Hey Circle girls. Hope all of you are sleeping peacefully. I like the Hamptons too. Actually, there's several places I post and enjoy but, oh I don't know, this just feels like home. It's gotten so much smaller it's almost deserted but I don't mind. It is easier to keep up with and I don't know if I need a break from it or just a phase or what, but I've always spoke to almost everybody in my posts and I just don't have the energy to do that on a really busy board. I always have before. It's like ginas is the city and this is the country. Laid back and quiet. I like both places depending on the mood.
I drove to my dr. appt. today! WooHoo! First time I've driven since the first of May. And I just had to use my camboot. I've done it before but there is sort of a trick to it. LOL It's about an 80 mile round trip. I am really tired but it was liberating after being stuck in this house for so long. So I do have some independence. Little at a time I'm going to get through this. Every day I'm closer and closer to healing.
I didn't get to quit my home infusions quite yet. The dr. told me he wanted me to stay on them for 2 more weeks and he was going to watch my bloodwork closely and he would probably put me on oral antibiotics then. I was disappointed not to be taken off the home infusions cos I do hate them but it'll be alright and well worth it to stay on them and heal completely. I'm used to doing them anyway.
Cherylnc, oh my you must get well! What a wonderful trip you're taking. Wishing you a great time. My liver enzymes are always high and were all through chemo and I don't drink either.
Donna, nice to see you posting.
Jazz, where you been, who'd you see, what'd you talk about?? Where have you been keeping your colorful little self? I've missed you.
Janny my friend, you are just too funny. I love funny. hahaha
Candie, what did the dr. say about your rash or whatever it is? I hope he gave you something so you could get some relief from it.
Boo girlyfriend, you just drop in often enough to keep me from saying Boo-who? hahahaha
Oh my its been a long day and I'm over tired. I should've gone to bed a couple of hours ago but...
Hey to Charlene, Marsha, Amy, Liz, Jazz, Janny, Iris, Neesie, Jankay, CherylCY, CherylG, Odalys, Gina, Vickie, Nicki, Brenda, Carrie, Deese, Candie, Marissa, Lini, Christine, Donna, SusieQ, BMD, Jeannie, Tracey, Suz, Tricia, Shel, Deb, Cherylnc, Gus, Sheri, Shirley, Madison, Robin, MB, Margaret, whew! That's all I can think of so if I missed your name I'll maybe get it next time. I was so lucky the day I just jumped right in here and made so many good friends. Real friends. Hey to Socal. lol almost forgot you. Silly me.
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Good Morning Everyone: Hope you have a great day. Thought I would bring a little sunshine your way.
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Morning all, hope everyone is doing well.
Cheri, so you drove yesterday with a chamoboot? I recognize that independence coming back.
CherylInC, hope you are taking Airborne for your cold. Weather yesterday was almost rain - did you have that?
Boo/Sue, glad you had a nice lunch with Choca.
Cheri, this is home so I will continue to post here and hope that others come back.
Morning Nicki.
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Hey good morning everyone. Well things are much quieter here so maybe I can keep up!
Boo, hey girl, good to hear from you. I so wanted to join you guys this weekend but had to be in Orlando yesterday for pre admit testing, took all effing day. Enjoy the conference today! ARe you planning to meet up with Vickie and MB when they are here?
Sheri, glad to hear you got the part!! Good for you and a cast you really like it important. I finally jumped back in with that Murder Mystery last weekend and have another one scheduled at the Elks Lodge at the end of October. Fun fun.
Cheri, hahahaha on you driving on the gravel road. Spinning out any? 2 more weeks of infusion is something you can do, strong as you are.
Hey Margaret how was Vegas?? Did you win big?
Cheryl, wow that sounds like so much fun! FYI grapefruit is bad for you also if you are on tamoxifen.
Donna, damn you are a party animal! Wish you lived closer to me!
hey Charlene, how's the bowling balls hanging? Yours are getting bigger and mine are deflating! haha
I'm gonna try and keep up better here than I have in the past couple of weeks. I got very distracted with this surgery coming up and have had trouble concentrating on much of anything else.
Hello to all my sisters. Marsha
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Hey to everyone, I really don't have time right now but just popping in to say good morning. I'll be back later to catch up with everyone!
Love ya all
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Hi Gals,
I tried to post on No Surrenders board, but all of a sudden it said I need a password to enter the site. Can someone PM with that information.
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Brenda: She must be having a problem with the site, cause I just tried to get on and it wont accept my password.
I'm curious, anyone else having problems getting into the Hamptons?
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Thanks Nicki,
And here I was so proud of myself for my long post and remembering everybody!
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Bin: Hahaha. Its always the long posts that get lost. Dont know why, but it makes me crazy.
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Good morning chicas and chico. I haven't had time to check in lately because work is keeping me on the fly. But, glad to report all is well.
I'm not sure if I can catch up with everyone so I'll just jump in from this page forward. Nice to see this site is improving. Hopefully things will get back to a new normal soon.
Donna - Your schedule sounds like mine. Having to do a two hour commute is not easy these days. Do you have any problems getting up early? I struggle to get going every day.
Cheryl - French Polynesia...wow, sounds like a very exotic vacation. I hope your cold goes away so you can enjoy it. Sure hope you take plenty of pics and share them with us.
Sue - Glad the FL girls had a great time. Sorry I missed it. Can't wait to see those pics.
Cheri - special hugs to you dear friend. I am so happy to hear you finished your PT. Soon you'll be done with those infusions. You are so courageous, always with a sense of humor...such an inspiration to all of us. Last night I was ready to party and then became so tired I fell asleep. What a party pooper (sp?). How about tonight? I am ready for some fun!!!
Charlene - How are you? I hope your fill-ins are less painful these days. How are your girls doing? Is Audrey adjusting to her new teacher(s) this year?
Nicki - What are you up to these days? Last time I checked in you were going for that big job interview. How did it go? Did you get/accept the job?
Marsha - good to see you again. When is your surgery? I will keep you in my prayers. Shall I send Ray Liota to keep your mind away from the surgery?
Brenda - Hi, glad to see you. I don't recognise your avatar. It's hard to keep track of everyone with all the recent changes on this site.
Margaret - glad to see you here and on the DWTS thread.
Okay - everyone is invited to a cyber party tonight. You can find us on the cyber party thread. See you there. Got to go now. Wishing everyone a great day.
Love and hugs,
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I'm Home! they did 5 IV antibiotics infusion while I was in the hosptial. they let me out late last nite and now I have a different oral antibiotic to take. On Monday this port will be removed and hopefull a new one put in at the same time. Dr. Hickman wanted to do it last Wed but there was so much infection and my blood levels were too high. so I back on shots for the blood level for a week, but they should be low enogh to do the surgery on Monday.
Cheri, Liz, Margaredt and Susan thank you for the calls they sure help boost my mood. And I got two full days of rest which I really needed. Work is trying to get by without me there. Good thing I had most of it done before I left.
I'm feeling a lot better!
I'm going to go back and read and see what's happend around here since Tuesday
Hugs & Prayers to all
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Hope, so far, you are having a good Saturday.
I went to the Dr yesterday for this darn rash. She said it is a bad case of eczema.Never had anything like it before. anyway, she gave me a cortisone-steroid cream to put on 2x a day. She says it should be gone in a week--if not call her again. The cream has made it a bit more tolerable so far.
Cheryl--glad ur labs are ok. I have 2 co-workers that have high liver enzymes and there is nothing wrong. Meds can do that, tho. Oh, wow, your vacation just sounds so wonderful. When are you going---do enjoy!!!
Cheri, congrats on driving. Must feel great to be able to go out on your own
Nicki, thanks for the sunshine this morning
Marsha, good luck with the surgery...when is it?
Odalys,oooo a cyber party. I never went to one of those...may join you tonight.
Peter, how are you doing? Hoping to see you here soon.
Charlene, how are the boobies? And is Audrey ok now.
Well, I am at work til 4:00. then I am going to a Fall
Festival at a local church. First time they are having it ...sounds interesting and beautiful weather here today so tonight should be gorgeous. Have a great rest of today.
Hugs and prayers,
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Good afternoon Circle. How the heck are you? So glad to see some of our 'core' Circle Girls back posting, if even a bit. Nicki, Margaret, and Charlene, Marsha, and Odalys. Nice to see ya pals.
Marsha, oh it is much easier to keep up here now. Not near the crowd there used to be, but the girls are slowly coming back around.
Cherylnc, you've been my own personal cheering section and I'm going to miss you when you go on your fabulous vacation. But I am happy that you get to go.
Odalys, hi ya girlyfriend. I'm always up for a party wherever you want. Give me an approx time. Oh shoot, i don't know how to post pics anywhere anymore. I'll learn.
Mentally, I feel good about how things are going. Physically I am worn out and I woke up and my leg was swelled some and showed the hole in it that used to have the infection but it was dry so everything is alright. Just startled me a little cos I'm not used to seeing it when I first wake up. I over did yesterday and knew I was going to be sore today so I'm just sitting around taking it easy today and I'm gonna lie down for awhile this afternoon and put my leg up.
Wishing you all a grand day.
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Cheri, you be sure to do some stretches whil you are laying down with that leg. Sometimes the passive exercise really helps!
Was the hubby with you when you drove???
bet that really felt good, but be really careful don't want some jerk to make a bad move and cause you to get into another accident while driving with the cam boot. We worry about you.
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OK I think I'm really PO'd I was checking out some of the changes and looked in the first group of threads under the title Survivors. I can tell this person that posted is angery and hurt but darn it that does not give them the right to say we are not surviviors! I just had to replay to it.
I think I'm going to go lay down and try to cool off.
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CY, so very glad you are home...we love you
I am also PO'd by the thread you mentioned....each and every day that we are here we are survivors.......
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Cheryl glad you are home. rest and take it easy, hear??
I talked with Puppy today. She is doing great. Wanted to say hello to everyone. She is having computer problems again and can't log on.
I am leaving for St. Louis. My Aunt passed away and going to be with relatives.
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You are all invited to a Loau in honor of us bc survivors and heroes. The party is starting soon and will end when the last person turns out the lights. So bring your best Loau outfit and lets party on the cyber party thread! Here is just a preview of what we have to offer...
See you there!
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Hi Madison & Susan, it's good to be home. I will be pretty much just hanging out here at home for a few days. We had to move a bed from stoarge to my daughters but all I did was unlock the gate the the storage unit and give directions. My sister say I look a lot better than I did last weekend. My daughter agreed with her.
Scott is busy cleaning and I think I'm going to go rest and watch a movie.
I may try to get back on later tonight
hope all are doing well
Susan I'm sorry for you loss. my prayers are with you and the family
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About my post earlier that I was PO'd about. I've come back top it after several hours to reflect. I think Medial418 is angry and hurt and I have asked her to come to the circle where we can share our love and friendship with her. If I hadn't have had the support of all of you I might have felt the way she does. I hope we call all welcome her and support her in her time of need.
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I'm getting behind here and will try to catch up tonight just wanted to say
Welcome Home CY!0 -
Thank you Charlene, are you feeling better?
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I asked her to come on over too. You guys welcomed me when I was feeling pretty low and now you can't shut me up!
I hope Ms. Medical stops over here. It broke my heart to read such sadness. You guys have been through so much, and have not only survived, BUT have done it with such grace.
Love, Brenda
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Hi girls,
Marsha, didn't win big but came home with enough winnings to buy dinner and drinks. A fun time was had by all.
Cheryl, it turned out to be pretty nice around here today, quite a difference from yesterday. When do you leave on your trip?
Odalys, I love DWTS - Helio is my winner.
B445/CY, glad you are now home. Sorry I didn't get to talk longer with you - everyone was supposed to be in a meeting and they must have ended it early so when my boss walked in and he needed me to do some things, he's so great that I do whatever he needs. I saw her post and you can definitely hear the anger in her post. I think you are right though, she does need to be here and, of course, we will welcome her.
Candie, my head was itching so bad I used Head and Shoulders today; it actually hurts from all the scratching I've been doing. There is nothing there though so I don't know what it is. Feels better after using H&S. Have fun at the festival.
Cheri, I try to post at both sites and since I seem to spend more time if I post at the Hamptons first, I'm now posting here first. I hope you rested your foot today.
Aw Susan, sorry to hear about your aunt. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
I'll try to join the cyber party later.
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Good Evening sisters, I hope you are having a fantastic weekend
Susan sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt, will keep your family in my prayers
Candie been hiding out in the Hamptons, still having a few problems with the site, but seems to be getting better all the time. Glad to hear you got something to ease the rash and hope that it works quickly to give you some relief. Have a great night at the festival and enjoy all that it has to offer. I am feeling a lot better now, just a little bit of pain now and again.
CY Hope they looked after you in the hospital, and you are starting to feel a lot better. and best wishes for Monday
Sue hope the conference goes well and you have an enjoyable weekend
Big hello too all my sisters Amy to Z, just hope this post is accepted.
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Welcome home CY. So glad your better. Hope the port replacement goes smoothly.
Hi cheri - no Boo Hoo allowed
Marsha - How the heck are ya girl? I miss seeing your posts. I am completely behind the times. So surgery is scheduled???? Sure missed you this weekend. Had a great time at lunch and at the conference today. Met a whole new group of great ladies. Yes I am going to try my best to meet Vickie and MB while they are here. How about you?
Odalys - Sorry you couldn't come this weekend. Are you going to try to meet up with Vickie and MB??
I posted last night at the Hamptons an update about my cosin Adele. Thank you to all for you prayers.
To tired to ciber party tonight. Have a great loau.
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Only three posts since i posted 5 hours ago? I think that's a first.
Peter, hope you are doing well.
Boo/Sue, saying an extra prayer for Adele.
Cheryl, it was nice, nice, nice here. I have never worn a sleeve when flying but I don't have LE either. I swear by Airborne.
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Wishing all my sister a great Sunday
I have just posted the same on the hamptons, Although I have read all of your posts it still feels like I am cheating using copy/paste, but wanted to say hello to my sisters before I go to bed.
Had a nice and relaxing Sunday today, the weather was not the best so stayed inside most of the day and just relaxed. Nothing very much on the cards tomorrow but have a Doctors appointment on Tuesday to get the results of the tests I had last week
I would just like to thank you all for the very positive and supportive comments made about the post I made in answer to Shokk. I did not mean to write as much as I did as I am sure you have all heard it before, but your kind words were very much appreciated.................
CherylnC glad you are feeling better and hope you have a nice and relaxing Sunday.
Candie, thanks for your pm and glad things have settled down for you. I will let you know the results when I find out on Tuesday. Hope you enjoy your Sunday.
Donna Hope you have an enjoyable time away over the weekend.
Jasmine wishing you the best for the weekend
Vickie, Wishing you all the best with Sunday School today, know your plans will work out fine, really enjoyed chatting to you last night sweet friend and seeing that fantastic photo you posted of yourself on the party thread, have a great Sunday, and watch out for them mean censors on myspace .
Margaret your posts are so informative for me had to look up what mojitos are and then what kind of drink a cosmo is. Not sure about the mojito as I get a headache from white rum, but will give them both a test during summer. Hope the ant problem clears up and things get back to normal around you home.
Denise, that was so funny about the mini dumpster, can relate to how you must have been feeling as tossed my keys in one once and they sank towards the bottom, hope your Sunday is more relaxing mate.
Madison Glad to hear your baby is on the road to recovery, but you can keep the vets bills, and just want to let you know how much your work on the afghans is appreciated.
Bren Enjoy reading all your posts, you have a way of saying things that are so true but still make me smile. Thanks for working on a spreadsheet, will definitely make things so much easier. Afraid I am not very inventive as far as my screen name goes, "Peter" is the same as my real name on both sites.
Cherryl I am guessing the Cubbies are your team who won and play baseball? Hope you got to have another wonderful Saturday night dinner mate
Nicki Halloween must be a big celebration from the sound of it, not as big down under, do you get a holiday over there for it?
Madison "You Honk..We Drink" might have to look further into that, sounds like a great idea, we are now enjoying our mild spring weather, and summer commences on 1st December.
Brenda you can only do your best, which is what I am sure you are doing, very sad when family members vent their uncalled for anger at another. Praying that things start to settle down for you my friend.
NancyLee, hope you are feeling stronger today and are able to get some sleep.
Charlene, hope you are not too sore mate, and that Audrey saves her best for when you are able to see her next soccer game.
Trish It sounds so peaceful, watching all the little critters, thinking some of them might become dinner for that big crab you described. Hope you continue to enjoy your weekend.
Robin glad you were able to let us know what is happening, praying that the worst is over for you mate.
Deb C thanks for your kind words of support, I still get my days mixed up with your time, Hope your daughter Katie has/had a great party and you all enjoy/enjoyed yourselves at the skating rink.
Susan keeping your family in my prayers over the loss of your aunt.
Gus sorry you do not get the time to post as much, but glad to hear the good news about Alex.
BMD Glad you had a good day yesterday and enjoyed the movie. and hope your Sunday runs smoothly mate.
CY hope you are resting comfortably, and that you continue to improve and can enjoy your Sunday
Charlene thanks for posting the "My Angel" words
SoCal look forward to seeing the pictures you post, they give me great pleasure every time I come across them, hope you are enjoying your weekend.
CherylG wishing you the best of weekends my friend
Zazette glad you were able to pop in and say hello, only wish we could read more from you. I pray that all is well and you are relaxing over this weekend.
Biker/Jan looks like you are having a big weekend, hope you enjoy everything that is planned.
Doreen, Jenni hope you are having relaxing weekends
Bren Happy belated birthday for last week mate.
Blue enjoyed the jokes you posted gave me many smiles
Karen, hope I have not missed your post as I always enjoy reading them, wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Shokk thanks again mate for inviting me to answer your question, had not intended to reply with my history, but thought it was the best way to provide a reason for my answer. Know we do not get a chance to enjoy your posts on the weekend, so hoping you had a good one and wishing you all the best for the rest of the week.
Carynn another refreshing story, glad it turned out so well and you made some new friends. Mate never feel like you have to catch up, things move so fast here some days its, well impossible, just good to know your here and we get to enjoy reading your posts.
Gina you continue to amaze, still making so many improvements to the site, and showing so much care for others even though you have another big week yourself coming up, wishing you all the best and keeping you in my prayers.
Shirley have already said welcome home,but would just like to say we all missed you mate, your great sense of humor is back with us to enjoy, hope you got to have a good comfortable sleep last night
Sue keeping Adele in my thoughts and prayers
Sheri congratulations in getting the part in the play, and hope that your appointments go well next week
Nicki, you sure do know how to wind down and relax at the weekend, wish you would pass on a few tips to your sunshine sister Vickie
Odalys thanks for starting the party rolling last night, sorry I did not join in very much, but my old computer had trouble loading the pages on the bco site. I am still wondering what you found for me in that picture that did not come out.
Wild/Jan Your son has had an amazing journey to get where he wanted to go with the Marines, and you must be one of the proudest of moms with what he has achieved.
Liz passing on my thanks to you again for the work you are putting in to set up the Christmas Card List, will be looking around during the week for some great cards to send to my sisters.
Amy keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, hope everything went well for you.
Pam sweet sister, I think you said you were having some computer problems, miss your kind words you always have to share. Bet your song was great last night, hope you enjoyed the occasion and get a chance to sit back and relax today.
Jankay, looking forward to catching up with you again this week and laughing at some more of your jokes. Vickie said she has been lonely in the showers lately.
Any sisters from Amy to Z sorry if I have missed you, but want you to know I am always thinking of you.