How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited February 2008

    yes they pay a month behind

  • Watson
    Watson Posts: 70
    edited February 2008

    I called Social Security today and was told I may not qualify.  I have an appointment in a few weeks to meet with someone.

    They said I had to work 5 consecutive years out of the last 10 years.  I did that, but one of my jobs was paid by 1099 and no social security was taken out.  Did anyone get approved without 5 years of W-2's? 

    Thanks for sharing your stories.  I may need you guys as my back up singers when I go in to the Social Security office to perform my song and dance routine to get approved!



  • Buzz
    Buzz Posts: 21
    edited February 2008

    Hi Watson,

    Social Security is an entitlement program, which means that one becomes eligible based on quarters paid into the system. SSDI is one of the disability programs under Social Security, and it is based on eligibility. SSI is another disability program, which is based on income, need, not eligibility. So you may be eligible for that instead.

    Best of luck to you.

  • Watson
    Watson Posts: 70
    edited February 2008


    Family income way over limit to receive SSI.  I understand the entitlement part.  Do you know if it has to be 5 consecutive years?  It's funny, I've worked my whole freaking life and now that I need it may not receive because I did 2 years of 1099 work for a neighbor. 



  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Posts: 2,394
    edited February 2008


    If you declared your income, and paid taxes on it [including the employee portion of SSI] then you should have the five years required. I have never had W2 income and qualify for SSI should I be dx'ed at stage 4. You should have received a report from the government every year that states your income for each year that you worked , along with expected benefits.

    Again, assuming you declared this income, you may have to show them your tax returns, but you will get credit for that time.


  • KariLynn
    KariLynn Posts: 41
    edited February 2008

    I didn't know they had to be consecutive - just thought 5 of 10. 

  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited February 2008

    ohh...that is a tough one.  I thought you just had to have so many quarters based on a certain period of time.  If you are short of quarters maybe you can find a way to work some part time hours to get what you need to be qualifed.

  • Watson
    Watson Posts: 70
    edited February 2008


    I told the woman on the phone that I had received those letters from Social Security every year stating the amount I would be eligible for.  She said those are not accurate and that they tell you that it is an estimate of $$  IF you qualify.  For the life of me I can't find any of the letters I've received. 



  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Posts: 2,394
    edited February 2008


    When you have the energy, collect those tax returns and make sure that your record includes the right amount for every year. Either on the phone, or in person, make the department enter the correct amounts for each year. If you continue to have problems, see if your hospital has a social worker on staff who is available to cut through the red tape. They are miracle workers and seem to get things done when all you can find are dead ends .

    Good luck,


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Posts: 899
    edited March 2008

    bumping cause this is an important thread and dont want it to get lost.

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Posts: 587
    edited March 2008

    Guess I have been on SSDI long enough because I received my Medicare card this week!

    I didn't realize that I can have my chemo in the doct' office now! Not at the hospital!! YES!!

  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Posts: 26
    edited March 2008

    i was already on ssd because of my scleorderma. i was able to get on ssd really fast. it was becuase my primary phys made it happen. she talk to all my other drs filled all paperwork i got my ssd retro in 3 months. heather gtg pick up kids

  • Watson
    Watson Posts: 70
    edited March 2008


    I got an email from the guy doing my disability claim.  He gave me an estimate of how much I would receive once approved.  It was more than I thought.  Like everyone else says, not near as much as I could make working, but still more than I thought.  I really only worked part time jobs over the last 4 years.

    It appears my employer/old neighbor never paid in what she collected from me for taxes or social security in 2005.  Based on what I sent in to the disability department, they said I would qualify.  Yeah!!!!!!!!!

    He told me my 9 year old son would receive exactly half of my payment as a separate payment.  Does this sound right?  It looks like several of you said your children received a payment of about $200.  They're telling me it would be much more.  Any thoughts?



  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Posts: 26
    edited March 2008

    check into your local support groups people with disabilites they where agreat asset to me they referred me to voc rehab and was wonderful. they sent me to school and started me in a business. then i got a part time job in floral dept. they have programs like this or ticket to work because of dx of mets i have chosen to disband the business. so i stopped that program. i dont have to pay a dime back thank god for that. they said i could sell everything without penalty. im aloud to work part time i can make so much without losing my disabilty. so safeway is working with me. what i would do is go totally disabled and then when you have it SSI and your comfortable you can go back to work. also when you have worked you paid into soc sercurity. also if you didnt i believe if your married you can claim off your spouse. what was paid into will determine how much you get. there are alot of variables. check with state agencies cuz they have some programs too. heather

  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Posts: 26
    edited March 2008

    i rec about 1050 less about 100 for medicare then my girls rec 235 each but when my eldest graduates from school we will no longer have it for her. I will say they normally stop when your child turns 18 but because my daughter started kindergarten late she turns 19 when she graduates and as long as she was in school we could still get benefits for her. heather. it has really helped.

  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Posts: 26
    edited March 2008

    watson i have never heard with ssi that you make to much honey you paid into that if you are disabled and your doctors are behind you there should be no problems. that person needs a boot up their butt???  this makes me hot. you deserve it.!!!!!  heather it has never been what our family made it was all about being disabled and how much you paid into ssi when you were working.

  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Posts: 26
    edited March 2008

    also i can make 980 a month without losing benefits. we have several people at safeway who are in the same situation. i hope some of this helps. heather

  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited March 2008

    I get paid alot more for my kids than most people for disability because my kids are getting death benefits from their father.  Guess that is something to keep in mind down the road, if one of the parents pass before they graduate high school the kids are entitled to survivor death benefits which is much better than disability. 

    Also, if you don't think all your money was recorded, it is worth looking into.  Sometimes people make mistakes and your money is recorded under a wrong social.  If you can show social security your pay records for money they don't have recorded under your social they will correct it and change the amount you get.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • TiderInsider
    TiderInsider Posts: 5
    edited March 2008

    Quick question...maybe it's been mentioned in this thread, but there's a lot here. My mother is currently stage IV and is working...she wouldn't be if she had SSDI, and we're currently in the process of applying. How should we answer questions like

    "If "Yes," when did you become unable to work?"

    "Are you now able to work?"

    The application makes it sound like you have to be out of work to even apply. Is this the case? From what I've read, I didn't think so.

  • TiderInsider
    TiderInsider Posts: 5
    edited March 2008

    This is a quote from the application 

    To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you must have a disabling impairment and you must not have substantial earnings. Usually, if you are working and your average earnings are more than $ 900 per month (more than $1,500 per month if you are blind), your earnings are considered ‘substantial' and you will not be found disabled. We can deduct certain work expenses from your total earnings when deciding if your earnings are substantial. This may lower your average earnings and help you qualify for disability benefits. Please answer the following questions about your work.

    This doesn't seem to make any sense to me...what if your impairment is keeping you from bringing home your "substantial earnings"? Good thing to know that my mother's 40k/year salary is "substantial"!

    I swear that I've read on this thread that SSDI is not needs based. Can anyone help?

  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited March 2008

    If your mom is stage iv she is eligible to get SSDI.  The date you were unable to work is the last day you worked at your regular job.  The interview for stage IV patients is done in person at the social security office or on the phone.  Because our disease has a terminal diagnosis and ends in death we get fast tracked approval.  I had my approval within 2 weeks of my application.  You do have to still wait the waiting period to get your first check but the approval process is quick and easy.

  • Judiiiii
    Judiiiii Posts: 15
    edited March 2008

    Tiger, If your mom is making more than about $900 a month, she will not be approved.  It really is an easy process.  I was approved in 3 weeks.  There is a 5 month long waiting period after applying, acceptance, and getting first check. 

    I had quit work a couple of months before I applied, so I am not at all sure how it works if you are still working.  But, again, your mom will NOT be approved if she makes more than about $900 per month.  Is there any chance she could cut down work hours (way down) and then apply?  Or quit before she applied?  Stage IV is generally automatic approval UNLESS it is "just" bone mets - that isn't necessarily automatic any longer.

    Again, I don't know how the process works if one is still working.  Maybe someone else does -or you could call the SSA and ask them.

    Best of luck!  Judi

  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited March 2008

    Judi, when did that change on bone mets?  I have bone mets and it wasn't even questioned about what organs.  The dx is metastic breast cancer and it all results in death and bam approval stamp.  I am curious about where you heard that about bone mets though, something I may want to look at.

  • TiderInsider
    TiderInsider Posts: 5
    edited March 2008

    "Is there any chance she could cut down work hours (way down) and then apply? Or quit before she applied?"

    Unfortunately not...she draws a retirement check from the state that pays her $1200/month. She's 58 so she's got a few years before SS kicks in.

    This is really bad news, we've spent a lot of time going through the hassle of applying and she's excited about the prospect of being able to stop working (at least full time).

    So should we even bother submitting the app? We've already submitted the medical report and filled out the release for. The last piece for us was the SS app. 

  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited March 2008

    Go the social security website and start the application process.  About one page in it asks that crucial question, will your illness result in death.  When you say yes it comes up with a phone number to call because you aren't even supposed to try and submit the app on your own.  They actually are required to call you within two days of your notification to them that you have a terminal illness.  I know my call came the next morning and actually woke me out of bed.  I didn't mind though because it got the process started and about completed all in one shot.

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Posts: 587
    edited March 2008

    back to son gets less than half of my SSDI. But every little bit helps.

    This is my first month w/Medicare. Will my health care change? 

  • Judiiiii
    Judiiiii Posts: 15
    edited March 2008

    LuAnn, I read it on this thread, I think.  It sounded like the poster knew what she was talking about, but I should have said "I have read that, but don't know if it is bone mets only."  Sorry.  My bad.  BTW, you wrote that you PM'd me, but I don't know how to access!  Best to you.  Judi

  • Judiiiii
    Judiiiii Posts: 15
    edited March 2008

    Tider, I am stilll a bit confused about your mom's situtation, but if I were you and your mom, I would continue the process.  I found the SSA to be very nice and helpful and will certainly be able to clarify the situation for you and your mom.  Best to you and your mom.

  • Judiiiii
    Judiiiii Posts: 15
    edited March 2008

    Tider, the following is the first step that SS looks at to determine if you qualify (there are five steps, I think):

    Are you working?
    If you are working and your earnings average more than a certain amount each month, we generally will not consider you disabled. The amount changes each year. For the current figure, see the annual Update (Publication No. 05-10003).

    If you are not working, or your monthly earnings average the current amount or less, the state agency then looks at your medical condition.

     Hope this helps!