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  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    I hear it's BYOB(
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007

    You ladies are SOOOOOO bad, but it will be fun to hear about this PJ party!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. I woke up feeling usual this morning.(Notice I didn't say 'Normal') I wasn't angry anymore or in a bad mood. I don't do that very often but when I do I just hate that I hate everything. Better today.

    Betty, so nice that you've connected to an old friend.

    Vickie, I'm kinda like you about the anniversarys. I imaging the only one I'll celebrate is at the first of Oct. when I finished all treatments and have a year behind me. Now that's a reason to celebrate with good thoughts. Also, if you want to wear short skirts with thongs that's alright but just wanted to warn you city girls about the hay cos it'll make your....behind itchy.

    Susan, so glad to see you in the outter circle. I still haven't made it to Spfld. I've stayed in my jammies all week. Again. I just can't make myself get out. Yes, I think I have some sort of problem with that.

    Always, nice job on Susans poster.

    Amy, at this point with Scooter my 'crate method' would be to throw it at him! We have had many dogs over the years and have never had any trouble house breaking them. We even had a black lab that we'd taught hand signals to. This dog will not learn. When my dh is home he puts on thick gloves to rub his nose in his mess cos that little mini-pin has Spunk! He will bite and last week made my dh's hand bleed even w/gloves on. He doesn't bite any other time just when having his nose rubbed in his doo doo. I didn't know which one of them were coming out alive on that little deal! We have a dog door that my rat terrier, Ollie, uses and Scoot goes out of it too but then comes back in here to do his business! And yes, he is a male dog and must mark his spot if a wal-mart bag is left on the floor. Ewwww. I go around behind him with a can of cleaner & Lysol. He is not my dog!!

    Tracey, you thought my avatar was my feet?? Now I'll admit to going several days without shaving my legs but my feet...i only have the little hairs that grow on my toes.

    Peggy, good luck on your mammogram.

    Holly, things sound better at your house if you & your dh are going away for the week-end. It's great meeting a Cyber friend after 17 years.

    Hey to Liz, Deb, Madison, MB, Nicki, Boo, Sheri, Shokk, Denise, Denise, Carrie, Joyce, Shirley, Jule, Jan, Ginney, and anyone I might've mistakenly missed. Hope you all are having a good day. I'll be back.

    I have gotten so bad. I sleep odd hours and late in the day. I was supposed to get together with the lady in town that I met in chat so she can help me with the crocheting...yesterday. I did finally talk to her but it was late so I'm supposed to call her today. I've never met her and I think I'm putting it off. But it's a rock & a hard spot cos I need to learn how to turn my stitches around so I need to meet her. I did so much better on my Paxil than this Lexapro. Social Anxiety. I wonder if she would think me odd if I stayed in my jammies when she came out? Well I am odd. I was supposed to call her when I got up but I HAVE to read the Circle before anything else. That takes awhile and then I have to compose my post. So now its 2 hrs. later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Oh my, Oh my!!!!

    I really need to go back and read what you have all been doing.....intimacy helpers hummmmmmmm!!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Oh, a thought for next weekend's party (and it may be my only thought for the month)....

    It hit 80 degrees here today....which made me think (gosh, I really did think!!) about having a

    BEACH BLANKET PARTY next weekend....

    Expecially for all of you in the cold and snow....

    We could go somewhere warm, listen to the Beach Boys...Surfin' Safari.....

    What do you think?

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Hey Holly be sure and take some pictures......lots and lots of pictures.......

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    I liked that idea. The beach is my happy place and I am having cabin fever.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi All,

    Checked in to read three times today. (I'm not working today, so I don't check the boards as often. I'm a bad employee...) I enjoy reading what everyone's saying so much. Just haven't had too much to say myself.

    Tuesday and Wednesday were good days. Tuesday two of my friends who been out of work for 3 months and 8 months respectively got jobs - nice ones too from the sound of it. That is especially worth celebration here in poor old Michigan. Wednesday our agency got twin gift babies (gift babies are where we haven't been working with mom during her pregnancy; we just get a call from the hospital saying they have babies for us). The family that will be adopting them couldn't pick them up until fairly late in the evening as the new adopt mom was out of town. So, poor me, I had to spend the afternoon cuddling these babies. It was lots of fun for me and the other admin as we don't get nearly as much baby time as the social workers.

    Today the bottom sort of fell out. I've been having some intermittent problems with double vision, but figured it was just because I'm so darn tired lately. When I mentioned it to the PA at the onc's office today, she agreed that it's probably nothing to worry about, but had me schedule an MRI anyway. So now I'm worrying. The test is scheduled for March 1 and I'm afraid it's gonna be a long week.

    I read all the posts, and thought of so many things to say, but the energy is gone after todays treatment, so I think I'll rest before I have to go to a meeting tonight. You guys always make me smile, which is why I decided to pop in before I stretch out on the couch.

    Hugs to all,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Anne, I had vision problems from chemo and also had dizziness. It could be one of the many after effects of chemo that they conveniently forget to tell us about...
    Can you imagine if they told us EVERYTHING?? No one would do it!

    I do not have my final reports today. It is my onc's day off.. so I have to wait! But I am pretty certain the techs were correct.

    If you all are going to have a beach party then you might as well come here! I have got the beach!!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    NS--Couldn't post from The Land of Sam (Ithaca) too often but I was so glad to hear your news! I have learned thru experience that if you want a straight answer ask the techs and nurses so rely on that. My onc's nurse always tells me straight, even if it's not great news. You're absolutely correct about the beach but we'd all have to join the polar bear club to do it this coming weekend.

    MB---all this time I've been picturing a very woodland and rustic site for Pinkstock when, in fact, it's gorgeous and has Koi. Boy, are we going to be livin' large! You and Amy covet backhoes---I want a Saturn Sky but would have to talk SO into getting rid of his '90 Miata with 30K miles on it---not to mention the '65 Triumph he has stored. I'm driving the family sedan (altho it's a pretty spiffy sedan) but my heart has always hankered after a real sports car. Really don't like his Miata---gears are too tight (and too much work for the way I drive) and it rides like a roller skate with bucket seats. Maybe I'll follow my DREAMS and figure out where to store it later. The current dream is to learn how to make jewelry. Are you coming to town for the Syracuse Nationals? I used to have a '65 hardtop Thunderbird but had to sell it to pay a semester's tuition for my degree----afraid to go to the Nationals for fear I'll die of Thunderbird envy! Can you tell I'm a car freak?

    Gotta go finish dinner. Stitches came out today---hand is sore but---eureka---it bends! What a novelty, to have a thumb that bends. Now I just have to break the habit of doing all of the things I learned to do without bending my thumb.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Eveing Everyone: Well, I have decided that Im probably the wagon circles mom! Tracey and Amy, you are the same age as my son!! Had him when I was 17, so he turns the big 40 this coming October. My oldest grandson is 21!

    The last time I went to a pub with my son, he was standing at the bar and I was up doing the shimmy - he said, mom! your embarrassing me. Im probably the youngest 57 year old you will know.

    Well I accomplished a big step in this journey. Saw my BS for f/u from port removal. Everything looks good and I dont have to see him anymore, unless I want to. Sort of strange - feel like I dropped him like a hot potatoe.

    Shokk: I love the time out tent. I just have one question. Will there be any real P's there?

    Susan: Good to hear your feeling good.

    Tracey: I shiver with fear now, when I hear you are getting bad weather. This past Winter, that seems to be a sign for bad weather here in Chicago. Today was another pretty day.

    Joyce: Im hoping Kevin feels better.

    Vickie: Bets you want to go to Holly's party lol.

    Sherloc: Ativan hangover doesnt sound like fun.

    Amy: Please tell this city girl what hominy is?

    Sherloc and Amy: I watch alot of TV in my bedroom, so I fall asleep with them all the time. But it must have been a wild night and I must have rolled on them. Anyways, they are still crooked. Im gonna go get them straightened tomorrow. My eyebrows are still so pitful from chemo I just drew one eyebrow higher than the other aand I looked ok.

    Peggy: What better person to accompany you to the mammogram than chemosabi? The Lone Ranger and chemosabi. What a reunion.

    DebC: I like thinking about the future. Its a good feeling.

    Ok - so here is my story for today. Now everyone, these are real stories and they are really happening. It amazes me how much breast cancer is around us. Seems like Im meeting someone everyday. So I go to my surgeons office and his nurse - who is my age - looks tired and pale. But I dont say anything, cause why? Anyways as we were talking she told me he was diagnosed with breast cancer in November. Had a lumpectomy and is going through RADS right now. She has had 20 sessions and is all burnt. Told her about this site. DebC, I told her about you and being in Alaska and all. Pretty touching moment. But my goodness, so much breast cancer.

    Yes, I did exercise tonight. Did 35 wall push up and walked 2 miles. But it was very hard and I didnt like it one bit.

    Vickie, Madision, Oh everyone else - I gotta go, dinner is done. See ya all in the morning.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Hi Friends,
    I just read some of the post. But I didn't take notes, so I know I'm gonna screw up (can I say that?) I mean, screw might lead some to think of a tool, then some might think of a tool as a ************Penis**********. Or I could leave the word tool out, but then some might take the word *********screw******** and adapt that to there likings also!! So anyhow, I'll probably "mess up" cuz I don't remember if I don't take notes. Wow, a star goes to anyone who can figure out that paragraph!!

    Shirley: I knew you'd learn to love your knifty knitter!!!!
    Maybe we can knit everyone hats for Pinkstock!
    Deb: I, too have let my email go unchecked for days at a time. I always head right here, then I'm to tired to mess with emails!
    Bayyore: Intimacy Helpers....Let us know. I did just get a killer deal on batteries. One never knows when or where they will be needed!
    Madison: Beach Party sounds wonderful! It's already 80 in LA? Jealous!
    Peggy: Good luck on the mammo. Mine is March 13th (I think), first time they have let me go a year. Apprehension is setting in.
    Gotta close before this site erases my post.
    Love and Hugs,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Bayyore, volunteering is a selfless act that gives back so much.

    Denise said the P word.....ooooooo
    I am having a grand time with my nifty knitter. Ran out of bumpy yarn. Have to go get some more.

    Amy, every girl needs a backhoe.

    Cheri, anyone who comes to my house expects to find me in my robe. If I'm home I'm in jammies. What else would you wear at home?

    madison, ppppppppppplllllllllllllllllttttttt
    I'm shivering over here.

    Anne, Gift babies indeed. My prayers for the birth mom and the babies new family.

    Jeannie, lets here it for thumbs that bend. Without them we wouldn't be able to put the batteries in correctly.

    Nicki, no TV in my bedroom or I'd fall asleep with my glasses on to.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls. Okay, so I called the girl in town that I met in Chat from here. I warned her that my house was a mess & she didn't care. She came out and she's really nice & I liked her. She taught me to do the double stitch thing for crocheting like my directions say. Shoot, it's pretty simple. So far. I can't wait until I get a whole square done!

    Susan, I still haven't been to town yet. I put it off every day. I just hate getting out.

    NS, I expect you'll hear from your oncs office tomorrow. I know it'll be the news you're waiting for.

    Mena, you can come out & play now. Anytime.

    Shirley, I did stay in my jammies when she came. lol

    Oooh, the beach sounds wonderful. And since it's a vitual party I can still wear my itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka dot bikini! I'm 5'10 and my legs still look 'fine' along with everything else. Oh what fun we'd have.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Nicki the answer to you question is just the quards........but let's put it this get to pick which guards you want.........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka dot bikini!!! That was my plan all through chemo as the ocologist told me lumpectomy...much to my surprise my breast surgeon after chemo said no way...crap...itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka dot bikini out the door. I actually cried over that fact more than the friggin surgery!
    Really really really tired sweet ladies. Cold here again...I need spring!
    Going to go crawl in bed with my crocheting to you all, I may return later if I don't fall asleep first. all in my heart...
    where is Shel, Denise, Carrie, Mena, Puppyfive, LauraB, geez...even Peggy pops in once in a while!
    I need a gift baby to cuddle!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007

    Jeannie of course we willb e at the Nationals...camping at Green Lakes...can't wait..
    Amy I can't wait til next xmas, never thought of putting up lights..i have a huge tree out front...whoo hoo...
    Ok one more picture of the check it out at PINKSTOCK...
    Cheri isn't it fun meeting with other BC girls...glad you did I expect to see lots of
    Anne can you bring the gift bbies to pink stock? would love to grandma a few...

    Sige good to see you posting...looks like a few of us are on the same schedule...March check up here too...

    Nicki...great day of exercising I'm so proud of you...and its a big step...but doesnt it feel good to drop that Dr like a hot potatoe...good luck

    good evening all...kiddo wants his puter back...
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Jolly good evening to all,

    Amy, we definately have to steal porta-potties. DH always tells me that I can't pee outside because I always pee on my jeans . He is right. I am a sloppy pee-er.
    I am so jealous of your 10 acre farm. We have 3 acres, but no animals. I always wanted to live on a farm. I had a horse when we were first married, but we boarded him out.

    Shirley, root planing and deep scaling are kind of the same thing. I'm glad you haven't had too much discomfort! Most of our patients aren't nearly as bothered by it as they think they will be. Good luck with the other side.

    Cheri, I love your new avatar. Puppies are too cute! I'm mostly a cat person, but I prefer to think of myself as an animal person.

    NS & Jeannie, you are right about nurses. I get most of my info from them. If you want to know the best docs, just ask a nurse!

    NS, you can get a nice front close sports bra at Wal-Mart. They are made by Best Form.

    Jeannie, I always wanted to make jewelry too. I love funky, hippy type stuff. The artsy-fartsy stuff, ya know!
    I'm so glad your thumb is bending. Boy, we really take a lot for granted.

    Nicki, 57 is not old. I'm 55 and you are not old enough to be my Mamma! Remember when we thought 30 was ancient?
    Our weather has been beautiful here also. In the 40's the last 3 days, although it was kind of a gray day today.
    Bwwwaahhhaahhhaa!! The Lone Ranger & Chemosabi???

    Shokk, AAAAAHHHHHHH! You said penis again!! That's ok. It's not like we don't know what they are for...with the exception of Vickie, who has become a born again virgin

    Bayyore, do tell. Keep us informed about the intimacy helpers. Inquiring minds want to know!

    Not much happening here. Same old sh*t, different day. I will be taking some Advil PM so I can possibly sleep tonight. My son is intent on moving to Florida and taking my beloved grandkids away. Waaaahhhh!! I guess he will do what he has to do, but geez, I will miss them.
    I'm going to get a couple of things done and then get ready to watch Grey's Anatomy. Bye for now,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Always, what a shocker. To see my face on a wanted poster. I have to find a picture of you now, darn it.

    Cheri, you and Glenda Good Witch would make a great team. "sic 'em precious" I'm not a dog expert but Scooter probably could learn to poop outside but it would be a lot of work, and maybe even new carpeting. You would have to keep the dog on a leash with you all the time and take him outside on a regular basis. The dog would have no freedom and unfortunately neither would you.

    Betty if you send me the cowgirl picture I"ll do it for you.

    MB thanks for reminding me about relaxation exercises. very important.

    Shirley, you like the nifty knitter? I can't figure it out. I went back to crocheting.

    Jpann, how dare all those people interrupt your board time at work!!

    Deb, about dreams, I was having similar thoughts the other day. All the things I've given up on because of my health and/or age. No more. I'm gonna go for it.

    Peggy, good luck with the mammogram. We can all come with you if you like.

    Holly have a good time at the conference. Bring back the tips.

    Madison, a beach party sounds like a great idea.

    Anne sorry about your double vision. Please don't worry until you have to. Easy to say, huh.

    Nicki, I am 57 also. I don't want to be the circle mother, though. I'm more the big sister type.

    Vicki I'm ready for spring also.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Hi, Hi, Hi, All....

    I took a break from working on an afghan to peek in the circle...Vickie and I should each have one finished by this weekend.....

    Grey's Anatomy just started...I'll be back....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    can't even comment on Gray's Anatomy till I quit bawling...geez...first time in a long time they made me cry. What's with the no previews...don't say that was the last show of the season!!!
    Love ya all
    Sweet happy joyous dreams
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Posted MB's picture of her rainbow in the Pinkstock thread...beautiful...check it out.
    See you all in the morning...I HAVE THE DAY OFF!! YIPPEE
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Gina - YAY!!!!! I'm so happy the techs tipped you off - from my experience if they give any indication at all - they're usually right. They clam up when they see something. So - we'll go with that!

    You girls are so busy!! I had 7 unread pages I think - wow..

    Unfortunately, I have to work a little...catch up later!


  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    Hey---I'm 62 so let's be careful about who we're calling old, girlfriends!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Oh boo hoo....Grey's Anatomy got to me this time..Sob!!

    I'm seeing double right about now and I must hit the sack. Night,night all. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Ugh, who ever came up with that?

    Oh Vickie, lucky you!!! I only work a half day on Fri., so I guess I have half the day off.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    Hi, all. I tried the note taking, so here goes.

    MB-Loved the picks of your pond. How many gallons is it? Our is about 750. DH says he heard a bullfrog in it tonight. I'm surprised. I thought they hibernated. It was only 36 here today. It's a heat wave!!

    NS-Excellent news. Looking forward to more of the same.

    Tracey-It's going to take a whole lot of beer to make those two guys look good.

    DebC-The dreams thing has been bothering me too, lately. Sometimes I think about what cancer has taken from me. I feel as though I've been robbed. It makes me really angry. I know that others outside of the cancer world, just don't get it. They think that I should be happy just to be alive. Well, sometimes that's just not enough!! But, I'm starting to act on some of my "dreams", too.

    Nicki-You are not old enough to be my mother. I'll be 57 in October.

    Madison-80 degrees!! Sheesh, and I thought 36 was a heat wave.

    I've had a busy day. I joined a water work out class at the Y. Been wanting to do it for a long time, but was a little shy about joining a new group. Turns out that 2 women from another class I'm in at the Y are in it, and they ugred me to join them. It was fun.

    I 'm knitting a new baby afghan for my niece. She's having a baby in May. She tells us it's a girl. Sure hope she's right. The afghan is pink with a lacey heart design. I've also been scrap booking this week. I started this album during chemo almost 2 years ago. It's time I get it done, before I forget what the pictures were about.

    Why is it that on the days I exercise, I want to pig out with chocolate when I get home? All that work, sabotaged. Well, maybe I would have eaten the chocolate even if I hadn't worked out.

    Have a good night's sleep all. I know I didn't mention everyone, but I enjoyed reading your posts. Hope those of you in the medic tent are out of there soon.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow i jsut can't see straight again. so I'll try to catch up later.
    hugs and prayers to all
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    I had to skip about 10 pages to catch up, you gals are chatty.
    Susan and all of those older than my 44.5 yrs, I have no sisters and appreciate your big sister-ness. Susan, wanna head to NY together in Aug? PM , if you have interest.
    Gotta catch up on a few other threads and the TV, I taped tonight. Love to all, good health and Spring breezes!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Thata waould be good if you all can meet up and pick up others aolng the way to PINkSTOCK

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    You girls wanted a 'Porta Potty' for our it is. It's just perfect for us girls on the go! lol
