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How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited June 2009

    SORRY----guess it is NOT universal. I know what my experience has been & I know what my friend has told me when I ask him questions for others----it SUX that it can't be easier for EVERYONE..

    I will desist....

  • kismetlcn
    kismetlcn Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2009

    Hello all.  Been lurking on the forum since I had my suspicious mammogram back in early March, but this is my first time posting.

    As you can see in my signature I am stage IV from the get go. I have been approved for SSDI and will receive my first check for September in October.

    The question I have is, how do you know if you're getting back-pay?  Is it different for everyone, and if so, can anyone tell me why?



  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

      Christine,  I think Saint knows more about this than most of us because she has a friend who either works for SS or deals with this kind of stuff.  From what I have heard and read, I think it is retroactive and they will start paying you from the date you applied and of course you had to have been not working during that time frame.  I have an appt next Friday to see what I would have to do to get not really ready to stop working so this is probably premature on my part, but I want to have my ducks all lined up and know what to expect.  From what I understand, I must already have stopped working to apply and I have not done that.  Congratulations on getting the OK. Did you apply in March?

  • mammalamma
    mammalamma Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2009

    approved prior to breast ca; had worked solidly since age 12, and then severe ilness took over at age 45 [9 yrs.]  now 7 yrs post lcis stahe III,  2/3/09 stagedIIV

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

       Well, today I went to the SS office to talk to someone.  I met my good freind there who was the one who went with me when I talked to the oncologist I have been with now since I was diagnosed Stage lV.  She is very organized, the one who does my taxes and always asks questions that I never think of so I asked her to go with me since I knew this was an important appointment.  The place was packed and since I had an appt (guess some of them were walk-ins) I signed in on the computer and waited and waited while they called some back by numbers and some by name.  When they called me, they said to go to #17 so there was no choice about looking for someone like me who would be likely to relate to me.....However, I did luck out and got a very nice woman about my age and she was very helpful as well as sympathetic to my situation.  Basically she just told me what all of you already have and told me as of now, I was going to be turned down because of my income.  She did say with my diagnosis that it normally only takes about 1 week t be approved, but then comes the waiting period and if I were to apply and get approved the beginning of next month, I would get my first payment in January.....I think, or maybe it ws my first payment would be due Jan and I would get it the lst of Feb.  See, good I took a freind, I forget already.  She also talked about SSI and I would not qualify for that because I have a spose and I guess they consider his income on that one.  So what she suggested I do is see if I can arrange to work only enough hours to meet the guidelines, under $980 per month, IF I want to continue working....she suggested $950 to play it safe.  She said I already made too much this month so just keep working as much as I feel like and either apply after a few days of working in July and cut off working then or wait and do it when I want to, but not to apply until I am working at a reduced income (under $980)  To start this after a  month I just work my buns off and make as much as I possibly can if I want to do that.  And see the whole thing is, I actually am able to work now and my employers do not treat me any differently that before I was diagnose, nor has it affected my job performance YET.  She also gave me four booklets to read, one I think is my rights as a woman.  So now all I have to do is decide when I want to do this.  I enjoy working and know Iwould go nuts if I was just sitting around all day, but at the same time I want to quit before I feel like crap and am unable to do things I enjoy.  I am not being negative, I am just trying to be realistic because I do have side effects and do not expect them to get better as long as I am on my current treatment.  In fact I expect to start losing finger nails at anytime, but hope I am able to work at least another month and I do not feel my neuropathy has gotten any worse in my my feet are another story, but since I sit that isn't a huge problem.  I came home and sat down and bawled.....not because I was turned down, I knew that I was making too much, but because I have to make a decision and I hate decisions and now it is like the cancer has the upper hand and is forcing me to do this.  The woman was totally shocked when she asked when I was diagnosed Stage lV and I told her 98.....she said Wow, well all I can say is keep doing what you are doing because it must be working for you.  That has been my goal, to stay at the point where I seem perfectly normal and live life as I always have.....but it sort of backfires a little at times since people expect me to always bounce back and forget that I really do have something BIG going on with my health.  So anyway, end of my visit with SS......I was very pleased that I got such a nice person to work with, but she said it's just luck of the draw whom you see when I asked if I could see her next time I go back since they never have the same schedule and may be doing phones one day or see clients or reviewing claims.  Next week I will talk to my bosses and see if one of them wants to keep me for just a day ( I work in two offices) or if I have to quit working completely so they can hire someone else.  I am feeling much better after my cry, but the thought of such a big lifestyle change I still find very overwhelming.    . 

  • Nanalinda
    Nanalinda Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009

    Do you have short term disability available through your job?  If so, ask your Dr. to take you off work, and the disability will provide you with a paycheck while you wait the 5 month period for SSDI.  I was hesitant to do this also, but I did and I believe it was the best decision of my life.  I no longer have the stress in my life, and I have the time to concentrate on me and my family.  I have been off work sin 10/08 and have not been bored yet.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2009

      No, I don't have it through my job.....don't think I have any benefits like that since I am part-time in two different offices.  I did get Workman's comp at one point when I had carpal tunnel surgery, but that was because it was from years and years of cleaning teeth.  I know there would be benefits to not working, but just feel like I am sort of giving up by quitting my job.  I am a bit spoiled since even though I have been Stage lV for a long time, I never did chemo, only hormonal drugs, so did not have the bad side effects and guess I just sort of thought I would continue that way for the duration. Maybe I will ask about the short term disability, but am pretty sure I do not have it through work.  I will be 59 1/2 in just three days so will be able to start taking out of my IRA without a penalty so will set up an automatic withdrawal on that once I do stop working. 

  • Nanalinda
    Nanalinda Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2009

    I thought I was giving up at first, because I had worked all of my life.  I was in a very high stress administrative position, and the pain from bone mets along with the fatigue from chemo just got to be too much.  I feel more alive now because I can concentrate on taking care of myself.  I used to drag home from work and plop on the couch with barely enough energy to cook dinner or do anything else.  Now I am quilting and gardening, and pretty much all of the things I had planned to do when I retired and never had the time to do while working.  If I get tired, I take a nap.   I am 52, and retirement was 10 years away... with mets, I don't think I would live to see it if I tried to work until then.  Good luck with SSDI.

    DARLENEDENISE Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2009

    Marybe:  If you have life insurance policies, you may be able to take up to 50% of the policy amount as an Accelerated Death Benefit.  If your policy does not have this rider, ask that it be added (usually free) and then make the claim.   This would be tax free money.  I hope this is an option for you.  There are also provisions with an IRA that allow for early withdrawal due to medical reasons.

    Also, can you work more than the $980 amount of time and your boss pay you in "other ways" ie gas card, gift cards to grocery store etc in addition to the $980 pay a month?  Just a thought.

    Hope it all goes your way.


  • mbmoss
    mbmoss Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2009

    I was dx with stage 2, 3 yrs ago. today dx stage 4. no real symptoms. very slight cough (metz to lungs-both). lucky to find on routine chest xray.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

    MBMOSS,,,,,were you on treatment while you went from stage ll to lV?  Now you will qualify for SS least that was what they told me at the SS office.  I asked the PA if I respond to the treatment i  am on and things look better if this would change the decision with SS and she just looked at me sort of sad and said No. You are Stage lV and will always be Stage lV.  However I have been Stage lV since 98 so I am not calling this the end of the road yet.  So far I am still hanging in there at work, but my SEs with the treatment are getting worse so think I may just work through this month and then actually file for disability and strat the waiting process.   Good luck to you.  Marybe

  • germangal
    germangal Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2009

    interesting ... I have stage III-B Inflammaory Breast Cancer. With some accommodations from my CEO reworking my job responsiblities some, I was able to work pretty much full-time during my year of active treatment. But, when that finished, I was expected to resume my normal duties, which included working onsite with clients and consulting teams, doing presentations, sales work, etc. around the country. This meant no monthly support group meetings or therapy sessions. I gave it a try for about 8 months, during which my BP became even more elevated, I gained about 70 pounds, and basically became an emotional, stressed out wreck.

    The upshot is that in February 2009, my husband & I agreed I could no longer do it, and I gave the 30-day notice (CEO could no longer make accommodations for me).

    Now, every time I think about going back to the field, my BP spikes, I get all stressed out. I have experienced a fair amount of degradation in my professional skills - words don't come as easily, I forget things like names & phone numbers, and I get easily flustered - not good for a consultant. 

    Based on what I read above, with IBC as diagnosis, and no work happening at all, SSDI is a definite possibility? But pay'ts wouldn't start until next month, and Medicare won't kick in until several months after my COBRA runs out? So, I would still need to find some other insurance coverage for the gap? (One of my meds is $700/month!)  Husband has not worked in 10 years (stay at home hubby, taking care of elderly parents), so mine was the income.


  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited July 2009

    Karen the way it was for me is that I had to stop working in aug 08 due to reocurrence and breathing issues and my onc suggested starting the ssdi process.  I went from stage II to stage IV with this reocurrence.  So I applied in Sept 08 and was approved in Nov 08 and benefits (first check) came in March 09.  

     I had to have been NOT WORKING for 6 months from the date I applied and stayed not working thru the process according to the SS rep.  The first check is 6 months from the "date of onset" of disability (in my case aug 08) and you get it on the 7th month which means you were disabled entire 6 months before getting $$.

    So if you are already not working I suggest you start the application process ASAP.  You can do it online, I did since I couldn't leave home.  When you reach a certain point in the questionaire the application stops and a soc sec. rep will call you to complete the application.  It was easy.

  • FloridaLady
    FloridaLady Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2009

    Ladies tell me this isn't true...I called a SSI lawyer today and they said they would not help me with preparations of my needed forms (and I have a lot of other question because I'm a lease employee, single and only 49) i also have question about my short term disab and unemployment timing. They said they would not help until I've been denied and they than charge me 25% of my sixth months pay back? Blood suckers!


  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited July 2009

    Flalady, why do you need a lawyer??  I went into it feet first not knowing a thing about the process but once I did the online questionaire all the rest fell into place and I was approved in no time.  Have you checked the soc.sec. site online?? there is all the answers you need and I'd hate to see you hire a lawyer when you are already stage IV, a shoe in for approval. 

    I'm pmming you.

  • germangal
    germangal Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2009

    well, I started the process. I filled out the 1st part of the online application, went to do the medical report & was told to call the SSA office. I placed the call, he asked a couple of questions and set up a phone interview for next Wednesday. We'll see how it goes. I'm still a little concerned that despite IBC (I also had IDC tumors I had forgotten about!), I worked for that year ... will examiner say "well you should be able to work" ? My onc and GP's nurse already told me they didn't think I would qualify for SSDI or LTD benefits, that I wasn't sick enough, despite the tiredness, BP, etc.

    And thanks for the encouragement!

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited July 2009

    I will give you what I know FOR SURE!

    If you are stage IV you SHOULD be a shoe-in---state the "metastatic" dx & where it is.

    You should NOT need a lawyer unless you are not approved--even then you can appeal on your own.

    In my case the back pay was because I did NOT apply until 2 years after my mets dx. (I THINK you qualify from the date of your mets dx) I was working & continued to work....I got the max back-pay--one year! So I lost a year...

    My friend said that MANY of the apps that don't get approved are due to leaving out the specific words of dx with "mets to ___"  He also strongly suggests applying on line--he says it is easier & faster.

    That is what I know, but as stated here b4-each person's journey thru this is different & can vary with how you apply & who you work with! Scroll back to see other suggestions & experiences of others posted here (my experience was easier than lots of others!)

    good luck--be well & stay strong

  • kenzie57
    kenzie57 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2009

    When I applied for Disabilty a few months ago, it was a breeze.  They contacted me by phone and asked that I complete everything I could online then set up my phone interview.  After the interview, the guy conducting the interview advised me that because I was stage IV, I would be approved within 2 weeks.  I was.  I haven't recd my first ck yet.  But, he did tell me that it would take 5 months and I would receive any backpay.  I should be receiving the first ck in August.  I was so nervous about applying for disability but I have never heard of anyone with a stage IV dx having any problems.  So, those that need to do this and can afford to do it, just go for it.

     Good Luck,


  • FloridaLady
    FloridaLady Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2009

    I don't want a lawyer to file for me. I still can not get anyone to answer my questions about me being a leased employee.  This has a whole different set of rules about cobra and my STD.  This is why I wanted to speak to lawyer.  My cobra could be canceled at anytime if my boss stop using this company.  So will be uninsured until Medicaid starts in two years, also I could have gone under the FMLA except they just change the last that even though I'm a employee of a nationwide emp lease company my employer is under 50 emp. So as of Jan no FMLA. My other question is when did I become disabled?  My dx date was 12/05 I've had IBC twice and continued to work.  I really curious what date will be used.

    Remember if you have 401k you can take it out early due to illness.


    Anyone out there was a leased employee?


  • kenzie57
    kenzie57 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2009

    Hey FLA,

    I was not a leased employee, so I cant offer any info there.  However, I was told by my disability office that you cannot be considered disabled until you stop working, at least full time.  They will allow you to work a certain amount of hours a week and still collect disability.  I also am very concerned with keeping up my Cobra until medicare kicks in.  I did contact an atty and pay $250.00 just to be told to file my Federal Disability at the same time I filed for my Short term through work.  There is something about a timeline with the cobra that can be extended to last out the two year time period we have to wait for Medicare after being approved for federal disability.  I hope this is of some help to you and that you get the answers that you need.


  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2009

    kwhite, IBC is on the list of compassionate allowances. I would tell them that you worked as long as you could and can no longer physically work.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

      I have an appt to talk to them at the SS office again Aug.3....the only earlier date they could offer me was July 28th and I figure since I have already earned too much this month, I will apply next going to talk to my employers this week and find out which one if either wants me to continue working just a day or several hours more than one day so I make less than the guidelines to qualify.  I am also going to start taking money out of my 401K since I am now 59 1/2 and won't have a penalty to pay.....however, does that count as income?  The financial advisor did not know the rules for SS disability.  When my onco suggested I check out SS, I did not realize what he was really telling me was that the SEs from chemo were going to force me to quit.  When I went and talked to them in June, I was still doing OK and it was my choice (stupidity on my part) not to I feel like the decision has been taken away from me.  I am hoping the neuropathy will go away once I finish this treatment and also that the nails will go back to normal, but from some of the posts I have read, I am really afraid things are not going to improve.  All I do know for sure is that the woman I talked to before said it would definitely go through providing I was not working too much and also that there is a 5 month waiting period..  Re Cobra......since Cobra does allow you to keep the ins you were on, doesn't that count as having continual coverage and if you went to another job that had ins wouldn't they then take over your coverage since there had not been a break where you were not covered?  That is how I understood it to long as you had been covered and there wasn't a break in the coverage, you could get insurance even with a pre-existing condition.  But I could be all wrong. Surely someone has had to deal with this....start a new post called Leased employee with ins quesitons. 

  • mbmoss
    mbmoss Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2009


    Where I live I think we have a program called The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program that helps w/ Insurance issues for people who can't pay, don't habe any insurancerr or are in between. I think it may be a nationwide program. Maybe look into something like that, I'm not sure of all the details. Your Onc also should have someone available to steer you on matters like these.

    Good Luck,


    DARLENEDENISE Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2009

    Marybe:  Your current carrier will send you a Certificate of Prior Health Coverage as required by federal law known as HIPPA.  This evidence of continuous coverage will enable you to go on a group or individual plan without pre-existing conditions exclusion provided you have not had a break in coverage more than 63 days. 

    If you do not have the Certificate or get one from your current carrier you can request it.  I can go on-line and it is available for me to print a current one anytime. 

    Your disability determination date will be the date you stopped working.  I stopped and continued to receive commissions and my disability date went back to the date I physically stopped working even though I  continued to earn commissions for several months.  The amount of money does not matter if you are not physically able to work.  The $980 limit is only if you are still able to work some.

    I hope this helps and I hope you have checked your life insurance options out.

    Good luck...Darlene 

  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

        The insurance info is for Floridalady, the leased employee.  I dont have any health insuance problems. 

         I am thinking I may put off my appt with the SS office Aug 3. since I am still working.  I am going to slowly ease out.I hope to  cut down to a few days the beginning of Aug, then maybe quit altogether in Sept.....this is providing I am still able to work and get some bills paid off in the meantime. .  I plan on quitting the Abraxane this Wed. and then will see if any of my SEs subside.  

         Thanks for the information. 

  • syren3340
    syren3340 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2009


    Were any of you ladies asked about and required to provide medical documentation of your first diagnosis of cancer if a few years before the mets diagnosis?

    I was diagnosed w/ Stage III in 2002 & was able to work - now mets dx in 2008 - can't work.  Anyone with an answer?  Thanks

  • Analemma
    Analemma Member Posts: 139
    edited July 2009

    I was only required to provide proof of my Stage IV dx.  I took a folder in to the face to face meeting with some of my scan reports, a list of prescriptions meds (which they asked for but didn't need).  Basically I went through some of the surgery and scan reports that I had on hand and picked some that seemed to say definitely that I had metastatic cancer.

    If you have earlier reports (if you saved them) I would take some of them in just for extra ammunition.

  • jjb1984
    jjb1984 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2009

    Hey Ladies, does anyone know the rule about working once you're on SSDI....I know they said to wait a year or else they may reverse the decision, but is the year from the date of the letter or does the year begin the month you actually receive the benefits?  I've been offered a one day a week job in my very favorite store in town for the fall and I'd love to take it, but my benefits didn't start arriving until Jan '09.  And I sure don't want to jeopardize them.  I think the one day a week would help me keep my mind off things!  It almost makes me chuckle; with Stage IV, it's not like other disabilities...we're in this for the long haul....and one day a week isn't going to help support the family!  LOL!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2009

       I am sure you can't work in the capacity you earned your SS benefits from.....dont' know about time frame however.  Saint always seemed to have the answers for SS.  Did they give you any booklets to read?  For me work is therapy in itself which is why I am fighting so hard to keep working.  Now that I have stopped the Avraxane/avastin I am hoping the SEs will diminish and I can continure to put SS off and slowly ease into it.  Have already made arrangements to cut my hours, just don't want to quit altogether YET.  

    Syren.....when I did talk to someone at the SS office she said they would contact my onco for all the documention re my illness, but maybe that is just how they do it in OH. 

  • syren3340
    syren3340 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2009

    The SS site is pretty vague about being able to work part-time (making $980 or less/month). My question is:

    1.Do you have to have a Ticket to Work to do this & then an extension?  As I understand it you cna only do this for a short time like 3 years.The literature states that some part time work would also be considered SGA (substantial gainful activity).  It doesn't come right out and say, you can always work & still get benefits if you make under $980. 

    And from reading the ladies' posts here, I'd have to wait 1 year b4 I tried to get part time work, yes?  
