How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • Analemma
    Analemma Posts: 139
    edited January 2008

    I have an appointment to go in next week to start the process.  The woman I talked to on the phone said they might make it retroactive to 2005 since I haven't earned any $$ since then.  I can't imagine that happening, but boy, that would be great!  Just the thought that there might be some little extra coming in will be such a relief.

  • Buzz
    Buzz Posts: 21
    edited January 2008

    They very well could take it back to the day after you stopped working because of bc mets. They did for me.

  • Bonnielv
    Bonnielv Posts: 13
    edited January 2008

    Finally applied for SSDI yesterday.  Asked more questions than I anticipated such as "in your own words why do you think you are disabled and unable to work".  Rep said he would rush it through.  Will let you know when I get results.

  • bmdaley
    bmdaley Posts: 5
    edited January 2008

    Ladies, I was wondering if any of you have filed for a LTD with Unum Provident and may be willing to talk offline. I may file a claim but wondered how things "really" work.

  • Analemma
    Analemma Posts: 139
    edited January 2008

    I just came home from applying for SS disability.  There's a five month waiting period from when you were unable to work before you can get benefits.  The did say that I would get an answer in a couple of weeks if I can drop off my pathology report proving that I have mets.

  • ocinny414
    ocinny414 Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    I just found out yesterday that my application for SSD was accepted and they went back to March when I was first diagnosed with BC.

    I went to my local office to get the application.  I told the lady at the desk I was stage 4.  While sitting waiting for them to get me the app. a lady came out and called my name.  We spent almost 2 hours with her filling out the app. right then and there.  That was mid December I think.  I was impressed with how fast they worked.   The SSD people were going to make the onset date in November so I would have to waite a long time and the local office sent it back saying NO they should go back to at least April.  Now i get 3 months back pay.  Will be very helpful to make the bills. 

    I can also still work and make 940 a month.  I'm planning on continueing to sub and may work my 2nd job as well but will quit the 3rd job.  I just cant do as much as I used to.

    Have a great evening.


  • dragonfly
    dragonfly Posts: 6
    edited January 2008

    I have an apt. to apply for benefits next week, and am glad I read this thread first.  My opinion is I've worked hard all my life and paid into this system.  Now I need it.  I am not out to be anyone's hero by trying to work full-time while this is going on.  Enough is enough, its time for me to take care of me.  When do we cut ourselves a break anyway, if not now with stage 4 mets?  We deserve it! Amen!

    FRANCESCA Posts: 3
    edited January 2008

    In Texas, if you are diagnosed with breast or crvical cancer, and are low income, you qualify for Medicaid. I inquired about SSI, but was told I would lose Medicaid for a while. Mediaid pays for my treatments, doctors and meds. According to the papers that are sent out, I could get 1100 a month in SSI, but my medical cost would eat that up and more.

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Posts: 587
    edited January 2008

    After 2 yrs on SSDI, you automatically qualify for medicare or medicaid, I forget which one. I received my notice but will have to pay $93.oo out of pocket a month. I think it is worth it since my insurance prem. went up.

  • Analemma
    Analemma Posts: 139
    edited January 2008

    I went for an interview to apply last Wednesday, I dropped off my pathology report on Friday, and got word yesterday that I was approved.  Dragonfly, PM me if you want details.  I had an excellent agent helping me, and I think she tweaked the wording to get it approved sooner.  It's not a ton on $$, but certainly will help out.  The agent said I should see a deposit by next week.  I hope I live long enough to feel like I got something back for all I paid in!  The thing is, it never occurred to me to apply until reading this thread a couple of weeks ago.  I had left my job two years ago to work as an artist (potter), and I just wasn't thinking along the SS disability path.  I just thought,  oh, well, I'll never sell enough pots to make a living now.  I started looking into it when this thread was at the top a couple of weeks ago.  Just shows how valuable this site is!

  • dragonfly
    dragonfly Posts: 6
    edited January 2008


    Thanks for the invite, I may take you up on that once the process is started, my apt. is on the 25th ... we'll see what happens -

    Debra - by the way my b-day is 11/02/54, and I was almost named Brenda by my Dad, but my Mom won out with Debra :)

  • Bonnielv
    Bonnielv Posts: 13
    edited January 2008

    BrendaF, it's amazing how fast you got approved. I had my phone interview 2 weeks ago,1/7/07, and have not heard anything.  Since I was dx with stage IV 10/07 I don't expect to receive any compensation until 04/08 but would like to be reassured of approval. How do you PM?

  • Watson
    Watson Posts: 70
    edited January 2008


    If you want to PM someone, say Brenda, you click on their name and that will bring you to their personal page.  There will be an option to Send A Personal Message written in blue ink I think.  This will send it to them.  To check for your messages, go to your home page and check your inbox.

    Hope this helps!


  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited January 2008

    Bonnie, just give them a call.  I was told via phone I was approved in just a few weeks but did not receive documentation until this past month when my benefits finally kicked in.

  • Bonnielv
    Bonnielv Posts: 13
    edited January 2008

    I am going to call them Tuesday to confirm that they received my signed form and birth certificate.  I realized last night that they have not yet sent back the birth certificate.  I also try to sign in to check my status with the pin they gave me and it says that they are not able to provide information at this time. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Bonnielv
    Bonnielv Posts: 13
    edited January 2008

    I didn't have to call SS.  I received a message stating that they had not received my form and birth certificate and I needed to get this in asap so my case would not be closed.  Ordered new birth certificate and requested SS send me replacement form to sign.  Well today I received a call from SS apologizing as they had received my info.  I guess it was sitting on someone's desk for 2 weeks.  Anyways they have processed it and are just waiting for medical review.

  • Analemma
    Analemma Posts: 139
    edited January 2008

    Hi Bonnie, I'm glad this seems like it is going to be resolved.  I was just about to pm you when I went to the bottom of the thread.   Mets is a definite approval, you just have to be sure to get everything in their hands.  In my case I did it in person and had everything in a folder to hand to the interviewer.

  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited January 2008

    bumping up, to important to get lost

  • mjcs7
    mjcs7 Posts: 4
    edited January 2008

    Please bear with my dense understanding of all this insurance stuff. I have a question.  I am in the process of applying for LTD from my job. It would pay my job portion of health insurance and I would still pay my premium with Blue Cross.  I have a 6,000 deductible and my pay would be 66 3/4 which is not much since I was a teacher's helper and only worked for 3 years.  But I figured the insurance was worth it.  I am stage 4.  Can I  easily apply for SSD when this is up?


  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited January 2008

    you can apply for SSD now, what will happen is the private LTD will deduct the money you are eligible for from SSD.

  • Analemma
    Analemma Posts: 139
    edited January 2008

    And don't forget that SSD will make you wait for five months from the time they judge you disabled before you are eligible for benefits.  That will, in most cases be the earlier of when you were diagnosed with mets, or left your job.  It might be a good idea to get in the socalled "pipeline".

  • mjcs7
    mjcs7 Posts: 4
    edited January 2008

    Okay, so if I am only getting 1000 from LTD- work do you mean thay would deduct 1000 from the anticipated 800 SSD--so I would recieve 200 from work?  I left work in Septmeber and was DX Oct.


  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited January 2008

    thats right, stinks huh????  My private LTD was going to deduct the social security benefits my kids were receiving also, but they are receiving benefits under their fathers social security number so I don't have to worry about them taking that away.  If they could have attached my childrens money also, then I would have gotten zero from my jobs LTD.  Unbelieveable, isn't it?????  I called my employer because they had no idea this was happening, they have been paying for LTD thinking this company would pay out some benefits.

  • mjcs7
    mjcs7 Posts: 4
    edited January 2008

    I'm still confused.  Do I HAVE to apply for  SSD?  I was hoping to still get insurance through LTD from my employer. Is this set up so you have to get ins. through the government?  How was it that your kids are under your husband's SSI number.  I am so sorry to be so dumb, I just can't quite seen to get it!? Is it even worth it to try and get LTD.  It would kick in mid Feb.  I have not applied for SSD and would have to wait (5 months) before it would come my way....oh what to do or not to do. I nver realized about the kids!! Thanks for your help, I need it.

    Confused and dense,


  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited February 2008

    Your private LTD carrier will require you to apply for SSD.  If you don't they will deduct what they think your benefits will be, so you basically have no choice.  If you have minor children then they should be eligible for some benefits also.  The reason my children get benefits under their fathers SSN is because he is deceased.  Sorry, I guess that would have been unclear.  Social security took the application under my SSN and gave the kids the higher of the two benefits.  Thank goodness his were more than mine!!!!  It would be nice to make the employer just pay out but they don't work like that.  Does that help?

  • mjcs7
    mjcs7 Posts: 4
    edited February 2008


    Thanks for putting up with me. I guess I will begin the SSD process and see what shakes down!


  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited February 2008

    Don't feel bad MJ, I had a gazillion questions I was asking my LTD carrier and everyone else before I made my decision.  These are just not things you ever need to know about.

  • ocinny414
    ocinny414 Posts: 6
    edited February 2008

    I was approved for SSD and they went back to my original diagnosis even before I was stage 4.  They also said my daughter could get half of my benifits even though she doesn't live with me.  My ex just has to take her birth certificate into the social security office where they live.  I was amazed and I hope he does it.


  • luannh
    luannh Posts: 350
    edited February 2008

    That is a good point Cindy, never thought about that.  I know it is true when someone dies they children are entitled to benefits whether the parents are married or not, so I guess disability works the same way.

  • Bonnielv
    Bonnielv Posts: 13
    edited February 2008

    Called SS office today and was told I was approved for SS disability.  Cried after call.  I do have a question, the rep told me I was approved effective April but wouldn't receive a check until May.  Does anyone know if they pay a month behind, i.e., April in May, May in June,etc?  Thanks.