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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2009

    Wrote a lovely long post, DS came on skype and I didn't go straight back them went to look for something else and lost the while thing. I know I should have saved it but didn't. Have just spent the last hour gathering up clippings from the garden - the garden bag man comes this week and my sister and I had trimmed a whole lot of plants on Friday, then our young neighbour cut our side of the hedge on Saturday so we wanted to get them into the bag.

    It has been very cold here lately, as DS said it is July  and winter in NZ. We have had some very severe weather in the last month many more frosts than usual. We don't get snow here but it certainly felt like it over the weekend. There is heavy snow in other parts of the country. It is a beautiful day today so it was great to get out ion the garden for a while.

    I have to go over and vist DH's mother later as she is in hospital. She is nearly 86 and this is only the second time she has been in hospital other than for the children, even then it was a ' Nursing home' as they were called. She has very low white blood count and liver function is not good. They have found a blood clot in her neck so are treating that but we don't know about the liver. She is most put out by the whole thing especially as she has a very busy week planned. She was working in the Save the Children sho, playing Mah Jong, Line Dancing another day and she had to sort out the library at the retirement village where she lives. However I don't think things are very good.

    We are beginning to plan our trip so will let you all know where we are going. At present its Denver, Indiana and Pensylvania. We hope to spend about two weeks in the US and will fly out of New York to Ireland.

    I have daffodils pushing their heads up and this morning found a crocus flowering.

    Hope you have all had a great weekend


  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited July 2009

    Great to hear from you Alyson.  Sounds like you have been doing much yard work. 

    My DGD has a friend from college that is heading for New Zealand on a vacation trip.  Hmmm.  What kind of tourist activities are there in the Winter?

    I have a nephew living in Denver.  Maybe I can plan a trip there while you are in Denver.  Then I could meet you and Catherine.  Remind me of the dates of your trip.  I would love to meet someof you on  the board.  Put a face with a name.Laughing  Of course Alyson will be on the Eastcoast too.  How about we try for a reunion in Denver while Alyson is there?

    Things are hot and slow here.  I have an appt. with my gynecologist tomorrow morning.  I have neglected my visits with him.  I havenn't been since I was diagnosed with BC.

    I am considering buying a travel trailer.  My son has one and loves it.  He is going to park it in a park in Rockport,TX during the months of Sept. and Oct.  We will be able to go down and stay in it to get an idea if we really like that "life".  Others are very enthusiastic about it.  Lots of retirees travel to Texas in the Winter to "hang out" to escape the cold weather up North.  We call them Winter Texans.

    Thinking of all of you.  I guess everyone is busy.  Leah, I am jealous of the lovely weather you have now.  The winter, not so much. LOL

    Love and hugs to all, Sammie Kay

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2009

    Sammiekay, New Zealand is an adventure holiday paradise especially for young ones, there is so much to do on top of snow sports. Things like caving, whitewater rafting, diving. Young friends from Canada are here now and have had a great time, went rafting, bungey jumping, diving, whale watching and looked at the scenery. A lot still would surf at this time of the year.

    I like the idea of a get together. As I said to Leah on skype I really would like to meet up with my special friends.

    Do wish it was warmer but then I see the daffodils and I do love spring which is not too far away.

    Hope you have all had a great weekend.

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited July 2009

    Hi all...just a quick note before I head off to work to let all of you know I am still around!

     So nice to hear from Alyson - but if you are having spring....I don't want to think about our season changing!   It has been a very cool summer in PA...the tomatoes are not faring well, although I still have lettuce. 

    Have been running as usual with DS & baseball.  His team won the championship Sat now they have a tournament starting Thursday.  And, as if we don't see enough baseball, DH & I went to our Minor League Team (Altoona Curve, a Pirates affiliate) game last eve...there were fireworks afterwards...was fun!

    Well, got to run, as always.

    Love you all!

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Hi, girls... reading everybody's news (including "at Gina's...").  Pat, Marsha, Carynn, hoping you are staying comfortable... Got my blood work back, all normal (although the CA markers are at 10 out of 38, were 5 and 3 the last 2 times... hope it's not a trend, does not seem to worry anybody...). Have a bone scan tomorrow morning to see whether Aromasin is eating up my squeleton in spite of D+Calcium... Considering the weight lifting I do in the garden, I'd be surprised if something is damaged...

    Today is a big day: I mailed my naturalization application!!! The pictures they took at the post office are horrible, I positively look like Jeronimo (in old age already)... at least they'll think I am a native... :-)

    Also got an e-mail from my very first boyfriend who was getting nostalgic about July 20th, 1969, since we watched the moon landing together with family and friends and that was the beginning of our romance (lasted 7 years)... I was almost 17, he was 23... he wrote a very nice little note, I was surprised.

    Today we ate the first green beans from my miniature veggie garden, 10 to be exact... and 4 cherry tomatoes (tiny but good)... Now I am waiting for a female flower to bloom on the zuchini plants, apparently I had only males so far, and as we all know, they do not bear fruit... got the explanation from the garden center guy... :-)

    The rest is coming along but ways to go (tiny cucumbers, the mesclun did well, arugula, too...). Lots of cherry tomatoes to turn red. We eat basil by the handful... The weather is great this year: more rain and heat... I bought 2 raspberry bushes to plant, and more perennials for this Fall (blue asters) and next spring (coral red and yellow lupins), and penstemon (spelling?), lovely coral color, too... lot to do, but days are so short (I am eaten raw by mosquitoes in the mornings and evenings... cut the gardening activities short right there...

    Alyson, I watched a program on New-Zealand on PBS the other day: absolutely magnificent!!! so much beauty, awsome...

    SammieKay, I did not do much massaging... but keeping your notes... I try not to carry all the bark, top soild and compost bags at once anymore ;-) and I vacuum less...

    Well, just wanted to say hi to all... I won't go through every name, but I think of you ALL and send big hugs... TTYL

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2009

    Hi Girls! Stopping in to check on you! How's everyone's summer? It's a hot one here! I think the official temp in Phoenix yesterday was 115, it was 118 at my house. Ahhh, just another day in paradise. ;)

    Work has been crazy busy - but I'm not complaining. Happy to be this busy in such an uncertain econmy. 

    DH and I are still working out each and every nite faithfully. I'm still not happy with the results tho, so we'll probably be changing things up soon. 

    Healthwise, we are well. As I mentioned, I had some issues with my Sjogren's. It flared up like never before. My eyes were terribly swollen, looked like pink eye, but because of other symptoms it was clearly Sjogren's. I'm on Restasis now, which is fabulous. I declined the other drugs offered and have increased my water intake. So far, so good.

    That's about the extent of my excitement. I've definately been an 'early to bed, early to rise' gal. :)

    Have the 6mo. check up coming up next month. As of now, no real concerns, but as always, will be  glad when it's behind me. 

    Good to see you all. Please know that even if I'm not on here everyday, i do think of you everyday and you're always in my thoughts and prayers. Take care everyone. Talk to you soon!

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited July 2009

    HI all,

    Hope this note finds you all healthy and happy.

    That was so cute that an old boyfriend would write to you Catherine.  Wow 40 years ago.

     Your garden sounds wonderful.  Enjoy.

    I, like everyone else, have been busy with work.  My working  partner has been gone for 2 weeks, so I have been working everyday.   The money is nice, but lordy, lordy I am tired.  I am ready to get back to on one and off two or so.

    Like everyone else around the Southwest, it is hot,hot,hot.  And dry as a bone.  Praying for rain.

    Caryn, what is Sjogren's?  Is that when your tears dry up?  Glad your eyes are better.

    Everyone take care.  You are all in my thoughts and prayers.  See you here again soon.

    Love to all, Sammie Kay 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2009

    Hi there

    Wish you could send me some of your summer. Anyway my daffodils are looking great, one lessthan yesterday as Bea grabbed a flower when her Daddy put her down to look at them. I had her yesterday while her Mummy worked. She is growing so fast, still very tiny but she is doing so much and is beginning to say words. First word was 'cat' and now 'up'. Its just so nice that as soon as she comes in she wants to come to me. We will have her again tomorrow afternoon so that her Granddad can have some time with her.

    I have been very busy trying to get this school workbook finished. Should have had it done but on Monday I lost several days work so that set me back. Nevermind will be completed early next week.

    One day last week I spoke to our Church Fellowship group on 'Dealing with Cancer". Talked about how important support was and how the FCC had been so important to me and such an inspiration.  Also got a lot of laughs telling them things people say to you however I know it made one or two think. When I get my writing done I intend to write an article about it so will keep you posted on that. I have become involved with our Breast Cancer Foundation and later on will be doing some educational promotions with them.

    Must get myself moving.DH and I sat up and watched cricket, England playing Australia in  the Ashes Tests. I went to bed about midnight, don't know what time DH came to bed. Here in NZ we support NZ and anyone playing Australia.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I think about you all a lot.



  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited August 2009

    Good morning, all!

    I spent a whirlwind week in Virginia last week with Mom, two brothers, all their families and some friends. It was beastly hot compared to MA, and very tiring. I am glad I don't live too close!

    Alyson, I am so intrigued by all your activities. The work you are doing to educate people on the more practical aspects of dealing with cancer and gently helping to correct how people react to us is priceless.

    And yes, I want to try and plan a Denver reunion. If we have an idea of the dates, we will get on potentially finding a place where we can all congregate! Let us know the week you are thinking about, Alyson!

    I have been pretty busy taking care of some estate planning stuff. No, not because I feel death is "imminent", but because I don't want to leave people a mess to sort out. It is also true that about 80% of these plans fail because the followup to retitling your assets, etc. is a MAJOR PAIN in the rear and takes forever. Every single account needs paperwork. I am beginning to think I could run a business just to do this for people! Anyway, I am almost finished and certainly having the internet has helped enormously since a lot of the forms you need are available at each institution's web site. So not too bad, just tons of paperwork, I am out of practice! But I do encourage each of you to think about getting your accounts in order, especially if you don't own them jointly with someone.

    Also looking for work.. hate that. Some of the opportunities involve travel to China and such, and I truly don't know how I feel about that.

    Beach today, I hope!  And some interesting day trips next week in the Boston area. One never thinks about going close to home, but I think I have found some fun things to do that won't require major travel!

    Hope everyone is staying cool or warm (as appropriate), are breathing, and just enjoying each day! Love you.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2009

    Hi all

    Just feeling a little low today.Saw the BS a month ago and all was well. On Saturday noticed a small peasized lump about 3inches below my collarbone on my 'bad' side. Saw the GP today. She doesn't know what it is and feels its too deep for her to cut out so I have to go back to the BS but can't get an appointment until the 13th. GP did say that if some- one else had come in with it she would say - don't worry leave it for a while and see what happens.

    Leah, will let you know when we have definite plans, we have long discussions about where we want to go but haven't got down to details yet. That probably won't be until later in the year. Good deals for flights come up nearer the time.

    Hope you all had a great weekend. It was alittle warmer here but the forecast for tomorrow is for it being cooler again. The magnolia is just beginning to flower and the days are getting that bit longer.


  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited August 2009

    Hi all....

    Alyson, I sure hope the BS gives you some reassurance!   Hopefully he can biopsy it quickly and ease your mind.   Bea sounds like such a joy...surely worth losing a daffodil over!

    Caryn, hope you are feeling better and your eyes are more comfortable.   I know with my hard lenses, I just can't stand anything bothering my eyes.  Sounds like you are toasty warm and glad you have a pool to enjoy.

    SammieKay, I sympathize with you about work.   One of my teammates took her required 2 weeks off these last 2 weeks.  Thank goodness she was back today.   I worked 10 hour days both weeks....5 days and 6 days.  I think I slept most of Saturday & Sunday.   I was exhausted.   I think there should be a law against it!  ha ha...once you are in management it doesn't matter.

    Leah.  you must be busy!   Paperwork is draining.  And yes,, we should all get things in order.  That includes everyone.   You don't know how many people I come across in my work at the bank, who don't have wills, powers of attorney, guardians named for their children etc.   People just don't want to think about it.   Good for you for being proactive!   By the way, the beach sounds wonderful and relaxing!

    Catherine,  how jealous I am of your garden.  PA has been struck with potato and tomato blight.  My tomatoes are okay at the moment, but are very slow to ripen.    My cucumbers are doing great and I made 7 quarts of dill pickles so far.  Still eating lettuce, although it is starting to bolt in the heat, but that is late.    have lots of zucchini and spaghetti squash.   DH grilled some zucchini - drizzle olive oil and seasoning and grill....mmmmmm  :)

    Today is our 29th Wedding Anniversary.   Where have the years gone?   Our youngest will be a senior in High School this year.  I just can't believe it.  

    Well....I am also IMing my great aunt at the same time....she is 94 and is playing bridge on line.   Hope I can be like her when I hit 94!

    Love you all.....Marsh and Pat , if you are out there, big hugs (((((Marsha & Pat))))))

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited August 2009

    Happy Anniversary, Terry! Hope you had a nice evening to celebrate and reminisce... We ate the 1 ripe raspberry yesterday, trying to get to it before birds and squirrels... the wind gusts here are brutal to the zuchini plant... the fruit is showing only now, ways to go... it is a tiny urban garden... it's decorative and fun, but it's a good thing Whole Food is 5 minutes away... ;-)

    Nice to read everybody's news... Bragged to Alyson on Skype yesterday since I had finished a fairly nice sock (Irish pattern)... have the second one to do, though... but I have work to do first. I will be testing at home the French user interface for a brachytherapy treatment planning software. The same I did in California on a linac, but this team is able to prepare everything so we can work at home... much better. 

    I am up earlier than usual so I'll' take Toby to the park while it is still cool... Afternoons are getting hot again after a British July (everything is lush and green, very nice... very little watering to do this year so far).

    Thinking of you all and sending you friendly hugs.


  • misspell
    misspell Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2009

    Girls, Ladies,

    What an amazing surprise to find you all still here after 2 1/2 years. I joined this group on Feb 6, 2007! I did not stick with it for long, but the impact you all had on my treatments/recovery was immense.

    I don't think there is anyway I could possibly catch up to all that has gone on with all of you. It is very nice to see your pictures and names again.

    I just completed a very tough PTSD BUMP and tried to find solace in my online and inlife social groups. I am a Christian and GOD gets it, but my Church Peeps don't. :)

    Nobody really gets it 'cept us. So I am BACK!

    It was very reassuring to log back in under my original name and discover some of the posts from Feb 2007, my picture without hair, and many of YOU!

    In hindsight, i could have saved myself some grief if I had stayed at it....ka sara sara.

    Glad to realize the importance of our

    Good to see you all, :)


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2009

    Morning all.

    Hi Sharon pleased you dropped back in. Some of use have stayed and for me it has been one of the things that has kept me going and have made some great friends along the way.

    Catherine, hows the sock? Have you finished the second one yet? I just sent the first draft to the editor so very releaved, have a few things to pick up and finish this morning.

    It is a dull day today after a beautiful weekend and the daffodils look so bright and cheery. 

    Marsha, Pat, Phyl, Hillary, Dian what are you up to, think of you every day and hope all is going well.

    Caryn how are the eyes?  SammieKay has it cooled down any? 

    Leah hope you are not working too hard. Leah I think you must leave your computer on all night because I see you are there at all strange hours.I am impressed with your organising things. Its something that needs to be done in this household.

    Bigs hugs to all our FCCs. I had a look back after I saw Sharon's post and wonder where they are now


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited August 2009


    I am up at about 4:30 a.m. EST and go to bed about 9 p.m. EST, so I bet those are really strange hours to you!!!!!! :)

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited August 2009

    Welcome back Sharon.  What is PTSD BUMP?  Pardon my ignorance.  I must go back and read some of your posts to refresh my memory. 

    Yes, I agree with Alyson.  I too have found some wonderful friends here on FCCers.  There have been ups and downs, but we are always here for each other.

    Happy Anniversary Terry and congratulations.  I so admire those who make it for the long haul.  I had 28 years with my first and this year Mike and I will celebrate 20 years. 

    Alyson, please be sure and let us know about your "bump".  Hope it turns out to be nothing of significance.

    I am in Houston staying for 6 days with my 16 y/o grandson while DD and SIL take DGD back to college.  He has band everyday and I will deliver him at 8 am and pick him up at 4 pm.  In between times I will read and ride herd on 2 cats and one dog.  I intend to catch up on some reading.

    I am planning a trip to Atlanta and Chapel Hill the last week of Oct and the first 17 days of Nov.  Hope that doesn't turn out to be the get together in Denver.

    I scheduled my revision of reconstruction for Sept. 8.  I will take two weeks off from work.  The PS said I would need to be careful of lifting or much use of arms for 3 weeks.  He says I can go to work after one week, but I am going on the conservative side.  I don't want to have anymore surgery after this one.  He says I will look not just better but a lot better.  I just want to be comfortable.  This implant riding up in my armpit is really uncomfortable.

    Leah, you inspired me to get started on new wills for my husband and I.  Ours were written when his daughters were about 4 and 7.  They are now 32 and 29.  Very outdated.  We don't have an estate so to speak, but need to sort out things among the 4 of my children and 2 of his.  My ex died without a will and his wife of 4 years disappeared with everything.  My children didn't even get sentimental things.  I don't want that to happen to them again. 

    I am thinking about and wondering how Pat, Marsha, Diann, Phyl, Hillary, and everyone is doing.Hugs to all.

    Hugs and big smiles for Catherine, Caryn,Alyson,Leah,Melanie,Terry,and welcome back sharon.

    Catherine, what is Gina's?  I was just wondering.

    Love to all, Sammie Kay

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited August 2009

    Hi all! Whassup?? :)

    DH & I have been crazy busy, so I haven't been around much. We've been trying to help a family member who's having a really hard time right now. Between that, work, and still working out, my computer time has been sorely compromised! ;)

    SammyKay - How are you? Is everything still on for the recon? Do keep us posted, you know how we worry! To answer your question, Sjogren's is an autoimmune disease. A number of people who have RA also have it. Basically the immune system begins attaching the moisture-producing glands. Mainly the symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth, but it can also mess with other organs such as the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, blood vessels, lungs, liver, pancreas, and the central nervous system. Sigh... But I'm doing well now. The eye drops have been a godsend. :)

    Alyson - That is really awesome that you spoke on "Dealing with Cancer." Public speaking is so hard, but this is such an important topic. Big kudos to you. Have you started the article yet? Oops, just read further and see that you have. Can you post a copy? Would love to see it.

    Leah - You've been such the "world traveler" lately! How's things going on the job front? It's such a tough time to be looking, but while IT has been impacted, a lot of areas are still going strong. Sending you good wishes to find just what you are looking for. You deserve it!

    Terry - Hi there! Yes the weather here has been extreme; but by definition that's just summer in Phoenix! ;) I wouldn't trade it tho. Love coming home and jumping in the pool. It's the perfect end to a perfect day! BTW - Happy Anniversary! Our 28th was the end of June. I'm with you, don't know where the time went.

    Catherine - Thought of you this weekend. DH and I went to see Julie & Julia, the movie about the girl who cooked her way thru Julia Childs "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," and of course, Julia Child. I really enjoyed it. The best parts of the move are about Julia. I think you'd enjoy it! I'm going to go look for Julia's memoir's now. :)

    Sharon - Hi there! Welcome back!! I had the opportunity to meet some of the San Diego lunch girls. Many of them told me that their groups on BCO disbanded. I really hope that doesn't happen to our little group. I know we're only down to a few, but hopefully we'll all stay in touch, even if we some day move to a email group or something.... Sending you hugs and please let us help. (((Sharon)))

    Well, time to call it a night. I think of you everyday, and sending hugs to all. Love youse!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2009

    Took this yesterday when DD dropped Bea in while she had her hair done.  

     Catherine my knitting is on the chair behind her. I had better get on with editing - what a job.

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited August 2009

    Alyson....I just want to pick her up and squeeze her!   She is sooo adorable.  Lucky you!

    Sharon...welcome back!   Don't know either what PTSD BUMP is....Hope you are doing well.

    It has been hot and muggy the last few days.   I have been getting some cherry tomatoes but no big juicy ones yet.  

    Getting DD  ready to go back to college.   I am painting a vanity table for her to match her room in the with a white drawer and stenciled zebra stripes on the drawer.   Her quilt is zebra stripes!    I made her some throw pillows for their living room.   So I am keeping busy as usual. 

    Work is much better now that the vacationers are back.   Thank heavens.   I thought I was going to drop!

    Love you all!

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited August 2009

    Hi all!!

    Alyson - Little Bea is just gorgeous!! She's grown so much! 

    Terry - Your paining sounds adventerous! DH is the handy one here!

    I dont want to speak for Sharon, but I think what she's refering to is -  PTDS = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder......

    Calling it a night - see you soon! :) 

  • misspell
    misspell Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2009

     Yes ...Commando  are post trauma stress disorder.....BCO is probably not the best place to allude to it as a "bump". Maybe I should've said whoop dee doop.

    Of course when I am sailing through the air on a ptsd throng, I generally don't have my normal good sense of humor. :)

    The chemo 2 years ago really threw me into an angry empty mad slump and I was not in the mood to talk to anyone. I did return to BCO for a little while a year later.

    Many times I thought of you all, kept you in my prayers and considered you my troop of sisters. It's very good to see you all have developed such a supportive sisterhood.

    And....I am feeling MUCH better.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2009

    Hi all

    Just back from the BS. Have CAT scan tomorrow, possible bone scan next week, lump is being removed next Thursday morning. BS doesn't like the look of it but thinks I have done a great job finding it so quickly. Very pragmatic about the whole thing and said we will look at what we do next when we know exactly what it is. She is a lovely young women and I have a great deal of faith in her.

    I had great fun telling her I knew all about her weekend, which I heard about from my lovely neighbours who were at the same reunion. It was great to laugh but must admit i do feel just a wee bit aprehensive about things.

    I should be doing editing but my brain is not functioning very well just now - will get on to it later.

    Think I might do some knitting for a while then try to do some work.


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited August 2009

    Oh Alyson. We are here waiting with you. Your BS is right, and I am thrilled you have faith in her.



  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited August 2009


    keeping my fingers crossed for B9... knitting is a great stress reliever while waiting.  Are you going to be under general anesthesia or local only?  You are so right to get rid of this thing so quickly (you found it 10 days or so ago, right?).  If you need another pair of eyes to proof your text, let me know... I am doing a lot of that myself...

    TTYL (see Leah, I am a quick learner... :-)  )

    Waving and sending hugs to all... we are busy enjoying the summer here, working too, but taking lots of breaks...

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited August 2009

    I have been checking here often waiting to hear from you, Alyson.  I will be holding my breath and praying lots.  Hope everything turns out NEGATIVE.

    Bea is precious.  Looks just a little like her Grandmum.  What a doll she is.

    Hang in there and know we are all here for you and waiting anxiously for news.


    Love, Sammie Kay

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2009

    It might be a dull day but I have to smile when I look at my garden.  Thanks you fellow FCCers. I know you are all there Will have my Bea to make me feel really good after the CAT scan tomorrow..

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited August 2009

    Alyson;  I am certainly thinking of you...what a week you will have next week.  The garden looks lovely and I hope it helps those stress levels go down.  Bea is such a sweetie!  A big grandmotherly hug to her from me  Kiss

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited August 2009
    Hello All!

    Alyson - I still say that is such an adorable picture of Bea! She's sure grown! Have you heard from the BS? Been thinking of you and keeping you close in thoughts and prayers.

    Sharon - I understand what you mean. I read somewhere where PTSD is really common among cancer Survivors. I think even folks who came out the other side with out it can relate to that sudden dread that will occasionally just pop in out of no where leaving us with that WTH feeling! I'm so happy to hear that you're doing much better now! Big hugs to you (((SHARON)))

    Leah - Anything new and exciting on the job front?

    Catherine - So nice to see you!

    SammieKay - How are YOU?

    Melanie - Miss you! Hope you and yours are well.

    Will be checking back on Alyson soon. Hugs and love to all.

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited August 2009

    Alyson I'm praying all your test come out fine and so glad your Bea is such a ray of sunshine for you.  Your plants are great as well!  All my grass and my flowers beds succumbed to this terrible Texas heat even though I gave it all I could to keep it going. 

    Sorry I haven't posted here lately but I'm dealing with now bone mets to left hip AND right knee and the pain is awful.  Hopefully rads treatments will start next week to give me some relief. In the meantime I have Percocet to keep it in check.
    Can't walk well at all and I was still on chemo that will now be put on hold during rads.  So lately my world isn't anything I want to bring to this wonderful group of ladies I started out with. You all are doing so well and I do keep up with you. Continued good health to all of you and once again Alyson, I pray that everything will turn out well.  Stay as positive as you can!

    Love, Pat

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2009

    Hi Pat (((((((((Pat))))))))))))) Gently so as not to hurt. Pleased you dropped by as I think about you daily.

    Feeling a bit low, this has hit me much harder than when I was originally dx. Also CAT scan lady has got me really worried as she said I must make an appointment to see the surgeon again. Told her I was seeing her Thursday anyway. Not sure that I can hang on til then. I just can't stop crying today.

    Poor Bea I think wondered why Gran was not playing so much today but we did have a lovely cuddle and she slept in my arms for an hour.

    Its nearly 4 and I have just realised that I haven't had any lunch so better go and find something.

    We are supposed to be in for a really stormy weekend, already some of the daffodils are leaning over so I might have to pick some of them.
