Illinois ladies facing bc



  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited December 2009

    Good Morning ALL..WAY too cold today!!!! Hope this breaks as wow my body is weaker for this cold and feel it. UP for one hour last night and yet.. something a bit better in sleep?YEAH!

    Sure you ladies will have a great time tommorrow at the luncheon. Be sure to post the pics for al lof us south siders!!!

    Should try some excercise INSIDE today!!! is always great to do  AFTER it is done!!

    Be well and stay warm!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2009

    Morning!  Hope everybody slept well!  I know it is rather simplistic, but did any of you, when you wake up in the night, try warm milk?  One of those "old wive's tales" but it really does work for me...on about 30 minutes.  Couldn't hurt to try if you drink dairy anyway.... happy for you that yr BRCA came back negative...hugh sigh of relief for you and yours.  Glad you had so much help with moving...I moved out here almost 9 years ago and I swear there are still some boxes that I haven't opened yet.

    Salty....the waiting is so hard!  Know how you are feeling...fingers crossed for you.

    Rita....I don't much like wrapping either, esp. since it all gets crumpled and and tossed for the most part.  I use bags pretty much these days - and no one minds - and we all recylce them in our family.  So easy....

    Karin...glad you will be making it in for the party on Saturday!

    I however will not.  I had a spontaneous bleed into my L eye yesterday afternoon....huge amount of blood.  I was so freaked out I drove myself to the ER.  ER doc was pretty alarmed too so they plopped me in a wheelchair and sent me to the eye clinic.  Luckily I was seen right away and she didn't see any retinal tearing but I have an appt later today with the retinal specialist to make sure.  Well seems that as we age, the vitreous in the eyeball can pull away from the retina, causing flashes of light, floaters and sometimes as it pulls on the retina, a bleed.  Oh goody.  Another thing for us to look forward to as we age.  So....I still have so much "junk" in my eye that I cannot see clearly enuf to drive...and in fact cannot until I make sure it is not the retina.  So....take lots of pictures and I will be with you all in spirit.

    I will check back later - if I don't, it was the retina and I've had laser!  Jeepers....this getting old business is for the birds.....

  • saltykm
    saltykm Posts: 77
    edited December 2009

    Good Morning, Still waiting,tic,tic,tic. I have my moments but overall I'm doing OK. I'm with you Donna, IT"S COLD!  Wendy OMG how scary was that? My dad used to get something like that but he never bled from his eyes.Good luck today,hope everything is OK. Well off to yet another Drs. appt to get stitches out. [mole removal] I also had melanoma,can't remember if I mentioned this before, if I did sorry. Blame it on the femara. Have a wonderful day . Salty

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Oh horrid!  My thoughts and prayers are with you for a quick fix!  Hugs!

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009

    Wendy I had that scare two years ago and it was in DECEMBER too.  I was so afraid.  I thought I was having a stroke!  No bleeding but the floaters.  I went to ER and then was sent to an eye specialist.  It was not a ripped retina, which is not good to have.  Very scary.

    Good luck with it!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited December 2009

    Morning and WOW Wendy.  I've never heard of such a thing and you are so brave to drive yourself to ER.  I would have been so freaked I might not have been able.  I have had ocular migraines ( which do not cause  pain ) and had never heard of them so I know all sorts of maladies are possible.  Wish you just could have waited for a few more days to let this happen.  Hoping it all turns out ok.  Just so scary isn't it.....cancer is not for sissies and now we see getting older isn't either. 

    Donna....oh it is so chilly here.  It will warm slightly I think, but I think chill is the operative word until ?? Spring ??.  Oh, did I say that.  Well, lets just say for awhile. 

    Well, need to give up this computer so I"ll see you all much later. 

    Do take it easy Wendy...ok. 


  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited December 2009

    Wendy...Are you back from your appt yet... hopin you are ok!!!This happened to my DAD and it is a aging thing.. sigh. What else , is anything sacred of not doin us in , in terms of body parts. Be certain to rest as this is still a trauma to your body and it needs to heal. Keep us posted.

    Snow coming next week.. get those shovels out.



  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited December 2009

    Wow -Wendy - thoughts are with you.  We have big eye trouble in my family.  I won't go into detail or I might scare you.  I hope everything turns out ok.   If you want me to pick you up for the party tomorrow, I can. 

    Laura - you sound like my son.  I often have to hear about how sleep is soooo boring. 

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2009

    Well....I'm back with good news, at least for today!  Retina looks fine but...I can't drive except unless I have to, or read much, or use the computer much, or exercise at all or do any heavy housework or shoveling (and that would be a big YAY)..or take car rides that last over 20-30 I def. can't come to the party tomorrow.  In other words, until my next appt on 12/14 I am reduced to sitting around, watching tv and evidently eating every half hour cuz I am soooo bored.  Now for the bad part....happens more often in women (of course), more ofter in those who are nearsighted (of course that's what I am) and in the aging population - which of course I am.  ALSO - armidex, in rare cases - can cause these things.  So too can tamoxifin - it's the severe depletion of estrogen.  BJ also told me last night that arimidex can cause cataracts.  So - do I stay on this drug?  Yeah - its still a no-brainer for me but I wish I had known about this side effect as I would have started seeing an opthalmalogist yearly at least while on an AI. are so sweet to offer to drive but the idea is to keep my eye at rest so staying home is my best bet.  But thanks for offering!  What kind of eye problems run in your family?

    Susan...I wish you had shared about your eye problem.  I wouldn't have freaked out so much yesterday. too, given the same set of circumstances, would have done what I did.  Taped my eye shut and jumped in the car and driven to the ER.  Luckily Delnor Hosp is less than 15 minutes from here.

    OK...enuf about this....BUT...I sure wish I had known this could happen.  This getting old....yuck.

    It was soooo cold this am I had to wear mittens in the car.  I am not ready for this, or for the measurable snow that is coming next week.  But hahahahahaha...I can't shovel it!!!!!!!!

    Have fun tomorrow!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2009 you have an "old" tailbone!  Jeepers.  Is that what I have to look forward to next month???????  Glad that's all it was.  And why are you getting a thyroid US?

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009


     Glad you are okay,  Yes, it happened two years ago and I am surprised I did not talk about it as it scared me so..  He said nearsighted (I am like totally) had this problem.  For me it was like little black animals were scurrying across the floor and sadly I turned my head to follow them as they looked so real. And then back to another set. LOL Like hallucinations!  I have never had another episode since.  Stay well!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009

    Wendrew - OMG - You poor thing! That really stinks. I will miss you tomorrow. Be a good girl and follow Drs orders!


    Hope you all have a nice, peaceful evening. Just got back from picking up Shelby (in chicago)...she has a science project that's due on Monday (nothing like waiting til the last minute! - Arghhhhhh - lol)! So she asked me to help her with it. FUN, FUN, FUN! lol

    We'll be  busy baking for tomorrow's party. And dh is making us a roast and mashed potatoes for dinner!

    SNOW NEXT WEEK! OH NO! I hate this weather!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Just checking in to see what Wendy found out.  At least it's not the retina.  That is a good thing!  Hang in there, Wendy.  I'm older than you and it's really not too bad.  I tried looking up a gal who had started chemo in January 2007 with us and went back to that chemo thread today.  Do you realize that both you and I started our chemo on exactly the same day....Jan. 26th?   I guess I'd forgotten that!  Just couldn't resist passing on that little tidbit of information!  LOL

    Everyone have a great time tomorrow at the party.  Take plenty of pictures and post them for us.  I will miss seeing you all but will be there in spirit.  Hugs to all of you!


  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2009

    HI Girls,

    Just popping in for a quick hello. I really don't know how teachers handle the "bad" kids. Today I spent my entire day with 400 loud / let's have fun/ jumping off the beachers kids at a Depaul basketball game. Let alone the buses were late/ let's get stuck on the expressway and I have to use the bathroom. lol We didn't get back until 4:30pm...then deal with parents uhh. Calgone take me away. lol The kids had fun but I ran up and down those bleachers so many times that I didn't need the treadmill tonoc. So I give my hats to you teachers who deal with this everyday.!!!!!

    Wendy... I am glad to hear that your eye will mend and yes I told you so. Maybe sunglasses and a beach chair are in order for you. I could send over a cabana boy to pamper you. lol

    Rita...are you done wrapping your presents yet. I do love to wrap gifts esp with pretty ribbon. Xmas break is 2 weeks away and it can't come fast enough for me. I still can't believe that I made it to Dec. fulltime. lol are you doing? Did you get your fence done? I know you are unableto come Sat. but you will be in spirit with us !!. Thanks for the good qoutes this week.

    Laura..glad Shelby has you to help her with her school project. Do I smell cupcakes yet. yum yum

    Zap...are you feeling better. I know that this flu can be nasty. rest and fluids are needed. Hope you are up to coming to the party.

    Connie..glad you  have your cast off and you are feeling better. Just in time to make those xmas cookies lol

    Salty..good luck on your test. waiting is the hardest thing to do..hang in there.

    Donna.. will miss youat the gathering but will have you in spirit too. hope all is well with your sleep problem. I take Ambein at night and it works every time. zzzzzzzz

    Well I am off to xmas shop. Hope to see everyone at the holiday get together tomorrow.

    Have a great evening...maybe we need the snow be gone fairies. lol

    Remember to be happy


  • saltykm
    saltykm Posts: 77
    edited December 2009

     Thank youall for your prayers and encouragement. IT WORKED!  Dr., called today,scan was negative. NO CANCER!!!! YEA!  Even tho I don't post alot I do read everyday, and I so appreciate everyone of you.  Snow be gone fairies and cold be gone fairies sounds great to me. Salty

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited December 2009

    Salty -- yay for you and the negative scan --- seems it is going to be instant fear every time a test comes up or "something is seen " and so the next week or two or three is something of an agonizing time.  So glad it worked out and all will be fine. 

    Wendy....glad all seems fine for now.  That is really something....and omg....I'm near-sighted, but thank goodness I'm far-sighted too as well as an astigmatism in the middle for good measure so maybe I won't have to worry about eyes....sure hope not.  I have a long before you can go back to all your regular activities and will this be a problem and something you will be prone to now the whole time you are on Arimidex.  Do you wear contacts and would that have been a catalyst for enough irritation for this to happen.  Oh -- hey, too much reading so I'll stop.  I am just glad you know now -- so sorry though you can't do the shovel and snow blower.  Do take it easy and have someone bring in some carrot sticks, broccoli, and celery.  If your going to eat make sure it's good food.

    I'm going to go crawl in my recliner....I'm bushed for some reason.  I'll see you all in the morning.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009

    P-Juliet! - Glad you checked well neighbor!

    salty - OMG - that's soooooooooooooo great! Good for you!

    bj - OMG - Shelby was at DePaul today too! All the upper grades at her new school went! When I picked her up after school today, she was wearing a blue DEPAUL shirt! Go DePaul! That's where dh got his Masters Degree! And ---- I have to brag ---- he was in the upper 5% (?) of his graduating class - awarded Bet Gamma Sigma.


    Wendrew - I feel compelled to insist you indulge in lots of Beta Carotine! Hope all is well soon!

    Connie - I like your son! lol

  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited December 2009

    Wendy - glad everything is ok.  Hope you don't get too bored.

    My family eye problems - 

         1.  My dad had really bad eyesight and when I was in high school he went in for a lens implant - he only did one eye and he came out blind in that eye.  No one knows what happened - surgery went well, but when he took off the bandage he was blind

        2.  My older sister has had 2 retinal tears.  She is blind in one eye as the Dr. could not repair one.  She had 6 surgeries and could never regain her sight.  The first one was about 5 years ago and then earlier this year it happened in her other eye.  Luckily, this eye took to the surgery well and she is doing well, but if she loses that eye she will be completely blind.

        3.  My mom has macular degeneration and can only see peripherally - she has had this for about 3 years and it has been very hard for her as she cannot drive anymore.

         4.  My older brother just recently had a "sand storm" of floaters in one of his eyes - vitreous gel - it hasn't really cleared up - he says if he covers his good eye he can barely read with the one eye.

    So, eyes are not strong in my family.

    Salty - so glad you got good news!   Time to celebrate!


  • NanaA
    NanaA Posts: 97
    edited December 2009

    Ladies, I have been out of touch with you all for a while.  Had lots of check-ups in Nov.   Had follow up Ct scan.  No change in lung or thyroid nodules, so don't have to go back to pulmonary or the thyroid doc until after last herceptin in March.  Will have a repeat CT then.  Had rads check-up and don't go back until May, but do have my first mammogram since all this started on the 18th of dec. a year and one day from the one that found the spot a year ago.  Had my annual physical and pap smear OK. Had herceptin this week only 6 more to go.  Onc had me taking femera and after 7 weeks all th SE's kicked in.  The joint pain was so bad in my hands I could not sew and computer work was painful and my knees hurt so bad I had to start using a cane to  walk.  I quit taking the femara and am not going to start anything else until after I am done with herceptin.  I seems to irritate anything that already hurts.  I think I will try a different AI as I was tested and am only an intermediate metabolizer for tamoxifin.  I am having the supartz shots into my knees.  1 shot a week for 5 weeks to see if can get some pain relief in my knees, which were bad before all this.  1st knee was done in Nov and Started left one this week.  !st one is alot less painful than it was and mostly is just stiff now, which doc says will get better with exercise, but it is hard to exercise when other knee is still really painful.  I will be done the week between christmas and new years.  I hope this gets me back to wallking much better.  I had to go get a handicapped parking tag, because the knees had gotten so bad.  It is just a temporary one that is only good for 6 months, so it will take me past the end of my herceptin.  Hopefully I won't need it longer than that. I am going to enjoy only onc visits after 1st of year, I will be done with everyone else for at least 3 months.  Hurrah!

    We spent Thanksgiving with the son that got married this year and saw their new home for the first time.  It is very nice.  They are in the middle of adding on a bedroom, garage and mudroom.  It is built and roof is on and tyvek on outside, so son can work on it this winter when he is laid off by Del Monte until February. 

    Husband is still doing baking for farmers market that is inside untill Christmas week.  We will all be glad to be done with it.  It was a long year this year.  I don't think he will do it next year.  If he picks up some regular customers over the winter he will probably just continue to do that rather than the market.  It would be alot less strain on all of us.

     We booked our cruise to the panama canal for the first week of March.  When we get back I will be having my last herceptin.  The timing worked out that we had no conflicts for those 10 days, so it seemed like that was the one to take to celebrate being done.  We had conflicts with all the ones in January and Feb. and the ones later in March.

    Hope you ladies are all doing well.  I do read the posts even when I am not posting.   Hugs to all  Annette 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited December 2009

    Which Are You?

    I watched them tear a building down;
    A gang of men in a busy town.
    With a mighty heave and lusty yell,
    They swung a beam and a side wall fell.
    I said to the foremen, "Are these men as skilled
    As the men you'd hire if you had to build?"
    He gave a laugh and said, "No indeed!
    Just a common laborer is all I need.
    And I can wreck in a day of two
    What it took the builder a year to do."And I thought to myself as I went my way,
    "Just which of these roles have I tried to play?
    Am I a builder who works with skill and care
    Building others up by the rule and square,
    Or am I a wrecker as I walk the town
    Content with the labor of tearing down?"
  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2009

    Morning all....cold out....brrrrrrrr.  And yes Laura, snow is on the way.  And I did hear it all depends on what side of the front we end up on as to how much - but it sounds measurable.

    Connie....OMG!  I too wonder what happened with your Dad.  That surgery is almost always safe.  Keeping my fingers crossed for your family and their eye problems.  I assume you are Ok????

    Jackie....Truthfully, I think it's just docs being cautious. Since obviously I did have a tear away from the retina, you would want to NOT move your eye around too much (like me, who would sit down with a book and read for 6-8 hours).  After the next appt I think I will probably be cleared to go back to most everything except any intense cardio exercise (read: no running or bouncing or heavy lifting - none of which I do anyway) and no marathon reading for now.  From what I have read, if it happens in one eye, it most probably will happen in the other - but maybe not for years and years.  It's a very common thing so I found out = google Vitreous Detachment.

    Annette....glad everything is looking so good for you.  Only 6 more Herceptin and won't you be glad when that's done!  I was sitting in the chair, getting my last H, calling my surgeon's office to set up port removal, with my onc's blessing!  The cruise sounds wonderful!

    Salty....see, I told you!  Don't know why you girls never listen to me!  Only kidding - I am sooo happy for you!  Live long and prosper - LOL!!!! you had little animals!  I have big creepy black spiders, crawling across my eye!  Wonder what a psych. would say about that!  How long did it take for your eye to return to normal?  I am wondering too, altho I know that this is quite common as we age - if the arimidex as it depletes our estrogen - did not significantly add to my chances of this occurring.

    Rita.....I do remember that we started chemo on the same day!  And we were dx'd a day apart!  ?Funny thing!  I guess you are truly my "sister" in all this!

    Forgot Jackie...yes, I do wear contacts but no, my problem was inside the eye so they wouldn't have done this.  And as I don't know if truthfully the arimidex had anything to do with this (altho I suspect it sure didn't help matters) I will not stop taking it.  To me the benefits of this drug, for right now at least, still outweigh the risks.

    I guess I've been "computing" much longer than I supposed to so I am off.  Back to watching TV and eating - and yes, I did send DH out last night and he picked up a bunch of pre-cut veggies and some fat-free dip so at least if I am going to sit on my big lazy butt all weekend it won't get too much bigger.  On Monday, I am in the car and out of here.

    Have a great time at the party you guys .... I am really bummed that I won't be there!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited December 2009

    Sorry about the goofy marks on the little poem.  I find these poems in my inspirational newsletter and had to get the title a strange way  -  so no wonder I guess.

    WoW !!!!  Annette -- You have been through so much, but again do sound like you have been able to find a way through to hopefully get you to good results in the next few months.  Glad all your tests were negative and you even get to "drop" some of them from your long list of medical appts.  Have cancer and you don't have a social life -- just medical appts.  Glad they will slow down.  I just hope you are able to get the other knee feeling much better so you can do those exercises.  Every one benefits from a bit of a work-out -- even ones that are not strenous  -- it is the movement.  Bodies are designed for it. really do have the eye problems going on.  My whole family wears glasses and that is about it.  I do have ( found quite late ) a very lazy left eye so only 5 percent sight in it.  They don't even put a prescription in that lens -- or not much of one.  So, my right eye does all the work.  Do have enough vision ( just not clear ) to not have dark spot from looking to the left so I feel fortunate about that as most of the time I am un-aware that I'm not actually "seeing" with the left eye.

    Hoped to do more here but duty's frosty outside everywhere and I have to get fresh water for the animals.  Lots to do today.....from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is the grand opening of the House of Hope no kill shelter that all of us in the Humane Society have been waiting and working for so long.  Issues to be ironed out but at least there will be a place now for animals in need of a good family and no one will have to worry that any of them will be put down just because someone did not come along in the slight time period that is allowed in the local animal shelter.  Sad that no animal at the shelter is exempt from the loss of their life and that is why the House of Hope was a dream that is coming true.  You always wish you could save them all......but at least we now will have the opportunity to save some and if no one comes along with a good home....they will just live out their life at the House of Hope.  See you all later.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited December 2009

    HI Wendy,

    Hey, we're all bummed out that you won't be at the party, so we'll just have to party a little extra for you. Sorry to hear about your eye...I do have several friends who have had the same thing. My Mom always used to tell me that "getting old is not for sissies," and now I saw Jackie confirmed it! I think I may be the oldest one here, and I am finally in agreement. I did see it happen during labor once, and she is the only younger person I witnessed, but it can even be caused by constipation, or anything that increases pressure in the eye.

    Take it easy, {like you have a choice!} and hope to get together soon.

    Hugs, Pat

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2009

    Dear ladies:

    I just walked in from the holiday party and cannot tell you how beautiful it was.  We missed the ladies not there but you were there in spirit and we spoke of you with affection. Blackjack, Jan Clare, Laura and Shel worked so hard to make it so warm and lovely for us all.  I am so touched by their generosity of spirit and friendship.

     Pictures will be on their way soon, but not from this girl's camera.  I have no idea how to download these things, but I just take pictures all the same.

     Thanks to all of you for being there for me in the past and please remain in my future.


  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited December 2009

    Cannot wait to see the pics of today's Xmas Get together .. so thought of all of you today and wished it was closer. I can imagine Susan.. the spirit to which it was all presented for everyone as you all have such a great and generous heart and being a Hostess with the Mostess has to be an touching experience!!

    Connie.. WOW...the eye history in your family is good that you know all about it for you and your family! My mom had macular degeneration, and my dad had a bleeding retina last year and has some dammage in sight with that and some macular occuring. Eye issues are number one concern to watch for after chemo,That is what my opthalmaligist told me!!

    Hope all  are well and enjoying the weekend as it is getting down to the wire for all the holiday madness.



  • JanClare
    JanClare Posts: 267
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone!

     I loved, loved, loved having the party today, and we just had so much fun.  I only wish that all the Illinois Gals could have been there for the sisterhood/friendship we ALL share is truly special.  

    (Wendy, I was so sorry to read about your eye troubles- your humor and spirit were especially missed!  And my bears are pouting because I promised them company!) 

    Also, I'm hoping everything was alright with Karin, as she never made it.  

     Here's a link to the photos-

    and one photo of everyone except Sharon (we forgot to take a photo before she left, but she is in the candids if you follow the link

     Sitting, L to R- Julie (JulieChicago), Connie (ConnieHar), Michelle F(Mich101), Susan (Zap)

    Standing, L to R- Lisa M (LisaMed 123), Michele (BlackJack), Pat (Smerf), JanClare, Laura (Laura GTO)


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited December 2009

    OMG.....another fantastic get-together.  So many pretty people all in one place.  Such life in all of your eyes.  Connie I was so surprised at the long really curly hair.....even though in your avatar picture it's curly.....the actual length doesn't show.  Smerf -- just the same I think - dignified with humor.  Susan, beautiful hair.  Lisa...gorgeous smile, Michele- you too have pretty hair -- great seemed a mite thinner than I recall.  Julie - such together style -- Laura, another together person with a gorgeous smile and red??hair.  Bj -- you just exude all is well and it lights up your whole being. have new glasses in this picture and you are the marvelous person that gave your comfortable, warm, welcoming home to these ladies so you and they could count down another great year of special care and friendship.  I still say one of these days.......

    House of Hope was fantastic.  While I was there two dogs rescued from the locl animal shelter were brought is so much of what House of Hope is for.....saving those who will not last long enough at the animal shelter to find a home.  Made my day that is for sure. all looked so wonderful....full of joy at being able to mark another year.  JanClare, many thanks for getting the pictures available so soon.  They are wonderful.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2009

    HI Girls...Well, the xmas party was delightful as was the food and friends. Yes,we were very chatty today and we talked all about each of you in loving ways. We know that you were with us  in spirit even thou you couldn't be here today. Jan thank you for opening up your home. I have to say the your xmas tree was so real looking that I thought it was. lol Jan found her expensive $7,000 boobs. Yes, they do make a nice coffee table decoration. lol In all it was a lovely day filled with fun and laughter.

     Laura..our cupcake tree was so cute and yummy. Shel did a great job on the sprinkles. I wished I would have seen her yesterday at the game but we had fun chatted about it.

    Susan.. looking lovely as always and love your short do.

    Michele..glad your boys are liking school and yes one day they will stay at school and not come home for the weekend. Mine only came home to do months worth of laundry. lol

    Sharon.. it was good to see you and I still can believe you cooked a 45 pd turkey.

    Julie.. your kids are so creative towel art. Maybe you can market it. lol Keep the stories coming I just love them.

    Connie.. no cast..yeah.  I hope your arm get better soon. Just think boating season is right around the corner. Need to think water.

    Lisa..good to see you and you look great.

    Smerf... glad to see that dh has been busy with retirement. Thanks for bringing those chocolate's.  Did you see the dark chocolate coconut one's? I wonder who ate it lol

    Wendy.. I hope you are feeling better. Yes,your bears were missed and Jan did have some cute one out just for you. Feel better soon.

    Well, its jammie and tea time. Hope you all have a wonderful  weekend.

    Remember to be healthy happy and enjoy life.


  • Mich101
    Mich101 Posts: 489
    edited December 2009

    What a wonderful party it was.  Thank you Jan for having us, and thank you to Blackjack and Laura too. It was really nice and so great to see everyone again. I believe we could probably sit and talk for days! And we missed those that couldn't make it.

    Wendy-hope your eye is better soon-try to rest!

    Jackie-How wonderful that you are part of the House for Hope and helping the dogs and cats. You are so special and caring. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2009

    Morning Girls!'s cold out there!


    YESTERDAY - was great! I believe it was our third annual Illinois Girl Holiday Extravaganza! It was so much fun - but way too short! Jan and bj - a special thanks! Everything was lovely. Plenty of eats and sweets. I missed NOT seeing those who were unable to attend.

    bj - Your special creation was so thoughtful. You put your heart and soul into it! ...GO DE PAUL! dh got his Masters Degree there...perhaps Shelby has been inspired and will end up attending college there!

    And thanks for making Shelby feel so welcome! Can she officially be our Illinois Girl Mascot? Hmmmmmmmmmmm...maybe next year's party can be held in one of three places: at my friend's condo on Marco Island, Las Vegas or a spa in Lake Geneva? Whadda ya think? lol


    Wendrew - how's your eye!? Ouchy.

    Jackie - House of Hope...How Nice! Such a great cause...and so generous of you.


    This morning Shel and I have to work on her science project - YUCK! - but I'm glad I can help her with it. My sister, Shel's Mom, had ankle fusion surgery on Friday. She is still in the hospital. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers...that the surgery is successful. This will be the second one - as the first one - didn't "work". She's facing a long recovery and lots of PT.


    Tomorrow back to the healthy club - I HAVE TO WORK OFF ALL THE GOODIES I ATE YESTERDAY WITH YOU GIRLS!