writing to you
    whew...if I say anything about painting for the next year someone come kick me in the behind!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    yehaw, let the party begin, beers on cheri. thanks cheri

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    The other side of the camera made the color look "spotty" but it's not...the walls are the color of the pillow on the couch.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Ok...hanging in the hoochie loft. This hay is a bit itchy. Been a rough day really sick this afternoon then realized I hadn't eaten all day (yeah I do that now and then), had a headache so decided I'd eat something...ate spicey buffalo wings with ranch dressing, took two excedrin...then had a major upset stomach so took two maalox...I'm a friggin walking medicine cabinet! Don't know how this is all going to mix with the wine but we shall see.
    Are we having a square dance?