Holy Smokes Shokk, I'm surprised the teacher can get away with having the critter wander free in his class. Male Iguanas can be very very aggressive.
You will dance at your babys childrens weddings my dear.
Beth, glad the infection is cleared up but so sorry about the rash.
Hi Melody
Rita, me thinks they right that stuff that way on purpose.
Decided to work backwards. On to page 7340 -
Good afternoon, CGs!
Just a quick check in today! I saw my BS this morning and he had a concerned look on his face as he was examining me. Thanks bud, I needed That! He told me not to worry, though. He thinks it is related to the disolvable stitches under the skin. That's what I thought too, since it kind of feels like a small string of beads. I have had problems in the past with stitches not disolving, so hopefully that's what is going on. He does want me to get an US and see my PS just to be on the safe side. Yes Amy, it's always something!
I can't talk for long. I'm loading up the RV and trying to get my act together. Cripes! It's like packing up a second home. I can't forget the really important things, like booze and junk food, LOL!
Cheri, I think we were both MIA ! Glad to see you are posting again.
Dryer buzzer just went off, so I have to go. Laundry is my life . I am leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Monday, so everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend! No bad stuff allowed! Just good times!!!!
Bugs and fishes, Deb!!!0 -
Good Afternoon Everyone: Had a great day at work. This is the best I have felt in a very long time. Still lots of traffic though. Thats Chicago for ya.
Carrie: Thank you for the update on NS. Seems like every complication has happened to her. Send lots of love and hugs her way.
Tgirl: Gas Leak would freak me out thinking my house was about to explode.
MargaretB: 2 radio songs away from work. HAHAHAHA. Im about one whole CD away from work.
Cheri: Good to hear from you. That infection in your leg is pretty bad, so no wonder you are tired. I hate that Zombie feeling from pain medications. We have patients like you at the rehab I work at. Your at home trying to take care of yourself. So I say, rest - rest - and rest more.
Vickie: Yeppers, lots are missing. I loved the words to that song and despite all the disappointment I feel sometimes, Life? It has indeed been a beautiful ride.
Amy: I hate Dentists, but I hate tooth pain more. That is so sad that some soldiers dont get anything. Counting today - its day 13 without wine. My appetite is coming back, but I still dont have a taste for my wine.
Liz: Hoping life slows down a bit for you. Too much stress, you need to do something nice for yourself.
PurpleMB: I have written letters like that, and I have always been thankful I didnt turn it in on a whim!
Shokk: OMG its so good to have you back. Found myself laughing out loud. You have such a way with words. Hoping life gets a little easier for you very soon.
Madison: Hope you have a chance to read back. Sent you a very big thank you for the surprise. It made me cry. Have been listening to the news since I got home and lots of talk about Katrina. 2 years ago today.
SoCal: I cant read my notes so Im saying hello and waving to you.
Beth: Sounds like things are progressing now in a good way.
Melody: Hey its good to hear from you again. Good luck with your job hunting.
Rita: Its so weird we live in the same state and yet so different. I hate Chicago rush hour and have to drive in it every day. If I stay at this job we will probably sell our house and move closer. But with the housing industry not being so good right now, guess we will wait. 1 1/2 hours today.
Jan: You are gonna have so much fun this week-end. DH is playing at pubs the whole week-end, although we might try to celebrat our long gone anniversary on Sunday. Im gonna miss you - gonna have Janny withdrawal.
Sherloc: I am so glad the test went well and you got good results. How is your sister doing?
Jankay: It seems to me you should be in charge. You are paying her salary. Guess it depends upon do you really like her or not. If you dont like her, get rid of her. You should be in control of your own healthcare. If you like her, then you both need to set some limits with each other. Hugs to ya, and I bet you did great today.
OK - I gotta go. Time for dinner. Have a great evening and I will see ya in the morning.
0 -
Thought I'd sneak on while the house is all mine.....which could change any minute!!
Glad for the update on Robin..8 hours of surgery..yowsers, guess it takes time to build mountains!!
Charlene: Trying to decide if your self description as a "anal retentive virgo" is a good thing or a bad thing!! Whichever, you and Shirley share it! Hope Audrey did well in school today!
Karen: So you've joined the Achy club, eh? Sorry...but you are right....we do get it!
Christine: How are the home repairs going? Or did you take the check and book a nice, long, sweet vacation??
JanKay: GoodBye to Missy. You just shouldn't have to put up with that. Can't you get help through a local agency? I'm sure it would cost you a lot less too. This is what I do.
Carrie: Thanks for the update on Gina.
Gina: Enough! I sure hope it isn't anything to serious. Praying for you.
Theresa: Gotta love Hubby repairs! Sounds like a good sleeping aid.......and you certainly wouldn't have to worry about becoming addicted! Okay, seriously, I'm glad you found out what it was and that it is fixed......scary stuff.
Margaret: For some reason I was thinking it was your SS that was getting married. Sounds like SD has things pretty much under control! Yea for you that you have a friend in the flower business! My DS and Fiance 'seem' to have most under control.......just a few details that would be driving me crazy, like Food!
I don't think I'm much smaller than you...........haven't seen a full body shot of you......but you certainly don't look to big in the avatar!
Cheri: Okay...I can unpack my suitcase now! Thought I'd be heading to MO to find you! Glad to hear that you are on the mend......however slow it is. Gotta ask......how do they know what is going on on the inside of the leg? Scans or what? Kinda had to chuckle when you said you weren't posting much cuz you weren't making any sense! Soooooo, since when do most of us make any sense!!
Vickie: The day off! Hope it was requested and not cuz you or Nate are sick. I missed so much over the weekend, but something happened to you and I'm thinking it was another idiot guy thing.........correct? Loved the pics of your DD. Sorry she didn't enjoy the cruise.......I love cruising..with the right people and the right place!
I so wish I could go to Florida with you guys......wishing, but just can't.
Amy: How is the numb, drooling mouth doing? Mine just 'un-froze' about an hour ago, and that was from 10a this morning! Dentist don't bother me a bit...I practically live there! No crap, all but one of my teeth have a crown and the lone survivor is getting one in a couple weeks. Root Canals, could do them myself if I had the equipment!!
Liz: Hope things are turning around for you. Sending you thoughts and Hugs!
Shirley: You did make me laugh! So glad you enjoyed my Pissy Rant............be careful what you wish for........I just may repeat it tonight! Glad all went well with your "procedure" today........A pretty pink Colon! And pictures to prove it..........!
Amy: Like the comment about Shirley's new art work.....Bathroom Art! I'm thinking she should send copies to Liz......they are sure to look just right in her newly remodeled bathroom! Also, I missed something about your nephew. Please let me know if he'd appreciate care packages, I'd love to send one to him or anyone else that might like one. pm me.
MB: You love Pissy Rants too! Geez, I'll have to work myself up again tonight and see what I can do for you girls!
Shokk: One thing to say to you. You will be alive to see your DD graduate from School.........and college.........and marriage..........and grandchildren.
Anne: Where the heck are you???? I can come looking for you.......you're not but an hour away! Are you closing on your house soon?
Lisa: Done traveling for a bit? You do lead a interesting life........that's a good thing! DD isn't backing down so it looks like we will still be popping into San Diego in Nov.!
Beth: Glad to hear that the infection is better. Reaction to meds.........piece of cake after what you've been through!
Melody: Job Hunting...........bad word around me. I work very part time, and it is time for me to look around! Maybe we can get together for a short visit when I come to AZ in Nov.!
Rita: Nice to hear from you........you are so right......kids do grow up way to fast!
Marsha: HELLO........anyone home?
Kristen: HELLO........anyone home?
Alwayshope: Hey Jasmine......don't you love us anymore? Anyone up to a roadtrip? Looks like we are heading to Arkansas on a MIA hunt!
Deb: Hope your Sister is doing better. Did they find out what is causing the problems yet?
Nicki: You should be popping in soon! Hope you are still feeling up to par. I admire your patience with driving to work. Not me, 10 minutes in traffic and I'm ready to bail!
Madison: Thanks for saying "HI"....where do you work anyways? How is your DD? Hopefully recovered by now, but I would like to know!
Not forgetting anyone on purpose, just remembered a call I have to make before 5:00p!
Denise0 -
Nicki: I new you'd be popping in........guess at the same time as me!! So glad you are feeling so much better!
Jan: Hello to you.........where did you say you are off to? Have a fun safe time and make room for the 'good stuff!'
Back later!
Denise0 -
How can you girls talk so much when I am on the road running around? I'll never catch up!
do have a question though. Just got back from the mammo---they did an immediate US on 2 spots. One is the palpable lump they told me was a cyst last year but it's gotten slightly larger (but still pretty black on the screen) but there was a lot of shadowing behind it. What's with that?
Two of the smaller cysts behind the nip from last year are gone (yay!) but the third is slightly larger, more complex and is now lobulated---even duufus me could see the lumps. Have you ever tried googling complex lobulated cysts? It's easier to just ask you guys----what do they do with something like that? Of course they can't tell me anything and my onc appt isn't until next Friday.
Know it's nothing major but just love when they leave you sitting there forever and then they come back and say, "the doc says do an ultrasound while you're here".
Jeannie0 -
Jeannie wish I had answers but I dont. I know they air on the cautious side once diagnosed so best to take a look while you are there. I know if it was me I would be freaking out but I can tell you to relax,,gotta love me,,right?
Jan-booze should be all you need and anything else isnt important when you are camping. Havent you learned that yet?
Adrionna-I need some of the not hating dentist thing sent my way. Are you crazy,,I didnt know anybody liked dentist! Mine is not numb anymore and boy I hate that feeling. My mouth will be sore because believe it or not the dentist always says I have a small mouth. I once asked him to write it down just so I would have proof. This tooth is the very back one on the top so he had a hard time reaching it.
Nicki-Thats a long drive so I can see why you would want to move closer for sure. Mine is 15 minutes tops. I used to drive 50 minutes before I transferred to this office. The mornings wasnt so bad but when I got off in the afternoon I wanted to click my heels and be home.
Melody-good luck on your job hunting.
Cheri-hope you are having a good day today.
Almost time to hit the road and go pick up the boy. See you all tomorrow.
Amy0 -
well shoot, I just spent forever typing out a major rant about IV's and nurse anesthesists and forgot to copy it. O well. Talking with Debbie. She is doing ok. Talk to you all in a bit
0 -
I just got off the phone with Puppy. She got good news from the doctor. The aneursym(sp) on her brain has gotten smaller and reduced the pressure on her brain stem. The smaller ones have gotten smaller . So she has been declared STABLE. No news from peter.
0 -
Jan every scar I have has had an issue with those stupid stitches. Had one that got infected a year after surgery for no know reason except it didn't dissolve.
Amy glad your tooth is better. I'll save the frames for pics of my pretty face. ahhahhahahahh. I still wanna see the puppies. Wish I was closer I would take one in a heart beat. Rat Terriers are so pickin cute.
Nicki, count my boy as one who doesn't get any mail. Only because he WON'T give me an address to send stuff too. Says he doesn't want sappy care packages. He makes me nuts.
Just got off the phone with Debbie. She is ok. She said mornings are hardest but things get better as the day goes on and life takes over.
Sister Donna is doing ok...did I say that already. Meets with onc this week to find out when chemo starts.
Denise, in my little corner of the world I firmly believe everyone should be an anal retentive virgo. We would accomplish so much. Of course we'd all be in a constant state of irritation at the worlds incompetance but o well. Gotta take the good with the bad.
Jeannie, hugs to you my friend. No advice or ideas, just hugs. I had a complex septated cyst on one of my ovaries before they were rudely ripped out. Would that be the same kind of thing?
Off to take a bit of a nap. Spent an hour typing my rant, then another hour talking to my sis. The clock is now running down. A brief snooze will do me good. And praise the Lord for hot flash meds which are working like a charm. Forgot after 3 months just how miserable those suckers are.0 -
Wow, Shirley caught my rant disease!! Glad to hear that your sister is doing okay.
Jeannie, all I can do is send you a big hug with no answers. I'm sure they are just being extremely cautious.......sure wish they would "get it" when it comes to making us wait for a week or two for results.
JanKay: Thanks for the update on Puppy.
Puppy: Glad (so glad!) things are looking good for you!
Amy: Can't say that I "like" the dentist.......just lay there and let him do his thing. Kinda like Sex at home...just lay there and make mental notes of stuff that I have to do..............!! Hope your mouth (correction) small mouth isn't hurting to bad!!
Got your pm and I thank you for info. Wrote back asking for some suggestions...no sense re-writing it here!!!! I will gladly send things to these youngsters.
Okay........quite the storm outside and the last crack of lightening tells me it's time to turn this contraption off and pick up my knitting! God knows I wouldn't want to do anything constructive!!
Hugs for now,
Denise0 -
Denise: From reading your posts I feel like I have been talking to you all day, and I didnt even say hello to you. Hope that storm passes quickly.
Good to hear Puppy is doing well
Sherloc: Well then I think someone should adopt your sons whole unit and send them all care packages. I hate the thought of your sister having to go through chemo.
Jankay: Im thinking they at least admitted Peter over night just to make sure its not a heart attack. Hoping he is doing well.
OK - just snuck in and now I gotta run.
No news from DebC? Im a little worrid about Bobby.0 -
Nicki, thanks so much. You jump started my brain. Socal has been telling me forever to contact the ships ombudsman if I need anything. Well duh, just looked up her email and sent her a note asking for the addy. Can't believe I didn't think of that before
0 -
Hi All,
Sneaking in to say that I'm going to be away for a week. Wishing Robin a successful surgery and uneventful recovery.
Peter, hope you're feeling better.
Jankay, boot that useless person. You're in charge.
Denise & Amy, I'll be joining you on outings to the dentists in the fall -- yeah....NOT
Nicki, hope you're feeling better and hope the Des Plaines Rivers recedes soon!!!!!!!
To everyone -- have a great week. I'll be thinking of you and having lots of blew rinks for everyone!!!!!
Cherryl0 -
I haven't been home long -it has been a very long day for me. I'm tired and grumpy, very grumpy!!! I read but will probably have to go back and re-read as I just skimmed more than read.
Amy - glad you got the tooth fixed. No rain, 3 hours sounds wonderful.
Shirley - glad you got an all clear on the colonoscopy.
Puppy - glad you got a good report too.
JanKay- I think your caretaker forgets that is what she does "take care" - remind her she works for YOU. You deserve better.
Deb - was hoping to see a note about your sister; hope all is well.
I pulled the sheets off this morning, washed them and put them in the dryer - gotta go make the bed and then last night I didn't unload the dishwasher as they were not dry and I have that to do and reload (I'm really not that lazy It has just been one of THOSE days when you have more to do than you can get done.
Beth - glad the infection has cleared and the expander is going to get replaced soon. You have an allergic reaction to the meds AND a yeast infection??? I think I may have read that one wrong. Anyway, glad you are feeling better.
Good night - everyone. Hope all the kiddies are tucked in and you are able to take a deep breath finally. I just want to go sit down and unwind - I'll never get to sleep if I turn in like this.
Oh, ran into my first cousin - a year younger than me. Now ladies she has put on weight too, however she felt it necessary to say this to me - haven't seen her in 10 years.
"Why, Brenda, I just about didn't know you, I have never seen you this big". Like many of you, I am trying and have tried to get weight off but it seems I just keep putting it on. That was the last thing I needed to hear today - first I wanted to cry and now it has just made me pissed!! I would NEVER say that to anyone. Oooohhhh!
Hugs, Brenda0 -
Good night all!
Nicki: Hello to you! You're right, we've been right before or after each other all day!
Cherryl: Don't know where you are going, but I do hope you have a grand time!
Shirley: Let us know what you find out about your Sons address and if you want us to send "care" packages. Maybe we can come up with another name that he won't mind so much!
No news from Robin yet?
I'm not down enough so I'm watching a show on cancer on TLC channel. Kinda good actually.....several young girls giving their stories................
Night to all..
p.s. Do we know if Peter went to the hospital or just hoping he did?0 -
I forgot the TLC Crazy Sexy Cancer show was on. Thankfully it is on again at 9:00pm so I will watch it then.
I am in the Tempe (Phoenix) area and would love to get together when you are here in Nov. Just let me know as it gets closer.
Hope all you ladies and Peter have a great evening!
Melody0 -
Here's my try at remembering everyone's post with some "scribbly" notes I can barely read. I promised myself after PS, I would keep in touch with all of you, now I do, even more than some fam members, as WE ARE FAMILY!
Liz- missing you and hope things get easier with the family.
Jankay-Hope you can work things out w/ Missy. I was a caregiver for my mom and later, my dad. We would argue and then make up because we needed each other. Thanks for the Puppy update.
Madison- where ya been girl? You are way too busy and need a vacation, I'll meet you
Beth- here's to some quick healing, say g'bye to that rash!
Melody- good luck with the interviews.
Rita- I may have missed your answer, is your son an engineer? Everyone I know that went to UMRallo was an engineer of some type. Smart guys, not too many girls?
Shirley- glad to hear things are pink and healthy.
BikerJan- I had a "string of pearls" as I called them along my tram insicion. Now almost 3 yrs later my pearls are gone, massage helps!
Nicki- glad you had a good day, only better days ahead!
Denise- Interiors repairs are ready to start tomorrow, the roofing guy is fighting the insurance to get a whole new roof, so who knows? I miss my satellite dish. I am missing Crazy Sexy Cancer tonight! C'mon to MO for Cheri and you'll find me and Susan nearby. Hope your "grill" is feeling better, lots of dental visits here today.
Shokk- wow, a real iguana, Denise would like to make friends since she is holding a lizard in her new avatar.
Carrie- Thx for G udate.
Tgirl- I am so ready for open windows and Indian Summer, this is the hottest Aug St Louis has on record-ever!
Margaret- I only brought the Turkey Sands cuz that was all I could stomach after surgery. Hope everyone enjoyed. Tea Length is good for MOB, MOG and Step Mom's too (unless of course black tie event)
Cheri- Hope you are feeling better.
Vickie- Hope you had a good day off, give our lil guy a hug. He can brighten any gloomy day.
Amy- lots of dental work going on here, hope you are doing OK and Mazer is not too tired from the long trip today. Great Pic from your nephew.
Silvergirl- keep us posted on any new results and I'll it say once again (cliche but true) Don't waste today, worrying about tomorrow.
Hey Casino Girl- Hope your sliced finger is healing and panic has passed. Have a cognac and RELAX!
Deb- Hope all is well with you.
MB- Planning another BBQ- you are the Event Planner with the Venue to boot! That could be the name of your new event planning company. I'll come work for you. Great idea!"Venue to Boot" sorta like a B&B, thay bring their own tents, RV's etc... pay for hook ups, space, etc.. you do all the food.
Gotta run before I lose my post.0 -
Gina - so sorry you are dealing with so much. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel better soon.
Cheri - nice to see you posting again. Glad to hear your taking a softer pain med...those pain killers can raise havoc with your digestive tract. Who needs those set of SE's.
Nicki - glad to see you are doing better. I feel your pain about dealing with the traffic. Today, it took me 40 minutes to get to one of the hospitals that is 5 miles from my home. Tomorrow I have to travel 21 miles to the main campus so I plan to leave the house by 7 in order to get there by 8:30. Ay, I'll have to take some of the back roads before I can get on the highway. It's going to be painful.
Peter - I hope all is well. Please post or PM me and let me know how you are doing.
BTW- I started a thread on Dancing With the Stars. If there are any fans in this group feel free to join us.
I'm exhausted now...can't think anymore. Good night everyone. Pleasant dreams.0 -
Good Evening, Sisters, just a quick check in
Went to my GP, but I think she over reacted a bit, she decided to send me to hospital. While I was having an ECG done, she called an ambulance and off to hospital I went.
They admitted me into the Cardiac Care Unit, and kept me under observation for 24hrs. Nothing happened, no more chest pains, so after seeing my Cardiologist who seems to think it was Angina, and a change of medications I was discharged a little while ago. Have to have some more tests done on 25Sept.
Thanks to all who asked about me, and the good wishes, but feeling fine, just tired and hungry, as did not get any sleep and they did not give me any food just kept me on a drip.
Going to try and get a couple of hours sleep and come back later and read what has been happening
Take Care and have sweet dreams
Peter0 -
Hi friends! Yes, you are all my friends and honestly my true family. I haven't had a chance to read anything today. Hospice called earlier and said MIL was beginning to slowly decline. BP dropping, urine output dropping, edema and fluid in the lungs. Bless her heart, she's a fighter. She's holding her own for now.
My mother has to have her stomach scoped so that's scheduled for Sept. 13th. The fun never ends here.
My markers went up a very slight amount but it still bugs me that they're slowly climbing each time. I also have low chloride. WT? Oh well, I'll discuss all this with my oncologist next week.
Oh and on top of everything else, I have an eye infection! I'm going to my optometrist tomorrow.
Okay everyone, thanks so much for listening to my whining. I'll provide cheese next time.
Hugs and prayers to each and everyone of you. I do need cliff notes please.
I'll check in sometime tomorrow.
Liz0 -
Hi Girls and Peter,
sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been running around like a headless chicken this week, trying to get everything done that I need to do before I leave tomorrow for Europe.
I will be gone for almost 4 weeks- and unfortunately will probably not have internet access! How will I survive without my daily dose of the circle and the chat room?
Sorry, I don't have time to post much this evening - still have to finish the laundry and pack my suitcases!
Ribs are still killing me - so I am not looking forward to humping heavy luggage around- but oh well, I will survive!
Wishing everyone from A-Z peace and serenity and the best that life has to offer.
Hugs and chocolate xxx to all
Elaine0 -
Just finished watching Crazy Sexy Cancer. It was very good. I about died laughing when the guy was demonstrating how to give yourself an enema.
Have a great week away Cherryl
Awwww Brenda/Nan, sometimes people are just plain stupid.
Denise, Socal sent me the link to the Navys address book so to speak. Got the addy, now just need someone to tell me how to write it out properly. Anyone know?
Melody, try to catch the show if you can. I enjoyed it.
Christine, you done good girlfriend.
I'm worried about Peter as well. Not like him to not post while were all snoring.
And getting worried about Marsha. I think she said she was going to a friends.
And have we had an update on Gina, or Robin?
Who else was having stuff done today??? Dang I hate that I can't remember this stuff. Really ought to start a notebook.
On another note, I have been going to Curves 5 days a week for the last 3 years. With a few breaks for surgery here and there. I know I am stronger because of it but have never really noticed any real change in my bod. Of course couldn't go while I was in Florida so I bought some resistance bands to use. After a month of using them 3-4 times a week I can actually see and feel the muscles in my arms and legs without flexing. The shape has changed. How cool is that? Now if I can just get my butt up to the place God put it originally and lose the tamox roll around my middle I'll be looking darn good. Don't think I'll renew my membership to Curves this year.
I'm off to dream land. Sweet dreams everyone.0 -
Hello my lovelies, hope everyone has a peaceful and restful night...
0 -
well shoot there you are Peter. I am sooooo happy you are ok.
Sweet dreams Odalys
Liz, hugs and prayers for you my friend. What does low chloride mean?
Choca, have a fantabulous time with your family. Is the cough better?
Really going to bed now, see you tomorrow.0 -
Peter, great to hear from you. Was worried. Get some rest and have a feast afterwrds.
Denise, I'm going to Salt Lake City. Friday is my best friend's 60th birthday and her DH is treating the two of us to a weekend in a spa. I'm sure I won't ever be the same.("Oh, cabana boy, another mimosa, ,please.") Then on Sunday we go back to their house in Ogden and I come home Tuesday. I wish I could clone him. I have 2 1/2 years to find someone to do this for my 60th!!!!!!
I'll be sure to have some blue drinks for the CGs while I'm at it. I'll need another vacation to recover from this one!lol
Happy Weekend everyone.
Cherryl0 -
Another quick flyby, long day today. Hope I didn't bruise too many of you with my flying.
Rita, hubby is a keeper for sure.
Shirley, your doc said 5 years? Mine said 10. Sucks that your sis has to have chemo. I like working out with resistance bands so you convinced me to get some.
Amy, were you pooting?
Jan, hope you are having a wonderful time.
Nicki, if I wanted to be real ambitious, I could walk to work but then I couldn't go home for lunch and be back in time, so I drive.
Denise, I'll take a pic of the dress I have in my closet and if you like it, I'll tell you the size and we can make arrangements to get it to you if you want.
Jankay, thanks for the Puppy update.
Brenda, how rude of your cousin.
Christine, turkey sandwiches are the best.
Peter, glad to have you back and I'm glad you went to the dr. I don't think she overreacted at all, she was being cautious.
Liz, big gentle hugs for you.
Cherryl, have fun.
Anyone here from Cheri? I read the update on Robin.
Love to everyone from Amy to Z.
Margaret0 -
Good evening everyone. I had to laugh when I went back to try and post what I'd written hours before when the system kept saying it was invalid. I actually tried to post it twice but it wouldn't take it either time. But I did keep it to paste later. Gee, was my face red when I read back and realized it had posted after all, not once but twice. LOL So I had written twice how I hadn't been myself lately. hahhaaha Guess that pretty much proved it. Although, I did delete one of them.
This has been a stinky day. My Home Infusion nurse came this morning to bring my new anitbiotics to go with the old ones. I have no veins left and it's hard to draw blood and she had to draw before and after infusion. She taught me how my infusion process would go since I'm using 2 different meds and the new one she brought has a pump I have to use with it. I hate that kind. All the flushing in between and keeping everything so sanitary is nerve wracking. I did it all successfully this morning and was prepared for tonight. It's all done 12 hours apart and my time is 11:00. So I infuse the first one then start the second one and it all takes about 2 1/2 hrs twice a day. Ok. I do whatever I have to do. Like it or not. Then I laid down to take a nap and my infusion nurse calls back late afternoon and talks to Amber after they'd gotten my blood test results back. My potassium level is dangerously low and my anitbiotic level is way too high. Toxic high. Heart attack territory with the two mixed together. So she said not to take the first meds tonight but to infuse the second one. Then go to the regualar schedule in the morning. WTH? So Amber had just enough time to get to the Pharmacy to pick up a rx for Potassium. No wonder I've been so out of whack. This whole thing has gotten much more serious than it should be. I'm frightened by it. I can usually make a joke out of about any situation but this is not fair and I have been through way more than my share and I'm angry. I'll pull it together and do whatever my situation calls for me to do. Sorry, girls, I just had to vent and I didn't want to scare any of my family. I'll get through this and everything will be alright. After I get a little used to the routine I'll do ok. People tell all of us how strong we are to go through all that we have as breast cancer survivors. All we did was do what we had to do. They didn't give any of us a choice of whether or not we wanted cancer, we just got it and did whatever we had to do. Just as I will this lil ole infection.
I appreciate all of you so much. Whether you read my whining or skimmed it at least I had a place to get it off my chest.
Okay, I vented and I'm better now. I have to get well if I'm having Pinkstock at my house next year. No time to be sickly and crippled up. We all have some serious drinking to do and a whole lot of laughing. I don't actually drink but I bet I do then. i need some fun with my rowdy friends! In fact, I intend to have a little cyber party at another stomping ground this week-end where it's fine to get as risque as we want.
Jankay, I hope you made up with your caregiver, if not when I get better I'll take a little road trip down to your house and kick her behind!
Amy, I do hope your tooth is better that is a terrible pain. I finally got dentures and I don't have to worry about the dreaded dentist anymore. I do remember walking the floor in the middle of the night with a toothache.
Marsha, I still haven't talked to you in awhile. We can't have that.
I'm so far behind on everything that I'm just kind of starting in the middle here. If you're going through a hard time right now and I don't mention you I am so sorry and pray things get better for all of us. If I can be of any help to anyone just PM me, email, yahoo IM or call me. I'm easy to find. I'm going to start posting again at least on a daily basis if not my regular 3 or 4 times a day. LOL You know I can't stay away.
CherylCY, i sure hope you are feeling better.
Nicki, thanks for the advice. I do need more rest.
Hey to Charlene, Marsha, Janny, Iris, Gus, Boo, Gina, Carrie, Deese, Denise, Brenda, BMD, Susan, Christine, Black Jack, MB, Margarette, liz, Colleen, Karen, Jazz, Vickster, Odalys, Sheri, Shirley, Theresa,Z, and any friends I might've missed.
Wishing you all a peaceful nights rest.
cheri0 -
Hello CG's
I can't believe how utterly exhausted I have been the past few days. I come home from work and I can't even think straight. Also feeling irritable and antsy tonight. going to try to increase the Effexor tomorrow to full tablet everyday. Don't know if that is it or what. I guess one day I will have to quite playing doctor. I see my onc in a few weeks and I am going to ask for a new Rx for the Ativan. I alternate taking it at night to sleep or take sleeping pills. I don't think I've ever taken it during the day, so don't know how tired it will make me.
I had back to school night for Miriam tonight. She has male teacher - a first year teacher - but I liked what he had to say. The class is a 4/5 with 25 kids. It is a gifted program. They divided up the 4th graders so there is also a 3/4 class. The teacher she had last year teaches that class, but I wasn't too crazy about her.
Tomorrow is my one year anniversary of finishing rads. Another milestone. What a difference a year makes!!!
Peter - glad you went to the doctor and were checked out. The observation in the hospital was probably a good think. Happy that you are okay.
Gina - dear friend, I am so sorry that you had to go back to the hospital. How are you doing sweetie? When is the black cloud going to go away? Enough already.
Margaret - thanks for driving the magic carpet today.
Christine - boy you sure get home late from work. How do you do it?
Nicki - maybe next time I go to visit Leah, we can meet in person. I know it is hard coordinating schedules.
Cheri - happy to hear that your leg is healing. Miss seeing you posting, but glad that you are resting up.
Shokk - are you feeling any better. I too seem to go in and out of funks.
Beth - happy to hear that the infection is cleared up. Several years ago I had an allergic reaction to a sulfa based antibiotic - it turned up on day 9 on the meds - I borke out in small pin dots one day the and the next day I was red from head to toe. Hope you aren't too itchy.
Melody - good luck with the interviews. What type job are you looking for?
Shirley - always love to hear good news. I need to schedule my colonoscopy. Thinking about doing it on my October vacation. I dread the prep.
Biker - hugs - sending good wishes for good news with the US and PS visit. I'm sure all will be okay.
Nicki - how nice to hear that your day was so good.
Denise - yup - I've rejoined the achy club. Isn't it fun!!!
Joanne - hugs - keep us posted.
Puppy - so happy to hear you had good news.
Cheryl - enjoy the weekend at the spa. What a nice treat.
Liz - hugs - your plate is so full. Wish I was closer so I could help.
Choca - is the trip to Europe for pleasure - where are you going? Have a safe trip and see you when you get back.
Shirley - what is crazy sexy cancer? Never heard of it.
I've left many out, but I am tired and want to go to bed. Sending gentle hugs to everyone. Sweet dreams and best wishes for a good day tomorrow. karen in Denver0 -
Karen .. I had my last fill Monday a week ago and it took me until Saturday to feel decent, especially on my right side. I understand having no spare skin (and my BLM was tight!) makes the expansion process more painful along with exacerbating my other chronic pain issues and handling my 20 month old! So to answer your question they are hard, tender and still immovable. But I'm doing better! My next fill is on the 7th. It should be on Monday but it's a holiday, and I have an appt with my BS on Wed. I wanted my fill to be After that because I don't need my BS handling my sore chest! The next available was next Friday. I understand the pain and fatigue you speak of .. I wish it could get better for you, I know how terrible it is to constantly feel that way. Of course you should complain .. vent away, that's part of why we're all here!
Margaret .. As it turns out Karls Dad left today. He was going to leave tomorrow to go visit his brother in Delaware and decided he was afraid to make that drive on his own. I suggested to Karl that he drive him down today since I knew he really wanted to go and otherwise he would have been staying here until Sunday instead of Wednesday and I just really wasn't prepared for that! Karl spent 8 hours in the car taking his Dad to Delaware and coming home again! The visit was nice though .. he's a sweet man.
I've Never been to Vegas .. sigh...
Christine .. How thoughtful of you to bring the necessities for the girls having procedures today!
Sheri .. I wasn't in the circle when your son went to Ecaudor but knowing it's only been a few months and he's no longer living or working with who he went with would be freaking me out! I don't know how old he is but I might be trying to get him to come home if at all possible. Sorry to hear Micah is finding trouble alreay in school .. it may be a looong year!!
Carrie .. Thank you for letting us know about G. What the heck .. it's just not right that everything lately seems to be a complication for her! Sending her Big hugs.
Theresa .. OMG! The gas leak is such a scary thing, and to think that you never even smelled it! I'm glad it was found when it was.
Cheri .. So good to hear from you! You actually made more sense than you realize you did! Sometimes you'd wander but often you were spot on! Also, although mine aren't as strong as yours, I was often under the influence myself when we chatted! Maybe that's why we chatted so well together! LOL I know you Must be tired of it all but please hang in there...we want you completely better! Rest, rest and rest .. and post when you're able. Even if it's just to say hello and I'm going back to rest now! I'm so glad you're not leaving the Circle .. it really wouldn't be the same without you. I hope to be back IM'ing soon..it's just been so hectic lately!
I was just getting ready to post when I see you popped on again! How awful to have to worry about so much. Is the potassium level related to your leg infection? Stupid advice, but eat bananas and sweet potatoes. I hear those potassium pills are a bear to swallow. Toxic high antibiotic levels??? WTH??? Wouldn't the doctor have known the levels you were getting were toxic? I'm so glad you're here getting things off your chest. Cheri, what can we do for You?
Vickie .. Thank you for the kind words and gentle hugs. Karl tells me that often and sometimes I'll say, "I wish you could too Baby". I wish there was a way too take all the crap we all have to deal with away! That song you posted is nice. Who does it?
Liz .. I hope you got good lab results, let us know. Oh, just read your next post. My goodness girl, now an eye infection along with everything else going on. Please take care of yourself, your immune system has surely been compromised in the last month or so!
Shirley .. Audrey got right up this morning she was so excited about school starting! I figured she would. I hope it continues! My biggest fear was that she'd stay up late and be tired today. She'd never admit being tired but I would know she wasn't rested enough!! So glad your colonoscopy went well. May I ask what prompted that? Isn't that due when we're 50? Is there an increased risk for us BC gals for colon cancer? I keep wondering if I should get one done. "Worlds incompetence" .. oh yeah!! LOL Sure we can be irritating, but I think the incompetents are much more so!!!
Thinking of your sister and hoping she does okay.
Jankay .. You had problems with this caregiver just a couple of months ago. At that time I think you said you generally liked her. You do need to set your limits though and maybe it is time to look for someone else. She Is working for You after all. How did today go without her? Thanks for the update on Puppy, that's great news!
Amy .. thanks for your understanding, yes I do! I hope that your mouth is doing well now and you have good pain relief, be it pills or good wine or even whiskey! What a touching picture from your nephew.
MB .. well, nobody needed to warn me, I kind of got that impression myself LOL .. ummm, can you tell me, where do You find the time?? Okay, no more excuses. Karls dad left and Audrey started school. I think tomorrow will be exercise day for sure! Honest, I really Want to do them!
Shokk .. You have such a way with words. I'm sending you big hugs, I think you need them. I think you need to reach out more, you know? I can't believe there's a Godzilla running around a school room!! LOL
Beth .. Glad to hear things are going better. Weird about the rash And yeast infection. Is anything ever simple?
Melody .. Nice seeing you, good luck with the job seeking.
Rita .. You are so right about the children growing too quickly! I look forward to finishing recon so I can enjoy them even more!
Jan .. I have a little bump on the center beginning of each of my scars. The rest of the scar looks awesome. My sister wonders if it might be a keloid starting..she has them all over herself. I have an appointment with my BS next week and another with my PS and will find out. Yes it Is always freaking something!!! Whatever it may be for you forget about it and go enjoy your holiday weekend!
Denise .. Audrey did great in school today. She just loves it. She got a kindness bracelet from her teacher for putting a chair up when her teacher asked her to. She said she didn't get it..the teacher asked her too!! I said, well maybe it was because you did as you were told and did it nicely! I found myself nodding my head to Shirley's response about our anal retentiveness! LOL For example, Karl will dish up ice cream for one person, then put it away. Then right after he'll ask me if I want any. I said, "wouldn't it be more efficient and make more sense to ask everybody beforehand if they want it and save yourself some time? I just don't get that!" I then apologized for it being the Virgo in me that makes that kind of stuff irritating. He laughted and said that it's the Pisces in him that makes that kind of stuff not bother him!! I had to LOL about your comparing your sex life to your dental visits!!
Jeannie .. I wish I could help but I don't know. Good luck with your US results.
Nicki .. Yikes, 1 1/2 is still long. However, when I Knew I'd probably be in traffic a long time I'd use that time to relax and enjoy the solitude and music. It's when the long commute is unexpected that it's most irritating!
Cherryl .. Sounds like a vacation, have a Great time!
Brenda .. What a rude comment for somebody to say. I take it you're not close to this cousin! I hope you were able to unwind and get a good nights sleep.
Peter .. Glad it wasn't more serious than it was. Better safe than sorry though!
Elaine .. Wow, 4 weeks in Europe?! Have a great time!
CY .. Will be thinking of you during your surgery tomorrow and holding your hand.
Hello Madison, BMD, Odalys, Iris Angel, Colleen, Marsha, Lini and everyone from A - Z.
Darn I wanted to see that Crazy Sexy Cancer. Lucky it's on again .. taping it this time because I Know with the children I'll never get to watch it real time!
There's a thread with updates regarding Robin's surgery here:
Well I must get to bed, another busy day tomorrow with school, Ava, and soccer tomorrow night! I have to do laundry tomorrow. Amazing how much that can hurt when you've had breast recon, pulling those wet clothes out of the washer to throw them in the dryer. I was very fortunate that mom took care of that when she was here! You really use those chest muscles in so many ways that you don't even realize!
Pleasant dreams to all,