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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2008

    shokk...... I'm so sorry for your loss.  It hurts to lose someone who has been such a wonderful part of our lives.  Thinking good thoughts for your family and hers.

     Gentle hugs

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    I am so very sorry for your loss.

    I have some good news...  my pathology on my d & c came back benign!!  Thanks for all the prayers everyone!!



  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2008

    Harley that is wonderful just made my day better...........Shokk

  • slonedeb
    slonedeb Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2008

    hello girls iam so tired but stopped by to say hi i havent got any engery at all  sholl sorry for your loss harley glaf someone has good news  pam tell puppy i love her if you speak to her again pam put your prayer shoes on we all need your prayers sister to everyone else hi and i love allof you gettting really tired again so i will try to be back later   love deb from ky

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008

    Thanks, Shokk & Slonedeb,

    deb, I am so sorry you are feeling bad!!  Sending HUGS your way!!  I'm praying for you!


  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2008

    {{{SHOKK}}}  So sorry for  your loss.  Sending hugs of comfort your way.  It always seems as if those with the most promise go too soon.  Thinking specially of you today.

    {{{Slonedeb}}}  So sorry you are feeling so bad.  Hope you are taking care of yourself as best as you can.  We love you and continually pray for you.

    {{{Harley}}}... congrats on the benign report!  So nice to hear some good news for a change.

     A prayer for us all:

    Our most gracious Heavenly Father:  We come to you today with heavy hearts but also with thankfulness.  Thankfulness for the cessation of suffering for some, for good reports for others and for the many miracles you give us throughout our days.  Our hearts are heavy because of the loss of those we care about, the suffering of others and the fears we all hold on to.  I pray that this day we can release those hurts to you and allow you to carry our load.  You tell us in your Word that your yoke is easy and burden is light.  For us to come to you and you will give  us rest.  Help us to do that Lord.  Help us to rest in you.  Be with shokk as she deals with this most recent heartache.  Be with her community as they mourn the loss of one so dear.  Bless them.  Grant them peace and hope.  Be with slonedeb Lord.  She has been fighting for so long.and is tired.  Bless her efforts Lord, and help her to be free from the pain that has persisted for so long.  Let her know you are there.  I also ask a special blessing on Deb C.  She is such an inspiration to us Father.  Wrap  your arms around her and heal her.  Please enable her treatments to work.  Be with our dear Puppy who is struggling right now.  It is a long trip back from brain surgery.  Please let her know how much we love her and help her to feel better.  Be with Ed and help him to be what she needs him to be, and bless him too.  Be with all those here who are in treatment and give them your strength.  Use your power Lord to bless and heal them.  Thank you for so many advancements that have been made, and please help them to find a cure for this beast that has invaded all our lives.

    God, we just ask that you be with us this day.  Help us to take one day at a time, one moment or breath at a time if need be.  Help us to trust you more.  In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen

  • livesstrong
    livesstrong Member Posts: 207
    edited August 2008

    shokk -



  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2008

    ((((Slonedeb)))))you are in my prayers everyday.............(((Valerie)) thank you so much.........(((Pammy))) my sister from another have no idea how much your prayers mean to me.......thank you so guys are just the best............Harley I hope you are deserve it.............later circle girls...........Shokk

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2008

    Nickster thanks so much for the song...........I love that song............Denise and Liz thank you so much for the kind words.............sure do miss talking to ya'll on a regular basis.........take care........Shokk

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2008

    {{{shokk}}}    back at ya sis..... thanks for being you...... pammy

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2008

    Pammy you always make me smile..........thank me for being me?.........that's cute.........I'm sure my 15 year old would strongly object.............(((((Slonedeb)))) stopping by to check in on you........I pray you have had a restful night...........Valerie the cleaning and boxing and bagging  continue............I am amazed at how much stuff I just don't want anymore..........even going to sell some furniture that I have always loved but now I think how I have to move it when I mop the floors..........(once ever six months).......ha...............Harley I think your b9 results was just great news.........I need to go check the drinking thread to see if you celebrated in style...........Lisa such great pictures..........I spent two weeks in CA when I was pregnant with my oldest.........the ex and I flew into SF and drove down Hwy 1 to was one of my all time favorite trips..........I would love to do it again and be able to drink........ha.............but the Missions in CA are just breath taking.............DebC praying hard for you...........check in when you can..........hey FreeSpirit I'm waving at you.........can you see me?.........I know you can...........hey where in the heck is my favorite left leaning tree hugging social program loving exorcist Democrat?...........hmmmmmmm...........Cherryl I'm waving at you too...........I am hiding behind that tree you are hugging...........I know you are trying to get those Conservative demons out of will have to catch me first..........oh wait..........that's not going to work..........I know I will hide out at the oil refinery.........I know you won't go there..............haha.........ok cirlce girls.........everyone have a great day............later gators..........Shokk

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2008
    Oh yeah..........hey you tree hugging left leaning Democrat..........Cherryl..........a big congrats on your 8 year Shokk
  • livesstrong
    livesstrong Member Posts: 207
    edited August 2008

    Cherryl -


    You go girl!!!  Doing the happy dance for you!!!



  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2008

    Not much activity here today.  Almost time for me to go home and wanted to check in before leaving work.  It is girls night tonight.  I can't reach my friend Vicki, and Gail and I think it is her night to cook.  My bet is she works late and says she can't come.  I hope not.  I told Gail if I had to cook we are having tuna salad sandwiches. 

    Nicki, I have been eating much smarter this week so far.  (yes, I know it is only Tuesday).  Raisin Bran in the mornings, light lunch, more water and lean cuisine or soup for supper.  Jumping a few times on my mini trampoline (it isn't so hard on the knees... I don't actually jump, but more like walk in place... gets me out of breath anyway).  The Olympics have inspired me to be more healthy.  Did you guys see the 41 year old swimmer?  She was awesome.

    Slonedeb, haven't heard from you today but hoping you are hanging in there and not in too much pain.  We are all praying for you.

    DebC, haven't seen you in a little while either.  You are so much on everyone's mind and hearts.  Let us know how it's going.  Remembering  you in my prayers also.

     Cherryl.... 8 years.  Wow... I am 3 years out and still walk on a tightwire where the big c is concerned.  Do ok til time for another checkup.  I am on every 6 months now, and due a mammo in November. 

    Question to anyone with lumpectomy>>>>>>  Do your boobs hurt?  I had lumpectomy for biopsy by a general surgeon.  Breast surgeon went back in and got what he thought was the rest and then he had to go back 3 more times for clean margins!  Anyway.... I have a lot of scar tissue between the excisions and the radiation, but boy is it painful.

    Ok... time to run.  By the way, Valerie.... I am erecting us an "attitude" tent.  Sounds so much better than some of the tents we've been in.   It can help us look at our perspectives maybe.  lol

     Love and hugs to all... Pammy

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited August 2008

    1hey_whats_up.gif picture by zazette15

    I wanted to drop in and say HELLO!! I hope everyone is well and happy.  I am going to read and catch up a bit.  It's all good with me - life is great right now.

    Again, HOWDY!

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited August 2008

    Hey oil drilling science hating fence straddling Repub, thanks for the good wishes.

    Brenda, congrats on three years.

    Pammy,  you sound good. You're putting the rest of us to shame. I really ought to start exercising something other than my mouth.

    Hi, Val. How are things in your "cell?"

    Z, what a great surprise. Don't stay away so long.

    See everyone later.


  • slonedeb
    slonedeb Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2008

    hello girls just lying here thinking and my goes back into the past i wonder if any of you ladies have stayed in touch with sherlock mena the man that used to be on here mena and some more i feel a littles better today not much has anyone heard from debc or zarowy i miss them and puppy pam thanks for that lovely prayer you are the best doris i love your card you sent thank you well i am getting tired i love you girls deb from ky gettin ready for 4d muga scan anyone know what that is

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2008

    Hi Deb,  I hear from Sherloc, Tink, Mags, Windygail and a few others that we were in chat with.  I keep track of you as well.  I had a MUGA scan before doing A/C.  It's not a difficult test.  They inject you with radioactive tracer and then take pics of your heart to see how it's functioning.

    You get the rest you need. 

    Hugs & Prayers


  • sunkistmi
    sunkistmi Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2008

    Good evening sisters,

    I feel like the earth has dropped out from me tonight.  Not to the extent that Puppy, Slonedeb, and DebC I'm sure feel like, but for me, not what I have felt like over the last 2 weeks.  I have felt so good after my surgery on the 4th that I guess I forget what it really felt like to have major surgery.  Today all I have done is slept.  I feel terrible, but no fever,  The drain has been putting out anywhere from 250 to 350cc per day and today it has put out 45cc.  I can see the blockage right where it goes into the leg but I can't seem to get it out.  I have milked it and had my DH do it too because he is stronger.  It's started to come out around the drain at the leg.  My breast is VERY big and hard in places, although the flap itself is still very supple.  It really hurts to have the bra on.  I feel like I'm whining.  Does anyone have an idea how to dislodge the clot so the drain will run freely again?  I have a really large syringe that I thought I could try and suction but DH is not really thrilled about trying it.  My leg is quite sore and puffy.  I'm sure all that fluid that had been coming out is now backing up.  Sorry for sounding like such a baby.  I just have felt so great that it's like I've been kicked.  I've had enough surgery to know that sometime you take a few steps back during recovery as you walk forward, but this just seem really different.  The PS said to come into the office in AM but something just tells me I need to do something before that.  If anyone has any ideas I sure sould appreciate it.

    Lots of love and prayers to everyone,


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited August 2008

    Wendy I think you need to call your doctor.............I did not have what you are going through but I am sure that someone might pop in and give you some suggestions...............I know that you don't want to brother them but retaining all that fluid where it cannot drain is not good...........are you sure you are not running a fever?.............Let me see if I can find anyone that can help............Shokk

  • sunkistmi
    sunkistmi Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2008

    Thanks shokk,

    I called the PS this after and told her.  She said to call first think in AM and to try to milk the drain, which I did, w/no success.  Took temp again, normal.  I have to be very, very sick to run to run a temp.  I just don't feel like myself or the way I have felt over the last week since getting out of the hospital.  The skin is quite irritating where the liquid is seeping out around the drain so it is really red.  I'm putting antibiotic on it.  Thanks so much for your offer to help.  I think if I can get the blockage out of there, the drain will start to run again.

    I'm going to try to milk it again now.  Praying for good luck.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008

    I didn't have that either, but I'm thinking of you and praying that the blockage will resolve itself.

    Keeping you in my prayers!   Also praying for slonedeb and Deb C., and sending a wave to FreeSpirit, Nicki!!!


  • DFW
    DFW Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2008

    I am not having time to post. My Mother appears to be at end of life. Her heart rate has been 145 since Sunday Evening. Temp is 105 and she is unresponsive.

    Know that I think of all of you and keep you in my prayers. Deb Slone....especially you sweetie, what a trooper you are!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    I'm so sorry about your Mother, I'll be keeping you in my prayers!!  It's so hard when we lose the ones we love!!     

    I always think that death is hardest for the people who are left behind, because  we love them and miss them so much!  Sending HUGS your way!!

    My email friend's husband passed away last week.  He was dx'd with stage IV cancer, in his liver and his bones, about three weeks before he died.  It is so sad!  I called her last night, and we cried together.  He had a check up SIX months ago, and they didn't find anything unusual in any of his bloodwork or anything.  He was as healthy as a horse.  It's just so sad!

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited August 2008

    Hi Doris,

     Wanted to let you know you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love to you,


  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2008

    Dearest Doris,   Please know you are in our hearts and prayers.  I have been where you are now and it hurts.  I pray God's peace envelope you and give you peace.  And as well to your mother.

    Slone deb... check in sweetie.... we want to hear from you. 

    Wendy... so sorry you are having such a difficult time.  I hope your trip to the doctor went well.  Let us know how you are doing.

    Hugs to DebC (Or bugs and fishes...isn't that what you used to say?)

    Busy at work but had to check in...  Pammy

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2008

    Hey girls-

    Have not read, but wanted to check in.  I'm hanging in there....actually seeing tiny imporvment in vision and energy.  Typing is still hard.  Love you all

    Bugs and Fishes if right :)

    Deb C

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited August 2008

    Bugs and Fishes right back atcha Buddy!

    love ya!


  • livesstrong
    livesstrong Member Posts: 207
    edited August 2008

    I think some hugs are in order -





    Thinking of and praying for all of you!!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited August 2008


    Alaska Deb, slonedeb, Wendy, Doris...

    (((( HUGS))))  

    sending prayers and HUGS to you!!