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How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • daybyday1
    daybyday1 Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2009

    I thought I read some where that you had to have received a check in either NOV, DEC or JAN in order to qualify for the stimulus check.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    I think daybyday is right on that one---if no one can find the answer I'll hit my go-to-guy for the answer!

    be well & stay strong 

  • Bmarie
    Bmarie Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2009

    Of course that is probably true.....That's a bummer....guess I did have a choice as to when I could have stopped working....maybe I should have quit the year before when I was actually diagnosed with liver mets, but crazy me, I thought working was the right thing to do.. OH, and I never asked for this breast cancer either!!!!......this whole system is just so unfair! I fell thru the cracks again.....Not even sure I am even making sense.....just bummed stimulus check and no paycheck for 7 months...hmmmmmmm, time to write some letters?

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    Bmarie--hugs-----it sux, but together we are bigger than the beast. When it gets to be too  much lean on your sisters...........

  • elliem1207
    elliem1207 Member Posts: 976
    edited May 2009

    I too was wondering about the stimulus check--received my first disability check this week, I called social security and i am not eligible since you had to have received a check in NOV, DEC, and JAN. I applied in Nov--approved in Jan, then had to wait until May for a check--and then to be told "no extra money for you sistah". As Saint says--it really does suck.



  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    ...suck it does! BUT try to see your glass half full----of MONEY!!! That's better than empty any day!


  • PattyP
    PattyP Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2009

    I applied but was 1 credit short in the last 5 years of my work history.  (that amounts to about 1100.00 dollars.)  The person at SS suggested that I work some this summer, if I can find a job that I can still physically do, then resubmit.  I found something, and once I earn the 1100.00, she said I will qualify and begin receiving payments.  I won't have the work completed until the end of July because I am working for a summer camp that I worked at for years.  They know I am not able to do all that I've done before but they wanted to help.  People are so good. I'll keep you posted

  • elliem1207
    elliem1207 Member Posts: 976
    edited May 2009


    you are right. i am thankful for the disability but it would have been nice to have an xtra $250.


    glad that you are able to find work.



  • HoneyB
    HoneyB Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2009

    I was diagnosed with Stage IV bone mets in 2006 (orig. Stage II breast cancer in 2000) and finally decided in 2007 to apply for my public employees disability retirement.  That involved putting together a lot of medical records which were ultimately approved by a three doctor medical review board within a month or so.  So at age 56 I took those records (with the approval letter) to SSA and within a month had SSA written approval.  What a blessing to not have finances to worry about so that I can focus my energy on beating this disease!  P.S.  I am very glad to be home.  

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited May 2009

    I haven't recieved my stimlus check yet either.........

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009


    This is just some info I picked up this week when helping someone locally. I thought it might make some of this clearer (I learn a little more each time I help someone)

    If you have stage IV you should be approved automatically. Be sure to use the "buzz words": Stage IV, METS & state which organs involved! It should happen within a few days & checks arrive in a matter of weeks IF

    You have been unemployed or earning a yearly average of $980 a month (or less) for the past 17 months or longer (If you are not making bigger bucks there is NO waiting period) You may also receive up to a year in arrears if you were dx'd a year or longer ago & you have not made big bucks since dx.

    Fill out the forms IN PERSON at a ss office. It will take you twice as long to do it yourself. on line Try to get an older rep: they may have worked there longer & know their stuff better; be more empathetic if near your age.

    I worked in ESL for years & am an advocate for immigrants so this is not for prejudice reasons-tho it sounds horrible: try to get someone who's first language is English. (we decided if the "wrong person" called your name you could tell them you had to use the restroom & offer to let the next person go ahead of you) ....more apps have to be resubmitted when filled out by ppl who are not native speakers.

    EVERY CASE IS UNIQUE---there is no blanket that covers everyone, but the above few things are universal. I waited to apply for 2 years after dx & worked a "menial" job during that time, so I was approved immediately & got a year "back pay" when it came thru. If you have worked & paid ss over the years it is YOUR $. Don't feel guilty about applying (as I originally did)

    Good luck--be well & stay strong 

  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2009

    I was unemployed for at least 18 months (had been taking care of my sick mom for almost a year) and was dx'ed stg 4 at presentation, when I applied and I still had the 5 month waiting period.  Maybe they mean SSI, which is supplimental income? I wasn't eligible because they take into account spouses income too.

    Maybe things have changed in the last 2 and a half years? I know they have the compassionate allowance rule now. Maybe that's what they're talking about?

    I also am up for re-evaluation at 3 years.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    Brenda--you must have made more than the average ($980 a month over a year) or you applied for something other than SSDI cuz it all happens as I described above unless there was a wrinkle in your app (my dh makes a very good living but that was NO part of my app)

    Supplemental ins is something ALTOGETHER different!

    BTW--my kids get a monthly check too!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2009

      My onco has suggested, actually is recommending that I apply for SS disability.  I said to him, "when I asked you about it before you said you didn't think I could get it and the reason was that I was doing too well" he says That was then.  Which is rather upsetting since I like to think I am still doing well.  I asked him if he had ever heard about partial disability and he had not and I did go so far as to call the SS office.  A woman there told me it must be a state program this woman I know get partial disability through, but that there is no partial with SS.  My problem with doing this is the fact I know I would no longer be able to work at all if I was the disability check.....I actually like my job and planned on working as long as I can.  Also I like to spend husband gets a good retirement from working for the Federal Gov for years, but my disability would be nothing compared to what I make now.  My onco said what he is thinking is that if I can get money for doing nothing, why not get it now when I am still able to do things and am enjoying life.....Can not say I liked the sounds of that either.  He told me the effects of chemo are cumulative and that what I am feeling now is only going to be magnifed as the time I spend on chemo goes on....tomorrow is treatment #15, then 9 more until we get to 24 and it will be scans again and according to what he is telling me, he wants to do this longterm.  When I asked him what he meant by long term, he looks at me over his glasses and says to me, "You of all people, you out of all my patients are asking me what longterm is?"  He said we want to find something that works as stick with it just like we have been doing from the beginning.  OK, I get that, but those were pills I was taking, that was when I was doing hormonal treatment...Tamox, arimidex, along fine with all those, but this chemo is a whole different story.  One of you wrrote about your nails....I should take a pick of mine also.  They turn reddish purple under the nail at first, then it moves up and some days lookes worse than my one nail looks like it has the fungus you sometimes get in your toes.  Also the color of my nails looks like I smoke 2 packs a day.  This one that has the fungus look is sort of hooved up and looks like it is raising up out of the cuticle.  They are very tender....I can;t push on anything because it makes my nails hurt. I don't have a very good grip so I do think I have some neuropathy.  I cannot imagine being on this chemo indefinitely.  Last week they cut my steroids so I am now getting some sleep....I am glad I am able to sleep, but miss the energy boost the steroids gave me. So I have no idea what is going to happen...avastane and abraxine the rest of my life? I hate to complain since I really am happy the report said the bone scan was stable and the CT showed a slight decrease in metastatic lesion in rt lobe from scans in Feb, BUT my feet hurt, and I miss my sense of taste.  I could be eating dog food and it wouldn't matter since I taste very little......products with flour or oil, taste bad.'Yougurt pretzels were my thing last week, but this week they leave sort of an aftertaste that is not pleasant.  I came home from the grocery today with yogurt, apple sauce, oranges, instant cocoa mix, fudgesicles....those things tasted good last week so we will see how they taste this week.  Sorry for getting off the subject.  I just am not sure I want to go on disability yet...but at the same time I guess if I am not going to be getting off this chemo combo anytime soon, the side effects are not going to go away.  I didn't like being unable to sleep so that is the good side of having the steroid amount cut way down, but I feel soooo tired....need to find that happy medium.  Is there such a thing as temporary disability.....say I get so I don't need this treatment and start feeling normal and want to go back to work, could I do it?  Or is that a possibility that will never happen. 

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited May 2009

    you can stop SSDI anytime you want to.

    But it seems like you have alot more issues than just SSDI. I think it is time to have a good , honest talk with your onc. or the onc nurse. You will feel better afterwards.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    Hugs marybe--I concur with florik (ever the good one for advise)

    It appears we may have similar dx's, but not enough info for me to know that for's what I CAN tell you---it is YOUR CHOICE! I worked a menial job for 2 years after I was dx'd....I absolutely LOVED what I was doing, I wanted to work & make my own money! I suspected that SSDI might give me more since I had left my "real" career where I had made more, but I was not of a mind for a hand-out. If you feel good about yourself cuz you work, by all means WORK! Obviously you have been able to hold down you job til now.......but your onc seems less than forthcoming. I have known since my mets dx that I am on tx for LIFE......I also know that chemo is cummulative, but it DOES reach a should be able to adjust your steroids to YOUR liking (I found half of the original dose was perfect for me.)  Until you decide the se's are too much for you you SHOULD be able to continue working--you might have to change tx at some point & that could actually be an immprovent---it was for me!

    BUT....if you are making big bucks, whenever you apply & qualify for ssdi (which has NOTHING to do with how "good you are doing" but is automatic for ANY stage IV dx) you will have to wait 6 months or so b4 checks from ss start arriving--so why quit now if you CAN work & might be able to sock some $ away to help cover those 6 months you have no income??

    Talk to that onc of yours about your prognosis, but not SSDI-----he obviously doesn't know much about that! (talk to SS for the low down on that) Maybe remind your onc he works for YOU & should be giving you advise about your tx instead of passing judgement on whether you qualify for disability! He just doesn't sound encouraging enough & I believe that is part of his job!

    HUGS Be well & stay strong

  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2009

    Saint, I can only tell you that I was not working for about 18 months before I found out I had cancer.  I was off because I was taking care of my Mom, not due to disabilty at that point. Two months after Mom passed, I found out I had cancer (late Nov), and another month later (early Jan), after being given a stg4 dx, I applied for Social Security Disabilty and was approved in about 7 weeks. I didn't get paid for the first 5 months and it actually took 7 months for me to get my first check. I got my first check in July.  I didn't get any backpay.

    That was before the Compassionate Allowance rule can into effect, and I thought maybe they have changed the 5 month waiting period for those applicants? 

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    brenda---you would not get back pay for not working (or caring for your mom)--the back pay is given for time not worked AFTER dx up to one year. (I waited 2 & only got 1) Since you applied promptly you did not have the lag time. I'm not sure why they made you wait, tho. Unless that is also fixed to the dx date. I know a lot about a little: MY case & the few locals I have helped get approved. Sorry, hope everything is ok now.

    Be well & stay strong 

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2009

    marybe:  You can not be approved, even with Stage IV, unless you are not working.  The maximum RETIREMENT limit for social security is around $2300 per month.  I'm pretty sure the disability amount is less than that.  Medicare starts two years after you start receiving SSDI.  Anyone can go to the social security website and request a current social security statement that shows exactly what you would receive if you were disabled today.  The statement is sent out every year on your birthday showing how much you have paid in and if you stay at that current amount how much retirement would be and also how much disability will be. 

    Here is the kicker, everyone must go 5 months with no pay.  Period.  It is very hard to do.  I can't imagine what happens if there is no other income coming into the home.  There is SSI which is assistance, based on income.  The maximum limit per month on that is around $675 per month.

    I get my first check next month so I guess I don't get the extra $250!  DANG I could use it!

    If you could leave your job for 6 months and be hired back by your company you are allowed to work part time.  You can earn $980 per month and still get your ssdi.  Would your job be willing to do that for you?

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    OK--little adaption to marsha's post keeping in mind that EVERY CASE IS DIFFERENT--I KNOW this much for sure: the MOST important info-----EVERY stage IV is AUTOMATIC approval (usually within days to a week whether working or not) as long as app is filled out correctly-be sure you include BUZZ words=====STAGE IV, METS, STATE ORGANS INVOLVED.......MANY ppl are rejected due to little obvious words like this according to one beaurocrat I talked with. When re-applied correctly it goes right thru. One other good piece of advise was to GO TO YOUR ss office & apply there with a real person---someone who looks like they know what they are doing & maybe even looks like you in order to ellicit their empathies! It is faster & easier than doing by yourself on line.

    IF you make a low wage there is NO wait----I had left my "careeer" about 2 years b4 applying & was working a job I loved at about $9 an hour----I had NO waiting period! The amount you earn over the most recent span of time (set length- last17 mos?) determines this! Once receiving ssdi, after 2 years you are eligable (despite your age) for medicare--don't miss your window to apply or it's gone!

    As stated-the monthly amount paid varies by your schedule of the last 10 "terms" worked & will often vary from what you currently bring home (higher or lower) IF you are making a good wage you may want to work as long as you can in order to sock away some $ for the 5-7 mos with NO income. This sux for sure! IF you can't work how are you supposed to live with NO INCOME??? But that is how it is---That's governement for ya!

    Be well & stay strong

  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2009

    I could not get it because I have not been working (in a real job just a sahm) for the last 10 years.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2009

       First of all I want to thank each and every one of you for responding to my post and for your advice. Dental hygienists get paid quite well and considering I have never really worked a 40 hour work week, think my benefits would be enough to get by on....not enough to live the way I am accustomed to , but I could still pay the mortgage on the house that is in my name and have about $800 left over to pay misc bills.  My husband is a retired federal government employee and he gets more from his retirment check each month that I do from my paychecks so I would be able to get by.  I pay the mortgage and the bills I have run up myself because I do like to spend money and do not feel he should be responsible for these bills and he does pay everything else, like utilities,insurance (the most important one) groceries, cable, when we go out to eat, pet supplies, etc.  However, as I said I do like working and even though I am an active person and have a lot of hobbies and things I do other than work, I think I would get bored if I did not have a job to go to plus I need a schedule.  WHen I don't work, I sometimes don't even know what day it is. My husband is really retired....he doesn't like to do much of anything and says he enjoys sitting around doing nothing and I don't think he cares what day it is.  In my oncologist's defense, he really is always honest with me, but I have to ask a direct question to get an answer....and I will admit he has never really given me a timeframe.....when I ask questions like that he tells me that he doesn't have a crystal ball and that everyone responds differently as one of you pointed out and I have so far responded remarkably well to all the medications he has put me on.....except the oral chemo, cytoxin and methotrexate and I think maybe he did that to ease me into this other stuff since I was always very adamant about NEVER wanting to do the oral stuff eased me into the IV delivery of chemo and the side effects.  And the fact that the lesion in my liver decreased in size means this abraxane is working.  He has always told me that I will be on some form or treatment the rest of my life and told me that in the beginning I would be doing zometa the rest of my life which I have been.  He also explained to me that the reason we were not jumping into chemo in the beginning was because there was a good possibility we could get the same results with hormonal treatments (which we did) without the severe side effects.  I know a lot have bad side effects from them, but I was one of the lucky ones who did least I did not consider them to be all that bad and they did not interfere with my lifestyle one bit. I already told you his thoughts on applying for SS now.....he thinks I should do it before I am forced to.  He told me he doesn't know all the rules, but that he is the one who does the form with my diagnosis and treatment and he can quarantee I qualify.   I will be sure to use the terminology Stage lV mets and the organs involved which in my case as lung and liver and I guess I should also include that is in my bones.  I plan on going to the SS office in a few weeks when I am off on a it is I work everyday, but some days only a few  hours and I have every other Mon off and Fridays if I don't want to work since that is only AM.  I talked to someone next to me in the treatment room last week and she said she got her disability approved in 5 weeks, but she did say she didn't get a check for at least 6 months and then it was retroactive.  I plan to start drawing money out of my IRA's in another month since I will be 591/2 then.....the Roth is money I already paid taxes on so I wouldn't be taxed on it, but I know I count money out of the IRAs as income when doing income tax.  The market has gone back up, not to where it was, but I certainly am not going to wait if I need it now and I do want to be able to spend it so don't feel I want to wait.   We don't use the 2nd floor and it is set up as a completely furnished apartment....I have rented it many times, but have not tried to rent it since the last tenant left in that is a possibility at income.  In the past when I have been hard up, I have sold things.  MY mother was a real packrat and had lots of antiques and collectible father likes to get rid of things and my sister and I have no more room for anything so that's another possibility.  I guess what I am trying to say is that I could get by for awhile without an actual paycheck.  I don't feel bad, but the side effects are more noticable and I think the writing is on the wall.  Today they increased the steroids to half.....had taken me down to 20%, mainly due to my complaining about not getting enough sleep.  They said when we find the right dosage I will know and they will stick with giving me that.  They meaning the nurses in the back.....I did not see a doctor today, just had teatment and they always consult with my onco or another before doing any changes and also take my complaints or symptoms to him.  MY IRN or is it INR was 3.3 today, but he said to keep me at that dosage and we will check it again next week.  They also took blood for a thyroid test which I don't think we have done before.....this is becasue I feel this choking sensation like my collar is too tight and have only had that for about 2 wks.  And today I lost my voice for no reason when talking to a patient, but it didn't last long.  Have I commented on all that was posted?....Oh, I don't have to work to feel good about myself.....I really just enjoy it.  But I also enjoy gardening and redecorating and cooking and shopping (guess I would ahve to curb that one) and going to movies and would have plenty of things to do that make me feel good that I enjoy doing, but don't always have time for. RIght now I feel like I should go to bed and am sure I will be able to fall asleep so I will go for it.....I hope we are at the right level of steroids now, but if not there is always next week.  My appt next week is a Tues instead of my normal Wed.because of some sort of a conference on Wed. which most of the office is going to.  I should probably ask him things like prognosis and a time frame, but I am a bit of a coward when it comes to some things.  I remember how I read Susan Love;s book after my initial Stage lV diagnosis and was so depressed and sure I would be dead withing five years when I read the statistics.......I since then learned we are people, not numbers and all respond differently and that you can't always go on the numbers and sometimes, often times. so beat the odds. I think my bosses would hire me back in 6 months, but they could only do that if my replacement was willing to go along with only being hired to work until I came back.......and who knows maybe I would get used to not working and like it.  I probably just takes me awhile to get used to things.  Well, nightie night ladies.  Again thank you for your advise and sharing your experiences.  I get better information from you than any books.  I know someone who is on disability now and she had very serious heart issues and circulatory problems and really had to quit working and she didn't get her disability granted for over 2 years and had to pay a lawyer big bucks..  I thught that $250 was for people on SSI ( over 65) not SS disability.  According to my SS statement even though I would get more on regular SS which I could not get until I am 65, and the amount would go up each year after that,(I really would not want to work longer than that even if I was healthy,)......I would make out better starting SS disability now since it would add years to the length of time I would be getting it.  I am not being negative here, but I sort of doubt if I make it to 65 and that would really piss me off since it's my money that I earned and I want to get what I am entitled to.  Sorry is I have been repeating myself......I do tend to ramble.

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    Hugs marybe-----that was a steroid post if EVER I saw one--I KNOW cuz I'm reading it thru steroid eyes!!!!! LOL

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2009

    Saint, you definately got different info than I did.  I was working a menial job at $9 an hour also due to the decline in the real estate market.  I was told I wouldn't get it if I continued to work.  Of course, there was no way I could work so this was a mute point.  Even if I could work I couldn't do the part time $980 until after that 5 months of wait.  Go figure there are different answers from different gov employees!  My friend Amy worked for over 2 years with stage iv and she too had to leave the job to get approval for SSDI, and is now putting in her 5 month wait time.  Maybe there is some state laws that come in to play somehow?  My SS statement actually reads "If you were disabled today and couldn't work your pay would be_____". 

    I'll be pissed if I should have been getting my check all these 5 months and was just given wrong info!

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited May 2009

    I could sure use the money, too - if in fact I am eligible. Due to persistent neuropathy in my hands, I didn't work for the 12 or 17 months previously. I was declared Stge IV as of May 1st. I worked maybe one day every other week through May-July, and I actually had improved enough by Aug.-Sept that I was in a temp. position that paid me far over the $980 max. But this was counted as my 'waiting period'. I got my first check in Oct. But I had been periodically working (not much) until the first week in Nov. when the brain tumor got too aggressive.

    Now saint, I know you are but a layperson offering informed advice (and I thank you), but do you think I have a chance at  the 12 mo. rule? So no waiting period from May-Oct?

    I could go to Italy on that money! 


  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited May 2009

    Lisa====Not sure about this---I COULD seek out my go-to person if you need a definative answer! PM me if you want more info, OK?

  • keljam1
    keljam1 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2009

    I hate to be so nosy, but are many out there not even diagnosed till it is a satge four, or are most starting out with a lower stage, and then it spreads.  How can there be no symptoms at stage four?  Just a bit curious.  Thanks and you look healthy, & so pretty in your photo!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2009

    You aren't really being nosy and it is a logical question if you see all these Stage lVs posting to wonder a little about when we arrived at this point.  When I had a mastectomy back in 1990 I was Stage l,  Thanks to an oncologist who did not listen to my complaints and my stupidity in thinking that 5 yrs really was some sort of magic #, my cancer had metastacized to my organs and bones before I was diagnosed Stage lV in 1998,  I changed oncologists and have been plugging along for 11 years now,  There are symptoms with Stage lV.....mine was pain in my sternum and I also got winded easily and had this dry little cough that I never thought too much about (mets to lungs) since I have so many allergies.  In my case I guess I sort of overlooked symptoms since I had an oncologist who was assuring me I was fine, BUT when the pain in my sternum got to the point where I could no longer ignore it, I complained until they sent  me for a bone scan. 

  • virginiamom
    virginiamom Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2009

    I was diagnosed stage IV from the start and I had no symptoms. 

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited May 2009

    I received my 'stimulus check' by electronic auto-deposit yesterday! I'd say these are the last of them that went out, because I get  my deposit the 4th Wed. - but it would be a WAG (Wild Ass Guess).

    I'll probably splurge on a few hours of heavy-duty help with my housekeeper (who does windows!) and put the rest towards a credit card, which me helped survive property taxes this Spring.

