Illinois ladies facing bc
Hello Lovelies!
I feel like I've been gone forever and have spent the morning reading about everyone's ups and downs. I've been dealing with some pain issues and was in a really foul headspace for a while. My poor dh couldn't say or do anything right and even when I was aware that I was over-reacting, I couldn't stop. They put me on more Decadron, but I'm so scared about the potential bone-density loss (6-8% in pre-menopausal women) that I couldn't relax even when the pain was gone. Now I have some kind of infection and my jaw is swollen, so I'm stuck home on antibiotics for the weekend.
I'd like to chime in on the new mammogram and self-exam recommendations. The common factor I noticed was concern over the "emotional trauma" of false-positives. See, apparently our poor little hysterical female psychies can't cope with the stress of a potential cancer diagnosis that might, in the end, turn out okay. Or not. Better that we just don't worry our pretty little heads about it and let the doctors take care of everything. Really! All the news story on NPR kept talking about was the "unnecessary stress" finding a lump or an abnormal mammogram puts on a woman. Superfluous biopsies were barely mentioned, it was all about our unstable female emotions. I don't know about these doctors, but the women I know have dealt with more "emotional trauma" with grace and strength than any man in my life. I also know that we all would have been thrilled to find out we had a "false positive," even after a biopsy. Doctors need to stop infantilizing women and give us back some agency for our own bodies.
There. Rant complete.
Be well, Sido
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well... here it is. If anyone thought the mamo guidelines were "just guidlines"... I present, part of page 17 of this 2,000+ page bill they are trying to pass..I
I read "in the current reccomendations of USPS TASK FORCE"... as, if insurance companies are within the taskforce guidlines, they don't have to pay.... am I wrong?
They are trying to change the "current reccomendations" fast as possible before bill gets passed. I also now see why they say SBE no good. They will no longer accept finding something through SBE as a good enough reason to persue a mammo!! Since they now want us to NOT do SBE !!!!
Welcome to National HELL CARE Reform!
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Who ever thought up the word "Mammogram?" Every time I hear it, I think I'm supposed to put my breast in an envelope and send it to someone. ~Jan King
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Good morning everyone although noon is rapidly approaching. Firstly, the above quote is just for a little comic relief --- as if things were not bad enough on bc recommendations, today they are coming out with the cervical cancer **guidelines** so we can start the upset and anger all over again. From what I is an independent, un-biased panel that are ONLY making recommendations and these are based on gathered factual information from the last several years. There is nothing that at yet is certain about whether any, all or none of these recommendations will be supported by the powers that be.
I still feel that a very "over-whelming" majority of women will rise up and say no and life will generally go on as it has. As someone said -- no matter how many tests it takes to find that one life and save is worth it -- no if's, and's, or buts. I totally agree.
Wendy S -- I will get back with you on the chocolate. I had a mal-function of my computer this a.m. My keyboard would not operate -- dh re-booted and it took off. No idea why it did that but I will definitely get back with you after work. I just noticed that a couple of you came in as I was typing here at work as I keep having to come back to my post. are a comfort. There are way too many people using the type of excuses for females that make us seem frail, in-competent, high-strung and mentally shaky. I too did have a biopsy that showed normal --- of course, the other side wasn't but how happy I would have been about "enduring" the biopsies had they both been normal. A little stress -- so what. I also get stress when I look down and see my gas-tank is almost empty and the amt. of money it is going to take when I have to fill it up again.....or pay the propane bill or stopped typing here because people come in and bother me. If you are alive you are going to have stress -- we figured that out some time ago.
The sun is out and it will be a wonderful day if cool. Maybe I'll get some catching up done. I got my frozen food and got it home last night so maybe some real progress will go on this week-end. Sure hope so.
Hope you all are enjoying some much needed up-lifting sun for your spirits. I'll be talk to you all later.
Hugs, Jackie
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Illinois lady I loved the breast in the mail joke!
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Wendy, it is like you read my mind. Yesterday I was playing with play-do with my grandchild and we were at the table. The forst cam einto my mind and I thought that next time I would bring the sheets and create the forts for us. So funny you should mention it.
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Hello ALL!!!!
Wanted to drop in and say it is a great day and thanking each and everyone of you for all the support and friendship!! AND.Rita.. congrad;s as you and I share the same anniversary date...TODAY is one year of learning of my cancer DX!!!WOW... look at what has occured in just one year. The fear and absolute confusion of what i was to do just one year ago is surreal to me!!!!
ALL of those here that are starting out.. TRUST me. the process of whatever you are goin to be goin thru.. will be ok and will go as it is meant and YOU will get thru it one step at a time and one day at a time and with this forum cheering you all the way!!!!IT is a miracle and such a gift to have this forum when you are first diagnoased!!!!
I am doin fine, working alot and trying to sleep better still!!!I am goin for a sleep study consult as it appears my pattern of sleep disturbances has to do with something in my endocrine system and stress hormones. We shall see and look forward to some possible results!!
All here that are in treatment.. you wil do it just as A Princess WARRIOR will do and know it is all goin to be ok .Be well all and HUGS!!!!
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Happy Saturday is pretty chilly out there this am. But it looks like it will be a lovely day. Maybe some sun and a good day to finish decorating outside. I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for turkey day next week. I have been very busy with school. I really don't know how you teachers have done this all these years. You think you have things under control and low and behold they throw in something else. I feel that some days I never catch up esp the paper work.ugh!! Oh well it will get done one day..can't wait for June to
Happy anniversy to Rita and have come long way and the new normal is here to stay. Yes I do believe that we all go through the dark side but there is always a light at the end. Cont to be healthy and enjoy your life!!!!! You deserve to have fun. was your auction. Did you do well. I am loving your new qoutes. Thanks for sharing. Breast in the
Laura....the baby is way toooo cute. The dress is so cute too. Yes she will be a fashion girl before you know it. Hope all is going well and you are feeling better soon.
Zap...are you working a lot now. You are keeping very busy now that you are retired. Good for you. Enjoy your travels!
Little are you doing. I hope you are doing well. How is the thyroid problem. Hope to see you at the xmas party. is the wrist doing . did you get your cast off yet.
Smerf..glad to see that all is well and you are very busy. busy is good !! Have fun and enjoy your holiday with your kids.
Well the holiday get together is almost here. If you are coming please email or pm me to let me know if you are coming. I need a head count for food. I hope you all can come to mix and mingle.
Have a wonderful Saturday....remember to be happy
Hugs to all
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Morning! Brrrrrr......was 26 on the deck this am, but going up to 54 and sunny today, 55 tomorrow! I am breaking with tradition and putting up the outside Christmas stuff tomorrow. I don't put up much but the weather for the day after Turkey Day looks much colder and wetter so tomorrow it will be....just won't turn it on.
HAPPY #3 TODAY, RITA!!!!!! Hey...I checked out your weather for today and I see yours will be pretty much like ours.....I have a suggestion.....why not do something a little crazy for 11/21? Go out for a ride and put that top down!!!!!! Go for a "whooooooohooooooo"!
HAPPY #1 TODAY, DONNA!!!!!! You've come so far since those dreaded words you heard one year ago. We are so glad you joined our merry band and that we were able to help you, and we told you you would have moved past and are helping other girls on their journey. I wish you a hundred more "cancerversaries"!!!! (Hope you get some answers on your sleep troubles)
BJ....I TOLD you not to go to work full-time! I miss our lunches!!!! And can I sneak in your suitcase next week? I need a beach and the weather has been heavenly in Fl! You lucky girl!
Gotta scoot and get my shower...lots to do today...surprise BD party tonight. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!
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A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.
- Cicero0 -
Good morning everyone on this great Saturday -- great because there is sun. Some rain coming from the sound of it, first of the week, but as Scarlet O'Hara once said " I'll worry about that tomorrow".
So many of us will have a very thanful Thanksgiving this year -- being well and accepting the role of "new normal". So happy for you Donna as you expierience all of these first wonderful holidays free of txs -- with hair -- and with happiness knowing that life does go on and that you were strong and powerful and got through it all. I always envision people looking back and feeling -- wow !!!! look what I was able to do, and when I had that thought immediately a picture just took shape in my head of a bunch of people in the background. That is when -- no matter what day or time it is I give thanks for all of you because I am sure my outlook, emotions, ability to cope, and to withstand what at times really felt like torture was knowing in a few seconds with a few taps on a keyboard.....I'd have great friends and lots of help.
Now then for the auction.....we did just under $2,500.00 which was not bad. I in fact, was surprized. It is impossible as the auction is going on to mentally tally much of anything and while we did have some VERY good items, there also were things that had sat in storage for years. Some things -- like the canning jars dh grabbed up and put on the truck when I was not looking, brought in $3.00. Due to over-abundance of them....I'd have sent them to the recycler -- so all in all, though a long time in coming, I feel we did have a successful auction. A lot of work, but in part, as this project did start three years ago I'm sure length of time has something to do with that. We can breathe in the house space-wise again and now slowly make some much needed upgrades and changes.
Happy big # THREE to Wendy and Rita from me. I think I am a year behind or so.
Hope you will all enjoy this great sunny Saturday, and use up lots of love and hugs.
Big hi to all even though I don't call you by are all in my picture.
p.s. see below about the petition. Hope you all will sign. I did so last night.
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Hi everyone! Thanks for the congrats! I really think that we all need to celebrate each day! Donna, the yearly celebrations just keep getting better!
We drove up to Gordyville today to a huge craft sale and came home with the whole back seat of the truck packed. Wow! This was every bit as good as the Spoon River Drive. It is still going on tomorrow if any of you are looking for something to do. They had some really unique things.
Tonight we're going over to some friends for a fish fry and cards.(Euchre) It should be fun.
I hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed this lovely weather. Wendy, we didn't take the convertible today and I didn't see your suggestion for a "top down" cruise until just now and it's way too cool now that the sun is going down. Why didn't I think of that?????
Enjoy the weekend!
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Last night about 6pm, I was stopped at a red light. All of a sudden BAM! I was head jolted back and forth several times. I was kind of fuzzy-brained/out of it for a few seconds and then I felt like I'd been punched in the head lol...I can laugh now but last night it was not funny! I sat there holding my head and then started to open up my door to get out and see what happened. But all of a sudden there was a woman standing there. She said "looks like you're fine, but I'm not". EVERY WORD WAS SLURRED - DRUNKEN SLURRED! But at that moment the drunk part didn't register in my bruised brain. She then slurred "I'll call the police" and stumbled back to her car. I got out looked at my car, little damage (thank goodness I was driving the Explorer)...but her front end was quite pulverized. She got into her car and I told her to pull off to the side of the road. Traffic was backed up for miles. I pulled over and so did she. As soon as I put my car into park I looked in my side view mirror, only to see her speed off around my car and take off through the light that had turned to green! OMG - I was so pissed...I didn't have a chance to get a plate#! All this is happening as I'm still feeling like I was punched in the head. Had I been totally "with it" - me being me, would have taken off after her drunken a**! I called 911 they they put out an apd to three towns in the area, with her car description - including the fact that both her headlights were smashed and front hood crumpled. 911 said they would send a police car and parameds. The parameds insisted I get into the ambulance - to have my vitals taken. OMG - my blood pressure, which is always perfect - was 170/60! I told them at that point my head was feeling better and I didn't think I needed to go to the hospital. They said I had to wait 10 minutes to have my bp taken again...then it was 164/60. They made me wait another 10 minutes and let me go. The policeman picked up parts of her car from the street and said they would try to catch her. I said hopefully before she kills someone! DAMN! That sucked! lol Geesh...I hope they found/find her.
Well that was my exciting night! But I have to patriotism was tested! I was determined to get where I was going! I happened to be on the way to our local college for a debate for the candidates running in our district's upcoming U.S. Congressional primary...we are trying to oust our current she has proven to be truly worthless. When I showed up late at the debate, I located my friends and I told them what had happened. They thought I was out of my mind for not going back home! lol Several of them - on the way to the debate, said they saw the ambulance and the police car at the intersection where the accident was! lol lol lol I said GEE - you should have pulled over, got into the ambulance and said hi! lolI woke up this morning at 4:30 with a nasty headache - but as the day progressed, it went away. I'm fine - just hoping she didn't kill anyone last night - or any night for that matter!
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Little C - That's very interesting! I pm'd you!
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Laura-So sorry about your night but glad you weren't hurt badly. I hope they found that lady before she hurts someone else - how scary!
Congrats to Wendy, Rita and Donna on your anniversaries - and I wish you all many more years of health, happiness, love, and friendship! And all the fairies that you wish for (ie. laundry, snow-be-gone,etc)
0 - sorry about the accident Laura...but glad you are ok. Explorer took the hit rather than you. guys made $2500? Wow. I wonder what I could make as my bsmt is filled with stuff (read: junk).
Rita...gonna be nice out down???? Aw, cmon! You know you want one more ride....
Been up for hours and I guess I will go shower up and get my day started...why is it that I wake up so early on Sat/Sun, but could stay in bed til 8 M-F??? Enjoy the sunshine and mild temps as I just heard on TV that the bottom will be falling out temp-wise by Thursday!
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Hello everyone, I read posts everyday but I don't post alot,I was just wondering if you could send me positive thoughts. I have to have a pet scan. Trying not to freak out! Had a few hypodensities on my liver and a [dink] on my pancreas. Too small to identify, hence pet scan! Oct Nov and Dec seem to be really bad Months for me, perhaps I should not scedule tests in those months anymore. Anyway everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please keep me in your prayers. Kathy
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Hello everyone, I read posts everyday but I don't post alot,I was just wondering if you could send me positive thoughts. I have to have a pet scan. Trying not to freak out! Had a few hypodensities on my liver and a [dink] on my pancreas. Too small to identify, hence pet scan! Oct Nov and Dec seem to be really bad Months for me, perhaps I should not scedule tests in those months anymore. Anyway everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please keep me in your prayers. Kathy Who am I kidding, totally freaked out!!!
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It has been said that our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.
-- Charles H. Spurgeon0 -
Laura...Wendy has it right. The car made a wonderful shield and you are ok. Other than finding that lady and getting her off the street ( how hard would it be to find a smashed up car -- unless the lady was a block from home and pulled into her garage -- I was hoping a few blocks and the car would become disabled for some reason -- loss of coolant, water from radiator etc. etc.
Yikes....Wendy -- your totally right about the weather report. It should pick back up ( at least here in the southern part of the state ) but I feel we are definitely on the downhill slide now. Drats. Well. maybe I'll try to see it this way.....the last few seasons from the last couple of years have been such a plethora of un-expected weather patterns that maybe it will be interesting to watch un-fold. Me-thinks I'm selling myself a lemon, don't you ????? sorry this is happening to you. I put in ( see above ) a quote for you. It is easy for anyone else to say relax, and don't worry when nothing much is happening to them. There are so many things that could show up....just plain old fat could show up in the liver. Pancreas...not sure about that, but until the testing is done no one will really know. We usually never truly find out why we have the trials we do and at some point just ( so reluctantly for so many ) have to decide to walk on in faith because it is what it is. Sounds a little cold I know but we do I think rob ourselves of the health-bringing laughter and light heartedness ( word ??? ) that we might have along the way. Everyone here will understand your "totally freaked out", but I hope at some point you will relax a bit -- many prayers and lots of love and strength.
I'll be checking in later.
Hugs, Jackie
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Good morning ladies.
Laura I am so so sorry about what happened to you. I would be furious.
I think It's gonna be a good day for putting up Christmas Lights.
Took the kids to see Twilight movie last night. It was packed.
Love Buddy
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OMY LAURA!!!!! What a nightmare!!!I Is she in jail? There is no reason for drunk driving today!!!IF you had too much , get someone to drive or stay the heck home!!! You had to of been a wreck and wished you had someone with you that could of been helping you!!!GLAD you had your seat belt on, as you never know how that kind of impact could of caused more havoc than you need!!!! Hope you are resting enough today and know that you were darn lucky it was not anything more!!
Salty...You hang tough as you are in my thoughts and we all are cheering you on here!!!!I IT is nerve wracking and we cannot help but to ask the what if's.. just try to stay in the moment and know that when things get more than that.. come here. You will be ok as you have gone thru enough already!!!!Trust the process even when you do NOT want to or feel you can!!!!
Like Buddy...Xmas lights are up outside and worked in the yarrd cleaning up etc... what a gorgous day. Sore now in my legs though. My MIL had a second back surgery, so off to visit her. We already had a early roast beef dinner.
Be well and thanks ALL for the well wishes. certainly make it all look good in anniversaries!!!So blessed to know you and everyone ... WE ROCK!!!!
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Buddy, all my teacher friends are talking about New Moon. Is that the Twilight film you saw. I am getting mixed reviews. What did you think?
DH and I went to Toys R Us and I started getting a headache. So very overwhelming.
Today was so beautiful and would have been a perfect day for decorating the yeard but we had the Thanksgiving prep to do. Anyone out there brining their turkey? This seems to be the in-thing to do this year. We went out for brunch with old friends this morning and talked turkey, Some do the deep-frying. WE are not at all ready for that challenge.
BJ, I am working about 2-3 days/week and that is perfect for me. It provides structure (which I have always needed) along with relaxing time to do fun things. We are planning a trip to DC and it is so great to plan on my own terms, rather than on the scheduled school spring vacation. I am loving this lifestyle.
Donna, you sound good except for the sleep issues. I still have troubles with that. I have nights when I think I am hardly sleeping, but I must be as I do get through the day and I have vague dreams. I think it is a stressed or twilight sleep. I think sleep patterns are somewhat genetic as my mother had troubled sleep (bad dreams) and so do my two girls. I wonder what causes that.
Jackie, good job on the auction! I would love to get money for the stuff I no longer need.
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Jackie - Good job on the auction! Bet that was a ton of work. But well worth it! How are your kitties doing? I've been feeding a ferral for the last few weeks. I will probably safe cage him, get him fixed and return him to the forest.
Rita - Once again I missed out on Spoon River...darn! Can only blame myself. Fish fry and fun!
Salty - Best wishes with the scan...try not to worry too much - easier said than done though. What showed up could be Hemangiomas. Some small ones showed up on my scans. Keep us posted. Scan-xiety is no fun! Try to enjoy turkey day!
Budder - You "sound" great! I bet the lights look great! zap - In the 18 years I have had nieces, I HAVE NEVER and WILL NEVER - bless the threshold of a Toys R Us! lol That place is scary! lol Glad you survived with "only" a headache. lol as for brined turkeys...Trader Joe's is selling them this year. They are also au natural - NO hormones, antibiotics, etc. They are delivered daily to the stores...fresh - NOT FROZEN. Just fyi.
I am feeling whiplash (yet?). Lots of errands to run tomorrow. Today I made apple, carrot and celery juice and threw a tsp of cod liver oil into to it for extra measure! lol YUMMY - NOT! But I drank the whole darned thing...a girls gotta do, what a girls gotta do! lol
Have a peaceful and warm Sunday night!
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Laura and Susan....hate to admit I had no idea what a brine turkey was/meant. I have learned something and that pleases me but cousin got the we will go to her house for Thanksgiving and I will bring the carcass home and make turkey soup ( yummy-yum ) and just enjoy the dinner.
As for kitties -- all seem fine. The ones I'm caring for are so precious. About two months old, but they are second and last litter of the season.....three black sort of fuzzy looking and one little light gray one. I drive up and they are playing in all the dry fluffy leaves and you see little heads, tails and feet bounding this way and that as they frolic and play. The momma cat is black and will curl around my feet as I get the clean water and food out of the back of my car. As a feral cat ( almost all of the ones I feed have learned through long association with me to allow some familiarity ) they are all very nice but I know as well that make the wrong move with them and it will be some time before any trust is re-established. I can pet the Siamese ( what a big handsome guy he is, and momma......but only if they are looking at me when I start to try and touch them. Sad that they don't have a "real" home, but they are resourceful and seem to winter well. Just hope it continues.
Ah yes....that auction...we did have an awful lot of things I thought we would be lucky to get 50cents for, but it went much better. Sort of strange.....but in an auction the same thing you might be talked down to almost nothing for in your yard sale will take off for no apparent reason in the auction and be bid up to an incredible price. This happened a time or two or three despite my feeling that we might have wasted a lot of time and energy as you save money by taking your things down to the auction warehouse yourself. We had not only massive yard work to intersperse with trips to the warehouse, but also some rain days which mean you don't get to move anything. All in spite of the hard work it was I am quite glad we went that way.
I'm off to the recliner. Checking back in tomorrow.
Hugs, Jackie
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"I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a
could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be
a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a
might-have-been has never been, but a has was once an are."
-- Milton Berle0 -
Good morning gals! What a beautiful weekend! It looks like it might be turning colder as we progress toward Thanksgiving Day. I'm cooking a little turkey for just Dave and I...nothing fancy...just big enough so we have a few leftovers and that good comfort food. At first I was really dreading not having my kids for the holiday but I think it will be a nice day after all. We thought we might drive over to the riverboat after the meal and spend the late afternoon and evening there.
Then on Friday, I'm staying home....away from the crowded stores and mob. How many of you are Black Friday shoppers? My gosh, I tried it a few years ago and the checkout lines stretched all around the store. That was enough to send me running back home. LOL
To all of you who will be traveling this safely!
Hugs to all of you.
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Rita - I am definately NOT A BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPER! And even if I was...I wouldn't be this year - due to the influenza germs that will be infiltrating the air!
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Hi everyone! Haven't posted much lately but always keep up with all that is going on here.
I was wondering if any of you had gotten white peach fuzz on your face after chemo? Did it last? What did you do about it? Always had a little before but this is getting out of hand. If any of you have any help that would be great