
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    for the newly "done with treatment"

  • auntgina
    auntgina Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2007

    Juust thanks!! Virginia

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2007

    Vickie - this is the first time I have seen this article - thanks so much for posting. I copied it to "word" and am printing it off. Karen in Denver

  • paulinemok
    paulinemok Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2007

    Thanks for sharing this. This is my fifth year. And I am still trying to move on with my daily life. Up until now, I keep on thinking I must be depressed, and now relize still fatigue five years after. It is still a bit frustrating and to get my old good spirit back. I hope I am not the only one still fighting on it five years after my chemo.....

  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2007
    Gosh--it's only been less than a year since my cancer diagnosis, 4 months since chemo/2 months since radiation, and I feel so 'down'...and I'm a person who is actually permanently disabled due to daily migraines/nausea/vomiting for 30 years, and even THAT never got me down at all...doctors always stressed how ''''strong'''' I I feel so helpless AFTER treatments (well, makes sense, as during diagnosis, surgeries, treatments, you just go along and do what you have to do at the time), now AFTERWARDS it's like you get hit with a brick, and I cannot explain it to ANYONE...if I tell my oncologists/neurologists, they will think I'm 'clinically depressed' and recommend anti-depressants (ALL of them, yep tried them all in 30 years, make my head pain much worse, so NOPE, don't want em)....or think I need therapy (nope won't go, bad enough getting OUT of the house daily, I'm totally unpredictable with the migraines).
    Soooooo, what DOES one do??? I see that with you others posting here that this 'feeling' seems to last quite a long time....not a good feeling, PLUS my oncologists cannot give me ANY prognosis (invasive ductal carcinoma/2 surgeries/partial mastectomy/cancer by chest wall) at all at each visit now...cannot say 'cancer is GONE', which are the magic words one wants to hear. Venting here, so thanks you for whoever is 'listening' to me! ~juli~
  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2007

    Hi Juli,
    I live between Ithaca and Binghamton. I work in Ithaca. If you are ever in the area pm me and I'll have you for lunch where I's a great place!

    Hi Vickie: Sorry to just get back to you, haven't been on the breast cancer forums until today. I don't travel, as I probably mentioned before? I am permanently disabled due to daily migraines/nausea/vomiting, and with this cancer diagnosis---geesh---I AM having troubles for sure. NEVER got depressed or down with the migraines, but this has really knocked me for a loop...can't seem to get past it, but I see others can't either...don't wish to burden my docs as I do NOT want anti-depressants NOR any therapy, too hard to count on me to get there, then I get thanx...always dealt with life on my own, have a significant other, just don't see him too often, as he's a truck driver, my family lives more than 3 hours from me, havent' seen them in a year...wanted them to continue their lives, not come out here and what? babysit me?? NOT gonna do it to them!! Anyway---Vickie, I hope you are doing well...let me know...juli
  • Bodil
    Bodil Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2007

    Wow, loved that article.

  • 3ofus
    3ofus Member Posts: 201
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share this helpful information.

    Take care,
  • Indigoblue
    Indigoblue Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2007
    WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Thank you so much Vicki!!! This is some of the best "After Treatment" information I've read.

    Made a copy for my doctors, since they always seem to think we're overly axious about these things we "imagine"?
    Great stuff!


    I wanted an MRI, as scar tissue and hematoma junk along with dense breast tissue and pain has had me extremely upset. Doc acts like I'm asking too much. The site you gave us directed me to artemis and there was the article of perfection supporting the need for MRI's for high risk, trip neg, patients soon after treatment.

    Once again, thank you soooooooooooooooo much!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    You are all so very welcome and I'm glad this helps. I am fortunate to have a very understanding oncologist and breast surgeon but many are not and if this article helps just one it will be worth it.

    If anyone is looking for the article...go to page one and it is the first post.

    Hugs and all the best to you all
  • cnoel
    cnoel Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2007
    Ladies...I really need some guidance...I just finished treatment yesterday May 22nd. I feel like I should be happy but I feel so depressed and have been for a few weeks now. Now theres I get the port out or wait..then the Dr. says I am post menapausal...I am only 35yrs..thats very upsetting..had two FSH tests both numbers were high. I just can't put my finger on it...I have had very negative thoughts and I feel so down. I am still going to work, trying to exercise and smile but inside I'm comming apart and kinda wish it were over!!
    I keep praying and hopefully it will pass...
  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2007

    You are feeling the very same feelings I felt after treatments, actually started mid-radiation. The oncologists all say it is perfectly normal, we go thru what we have to to get thru our surgeries/treatments, then WHAM!!! it hits us like a brick. You are NOT alone...if you feel you need medication, ask your and do the best you can for YOU. My best to you ~juli~

  • rumoret
    rumoret Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2007
    Fatigue..........thanks for sharing the is so ME!

  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2007
    cnoel: Let us know what your diagnosis was and what treatments you have are very young for breast cancer, I'm so sorry you are going thru all of this. I'm 48 and was pre-menopausal as well, now definitely IN chemo-induced menopause since Oct.06...chemo ended for me in Dec. 06, radiation ended in on tamoxifen. I had invasive ductal carcinoma, Stage II, sentinel node disease, 2 surgeries ending up with partial mastectomy, an endometrial biopsy as chemo actually extended my period a full 8 weeks daily (was just chemo, no problems)..then came Taxol & Gemzar and periods stopped that you gotta give yourself time here, you just ended treatments...and you are in 'forced' menopause, that alone is enough to make you feel the way you very very best to you....please write and let me know how you are doing, you can certainly email me if you wish. ~juli~
  • cnoel
    cnoel Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for hearing my cry!! In March 2006 I was diagnosed with invas-duc-carc stage11.B./Her2nue+ and hormone++. They began chemo right away no nodes tests untill second surgery which was after 4AC+Cyt, 13 taxol & herceptin, then surgery then 35 rads then 13 more herceptin. I just finished that part. They did a sent-node biospy after 17 chemos and took out 10 nodes. That was good news!
    I did keep my breast.
    I have since gotten divorced moved two times,started a new job and bought a house. I just don't know why I feel so desperate. I am usually a pretty together person but I just feel like i am operating in a shell. I can't tell a regular person that I feel like jumping off bridge because they will have me committed. I should be happy!! Right!
    oh well...I gues I'll just have to let time do its thing..I just feel alone!!
  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2007
    cnoel: You are certainly NOT alone--I have the VERY same feelings that you do, and I'm permanently disabled due to daily migrianes/nausea/vomiting, and NEVER EVER EVER experienced ANY sort of depression, which always amazed my doctors, I always had the motto of "oh well--what else CAN one do?"....until THIS diagnosis--actually since the treatments were about ending!!! THEN, it was like a kick to the gut, and I STILL feel that way, but it's only been 3 months since end of radiation and am on tamoxifen. You've been thru ALOT, gosh, divorced, moved, started a new job and bought a house???? YOU are AMAZING GIRL!!!!!
    Give yourself aLOT of credit!!!! YOU deserve it, and those feelings??? Well---they just don't go away it seems.
    Happy??? No, I'm not happy either...we've been kicked in the gut!!!! A CANCER diagnosis???? Seems even family and friends do NOT understand at ALL .... so please feel free to contact me and stay in touch, you are sooooo NOT alone!!! I care and deeply ADMIRE've gone thru hell and back and back again....give yourself a break, you deserve it!!! ~juli~
  • cnoel
    cnoel Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2007
    That was the best warm-fuzzy I have EVER recieved! And knowing your story...the admiration goes both ways. YOU have been through just as much and are still struggeling as well. I just thought that once it was "over" I would be great...and your right family and friends only "understand" what they see; no hair, surgerys, pale skin ect. You know the thought..if you look well you must be well...and the physical is only one symptom, and now that the physical appears okay I should be estatic!!@ I guess healing really is a holistic thing. And ya know, I need to accept that I'm post menapausal. That hurts...
    Juli how are you doing?
    I am so greatfull for this site...
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    We have all had to endure sheer terror.When I was diagnosed,I could not even function.I was 33 years old with 2 children ages 15 and 8.My first instinct was to swallow a bottle of pills and just go to sleep.I told my husband that I was not strong enough to handle cancer.But I made it through the bilateral and chemo.I dealt with losing my breasts,my hair,my femininity,my self-esteem.I finished chemo in November 2006 and started weekly Herceptin and Tamoxifen.For almost a year,I had been sick.I layed in the bed almost constantly.I did fight to get back to living my life,I fought so hard.But I was left with so many side effects.I have Neuropathy in both legs.My legs just give out without warning and I just fall.My left knee looks horrible.The AC damaged my heart so I wonder if that contributes to my fatigue.I already had scoliosis and arthritis in my back but the chemo made it a lot worse.I have constant pain in my ribs and chest wall from nerve damage after surgery.The fatigue is so bad that even now I stay in bed for days at a time.
    I wanted to go back to work badly,I needed to because money has been tight since dx.When I realized that I couldn't do it,my heart was broke.I kept putting off talking to my Onc because I don't like him.I had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized for 11 days.Now I take Effexor,Xanax and Remeron.I went to pain management and I take Lyrica,Oxycontin,Percocet.My Dr said addiction is not a worry if you are in pain.I really wouldn't care if it was the relief that I have found is well worth it.We just have to do whatever we can to feel better.

  • cnoel
    cnoel Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for sharing your story. I certainly do not want to complain..I know that we all have our own struggels. You are an inspiration to me and I will pray for your pain.
  • Ter
    Ter Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2007
    Oh Vicki, what a masterpiece, I think this needs to be in each site, as after my treatments, I needed it, as it happened again a year later, then aftet that a year later to mets....Ive read many articles etc and nothing beats this.

    Thank you so much, and yes I am going to copy and hand them out, as i was told the other day that I was all better and now I can be myself again...hmmmmm whats myself I asked, with a question back at her of Im all done and better??? She will get a bopy of it too.

    Thank you again,
  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited May 2007

    Gosh, Lisa--You've certainly run the gamut of what more can one possibly take???!! I certainly cannot complain, given what you are going through. I'm hoping you get relief from your pain, and know that feeling down/depressed is so normal, as I've found on these sites, most of us feel the same way...but you're dealing with a lot more. *hugs* to you and can't say I 'feel' your pain, but I know ABOUT daily very best to you. ~juli

  • Pauline3837
    Pauline3837 Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2007

    Thank you so much for "bumping up" this information.

  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2007

    marshall: That site does not come up?? What type of site is it? ~juli~

  • ADK
    ADK Member Posts: 752
    edited June 2007

    marshall is a spammer. Don't go to the site.

  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2007

    Anne: for real?? The site doesn't come up anyway...but THANK I HATE that type of thing...I appreciate the heads' up! ~juli~ (can't this 'person' be banned?)

  • ADK
    ADK Member Posts: 752
    edited June 2007

    Unfortunately, he keeps coming back with different names. I alerted Melissa & Tami and they deleted this one. I usually am suspicious when an old thread suddenly pops up in the active topics - they usually start there.

  • juli0212
    juli0212 Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2007

    well thanx for letting me know!! MUCH appreciated! ~juli

  • FrannyK
    FrannyK Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2007

    Vicki, just what i needed at this time! thank you! i'm going to share it with my hubby..since he's my co-survivor!

  • dginoregon
    dginoregon Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2007
    Vicky, and all of us in the "after cancer" wilderness ... after reading the article I felt so validated. Yes, we try to find our "new normal" but it's not easy at all ...
    Thank you for posting it, and for keeping it near the top (here it goes again!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    (((Delina)))...glad it helped. Come join us in the circle...we love to help new sisters.
    All of you are welcome to join us and trust me we are not "normal" either LOL. Just there to give hugs and a helping hand.