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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Oh Susan...what wonderful news. I am so glad you are feeling better!
    Hugs and welcome back, we'll find you a special horse.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    That's great susan. You'll be using that new knee to kick fanny in no time.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007

    vicie yu really are addicted!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007

    i plan on kicking butt all the way to new york

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    NS: Tears are running down my face as I read your post. WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!! You did beat the the most maybe he sent his "little" brother, but he is no match for you or for the a** kicking he will receive from all of us!
    Praying and thinking of you G.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Lolololol...I am sooooo addicted....
    Jaz...too funny...what you seem to have lots of puter time lately...glad you are here with us...
    Susan...dont forget to do the relaxing exercises too...mentally will prepare you to kick butt...good job, take it easy cuz we want you in one piece in AUG...
    PS ..I have mpas up and this board up at the same time just incase someone comes
    have fun...cuz I'm workinghard...NOT...
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies of the circle!!!!
    another day at work here.... and it chilly out there... were expecting another 5 cm of snow :) i justlove the snow... but everyone else is getting tired of it!!
    cheri hunny whats with these strange men... do you need to tell us something darlin>>>>
    yay deb you got it... heheheheh good job
    lol jan great grandbaby can poop in the toliet maybe soon no more diapers then that a big yay!!!!!!!!
    those posters are pretty cool susan!!!!
    sheri lol it dont take long to get behind in here does it? i can be away for a few min and come back and there is 10 more posts!
    betty thats a pretty cool story....hope you have fun!
    jas eating all the ice cream????? now i got a craving for apple pie and icecream!!!!! can you bake me one????
    hahah cheri i thought you took a picture of your feet there for a minute!
    nikki i am always glad if i can make you laugh.... you know i always thought you were my age but from a post you said in 1968 you were in college or nursing school??? well i was born in 67 but you know what... your one of the coolest ones i know and i sure enjoy knowing you... i think one of the reasons for me getting bc was to meet alot of the special ladies from here...
    well back to work for now so hugs to all of you cy... margaret..sue...purple...ns....mena man that girl goes awol alot!....vickie..liz... madison...shirley...

    who is going to join me in the hoochie tent friday night??? nikki??? any takers????
    tracey..... i know i forgot some i am sorry.... i need a list!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Good Morn Girls,

    Just a quickie (no, not "that" kind of quickie!),

    So wonderful to hear the upbeat news from NS!

    Susan: So glad you are feeling better. Inside and Out. Just don't overdue!

    Vickie: More squares on the way. God, I hope you're not counting squares in your sleep!

    Nicki: Thanks for covering my a** when my boss called!

    I have to run...just one client today, but she can't get up until I get there.

    Love to all and I'll be back!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    "now i got a craving for apple pie and icecream!!!!! can you bake me one????"

    No, but I can buy you one at walmart. They are pretty darn good too!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning all,

    DD just left for her base and I have to leave for work.

    I'll catch up tonight.

    DO I hear some giggling? hahahahaha

    Tracey, it will get to 80 degrees here today. YULK
    Only place to go when you have a hot flash is in the freezer door!!!!

    Love and Hugs, Madison
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Susan-So great you are feeling better.

    NS- I am all choked up with this super news. Positive thoughts all the way for you!!!

    Kevin is still in the medic tent...he has good days and down days. Today is a down day because he has a migrain. He gets that from me,poor kid. I have him laying down in a dark room and I am making him chicken soup.Tea and chicken soup was my mom's cure all. I've been really missing her alot lately. She will be gone 9 years in May. You always miss your mom.I'll check in later.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Biker54-now I must say you are being quiet the tease by dangling that carrot out there as to what you did in Sturgis but then not telling us. That is just wrong ya know. I am thinking real hard but for the life of me I cant remember the cartoon. I do remember Mr. Green jeans though. Brought a smile to my face in fact when you mentioned him for some reason. Its funny that we can remember those things but some days I forget where I left my cell phone. Go figure. Enjoy your time alone and Atlanta is a fun town, you should have gone with him,,lol. Good idea on stealing toilets. You know how easy it is for girls to pee outside,,,NOT! We would need several pairs of jeans to change into after we peed.

    Cy-I love hominy. That is one of my favorite things. I guess I thought that was a southern thing but I really had no idea. Glad to know other people eat it.

    Susan-love the wanted pics. They made me laugh. As far as enough room on your horse we can just build you one of those side carts that you see on motorcycles. We will have you plenty of room.

    Nicki-you made me laugh about falling asleep with your glasses on. I do that often and its never a good thing. Heck though, if I take them off I cant watch TV in the bed.

    Adrionna-glad the boss didn’t look for you yesterday. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Liz-glad to see you stopping by to check on us. Packing up is never fun.

    NS-wow that’s excellent news. Wooohoooo,,,exactly what I needed to hear.

    Cheri-good idea on the hay and good thing you swiped it at a “nice” price because of the hay shortage this year it is very costly. Believe me, I am up on my hay prices.

    Cheri-I love min pins. They usually train well. Did you try the crate training method? Don’t tempt me with another dog though,,pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Betty-congrats on the finding of the good friend. You two will have a wonderful time no doubt.

    Sue-enjoy your no work day. I need one of those in the worse way. Well not really no work, I just have the dog condo to finish building and cant seem to find the time. Its dark when I get home and there isn’t enough hours in the weekend to accomplish what I need to accomplish.

    Sheri-I knew you had some wildness in you just waiting to bust out. I just knew it.

    Tracey-1967 was a good year wasn’t it? That just happens to be the year I was born.

    Alwayshope-you sound like you cook like I do.

    Joyce-sorry to hear Kevin isn’t having a good day. Hopefully the chicken soup will do the trick. Still wanting you address if you can PM it to me so I can send Kevin a care package.

    Deb-good job on the smileys. Love the star smiley. Its like my farm name.

    Ok got to run get some work done here. Bye for now but will be back!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    The jurys seated, decision is in. Next dentist appt I take only one ativan. Geez louise I was a zombie for most of the day yesterday. Note to self. Do not cook while in drug induced fog. Burned 1 batch of brownies, one very nice roast, one batch of rice(in a rice cooker no less, how does one burn rice in a rice cooker?) and cracked my favorite roasting dish. Guess I should be grateful I didn't burn the house down. Hope it's a nice day today cause my house smells like burned food and I really need to open the windows.

    Denise, hope your feeling better today.

    Susan, thats a very scary story. But as someone in chat often says. Graduating at the bottom of the class still gets them an MD after their name.
    I didn't rename you. I gave Ginney your name. It was only a temp brain fart tho and I returned it to you post haste.

    Jule, you have far more energy than me.

    Amy, you haven't seen me dance. It's not pretty.

    MB, for me personally I'm glad my onc doesn't do tests.

    Hi Judy, the weather here today is the pits. It's pouring buckets.

    Jas ice cream is good for your bones.

    Bayyore, I would kick him but I'd probably break a hip. I can hit him with my bat if you would like.

    Cheri, hoping your mood has improved today. I think it was liz who posted the pic of crochet. I posted pic of my bumpy yarn. Which is now on hat #3. I love this nifty knitter thing.

    Joyce, good luck on the interview next week. I'll have all appendages crossed appropriately.

    Well shoot howdy. Looks like we started the ho-down early.

    Jeannie, praying for your biopsy.

    Cheri, just noticed you have an avatar. awwwwwwww to cute.

    Good gracious its really storming out there. Hmmmm I have to take my guys lunch it a couple of hours. No way I'm going out in this. They will have to starve.

    Shokk said the P word. Where? I missed it. Scrolling..........ooooooo I'm telling.

    Jan, yes to the root planning. Is scaling the same thing? No one mentioned that word. It wasn't to bad actually. Or maybe it was just the drugs and I didn't give a hoot. Only a teeny bit sore yesterday.
    hang with us while hubby is away. You won't miss him a bit.

    Margaret, the storm hit with a vengence this morning. Stay dry.

    Socal, I missed the legoland pic. How did I miss that. I wanna take my gs's there one of these days. Hmmmm another good reason for son #2 to get stationed in San Diego.

    Nicki, you fell asleep with your glasses on. Wow you must have been tired.
    I haven't exercised in weeks.

    HI Liz, don't work to hard.

    aaaaaa the rubber guys are back. I wanna know how much they got paid to pose for that pic.

    Tracey, that is just wrong.

    NS YEHAW!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!! HIP HIP HURRAH!!!!!
    Dancing like Elaine just for you.

    Cheri, have you tried crate training scooter? Not sure it would work with an older dog but maybe worth a shot.

    ooooo she said it again.....hehheheheheehehheh. Please don't send me to the time out tent. I'm a real B***H without my cigs.

    Gentle hugs for Kevin.

    looks like the rain is slowing down so maybe the guys won't starve today. See you all later. I'm off to chisel brownies out of the pan.

    PS, took me two hours to read everything this morning. Geez you girls were chatty last night.
    See ya.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Hi Amy,
    I sent you a PM-Thanks

    Looks like I am a boardaholic too!

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007
    I'm having my first mammo in a year on my 'good' boob (aka the lone ranger). Well, since March anyway. Almost a year. Wish me luck!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hi Peggy---

    Sending you 4 leaf clovers and horse-shoes! Good luck!

    It's good to see you.

    Deb C
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    Have started to post here a couple times this morning, but keep loosing them .....boss forgot to tell me there was a meeting here this morning in our conference room!!!! Have had people coming in all morning needing the heck was I suppose to be ready when this meeting doesnt even involve this office!!!! I had no idea they would need interent hookups, phone, pens/pencils, paper!!!! Oh well, I got them all settled in now maybe they will leave me alone so I can finally try to get caught up here and post.....

    A person would think I manage the office here or something....really wonder about others who dont realize I have a life outside work too....(ha ha, guess I shouldnt complain since Im not outside work right now )

    Shirely, more energy...heck no!! that little girl has more energy than I by a long shot!!!!!! thank goodness she is a good little thing...I cant imagine trying to make all this work if she were a problem child...

    NS...I have been following your posts here......I was so happy to hear your great news!!!!!

    CY.....are you getting snowed on this morning? It was 45 degrees and over cast when I came to work this morning.....just looked out and it is snowing!!!!...

    Oooops gotta run, here they come again.....
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OK.....My name is debbie and I am a boardaholic! I now come here to read BEFORE I even check my e-mail! LOL it cracked me up when I realized it.

    I have been thinking about something I want to share with you ladies....One of the things that cancer took away from me without me even realizing it was my dreams. I had almost quit dreaming about the future...thinking about and planning for my future. I have made a conscious effort to start dreaming again. You know something? It feels nice! I am slowly taking back the things that cancer stole from me.

    I am running late, so I don’t have time to reply to everyone this morning. I’m sending hugs and reminding you to dare to DREAM today

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi Peggy...hey...nobody beats the Lone Ranger so you're safe!
    Sending lots of positive thoughts your way...all will be well.
    Vickie could come out and play a bit more you know!!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Deb that same thing happened to me also and when I realized it I did something about it. Hence the 10 acre farm I have always wanted and building a house. I guess maybe my dreams got a bit carried away but I am enjoying the heck out of it. Nothing like a good dare,,maybe even a double dog dare ya and I think Cheri would be the one to donate the dog to use. Poor ol scooter,,I cant remember if you said poop or pee hmm will have to go back and luck but a tissue picks up poop better than a male dog walking around hiking on everything. Neither is great I know but poor ol scooter. I know thats not exactly what you are thinking about scooter,,huh?

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Dreams...hmmm...BC made me think and act on mine...last summer I bought a back hoe..for making Japenese Gardens.( could have used it when I built the house but no I put it off..)..and I just got a convertible to take the Gkids for ice cream when it gets nice...and anyone at PINKSTOCK, ok,I know these are tangible things but before BC I NEVER bought myself anything...even wore the same jeans for years, and the same clothes for ever...what bell bottoms went out of style ..hmmm...I quit 2 of My jobs so that I had more me time and have successfully filled it up. with stuff for me...and being here with the BEST group of people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting...
    SO Deb...dream and dream it today don't know what tomarrow will bring and by then its today...don't put things off. is what i have learned...
    hugs MB the working board aholic...shhh don't tell my boss....
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon all,

    I'm at work, so just a quick post. I hardly slept at all last night. I don't like sleeping alone, although I am much better today about being alone. I will definately take some Advil PM tonight!

    Peggy, well hellooooo there. I'm sure mammo will be just fine.

    Joyce, that's too bad about Kevin's migraine. My son had them as a child and he never grew out of them. You feel so bad for them.

    I didn't take notes and I can't remember a darned thing that was posted .

    I'll check in later when I get home. You know I have nothing else to do tonight, except watch Grey's Anatomy.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    MB - My husband is going to want to adopt you...or marry you as a second wife! You have a BACK HOE! LOL He wants one SO bad. I, on the other hand just want your pond. It's beautiful!

    Deb C
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Deb, bring him too, I have lots of digging projects, I'll save him my back hoe....
    MB...I really should be
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    OK, I'm bad...I did giggle over the Shokk and Shirley's comments. He's much better today, girls, so those virtual/mental kicks did the trick! Thanks...I may call on ya'll from time to time....
    I'm gonna miss the hoedown this weekend..I forgot the hubby and I are going to the breast cancer conference near DC! I'm going to meet a longtime online friend(my 17 year old thnks that's weird..making friends online...irresponsible uncautious mom that I am, I guess!) Anyhow, hopefully, we'll have a lot of fun at the conference and learn some things too. Oh there's a PJ party on Saturday night where we can enhance our intimate life....hmmmmm....supposedly all sorts of intimacy helpers will be available for sale.... but that's another thread...
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Intimacy helpers?
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007

    I know, can you imagine...all us girls in our pjs...surrounded by the .....intimacy helpers.....I'm just praying they don't ask for volunteers!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 guys are too much!!! Have!!! I want to hear about the itimacy helpers when you return LOL.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    I must say I got a kick out of reading about intimacy helpers myself.

    Deb-speaking of the backhoe-My dad owns a Case backhoe and its out on the farm as we speak and has been for about 2 months now. I was raised on a backhoe so you can imagine the projects I am accomplishing. Speaking of raised on a backhoe,,I cant imagine growing up without one? I mean what better way to put lights on your house from Christmas than to be lifted up by the backhoe. Much easier than a ladder and you can put everything you need ride in the bucket with you. I guess thats one of those stories that you think is normal until you start telling it and watching peoples reactions.
