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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008

    Hi girls,

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Kater we missed you at lunch. You could have done your "flip off wig" for the they remembered that about us and all the laughing we did.

    Connie.. bet your new hair do looks great. You were meant to meet that hairdresser. I had a similar experience in that after my surgery I went to Marco Island to lay on the beach and decide how to deal with this bc. I went to the spa for a facial and the women who was doing my facial also had bc...we chatted..and chatted...and when I was done I knew how I was to handle this bc tx that I  was about to have when I came back home. So I do believe that people come into your life for a reason..

    Wendy..I bet you can charge lots of money snow blowing  driveways. lol We missed you at lunch..but had you in spirit as all the others you could not make it.

    Rita..hope you are having a nice visit with your family and grand kids.

    Karin ..was so glad to meet you and glad to see that you finally made it home safe and sound. Those flight delays are exhausting and wine is a good cure for that.  lol

    Smerf..did you and Leesa make dinner reservations too lol

    Hope the drive was not to bad in the snow. never made it to Northbrook..ugh but glad to see that you got home safe. day Monday.. You will look good girlfriend in surgery !

    Jackie..glad to see that you are feeling better. I have made that frog salad before and it is very yummy....mmmmm good

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and wishing everyone, peace, health and happiness this weekend.  Think spring !!!

    Take care,


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008
    animated gifs
  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008

    Karin..thanks for the Easter eggs pic..Happy Easter to you and your family. I want to learn how to post cute pics too.


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Blackjack shouldn't you be getting ready for bed isn't it getting late there?

    (mommy Karin)Laughing

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008

    Yes mommy, I should but I am have a very big hot flash now..and I don't know how to handle this as I never really had them before..

    I guess when the md called at lunch and told me that I am in menopause I guess I really didn't believe him. But now I do..


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008

      Happy Easter!  I got this pic in an's titled "Peep Show", but you knew that was coming!  For some reason I found it hilarious.

    RE: snowblower incident and new neighbor.  Turns out it wasn't the wife, but the sister.  I guess she mentioned to the new neighbor how rude I was and didn't do the driveway, just the sidewalks and the new neighbor was horrified.  I have run into her twice in the last 2 days and she keeps apologizing.  So....I guess it will be just fine...except of course when the sister comes over to visit!  My neighbor last year ran over a paper with this new blower, and it was trashed.  I don't have to worry about that as my paper is NEVER in my driveway.  LOL

    Karin....glad you made it home!  I was wondering if you even got out!

    Kater...glad kitty is on the mend.

    Connie....ooooooh!  First haircut!  Funny how just an 1/8" cut off makes a world of difference!  And life is just might have met your new hairdresser for life!

    Blackjack....where and when is spa day tomorrow?

    Leesa...if I don't get a chance to see you, all my prayers and thoughts will be with you on Tuesday.  You are such an amazing lady that I know you will plow thru this little roadblock and do just fine.  Hugs, honey! always, you give me something to think about.

    Laura...I too keep the puzzle piece on my key ring.  When my keys are in my pocket and my hands are in there too, I keep rubbing it...reminds me that I am not alone in this challenge.

    Well....gotta run.  Will be going to my nephew's later and I got a panicked call last night at 6:45.  Seems that my niece's cousins...the ones that didn't e-mail her back re: coming to dinner...all called yesterday and said "So...what time do you want us?".  The last count is now 22 people, and they have a small house.  Should be interesting.  So my little potato dish will have to be tripled and I am making a pasta salad.  Boy...was the Jewel CROWDED last night.  And I ran into my nephew and his family there....we were all running around,looking was everybody else in the store.

    Hope you all have s simply wonderful day with your loved ones!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,701
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning all,Smile

    Probably not too much reading going on but just in case....Very Happy Easter.  Un-eventful night here.....not feeling too bad.....a little feeling of urgency on the bladder and yucky mouth---but no lumps in the throat...praise God.  Not near as much pain ( ahem, yet ) as I had last time.  Told Dh that was probably due to all the throat distress.....I was so riled I was bound to feel every little thing as a major sized annoyance. 

    Still planning on going to Jim and Ann's later.  Don't know why....but all these transplanted Californians seem to only want to eat at night.  When I grew up....we ate the big meal at noon and used left-overs for a smaller evening feast along with a small dessert.  Even after all these years I still can't quite get into that late eating. 

    Karin.....I am sure happy that you did get to lunch with a few who could make it....I thought about you and all the wonderful anticipation so even if the numbers were a bit got to do it.  Also, am glad you got back home safe and sound. 

    Blackjack..menopause is not a fun thing and I found it really hard to take in the Illinois climate.  In California I barely noticed, but it too will pass in time.  We come out the other side of everything with some good old fashioned perseverance.  In fact, I did read ( and it made such sense to me at the time ) the only way out of something is through it.  Trying to circumvent never works....just have to look it in the eye and take care of it.

    Well, here I am rambling again.

    Hope it's a beautiful, fun day for all. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning and Happy Easter to all.  Once again I have been away too long to catch up with anyone.

    Both DH and myself have been sick with the flu - this is one amazing bug, let me tell you that.  Both of us cancelled all plans for the week-end.  Wont be going to the family for Easter Dinner.  Hoping that we both recuperate and are good to go by tomorrow.

    I missed the lunch again.  I cant believe that you all still got together with that snow storm.  I was so scared driving home from work.  I did drive by Maggianos but decided better to be home safe and sound.

    I saw my first Robin - figures it was friday and the poor thing was hopping in the snow.  Dont believe I have ever seen my first Robin in snow.  So I guess Spring is on its way.  My crocus have begun to sprout.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited March 2008

    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!  Sorry, no cute graphics from tech challenged me... Embarassed

    I had a wonderful time on Friday.  It was so great to talk to everyone.  I decided that I'd drive through 15 such snow storms to meet with our Illinois BC Sisters!  Remember what Laura always says, "Illinois Girls are TOUGH!" 

    LOL about "feeling up" Leeza's boob.  It was funny that there was no one in the bathroom when we went in, but by the time we came out of the stall, it was jam packed!  Yes, listening to the conversation we had must have been hysterical!  But seriously, she asked me to feel her lump to see if it felt like my lymph node tumor (It didn't, so hopefully that is good) and I had her feel a "cordage" scar at the end of my incision that felt like another area she was concerned about. 

    Blackjack, Leeza, and Smerf- when and where are we meeting on Monday??  How about if I bring the Mimsoas and some lunch sandwiches??   I'm just sorry that I can't be at the hospital on Tuesday.  

    Jackie- so glad to hear that you aren't feeling too bad this round.  Praying that you just continue to feel better and better!  (and we also always ate early- my mom would just plan on the "2nd meal" later on. )

    Wendy- nice to know that it was the sister and not the new neighbor that treated you so shabbily.  

    Karin- glad to know that you made it safely back.  It was so wonderful meeing you.  And I love, love, love, your GD's poem.  Thank you for letting me use it.  

    Blackjack- my hot flashes are just awful lately.  I may have to start carrying around a fold-up fan again!  

    Sabrina- do you still need a prosthesis??   I just found out that my fitter in McHenry has a "bra and boob" bank- they carry gently used donated items for anyone who needs it.   (Forgive me if it's not you who needs this.  I may have you mixed up with someone else who was having problems getting coverage- with chemo brain, I'm never sure.)

    Okay, my hubby says he wants to go for a walk, and I'm going to take him up on it!  There may be snow out there, but it's sunny and bright and I'm feeling uplifted!  

    Have a wonderful day!   

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited March 2008

    Happy Easter!

    What is with these hot flashes.  I am way past menopause and on the arimidex for one year and now I am getting awful sweats.  Do you think it is the change in season (although that may not stack up based on the snow).  They are getting miserable.  My husband pulled the ham out of the fridge to put in the oven and I put my head in the its place.  I find that if I sleep with one leg out it keeps me cooler.  Is this forever?


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    Blackjack made a noon appointment for pedicure at Mario something or other. Not sure of name. Then we were thinking maybe lunch. Let us know, Blackjack or Leesa!


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    Susan...So sorry about the flashes. That must be tough, I can only imagine. I don't think it's forever, and many friends hace told me that leaving one leg uncovered also works for them. Also, many take effexor, not sure of spelling.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited March 2008

    Happy Easter!

    Hope you all enjoyed this day. I had my family over...lots of work, but lots of fun too!

    I spent last night at the Urgent Care Center by my house. Last week I started having pain on the top of my foot. It's swollen and hot to the touch. I have always had a rather large bunion on the big toe, but it never caused any problems. But I think wearing heels to work 3x a week now has aggravated it. On Friday, I wore my stiletto heal boots (compliments of AnnTaylor) to the Magg the time I got home, my foot felt like it was on fire. Saturday morning when I woke up...same thing, but the pain was even worse. I was in agony all day. I made an appt w/a Podiatrist, but can't get in until Apr 1st. I took 600 mgs of ibuprofen every 4 hours and it didn't touch the pain. Finally I decided to go and have it x-rayed...I have some Osteopor. in that foot and thought that maybe a bone or two was broke. They did break! Whew...but it's still painful. I limped around all day. Finally took Hydrocodone and that helped...lessened the pain by about 60%. I'm going to call the Podiatrists office in the morning and beg for a sooner appt. This pain is horrible. I iced it every two hours. Tonight I'll try a hot bath. Tomorrow will be tough...I have to work, and I can't take the Hydrocodone because it makes me a little "loopy"....this is just awful! Why is it ALWAYS SOMETHING? damn!

    Have any of you had this? I'm assuming it's due to the bunion, but who could be something else. Of the back of my know what I'm thinking. Arghhhhhh...  

  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2008

    Smerf - I can confirm that effexor stopped my hot flashes for the 2 weeks that I was on it. For me however, I decided that I did not want to be on it anymore, and would just deal with the hot flashes. I get 3-4 a day. I make sure I layer clothes so I'm prepared. At bedtime, I too hang one leg out. Laura has mentioned the chillow before, haven't tried it though.

    Laura- ouch! I have bunions too and they can be very painful at times. I think you're right, it probably has to do with the different shoes you've been wearing and I bet you are on your feet alot more with this job.  Hope you get some comfort soonSmile!


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2008

    Happy Easter to all..hope the bunnies were well behaved.

    Leesa's Spa Day update: is going to be at Lifetime Fitness in Schaumburg on Higgins Rd. Monday. She will be pampered with a manicure and pedicure from them. Her appointment is at 1:45pm. We thought we could have lunch around 12:00 a short then head over there. Meeting at our fav place Maggiano's. Let me know if you would like to join us. This will keep her busy for a while and then off to surgery Tues. I know she will be hot looking lol.

    I hope everyone had a nice day..I just had hot flashes all day today and I am not liking them..I hope they get better or I will be wearing my bathing suit all day everyday to stay cool lol.

    Gotta run will check back later....


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited March 2008

    Off topic spas: for future use:

    Costco sells spa coupons, $80 for 100 worth, to use at most spas... you can find list at and they give you two checks for 50 dollars to spas....Mom has chemo tomorrow or I'd be tempted to join in!  


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited March 2008

    Thanks for the information on the flashes.  I am hoping this too will pass and no more meds. I think that I will be better as winter ends and I am not so layered.  They are so uncomfortable.  There was one point today that I was quite ready to lie down in the snow in my backyard.

    Laura, I hear your worry.  You have a problem with your foot and it has nothing to do with cancer.  I went to the onc with shin pains in my right leg.  My doctor said that cancer rarely spreads below the knee or below the elbow....... so it is unlikely to be in your foot.  I am so like you...and worry. I hope you get to the podiatrist very soon.  Foot pain (bunions and heel spurs) can be so painful.  You probably irritated the bunion with your new shoe and now you have inflammation and that hurts a lot.

    I hope you all had a great Easter.   Mine was perfect with family and friends.  We laughed and it  felt so good to do that.  Two of us are cancer survivors and are now moving on and able to get in touch with the funny cr__p that went on  with our treatments.  Our kids and spouses got into it  with their own takes and we had a ball laughing at times that has caused us great grief.   It was very therapeutic.

    Stay cool tonight, ladies, and keep that one leg out!


  • motheroffoursons
    motheroffoursons Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2008

    Hi All,

    Leesa, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you go to surgery.  I have one suggestion for a good surgery - take all the demerol (or whatever pain meds)they will give you!Laughing

    Susan-my hot flashes last only about five minutes.  It is kind of all of a sudden I realize, "Oh, I am having a hot flash".  Yes, I too did sleep with one leg under the covers and one leg outside.  I have done that for years and call it my thermostat.

    Wish I could go to the Spa!  By the way, watch your bathroom activities with the boobs!  Look at what happened to Senator Craig with his bathroom escapades!Laughing

    Laura, I think they can do things with bunions like shave off the excess bone tissue.  Hope you feel better.  Foot pain can be so debilitating as all you want to do is sit.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2008

    I can chime in too re: sleeping with one leg out, one leg in!  I don't know why that works, but maybe it screws up our internal thermostat so it doesn't know quite what to do.  But I have to have the window open as well, even if it is zero or it doesn't work.  Mine start at sundown and I have my last night sweat around 5am.  I'm not bothered by anything during the day. are so right!  I never thought of that!  We could see some of these gals on the front page of the "National Enquirerer" with a story about the strange goings-on on internet forums and the danger of meeting people in public that you have met on-line!  And I don't know how to spell Enquirerer!  Not in the dict. and I am so sure that is not much for my college degree.

    Laura...ouchy!!!!  BEG to get in for an earlier appt. and time to stop being so fashionable.  Gym shoes!!!!

    Susan....I am so happy for you!  You laughed about cancer!  You are for sure moving beyond and finding lightness in this whole mess.  Yay!  What was the funniest thing your DH remembered?  Just curious...

    Nicki...hope you are feeling better.  The flu has been terrible at DH's school.

    Well...gotta run.  Exercise, Jewel and then picking up my grandniece for a little baby-sitting as of course no schooll this week.  Everyone...hope your Easter was wonderful and this finds you happy,healthy and feeling good.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited March 2008

    Hi all -  I hope everyone has a great Easter.  I also had a great day with family and friends.  Wendy - I love that Peep show pic.

    I believe Calypso is starting rads today - good luck! 

    Good luck with your surgery tomorrow Leesa.  And have a great spa day - you deserve it!

    Laura - hope you can get some pain relief.  That sounds horrible.  We know it's bad if our tough Illinois girl goes to Urgent Care.

    Jackie - I think you mentioned earlier about hot flashes being easier in a warmer climate.  Is that true??  I am getting nervous about dealing with these things now that summer is coming around and I'm heading to Florida in 6 weeks.

    Have a great day Illinois Girls!

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2008

    Laura...So sorry about your foot pain. I too hope you get in sooner to see doc. My onc also said {when I had foot pain} that it is extremely rare to have what we all fear in the feet. If you don't get into podiatrist sooner, you might consider an orthopedist specializing in foot and ankle. Just a thought.

    Going to do a little cleaning now so that i can get to Maggiano's by noon. We will try to behave, and stay out of the Enquirer!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2008

    Hi gals!

    I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!  We are back from our quick KY trip and had a ball with the grandkids.  They always remind me how happy one can be with the simple things as they pour excitedly through their Easter baskets with those big sparkling eyes. 

    It sounds like your lunch went well!  How I wish I could have met Karin and Nancy but even if I wasn't going to KY, I wouldn't have braved the snowy prediction.  I'm a wimp anymore when it comes to wintry travel.  However, spring has to be on the way.  The yards were GREEN in KY and it looked so nice!  We did, however, run into snow flurries on the way home in Indiana.  How strange! glad that you're doing better this time around.  I think the side effects were different for me after each and every treatment.  You'd think they'd be the same, but they really weren't.

    JanClare...glad you're feeling better and made the lunch.  So you and Leesa ended up in the same bathroom stall, eh????  LOL  You crack me up!  I would have loved to have been a little mouse in that restroom just watching the expressions of those who entered!

    Leesa...I will be thinking about you tomorrow!  It sounds like you have a great day planned for today so you'll be looking real good tomorrow.  That's great!

    Suzanne, today's the day, isn't it?  You get your first zap and then before you know it, you'll be a "rad grad!"  Rads went pretty fast for me and I'm hoping the same for you!

    I haven't gotten caught up on all the posts.  I did take my laptop with me but was really lazy.  I had such big plans about writing some questions on the way in the car and then checking out everything while on the threads while were we there.  Instead, I just "vegged out", talked, and watched the scenery on the way and played with my grandsons and talked with my son while we were there.

    I will write more once I get caught up with everyone. Now I need to get things organized around here and head out for a haircut this afternoon. Catch you later.  Enjoy your day!


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    animated gifsHAPPY MONDAY!!!

    Hope  everyone had a nice Easter! Quiet day for us had lunch w/MIL @ care home.

    Leesa enjoy your spa day & lunch.....will watch the Enquirer for your pics on front page!!

    Sure wish I could have stayed longer at lunch, but as it was it took us over 2 hours to go the 30 or so miles to Midway!! 

    Laura you had stilettos on at lunch??? How tall are you? Hope your foot feels better, nothing worse than sore feet! (and a job where you are on your feet all day!)

    Better get to work....

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008
  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Wow Got that pic big enough!!!

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    What am I doing wrong.....These pics are huge!!

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008
  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2008

    Huge pics of some very lovely ladies with a very huge heart!!!

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited March 2008

    Great pics - thanks, Karin.

    I forgot to comment on the "fate" thing with the hairdresser I met.  When I walked in to the place, there were 3 people in front of me.  Pretty soon, it was just me and this other guy.  He got a phone call and I heard him ask "Is breakfast ready?"  Then he bolted out of there.  So, I was next!  If he had stayed, he would have been with this gal and I would have been with someone else!  So, yes, I do think that there may have been some intervention there!  And if my new friend Marcela, can cut a decent cut, I think I will stick with her!