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How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • Buzz
    Buzz Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2007

    I understand exactly what you mean about exiting out before checking the box. I did the same thing. Started the application in July and didn't finish it until October. In July, I was still working a couple of days a week, but using up my sick leave. I didn't want to quit, because it felt like giving up, and I'd had that job for 27 years. And I didn't want to check "Yes" to the "expected to result in your death" because it was too frightening. And I did not truly believe I was "disabled." I didn't feel all that good, but I definitely was not unable to work.

    Then I went to visit the social worker at the cancer center where I get my treatment. She told me that because of the mets, I would automatically be approved. And she told me that the decision was not based on how I felt, but what my diagnosis was. And she also told me that it was possible I would live a very long time with mets, and be able to enjoy all that time with my family, rather than at work. The finances ended up, for me too, that I would be getting as much money for not working as I was getting for working. And I could be home all day, and spending time with my family. I had enough sick leave to be able to still get my paycheck from my employer, AND receive the SSDI, for six months before retiring from the job officially.

    It was a hard decision, and a scary one. But I can tell you that it didn't take more than a month to realize that I did not miss work at all. I so enjoyed being able to get up when I wanted, be home all day, go on trips, and still get an income equal to what I was getting by being at work all day, that I realized you couldn't drag me back to work with a twenty-mule team.

    Check that box, finish the application, and go from there. You won't regret it.
  • jjb1984
    jjb1984 Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2007
    Buzz, you're so right. I just need to get over myself. Thanks for the pep talk. I just read an article about meals on wheels and how they need drivers. I could be doing something really meaningful with the next 30 years instead of helping make stockholders happy!
  • Buzz
    Buzz Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2007

    Bumping because it's full of good information.

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited February 2007

    Just check the box and get the earned it!!! Just think of it as look who you are dealing with? the governmen0t!! "terminal" is just a word.

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited February 2007
    quote: "First of all, a Stage IV dx automatically qualifies you for SSD. Period. No one can deny you, unless you never worked a day in your life. Then there might be a problem."

    Mena, this is not exactly true. I worked until the birth of my first child 16 years ago. Since then I have been a SAHM and my "work" consisted of at least 20 hours volunteer work weekly until about a year and a half before my diagnosis--my mets were causing me much pain but I was told it was in my head and was "treated" with effexor.

    I am 39. My husband was making just enough to where I was eligible for SSI (needs-based) and Medicaid only during months with 4 paydays (rather than 5 paydays). Apparently, that 5th check put us over the top. We are now no longer eligible for either.

    SSD immediately determined that I am MEDICALLY ELIGIBLE. Unfortunately, I am INELIGIBLE because I had not "worked" 5 out of the last 10 years. We had previously assumed that I could draw benefits based on my husband's contributions. Lots of people we talk to mistakenly believe this too. We are one of the families that falls between the cracks. I am not elegible for any programs available in my state.

    Fortunately, we were concerned enough that we'd have trouble with insurance that we kept me on my husband's insurance for the few months I did receive Medicaid. UNfortunately, the cost of that insurance through his employer sponsored plan makes it really tough. Had I followed the (well-meaning) advice of my ONC's insurance/billing "expert" and canceled the work insurance, I could very well have ended up with a gap in coverage and not been eligible for any coverage relating to my pre-existing (cancer) condition.
  • boobbuster
    boobbuster Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2007

    I just got approved but have to wait 5 months and there will be no back pay what so ever. (bummer) I was shocked at how little is paid, but the fact that my children also get a check until they turn 18 years old is a blessing. I was under the immpression that the application process was a 1-2 year deal based on friends experiences. I got an award letter also from SSA. My life insurance carrier will allow me to draw from my policy if I need to (if my doctor says that I have less than 12 months to live). I don't want the latter option for atleast the next 70 years. : ) God is able

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited February 2007
    Stephanie, did you apply for LTD with your company? I am afraid to go on disability now that I really looked into the amount you get. I will be one to work up until I just can't anymore!

  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited February 2007
    Stephanie, I'm curious how long it took to be approved?
    How long ago did you sign up?
  • cats_love_me
    cats_love_me Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2007
    My mom just applied. She talked to her case worker over the phone. They are suppose to send her some papers, and then she needs to get them her birth certificate.

    After you fill out all the paper work. How long are people waiting? Just curious. My mom chose not to get copies of her medical info from her oncologist. Does that seem to make the process last longer?

  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2007
    I just got my award letter and I am approved for SSD.
    I signed up about 6 weeks ago and had my phone interview about 4 weeks ago. My review will be in 3 years.

    Cats, I did take copies of all my reports (biopsies and scans), along with a letter from my doctor stating that I am medically unable to work and a date of diagnosis. I'm sure it helped speed things up.
  • vab
    vab Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2007

    Glad to hear this is working out, Brenda. To answer a question a page or so back, the waiting period is the same for everyone. However, it dates from the time Social Security considers you disabled. People get back pay either because they didn't apply for awhile after their disability date, or because they weren't being paid while their case was on appeal. You get Medicare two years later -- this can be a long wait.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2007


  • jjb1984
    jjb1984 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2007
    I have a dumb disability question...can you apply for SSD if you're still working or does your onc have to put you out and then you can apply? I'm down to part time, but I'd rather stay that way if I can until I get approved; 5 months seems like a long time...even if I have big plans for my retirement!
    thx, Julie
  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2007
    Do you have LTD with your company? If so, look into their work incentive program. Mine does, so I can apply when I go down to PT, after 3 months it kicks in and I get 60% of my gross pay no matter if I work 2 hours or 15 hours. Basically, the company pays for the hours you work, the LTD kicks in the rest to get you to your pecentage you are entitled to. Then when you totally quit work you apply for SSD and when it kicks in after 5 months they reimburse your LTD plan but you have seamless benefits.

  • Shepgirl
    Shepgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2007


  • teacheng1
    teacheng1 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2007
    OK, this falls under the "dumb question" category, but I am always wondering what does "bump" mean? I see this on the posts, and I'm just curious. I'm pretty new to this forum and still don't know a lot. Thanks!
    P.S. Sorry this is off topic, but I didn't exactly know where to post this question!
  • geeta75
    geeta75 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2007
    Hi, Teach--NO question is a dumb question! If a post has not been replied to in a while, it will fall further down in the forum, and slide off into the next page or so. A "bump" is simply a reply to the post to bring it up front, or "bump" it higher in the forum. This is done when someone feels a thread is important, and shouldn't be lost in the shuffle, as this thread was.

    By the way, I was just approved for ss disability, and received my first check already. I have an appt this week to apply for benefits for my children. I am lucky enough to have had a few high paying jobs in the past years, so my payment is not too bad. The process was quick, too--I initially applied on Feb 5th, and received my first payment in March.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited April 2007

    same with me....The process was relatively easy and fast except for when the SSDI worker said I was terminal. That really hurt!

  • teacheng1
    teacheng1 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2007

    Thanks for the help Geeta. I am happy to hear of your success with SS disability. FLlorik, glad to hear your application was successful, too. My best to both of you and hopes for lots and lots of years to enjoy life!

  • slshriner
    slshriner Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2007

    I got denied. I became a stay at home mom 9 years ago. SS told me that because I didn't work 5 of the last 10 years that I was not eligble to get anything. I contacted a lawyer to see if this was true, and she said "yes". The lawyer said I had no recourse. So no help for me.

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2007
    That is exactly what happened to me. If your income is below a certain level, your state may have some help for you. There is a form of disability that is needs-based. Please check with your local Social Services department to see if you qualify.

    I am really insulted that the government doesn't think that my "work" raising my children and offering free volunteer services to their school, to coach youth sports, and to assist a government-funded early childhood intervention program is worth anything. My husband AND I are required to file taxes on his earnings, but there is no provision to draw from the contributions he made?! UGGH!

    I was even a nominee for the Governor's Award in Volunteerism a few years back. I do not mean to insult any of you that work outside the home, but my husband and I made the choice for me to stay home and raise our children because we felt it was the right thing to do. We have sacrified much in the way of material comforts and have struggled financially sometimes because of being a one-income family. Then, I GAVE my services, free of charge; the one institution in particular got many, many hours of service and I did many things they would have otherwise had to pay an employee to do. I really think there should be some way to draw on your husband's contributions when you are a SAHM. I have considered contacting a high-profile attorney about this; I think lots of people would be surprised that there is nothing available for a SAHM in this situation. Unfortunatly, those of us who qualify because we are in stage IV have lots more things to focus on than changing policy. It is a real shame.

    It would be interesting to post an online petition (there is a website that does that, but I can't remember what it is at the moment) for women in the situation. Notifying the media about it would help. Elizabeth Edwards has brought BC news to the forefront for the time-being. I bet there would at least be some discussion of the SAHM's plight if it were given to the right people.
  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2007
    I found the site to create an online petition. I am really thinking about writing a petition to present to Congress about there being no Social Security Disability available to Stay at Home Moms who are deemed "medically disabled" but who do not qualify because they did not work outside the home. I think it is fair to expect a portion (up to 50%) of our husband's contributions be counted as a contribution for us. We live on that one income and are required to pay taxes on that income.

    Anybody interested in this? If I am able to get something drafted, I would sure like your input.

    The site where it would be posted is here:
  • angelafour
    angelafour Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2007

    i applied for ss in dec and was approoved in march but not to recieve a check untill july! i have heard that the money may be retroactive, anyone know about this?

  • KariLynn
    KariLynn Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2007

    When were you stage 4 and stopped working? I applied as soon as I knew so after the 6 month wait I did not get any back pay. I think some who were eligible earlier might have received more.

  • teacheng1
    teacheng1 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2007

    Stay at home moms are heroes. I am appalled that there is no provision to draw off a husband's SS. Get that petition going! - Teresa

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited April 2007

    angelarour- call the SS dept. I did get a check that was retro before I got my monthly checks. You can have the checks direct deposit into a bank account also.

  • laurieo
    laurieo Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2007
    Whether or not you get retroactive pay depends upon your income amount from your dx date. I was dx 12/05 and kept working. I went out on LTD 3/06 and immediately applied for SSDI - was approved and first check received 9/06. I contacted SS because I felt I should be collecting from my dx date.

    No - since I made more than the allotted $800 (not exactly sure of the figure) allowed by SSDI up until I went on LTD, the date of my eligibility was 3/06.

    Interestingly, collecting LTD or accumulated sick pay while I was out did not affect the date.

  • Shepgirl
    Shepgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2007

    bump- this is an important topic based on the number of women not knowing about this process!

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited April 2007

    I wonder if the moderators could lock this in at the top like they do for interview opportunities?

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    ok I have a question. As a single parent and sole insurance provider, stage 4. Any of you out there and what do you do about insurance?
