Illinois ladies facing bc



  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2008


    Morning!  Just watching the ch 9 many accidents due to ice.  It'll warm up, all the way to 58 by tomorrow with 1.5-3 " of rain with fog and we are in a flood watch?????  What the heck?  I'm with you Blackjack...home sounds good to me!

    Blackjack...your day sounded crazy but fun!

    Connie....having fun?

    OMG....just heard that they have SHUT DOWN Lemont!  All their streets are ice-covered and they can't keep up with the accidents.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday, and Pat...I hope DH had a nice BD and wasn't called in to the hospital in the midst of his turkey!

    Fitzpatti......I am thinking about you today, but I know somewhere you are going "woooooohoooooo" and having great fun!  Hey....I'll make you a deal....if it does indeed get up into the hight 50's tomorrow and it isn't raining....I will put my top down and take a ride, just for remember to do something fun and crazy each and everyday....cuz we just don't know, do we?  I remember your lesson well!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008
    Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many-not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
    -- Charles Dickens
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2008

    Morning everybody!  We lost electricity during the night again and it just came back on about a half hour ago.  I have a nice fire going in the woodburner and finally got a cup of coffee so I'm on my way to starting the day.

    Wendy, so funny that you've mentioned Fitzpatti as I was thinking about her and Cy (a CMF gal) last night.  I've also been thinking about several of the other gals who have posted on our thread and the CMF thread and have just disappeared.  In doing so the past few weeks, I've contacted some of them to see how they were doing and in most cases, they're doing fine and have started to move on from breast cancer.  I was so glad to see both Brenda and Nancy respond and post again.  Please make them feel welcome here again gals, as this thread is for everyone....those just diagnosed, those currently in treatment, and those who have finished the treatment and are working toward that "new normal."  It's also for our long-term survivors like Mary Jane, who represent our HOPE.

    I hope everybody had a great day with your family or friends.  My kids will arrive later tonight (weather permitting) and we'll have our Christmas tomorrow. We did enjoy Christmas, though as we spent it at home with friends who would have otherwise been alone, like us.  It was a nice day.

    It's supposed to rain today and warm a bit so maybe some of the ice will melt.  I have some errands that I need to run today before the gang arrives so I'd better get things done around here and hope that I'll get out of the lane this afternoon.

    Thanks to all of you for your many cards and good wishes during this holiday season.  I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008

    Good MorningSurprised  What a huge surprise the weather report is today.  Not only did southern Illinois have a no snow X-mas which was so like Southern California.....but we are also going to have the temperatures to boot.  Flood watches and even the possibility of tornadoes.  Really does leave a person to wonder. 

    Hope all stay safe and sound.  Big sales going on today but I won't be out for them.  I think perhaps the majority of people today will be the ones who  ( I knew several in California )  did a good deal of their holiday shopping--the day after for the next year.  That never felt quite right to me.

    Michele.....sounds like you had such fun at your house.  Despite all the cooks....having a chef in charge had to make things far easier.  I just want to know how long it took to clean up all the dishes and the kitchen.  Wow!!!!

    Dh and I went yesterday afternoon to a matinee and saw " Marley & Me " and what a great movie it was.  We laughed our heads off at times.....we have been through many of those escapades with our pets.....and cried at the end which we knew would happen.  Marley and Me was the first book I read when I started my rads. 

    Got the results of my tests back X-mas Eve and to maybe go have some more pictures---inconclusive I think the word was.....I had too much to do and didn't pay a whole lot of attention but I'm sure it will prove out to be just one of those have to do more to make sure sorts of things.  Have to talk to my primary care now and she what she wants to do-----probably a whole lot more than I will want too.....she is a P.A. and more than likely will go way farther then is necessary.  Whatever. 

    Karin, I loved your X-mas door and you arranged things so it was at the bottom of the page. Very fitting. 

    Well, I think I may be ready to start my day.  Hope you all have a fantastic day, however you spend it.  I'll be checking back in later.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2008

    Hi answer your question regarding cleanup we use an assembly line. First everyone does the dogie bag (food) take home. After that what is left over is put away for snacks. Dishes are washed.. kids dry.. then dessert and coffee are served. The whole eating and clean up process takes 3-4 hrs. but we snack all night long. Our family loves to's the Italian way. lol


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2008

    Mornin' girlz... hmmmmmmmmmmmm... I had better check my local weather... I was debating whether to be brave and deal with the mobs of bargain seekers... but I certainly don't want to end up in a ditch or even worse... one of the many lakes around here! OH NO... just toggled over to yahoo weather... advisory says to stay at home if possible... ice everywhere... oh well - will have to deal with cabin fever for a few more hours.

    Be safe!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2008

    Oh Jackie!... bummer... I'm keeping everything crossed for you, girl! Hang in there...

    blackjack - HUH? Sounds like a great group effort, but no dishwasher? In fact you should probably have 3-4 of them!

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2008

    Jackie:  Keep us posted.  I was called back for the mammogram about 2 months ago and I slipped into a funk. i was sure....da..da...da.da.da!  Supposedly it was some issue with the scar, but man that is scary when I thought that perhaps there was a problem.  They used "inconclusive" for me too.  I think that once you have had surgery, the body just looks so different on film,  Anyway, keep your chin up.  Living in the moment is tougher when you are waiting!  Going to a movie was a fantastic idea!

    Take care.


  • BustersMom
    BustersMom Posts: 260
    edited December 2008

    Good morning to everyone & hope you all had a great holiday.  Enjoyed reading about some of your days -

    wow blackjack, 50 people?  Whoohoo, that's what I call a party!! 

    pat - happy b-day to your hubby (well belated now!) 

    Jackie - sorry about the call you received on xmas eve; hopefully it's much ado about nothing!

    ((Waving Hi) - Wendy, Laura, Rita, Julieb, Susan :):)   And everyone else too!

    We had a great first xmas as hubby & wife :)  MIL came by for a couple of hours, and then we went by my dad's house & my whole family was there.   Even my mom made it, which was so nice because she is almost always too ill to make it to parties.   Buster & I are enjoying the new electric blanket that DH bought for us!!

    Scary stuff on the roads this morning, I too was watching the news.  I hope everyone managed to stay safe & sound. 

    Hugs, Juliet

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2008

     Morning!  OK...I am so confused with this weather.  It's going to be 60?????  And almost all my snow is gone...poof...disappeared overnight.  And I see Oahu has no electricity!  I guess I'd rather be here.... and my sister with those electric blankets!  She has one that you can plug into the cig lighter in the car!

    Jackie...I would say don't worry, but I know you are!  I still remember my last mamm when they called me back in twice for add'l films only to find out that they were using me as a teaching tool for the techs as my tumor didn't show up cuz it was too far under my arm.  Ya think they could have just told me that!  Hopefully...just a couple of more films.  I guess I am lucky in that I don't go home until I get the "all clear".

    Laura....did you venture out?  I didn't...spent the day (or part of it anyway) trying to start organizing my messy basement.  I've got a pile of decorations that are going to the curb next week!

    Hope everyone is doing well...enjoy today!  I am off for more coffee and then maybe back to the basement!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2008

    Morning Girls,

    Wendy, gotta love this weather...My son's flight was cancelled again due to the bad fog we had last noc. So now he is here until Sunday hey !!. Wendy we must be on the same way path.. I too was cleaning the basement yesterday and organizing my xmas decorations. Found out I have way too many that I forgot about. I think it will take me months to do this. lol.

    Laura.. have you planned a craft day yet in Jan.

    Rita..did your son get in ok for your Christmas. How are the little one's. Fun 

    Jackie...sending you a big hug as not to worry about the call back..We will worry for you. I hope you don't have to travel far for this.

    Juliet...please be careful with your electric blanket. I burned my self long ago as I left it on while sleeping. If you need to get out call me. are you doing. It was good to talk with you. Remember to keep us posted on your progress. We are here for you. Your new support system.

    LittleC, are you girls doing in tx..Sending You healing hugs your way.

    Smerf..Happy belated bday for hubby. You got a cutie there. I hope he had a fun day.

    Susan.. are you feeling better with your cold.

    Well I am having a closet guy come today to redesign my broken closet. lol. I hope to have a new one soon. I hope everyone has a great day today. Looking forward to the New Year 2009.

    Mark your calenders the Lunch Bunch is meeting on Weds. Jan 14 11:30am at Maggiano's, Schaumburg. Let me know if you can come.

    Remember to be happy..


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008

    Good Morning everyoneSmile I'm wearing my sunshine smile but it won't stay there---haven't listened to the weather report.....but I think it probably will say rain for later. I did go out without a coat ( way too warm outside ) to play with and feed breakfast to the pups and cats out of doors.  You would have thought it was a summer day --  just very gloomy.

    I am staying sort of un-concerned about the mammograms.  The pictures they took that day were fine.  The Radiologist just wanted the old ones to compare to these --- but the only old ones I have are from when the mammograms were taken that found my lumps.  One lump was removed via lumpectomy --  well actually two since on the left I had two different kinds of cancer.......and a non-cancerous lump was left in the right side.  Hope I made that clear ----  the "bad" lumps were on the left.  The rt. lump was ok on biopsy and left alone. 

    I went out yesterday after all --- hmmmm, in near toolie fog.  Has this cancer made me brave.  I go out on ice and in toolie fog and just think all will be fine.  I didn't notice my house cats were out of their ( I have a couple with finicky urinary tracts ) food.  I get some from Wal-Marts specifically formulated for the problem.  It's cheaper there than the Science Diet my vet always recommends.  Anyway, it wasn't bad......there were more people out than what I thought but most had gone in the a.m. I think.   Was still a lot of 'bargains' left on the shelves.  Interesting !!!

    Today we will have our 'real' Christmas feast at my cousin's house.   The only sad part is I won't be making a Butterfinger cake to take along since my oven is not repaired yet.  That's an after the holidays project. 

    It's raining outside now.....Dh is still in's almost 8:30.  Think I'll go do some laundry.  I hope you all have  great Saturday.  . I'll be checking in with  you later.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008

    I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship.
    -- Louisa May Alcott

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2008

    Juliet - Hi! Glad your first x-mas was so nice.

    Wendrew - Yes, I did venture out... waited til noon so much of the ice was melted. I HAD to go out... not only bargain hunting, but I was out of deer corn. I went to Dick's and bought two 25lb bags. Also went to Michael's. Got lots of really cheap minis to add to my stock for the Trinket Trees.

    blackjack - Count me in on the 14th... as for craft day...I am thinking maybe the first weekend in Feb. but will post when I'm sure.


    Yeah...this weather is crazy! Only in Illinois! Have a great day girls!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2008

    Blackjack....count me in for the 14th.

    DH just took my SUV and came right back home and told me that there was something wrong with my brakes.  I told him I thought it was just the crazy weather and they were damp.  He drove it around the neighborhood and they finally stopped making the noise.  It sits out and I think with the temps being zero and now 56...well, that did it.  So if your brakes are making funny noises it might be this weather.

    Craft weekend?  Heck...I was hoping for a Botox weekend!

  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Posts: 162
    edited December 2008

    blackjack......count me in for the 14th too !

    It was wonderful talking to you yesterday, what a horrible way to make such wonderful new friends ! Your patience with my questions, sometimes repeated several times, was awesome.

    I live in a lovely Townhouse set in a grove of pinetrees with NO water anywhere, however this morning I have a Lake amid the pines that looks like arkbuilding 101 would come in handy.

    No Dr appts this coming week *huge sigh of relief* 4 the following week........

    ODD QUESTION for anyone with an you still drink Diet soda or do I have to kiss it good by ( Im a good water drinker but I do like Diet Caff free Coke now and then) ??????

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008

    Hi diet soda.  Is artificial sugar a no-no ???  I drink things sweetened with Splenda a fair amt. of the time....when I want anything that is sweet at all.  Like hot tea --- 1 sm. pkt. Spenda....cold tea --- no sweeteners at all.  As far as soda....I get the Jones brand though I don't drink much soda.  It has real cane sugar which I think is better than the high fructose corn syrup that regular soda is sweetened with now.  I sound like such a good kid but I'm really not......I don't use salt much at all ---- I have learned to like the taste of foods pretty much natural though once in awhile ( and then I use a little no-salt ) baked potatoes just need a little jolt.  I do use pepper which is mainly vitamin E and that takes care of most of my food.  Salsa in scrambled eggs, but they are good natural too.  Anyway, there are some diet sodas now that are sweetened with Splenda and on occasion I drink those.  Most artificial sugars cause a reaction on me, but Splenda never I stick to that. 

    Got to go but I'll be checking back.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2008

    Jan - It will be nice to meet you... as for diet coke, etc... I believe in moderation. Although I don't "trust" anything artificial these days.


    Maybe some more of the new girls can join us at lunch... and maybe Nancy101. Everyone is welcome!


    Man oh man it's wet out there! Geesh... perhaps we should start building an Ark! Just talked to Mom...she lives in Chicago... her basement is flooded. It's been a lazy Saturday...been playing in my favorite room - my sewing/craft room! Organizing my beads and miniatures... I have everything in glass jars... other than that... not much of anything is going on in the forest. Glad to see all that black ugly snow gone. I can finally see my mailbox again (we decorate it every year):

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2008

    Laura.. your mail box is amazing..just do need to teach us craft class asap lol

    I do love the red berries in baskets for the winter. It looks so pretty against the snow. Maybe you can bring your leftovers to my house and do my mailboxes next year?? Just a thought.

    Jan.. re:diet drinks.. moderation is key to anything we eat or drink. To much sugar can put on added wt were we don't need it. I have a diet coke every now and then for taste. I am so glad you can make the lunch in Jan. More details will be posted as it gets closer to the date.

    Wendy...speaking of brakes my dh is still waiting for his brakes to be fixed by the car dealer. They are very squeaky and are on back order. ugh He is not a happy camper.  

    We have a flood in my backyard now from all the rain this afternoon. Thank goodness there is a net over the pond or I think the fish would be swimming out. I hope everyone is staying dry now..

    Time for tea and a good book...Take care


  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2008
    • Laura, that is so pretty!  I love that mailbox!  I wish I had one like that to "frame" with pretty, bright things.

    Jan, that is funny you should ask about the diet pop.  I had a diet pop "religiously" at lunch nearly every day I taught. I actually had "withdrawal" on Saturday and Sundays with caffeine letdowns.  When I had a chemo I totally loss my taste for diet pop, or any pop for that matter.  I no longer have that habit, desire, whatever.  I do drink wine and have not stopped that, for better or for worse, but I never want a pop.  I also drink iced tea.  Funny in that I forgot all about that habit until you brought it up.

    I am not going to make the Laura craft  day or the January lunch.  Next year, I will make up for lost time. I have five months until retirement.  I promised myself I would never announce that countdown to fellow-staff as I found it obnoxious when others did.  I am, however, so happy to  finally do so many things I want to do, which would include more lunch bunch dates.

     This weather is wild.  My DH is having his family party tomorrow...HERE!   He is Polish and loves all the Polish foods.  I am just so sick of partying, yet need to rally for this last effort as he is such a dear.  So it is sausage, and pirogi, poppy seed cake,  and  goummbki .....I  cannot spell  it and spell check doesn't do Polish).  Any Poles out there?

    Stay happy.


  • kater
    kater Posts: 447
    edited December 2008

    google translates polish! i just did  a letter to caregiver:|pl|goummbki

    other languages as well|sl|

  • kater
    kater Posts: 447
    edited December 2008

    IL lady on false sugars

    Dr. Karen becker says one tsp of sugar a day (i think that is impossible) and avoid all coses..glucose fructose, etc etc means they are chemically made, manmade.

    i'm really studying the raw diet green smoothie stuff now. it got my cholesterol down I cant remember if i mentioned that, now i have sugar to worry about, 120 is my 2-3 month average and the physicians assistant claims i'm diabetic and ain't going back. I will fight that! I'm also looking for another primary, female doctor that knows whose chart she is reading, anyone have ideas? I got such a good gyne, Dr. Warren, from you guys! and of course oncologist and radiologists!


    I spent Christmas on the couch (with pets though, cant discount that!) and tonight is my friends annual party, still have a fever, i guess it's the cold i started and then the zometa IV i got tuesday ran me into a whirlwind headache, fever, nausea through Christmas. Duh, they told me HARDLY ANY side effects and aching....I thought I could deal with aching. .........

    PS I KNEW better, I didnt dry my hair all the way and sure enough 3 days later sore throat .... my wbc is still low and my alka whatevers high, the phy assistant said your liver enzymes are good, do you drink? that usually means someone drinks a lot of alcohol! Well I dont drink alcohol, so what else does that mean, does anyone know the alka something on the cbc. chuckle.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2008

      Morning!  Windy!!!!!  But almost all the snow is gone and I saw on the weather that the next 2 systems will stay up to the N and miss us.  Yay!

    Jan....I drink diet pop, probably around 1 can a day on average in a year.  I'm with Blackjack on this one.....I believe moderation is the key to everything in life.  Altho I will admit since BC to no more than 3 alcoholic drinks per week now and I try and stay away from processed foods as much as possible, which is harder than it looks.  Other than that I eat/drink pretty much whatever I want. PCP is great, but he's a he.

    Susan....your Polish Christmas sounds yummy!  But I will admit I'm with you....tired of the holidays.  If I had my way, all the Christmas stuff would be going downstairs.  I'm not a Grinch but I want my house back.  I have been sneaking some stuff down tho....DH will never notice.  He never does.

    Laura....your decorations are beautiful around your mailbox.  Trouble here is that is where we shovel/blow all the snow and we would just bury them!  Thanks for the recipes!

    Carol/ goes treatment?  Been thinking about you guys.

    Jackie....what the heck is a "toolie fog"??????

    I am so sleepy this morning.  Neighbor's front door (storm door) must not be shut all the way and the wind was whistling eerily all night long, and LOUDLY!  When the wind really got going out here, we were both up for a few hours.  I can't believe that they could sleep thru that horrible noise.  But then....they are vampires and were probably out hunting victims.  If it starts again tonight I told DH he can have the guest room and I'll use the pullout chair in the other room as these rooms are on the other side of the house.  Jeesh.  I would move, but I know I couldn't sell the house.   No real estate is moving around here at all.

    Well...just found out that DH left the milk in my car, which is outside so need to run out to grab it.  If it froze and exploded....he is in such trouble.  Men!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008
    Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.
    -- Author Unknown
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2008

    Susan - dh and I make home-made pierogis for the holidays...potatoe & onion. As for the stuffed cabbage...kater was right with goummbki, but they're also known as golabki, and galumpkis - I think they're all pronounced the same, but just spelled differently. Yum... enjoy your meal.

    kater - my dh has FAB pcp (he's also JanClare's pcp and she loves him too)...but he's in Lake Zurich... don't know if that't too far for you, but he's worth the ride. His name is Robert Trausch. His practice recently moved into a brand new building complete with some diagnostic you don't always have to go to another location if tests need to be done. I am switching to him in the new year, as my current one is still in my old neighborhood.


    Have a great day, girls...keep warm...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited December 2008

    Good morning everyone.....and there is pretty sunshine out there though the temp. is much cooler than the 70 degree summer temp. we had yesterday.  Of course, is was blowing up the storm so hard to appreciate from that aspect.  Sure enjoyed Mary's X-mas dinner.  I ate like I use too when I weighed !30.  Hmmm, a little work on my part now. 

    Toolie fog ----  quite common in California settles to the ground and is varying degrees of thickness.  We often heard of ( in our area next to the beach we seldom had to deal with it ) the massive pile-ups that would happen on the Grapevine which is a highway going towards Bakersville, California ---- the way we had to go to get to the foothills of the Sierra's where my Mom and Dad lived after  retirement.  Very scary.....people in California do not drive well in some of the elements --- they just keep SPEEDING along no matter what is going on.

    Like a couple of you.....I try to do things in moderation.  I avoid almost anything that comes in a box ---- now I'm talking things like Hamburger Helper or the potato dishes etc.  I know many people that could not get a meal on the table if not for the 'boxed' foods ( sorry if I offend any one )  but a good many of them scare me --  the list of additives is soooo long and my feeling is except for one or possibly two main ingredients the rest are chemicals to make the food taste like what the front of the box says it is.  JMHO though and I do keep a box or two of Kraft Mac & Cheese ( a major downfall for me ) when I want to be super quick.  When I have hot dogs once a month or so ( usually won't buy anything but Hebrew National ) sometimes less, I don't want to go thru making mac & cheese from scratch.  I use real butter ( scant for the most part ) or Smart Balance.  Again, I am not a fanatic about it all --- too hard to control all of this.....and I think your body needs some tolerance level --- I just try to be careful enough to give my body a little chance at all the chemicals that we live with everyday -- including my recently dry-cleaned coat that stunk of chemical cleaner for a week.  Had to wear it anyway --- too cold that week.  We have come such a long way but ?????? and Kater, it sounds like you have a couple of issues that many of us don't have to try and compensate you are on my good vibes list.  

    Susan ---  Golumkies -- my mother-in-law used to make them.  The whole family loved them but I never did --- not sure why.  I think I didn't care for the cabbage then. 

    Laura  - beautiful mail-box.  I bet your one of your mail-person's favorites.  I have to go all the way out to Meadow Lane and across the road for my mail and newspaper.  One of the very few drawbacks to living here at all. 

    Hope you all have a relaxing fantastic Sunday.  Dh has to work so I can lope about whatever I do.  I'll be checking back in though. 


  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2008

    Morning Girls....

    What a windy cold day today is..I have been up since 4am took my son to the airport for that early am flight and yes he is on his way back. We celebrated his bday yesterday at the casino in Elgin..all big winners so now I can't wait until Feb for LV trip. It will be here soon yeah.

    Wendy ..we need to be on those beach chairs with the cabana boys serving us lol. Speaking of dh mine got me a new computer and he thought he was doing me a favor my organize my emails..but instead he deleted them into cyberspace.. I was a mad women lol He finally found them. I told him he better not do that again or else. lol

    Jackie..yes what is a toolie we have it up here to. Just wanted to let you know that I love your inspiring quotes. Keep posting them!!

    Susan.. yes I am with you.. xmas need to be done now. Where is spring.

    To all the girls in tx how are you all doing..Hope your txs are going well.

    As for me I am off to exercise and then another party this afternoon. 

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday..Hugs to all..looking forward to the New Year 2009

    wishing everyone good health and happiness for the new year.

    Remember to be happy


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2008

    Jackie - You may have to walk far for your mail...but you have the luxury of that beautiful deck and wooded view. I still remember the photos of it...SO GREEN and LUSH! I miss green and lush...but b/4 you know it, we'll be sweating from our summer heat!

    blackjack - You are one party animal!

    Carol/berrypatch/all of you going thru tx - how are you doing?

    Off to the "Y"... dang it's cold out there! Gotta work those abs! 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4! LOL

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2008
      Soon, Jackie, soon!!!!
  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Posts: 162
    edited December 2008

    **whacking myself in the head.....HARD** I did it again.....wrote a lovely post this morning and didnt hit let's see what, if anything, I remember

    Honest, honest,honest I so look forward to reading all of your posts everyday......they make me laugh and think and smile about how good life will be again . Jackie, I love the quotes you post.

    Laura, I am with everyone on how great your mailbox is, I am SO not crafty or creative.....I might have been when the kids were little so I guess there is always hope *L*

    As far as all my eating questions.....when I went through the initial terror of diagnosis, surgery and treatment I lost my taste for a lot of things including coffee, which I love and diet soda and I thought now that a bit of appetite is coming back I would start to learn which things are good and not good for me from a bc standpoint and maybe not go back to them. Someday I will write the story of how I have learned to eat properly .....and have lost 100# but I am still like a sponge soaking up everything each of you says......I suddenly feel like I dont know nearly enough about ANYTHING *L*

    I wish I were as smart as some of you with posting pics and things........

    I really dont know any of you but I feel like I know each of you by *heart* and I am grateful and thankful more than these words can express to each of you
