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How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • Analemma
    Analemma Member Posts: 139
    edited May 2009

    Lisa, I interviewed with a very compassionate woman at SS, in person.  I had been out of work and having a persistent cough since early May of 2007.  I was not diagnosed with mets until December of 2007, but since I had not been working, and had no income, she back dated my disability date to May 1, 2007.  I applied for SSDI in January of 08.  It was approved really quickly, with a benefit start date of October1, 2007, and my first check, in late january, had back pay for the period starting October 1.

    It sounds like your situation is quite similar.  You will need to document that you did not work from date X because you were physically unable.  But I would think you might be eligible for back pay for the time since you stopped work, less the five months mandatory waiting period.  Worth a try!

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    am going to go talk to someone on the 19th.....already know from speaking to someone on the phone that I make way too much money at present, but I can't do anything about husband gets a decent retirement, but I have a lot of credit card debt plus a mortage.  The guy on the phone in addition to telling me I made too much money and need to be not working before applying, that the other way to qualify is with a diagnosis that says whatever illness it is that caused me to have to stop working will qualify me IF it will eventually result in death.....told him I think I have that bit covered.  I forget how many months he told me it takes, but it sounded like more than 5.  Saint, you seem to have the most knowledge when it comes to this and for sure I am going to use the BUZZ words you told me about when I go for my appt.  But how do they expect someone to get by if they aren't  granted the disability right away and need to work in order to pay bills....that just seems very unreasonable to me.  And instead of getting commended for trying to work as long as possible, it sounds as if they penalize you.  I am going to have to sit down and look at my bills and see how much my husband can handle if I am not bringing in an income.  Will 5 months do it or could it be longer?  With my neuropathy getting worse I honestly do not know how much longer I will be able to work, but would like to as long as I am able.....if I cut down to the point where I made just below the qualifying amount, am I then able to work and still qualify?  I think I possibly have something going on right cold, am sneezing a lot, and it is different from allegry and I am feeling sort of achy all over.  Tomorrow I have an appt so will ask about this in addition to my swelling ankles. 

  • Bmarie
    Bmarie Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2009

    It wasn't easy at all for this single mom! It was 7 months from the day I quit work until I received a check. because the checks come the month after you are eligible AND my date is the 3rd Wednesday. I had to rely on 2K/per month & credit I am considering filing for bankruptcy, because I am not going to live the remainder of whatever days I have in debt ....great system........really scary

  • denise1962
    denise1962 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009

    Just a note about what happen to me. I was approved for SSDI and was planning to go back to work part time. Making less than the 980 per month. When I called SSDI to ask them about this the said it had been less than one year that I was on SSDI. They would reopen my case an disqualify me. So I would suggest waiting at least a year before going back to work.


  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

       I sort of soubt that  would  be going back to work.  Once I quit working we plan on moving back to our hometowm, actually will be taking over my Dad's house which is the  house I grew up in.  We have been doing lots of renovations for over a year now in anticipation of this, but I always wanted to work as long as I that I am on chemo, I am thinking this move is going to be sooner rather than later.  I know I would not get a job in my field once we move back home since the town has probably the highest unemployment rate in the state of OH.  But if I am ingood enough shape, I would like to do something....maybe bake for people or get a job in a little shop  or something.   It alll depends on how things go, but the way my feet feel and the way my nails are getting funky and my fingertips numb, I honestly don't know how much longer I will be able to work.  If I have to be off work for 7 months before I am able to get SS, I dont think I can quit work and will just have to keep going for as long as I can until I am forced to quit.  That is why my onco suggested I do it now while I am still able to do things and maybe travel which I love.....but unless we sold the house here we would not be able to have me not working....and now is not the time to try to sell a house.  It just doesn't seem fair that we work, put money into SS and then can't get it early if we need it.  I read posts on this website, re a lot of things other than the disability issue and think Oh my God, this is unbelievable.....more people need to know what really goes on when someone gets cancer.  It's one of those things you don't really think about and can't relate to untill it happens to you'  Oct is breast cancer awareness month and I am always thinking how people who have it and their families and friends are aware of it each and every day, not just the month of October.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

       I sort of soubt that  would  be going back to work.  Once I quit working we plan on moving back to our hometowm, actually will be taking over my Dad's house which is the  house I grew up in.  We have been doing lots of renovations for over a year now in anticipation of this, but I always wanted to work as long as I that I am on chemo, I am thinking this move is going to be sooner rather than later.  I know I would not get a job in my field once we move back home since the town has probably the highest unemployment rate in the state of OH.  But if I am ingood enough shape, I would like to do something....maybe bake for people or get a job in a little shop  or something.   It alll depends on how things go, but the way my feet feel and the way my nails are getting funky and my fingertips numb, I honestly don't know how much longer I will be able to work.  If I have to be off work for 7 months before I am able to get SS, I dont think I can quit work and will just have to keep going for as long as I can until I am forced to quit.  That is why my onco suggested I do it now while I am still able to do things and maybe travel which I love.....but unless we sold the house here we would not be able to have me not working....and now is not the time to try to sell a house.  It just doesn't seem fair that we work, put money into SS and then can't get it early if we need it.  I read posts on this website, re a lot of things other than the disability issue and think Oh my God, this is unbelievable.....more people need to know what really goes on when someone gets cancer.  It's one of those things you don't really think about and can't relate to untill it happens to you'  Oct is breast cancer awareness month and I am always thinking how people who have it and their families and friends are aware of it each and every day, not just the month of October.

  • Analemma
    Analemma Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2009

    Don't forget that you are eligible to cash in your 401-K as soon as you are disabled.  SS was never meant to be a retirement fund, just a supplement.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2009

    Denise, thanks for the info, I was planning to try to work part time making less than the $980 also.  I was officially declared disabled on Dec 19.  They start counting the time the  first full month, so January-May was the 5 month wait period.  I get my June check on July 8.  I assumed after the 5 month wait period I could try to do the part time.  To be honest I'm afraid to contact them.  When I tried to talk to a supervisor about moving my disability date back to when I could no longer work fulltime (I even had a letter from my employer confirming this) the lady said I could file a "disagreement notice' but more than likely that would tie up my case.  She said I might get it but it could take months to decide.   I couldn't take a chance that I wouldn't get my first check in July.  This 6 and 1/2 month wait has been hard enough!

    I used all the buzz words.  The supervisor I spoke to called me a month after my initial interview and asked which one of my doctors did I think would be willing to say I was stage iv.  I said all 4 of the docs I listed had it in my chart.  I then said I had a PET/CT report that stated it also.  She asked me to fax that to her and she approved me that day.  She was very nice but she didn't have time to "go to bat" for me.  She said this is how it works. You can try to argue it but be prepared to have my case on hold.  I said never mind. 

  • ead
    ead Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2009

    can someone tell me how much money you get from SSD? I know it is how many years you worked and how much money you make. I am just trying to get an idea?

    thank you,


  • denise1962
    denise1962 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009


    They have what they call a trial return to work program and that is what I wanted to try. But the lady was very firm in stating that if I tried it they would disqualify me since it had been less than a year. I am feel the same way as you just give me my money!


     I think you can call ss and request the info.


  • Analemma
    Analemma Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2009

    ead, I get a little under twelve hundred dollars a month.

  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2009

    I wanted to log into this discussion, because I have my interview for SSD On Thursday morning. Like someone else said, I will be shocked if I get it, because I just do not have the confidence to think that it will come our O.K. I was turned down before because at 20 hours I was making too much money. I must stay part time if I work, as I have a 4/5 hour chemo each week. Working part time is not allowing me as much money as I would have if I choose retirement. I am a teacher, so I guess I can substitute, or try to fine something else to do really part time. I am so afraid I will be bored. I will keep you posted. I filled out the report online. It takes forever to get the names, addresses etc. I was just told to fill out a form for Income taxes to come out right from the start, so you do not have to pay them later.I will look into the 60% insurance thing. I never heard of it and I do not really understand. Wish me luck ladies, You are all so wonderful. Greta

  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2009

    Hi Ladies,

       It did not take me very long to have a question. I just filled out a Social Security Application. They want tons of information about my prior husband. I do not know his SS# and he certainly is not about to give it to me. I also do not remember his year of birth. I am finding drumming up all this past to be upsetting, not to mention going through the medical history, which I would just as well forget and take one day at a time. Does the lack of info concerning my ex husband keep me from getting any type of SS? Thanks, Greta

  • Analemma
    Analemma Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2009

    Greta, you do know that you have to be actually not working because of your disability to be eligible, don't you?

    I think if I were in your shoes with several questions, I'd just go in for an interview and have the agent fill out the forms.  One thing that made mine go easily was that I took copies of  my scan reports that stated that I had Stage IV breast cancer, with the diagnosis date.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2009

    Greta, I know how difficult the whole process of filing is.  I was just out of surgery, doing rads, on heavy medication and trying to deal with the cold government people.  The first thing out of the interviewers mouth when I said I was stage iv was "How long did they give you to live".   I just started crying and said they didn't give me a time line.   Unfortunately alot of these people working for SS are cold and insensitive. 

    I agree with Analemma, maybe go in and speak to them in person.  I wasn't able and did it over the phone.  If you have a scan showing bc mets was all they needed from me.  Good luck, you'll get thru it but it is a pain in the A$$!

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

        You said I can  start drawing money out of the 401K as soon as I get disability....well, I think I can anyway, as soon as I hit 59 1/2 which will be in about 21 days........BUT when you take the money out under normal circumstances, I know the money has to be counted an income so I am wondering if this will screw things up.  I think I will ask my investment advisor and also the woman who does my taxes.  I was diagnosed Stage lV almost 11 years go, but it only became active in my liver back in Feb. and that was when I went on the abraxane.  I showed one of the nurses my nails today when i was having my treatment and asked what was going to happen to them next.  She said well, I could probably see how the nailbed was lifting up and that they will start oozing a clear/yellow liquid and then they will eventually fall off.  I said Great, I can see me cleaning teeth with no fingernails.  We wear gloves, but still, I just cant imagine that being very hygienic for either myself or the patient. She said some patients try the false nails.  I think I would probably just wear bandaids the way I do on my toes.  But just the thought of it makes me think I am going to have to go for disability. One woman in the treatment room told me tonight that when she was applying it was suggested to her that she get a smaller more fuel effecient car and she asked them how she was supposed to be able to afford to buy a car and make a payment if she was not working?  I am hoping I am worrying and assuming the worst and that actually it will be a nice smooth process and they will grant me disability without a hassel.  How much you make is based on how much you have made and also the age you are when you get it (I think, am not sure on that last bit)  They send me a statement every year tht tells what you would get on disability, what you would get it you retire at 65, what you would get if you work til 67, etc,  and when I called all I did was give them my SS #, date of birth and I think Mother's maiden name and they told me what I would get if I was approved's more that the statement said last year so I know it goes up every year based on what you have earned.  I always thought it was good to try to make as much as possible, now I am doubting that since they told me I made too much money.  Is it a five month wait period.....why was I thinking 7?  Do I need copies of all my scan reports or just the most current?  I am learning a lot from you all.  I am still wondering if my husband's income figures into this picture....we filed separately on our income taxes.  Ooops, apologize for posting twice earlier today.

  • Stefanie
    Stefanie Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2009

    Interesting how every state is different. I asked if I could work some and they said as long as it's not more than $980.00 a month...even during my waiting period.!  How are we suppose to live if we can't try to bring in a little $! 

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited June 2009

    Marybe ~

    I know your patients will miss you acutely, but working as an RDH with progressively worse abraxane fingers just isn't wise, or do-able. It's not likely that your fingernails will fall off cleanly and cooperate - you'll get degrees of tenderness (or pain) as they lift. Then there's that whole oozing thing  that has been described to you - what do you think? Are you going to change your bandaids every time you change your gloves? Or just leave them damp all morning after routine handwashing? Can you say FUNGUS?!? 

    Well, there's my reasoning. I had to give up my RDH position due to tremors due to the brain lesions. I feel you will be welcomed back even on a very part-time schedule (3  days a mo. could put you over limit).  But do it after you've healed some, sweetie. You need to quit, rest some, read some, work in the garden, tolerate your chemo and meanwhile FILE for SSDI. You will be approved (11years - YAY!), I also recommend going in for  an appt, mention you are Stage IV cancer, and the whole process is expedited. You still have to answer dozens of questions but the SS guy inputs them while you relax. Your husband's income is NOT considered in the calculations, he's not going on SSDI. I have a friend who worried about this because her husband makes well into six-figures. She had been at home part-time so her monthly check is only $1000, but it is entirely based on what YOU've earned.

    It can be very easy. Give them the name, address, and phone number of your oncologist - he certifies you as Stage !V - the decision on your case is automatic and expedited - and you can begin your waiting period as you enjoy your summer.

    Good luck! Yeah, right - I'm saying this to one who has 11 YEARS behind her...


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2009

    Stefanie, have you been working?  I really want to and was even sent some kind of coupon from SS admin where they help you find something.  No mention was made about waiting.  I just assumed I shouldn't work part time during the 5 months since the disability (at least in my case) hinged on NOT working.  I need to dig that paperwork out with the coupon thingy.  I got it in the mail about 2 months after I was approved.  I'l see if I can find it and let you know what it says.

    There is a cap on the amount, I'm just not sure what it is.  My accountant said they only withhold SS tax up to $107,000 yearly earning.  Anything over that you only pay withholding on.

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited June 2009

    I was wanting to try working again but was told if I did and it was less than a year out from the original onset date, that it could result in a "flag" of my records and they could possibly do a clinical review that could result in benefits being taken away.  Something about the 12 month requirement of inability to work section of the application. And it didn't matter if I earned 680 or 980 a month.  There's no way I can risk it so my year comes up in August and the way I'm currently feeling I think I'll try to get back to at least part time work.

    Marsha I think you're talking about the "ticket to work".

  • Stefanie
    Stefanie Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2009

    I quit my full-time job April 3rd, and I had the phone interview with SSD on April 23rd. I started working as a home health aid in a private home, which is considered self employment income. I called the lady at the SSD and carefully asked her IF I would have an opportunity to work part time if this would be ok...( on the days I feel better) . SHe said as long as it's not over $980.00 a month! This is how we ended the conservation. So I am hoping the gave me the right info. I bring home about $800.00 but sure helps...maybe you should call and ask IF you would work on the days you feel better....if that would be ok..let me know what you find out.

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited June 2009

    Stephanie, I guess it comes down to who you talk to as everyone seems to get different answers.  Are you already on SSDI?  When did you go back to part time work?  I am hesitant to go back until my 1 year "off" after what they told me.  Of course they didn't say it WOULD be reviewed and possibly taken away, just that going back to work within the first year in any capacity would raise a red flag to them.  I'm alone and that's my only income right now so I can't risk it. 

  • Stefanie
    Stefanie Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2009

    I just received the letter that I am approved with my first payment on November 1st of this year.

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited June 2009

    Hey congrats on the approval!   So did they say that earning anything above 700/month counts as a trial work period? 

    Have you checked out and clicked on disability?   Tons of info there.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited June 2009

    EVERY CASE is different--but the state does NOT affect the national ssdi......once again my beaurocrat friend suggests: GO to the office, try to go mid week, see if there is a person who "looks like you" (age sex--for their general empathy.) Your work history determines WHAT you will receive & when. The BUZZ words for automatic approval are: Stage IV;  METS TO ______(fill in the blank): disabled or unable to work...........the "ticket to work" is sent shortly after you start to receive your checks & geneally encourages you to work if able & make up to an AVERAGE of $980/ mo over a year's time......Which means consults at a few thou would be allowed several times a year.......I wish I could get my friend to come here & man this thread, but apparently he is NOT allowed to advise on a site like this --HE JUST worked with a friend of mine at my son's grad party this weekend & after 15 minutes she is confident that hers is going thru asap........I don't know why it is so hard for some of us & so easy for others-------RED TAPE & GOV't JOBS!!!!!

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

    Thank you all for your input.  I am going to get my stuff together, copy of my latest scan, letter from my onco, W2's, and forget what else I was told I would need.  My good friend who went with me when I first consulted with the onco I am with  now after finding out I was Stage lV is going with me. She is very sensible, writes down things, asks questions when I just sit there like a bump on a log in a least I think that was how it went when they told me the diagnosis, don't remember much other than the fact I thought I was going to fall off the table....also know I did ask the stupid question, Am I going to lose my hair?  Hair seems sort of incidental now.  I did go get it all trimmed to the same length today.....I had lots of hair and think it stopped falling out, but I was left with different wondering how long my eyebrows and lashes will last.  See how easy it is for me to get distracted and off to another subject.  Anyway, Lisa, I did not really plan on working once I lost my did get that I was being sarcastic when I said I can just see me working in peoples mouths with no fingernails, didn't you?  How are you doing? My fingernails have been tender for unable to do anything that involves a lot of pressure....have to use two fingers to push get the airwater syringe tip out. whereas I used to push with one and just pop it out.  However so far I still have my tactile sense and do not feel I have done any harm to anyone and am still able to do my job (by the way does the employer have to make a statement saying I am no longer able to do a good job?   I have not even discussed this with either one of my bosses as of yet) lacerating or anything and just today a new patient told my boss I  had just given her the best cleaning she had ever had.  I know my patients will miss me just as I will miss them, but a lot of them don't even know I have cancer.....I have only told those I chose to tell since it was never evident in my appearance or kept me from working.  This is a whole new ballgame for me and really the reason I never wanted to do chemo.  A lot of you are far braver than I am, because I have always been afraid of chemo.  I know there have been huge improvements, but it certainly did my mother in........not directly, but side effect from so I call that the same thing.  Today was a rough's our late day and we work til 8.....neither the other hygienist had any BAs or breaks......I came home both pooped and depressed wondering how I am going to be able to quit and not work for seven months before getting disability, My nose was running most of the day and it is so sore inside from the avastin that it hurts to blow it, I think using the flonase has made it feel sort because it sort of dried up the congestion.  Then I called my friend up and asked her to go with me.  I was telling her some of the stuff the guy told me on the phone and she said he is probably just some yahoo who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground like the people at their office...she and her husband both work for the state tax dept and she is always making fun of the way I worry so much about getting my taxes done correctly, tells me I waste way too much time worrying about my taxes and that they aren't looking for little fish like me. She works for the government, but is always making fun of the stupid rules adn red tape.  Anyway, I do feel tired so think I will go to bed.  Thanks again for your help. I have an appt for a Friday, Saint....should I try to change it to another day?,   

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2009

    Saint, that is not accurate info, I received my "ticket to work" one month after my approval (the ticket is dated March 13, 2009).  Not after I received my first check because I have not received my first check.  The ticket to work brochure explains how you work with an "Employment Network in your area including the State vocational rehabilitation agency in your state" if you want to try to go back to work and need help finding something or need training to go back to work.  It clearly states if is voluntary and up to the individual if you are just trying to supplement the SSDI or go off it completely.   This is not something I was told but am quoting straight from the SS admin  brochure.  It also states "We usually conduct a medcial review from time to time to see if you are still disabled under our rules.  Under the Ticket to Work, as long as we know you ae working with an Employment Network or a State VR (vocational rehab)  agency and making aequate progress toward your work goals, you will be protected from medical review.  To find the list of Employment Networks go to  "   NO WHERE does it mention a year wait.  Why would they send this to me before I even started receiving benefits if I am suppose to wait a year???

    I think you are incredibly lucky to have a friend who works there.  I want this to be easy for everyone,  but Most of us however are going to get someone who plain old just doesn't give a crap.  They are cold and rude for the most part and understaffed with thousands of people being interviewed trying to get government money.

  • denise1962
    denise1962 Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009

    The ticket to work is what I do. But again when I called to inquire about it that is when I was told it had not been a year and the would review my claim and disqualify me. To me it is not worth it. IMHO


  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2009

    Thanks Ladies,

       Yes, you are correct that your body cannot physically be in any work place for SSD. The man on the 800 number steered me wrong. However, I lucked out with a very sweet, compassionate lady. I did bring scans and a letter from Sloan stating the I was stage IV breast cancer. She was going to begin the process to have it going by the time I retire, which is soon. I may make no more that $800. a month. She did not tell me that, but other people did. I will have to find something to do a wee bit. Best of love and good wishes to you all once again. You are all so amazing. Love, Greta   P.S. I sobbed the entire time!

  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2009

    I got my "ticket to work" before I ever got a check. I joked to my husband that now that I was going to get SSD they wanted to make sure I knew I could try to work.