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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited November 2007

    Just taking a minute to check in.

    Charlene, how are you feeling?

    Marsha, yes, you can come with me.  You're so little I can put you in my roll on.  I can't wait til Sunday.

    Shokk, how were the pinto beans and cornbread?

    Candie and Char, I wonder if the Eucerin calming cream would work for my rash on my neck.  I know it is stress.

    CY, thanks for checking in, and I'm not going to yell at you, but what are you thinking girl?  You should be resting until you are feeling better.  Hope Scott is ok, 3 times in  month?

    My turn to rest now.


  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2007

    VICKIE.... sorry you are not well. Relax and get better this weekend

    PETER... good to see you. Hope you are well

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2007



  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2007

    Back from the convention.   Very informative and uplifting. 

    This Sunday the local newspaper has the entertainment editor coming to interview the cast and take pictures.  They are also going to record one of the scenes to put on their website.  I'll try to post the link if they do.  Opening night is Nov. 15.

    Vickie, sorry you are so sick, hopefully this round of antibiotics will do the trick.

    CY, so sorry about the car accident.  Don't over do, I understand having to pay the bills, but you need to take care of yourself, too.

    I hope you all have a good Friday and weekend.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2007

    Cy I came to check on you before I went on perimeter rounds.

    So glad you posted. I was afraid that you were hurt by the PB here and wasn't posting. But then I remembered our talk when you were at pinkstock and remembered that you had that PB's # from day one.Cool

    If you felt better getting out of the house today then good for you! As long as you know when you had too much and know what your limits are... please do not overdo it! You need to heal so you can resume your tx.

    Does Scott have a red car? Red cars get rearended more than any other car according to stats. And now that the sun is setting lower earlier it is really hard to see brake lights. I hope he is ok.

    We got your wagon all piled high with warm quilts and enough room for all of your family to snuggle with you. And you are in our prayers always.

    Prayer is something that is important to many of us. For me, I believe that it is not enough to just state a "belief" and feel that is all that is necessary. I believe a person must truly walk the walk and talk the talk and that the way you are with others, the generosity of your heart and your compassionate spirit are the things that God sees... and remembers.

    And that is why I know, when God looks upon YOU my friend, He sees someone who is good and loving and kind and real and deserving of all the  good things and love and peace we are wishing and praying for you to have.

    God is able and you will be healed soon and tx will take care of those tumors that are hurting you so.

    You have a lot of love from all over the world... can you feel it?

    I hope so.

    Love you,

  • choca1711
    choca1711 Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2007

    Hi Everyone,

    haven't been here in a while, just had too much to do. I read back for a few pages and was disappointed to see bickering going on again. Still, it happens in the best of families, I guess.

    Cy- I am so sorry that you are having such a rough time. Think of you often - every day in fact, when I see your smiling face on the magnet on my refrigerator door!  

    Vicki - sorry you are sick again. You weren't sick here in FL, thank goodness. So maybe you really should consider moving down here?

    Slonedeb- hugs and prayers coming your way as always. 

    I am doing fine. Busy busy busy. But today was the first day of the whole year that I actually got caught up with all of my work. Yippeee - means I can have a truly lazy weekend, if I want. Well actually, that's not quite true. Going out for lunch with friends tomorrow and have Jamie33 and her son moving in to my place temporarily on Sunday. But still, NO work - I even did all the laundry and ironing today. LOL

    Well, I am heading back to bed to try to get some sleep. Darned night sweats keep me awake - grrrr.

    Sending everyone from A-Z  hugs and chocolate xxxx


  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited November 2007

    Hi Peter,

    Good to see you posting, Mate. Sorry to hear you're not sleeping well. Hope that clears up soon. It's the weekend and I say time for a party. Here's to a great weekend for everyone. Cheers!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    Cy:  Good morning my friend.  Im so glad you checked in last night.  It put some sunshine in my heart and Im sending some back your way - hoping today is a better day.

    I know it must have been hard for you to go to work, I also know that we do what we have to do.  You still amaze me - you have such love and strength.

    Last thing you needed now was for DH to get in a car accident.  Hoping he is ok also.


  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2007
    Good morning,

    In Melbourne Australia we have a long weekend here, well not quite, as the public holiday is on the Tuesday but most take Monday off and have a four day break. Good to see some familiar names back posting in the Circle, along with some very welcome new members, which again will make this site the most supportive, informative and friendly one on the Internet.

    I don't think I have ever gone so long without a decent sleep, tried just about everything without success, and think this is why I cannot get completely over the run down feeling I have.

    I still have not heard any more about the CPAP machine that has been ordered for me, but hope I get some good news on that this week. I have an ENT specialist appointment on Thursday, which is a follow up to the CT scan I had a few week ago, and praying that they will be able to sort out my breathing problems.

    Jasmine I hope that the flu shot gives you the protection from the crud that seems to be going around over there, the party was a great idea, only sorry that I did not feel up to joining in, but I am sure there will be many others to come in the future, have a fantastic weekend.

    Pam so good to see a wonderful post from you, I do wish your net at home can be fixed quickly so that you do not have to worry about Captain Crazy Duck. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hoping you are staying in good health mate.

    Vickie Pal, I do hope you got plenty of rest yesterday and the antibiotics clear up your infection for good and your health gets back on track once again. I feel Dr Pam has given you the right advice about slowing down, as we all want to see a healthy Vickie again. Wondering if you received any news yet on the position you are waiting to hear about.

    Shokk you sound very busy, hope you get that extra hours sleep in and have a relaxing weekend.

    Candice, I hope they can track down the problems you are experiencing at the moment and a quick solution is found, I am on Nexium for reflux which seems to help in my case, take care mate I am sure all will be well.

    Jankay thanks for the post you made and the support you offer. I do hope there might be some good news about your moving shortly, even if it is only for a short time to give you a bit of a break and some better care than you seem to be getting at home. Is there any news on when you will get your wheelchair fixed.

    Lisa know now it is the person behind the camera and not the camera itself, another great picture.

    Charlene glad your operation went well and wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Marisa, glad to see you post, but sorry that your work seems to prevent you from posting often. Always in my thoughts, and I hope your friends cat is able to make it down under.

    CherylG Hope you are well, and good to see a post from you, I do hope that you will continue to post more frequently and let us in the circle know what is happening with you, have a great weekend.

    Elaine, sounds like a great weekend you will be having, hope you are able to enjoy every moment of it.

    Cherryl Glad to see a post from you, know what a busy life you lead but I am sure you get so much enjoyment from what you do. Agree it is time for a good old party, used to have so much fun on the party thread.

    Odalys, hope you are well mate, and work is the only reason we do not get to see much of you posting in the circle any more.

    Cy, Slonedeb, wish you better days ahead

    Hi to Mary and Gracie, Margaret, Sheri, shelli, Sue and everyone hope you have a safe and enjoyable weekend.


    Edited to correct some of my many typing mistakes through my tired eyes.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    There are many of us here who have been involved in the wagon circle from the beginning.    It has always been a place where we would support sisters who were going through difficult times.

    So I find it disheartening to come here and listen to people talking about how bad things are here, or even worse lets party.  We have a cyberparty thread for that.  Just seems so disrespectful to the women who are at home, fighting for their lives, suffering in pain, not eating and feeling frightened.  This is a time for us to all look within ourselves.  Im saddened so many woman are sick right now and going through hell.  I personally would look for spiritual support from someone who does that for a living.  Working with sick people.  Now is not the time to party.  Now is the time to give support to all of our sisters going through very hard times right now.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Happy Saturday Circle girls and Peter!

    Its another gorgeous sunny day on this side of the lake.

    Peter -- it sure is taking along time for them to get that CPAP machine for you.  Weren't you supposed to get it ages ago?  I would think that once you get that then sleeping will come easier.  Thanks for your well wishes. 

    Pam -- hello, happy Saturday

    Vickie -- are you feeling better?  Can't wait to hear good news from you next week about the job.  I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

    Shokk -- happy Saturday.  Any football games lined up this weekend?

    Marisa -- I've wondered where you had been.  Glad things are going well for you.  Is working in a medical examiners office like what they show on CSI? 

    Elaine -- I'm glad to see you checking in.  Enjoy your lazy weekend.  Any special plans?

    SloneDeb -- how are you doing?

    Jankay -- I sure hope they get your assisted living request sorted out soon.  I miss your morning jokes.  :)

    Candie, Gracie -- I hope you both are doing well and have a wonderful day.

    Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test
    a man's character, give him power.

    Abraham Lincoln

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008
  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Oh my gosh!

    Sheri -- I sure didn't mean to leave you and Vickie out.  Hugs to ya girlfriends.  I'm glad you had a wonderful conference. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited November 2007


    Sending this beautiful angel to watch over our CY and SloaneDeb, Gracie, Ferne, Amy, Gina and all sisters in special need right now.

    (((((CY))))) - Wow, you went to work. I don't know what your job is but is there any way it's something you can do from home? That might help make things just a bit easier. I can't believe Scott got rear-ended for a third time in a month! Glad he's okay and that he called the police! I'm glad you were able to eat a bit more today. Thinking of you sweet sister and sending lots of positive vibes and hugs your way.

    Love ya,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2007

    CY, Slonedeb, and all you other ladies who are having a hard time with eating. Just thinking of some ideas for you.

    ...homemade vegetable soup, then put it in the blender to puree it.  Can sip on it all day.  Actually that goes for any of your favorite soups.

    ...Popsicles are really good to keep you hydrated. 

    ...Pudding, especially if you have a favorite.  I know they have a high protein pudding that comes in all different flavors and tastes pretty good.

    ...Potatoes do have lots of vitamins.  So how about mashed white or red potatoes?  You could mash them, or better yet how about twice baked potatoes.  Mash them, put your favorite cheese (protein) in and then rebake them.

    Im sure there are a whole lot of ideas we could come up with.

    Bringing warm wishes your way to the middle of the circle. 


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    For all those too ill to get out, here is a beautiful bouquet of flowers to brighten your day.  Gentle hugs.  Laughing

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2007


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2007



  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    No I didn't Jankay.  :)  You're right under SloneDeb.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2007

    It is apple picking time in the circle.

    For everyone who feels able, we are riding down to the grove to pick some fresh apples and when we come home we will make apple pie, apple bread, apple sauce and cider for all the girls who are too sick to make the trip. The food will be yummy and easy to eat and digest, so Slonedeb and Cy get ready!! I smell the cinnamon already!! 

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2007

    apple pie sounds wonderful!

    I got the results from my bone density scan yesterday, osteopena.  They want me to take Caltrate twice a day, so it must not be too bad.  I'm not surprised, my mom has been on fosimex for at least 7 years.

    I love seeing all of you people posting and offering support, circling our wagons around those who need it.  We have a few that are in the center right now and we are close around them offering our prayers and support.  Whenever I think about "moving on" I come right back because I care so much about the loving people I have met here and know that when or if I need it you will be there to put me in the middle of the circle, too.

    I'm going totry and get out and clean up my garden a little before it starts getting too cold.  Martin Luther, a well known reformer of the Christian Church in the 16th century admitted to suffering from occasional depression.  He said that the best cure for depression is working in the soil.  Getting your hands dirty and pulling weeds can be very satisfying.  However, if you have a tendency to LE, then be sure you wear gloves, LOL!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2007


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2007

    I have decided that it  is time to catch everybody up on what is happening. 

    Although, in reality not much, but progress is being made.  I qualify for a program called Medicare Waiver.  It provides some services to me but it turns out it will pay for placement in a care facility.

    Which is another name for nursing homes, but not the nursing home wing.    They  are trying to get approval for me to stay at a care facility temporarily-for 9 days-to see if that helps me enough.  If it does, then I can get approval to stay longer.  The thing about this is it will be in Kingsport-the city where I live-and there is a facility that is not too far from the house.

    T hen  I hope it helps enough to move to a different surroundings  where I  might be able to use the service animal.  The ultimate goal.


    Cy-I hope this finds you feeling much better.  I do think of u and wish u much happiness  and good   health.

    Karen- I know how hard it is for u to be so far away from y our dad and him being in such poor health.   I haven't experienced it myself but I watched my sisters suffer when they were so far from mom and now me.  I have put u on my  prayer list.

    Charlene-good to see you posting  and glad to hear that Karl is helping you.  I do miss our chats in the early morning.

    Pam-my dear sweet Pam-you are such a giving person and u deserve all the happiness in the world.  I cherish y ou as a friend.

    Vickie-what am I going to do with you.  For your best interests you need to take care of Vickie for a change.  Like  Pam and Peter said,

    S L O W  D O W N!!!

    Peter- you also need to take care of Peter, because you also are a valuable friend and deserve to be happy and healthy.

    Z-my dear y ou  I worry about.  Yo u  need to check in more often to keep mom jan from worrying so much.

    Jaz- keep the quotes coming     I enjoy them they help t o keep the mind working.  Take care also my friend,  we have known each other many years   and that I am proud of.





  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good afternoon Circle Girls and Peter!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far.  The leaves are beginning to change color here and it is one of my favorite times of the year.  There is nothing more beautiful than watching God's coloring book unfold. 

    I've orderd a new camera!  Woohoo!  I hope it gets here in time to take some pictures of the beautiful colors.  I'll post them to brighten everyone's day.

    I went shopping and got some of the prettiest and softest yarn.  Nope, not Walmart this time.  I went to a real yarn shop and was dazzled by all the selection.  Who knew!

    My goal is to knit my Christmas presents this year.  We'll see how that goes since I'm a beginner knitter.  I've found some simple patterns to follow.  Nothing big like sweaters, just simple neck scarves to give warm neck hugs on those cold winter days.

    If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
    St. Clement of Alexandra

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited November 2007

    Am I way out of practice or what?  I copied what I was going to post so I could look back a couple of pages and hit copy again instead of paste and lost it.  Oh well...

    Happy Saturday Sisters and Brother!  It is beautiful here today, still short-sleeve weather with beautiful blue skies.  Like Jasmine, I am always amazed at the beauty God displays around us.  The changing leaves mesmerize me at times... so many colors on one tree!  If He

    put that much detail into leaves on a tree, imagine how much more He cares for us!  The pic you posted yesterday evening was indeed

    the essence of tranquility.  Thank you for sharing it.

    Janice... I do believe that is the longest post ever for you.  I am quite proud!  Seriously, I know you have mixed emotions about all of this, but the main thing is for you to get the care you need and deserve.  I don't think I realized you were working towards a service dog... would loan you Clyde but Mr. Him wouldn't like it very much (not to mention it I couldn't bear to be away from my #1 Canine Companion).  Keeping positive thoughts and prayers that this time they will follow through promptly.

    Vickie... so sorry you are sick again.  You have to take better care!  I hope that you are getting much-needed rest today.  I had a bout with bronchitis last week that really knocked me back a few feet.  The steroids they gave me to help me breathe knocked my blood sugar up.  Still just feel kinda gross.  The pharmacist told me yesterday that it takes about 7 days for things to get back to normal after steroids.  Does that sound right to you, Nurse Nicki?

    It seems as if so many things go in cycles.  Just like bad luck comes in threes I guess.  (I is an old wives tale...).  So many people are fighting recurrences and first rounds with the beast.  It can be disheartening.  We must all remember to keep our armor on.  Do not let the devil near you.  He will dishearten you and try to frighten you.  The last time I checked, God is still in control of the universe and His plan is perfect.  We must keep our eyes on him.

    Cy, Candie, SloneDeb, Gina and so many others... draw near to the warmth of the fire.  Let the circle envelop you with love and compassion.

    Tonight we should have a campfire.  What do you think?  Roast some marshmallows, drink hot chocolate and sing.  How long has it

    been since you have even heard of anyone singing Kumbaya?  It means "Come by here."  May our Father join us this evening, with measures of grace, healing, mercy and peace.  We will hold hands and sing.... and mercy drops will fall all around us.  Peter, I think if you are up for it, you should circle the perimeter like the old days.  Keep away coyotes.  I may even join you for a round or two, if that is ok.  I would like to do some tucking in and hug a few sisters just for good measure.  And I have missed our evening chats.

    CherylG, I was looking for your pretty sunflowers but maybe that was on another site?  So glad to see you posting.  Margo, Sheri, all

    my sisters from A to Z, hope you have a good afternoon.


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2007

    Well, I didn't get out to the garden today afterall!  I spent an enjoyable afternoon playing some canasta on the computer with a couple of good friends.  Very relaxing and stress-free!

    I like the idea of a campfire with some hot cocoa and marshmallows.  Let's snuggle up and get cozy, singing some campfire songs would sure be fun.  If a couple of you want to take turns keeping the coyotes away, I'll take a watch, too.  Maybe my singing will do the trick.

    Pam, Vickie can use the help in tucking in tonight, she needs some extra tlc.  Maybe she'll be up to doing it again soon.

    Janice, I hope this new living arrangement works out well for you.  You sound like it will be a good solution.  I'm glad to see you with something to look forward to.

    I see some smoke from our campfire working its way up to the sky. 

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good afternoon <again> circle girls and Peter  :)

    Pam -- the posting is a bit different than on the old format but I'm sure you will get the hang of it.  It seems that several here are passing the bronchitis around too.  I'm doing my best to avoid it.  I love the campfire idea.  Roasted marshmallows and hot cocoa sound wonderful.

    Peter -- better get your warmest coat and walking boots ready for perimeter duty tonight!  I hope you were able to get some sleep and woke up refreshed.

    Janice -- is there a service dog already trained to do what you need it to do?  How long would it take for you to get one?

    Vickie -- I hope those antibiotics are beginning to kick in and you are feeling better.  We've got to get ready to decorate for Thanksgiving.  It will be here before you know it.  And then, Christmas.  This is my favorite time of the year.

    Sheri -- it sounds like you had a lovely afternoon.  Spending time relaxing should always be part of ones routine to replenish the spirit. 

    Slonedeb -- gentle hugs to you.  How are you feeling. 

    Hi to Candie and Gracie.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2007

    thank you all for your caring and concern..I will be fine. 

    Prayers for all who are struggling...back to the comfy couch for me.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2007