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How Many Stage 4 Girls are getting SS disability..



  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2007
    How can the LTD drop you? How do they know you are considered NED? Besides, Stage IV is not curable which means it is terminal. Even if you are NED you are still considered Stage IV!

  • jacqniel
    jacqniel Member Posts: 98
    edited June 2007

    I wondered the same thing, LuAnn! I should think LFC should have reason to take this to court! Jacque

  • Buzz
    Buzz Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2007

    I just went through an LTD reevaluation and they didn't even ask me to see a doctor. They just took a look at my records and sent me a letter saying I would continue to get my LTD for two more years. I'm hoping SSDI goes as smoothly for me. That's coming up in Feb '08.

  • LookingForClues
    LookingForClues Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2007

    Boy I had a hard time logging back in...finally worked after I deleted the cookies. Ok...I have been fighting BC since 1990. In 2001 it went metastatic to the lung. I didn't go to disability until it came back in 2003 and I went into Taxol/Carbo/Herceptin regimen. I have been kept on weekly "my savior" Herceptin. After the chemo, the cancer was in remission and has been kept in remission for I guess just over 2 years. My private LTD insurer had a review of my claim (it's been 3 years) and had me see another doctor. This oncologist spent less than 10 minutes with me and reported to the LTD insurer that he didn't see why I couldn't work. My own doctor's notes stated that I was in a full remission (yes, I am extremely lucky right now). Her statements to the LTD insurer were that she didn't feel I could work. Nevertheless, the next thing I know...a letter of termination from my LTD insurer. I also receive SSD and I have not received anything from them yet as to a review...I am of course concerned. The more I think of this, the more I think I need to fight my LTD insurer. GRRRR.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2007
    I sure would fight it, if it is good enough for SSD it is good enough for the private carriers!

  • LookingForClues
    LookingForClues Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2007

    Anyone out there (stage IV, on remission) with private LTD insurance who got terminated on the three-year review? I am "looking for clues" before my fight. thanks

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2007
    I was asking questions about that to my LTD today. Have not gone on the plan yet but trying to get info. They told me if they felt I was able to work at another position my benefits could be terminated. But she also said she has never seen a cancer patient have their benefits terminated.

  • LookingForClues
    LookingForClues Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2007

    Thanks LuAnn, I think I'll have a good case. I am so happy to be on remission. I just don't think I would last at any job. Let me know if I can help witn any questions on LTD.

  • LookingForClues
    LookingForClues Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2007

    bump? Q: Has private LTD insurer cancelled your disability because you are NED? Just happened to me after 3 yrs on LTD.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2007
    I am curious, have you employed a attorney to help you fight them. The benefits lady I spoke with for our company called the insurance carrier and they said the Stage IV cancer is automatically eligible, it might be reviewed at 36 months but I am still going to eligile because I am stage IV. They basically have to prove you are capable of doing a full time job at what you are trained to do to determine you ineligible for benefits. I think you have a case worth fighting.

  • Pattyb0639
    Pattyb0639 Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2007
    I just applied for SSDI last month and was told that the claims dept. would determine my eligibility within 90 days. I was also told that I can be rejected if my hormone tx is working to stabilize my Stage 4 bc with mets to bone. I thought Stage 4 was an automatic approval? Is this not so? Our insurance company is also dragging its feet and has not approved my claims for 6 mos. They are searching for a pre-existing condition!! If you have insurance and can work part-time and still receive full coverage, do it. Cobra is good for 18 mos. and is expensive. I don't know if there are different rules in the various States, but I was told that I could not make more than $800/mo in Maine and still receive SSDI. Hope this helps a little.
    Patty (in Maine)
  • Pattyb0639
    Pattyb0639 Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2007

    Oops..correction..the amt. is $880/mo.

  • CJAY
    CJAY Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2007

    ok so i got my ssdi letter on friday. i was diagnosed in august of 06 with lung mets. i continued working full time until october, when i cut back to part time. i stopped working in april of this year. i had no idea i could have applied for ssdi right away. well, they said that they determined that i became disabled in april when i stopped working. and i have to wait the 6 months from when i became disabled to recieve benefits. does this sound right? is this everyone elses experience? is it worth appealing?

  • Jillt
    Jillt Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2007
    This is so confusing. I just talked to SS this morning and they told me to apply. I was diagnosed with lung mets in 2/07. Right now they are saying my mets are chemo resistant and I'm unlikely to live until the end of the year. I am still working full time - but who knows how long that will last. The rep told me to apply now if it was possible I could be unable to work in the next few months.

    Did anyone apply while they were still working full time? Shouldn't the 6 months start at the time we get the dreaded diagnosis. Who can live for 6 months without any income?

  • laurieo
    laurieo Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2007
    Cjay - I had a similar situation as you with regard to the date of disability. I was dx 12/05 but continued to work until 3/06. My disability date is 3/06 because I earned more that $880 during the months following my dx date--even though I wasn't able to work full time. I did appeal it and the appeal was denied.

    Knowing what I know now, I would have applied as soon as I was dx'd instead of trying to tough it out.

    Jill - there's a 5 month waiting period and benefits start with the 6th month. But be careful - if you're working full time you won't be considered disabled. Your date of disability begins when you are no longer working.

    I utilized Family Medical Leave and then long-term disability benefits to help me get through the SSDI waiting period. It was hard.

    Good luck to you both!
  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2007

    Just bringing this back to the front. This thread is too important to lose.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited July 2007

    bumping up

  • RoxanneNJ31
    RoxanneNJ31 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2007

    I hae a question can i get disability even if im under what they think is control. I have stage 4 bone mets (original dx 05 mets in 07). I am still workiing two jobs but need to know its available at any time because im considered stage 4. thanks and god bless.

  • AmyL
    AmyL Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2007

    I'm stage 4 bone mets only and am responding to treatment "stable or better". I'm on LTD and SSD. Stage 4 is automatic for SSD and should be for most LTD insurers.

    I'm also another youngie, 35 with original dx in 05/mets 07.

  • notme
    notme Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2007

    bump - We need this topic to stay active.

  • notme
    notme Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2007
    I have tried to read all of these posts, but I skimmed a few. Does anyone have any tax info? My benefits dept said that LTDI is not-taxable, is this true?

    However, the LTDI carrier requires that you apply for SSD. I read on the SS site about SSD and it said that it is taxable if as a single you make more than 25,000 or as a couple you make more than 32,000.

    Can anyone comment on the taxes of SSDI or LTDI or both?

  • jacqniel
    jacqniel Member Posts: 98
    edited July 2007

    If you paid for your LTD insurance policy yourself - you do not pay taxes on the monthly benefit amount. If your company paid for it, you must pay taxes.

    SSD is taxable. I hold out money every month and pay quarterly.

    Don't get too excited about getting SSD. It is not over and above what you get from LTD. In reality your LTD company will subtract your SSD payments from your monthy benefit. When you pull out the taxes you end up getting less than before SSD kicked in. The same scenario happens if you get any kind of retirement benefit.

    Hope this helps.

  • awjkej
    awjkej Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2007

    I have tried to read most of these never dawned on me to apply for SSI b/c when I was diagnosed in 02/03 as I wasn't working in official capacity. And I had not worked for about 9 years prior to that except to help my husband with his law firm practice. A friend recently suggested that I look into it.

    So my question it too late to apply? I guess I could make the call and find out. I did look at the online application and was alittle overwhelmed with the information required re salary history. I am not sure I have all the records from 10 years ago anymore.

    Any thoughts??


    So my question is,
  • Buzz
    Buzz Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2007

    SSI (Supplemental Security Income) is different from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

    SSDI eligibility is based on years worked and SSI is for those with low income. You should apply for BOTH programs, and let the SS people determine your eligibility. And no, it is not too late. It is never too late. If you are eligible, they can give you back pay.
  • Buzz
    Buzz Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2007

    SSDI is not taxable for everybody. It depends on ones total income and the sources of that income.

  • awjkej
    awjkej Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2007
    Thanks Buzz! I will check it out.

  • Shepgirl
    Shepgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2007

    Buzz is correct. My portion is taxable for I file jointly with husband (it actually better for other things); but the kids portion is NOT! When I die and if the kids are still under 18, most of my portion goes to them. At that time it will not be taxable.

  • vetdr
    vetdr Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2007
    Hello all, I have been looking at this board for several months now and I just wanted to thank everyone for their answers about SS DI. My significant other was diagnosed Dec 04, chemo and bilateral mastectomy in 05 with resultant bilateral lymphedema in both arms. I encouraged her to apply for SS disability in June and she was just awarded it last week. She was in tears because she had heard all the stories about being denied it. I just want to thank all the women here for their information and bless all of you.

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381
    edited August 2007

    Just wanted to add some info...One of my daughters just graduated from high school in June. Her SSDI ended but my son's SSDI increased. The same amount of money is still coming into the house but under different names. So you really don't "lose" money as your children get older!

  • DragonGirl
    DragonGirl Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2007
    Hi. Regarding who can live without an income. No one, of course! The clock starts ticking for SSD on the date you stopped working because of your disease. You do have to waith 5 months. What I did for the inbetween was apply for Temporary Emergency Assistance. I live in New York State. I don't know where you live but I would guess your state has some kind of similar program. This kind of assistance kicks in rather quickly. Actually, you can apply for foodstamps simultaneously and start getting those within a few days of your application. It takes a little longer to get the temporary assistance. It's not much money, but it's better than nothing. In New York you can also get assistance with your heating/electricity under the HEAP program. I think that's a federal program actually. Just google HEAP and see what you get. Also, if you are really poor, like I was/am, the telephone company provides service under a Federal Law for something like one dollar a month. This is for emegergency phone use only. They charge you something like 9 cents a call if you call out, but you can receive incoming for free. Check it out with your phone company. Finally, I believe in most, if not all states, you contribute to a disability insurance fund while you work. If you become disabled you are entitled to collect disability from this fund. There are some exceptions, for example, I was a teacher and the district I worked for had an exemption with regard to this, so I couldn't collect. See what you can find out from your human resources person.

    You don't have to quit your job to get these things. You can go out under the federal Family Leave Act, I can't remember how long that gets you. Your job has to hold your place if you are disabled.

    Oh yeh, one more thing. Check with the hospital with which your oncologist is affiliated. They may have a special plan to help you with your bills. The one at my hospital is called charity care. If you qualify, which you will if you are not working and don't have much savings, they sometimes cover up to 100% of your bills from participating providers, including labs and tests. Call your oncologists finance/billing department to see if they know about something. If not, press on and try the hospital.

    If you live in New York, the Albany Law School has a wonderful program for cancer patients. They will assist you will all this stuff, plus with any legal documents you need to have prepared, for free. Check your local law school to see if something similar exists in your city.

    Unfortunately, this is hardly what you need to be doing considering the circumstances, but you asked about money, so that's what I know. I found the social services workers to be extremely compassionate and helpful when I went in to seek temporary assitance. All you have to do is say stage 4 breast cancer and they jump. If you get stuck in a long line or wait, tell the clerk your situation and tell them you can not sit waiting for long periods of time due to your health. Sometimes things can be done over the phone, or they will move you to the head of the line. Pull the cancer card whereever and whenever you can and take no prisoners.

    Good luck. All my best. Please feel free to email me if I can help with any more info.


    PS: I'm stage 4 mets to spine and in remission 1 year after diagnosis two years ago. I attribute my success to getting myself into Sloan Kettering, where I received excellent advice (it was a second opinion). Have you tried to get into Sloan, Dana Farber, or anywhere else? Don't take no for an answer if your insurance company won't help. Keep pushing! Don't give up honey! Put up a fight dammit! We're all rooting for you!