Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited December 2009

    Laura -- I read that piece and am still thinking on it.  Of course, it would be fantastic -- just would like to think we are not still too far out from something like it. 

    Jimmie is home and ok.  Two teeth had to go.  As he was "dumped" at a known feral camp location, though he seemed extraordinarily tame and was -- much preferred that I play with and pet him to eating  - I had no way of knowing how old he was nor what sort of diet he was given at his former home.  Too much "wet" food is always bad.  The dry food will tend to "clean" the teeth naturally.  In very humid summers I do mix some wet food with the dry as the small water bowls go empty too they need whatever will give some extra moisture.

    As most of my kitties do not like pills or liquid antibiotics I have the vet give them the two week antibiotic injection.  Much easier on all of us.  Jimmie is a bit thiner, but happy he is restored to his favorite lodgings.  I do have some wet food to get him over the hump....he will not eat well for a day or two more but should be able to tolerate the dry kibble again after that. 

    Donna....I think you have it perfect.  The new normal is the acceptance that we are not the same as we were before and we all have to learn how to get along as we are now.  We are not reversible at all ---  but we can do quite well  -- as well as we did before, but just have to realize that yesterdays Armour just won't fit anymore.  It is hard when you know who you are or at least were -- back then you did not need a guard on duty, but now every ache and pain is suspicious....we have to learn to live with these things somewhere in the background and that takes do be gentle on yourself. 

    I'm off to the recliner and a nice big glass of water.  See you all in the morning.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2009

    Hi girls...I am back from the beach and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. The weather was a little drippy and cloudy but doable for this time of year. I really had a nice time and yes I ate turkey on the beach and watch the sunset. I really had computer withdrawal.. no emails to read or chatting on line. But sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered. Rest and relax. So now I am really refreshed by the water and I am so ready to hit this holiday season with gusto..well the house needs decorating, cards need to be written, some shopping needs to be done...maybe I need my beach chair now. lol  Back to work and really looking forward to the holiday break soon. Work is very busy and this week we are taking a field trip to a basketball game with 400 kids. I really do not like field trips..too noise and too many bathroom breaks ugh!! I know you teachers can all relate lol But I will make the best of it.

    I hope to see you all at the holiday gathering Sat. If you can't make it you will be with us in spirit as always. I hope you are all doing well with your txs. This is a quick hello as I am off to bed as I have a early day tomorrow at school..meetings.

    Remember to be happy. Have a great day tomorrow. Enjoy life.


  • Rene23
    Rene23 Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone!  I know I've been hopelessly absent around here lately but I do think of you guys often and I hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a minor scare recently (do the "scares" ever go away for br. ca patients??).   I developed a fairly sharp pain in my lower ribs that didn't seem to want to go away.  I was determined to not freak out though, and made myself wait it out until my next onc appt, which was 3 weeks away.  Just a few days ago, after 2 weeks, it FINALLY started feeling better.  So... relief, although I suppose I should still mention it to my onc next week.  Hopefully it will be completely gone by then.  

    I've been working a lot lately, and of course, the holidays always seem to happen faster than I can keep up!  What a relief to get all the Christmas stuff up this past weekend.  Now to finish shopping.

    I am going to try and make it to the get-together Saturday, depending on the time that my niece is competing her dance solo.  Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Good morning gals.........Just a quick breeze-through before hopping in the shower and getting ready for bowling.

    First of all, Laura, thanks for sharing the info on the latest "cancer cure hope."  Wouldn't that be wonderful and isn't it terrible that it all boils down to funding (or lack of funding).  Still, it is promising!

    BJ...glad you had a good time.  This will be a crazy time for you now until the holiday break!  I used to think that I sometimes looked more forward to the holiday break from school than I did the actual holiday!  LOL

    Rene...glad to hear from you again.  The scares.....oh yes!  I still have them after 3 years, just not as often.  I'm already getting a little nervous as my mammo and check-up is coming up on Tuesday at Susan G. Komen.  I always was a worrier but now the word worry has a new context.  My doctor told me to use the two week rule.  If I had a strange ache or pain, wait two weeks unless it gets worse, and then give him a call and get it checked out.  Using that as my guide, I have avoided several visits to his office as most of them have disappeared magically.

    It doesn't look like I'm going to make it on Saturday.  We have a dinner on Saturday night and I'm not up for the long drive by myself so I think I have to beg out of it this year and "attend in spirit."  You can't imagine how I hate not coming! I know you will all have a great time.

    BrendaR....thanks for checking in.  Stop by more often.  It's been a long time and I've missed you.  I'm so glad that things are going well for you now.  Isn't it amazing what time can do for us?

    Well, I need to get my day started here.  I hope all of you are doing well.  The last I heard, we are to receive some sleet this evening or early tomorrow morning.  YUCK, I hope the forecast is wrong or has been changed since I last heard it.

    Catch you all later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009

    Where there is hope, there are possibilities! I will NEVER give up hope for better treatment or A CURE! I can't help but think that "someone" will fund research for them.

    DONNA - I too think your analogy is right on. I'd like to add that time does lessen your fears. And in time, you will arrive at place where you feel closer to the old days, the innocent ones - free of fear. It won't be 100% - but it will be in sight.

    Irene - For years, since my dx, I have had rib pain come and go. I've had CT's, etc. It is frustrating and concerning. Definately mention it to your Onc. - since you'll be seeing him anyway. Hang in there - hope to see you Saturday.

    Rita - I am soooooooooooooo bummed you won't joining us. And I truly know how disappointed you must be. Hugs to you!

    bj- Glad you had a safe and fun trip! Looking forward to seeing you soon!


    Have a great day girls!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited December 2009
    I've shut the door on Yesterday,
    Its sorrows and mistakes;
    I've locked within its gloomy walls
    Past failures and heartaches.
    And now I throw the key away
    To seek another room,
    And furnish it with hope and smiles
    And every springtime bloom.
    No thought shall enter this abode
    That has a hint of pain,
    And every malice and distrust
    Shall never therein reign.
    I've shut the door on Yesterday
    And thrown the key away -
    Tomorrow holds no doubt for me,
    Since I have found Today!
  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2009

    PET Scan today, Good thoughts please. Prayers for fatty liver!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009


  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited December 2009

    Laura....WOW..GREAT article. I am that person in the article to a T. DID go to bed later last night.. still woke up and total amount of sleep is 5 hours. I am wondering if i should call my onocology dept on this issue at Rush? I am doin a sleep log and to see the Sleep Specialist in one week. I am a  total zomibe today and not suppose to nap at all and stay awake until 10PM.. woke up alert 4;45 and NO time since chemo.. have a received a natural  drousiness that keeps me asleep. I HAVE to BE  DRIVING ALL  OF YOU  crazy with this  my SAME SLEEP TOPIC!!!!I am just so dumbfounded and have NOT clue what else to do?? I am not working so far this week as i have no  stamina. Walked this morning and still pushing as i am so not goin to let this stop my life and not to rest anyway

    Salty... All good thoughts for your TEST!!!!

    Plan to write to some of those DR;s in Laura''s article.. what do i have to loose !!!THANKS!!!!!

    Hugs and Be well ALL!!!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009

    On the topic of sleep.  Sleep is a habit. which is why they call it "your sleeping habits" and habits can  modified or changed as we know.  Thus, I have hope you will change your sleeping habits with the help of this sleep expert, Donna. I  think the article is more about how chemo causes sleep disturbance (could be the cancer scare too), but then we "learn" insomnia and it becomes a habit. 

     I  had a co-worker that believed that habits take 6 weeks to change for certain.  So if you give up smoking, it will take six weeks for you to get through the day not being a smoker...meaning you get through the day without wanting or even thinking about a cigarette.  It would seem that you need time, Donna, to change your sleeping habits.  I like what the guy said about going to bed later.  You are still in the habit of awaking, and so it sadly figures that you will still wake up even though you are going to bed later.  Maybe you have to  go cold-turkey on this and put up with the "zombie" days and do what he tells you to without naps.   I know it must be dreadful.  I

    Let us know what is going on as it helps all of us.

     Edited to clean up what looked like it  had been written by a sleep-deprived poster.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Oh Donna, I had the same problem going through the chemo and could have written most of your more recent posts on the sleep issue.  In fact, I probably did way back toward the beginning pages of the thread.  FINALLY my issues worked themselves out unless I fall asleep in my recliner and then wake up and have to get to bed.  That has me wide awake again.  It took me much longer than Susan's co-worker to get mine worked out which was so frustraing as you well know.

     Laura, thanks for sharing all the good info with us. 

    Salty...good luck on the tests.  My prayers and thoughts are with you.  Hugs!  Hang in there and let us know how they come out please.

    Jackie, I especially like your quote for the day.  That's what all of us should learn to do....throw away the key to the past and get on with today.  Thanks for continually sharing these with us.

    Well I'm off to wrap Christmas packages that I purchased on Mary Jane's and my last mega shopping trip this past Monday.  I love buying the packages but hate the wrapping.  See, it's the complete lack of artistic talent that causes this adversion.  I'm lucky to get paper thrown around them!

    Catch you later.  If the snow and sleet start up north first, you will not hurt my feelings one bit if you just keep it up there!

    Everyone have a good day!


  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited December 2009

    Sorry, Susan, but I just don't agree that insomnia is "learned" and that we just have to break the habit.  I have had chronic insomina since the chemo and my surgeries, and I have followed to the letter all the suggested ways to over come it.  But I can't ignore my feet burning (from the Taxol) when I lay down like I can during the day when I'm active.  I can't ignore the pain in my right shoulder and side since my surgeries, the swelling across my chest from my truncal lymphedema,  the way my heart flutters from my mitral valve prolapse if I turn on my left side.  I prop myself up in a recliner and pillows, and I may get a few hours of dozing in and out.  Otherwise, I only really sleep in a regular bed if I take a Lunesta. 

     I take issue with the report on that study only because it does not seem to cover if "insomnia symptoms" could be caused by something like physical discomfort, such as mine.  What did they ask the patient- did they just ask "are you having trouble sleeping?", or did they also ask anywhere "are you having pain/phyisical symptoms that prevent you from sleeping?"  

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies - looking forward to the party Saturday - bummed you won't be there Rita.

    My arm is doing better.  I'm doing all my exercises and it's getting better.

    Thanks for the article Laura - very promising.  Never thought about no heart cancer

    I have had sleep issues since starting Tamoxifen.  My onc also tells me it is a habit but he doesn't mind prescribing my Temazepam.  I've always been a fairly good sleeper so it's puzzling.  Hot flashes have gotten better so I can't really blame it on them anymore.  I keep wanting to try to stop the sleeping pill, but I really love my sleep. I hope you have success Donna.  I agree JanClare that your insomnia is not a habit as you have the pain symptoms.  Susan - my daughter screamed her heart out when I first took her to preschool.  The director there told me to give it 6 weeks and I swear it was 6 weeks to the day before she stopped crying.

    Juliet - good to hear from you - I hope the MRI is just routine???

    Hugs and good thoughts to everyone!  I know I haven't mentioned you all but you are all in my thoughts!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited December 2009

    GOOD info Ladies .. AND... Too know I am not going crazy as I AM goin cold turkey today. The DR said it is like breaking a pattern my body is conditioned too in terms of every three hours..Howvever, he agrees I have ALOT goin on and it is goin to take time to isolate as pain is an issue and he is wondering on Restless Leg Syndrome .. and that would be thru a sleep study to find out and i know my legs are simply tired and weak from not sleeping..Some of this may be my body learning a routine and now i have to break it?? NEVER have i felt so OFF in this area as sleep was my everything and am not one who can function without it as some can.

    WALKED today,Wrapped gifts.Pushing forward and goin to try this for one week. IF i have a sub job (which i am not sure what to do for that as i cannot push much more), i will take a Lorazapam. I have not tried Lunesta Jan Clare .. but these are the drugs i have been on for the last two months as meds are being pushed forward and not real help!!! HAD Ambien ( too druggy next day and not long enough sleep time),,, had me on Trazedone, Lexipro, and then Zoloft.. ALL made me NUTS and like i was a Engergizer Bunny on crack.Back on Celexa as i had been prior to cancer.!!!!!' I also have mitral valve prolapse and feel it at times and when my right arm goes numb at night or whatever body part is hurting. Lack of restorative sleep is not helping any joint pain to go away.. need sleep for body to heal!!!!!!

     I do not want to cause havoc here on this sleep stuff.. i just appreciate the info and insights as this has progressed and is not ceasing. I am not goin to nap, have not today  and will stay up until 10pm. NEED to say this to make it real for me as my hubby is at the firehouse for  the night and is really helped me last night as i got so drowsy on couch as Rita said go to bed and boom.. What a help I will be ONCE this is rectified and I have to TRUST  it will happen. At  one point last week when i knew the Zoloft was goin to do me in, i could understand how some one may want to go into a place to just rest and get some help?!!!

    Be safe ladies.. weather could change later on tonight!!!!

    Hugs and Many Thanks,


  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2009

    Well PET Scan is over! Now more waiting!! Appt. next Tuesday for results, Dr won't give them over the phone. Thank you to all for your prayers and happy thoughts.   Donna so sorry about your sleeping problems, so aggrivating. Hope it gets resolved soon.

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2009

    Looking forward to catching up at the holiday gathering. I have not read many posts lately, but I think of all of you daily.

    Laura, I read the article, and it is very interesting and hopeful. Not wanting to be a downer, but there is such a thing as heart cancer, though it is EXTREMELY rare. That doesn't mean that this doctor isn't onto something, and I sure hope the research continues. We need more ways to cure, but we already do cure many. It seems like the trick is knowing who is cured so we all wouldn't have to live with this uncertainty.

    Donna, I have always had sleep issues, and after my first dose of decadron and chemo I was awake for a very long time! 36 hours I think. I cleaned and cleaned before I crashed, and my house looked great! It has gotten slowly better, but I can never count on being able to sleep. I had these issues when I was a child though, so now it is just enhanced. When I worked nights I really needed drugs or I never slept. I think it can be a habit, but also our bodies have internal clocks. Mine likes to sleep from about 2AM until 9 or 10, but that doesn't go along with most of the world, so I have to get up much earlier. I wish you much luck in your quest for the elusive zzzzz's.

    Hugs to all!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009

    Yes...thank goodness Heart Cancer IS extremely rare! In fact, a 20-year review of 12,487 consecutive autopsies in Hong Kong identified only seven cases of cardiac tumor - an incidence of less than 0.1 percent - most of which were benign. I can't help but think that with a stat THAT LOW, there's possibly something promising pertaining to the heart hormones. WE JUST HAVE TO KEEP ON HOPING!


    I read somewhere that lack of sleep is one of the top 5 complaints! I'm to why we even need sleep! It's such a waste of time - I would love to not NEED to sleep. Have scientists every REALLY figured out why we sleep? Curious minds want to know! lol


    Donna - Since you've tried sooooooooooo many synthetic drugs - none of which have worked - how about trying some natural options. I've been researching a specific "thing" and one of the side effects of a certain deficiency was insomnia and tingly hands and feet...I also want to talk to JanC about this. But anywho...I will PM you with more info.


    Hey - it's chilly today! I can't wait to get in my jammies - after a hot bath of course!


    Rita - I do not believe for a second that you're not artsy! Whip those packages into shape girl! lol  : )

    Connie - Glad the arm is feeling better!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009

    Laura, you are so funny...sleep is such a waste of time.  I could see that you have so many ideas and activities going, that it would be!

    Salty, I am thinking about you!  Connie, so glad the wrist is free again.  Keep doing the exercises.

    I missed Wendy today.  A day without Wendy is a day with some fun missing.. 

     Donna, you mentioned a sub job. I know that you like to work and that work is good for you.   I agree as work is good for me too, so I get that.  Yet, because I do not sub everyday, I actually sleep restlessly on the night before I do.  I literally have to get up (embarrassed to admit this) two hours before on the days I sub.  Like Pat, I do my best sleeping in the morning, so I could sleep until nine if I have the chance.  Perhaps you could  forgo subbing until you figure this out. Just a thought. MAYBE, however, do not listen to me as I believe I once advised you to GO to work as then your body would get used to it and you would sleep!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited December 2009

    Just a few minutes here to say far rained all day and till mid-night they say.  Golly, Laura, I'm sure you must be kidding about the sleep.  Everything sleeps except maybe fleas.  It is a precious restorative and I sure hope you Donna, Jan Clare, Pat and Connie could just easily nod off and sleep through the night.  Now I'm saying knock on wood as my sleep is always wonderful....though shhh, when you get my age and a bit older I'm told we don't always need as much as we once did.  Still it is a wonderful thing and I'm glad many of you have found a combination that works for you. 

    BTW Laura, I use to resent having to stop all the wonderful things I was doing to eat.  I was a tall, thin child and was seldom hungry.  I spent many years of my life not really having much hunger -- well, even though late....I got over that.  To the tune of now being considered obese.  If it's not one thing it's another.  Guess we have to wait till we pass from this life into the eternal one if we want to go without sleep and be the right size w/o eating etc. 

    Hope you all have a great evening.  I'm off to a meeting.....wonder who will come out in this rain and work tomorrow.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009

    Jackie - I love it! Having to stop all the wonderful things to eat! How you felt then about eating, is exactly how I feel now about sleep! lol I LOVED yesterday's poem...keep 'em coming Jackie! Thank you!

    Susan - I am truly NOT KIDDING about sleep! Although I sincerely feel bad for ANYONE who wants to sleep but cannot! I don't want to seem unsympathetic! BUT HONESTLY...I wish we didn't have to sleep...imagine all the more that we could accomplish in our lives!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2009 ... lots to catch up on!  Been having a bit of trouble with the laptop, which seems now to have fixed itself.  I put it just to "sleep" when I put it away and for the last week - it took forever to "wake up"!  Seems this sleep problem has gotten ahold of my computer!

    I've had occational problems sleeping but nothing that some of you girls have had.  Even the decadron didn't keep me awake.  But like smerf, I have certain sleep times and if I get outside of those times, I don't sleep well for a week to 10 days so I'm with those of you who believe that sleep is indeed habit, and somewhat learned.  I am usually fast asleep by 9:15, and wide awake by 5am, maybe waking up once if I drink a bit too much liquid before bed.  Laura....if we didn't sleep, what would I do all night????  Guess I could always shop on QVC!  Reminds me of a line from original "Journey to the Center of the Earth" when that Sachneusem (sp?) guy said he didn't like sleep - he felt that sleep was like slices of death!  Jeepers - what a thought!

    Connie...glad you are feeling better!

    Smerf...I thought you weren't goiing to be able to make it on Saturday!  I am so happy you are going to be there!

    Rita....I had a feeling that you wouldn't be coming!  It's a long drive, and by yourself?  No....I will miss you but I wouldn't want you driving all that way alone.  Don't worry....we'll take pictures!

    Salty.....fingers crossed for good results! onc doesn't like to give results over the phone either.  But....the waiting would be worse for me, rather than hearing any bad news over the phone.  So...I always use the "Hey...those are my results and I paid for 'em!"  Or...there was that time when I had been waiting for MRI results on my back for over 10 days as my neuro only read them on Mondays (huh?) and he had to cancel one Monday due to emergency I simply went to the hospital and got a copy of the test results myself.  OK, I know some of you nurses wouldn't agree with that....but I already knew I had had a hern. disk...just wanted to make sure the back pain was still that, not something else! more!!!!  Yay!!!!!!!  Soon you will be back to having bad hair days!

    I will have to read more later....I am off to the gym...and it is so sad.  The owner told us yesterday that she has to close.  The economy has done her in!  I've scoped out 2 gyms and one of them gave us girls from Ladies Workout Express a GREAT deal.  But of course....I made 7 really tight friendships there and I know these girls will not join this gym - as it really is a gym.  And co-ed.  So I will lose all my workout buddies.  Oh well.  We do get together for lunch about once a month but I sure will miss the everyday yakking.  So...instead I will actually be working out!  And they have little tv's attached to most of the cardio equipment!  No enrollment fee, waiving of the dues lock-in fee and $12/month, which is less than half what I was paying.  I guess I will now get in shape!

    See you later...and I snow!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Good morning ladies!  Good to see a post from you, Wendy, early in the morning!  I'm sorry that your work-out center is closing.  There's so much of that happening these days.  The Pink Pilates/Yoga class that I attend on Tuesday nights may be cancelled also due to funding and poor attendance.  If it is, I hope I can get back into the regular yoga class.  They will still do the class on Saturday mornings, but with Dave still working and then going to Springfield every Sunday to see his Mom in the nursing home, that only leaves us Saturday together so I don't want to spend any time then exercising unless it's doing something together that is really fun.  I don't do well with the "gym" scenario.  I pay my money, go faithfully for awhile and then drift off as I'm not self-motivated enough to get myself there once the newness wears off.

    It sounds like you gals are going to have a pretty big group on Saturday.  Please do take pictures and post them.  I will be thinking about all of you

    Laura, I did manage to get a few packages wrapped yesterday.  I left the mess on the dining room table so that I would finish them up today so that is what I'm off to do early this morning.  I'm also making a big pot of ham and beans for supper tonight, writing some scholastic bowl questions, and tackling another hour of cleaning in my former office above the garage.  By then I'm sure I'll be so exhausted that I'll have to plop in the recliner and read for awhile.  I picked up Iris Johansen's new book at the library this week and can't wait to get into it!

    Everyone have a good day!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009

    Good morning:

    Have a happy day.  I too hate wrapping, Rita.  I have a stack of stuff to do on the pool table.  I have to do it when I am doing something else, like watching TV.

    I awoke at two and thought about you all!  I am sure you were all sleeping like babies. My Dh gets up and reads the paper when he cannot sleep.  Now that would keep me awake all night.  Are you feeling the econonomic news is worsening?  I worry about my kids/jobs!

    Have a good day!


  • MsMarilyn
    MsMarilyn Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2009

    I'm finally done with the move but I still have a ton of unpacking to do still but I did get the computer up and going again (was starting to go through with drawls.. lol). 

    Thanksgiving was good... and the worms were even better!

    My church really came through for my family during the move.  About 10 people showed up to had my entire house moved within 3 hours.  And some of the ladies have been stopping by to help with the unpacking.  And on the day of the move I got the results of my BRCA testing and NO MUTATIONS were found!   Which means I got my Christmas gift early this year!  

    I went back to my PS yesterday and he removed the drain tubes!  WOOHOO!!   I have to tell you 3 weeks with those tubes and I don't miss them even a little bit!  lol   While I was there he went ahead and gave me a fill on my TE's.  90cc on each side so now I have 290 and I can really feel the pressure!  But I keep telling myself it's all for a good cause! 

    I go this Monday to the Oncologist to find out what my treatment plan is going to be.  Not really sure what to hope or even pray for other than I don't have to do anything but I know that's not really possible.   So I'm taking things one day at a time and trying not to over think too many things.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited December 2009

    GOOD NEWS Marilyn!!!!!  Having no mutations is aweome. same for me. Only said insignificant variant found but it is not understood enough but it is not a mutation.Bet the releif is intoxicating, especially with drains coming out!!!!}Hope all continues to go well and you have peace and content moments!!!

    This is mySECOND post, had one early this AM and never went thru.Susan...thank you! You are so right about subbing as, there is no way I have had the stamina this week and this is all needing to be rectified as last night was still a pattern.I ended up goin back to bed this AM after i was up. HAD TOO.   I am taking your advice on the 6 week breaking too.I do meet with this sleep Specialist on Tuesday and am taking notes and doin the sleep log. The zomibe state is here today and i did use work to try to tire me out and think that all shows that nothing is truly a resolution. You waking up last night.. sounds like when things subconsciously hit, sleep affects us. Acceptance to where we are is key and i am defintiely having to give work up for the time being and it bothers me as  I want to be who i was before cancer!!!!!

    Laura...Oh have i tried the natural stuff and then some.Spend a good amount of money too. I am currently on a customized melatonin  creme, IT use to work, not as much to date? Ordered more anyway as it does help somehow. LAST night for instance.. went to bed later as they say i naps.. woke up at 1:30 for a 30 min alert wake up and then 2:30 and 3:30 and 4:45 am and feel back to sleep until 5:15... and this is takin a Advil PM, Celexa and Melatonin creme..

    Connie..Doing better,.. I hope?!!!You need a laundry fairy by chance?! lolol..!!

    Rita...chop chop with the xmas wrapping!!!IT is such a process. Did my little gift wrapping to all those in offices etc.

     Well the house hunt for a future move to Tucson has begun.My husband is getting to a point where after 30 years as a firefighter etc is enough and so are the winters. Trying to stay in the moment as this will not  be a overnight process!!!

    Hope ALL are well today.Wendy...sorry to hear about your gym goin!YOU and your buddies will have to take up fork lifitng classes when you meet for lunch etc!!!!;lolol.

    No nap today and trying to go with the new flow. Where did life become so complicated... and i quess it is the new normal that i am not into yet.. it is coming~~~~!!!WHEN i get it, i will be the greatest testimony for those who need it!Thanks for listening as much as you do Ladies!!!!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    MsMarilyn...You did indeed get an early Christmas present!  YEA!!!!  Great results!  Did you move somewhere within the same town?  That was so nice of your church family to help out.  I have a great church family, too and it's such a comfort.

    Susan, I am also worried about this economy and my kids.  I think it keeps getting worse.  The Bloomington area is still pretty "up" with the colleges in the area and State Farm but the surrounding areas are really feeling it.  There are more and more people losing their jobs and so many of them have not been able to save enough to get them through this economic disaster.

    Donna, the Tucson area is just lovely and I can see why you'd be thnking about heading that way.  I'll understand it even more when the snow hits here!  LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good day!  I ran out of wrapping paper (what a pity) and I color code it for the kids so they can find their own packages and I don't have to put name tags on all of their loot so I had to stop for today until I get into town and get some more.  I was more than ready to stop anyway and that just gave me the perfect excuse!

    Catch you all later.


  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2009

    Just a quick "FLY" by post!!! I've been SOOOOOO busy...But leave tomorrow AM for Chicago!!! Will only have 4 days but plan on meeting all at JanClare's house on Saturday!!

    Have a great day!!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009

    Oh my, I have no clue as to the nature on how to get good sleep.  If I did, I would not be sleepless so many nights.  Just a sharing of ideas.  Swwet dream to all.

    Ms.Marilyn, you sound like you live in a lovely place where people take care of people!  So glad you are all moved in!

    Good night!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited December 2009

    All philosophy in two words, - sustain and abstain.  ~Epictetus

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited December 2009

    Sorry I left the quote so late.  Didn't get any REAL computer time at work today and probably not tomorrow either.  Hope you all had a fantastic day.  Hi to Karin.  How wonderful you will be at Jan Clare's.  I had hopes, but realized as time got closer that things were just too wild here with the amt. of things to finish and we have not even started the dog fence/yard which will go up on Saturday ( day of the party ) I believe.  Will be nice to have all the pooches together and the tie outs put away in the shed.  Been way too long.

    Gotta run get ready for bed....long day, work at Maggie's....home for a quick dinner, then trip to Wal-Mart for animal supplies --- don't we all own a lot of stock in that store.  Now it's almost 10 p.m. and time to settle down.  See you all tomorrow.  Sleep tight my friends.

    Hugs, Jackie