Illinois ladies facing bc



  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2009

    Okay, I just went to my primary care doctor (not related to my BC) and we have the sort of relationship that we just talk and of course the new guidelines came up and he said it was all economic.  That throws me off as people like Susan Love should not be concerned with the economics of this thing. That seems almost immoral.

    I am keeping my sanity by listening to Julie that this is a suggestion only.  I am losing my balance when I hear that insurance could play into it and have a negative affect on choosing to go against the suggested guidelines.  I am actually very confused by it all,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited November 2009

    Hi all...quite an interesting day I think.  We probably all should be taking a great good number of deep, deep breaths, checking facts, trying to read between any lines and then with a cool head figure out where to go ( writing Washington, local papers, news outlets etc. ).  According to what one of the news broadcasts I listen too.....some of the guidelines came because some women will actually get radiation problems from the many sources of testing that is being done etc.  This made some sense to me....and as well, my take was that you and your Dr. will be able to determine mutually what you need to do.

    Having said that, I still think, until they are closer to being able to actually KNOW who needs more intense diagnostic care ( meaning every year including younger women ) I don't think they should change the guidelines much if at all.  I never felt my was noted by mammogram and one was not......I also had a false positive requiring biopsy of my opposite breast. 

    Still I do feel that far too many younger women are turning up with this rotten disease and need any and all opportunity to have these problems found and diagnosed as soon as possible.  BSE I am not very good with, but I think women know themselves best and should not be discouraged in any way to do this important exam.  If anything, I hope all that is happening now will definitely encourage the powers that be to really find some important answers that will clarify that changing guidelines for anything --- not just bc, will not impact anyone on a negative basis. 

    As well I fear that may lies, half truths, innuendos and any and all scare tactics are used to sway opinion.  We just get newsy sounding opinions often and way too much a slant on them.  I use FactCheck. org as they present everything w/o bias either way.....they really do just present the facts. 

    Anyway, believe me I sympathize totally, but until all the facts come in and the reasoning behind it all is made clear and concise ( I don't actually see myself agreeing at this point ) we may be getting over-excited. 

    Hope their is some sun tomorrow....that would sure help the blow today was I think.  See you all soon.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    It's all very disturbing.  Connie, I'm glad you're sending your story because you and Julie Chicago are prime examples of why this proposed legislation is so crazy and detrimental.  I (on the other hand) found mine myself.  Self-exams cost nothing so why are they proposing to ban them?  This is insane.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited November 2009
    Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
    - Robert Schuller
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited November 2009

    Good morning this a.m.  Oh my, there was some drizzle out there but sure hoping it does not last.  Have the new freezer now and though it takes up more room than I wish it did, it does fit in my pantry.  I'll have to do some extra cleaning and re-arranging as things I stored in the pantry no longer fit...sigh.  I'm still up to my neck in re-do's and they are going on in every room.  It will all come together soon  enough I hope. 

    Will be checking back later as the day progresses.  I'll see you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited November 2009

    Good morning Dear old friends,  I am sorry I have not been around more.  I am doing well.  I still have bad arm and chest pain and swelling. 

    I too am very upset about the new mamogram guidelines.  I had type 3 the agressive type.  That wont wait for 2 years or untill I am 50 years old to be found.  I wonder if they are doing this to save money before te new Health care changes.

  • navymom
    navymom Posts: 842
    edited November 2009

    Good Morning

    Thanks Little C for the fox news address.  I sent my story this morning.  I am enraged by this new guideline.  If I had not had my annual mammogram and had waited until I turned 50 (Jan2010)  I am positive that my oncologist would be sending me home to get my "affairs in order"  instead of talking about a treatment plan.  I believe that there is more to this story.....Money, Insurance, Politics, National health care?  Who knows.  But the truth will eventually come out.

    Thanks for listening to me ramble on.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    As for the Mammo issue...once again WOMEN are victimized! wrong with this country!

    On top of being angry about that - read this one!:

    I am so piss** off right now! Back in June I made an appt w/my breast surgeon (before chemo, he put in my port and then after chemo he took it out and he did my Prophylactic Mast.) because I was having that pain in between my ex boobs. I ended up going to my pcp about it, so I cancelled my breast surgeon appt (I cancelled it 4 days before the appt time). Then, recently when I was having that chest pain on the left side, I made an appt w/him for yesterday. I had to wait for 2 1/2 weeks for the appt because he was on vacation. Well...yesterday, I completely forgot about the appt. I have never forgotten an appt. I felt bad so I called his office - apologized and asked to re-schedule. They told me they will no longer have me as a patient. I was shocked! I asked why and the receptionist told me it was because I cancelled an appt in June, and because I missed yesterday's appt. She went on to say that is the Dr's decision and there was nothing she could do about it.How wrong is this? I was speechless! Is this the craziest thing? I want to file a complaint against him with the hospital and with the AMA. What are your I being ridiculous or is he a whacko?

    By the way - his name is Dr Robert Witkowski - surgeon @ Good Shepherd Hospital. His office is also at Good Shepherd Hospital.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    As for the Mammo issue...once again WOMEN are victimized! wrong with this country!

    On top of being angry about that - read this one!:

    I am so piss** off right now! Back in June I made an appt w/my breast surgeon (before chemo, he put in my port and then after chemo he took it out and he did my Prophylactic Mast.) because I was having that pain in between my ex boobs. I ended up going to my pcp about it, so I cancelled my breast surgeon appt (I cancelled it 4 days before the appt time). Then, recently when I was having that chest pain on the left side, I made an appt w/him for yesterday. I had to wait for 2 1/2 weeks for the appt because he was on vacation. Well...yesterday, I completely forgot about the appt. I have never forgotten an appt. I felt bad so I called his office - apologized and asked to re-schedule. They told me they will no longer have me as a patient. I was shocked! I asked why and the receptionist told me it was because I cancelled an appt in June, and because I missed yesterday's appt. She went on to say that is the Dr's decision and there was nothing she could do about it.How wrong is this? I was speechless! Is this the craziest thing? I want to file a complaint against him with the hospital and with the AMA. What are your I being ridiculous or is he a whacko?

    By the way - his name is Dr Robert Witkowski - surgeon @ Good Shepherd Hospital. His office is also at Good Shepherd Hospital. I am going to tell everyone I can about this! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    For some reason my post - posted twice! I deleted the second one.

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2009

    That sounds funny to me.  Does this mean you do not have a BS?  That is who I actually go to see when I have appointments.  So now what happens?  Do you get a referral?  Strange.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    Yup...he dropped me like a hot potatoe! I guess that a Mast, port surgery in and port surgery out wasn't enough business for him. I will be contacting the hospital tomorrow morning - either a patient advocate or the administrative office - and tell them I would like a written letter, stating that he has decided to no longer honor appointments with me. WTH...why is everything in life such a FIGHT! I'm tired of fighting.

    And now women have to fight for Mammograms? I am so angry about this.

    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited November 2009

    Laura... If you need the name of a surgeon, let me know.  I absolutely love my surgeon and he's at Good Sheperd.  I couldn't even count how many emails he has answered from me.  I'd be happy to give you his info.


  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited November 2009

    Hi All,

    Sorry I have not been keeping up....taking a computer break.

    I thought some of you might be interested in something my DH showed me just now. He wants to go to this event. It is the Million Med March, Saturday, November 21 downtown Chicago. They are meeting at Millenium Park, northwest corner, Michigan and Randolph. Web sites are and if you would like to check it out. They want to protest the government taking over our healthcare system, and encourage resposible reform. We were in Houston at the AMA meeting, and they seem to be supporting the president, but many docs disagree. Very interesting discussions!

    Hugs to all

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited November 2009

    Soon I am going to sit down and catch up with you all....I haven't been reading the thread lately, and I have missed everyone. On the up side, I have gotten so much done in my house, and been on three trips with my DH, though Houston was business, it wa still fun. Also was in Columbus visiting our son, and NYC visiting our oldest and meeting her new, apparently serious bf.

    Hoping you are all having a nice evening!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009


    I will SO FRICKIN BE THERE! I am so angry about the gov infultrating our health care.

    northwest corner, Michigan and Randolph. Web sites are and

    Our voices need to be heard. Count me in....

  • hope4cure
    hope4cure Posts: 53
    edited November 2009

    Hi all,

    It has been awhile since I posted.  It took me like an hour to catch up on reading the posts.  I have been busy with my daughter running to swim lessons, basketball games, etc etc.   Although, I am glad I am up for it.   This time last year, I was grappling with what to do with cancer.   So glad to be on this side of it.  Life has been good lately and I am looking for things to continue to improve.   I have some minor reconstruction left to do - but everything so far has been healing well and looking great.   Very pleased with the new foobs

    I have to admit my jaw must have dropped to the floor when I heard the new suggested guidelines for mammograms.   I couldn't believe my ears.   I was diagnosed with BC BEFORE age 40 and it would not have been detected without a mammogram.  It was deep with no lumps, no symptoms whatsoever and I had 2 oncologists tell me that I would have most likely had a different outcome if I had waited until 40 to get a mammogram.  I have been preaching to my girlfriends -"I know they recommend age 40 to get your first mammogram but I disagree, it should be at least 35 when you get a baseline and even younger if you have a history of cancer in your family."   I am a firm believer!!!!    I agree there is more to this story that we are hearing.  I have my theories and I think it has something to do with this nationalized health care they are seeking to impose on us.   Everyday I hear the news I want to scream "Stop the Madness!!!!"   There is something everyday in the news that infuriates me and it is not just this healthcare "reform".   I am not the only one, there are many others I know that feel the same way.

    Done with my ranting.    Glad to hear some good reports from Ginny, Laura, Elf and others.   Hope everyone continues to do well.    Wendy, as usual, I love your stories and the grim reaper one would have been priceless to have witnessed.   Take care everyone!


  • WendyTY
    WendyTY Posts: 94
    edited November 2009

    I see the site has been busy.  I logged on to cool my heals after reading about the new guidelines on AOL.  I was seriously upset after reading the article by Andrea Stone and her three month sob story about a false positive from a mammogram.  Although to be honest she did try to redeem herself by the end.  However at that point, I was seeing red and it didn't really matter.  There are women all across this country now believing that mammograms don't offer any value.  My frustration is that my best friend (who has a serious family breast cancer history) now has a medically backed argument to support her reason for not having a mammogram.  I just want to scream!

    Why?!  Did we raise to much awareness and money to help find the cure?

    I guess I should go to bed. 

    On a personal note, the port removal went well.  Unfortunately mine took a little more than an hour.  I'm hoping that I will be pain free when I wake up tomorrow.  Today it started out hurting then moved to a little discomfort. 

    I swear that it must be a Wendy thing with stories.  All was going really well on Tuesday at the hospital until the OR nurse asked me if I was sure that I wanted to have my port removed.  She was putting in the IV and said "you have really bad veins, are you sure you don't want to keep it just in case".  I wanted to smack her.  As if life isn't hard enough for us to get back to normal.  I can't understand why a nurse not familiar with my history would remind me that "it could come back" when I am finishing the last step of my treatment.  I can only pray that I can live in the moment and enjoy the life I have and not constantly think of what could happen.

    Sorry for the long ranting post.  I think I feel a little better now. 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Hey are up pretty late!  I'm hoping that means that you're feeling better now! 

    Laura, I can't believe that your surgeon won't take you as a patient anymore.  That's terrible!  I think I'd be checking into Jo's surgeon instead.  Wow!  I'm really shocked about this.

    Everytime you gals mention Good Sheperd it brings back good memories for me because that's where my oldest grandson was born.  Smile

    Well, it's raining again today.  Hopefully it will clear up for the weekend.  Are you getting the rain in the southern part of the state, Jackie?  The only good thing I can say about these rainy days is that I tend to get alot done around the house! good to hear from you.  I'm glad that you've been able to get away on some trips and have some fun and it is good to have you back!

    I'll check back in later.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited November 2009

    Laura I think you  probably do need another surgeon.  Maybe he had some policies ( ? before or some time after you started with him ) about missed appts. etc.  Still, seems they were quite dismissive - could have given you a fuller explanation for their behavior, especially if some rule has been instituted.

    I'm still sorry for the controversy still raging over the BSE and mammograms.  I can see why they are saying it.  The panel is an independent one and are only using the information at hand to make recommendations.  Personally...jmo, I think and hope that much of it will be ignored.  It's not the fact that only 1 in 1,900 are found --- it is  the fact there is one - because if that one is not found and doesn't make it then what.  We are told for years that this is part of what will save us and in so many cases it has  --- sort of now as if your boss tells you he can no longer pay you but you still have to work.  This is far too drastic and way too frightening......though I do understand to a degree why they are putting forth these recommendations.  I don't think lots of Dr's nor the ACS will really go for it, but we will all just have to put our two cents on the table and then wait and see. 

    Looks like the drizzle has let up and some sun peeking through....sure hope that holds.  I desperately need my sun.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    WendyTY - I can't believe that nurse said that! OM! But I'm glad the procedure went well...hope you're not hurting! Hang in there.

    Jackie - Regardless of whether his policies changed or not...their "approach" is horrible. Don't ya think?  

    The Christening, last Sunday, was nice (short, but sweet - just the way I like it - lol - churches and I don't do well together. lol). The get-together afterward was nice. I am so bummed, I wanted to take a photo of the cupcake tree and FORGOT (I REALLY miss my pre-bc brain)! But I'm hoping someone else took one. It was a great presentation. Ari Anna looked adorable. The photos I took of her in Shelby's Christening dress didn't turn out, but in the one I attached here - she is wearing her "after the Christening/Church" dress. Go if one dress wasn't enough! lol Her GodMother is already spoiling her!

    She is a pudgy one! Yikes - my arms were killing me the next day from holding her! lol Back to lifting weights for me tomorrow morning!

  • tdbear
    tdbear Posts: 286
    edited November 2009

    Just a quick fly by post....

    RE: the "new standards"  The reasoning we hear here is out of 19000 women being tested: early mammogram only saved 1 life!! so 18999 people didn't have BC!! And SO WHAT!!!! 1 LIFE is A LIFE!!! All the Dr's here are fighting against it. As mine pointed out it's "guide lines" the final call is the ordering Dr. And that Dr has to make a point to the ins co that it is needed.

    Will stop by soon and up date you on my "whine" of a summer.....Better find a Block of cheese to go with this whine! 

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2009

    Today being Thursday, I played with my grandchild.  I love her so much.  We made cookies and did crafts and read a book about Winnie the Pooh about fourteeen times.  She brings the best out in  me.  I was such a hurried mother, and I just am not with her.  I love to watch her and I take so much time just being with her.

    Laura, it all sounds so weird. Have you considered faxing him a letter asking him to outline his reasons for doing this? Better yet, a certified letter?  Your relationship may never heal, yet I lthink you need to know what motivated all this and you need to be sure the office has you correctly identified as the person he will no longer see. 

     Hope all the ladies are doing well!


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited November 2009

    Laura.  She is so precious.

    Wendyty.  I feel so bad about what the nurse said to you.  I had a similar experience.  Dont people know when to keep their mouths shut.  How insensative that was.  Not to mention it wasnt her business.  Hang in there champ.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    WENDREW - Are you flip-floppin' in Florida? Beat you here this morning...hmmmmm...that's rare!

    tdBear - Glad you stopped in...


    Yes, Ari Anna is a cutie. Her 4 month appt was yesteday. The Dr. wants her on cereal less often per day than formula, so she can shed a few pounds. But other than that she is very healthy! Yeah - Go Ari!

    I'm still shaking my head about the BSE report (and the mammo part as well). WTH - BSE's don't cost even a penny! How ridiculous. Isn't ANY type of prevention A GOOD THING! Help me. Never before is it more important for us girls to be heard. Whether all this is enforced or not, the mere report of it is harmful. Think about the confusion this is causing the young, less experienced women in our country. Geesh...


    Have a nice day girls...will check in later. Hope everyone is feeling well.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited November 2009

     Morning girls!  Waaaaaay busy with Christmas shopping, errands, yard work, garage cleaning etc...spent most of yesterday down in the bsmt, sorting thru Christmas decorations.....I think some elves have been down there all summer as I seem to have about 6 more plastic containers than I had last holiday season!  Chilly out there this am, 37 on the ole' deck...but the sun is out!

    WendyTY.....I would say I cannot believe a nurse said that to you about leaving in your case your cancer comes back one day but then I remember the nurse who told me when I was in the hospital, sobbing and in severe back pain and she was TWO HOURS LATE with the morphine - that I was just depressed from having bc and I should see a psychiatrist to help me deal with it.  Boy....when after surgery I found out that two pieces of a disk were lodged in my sciatic nerve....hence the HORRIBLE pain...did I give it to her and then to her supervisor.  Even nurses can be complete a**es!  Hope you are feeling mucho better by this weekend and you will NEVER NEED THAT PORT AGAIN!!!!

    Laura....I worked for one doc who did, twice that I remember, discharge a patient...but it must be by certified letter.  BUT....these were 2 ulcerative colitis pts who refused to follow any recommendations and just wanted steroids (this is only part of the tx).  So....after repeated warnings and a few canceled appts....then they were discharged and in this case I know you can understand why.  But for you to be discharged after one missed appt (hello!  chemo, life changes etc)...that I don't get.  There must be more to the whole story and you need to have that certified letter, detailing exactly why you are being "fired".  Ari is sooo cute...and that was her "after" dress???  Wow...the actual dress must really have been something!

    Elfsong....are you OK?  Are you happier with the foobs?'s the wrist?  BTW....I got the new S. King book but this thing is HUGE!  I thought maybe I would have it read by 12/5 in case I saw you but haven't even opened it yet! your email...what was the name of those choc. chews again?  Cocoavia?  I can't remember....

    Susan...don't forget to crawl under the kitchen table and play "fort"!

    Karin....I knew you had an "off" summer....whine away!  come to the fort and I will provide the cheese!  Hopefully whatever it was, is done now.  Looking forward to meeting you!'s FRIDAY!!!!!!!  Yay!!!!!!

    Jennifer...glad to see you haven't been posting....because you have a LIFE again!  Isn't it wonderful!!!!

    Well..for is a special day as it will be for Rita tomorrow.  We have made it 3 years!  I was thinking back to 3 years ago...having my surgery...and then having to wait until the day afer Thanksgiving to get the news I knew was coming...and then having to go home and make some phone calls and finish decorating the house for Christmas.  It was such a terrible, scary, lonely, frightening time in my life and I know that you all can relate to that period in our dx.  And now...things are so different.  Even yesterday I did something I haven't done in the last 3 Christmases...I put up all my little houses on top of the kitchen cabinets and threaded all the wires, ext. cords etc...just didn't feel like doing all that work the last few years.  And this year....heart is lighter, soul no longer dark. 

    Ain't life grand!!!!!!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited November 2009

    Good morning Gals.  Just popping in to say hi.  All is well here.  I am meeting a BC friend for lunch today.  We met in chemo.  I am so excited.  I cant wait to see her.  My hair is still very very short.  Really not enough to comb yet.  I am still haveing lots of pain and swelling from my fingers up my arm and in chest.  I wear my my sleeve.  I guess its the lymphedema and the nerves that had to sacraficed.  I guess I will just learn to live with it. Its a small price to pay for not having cancer.  Love to you all.  Buddy aka Lefty

    I think the Laundry Fairy is M.I.A.    If any one see's her, please send her my way...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    BUDDY -

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Wendy, I thought about you this morning as I was having my coffee because I knew we were only one day apart on our diagnosis date.  How our lives have changed since that day!  Like you, I am finally getting back my drive, energy, and enthusiasm.  This year, I'm ahead of the holiday game.  I have several Christmas gifts purchased AND WRAPPED and I've really enjoyed the shopping.  The last two years I went through the motions and that was about it so maybe we're getting closer to our "new normal!"  Hugs to you!  Celebrate today!
