Gina, thank you for reading the Russian news for us... this one is especially funny since it comes from a paper called Tvoi Den... meaning "Your day"... definitely made hers...
Hope you are feeling better and that Abraxane is not giving you worse and worse side-effects...
CatherineH0 -
Hi and Good night to all!
Just taking a minute to check on all.......which I haven't done yet.............
Just checking the flights to make sure my Son has landed..It says "arriving" so I take that to mean he is here safe and sound. My dear SIL is picking him up.......I won't see him until Morning.
My Daughters Ultra Sound went perfectly!!!! The Doctor said everything was just perfect!!!! Always a relief to her that. The little critter didn't want to show us it's "privates" at first. The Doc explained all.....the heartbeat, spine, brain, hands, legs, little toes and fingers. Even waved at us and stuck it's fingers in it's mouth!!!! Daughter had to get up and walk around and empty her bladder to see if the wee one would cooperate and let us see what it was!!!!!!!! It's a wee little Boy!!!! I'm so excited......I have never seen a Ultra Sound before. Of course my 3 year old Granddaughter said......"but I want a sister!"
We are leaving early morning for the lake. Going to head down to my DD's and see my Son and leave him a car. Then we are heading to the cottage. Son and Fiance are coming up a bit later and Daughter and family are coming up in the evening! I'll be home Sunday night or Monday morning...Son is leaving to go back Monday Afternoon, so we won't be late.
Hope all is well and remains well with you all! Take care and I will see you soon!
p.s. DH is on my last nerve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will send him to anyone in need, free of charge..........with no return address!!!!0 -
Vickie, breakfast was awesome this morning, especially the cinnamon rolls.
Suz, hope the dr. gave you somethin for your bladder infection....yuck. Now I see you have something else to worry about
Brenda, that sucks that you lost part of your tooth. Brenda, I set the timer on the coffee pot so it's ready when you wake up. This one's yours:
This one's mine:
Charlene, that Ativan pputs me to sleep and I don't wake up. I was asleep by 10 and didn't wake up until 4:30 a.m. First time in a long time; hubby did say I snored though. The mean lady sounds looney. She's probably like my FIL - treats the horses better than people. Best to let it drop.
Rita, I'e been meaning to check out shoebuy.com as well - free shipping both ways. Let me know what you think.
Wild/jan, that was funny about global warming. Prayers for good news.
Shirley, 3:30 in the morning - yuck. I don't think I'd go to bed.
Shokk, you'll like the crock pot. I don't like to clean up either.
Aw Doris, I'm so sorry you were feeling this way today. You keep that drawer if you need it. People don't understand unless they have been there. Hugs to you.
Liz, it's hard when a parent is ill. I hope everything works out for your MIL.
Nickie, that's why Shannon doesn't want to work in a hospital, and when I was at Stanford and when my mom was at Kaiser, nurses from both places told me not to have her go to work in a hospital. She's a great nurse and loves what she is doing.
Brenda, good job on walking two miles.
Welcome back Jankay.
Gina, ouch, but he probably deserved it.
CY, sorry about the infection; glad you caught it quickly.
Jan, I like martini Thursday. That would go well in my house too. Oh, I have a quesy stomach so I'd throw out the heesecake although its probably fine.
Madison, hope the new office person works out.
Denise, have a great time.
Love and hugs to everyone. Many missing; please check in.
Oh, while I'm thinking about it, I have a girlfriend, a two time ovarian cancer survivor (and she's only 37), who has started an eBay store. I told her I'd ask you ladies abou this - her newsletter; she wanted to get some ideas for her newsletter; she wants to put in an inspirational page, a prayer page, nice things to do, healthy recipes, etc. If any of you are interested and willing to look at her website or contribute an article, PM me and I'll give you the website.
Everyone have a good night.
Margaret0 -
Elaine, I just saw a thread on costochondritis on this site and I did a quick check and didn't see that you had posted anything so maybe you haven't seen it.
Margaret0 -
Popping in quickly - for some stupid reason I managed to delete my virus scan so I'm downloading it again. Grrrrrrr.
Hugs to all who need it and prayers are always with you.
On my home front more bad news. Tomorrow my DH and his family will decide on what to do with my MIL. Earlier today, her sister was found unresponsive in Wichita, KS and was taken to the ER. She was put on a respirator and I just found out there is no brain activity. Waiting now to see what the latest is. DH mentions that he has an itchy rash on his chest,back and arms. He has little red bumps with white centers in them. Hello? I told him he'd best see a doc tomorrow. Men are just so stupid at times.
What a day!
Sorry all I've done is post about me! I just haven't had much of a chance to read and catch up.
Liz0 -
Thank you my friends,I knew no matter what I could count on you.Well the evil and i had it out again this m orning.He told me that I made everyone miserable.That dosent work anymore.I told karen that i will do anything for her.but from now on out on wednesday unless she plans ahead I have plans for a long time.SO she decided since she treated me so bad yesterday that i should go tomorrow.which is what i am goiong t o.i dont know what they would do without a sitter for either of them.
Oh well,i am very tried.hugs to all of you ..0 -
Hey Liz-
I'm sending you hugs...sounds like you have had a rough patch...hang in there. Sorry to hear about DH's Aunt (it is an aunt..right? I stink at family tree stuff) Good luck with MIL decisions, this kind of stuff is just hard.
Has DH had chicken pox? White centers kind of rules out hives....what else causes red bumps? Hmmmmmm. You are right, too the doc with him. YOU don't want to catch it!
Things here are getting better. I need to get into my new schedule and I will be feeling much better.
I need to do dishes and hit the bed. Hugs to everyone. Hopefully tomorrow I can catch up.
Deb C0 -
Good Morning sisters.
With all the Ecards you are sending out, advising to be careful when opening them. I received one from a site called greetingsnecards.com, which contained a Trojan horse virus, but was lucky my anti virus software picked it up.
Thinking of you all, have a great Friday
Peter0 -
good morning all,
Peter...time to go to bed. Are you resting any better. Good advice about opening emails.
Jankay...thanks for tweakin the toes.
Liz...ok..you have wayyyy to much on your plate. Wanna run away to NY LOL. Hugs to you...miss ya.
Gina...oh I so loved that story...I think she could be the leader of our deliverance tent.
Brenda...feel like you do...calling the docs today.
Madison...I've gotten stuck late twice this week. Only because my computer has decided to throw hissy fits.
Ok...Margaret started breakfast and I'll make some biscuits and sausage gravy.
Will catch up later...gotta get to work.
Love and hugs all around,
Vickie0 -
Good morning sisters. Happy aniversary, I need to go back and read when I first posted on this thread.
Sorry I've been MIA, but new job takes up all of my time. And I'm in my bedroom working!!
Had my 2nd stage recon last week. Took out my port, lypo'd my breast and dog ears on my stomach. Woke up and was confused about not having my nipple yet, thought it fell off!
Want you to know I'm reading and missing all and will jump back in when quiet. I love you all and love reading about Pinkstock and so wish that I was there. Still wear all of my tee and sweatshirts. xoxoxo0 -
Liz, you have a full plate. Good luck with decision on MIL. Then to have aunt on top of that. Definitely get hubby to dr. Hugs to you.
Robin, if evil is so miserable, then why does he stick around? He's trying to emotionally knock you down so don't you let him. Good for you for telling Karen that the way things are going to be. You are entitled to a life as well and no one should be treating you the way she did yesterday - that wasn't fair. Both of your daughters need you to babysit and they should appreciate you not scream at you because you aren't available for a day.
Hi Peter, hope you are doing well. I was cautious about opening my ecards for that very reason.
Vickie, I love biscuits and gravy. We have two cafeterias at work and that's what I eat when they serve it on the menu. The other cafeteria had it one day (they have different menus) so we went there, ordered the biscuits and gravy and I realized it was brown gravy - I asked why they didn't have country gravy and was told that because that cafeteria has a lot of people who don't eat pork, they serve it with brown gravy???? Ok, we work for the same company - we have the same number of people who don't eat pork using the other cafeteria. The catering manager let her go. Haven't been back to that cafeteria.
It seems pretty quiet around here this morning. I'll check back later. Everyone have a great day.
Margaret0 -
Jankay....welcome back, I know you were pulling your hair out with board withdrawals! Thanks for the funny!
CY, goodness, like you need anything else! Hope the antibiotic gets rid of the infection in your port. I couldn't get anyone to lay claim to my port to keep it flushed so thank God i am having it removed, with the uniboob on Oct 1.
WOW Jan a trip to Cancun sounds fabulous. DH and I did an all-inclusive there once and it was great. All inclusive is the only way to go in my book. All the booze you want and no tipping? My idea of a good vacation.
Suz, I've had the same problem with the veins as you. Only one arm to use, no good veins. Had one bi*** actually stick me on the inside of the wrist before I could say what the hell are you doing. Ended up with a 4 inch bruise and let there looking like a suicide cancer patient. NOT a happy camper that day.
Oh crap Madison, I got your PM and have so much going on, my chemo brain forgot to go back and send you something. I am sure it is great!
Denise, congrats on your baby boy grandson! Enjoy the family this weekend!
Margaret, sounds like I need to get the ativan. Having an awful time staying asleep at night. No problem falling asleep but can't seem to stay there. Maybe I should do a boot camp and wear myself out?? Nah...........
Liz, maybe hubby just has a heat rash??? Or a new allergy to something. Have you switched detergent or anything like that?
Robin, I am proud of you for taking charge in your life and standing up to your kids and the EVIL one. Your life is all about YOU dammit and don't let them forget it. LOL
Hey Deb, hope you are feeling more like your old self. We hear you say you don't have the same energy you use to but man oh man you sound busy to me! Had to laugh at some of the comments when you first started posting here. I remember when I first came to bc.org and I saw your posts all over and thought to myself, that is one crazy lady, I love it!
Gina, great story, toooooooo funny.
Puppy, hugs to you. I am so sorry for your loss.
Vickie.... missed some stuff I think, when are you and MB coming to Florida?? Cocoa Beach?
Elaine, how was your lunch with CatfromFL??
Brenda, I've had a dry throat cough. Rad onc said it is from that and also DRY mouth since chemo. It is getting better though. Sorry to hear of your broken tooth. Dang when it rains it pours around here.
And Amy too with the dental. WTH? Is this something we all have to look forward to?
Hi Charlene, how was you transvaginal?? YUCK just had one myself a couple of weeks ago. Did they use the golfball wand on you too?? Good Lord.
Tricia, it is like the medical profession does not get it when you are trying to have things done in a timely way. Of course they should try and have this done this calender year! Geez.............
Karen, hope you are getting the effexor dosage settled. I know alot of women are taking that for hot flashes. When I was first dx'd my pcp insisted I go on an ant-depressant. I kept saying I'm not depressed, just scared out of my mind. Finally he talked me into it. By the time I started on the tamoxifen, I basically didn't give a tinkers damn about much of anything. So when Dr. Google said the SSRI and tamox don't go together it seemed like the perfect time to come off the antidep. So I wean it out of my system, start feeling like there is a life to live and WHAM, ask about something for the hot flashes and without telling me it is an anti-depressant the onc gave me effexor. Dr. Google to the rescue again, saw what it was and just decided to live with the flashing. I have it mainly at night. The thing about anti-depressants is that if you need it, it works great. If you are not really depressed, just anxious at times, it makes you feel depressed! Oh and when they wrote the script for the effexor, there records still showed I was on the SSRI so they were going to have me on TWO different anti-depressants. Good Lord.
Hey Cheri, how is the leg? I finally read and got caught up and where are you???????????????
Shirley, 4 am flight? Don't sleep the night before and then you can sleep your whole way home! Safe trip sweetie.
Nicki, have fun at the wedding. Please post a picture of your sexy self in that black dress.
Hi RitaJean and Indi, welcome to the Circle. You will love it here.
Hi Christine, sure would love to have some more of those Scotch Oatmeal cookies. hee hee. I hid them from DH!
Donna, what's up girlfriend?
Odalys, SOOOOOOOOOO glad to hear B9, X2. You and your sister must be so relieved!
Shel, how was your lunch/dinner/drinks with Tricia??? I meant to tell you I laughed my butt off at the nipple piercing you WOULD have, if you had any. hahaha Did you get a new tattoo?
OK I have tried but am sure I missed many gals this morning. I got really far behind this week. Starting back to work, DH and I moved our Real Estate license to a new Broker and trying to hit the ground running. Love to all Amy to Z.....................Marsha0 -
Hi all,
I'm still running around like a nut, but I'm trying to catch up. I got the new job!! I'll be working at an elementary school providing reading instruction and tutoring for struggling readers. I had to be fingerprinted for my criminal background check yesterday, and I was just laughing at how bored the school district will be when reading my record. It's not that I'm never bad...I just try not to get caught!
Jan, my brother has been to Cancun several times and loved it! There's nothing better than free drinks.
CY, so sorry about your infection. I hope you get some relief soon. Sending you hugs!
Charlene, WTH is up with that horse woman??!! She seems completely nuts! I would just let the BBB handle it so that I wouldn't have to deal with her.
Marsha, I'm so glad that you found a surgeon that you trust. Sometimes I wonder if I should have had "the lone ranger" removed too.
Denise, a grandson! How wonderful!! Let me know if you need any Legos or Star Wars action figures!
Deb, the lingering emotion I have about cancer is anger. I get pissed when I go shopping and can't find clothes that work with the prosthesis, when I get out of bed and can barely move, and when I look at old photos and don't recognize the girl in them. Vent away, sweetie -- we all get it!
Donna, did I read correctly that your siren hat went home with a new owner?!
Christine, hope your hand is better. I am really enjoying all of the yummy items that you put in your St. Louis basket.
Nicki, I'm glad that you decided to go to the wedding. I always feel better when I get all dressed up. You'll be gorgeous, darlin'!
Karen, I hope that you can get everything worked out with your effexor prescription. I tried a few different anti-depressants until I found one that worked. I remember feeling like a lab rat because the doctors were playing with dosages and just waiting to see how I reacted.
Margaret, thanks for offering me the materials that you used with your son's school. I think I have things in pretty good shape for the start of school, but it has been a nightmare just trying to get my poor kid the services he needs.
Gina, loved the story! I bet the guy worked for an insurance company!
RitaJean and Indi, WELCOME!
Liz, so sorry that you have so much going on right now! Sending you big hugs!!
Suz, I have crappy veins too, and my "good" veins are in the arm that can't be used. For my last surgery, I had a doctor try to run an IV into my thumb!
Vickie, please let me know when you are going to Disney during your trip. With the new job, it will be harder to get time off, but I'll see if I can get down there for a couple of days.
Well, gotta go take my daughter to get some back-to-school clothes. Give me strength...I'm sure within the first half-hour, we'll be battling over spending $30 on a t-shirt at Hollister! Good times.....
Love you all!
Sue0 -
Cheri .. Where are you girlyfriend?????????? How's your leg doing today?
Nicki .. Sparkly lavender nails, sounds so pretty. I hope today finds you feeling well.
BMD .. Being a dog lover I googled your dog breed. They are beautiful dogs who very much resemble the german shepard but have many differences as well. What a surprise! I've been without a dishwasher for over a year now and it sucks big time!
Jan .. It's Friday, TGIF!!! Sounds like you're more than ready for it! Your trip to Mexico sounds awesome!
Sheri .. Thank you so much. I noticed right away the poor grammar of the mean horse woman. Whenever she would say "of" in place of "have" it made me cringe. Not to mention all those exclamation points and capital letters! I wish Karl's reply wasn't so long or I would have posted it. His response sounds like it's coming from a business it's so well written whereas hers .. well you know! Seeing how she writes to her clients it's no surprise that she's a bit out there! LOL
Gina .. OUCH! lol
Brenda .. Silent bronchitis? Wow! I hope you're feeling better today.
CY .. I hope the antibiotics are working and you're feeling better. What else! That's just too much. Big hugs for you!
Suz .. You need hugs too. Good idea telling the tech to forget it and having your oncs office draw blood. Sorry you have to have another chest x-ray. I don't work for them or get any kick backs but I'd advise Ativan for your nerves!
Madison .. You are awesome! Thank YOU!
Denise .. awww a wee little boy! Congratulations! Your weekend sounds wonderful, enjoy! Wondering if you found someone to take DH? lol
Margaret .. I'm glad the ativan helps your sleep. I hope you slept well last night too.
(((((Liz))))) .. I'm sorry to hear about more bad news on your home front. I hope your DH is going to the doctor today!
Deb .. Happy to hear things are getting better for you.
Marsha .. Hi to you! I thought I was having the transvaginal but it turned out to be a regular Pap visit. Get to go Monday for the transvaginal. Golfball wand?? YIkes! I'll let you know! LOL
Guz .. Congratulations on the new job!! Good luck with the back to school shopping, I need to do that myself yet!
Z .. I received my dedication! It's beautifully done, thank you so much!
I need to get my sister a birthday present today and I feel like nothing will be good enough. When I was dx in March she did so much for me. To name a few she bought me clothes (a bunch of zip up thingies for my mastectomy recovery period), a bunch of pillows including two body ones and a deep freezer and stocked it full! She went to my appts with me and was always there for me.
Good morning Iris Angel, Peter, Jankay, Vickie, Theresa and everyone from A - Z!
Charlene0 -
Lini .. thanks for the link. I've been to her site numerous times and it's very intriguing. I'm interested in watching the documentary on TLC.
0 -
Had to pop in again quick...taking a mini break here at work as I'm waiting for my computer to decide if it wants to let me do anything or not.
we miss you and worry when you aren't around. Me thinks you do too much! Love and hugs to you.
Cheri...Is it cyber party time and how are you feeling? Haven't had a chance to call...go to bed, cook dinner, pick up the house and fall asleep! I'll start the blue drinks here and we'll find a place to party...
Marsha...I think we are coming down from the 13th to the 21st of October! It's looking like Cocoa Beach but I haven't figured it out for sure yet...everyone will be welcome where ever we end up!
Too much going on at your end of the circle...you really need a break.
Guz...good luck on your new job!!
Margaret....the real thing!
I had to have it at the diner I owned or there would have been a lynching in town. It was one thing we couldn't run out of!
Odalys...not sure if you and sis got our happy dance guy so here he is...
I'm still mad at that nasty women! Haven't written to her yet but now I have even more ammo LOL!
sounds like we are both having fun at work! TGIF.
Hugs all
Vickie0 -
you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
(Hardly seems worth it.)
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
(Now that's more like it!)
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
(In my next life, I want to be a pig.)
A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy.)
(I'm still not over the pig.)
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour
(Don't try this at home, maybe at work)
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
(Honey, I'm home. What the...?!)
The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
(30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine?)
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)
Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
(I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)
Butterflies taste with their feet.
(Something I always wanted to know.)
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmm......)
Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)
Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
(Okay, so that would be a good thing)
A cat's urine glows under a black light.
(I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
( I know some people like that.)
Starfish have no brains
(I know some people like that too.)
Polar bears are left-handed.
(If they switch, they'll live a lot longer)
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
(What about that pig??)
Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread these crazy facts and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to, maybe even a chuckle.
< /FONT>In other words, send it to everyone ! (and God love that pig!)
------------------------------------------------------------0 -
Good morning, ladies!
Biker, Marsha and Guz...thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sure that I'm going to like it here!
Jankay..I'm still laughing about your "shopper husband" post! Thanks for sharing that one!
Brenda..congrats on your 2 mile walk. I've just started a walking routine the past few weeks. I'm not real self-motivated so it's hard to get me out there but I really enjoy it once I get going. Gotta find a way to rid myself of those 12 pounds I gained during chemo and I sure like to eat so...............
Wild/Jan. I live in Bloomington, Illinois (central Illinois). I'm about 2 hours by car from Chicago, 30 minutes from Peoria, and about an hour from Springfield so I can get most places pretty fast. I'm so glad your insurance came through and will keep my fingers crossed for good BRECA results.
OMG CY! HUGS to you! Take care of yourself! I guess I missed something. What type of surgery are you facing?
Sheri, what do you teach? I taught middle school and JH science and language arts for 33 years. I still miss the kids but not the other hassles associated with the profession.
Margaret. I will check out shoebuy.com. I've never shopped for shoes online before but it does seem like a wonderful new form of retail therapy!
Suz5..Hugs! Wow! How well I understand your apprehension but we're going to think positive about these x-ray results and I'm sending good vibes your way for good news! Hang in there!
Well, I'm off and running on another day. I really wanted to golf but it looks rather dark outside and threatening! Just what we need........more rain!
Take care ladies! I am so glad that I found this site! You're all wonderful!
Rita0 -
ok...back again as my printer prints checks...
Suz...ouch...I hate getting stuck numerous times. I actually tell them to take the blood out of my hand now. Its actually less painful there for me...don't know why.
A hug for you
a kick in the pants for the nurse
Nicki...where are you sunshine sister?
and you know how strong those tables, drinks, and friends were! Hugs to you.
Lini...hi flip flop sister..thanks for the link...this is what the post office has...grrrr
Shirley...have a safe trip.
ok...really have to get to work...I know I'm missing a bunch of you and I'm sorry...ttyl...love ya all.0 -
heehee Rita...this would be my sign if I were playing golf
0 -
0 -
Flyby from work.
Sue, congrats on the new job. Good luck with the back to school shopping.
Jan, my sister, her then boyfriend and hubby and I all went to Puerto Vallarta (not that I would recommend PV) but we went to an all inclusive resort - the kids were in one room and they all had someone in their age group. The kids all still talk about that vacation 12 years later - #1 reason, they didn't have to get in the car and drive somewhere, #2 food all the time and #3 - parents didn't bug them. Parents enjoyed it because it was paid for in advance; first one up went and got towels and scoped out our lounge chairs for the day, and you had food and drink all the time (I don't like banana drinks but we would get our banana mammas all day long). Have a great time.
Charlene, how about a spa day for your sister - so she can treat herself the way she treated you when you were diagnosed. I know it's hard to figure out a way to thank someone who has done as much as she did.
Rita, let me know what you think of Shoebuy.com. I figure there is no risk since it's free shipping both ways, no sales tax, and I know with Zappos, it's 100% satisfaction.
Vickie, thanks for breakfast this morning.
Ok, time to go back to work; break is over.
Margaret0 -
Looks like we are missing some of our gals so far today: Cheri, Amy, Nicki, Robin, Puppy, Susan, Deb, Odalys, Traci, Betty, Jan, Cy - and the list goes on.
Hopefully Nicki is OK and getting things in order for the wedding - is it tomorrow???
I'm still not feeling so great. My brother called and a friend is up and wanted to go to Cherokee NC to gamble; ask if I could keep his dog for the weekend. I said yes - have already given him a bath and he isn't to happy with me - wore me out but the dog is clean!!! I don't think there is a dry stitch on me and it isn't from his bath water - I've still never heard of silent bronchitis. Vicki, I'm getting some really bad headaches too - what is up with everyone???
Guys, have a great Friday. Hope everyone feels better too.
Hugs, Brenda0 -
(((Brenda)))...I don't know what is up with the headaches...I've had mine all week now and feel just flat out friggin lousy. Called to try for a dr's appt...no go...they said that it's most likely a virus. Of course you all know where my mind has been going and it hasn't been thinking "virus" LOL...I know...It's NOT a tumor!
love to all
Vickie0 -
Hi all. Well the told me the dishwasher guy would be here between 8 and 12. It is now 11:07 and I am still waiting. I really would have liked to take a shower this morning. Had to get that walk in before 8:00 though. He'll probably show up right at 12:00 or call then to say he is running late. Can you tell I hate waiting for people. At least I can still work even though I am home in my shorts and T.
Cy-sorry about your infection. I hope the meds are helping by now.
Suz--Hope that next chest X-ray gives a clearer picture of nothing.
Dishwasher guy just called. He'll be here in 20 minutes. We shall see.
Angel42-I am totally a dog person too. This one is smarter than any I have had. She is a very good girl. She even goes out and gets my paper every morning. We just love her to pieces.
Sue--Congrats on the new job.
Vicki--have you tried a Vicodin. I don't take them much but whenever I get a headache like yours it always seems to nip it. I have a stash from surgery last year that I go to once in awhile.
Robin--You need to get away from Evil. What a cruel man he must be. It does seem like you got through to the other takers though.
Hugs to everyone else this today.0 -
Brenda, I had silent bronchitis before. Kind of sneaks up on ya-without all the classic bronchitis signs
Back to work
Hugs0 -
Thanks so much Wildjan, Nikki, Suz and Margaret for your support and comforting words.
Wildjan, Bob is/was my husband.
Nikki, hope you enjoy the wedding and try to pace yourself so you won't get so worn out.
I will keep my "Bob drawer", it is comforting to touch the things he has touched and go down memory lane. I am trying to come up with an idea to make a necklace out of our rings and put them on his chain. It is easier today, things are cleared out and the room is ready for Craig, he will be arriving tomorrow.
Again, thanks so much for understanding and for being thoughtful and responding with kind words.
On another note, my daughter in Florida is having ultra sound and cat scan as I write this. Doctor told her she has an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. I am waiting to hear from her and hoping for the best.0 -
No time to read this morning...going back to work, even if it is only half time, is really cutting into my board time. LOL
My oldest dayghter (almost 15) goes to her first highschool dance tonight. I am SO not ready for this! It cross country running team is hosting the dance, so she has to attend...she says she doesn't want too go...I bet she really does
It funally quit raining today. We have had rain every day since I got home from pinkstock...I worried I was going to start molding!
OK...I really am late
Love ya all
Deb C0
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