Illinois ladies facing bc
It's no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are "heal." ~Ed Northstrum
0 - I behind or what!!!!!!! So many little bothersome things/errands this week that I just never sat down!
So in no particular order...
Susan...I got the H1N1 when I went for my seasonal flu at the Central Dupage Hospital conv. care center on rt 59. I was registering and just happened to ask when they might be getting the injection version and it just had come in that morning! So...right place, right time...and bc is considered a chronic disease and also since chemo screws up your immune system and my age...all my tickets to the vaccine. This was 10/20 I think. I got them both the same day..and in the same arm which the doc there said was ok. My arm was a bit sore the next day, and I did run a temp for 12hrs or so but that was it.
Ginny....hopefully your scans will show that the chemo is kicking some cancer butt! Sure hope they figure out the low counts as well. Sorry we will miss you on the 5th, tho! port removal (and I am probably too late!)...doc said it would take 10 minutes and he lied! Took 11! Mine was kinda stuck in the tissue/muscle so he really had to tug to get it out. It was done under local so no pain and I was able to drive myself. However....most girls said they felt just fine, not so much. I was extremely sore for about 3-4 days and was taking pain meds for most of that time. I think it was due to it being in for over a year, tho and all that tugging. The actual removal tho was a big non-event. Really.
Juliechicago....glad everything turned out ok. Whew! Waiting will do us in long before anything else, won't it? And yes....your kids' stories are hilarious! I so look forward to checking in each am on facebook to see what's up with them...Vegetarian's Day???? Priceless.... have sure been busy with the yard and now that auction (should have sent Susan that juicer!) AND....all your "paying" jobs! Eeeek!
Tanya....another busy girl! Wow.....I am guessing that you are feeling good these days....
Rita....yard all done as well? Guy comes to do the aeration/core thingy today and then I am gonna fire up the mower one last time and suck up all those little cores. They never really break down all the way and they turn into little rocks by next spring and when you step on them in bare feet...OUCH.
Smerf...OK....where the heck you been at, girl?
Laura....bullying should NEVER have been accepted by the principal...NEVER. JMHO. Trouble with her transferring is that she will now meet back up with those girls in HS. Girls can be very mean and petty and spiteful.
Blackjack....are you packed yet for Fl??? You are going to have the BEST time with your family! Have you gone back to running again? got lost again! You are still coming to Elgin, correct?
I know I have missed some of you but I will have to check back over the weekend. Laundry to do, sheets to change, bathrooms to clean, lawn to mow...yada, yada, yada. The life of a "lazy-butt" housewife! Enjoy the sunshine and 60 degree temps...more on tap for tomorrow too! YAY!!!!
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Hi Ladies -
Rita - the boys climbed all the way to the top - no elevator for them! My son was the fastest on the highest building and DH said he went up with his shoes untied. Good Grief!
Ginny - Glad you are doing well. You are in my prayers. I hope this chemo is kicking cancer's butt!!
Laura - glad they got those girls. I hope they change their behavior and I hope Shelby is happy in her new school.. The good thing about HS is that it is usually so large that it's easier to stay away from the bullies.
Have a great weekend ladies!
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So good to hear from you Ginny. As always, you sound positive! Please know that so many of us will have you on our minds on Monday. I just wish you could make the party (although I am up in the air if I even can what with the possibility that DH's relatives will have their family thingy.
Connie, your son is a winner! He must be so proud of his accomplishments. Probably better you didn't witness it with the shoelaces untied.
Laura, I agree with Connie that the bullies may lose their "authority" in high school. I met Shelby and she has a very strong personality and will rise above this nastiness. As a teacher I do need to say that we (and that includes administrators) do not generally see it happening. If we saw it, we would do something. A lot of this crap takes place in the lunchroom, washrooms, between class in the halls, and the worst of it takes place on the internet. Internet bullying is just awful and because it happens "off" school grounds, we cannot deal with directly. That is not a cop out; that is a fact. Shelby was at our breast cancer walk and she supported you and the rest of us. She could one day work to fight against bullying which has become rampant in our schools. Just recently a veiled Muslin girl became the victim of bullies. We did not even know. She kept calling in sick and it was finally uncovered.
Tomorrow I go to the quilting expo with DD. I am so not a quilter, but will enjoy it as she is such a quilter!
Happy weekend!
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Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary
to resolve it.
- Descartes, Rene -0 -
Good morning. Ginny I am adding my wishes too that all tests go well and that Monday does too. You will be in my thoughts with high hopes of better things to come.
You know ( though I may have already mentioned this ) some sort of bullying has been around for a long, long time. It was done for sure back in the 60's when I graduated. I do have to say that it did not seem to be near as horrid as it now seems, but may have seemed somewhat so to those it was happening too and around. The schools here were pretty small.....I think our whole high school only had around 200 students so any thing being done to an individual could not have been too intense as it would have been noted and stopped.
Big day today....though anti-climatic too. I am already enjoying some of the emptiness around here but still lots to separate, sort, and move around to better places
Hope you all will be having a good Saturday. No rain predicted here until first of the week - yeck, but at least that does give some time to do more on the yard. Some things do seem like they will never end. I'll be checking back later. See you all then.
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Oh Connie, it's probably a good thing that you didn't accompany them to the Upper Limits. You'd probably have had the big one watching them. Those are TALL structures!!!!
Dave is out finishing up the last of the leaves in the yard and I need to cut back a few more plants this afternoon so we're ready for winter. We have the major bushes enclosed in wire for "deer proofing" and have the air conditioning unit and outdoor firepit covered so we're making progress. It's a beautiful day.
I did a little Christmas shopping this morning. There were a few places in town that were running early bird specials and I took advantage of them. Then I went to a Christmas Craft show that had lots of neat things. How I wish I had the talent and the PATIENCE to make some of these things!
I hope everyone is enjoying the weather and wish you all a lovely weekend.
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The Nine Aspects of Life The adventure of life is to learn.
The purpose of life is to grow.
The nature of life is to change.
The challenge of life is to overcome.
The essence of life is to care.
The opportunity of life is to serve.
The secret of life is to dare.
The spice of life is to befriend.
The beauty of life is to give.0 -
Hi girls! Happy Sunday to all of you!
Ginny - Hang in there...hope all goes well tomorrow! Thoughts are with you.
Update on Shel, Shel (that's her nickname - lol) She is loving her new school. And she told me she wants to be a teacher when she finishes college! lol How cool is that!
Last night I made 35 cupcakes for little Ari Anna's christening today. They are frosted with light pink frosting...soooooooooooooo girly girlish! lol I bought one of those tiered cupcake displays...
On Thursday night - our dinner bunch was great! Me, Jan, bj and Lisamed met for dinner. It was so nice to see you girls! And as usual, we didn't shut up for a minute! lol
I have been keeping busy with all my "causes"...political and CASA. My case is closing soon. The grandpa is going to legally adopt the little girl. I love it...a happy ending to say the least.
Hope you are all doing well. Have a great day! Looking forward to our Holiday get-together!
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Oh Rita, I know what you mean about wanting to be creative.I loved the quilt expo my DD and I went to on Saturday. I too am craft challenged. I think I could maybe knit! I may look into that. We had so much fun at the quilt expo and I did love looking at the things.
Laura, I will get in touch about the juicers. My DH used the blender today we received when we GOT MARRIED to make juice after I told him what I was interested in. He threw in tomatoes, carrots, peppers, celery and made the most ghastly concoction. It truly was awful. A gal at work told me her favorites juice was made of apples, ginger and carrots. What DH made today could be called "Mulch Pile Surprise" and I have a pitcher of it in the refrig. ANYWAY, so happy Shel is happy. Don't you think that good things often happen because of bad times? She is in a better place. Was the Christening wonderful? Hope you took pictures of the cupcakes!
Have a wonderful week!
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Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed
- Storm Jameson0 -
Just got back from the oncologists office and the news is good. The tumors are shrinking. I had chemo today too. He decided to cut my abraxane down some more and do three weeks on 1 week off. He will do a pet scan after I get 2 cycles done which will be the 1st week in Jan.
I am just happy that this chemo is doing something. It's a beautiful sunny out around 75 degrees.
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Ginny....big smiles and a huge hug from southern Illinois. I am very happy for you. Enjoy the's good for you.
Hugs, Jackie
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Hello, hello~ just quick stooping by..
Ginny- great news~! tumors are shrinking~!~! Happy for you~!
WendyTY- I had my port removed about 4weeks ago and wasn't too bad.. Mine was tangle up really good with the tissue around it.. It took about 20 min. and I drove home myself and took some ibuprofen for pain..
Laura- I am glad Shel likes the new school and I hope it won't happen again in the future.. She is a such lovely girl and she will be a awesome teacher~!
I hired sitter for two nights last week and kids got used to her on second day.. However, she was texting here and there even though I am right there with her... It makes me wonder what she will do if I am not here.. I took Dean to his pediatrician and found out that he has ear infection.. That's why he was having on and off fever... Poor thing, now he feels better.. Now, I gotta take Evan to the pediatrician tomorrow because his been coughing a lot and won't go away.. gosh... I want someone to take care of me too, mommy~~
The swelling from recon is better but still sore.. It looks better but not satisfied yet.. My dh told me if I don't like it, do it again.. well, I will keep that it mind and see..
I hope everyones doing well and have a good rest of monday~!
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Ginny - Yeah! Here's a hug from Northern Illinois! Great news!
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Oh Ginny........I am so happy for you!
Sending you a HUGE hug from South Elgin!
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Ginny! I am so happy for you.... so happy for all of us!
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Great news, Ginny! Sounds like the east coast is treating you well. I wish we had 70's. It's cool and rainy here.
Little C, Wendy, Elf Song, Tanya, - Thanks for the info/encouragement on port removal. I'm excited that it will be gone tomorrow!
Connie - This winter I want to try the whole rock climbing thing. Chris and I talked about doing it last spring...but I figured it wouldn't be a good idea with the port. Did your son have a good time?
BJ and Jackie - I'm surprised my jammies don't have holes in them yet. Maybe I'm allergic to them! I felt better for about 3 days before it hit again. I went back to the doc and got more drugs on Friday. Please don't let this be a bad sign of a failing immune system after chemo! I'm really not this sickly!
Jackie - How was the auction?
Well, I'm off to have a late night snack. My appt for the port removal isn't until 11 tomorrow. I'm sure they will get it done about 4pm. I get grumpy when I don't eat. It should be an interesting day. Chris is so good to put up with me! He already took my subway order so he can have it ready when I get done.
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Wendy TY....good for you Subway makes good groceries. Hoping all goes well tomorrow for you. Now I'm wondering... ( some of the nurses should have some ideas ) how would you encourage your immune system to snap out of it and get on the ball. I was so fortunate thru all my txs ( fairly miserable for a few days but once my appetite kicked back in ) it was onward and no more discomforts. God may get me for this, but I have not really felt the need even for the H1N1 so haven't bugged the powers that be though I did get the regular one. Meant to get a "fresh" pneumonia shot but haven't found the time.
The auction....what a long day that way. I think we did ok....especially for the economy of today in little southern Illinois towns. Not good at keeping score, but my oak dining table ( about 23 yrs old, but looked nearly brand new ) went for $500.00. That was the most expensive item. I'll know more when they send me the final tally and a check. Lucky me...this was the last auction at this building till Spring.
Ok...the rain is already getting to me somewhat. Rained most of last night and sounds like it will do the same tonight. Going into the city tomorrow for lunch with my friend Betty. Should be fun as she likes to stop at the boat -- where they do fun things.
Well, I'm going to go jump in the shower...had a long day again today though not as much done as I would like. Lots of re-arranging to do around here and organizing. Traded my cousin freezers. I wanted smaller and she wanted bigger....we both had Kenmore ( what else would a Sears Salespersons' wife have ) so it worked out just about right. Have to do some changing around in the kitchen.
I will see you all tomorrow after I get back from the city. Hope the rain goes away soon, don't you?
Hugs, Jackie
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YEA GINNY!! Great news. We will all keep you close in prayers and thoughts that the tumors continue to shrink. Enjoy the nice weather. We are having more rain and wind. I hope last week's nice weather wasn't our Indian summer.
Anyone in the BLM area, please come out to the Interstate Center for our Festival of Trees. It's a great fundraiser for such a worthy cause and you might find a great gift or a box of candy. It opens to the public Thursday 9 am 'til Sunday at 5 pm.
I'm tired, night all.
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"What one approves , another scorns,
And thus his nature each discloses:
You find the rosebush full of thorns,
I find the thornbush full of roses."
Arthur Guiterman0 -
Yea Ginny! What great news! I'll keep hoping and praying that this chemo will keep doing its job. What a nice early Christmas present you've received! Hugs! I think of you often.
WendyTY...good luck today with your port removal. Let me know how it goes. I'm sure you'll breeze right through it and the Subway sandwich will top off a good day.
It's still raining and yucky here. I need to get motivated to ready for bowling. Catch you all later.
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Ginny - so happy to hear that the chemo is working. You deserve some good news!
I am very upset at the news this morning on mammograms and self breast exams. They are announcing this about every 15 minutes on the station I listen to. "Experts" are now saying that one doesn't need a mammo until age 50 and shouldn't do self exams at all because it leads to false positives. If I hadn't found my tumor, I probably wouldn't be here today as the mammo didn't even see it!
Elf - texting is an epidemic. These kids are addicted to it. I agree she should not be doing that while she is watching your kids, but good luck getting her to stop. We have problems with it at work. At my son's school, if they see a phone, they take it away and your parent has to come in to pick it up.
Gotta go! Have a good day!
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I am with you (and a million other people ) Connie, that these new guidelines seem wrong. Even Susan Love is on the bandwagon and even said the words "radiating yourself" in a way that clearly suggested that it was actually dangerous. What is the damn truth about all this? Of course mammograms never did show tthe cancer I walked around with for a too many years, but they clearly are a good tool for most women. I am confused. This again is an alert that so much is not understoond. I just can't bring myself t see this as political.
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Hi all,
Well, anyone driving next to me this am would have witnessed me yelling at the car radio and perhaps sped up to get away from the loonie. I am actually a bit appalled at these recommendations especially regarding self exams. Report I heard (paraphrasing) stated that women shouldn't even bother with them, that we don't know what we are looking for and it results in unnecessary panic and anxiety. Bullpoop... (that's not the word I used in the car...). Had I followed that advice, I most certainly would be dead by now. I found the first lump via self exam, I found the second even smaller one via self exam, after a mammogram missed it. Who better to know our natural anatomy, lumps/bumps than ourselves! I was 33 when first diagnosed and went in saying "this doesn't feel right." I was told initially, oh, you're too young, it's likely your period. But I pushed the issue and voila- stage 2b and growing. I realized we are all a bit biased as-- well- we're here on the board-- but how many times have you heard a similar story, over and over. To the magnitude that this is hardly just "anecdotal."
As I understand it, this a "suggestion" at this point and does not mean it will necessarily be adopted. But I can't help but feel it's irresponsible for the media outlets to be running with it as they are. There are women not as well versed as we are in bc who may not discern btw "suggestion" and "recommendation."
Okay- loonie will be quiet now. just venting.
**Ginny- great news! Yeah!
-julie b
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I'm now beyond appauled. Though my head is still spinning. I"m irate and on an f'n rampage!
Don't get a mamo. Don't do self exams?! This is blantently saying "shut up and die already" !!
i'm e-mailing my name and this link of names
to EVERY Rep in our state (find them here
We can't stand for this. If we let this go, they will continue to take away more and more health options for ANY disease! In turn, the insurance companies will only have to cover up to "national guide lines" if you get a mamo out of the guide, your treatment will be out of the guidlines too.... "Welcome to National Health Care. You're a burdon. Screw you."
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Here is a link to the guidelines and ACOG (American Congress of Oby/Gyns...and their reaction to it. My good friend, an oby/gyn is beyond livid and is actively writing a letter to anyone/everyone including her patients, telling them to absolutetly ignore the recommendations.
I, like Carol, am very worried about how the insurance companies will run with this....
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This is running my entire morning....
Send your story to e-mail address: (funny, after I sent my story to fox, and to my Congress Woman, my e-mail account I've had and paid for for 15 years is now frozen. I can't mail out or get any e-mails)
"Fox Forum is the opinion section of We function as an electronic op-ed page. The Fox Forum is looking for first-person stories from breast cancer survivors *under age 50* who are opposed to the new mammogram guidelines. Please send a short (400- 700 words) story detailing your experience, your view of the new guidelines -- specifically how would your life be different today if these guidelines were in place when you had your first encounter with cancer -- and a picture if possible."
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Thanks Little C - I'm sending in my story! I was fixated on the health ramifications. Didn't even think about the insurance coverage aspect. Yikes!
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ya know Connie, big picture here really is HUGE. Not just us. The future of medicine, insurance, & health over all. It will trickle down and create many many problems. I can actually see in the not so distant future, the head of the household will be working for very small wadges plus health insurance. So the new draw to a job will be health coverage which will be deducted from the hourly wage.