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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited September 2007

    katymom, I sent you a private message with a VERY long answer to your question.


  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited September 2007

    how's everyone doing? it's been a bit dead lately on this whole board. I started radiation yesterday, so far it is not so bad. I do hate being on the table naked (at least on top) while people walk around adjusting you and taking pictures to make sure the marks are correct! hope everyone has a great weekend!


  • Carolina59
    Carolina59 Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2007

    Hi Leslie,

    I'm glad the first radiation wasn't too bad. It must be hard to feel so exposed on the table. I guess I'm "lucky" that I don't need radiation after the chemo. I did have to have a double mastectomy (cancer on both sides), but no positive nodes.

    I go for my 3rd (of 6) chemo txs this Thurs. Halfway through. Can't wait to get the chem over with. Then I can finish reconstruction and move on to next year. It's got to be a better year.



  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited September 2007

    HI Carolina,

    Hang in there, you're almost halfway done with chemo. Even though I'm tired on radiation, it's way better than chemo. Within 3 weeks of being done with chemo, you will feel great!


  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited September 2007

    Hi girls,,,,,,,,,,good to hear everyone is doing well.  4 weeks since my last and final chemo and feeling good.  Started rads a week ago and its a breeze.  Feels kinda strange to go do radiation and not feel anything,,,,,,I'm used to feeling something,  lol.  I still go for the herceptin every 3 weeks but thats a piece of cake also.  I did the Race for the Cure yesterday,,,,,,ok,,,,,,so I only walked the 1 mile,,,,,but hey,,,,I got out and got myself motivated.  lol   I used to be able to do a 6 mile walk,,,,,,,,,,so seemed a little depressing for me not to be able to go more than a mile,,,,,but guess I just need to be patient, huh?

    Take care all,,,,,,,,and keep up the good work ladies.  We are almost done.  And for those of you that arent done with chemo yet,,,,,,,,,,,be patient,,,,,it will all be over before you know it.


  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2007


    I just got started with my radiation so I'll be a week behind you!  So far, so good.  It seemed scarier to me than the chemo for some reason!  Isn't that ridiculous after all we've been through with the chemo!

  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2007


    Glad your radiation is going I think it is great you did a mile.  I have been trying to walk about a mile every day and I know what you mean--that mile is a lot farther than it used to be!  It is nice being done with chemo.....hope the radiation doesn't get too bad!

  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited September 2007

    Hey katymom,

    radiation is going well. it's been one week so far, and so far no problems except a bit fatigued. My energy level was back to normal prior to starting radiation, and within a couple of days, I am feeling tired again. nowhere near as bad as chemo though so that's good. i'm trying to walk a mile a day also, and it was so hard at first, but it is getting easier. I did a trial workout with a personal trainer yesterday and now all my muscles are sore!

    hope eveyone has a great weekend. I look forward to the weekends even more now because it means no radiation!


  • Carolina59
    Carolina59 Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2007

    Hi all,

    3rd of 6 TCH yesterday. Halfway there--except as my dh says not yet halfway through the side effects which usually hit me on Sun, Mon, etc.

    So far today feeling okay. Took my 2 1/2 y.o. daughter to her twos program today. She's loving school, which is great to see. Yesterday I told her I was going to the doctor for my medicine. She said, "and when you get your booboos off we'll nurse again." I had a double mastectomy--discovered in right breast while she was still nursing (thought it was a blocked milk duct, turned out to be a 10 cm tumor--mostly DCIS, but 1.2 cm IDC--then they found DCIS in the left breast, too, so both came off).

    DD is still adjusting to all the changes with her Mommy. But she's doing pretty well. Very sad that we had such an abrupt ending to her nursing. Not what we had hoped for her in terms of weaning. But life has a way of interfering with the best laid plans--as all of us on this board know.

    Best to all,


  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited September 2007

    Hey Leslie:

    I've had 3 days of radiation and I'm really tired too.  I've had a stomach ache for 2 days and wondered if that was the radiation or a bug or something.  I was feeling great until after radiation #2 and then the fatigue hit.  I haven't been walking much at all this week.  I had lost 7 pounds in the last couple of weeks and was hoping to continue that, but I guess not.  Are you putting anything on after radiation?  Next week we're supposed to look at the skin, look at the markings, and take new films.  I'm still not sure I understand all of this yet!  Glad it is going well.....\\

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited September 2007

    hey girls,,,,,,,,,,,,ok seriously?  How long before the hair comes back?  its been 5 weeks since my final chemo and all I see is scalp, scalp and more scalp.  I have a few stragglies on the head but where is the rest?  omg,,,,,,,,,,,wouldnt that be awful if my hair never grows back?  My eyelashes started coming out after my last treatment,,,,,,,,,I no sooner said "Gee,,,,,,i havent lost hardly any eyelashes" then they all started falling out like crazy. No underarm or leg or "down there hair",,,,,,,which I could care less if that ever comes back,,,,,,,,,but omg

    I need the hair on my head and eyelashes back.  Somebody tell me it takes a while,,,,,,,,,so I dont get all bummed out and crazy.  lmao

    Radiation is going fine,,,,,,,,into my third week tomorrow.  Havent experienced any burns or anything.  So much more easier than chemo thats for sure.  Its just the doing it every day that is a drag. Hope you all are doing good.  Hang in there Carolina,,,,,,,,,,,you are almost done,,,,,,,,,,to the halfway point,,,,,,,yeah for you.

    Heading out to the gym,,,,,,,,,,,gotta work on the energy level,,,,,,,,,,,its baby steps,,,,,,,,but thats ok with me.  I'm trying to learn to be patient.  lol 

    Have a great day all


  • EGAL
    EGAL Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2007


      Had last chemo on May 15th and hair began growing around July 1st.  Eyelashes and brows hung on until 3rd (out of 4) Taxotere.  Hair is now growing in thick but wavy, kinky, gray and different on each side, top and back.  Eyelashes are back but brows are very thin, I don't think they are returning.Frown  Just yesterday I went out without my wig but felt like everyone was looking at my strange hair.  I couldn't wait for my hair and now it is a disaster Wink

  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited September 2007

    carolina-hang in there, you will get through this! Your daughter sounds adorable!

    Katymom- glad to hear that radiation is going well.  I'm using a gel that the nurses gave me several times a day, but I'm noticing that my breast is becoming a bit pink around the areola. i hope I don't burn too badly. I'm the kind of person that sunburns easily.

    Cindy- I think you are about 1 week ahead of me in radiation, I'm glad you are doing well. As far as my hair goes, the head on my hair is growing back slowly, but you can still see my scalp so I still have to wear my wig or scarf. I lost some of my eyebrows, especially inner part of each, so I have to powder them in or else it looks like my eyebrows start further in and it looks weird. The hair under my armpits and my unwanted facial hair is growing back in. my leg hair and pubic hair have yet to grow in which is fine with me!

    egal- thank you for the hair time line, I am counting the days until I can go outside without a wig or scarf.

    hope everyone else is doing well. I'm  working out with a personal trainer twice a week, but I am only able to do it for about 30 minutes because I'm so out of shape from chemo. I'm also walking about 1.5 miles a day. I've lost about 5 pounds since the end of chemo but I still have sooo much to lose. I'd say I'm still 10 pounds heavier than when I started chemo, and I was slightly overweight at that point. My goal is to get down to the weight i was at my wedding, which was 2.5 years ago!


  • janet11
    janet11 Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2007

    Gad, I sure wish mine was thick (*sigh*).  I finished TCH mid January 2007 and now, 8 months later, my hair is still too short and thin to cut or style.  I'm seriously wondering if it's ever going to come back so it looks 'normal'.

    Before anyone else worrys, my hair is normally very fine and a bit thin, especially after 2 years on various interferons 7 years ago for Hepatitis.  They also caused my hair to thin -- especially in the areas that are still very sparse.  I'm wondering if that AND the chemo have  wrecked my hair follicles (am going to a dermatologist to find out).

    I hate wigs, but if this goes on much longer, I'm going to have to get one. I'm starting to get tired of being mistaken for a man (an old pudgy one (*laugh*)).  It doesn't help that I have a naturally low voice (*grin*).

    I've been hoping that being on Herceptin until May simply delayed things....

    Good luck all of you on TCH.  I found it was very doable.  The worse side effect was what it did to my taste buds, but all that came back!!!


  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2007

    Hi girls,,,,,,,,,,,sounds like everyone is doing good.  Into my third week of radiation and feeling really good.  I have no skin irritations at all.  Well not so far,,,,,,,,but that could change huh?  I dont feel any more tired than I did before either.  I actually went to the gym the other day and walked a whole,,,,,,,drum roll please,,,,,,,,,1 1/2 miles,,,,,,and did some other exercises too. 

    Carolina,,,,,,,,,hang in there girl,,,,,,,,,,,there is light at the end of the tunne.

    I babysit my grandson on Wed. Thur. and Fridays,,,,,,and now when I look back on it I wonder how I did that when I was on chemo.  I just did cause I had to,,,,,,,,and at that time he wasnt crawling yet,,,,,,,,,lol   Now he is just crawling all over the place and keeps this granny hopping.  He is 8 months old and just the most adorable lil guy in the world.  I so enjoy watching him,,,,,,,,he's my lil buddy.  lol

    Leslie,,,,,,,,glad you are doing well.  We, I think, started our chemo and everything just about the same time.  Still waiting for the significant hair growth though.   I had a dream the other night that when I woke up I had 3 inches of hair.  Funny huh?

    Katy,,,,,,,,,glad things are going well for u too.  You, me and Leslie are very close in treatments huh?

    Have a great week all................


  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2007

    Okay are a couple of questions....I went to have a pet scan 4 weeks after chemo before radiation.  I haven't talked to my oncologist yet, but the report indicates an area in the "right hilar region with SUV of 6.5 corresponding to a partially calcified hilar node seen on the CT scan--most likely inflammatory granuloma"....Anyone run across anything like this?  I was just wondering if I should be worrying.

    Also, prior to the pet scan my glucose level was 227 mg/dl in my arm, but they retook it with a finger prick and it was 95.......

    Anyone run across anything like this?

    I haven't started burning from radiation yet.  I burn easily so not sure what to expect.  Cindy and Leslie--how is radiation going for you?  It will be great to all finish at the same time!  Are you guys doing the Christmas card thing listed on this site?


  • sarahlouise
    sarahlouise Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2007

    Hi I am new to this site and found all your messages very helpful.  I went for my #5 treatment yesterday of TCH but I had gain weight due to fluid retention and have slight tingling in my feet, so my onc has postponed my treatment until next week.  I have heard that the tingling is damaged nerve endings and I am worried that this will remain after chemo has finished.  Will the fluid retention just go aswell feel very puffed up.


  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited October 2007

    Katymom- don't know what to make of  your Petscan, but I wouldn't worry too much until you talk with your oncologist. doesn't sound like cancer to me. Maybe from an old infection you never knew you had that has healed on it's own and you are just seeing the scar tissue left. Radiation is going okay, I'm getting  more and more tired but don't know if it is from a cold that is going around or if it is from radiation. My skin is getting red and tan, but no blistering yet. thank god. We'll see how it goes.

    Hi Sarah- welcome to the site. Did your dr give you anything for the fluid retention, like lasix? My oncologist said that taxotere causing fluid retention and that the decadron actually prevents fluid retention in your arms and legs. The fluid should go away eventually. Hang in there, you will make it through. I gained weight with chemo but unfortunately it was fat and not water like I hoped it was! I thought for certain when chemo was done I would lose all this water weight and be thin again but nope, turns out i have to work to lose the weight!

    Janet- it's good to hear from you. i've missed your posts lately!

    Cindy- I know what you mean about the hair, I've had more dreams lately about my hair than I've ever had in my entire life.



  • lg123
    lg123 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2007

    I had TCH #5 last Thurs and am starting to bounce back.  The fatigue was worse of course and the side effects change  a little each more to go! I craved watermellon so bad I broke the no fresh fruits  rule. So far so good. 

    Sometimes I think about my lack of hair but mostly I think about eating  food  that tastes normal again. My tatse buds are totally messed up.

    Cindy, Leslie and Kateymom----can you eat salads and raw foods? 

    Sarah and Leslie--- Since the third treatment, I've had tingling and numbness in my feet and it's worse right after treatment. The decadron reduces the swelling for me but as soon as I come off of it on day 3 I can feel the fluid returning on my surgery side. It's a weird feeling. I wonder if I am always going to have a bit of fluid because of the lymph node removal.......Anyway,  I've only gained a pound but I look really flabby and I swear my face is much rounder. Who is that person in the mirror?

    Hey Janet--Yes, a pudgy old man...I think he was staring back at me this morning.

    Glad to hear the radiation is going well for everyone. I really enjoy reading all the posts.


  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2007

    Leslie2:  I know some people go ahead and eat the raw stuff like salads.  Most of the doctors here in Houston recommend against least days 8-12.  I didn't take a chance.  Several women I know did and ended up sick.  It has to do with your white counts.  Salad was the first thing I added back to my diet and now I have at least 1-2 per day! I did eat watermelon and other melons without any problems--I assume because of their thick skin.  I even cooked lightly bananas so I could have them. Good luck with the food thing.  I think it's better to be safe and just get through the chemo with as few problems as possible.

  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2007

    Sarah:  Welcome to this oncologist said to expect the tingling of hands and feet because of the taxotere.  Other people I know did have it.  I guess I was lucky.  I was told that it would go away when you are done with chemo, but it may take a few months...Good luck...

    Leslie:  Thanks for the encouragement!  I feel better today.  I look forward to getting more info, but have just decided to RELAX!  (A hard thing to do at this point!)....Hope you have a great weekend.


  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2007

    ok quick question girls.  I am almost 6 weeks post my last chemo,,,,,,am doing radiation now,,,,but for the past couple of days my arms have been itching like crazy.  Has anyone experienced this post chemo?  I havent changed anything in my daily routine,,,,,,,,so not sure if its chemo related.  Could it be the chemo is somehow still coming out of my system and is irritating my skin?  Sounds like a totally dumb question now that I see it in print.  Sorry bout that.  Let me know if anyone else is experiencing this.



  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited October 2007

    Hi Cindy-The iching sounds annoying. I have not had that,are you using a different detergent, soap or lotion compared to normal? I would mention it to your oncologist and radiation oncologist and see if they have any input. hope it goes away soon!

    I caught a cold this weekend. I managed to avoid one during chemo so this is the first time I've been sick since being diagnosed. I just say my oncologist friday and was told my counts were fine so my immune system should be okay, but still. I never used to think twice about a cold but now I freak out! I called the oncology fellow on call to run it by him, and he said I would be fine. It's weird to call people I know well about stuff like this, but oh well. I can't let the awkwardness stand in my way of getting the health care I need.

    Hope everyone is having a better weekend than me. Uh I have to go to radiation tomorrow morning at 7am. I can't wait to be done with radiation.


  • sarahlouise
    sarahlouise Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2007

    Thanks for all your comments I did feel not so bloated over the weekend.  I have a muga scan booked for today, and then hopefully my #5 chemo Wednesday.


  • lwy
    lwy Member Posts: 116
    edited October 2007

    Leslie2-you are so close to being done. congrats. hang in there. I know the last few treatments were the hardest on me emotionally and physically but you will get through it. do you have to get radiation afterwards? if so,it's soo much easier than chemo, although you do get sick of going there almost everyday. I avoided fresh veggies and fruit(except those with thick skin) during chemo most of the time, there were a couple of exceptions when I went to someone's house for dinner and didn't want it to be a big deal. luckily, i didn't have any problems from it. so the first thing I did once my counts recovered was to eat sushi and fruit and salads! I crave fruit now.


  • Carolina59
    Carolina59 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2007


    I've only had 3 tx so far, but I still eat fresh fruits and veggies. I also crave watermelon. I guess I figure since I'm getting the Neulasta shot after every tx that I don't have to worry about it. Maybe I'm wrong?

    My taste buds seem to recover the 2nd and 3rd week after tx. It's only the first week after that certain foods taste really funky.

    Only one more to go for you! I can't wait to be there.


    Dx 5/31/07, DCIS left, IDC right (multifocal, largest 1.2cm), Stage I, grade 3, 0/12 nodes, ER+/PR+ HER2+++, bilateral mast. 6/26/07, started TCH 8/16/07
  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2007

    hey girlies.  Anyone know what happened to Aimster?  I havent seen a post from her in a long time.  I am hoping all is going well with her and thats why we havent seen her here.  And Lou too,,,,,,the gal who started the thread.

    Into my fourth week of radiation.  Has anyone had any skin irritations from radiation yet?  My skin above my left breast seems a little sensitive and also under my breast it seems red and irritated.  During the really hot weather I got a rash under both breasts and used the cream for athletes feet that my doctor suggested, and it went away.  But the area under the left breast seems very dark and a little red and irritated in some areas.  Could that be from the radiation?  I guess I was thinking that the skin irritation from radiation would be on the breast and not under the breast.  I see the onc rad every Wed so I will ask him then, but was just wondering how everyone else was doing with radiation.

    Had my herceptin yesterday,,,,,,,,,,,a walk in the park.  Life is so much better now that chemo is over with.

    Have a great day all,

    Chin up and take care of yourselves


    ps.............why is it that I am 6 weeks past my last chemo and I am still losing eyelashes?  This sucks,,,,,,,I probably have like 5 left on each eyelid.  I would think since I'm this much farther past my last chemo that I wouldnt be losing them.  Good lord. 

  • lg123
    lg123 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2007

    Hi everyone,

    One more week to my last treatment. I am excited. I went back to work on Monday and I am working 8 hour days. Boy am I tired when I get home.  I wore a scarf to work yesterday and someone greeted me with "Ahoy Matey".  Normally that wouldn't have bothered me but yesterday I felt annoyed by the insensitivity........

    Katymom--I went to a chemo education class before I started and they said salad greens and fresh fruit, except for apples, were  risky. I do wash the watermellon rind before I cut into it. Don't know if that helps or not but so far, so good. I'm with you, better safe than sorry.

    Leslie--I hope you aren't feeling too bad with your cold. 7AM radiation sessions must be a drag.  I am going to have to drive through  bad traffic to  get to the center so I was thinking about trying a lunchtime session. Don't even know if that's possible yet.

    Carolina--I don't get Neulasta. My white cells go really low but so far I have only had one problem--a UTI. 

    Well, I am starting week three and I feel almost normal.  Knowing that the last treatment is just around the corner is such a boost.  I understand that everyone is different but I really struggled after treatments 2 and 3. I'll be skipping into the treatment room for #6.


  • katymom
    katymom Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2007

    Leslie:  How is the radiation going......I'm turning a little pink but I can actually FEEL it during the treatment--weird.  So far no real burning.  What kind of cream are you using?  I can't wait to be done with all of this.....such a pain driving to the radiation everyday...Hope you are well...

    Cindy:  Hope you are doing better....has the rash cleared up... I had something under my breast, too, but thought it was my sports bra.  Do you just have 2 more weeks?  I think I have three.  Can't wait!  You Leslie and I will finish close to the same time! 

    Leslie2:  I got Neulasta after every treatment and still did not eat raw things.....the one time I did, I got sick at my stomach, so I figured why chance it....The only raw fruits I ate were watermelon and cantaloupe.  It gives you something to look forward to and it is not that long.  I have been living on salads since being done with chemo!  Hope all is going well for you.  Do you have to have radiation next or will you be done?  Good luck.


  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2007

    Hi girls,,,,,,,,,,

    Well it sounds that those of us doing radiation are gonna finish around the same time.  I am into my 4th week and have a total of 7.  So over half way done.  Katy,,,,,,I agree,,,,,,,just having to do that everyday is a pain,,,,,but sure way better than chemo huh?  I just started out a couple of days ago with the irritation above the breast and under the breast its getting pretty red and sore.  She told me to put neosporin on under the breast when the skin breaks,,,,,,which I noticed this morning has,,,,,yuck.  And above the breast where the irritation is to put hyrdorcortison cream on to help with the itching and put Miaderm on the entire breast.  The fun never stops huh?

    As far as the itching on my arms.........I havent changed any soaps or lotions or anything,,,,,,,and if it was detergent or soap I would think I would have itching elsewhere too.  Sooooooooo  I am a wondering if the itching on my arms is coming from new hairs growing there.  What do you think?  Was just a thought.  Who knows.  I forgot to mention it to my onc when I went for my herceptin on Monday,,,,,,so thought if it continued I would either call the onc or just wait till my next herceptin day.......unless it driiiiiiiiiives me totally crazy by then.  lol

    Hope all is going well for everybody.  Sure sounds like it.  Thats great news.

    Have a great day all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Cindy