
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited August 2007
    Candie I'm so glad you ventured into the circle this gals are just the best!

    Gina, I'm glad you were able to get the repair done. Hang in there. We are with you

    Suz, we're going to be right there with you tomorrow morning and then I'm going to go get my scans done.

    Won't hear til Friday what the results are but at least I will be able to get them done this week.

    Then Wed we will headed on to Robins for her surgery.

    Thursday I get the cystopy surgery which will check my bladder and then the tubes to see where the bleed is coming from and Friday it's off to the onc's to get scan results and then on to chemo. (it's the last scheduled chemo until we find out if it's working)

    Then I get to spend the weekend with at least twqo of my grandkids hopefully I'll see them all before the weekend is over!

    Cheri, if you're reading it's Ok to just post and let us know you're still hanging in there. I know that leg is bothering you and you haven't been getting much sleep and that you have to sit sideways at the computer because your legs is up in the chair. so don't worry about taking notes just pop in and let us know how you're doing.

    love ya all it's off to bed as I had a long day and will be another one tomorrow
    HUgs & Prayers
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2007
    goodnight sweet ladies...

    My sis is still in the hospital. Her white count came down a bit today and they have the pain under control...she still feels really sick to her stomach and is really gorked on pain meds, but things seem stable. they should do another CAT scan tomorrow and we may know more...

    Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. I will try and catch up soon...

    Deb C
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652
    edited August 2007

    I just lost a long post. I thought I copied it, but it is no where to be found. Too tired to write it all again. wishing everyone sweet dreams and feel good days. Sending hugs and prayers to all having tough times. Karen

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited August 2007
    The following are pictures from Jankay's Parkinson's gathering that she sent to me to post for her:


    Sitting front and center is our own dear Sunshinelite:






    Adorable and Yummy!:

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited August 2007
    I'm going to catch up tomorrow everybody ....


    Love & Hugs and a peaceful nights sleep to all from A - Z!
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2007
    I was only able to read two pages tonight. It is amazing that you can miss a day or two and come back feeling like there is a whole new crowd. So much pain and sadness lately. I am so glad to have all of you. Jankay, the pics are awesome! I know you had a really good day, although tiring. Vickie, I got the coolest surprise in the mail today that certainly turned my frown upside down! Yo, Peter, down under.... you there? Nice to see your posts.
    Cheri, how is your ankle healing. STrange not to see you here. I talked to Puppy today on the phone. She is having serious computer issues and is not even trying to sign on. Her dr. visit is this Wednesday, and we really need to fire up that magic carpet and go with her! I am so sleepy, please forgive me friends for being so slack. Know that I love all of you... A to Z.... and pray for us all every day.
    Forgive any oversights please and take care of yourselves. Pam
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2007
    Good Morning sweet sister, wishing you all a happy and safe Tuesday.

    Puppy and sisters always in my thoughts and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I cant believe its 4:30am and I am awake and on the computer. Woke up at 3:30 and just couldnt fall back to sleep. I finially got the phone call from my PCP about my lab work. It was sorta weird. Blood sugar, LDL, and triglycerides are elevated. Cholesterol was 219 so he wasnt too concerned about that. He didnt increase my cholesterol medication, but he wants me to watch my diet. I have lost 15 pounds since I was first diagnosed with pneumonia. Nothing like getting sick to help ya lose weight.

    Tgirl: Besides the heartbreak of being released from your job, sounds like you are better off now with your new job. Its funny, talk about short skirts. I put one on now and I look silly! Everything I wear now is for comfort. Still havent figured out a hair style yet either. I keep saying I want to let it grow long again, but it gets to a point like it is now where its just a mess. Cant seem to style it for the life of me. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go short permanently.

    Suz: Darn it anyways. These health care professionals really dont understand how we feel with the slightest issues of concern. Having to repeat a CXR and not getting my medication filled would be freaking me out. Glad you have an appointment today. Im sure everything is going to be ok, but I sure do understand the uneasiness you are feeling.

    Sheri: I just love my laptop. Problem for me is it is alot slower than my regular computer and lately I dont seem to have the patience. Posting pics is one of my favorite things to do.

    Liz: About 5 years ago, we lost my MIL and FIL about 4 months apart. Back and forth to the hospital, home health services, running around to help. It was probably one of the most difficult times in my life. I am hoping that you do one special thing for yourself today.

    Vickie: Man it was so good to see a post from you. I feel so lost since I was off the computer for 4 days. Having the same problems here with it getting colder at night. We will be closing our pool this week-end. I think we used it the most we every have this year though. Now I have to find a place where I can go swimming. Dont want to stop that exercise.

    NS: So glad to see a post from you. My chemo brain is working full force. So did you end up having the surgery? Im so tired of fighting for every little thing we need.

    Candie: Xanax is my best friend. I used to go on the chat and spend hours there until I went back to work. Dont seem to have the time anymore. But I must agree, I do love the chat also.

    Christine: I think I am going to have to agree with you. Its been a long, hot summer. I am ready for Fall too. Its Winter that I am dreading. Your dinner sure sounded good.

    Donna: Hahahaha! I love the party hat. Thanks for posting the pictures.

    CY: Sounds like you had a busy day. If I were that guys boss, I would have walked him out the door. Cant stand it when someone threatens to quit. Hoping the right person comes along to help you out.

    Sherloc: I agree with you. I am so totally fed up with insurance companies and hospitals too. For the first time, my hospital has sent me to a collection agency. I told them I would not pay the bill, until I got an explanation of the charges. They said they dont have to give me a summary. My CXR last week was $600.00! It took a whole 5 minutes. Their greed is unbelievable. I have a PPO and make my copayments. Then I keep getting bills in the mail from the insurance company saying I owe money. Totally baffles me. I really believe our whole insurance system has to change. I barely lost my house trying to pay all these hospital bills after insurance! Makes me just crazy.
    What a nice surprise. Glad you got an afghan!

    Jeannie: Congratulations on getting the mentor position. It sounds like fun.

    Odalys: Yesterday was my first day back in traffic since school started. Oh man, I forgot - doubled my driving time to work.

    DebC: Being without a computer for 4 days, I missed something. Hoping your sister is going to be ok.

    WEll! Computer time is up. Gotta hit the showers and get ready for work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited August 2007
    Good morning circle family,
    I actually managed to get up on time this morning. The nights are getting downright chilly! So not ready for that kind of weather.
    gonna make a quick walk around the perimeter and check on as many as I can this morning.
    Sunshine sister Nicki...where are you? I have a feeling you are either in front of or behind me this morning. Hugs to you.
    Jankay...good morning sunshine girl...what's up with Peter? I know he isn't sleeping and I talked to him briefly yesterday.
    Suz...we are right there with you holding your hand today. Don't forget that. I think we should whip out the magic carpet and give you a wild ride to take your mind off it. Cheri is always happy to drive.
    Cheri...gonna sneak in your wagon and jump on your bed till you get up and post.
    Gina...oh my...just read your post. Enough already...I'm sending you a very gentle cyber hug. Wish it could be in person. Please remember that I'm not that far away...I'd come if you needed me.
    Candie...I love my Xanex too...couldn't make it some days without it.
    Donna...Xanex lollipops are a staple around here. Better living through drugs is our motto (amoung others LOL). Love the picture...oh I wish we were all still there.
    Guz...where are you?
    Silvergirl...we'll pick you up with the magic carpet today too.
    Amy...where are you? We'll sneak in and "borrow" Mazer...that'll bring Amy out in a hurry. How are those sweet puppies. (NO do NOT post a picture...I can't drive there to get one so I don't want to see them LOL)
    CY...9 hours at work and your replacement is leaving. Well I must say he sounds like a jerk so who needs him. Besides, you are irreplacable anyways. Sending a hug and prayers for nothing but good results this week.
    Angel...great pictures of Jankays gathering...thanks for posting...I'll sneak by your wagon and let you sleep.
    Betty...we miss you.
    Liz...You have been going through way to much lately. My goodnes...into the center with you! Miss you.
    ok...got up in time so it's off to shower and head to work...geez...it's really cutting into my board time.
    Love and hugs from Amy to Z. Hope everyone has a grand day.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited August 2007

    Peter - sorry to hear you are not feeling well mate. Hope all goes well at the doctors today. Keep us posted. Sending lots of healing sunshine your way. BTW - What is going on with all that foam on the coast of Australia?

    Vickie - bummed about you not getting the job. The right job is just around the corner, I know it.

    Liz, Gina and all those having difficulties- my heart aches for all that you are going through. Praying God will place his divine hand and send better times your way soon.

    Robin - I hope your surgery went well and you are parin free and resting.

    Jankay - Pictures look great. I miss your jokes.

    Charlene - that was some birthday party we had in your honor. I think I gained 10 pounds from all the food and tequila.

    Nicki - I know what you mean about ruffing it without no power. Right after my lumpectomy, we had several hurricanes going through and ended up with no power for three weeks. I thought I was going to go nuts. We had a generator but after a while I could not stand the noise and smell. The city was in total darkness, street lights were down, the entire city looked like a bomb had landed. Scary! We are so used having power and running water, I had forgotten what is like to go without it. Just another reason to count our blessings.

    Suz - good luck today. Sending you gentle hugs.

    I'm missing so many, sorry not intentional, just haven't caught up yet. Sending everyone from Amy to Z a gentle hug. Got to run or I'll be late for work. BBL
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    Suz: I'm so sorry that you're in 'freak out' mode. It is probably nothing.........you'd think Oncology Office's would be a bit better with 'phone etiquette' but they just don't think. Please let us know as soon as you find out. I'm with you squeezing your hand!
    Yup, pretty close to Howell! Actually, I'm closer to Fenton and they got hit pretty bad. We were Up North for the weekend, but our house and all are fine.

    Susan: I just saw that you are using your "NEW" Avatar! Looks cute!
    I hear you about Job hunting..........I, too am feeling a bit like a loser these days. More later.

    Nicki: I swear, we are still getting together before the snow falls!!!!!!!! Glad being back to work went well for you and double glad you now have power! A few years ago, we lost ours for 6 days..we think the Power Company forgot about our little area! We now have a generator and if power goes out, we plug the critter in and Viola! Power! Knock on wood.......we haven't had to use it much the past couple of years!

    Vickie: UMMMMMMMMMMMM..........Trampoline? Child of mine, do you not understand......climb, jump, equals fall, hurt!!

    Amy: LOL....first to decline offer of my Husband! Love ya Girl!

    Christine: My "new" avatar is compliments of MB! No, I'm not crocheting, I'm holding that "god forsaken" Lizard that MB's Son had!!!! My tongue is sticking out cuz the flippin thing started doing the 'real fast in and out thing with it's tongue!' However, If you look close at my shirt, there is a itty bitty square pinned on there that I did crochet there under the direction of AlwaysHope!!

    Work is so messed up, but I've got to go and do a 2 1/2 hour care followed by an "go, but she may not be there." So, long day or short day......even the office doesn't know. Whatever.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    Post deleted by adrionna

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited August 2007

    no Denise...little trampoline...really little...6 inches off the floor LOL!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2007
    Never Argue with a Woman

    One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and
    decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife
    decides to take the boat out.
    She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book.

    Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the
    woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?"

    "Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?")

    "You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her.

    "I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading."

    "Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start
    at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up."

    "If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault," says
    the woman.

    "But I haven't even touched you," says the game warden.

    "That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you
    could start at any moment."

    "Have a nice day ma'am," and he left.

    MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited August 2007
    DD with her coconut drink in the Bahama's...she doesn't handle her liquer well LOL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited August 2007
    another of DD...can't wait to see her
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited August 2007
    Jankay, loved the strawberries!! It looks like you had a beautiful day; the pics are great.

    Shirley, the hospitals never refund money until you call them on it and here locally, good luck if you ever get it. I had to prepay my surgeon before he would even do my excisional biopsy. I argued, I did this for years, but that was their policy and I was assured that my claim FROM THEIR OFFICE would get to the insurance company before the hospital, etc. Did it - no. I then had to have the 2nd surgery and I told the surgeon, I wasn't going to pay anymore upfront. I had to call the surgeons office three times to get my overpayment to pay on my other medical bills. I know how you feel and it is frustrating!!!!!!!! This has happened to me on another occasion at the hospital during my care - I'm sure we aren't the only ones. Give'm heck!!!!!!!! (not supposed to say the other word)

    Deb - glad that your sister had a little less pain. Will wait to see word from you on the CT today.

    Gina - another insurance nightmare. Had to sit there and just wait to see if they ever came through - oooh. If it is a woman they are having to deal with on getting approval, wouldn't you just like to ask her if she would want to go through this crap? I hope someone can show them their policies just suck.

    Christine - glad some of the apartment will start having repairs but I would leave on the plastering too.

    Nicki - glad your day at work went fairly good for being so sick. Just getting out again, especially after the loss of power, probably felt good. We lost power for 10 days after hurricane Hugo blew inland and created much damage here and then again for an ice storm (our favorite winter event) for 5 days. Makes you realize how dependent we are on power and just think what terrorist could do to cripple us (our home lives) and our economy. Scary!!!

    See that many of you feel like "certain holidays" shouldn't be on the horizon yet. I'm definitely not up to it and there is a new granddaughter scheduled to arrive in the middle of all of that too. Gonna get interesting.

    Cheri, where the heck are you???? Don't tell me you've left the circle too - missing to many.

    Off to work. Hope everyone has a good day. I didn't take notes and I've missed many of you. Still not feeling my usual self (I had improved since BC.) Don't know what is going on but things aren't just OK and it isn't from silent bronchitis. I didn't feel or think I was old before but like many of you, I now feel ancient.

    Hugs, Brenda
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited August 2007
    I found us another prayer warrior to watch over us all
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited August 2007
    No time to go back and read so I'll just catch up from here.

    CY, you have a full plate this week. We're with you tomorrow for your scans. The magic carpet is going to be busy with you, Suz, and Robin tomorrow, and I think we have Puppy's dr. visit tomorrow too, and we'll be with you again on Thursday.

    Deb, hope today finds your sister improving even more.

    Jankay, nice pics Charlene posted for you. What a beautiful location.

    Nicki, 15 lbs. is a lot, pneumonia is not the way to loose it though. Are you not smoking still?

    Shirley, you got an afghan - awesome!

    Peter, are you not feeling well? Hugs to you.

    Vicki, I read how your weather is chilly at night, guess Nicki's too, however, we're having another hot spell.

    Cheri, where are you?

    Denise, great pic.

    Time to hit the shower. Missing many but you are thought of. Hugs and prayers for those who need an extra lift today.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited August 2007
    Good morning friends,

    Hope everyone has a good Tuesday. I have some brand new chemo caps that someone crocheted for me that I didn't use. I would like to give them to someone. Do any of you know anyone who could use them? Let me know. Thanks.

    Hugs and prayers,
    life's a long song - Jethro Tull
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited August 2007

    Rita .. Thank you for the belated birthday wishes! Nice to know another Virgo! When is your birthday?

    Theresa .. I agree with Margaret...If Mama isn't happy then Nobody's happy! LOL

    Suz .. Thank you also for the belated birthday wishes! Holding your hand today and eager to hear how you make out at the onc appt.

    Madison .. I have an almost 2 year old and it's depressing to think how long I'll be saying "Get up for School" yet. LOL At the same time, I hope she keeps me young. So far it hasn't worked because this stupid cancer came along and aged me considerably. I'm hoping in time I can reverse that. Nope, I'm Still exhausted!

    Z .. Awww, that's sweet about your boy going to high school. I've cried every year on Audrey's first day of school!

    Liz .. Gentle hugs to you. You need to get more rest and take care of yourself. Fatigue is a monster that won't leave me either. Take care.

    MB .. ummmmm ... okay to be honest, I just unburied the exercises I printed. I promise you I Will! It's been Crazy here and I need to Make time to do them. School starts Wed and maybe that will help me find time. Oh, you were Serious about the pedometer? LOL I was actually at Walmart the other day and thought of it. But until I got the shampoo I needed and then walked 100,000 feet to get the milk on the other side of the store I forgot about it! I just yawned and stretched my hands up to the sky while doing so. Does that count at all?

    BikerJan .. The RV life sounds fun. You seem to always be on the go either biking or camping!

    BMD .. Your weekend sounded like just what you needed! Good for you!

    Brenda .. Yikes, don't even want to think about those holidays! The summer went by in a blink of an eye. Ava's birthday is 3 days before Halloween, Audrey's birthday is the week after Thanksgiving and Devon's birthday is 2 weeks before Christmas. It's such a hectic and stressful time of the year and it really gets to me. The birthdays and Christmas time should be all fun and joy but it's always too much going on. This year is going to be even harder I think. I have to learn to manage it all better to make it more joyful!

    Sheri .. waaaahh, I miss my laptop!

    Candie .. I'm glad Mandy helped! I was only teasing but I knew it might be a while until I could get around to it! Now waiting to see a pic from you!

    Donna .. Thanks for the pic of Guz in that hat! I bet you all had fun with that!

    CY .. I'm so glad to hear you had a good day! Wow you have a crazy week ahead. We'll be with you at your surgery on Thursday. My twin is having the same procedure in September. Good advice to Cheri, we miss her here.

    Shirley .. I agree with you about insurance companies. I can't tell you how many bills I've gotten that weren't correct and it makes me wonder how many people just pay their bills without questioning them. So glad you got an afghan! I was surprised you didn't have one already! You deserve it!

    Jeannie .. What will you do as a mentor?

    Deb .. Have you heard more about your sister? Thinking of her and sending positive vibes.

    Karen .. Dang cyber monster! Feel good days to you too.

    Pam .. It's always nice seeing you post. Don't worry about keeping up, it's so hard to these days!

    Peter .. I hear you are having pains. Good luck at the doctor, let us know.

    Nicki .. You sound like you're back to your old self, that's good to hear.

    Vickie .. Thanks for letting me sleep, I needed that!

    Odalys .. My party was awesome! I think I gained some weight myself!

    Gina .. What a royal pain and so unfair for you to have to go through that. I'm unclear on whether you actually had the expander surgery?

    Denise .. Your DD is lovely! When is she due?

    Cheri .. How are you girlfriend? Let us know.

    Jankay .. very funny!

    Margaret .. Are you driving the magic carpet this week? Please don't forget to pick me up. You seem to be well organized and can get us to the right place at the right time. So many needing us this week.

    BooSue .. Where are you?

    IrisAngel .. Thinking of you. My irises are Still looking so lovely and making me smile!

    I got the most touching card from a friend of my sister who lives in Texas along with a beautiful bookmark with a little crystal pink ribbon on it. Amazing how people you don't even know care about you and reach out.

    Karl's dad arrived safe and sound. He's a very sweet man and so good with the kids. He has a daughter just a year older than Audrey! She is back home in Arizona with her mom though. He was in an accident a long long time ago that left him with slight brain damage and a permanent limp. He would talk about things and say they just happened 2 months ago when it was really 10 years ago! He gets around pretty good though.

    If I missed anyone I apologize but know I think of you all and hope you're doing well.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2007
    Good morning, ladies. Nicki and Shirley are certainly right! There are lots of good people in the world and many right at arms-length! I have copied my post from the Illinois thread because I want to share this with all of you, too.

    I have to share a very touching story with you. Since I am turning the big 6-0 on Thursday, two of my golfing friends asked if they could take me to birthday dinner at the Olive Garden last night. (We couldn't do it on Wednesday night because I'm back to teaching the youth group at church.) Since we all live in different parts of the twin cities, we were just going to meet there at 6:15. When I walked in, they were standing in the lobby waiting for me. I should have smelled a skunk in the woodpile right then because one of them is always late. The hostess immediately took us toward the back to our table. When we turned the final corner I saw them............14 of my friends around a large decorated table with balloons, table decorations, and fancy napkins. I was so surprised and we had a great evening. It was a combined "end of chemo" and birthday celebration. They had a cake and plenty of "60" gag gifts and lots of cards..some funny and some sentimental about the journey I've been through. Some were bowling gals, some golfing friends, and some neighbors. It really choked me up because these ladies have all been there for me the last 10 months, helping me in different ways. I think sometimes we dwell on our fears, pains, and anxieties more than the good things. As I looked around the table, I saw so much good in each of them and realized the major role these gals and their friendships have played in my life. It was so obvious when they were all in the same place at the same time. Pretty touching, isn't it? I feel so blessed.

    I hope each of you have a great day. Life is good, even with its speed bumps! They slow us down but can't stop us.

    See...there's so many good people out there. They just sometimes get overlooked in the midst of all the self-centered, incompetent, and more "evil" ones.

    Have a great day! I'll catch up later today on the several pages that have appeared since I last posted.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2007
    Hey Girls, and Peter

    I am still around. August was a pretty hectic month for me and it had my twin anniversaries of diagnosis and surgery! I am one year free!!

    Nicki, so glad you weathered the storm ok. At least the local store had coffee! lol. I was worried.

    Deb, prayers for your sister. My sister had an emergent hyster because they saw wierd things on the ultrasound and couldn't figure it out. Turns out she had had an abcess on her ovary the year before and was full of scar tissue, etc. Took them 4 hours (usually a one hour op) to do the hyster because of that. And NO cancer involvement. Glad they caught your sister's infection and early enough to treat with antibiotics.

    Vicki, sorry you didn't get the job you wanted. I'm with Nicki, something will come your way that will suit you better.

    So many new people since I last posted. This is a happening place. And what's this about another Pinkstock??

    Jankay, love your jokes and stories. I print many of them and share them at work. How is your walking going?

    Haven't been able to read all since I was last on. You girls are always in my thoughts and prayers, even when I stay away for a while. Love y'all.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited August 2007
    G`day Sisters,
    Thanks Janice for mentioning about me going to the dr, think it was just a little bit of angina. While posting last night I started to get some chest pains, used the spray I have and laid down for awhile and the pain seemed to go away. Was thinking of going to the hospital but decided to just see my GP later this morning.

    First post I have made for awhile and did not get a chance to say much, cannot even blame the cyber monster. Now 2.30am in the morning, woke up sweating and with a headache so not even going to try and read anything at the moment, but see if I can get back to sleep.

    Just wishing all from Amy to Z a great day, those with any problems I hope things are better real soon. Anyone with dr appointments or tests I pray that all is well

    Take care

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited August 2007
    Good Morning Friends. Have started my jello and gatorade routine. Just spent an hour on the phone with the pre-op nurse. What a hoot she was. So looking forward to getting this plumbing check over with. Today I am meeting with my girls for lunch, then taking dear son birthday shopping. He is in desperate need of some new clothes. Isn't it surprising how crummy they look when they move out and have to pay for their own stuff?

    Jeannie, taken out and shot....I so like the way you think. Daughter and crew were supposed to be showing up here on Thursday as well. Kidlets were going to be spending a week with grammie. But the friend that would usually watch them if I have an appt is in bed with a wacked out back. So since I have 2 doc appts next week they are not coming till the 14th. How was that for a long drawn out explanation of a pointless matter?
    Congrats on becoming a mentor. You will be fabulous.

    Cy, I'll be on the carpet for you on thursday. I'll be the one farting. I'll try not to stink up the OR.
    Sorry TMI, but I just couldn't resist.

    Odalys, lunar eclipse? Dang I missed it.

    deb, praying hard for your sister. Do they have any idea what the mass is?

    Karen, hope you had a good nights rest. Did I thank you for the cards?
    Did I thank everyone for the cards and flowers. Both here and at sisters house? If not thank you so much. It meant the world to me that my friends would send flowers to my sisters. Can't remember everyone who did but you all know who you are soooooo thank you thank you thank you. This is why I LOVE the CIRCLE.
    Sister has all the cards and notes in a basket. She is going thru them little by little as her heart allows. It will be slow going but she insists on responding to each one.

    Great pics Jankay. Very pretty place. Thanks for posting them Charlene.

    Pam, so what was the surprise in the mail? Enquiring minds want to know!
    The carpet is going to be busy tomorrow. Robins surgery, Puppy's appt, my colonoscopy, and someone else is doing something but my brain cells have put the memory into hiding. Anywhos you girls are in for a wild ride tomorrow.

    Sweet dreams Peter. Hope you had a perfect day. Winter is just about over for you right?

    Nicki, pneumonia would not be my choice for a weight loss program. What do you mean they don't have to give you a summary? I thought that was required by law? I am looking into the future...bet you didn't know I could do that....and seeing the whole country getting themselves up in arms over this insurance fiasco, which in turn is going to lead to universal health care, which I really don't see as an answer to the whole mess.

    Good Morning Vicki, did you ever get your thyroid level checked? Where is Amy, another name I have not seen in a several days. And what puppies???? I missed that announcement.
    Sarah is gorgeous as always. Did she have a grand time in spite of the nasty storm?

    Denise, a god forsaken lizard? O my. Daughter is beautiful. No make-up needed. She is glowing. And her hubby (I'm guessing that is her hubby?) ain't half bad either.

    Brenda/Nan, you had to prepay? WOW! I've heard that happens but just can't fathom it. That is incomprehensible to me. Not to mention unexpectable. I mean gee whiz, we all know the doctors and such want to get paid. We all know the insurance companies pay them a pittance. But really!!!! Maybe if they would just turn back the clock or calendar or whatever, and go back to the days of charging a real value instead of an inflated one, and insurance companies paying the real value instead of a fraction of it maybe the cycle could be broken. Who the heck knows. It's all about money and greed. The "system" is definately broken.
    A new grand daughter on the way. An excellent event!!!

    Margaret, thanks for reminding me. Suz is having her appt tomorrow.

    Charlene, just walking thru Walmarts doors counts as an extended work-out. You get major points for that. Good luck with getting Audrey into bed tonight and up tomorrow.
    I must say I am very very glad my anal retentive virgo self doesn't allow me to be disorganized in the area of paperwork. I keep amazingly complete records of anything and everything that costs me money. Woe to the insurance moron or billing dept paper pusher who dares to try to brush me under the carpet. The moron yesterday actually said to me "Maam, it's obvious we aren't getting anywhere and I can tell you from experience that my system is not wrong. You can speak to a supervisor if you wish or file a grievance but there is nothing I can do for you"....that of course got my goat so I kept the fool on the phone for 3 hours just to annoy him.
    Not so sure I deserved an afghan but am ever so happy that I received one.

    Rita, what a lovely surprise. Happy early birthday to you.

    Lynny, happy one year cancerversary.

    O my gosh Peter, sweating and headache signs of heart attack, please go to the ER now. Don't wait for morning. I am praying for you right this moment and will continue till I read you are ok.

    Time to shower and get ready to meet my girls. Hope everyone has a splendid day. I'll leave you with one more whine just so you know I love you......Was told not to take my meds this morning cause it would be pointless......Hot flash meds don't stay in my system, have to take them like clock work or they don't work.......so as of 6:10 am when I woke up sweating like a pig I have been flashing to beat the band. It's gonna be a long pickin day.
    Love you all to bits.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited August 2007

    oops should mention, meeting girls for lunch but I won't be eating. I am a good girl and always do what I'm told. I'll be having jello.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited August 2007

    geez, I can't spell....that should read Unacceptable not unexpectable....what a dingbat I am.

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited August 2007
    Peter - Shirley is right. Call for an ambulance or get to an emergency room. Chest pain, sweating and headache are signs of a heart attack. Even if it is not it is better to be safe than sorry. Prayers and positive thoughts being sent your way.

    Thank you to all for your positive thoughts - could feel everyone holding my hand. It is funny where your imagination can take you. I had my x-ray this morning. Radiologist wanted oblique views. Saw the onc and he said radiologist now wants a CT scan. I looked at my x-rays and I couldn't see anything. My onc went down and looked at them and said he thought they were just fine - but since the radiologist suggested the CT he wants me to have one - so I am waiting now for them to call and let me know when that will be. He thinks the radiologist is young and younger radiologists feel that for followup cancer patients should get CT scans instead of chest x-rays. He is just being very thorough. On my bone density front, all of my weight training is working - my bone density is stable to improved so he said keep on doing whatever I am doing. He also refilled my Arimidex prescription. My dh and Jack came to the appointment with me. I had to be fasting for my blood tests and I was so starving when we finally got out of there that we went out for lunch.

    CY - praying for good scans and surgery for you. We will all be on the magic carpet and there holding your hand.

    Must get to work - will bbl.

    Love and hugs to all from A to Z,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2007
    Just running by…. Please still keep my Sis, Bobbi in your prayers. They have her on a morphine pump for the pain, and last night, the dose was set too high and her oxygen stats went too low, so now she is on oxygen. They are turning down the level of the drugs and are gong to see if they can control the pain with an amount that does not impair her breathing. They are planning more scans today….

    Here is a weird one for ya…The pump that is running all her IV meds is the same type they used for my chemo. Just listening to the sounds it makes pumping makes me feel like I’m going too puke! I had to sit on the other side of her bed and turn some music on so I couldn’t hear it! How silly is that???

    Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers..
    Deb C