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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011
    Okay! Okay!  I'll do it. Will set up a facebook account sometime this week.  Will let everyone know when it is ready to go.
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! no pressure though lol! let me know I will pm you my real name .. no no no it is not Tinkertude! lol!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Tinker - I figured that out.  I am going to set up a private acct.  Don't want my assistant manager to find me.  She is nosey enough as it is.  Also, a ready pain in the rear.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited February 2011


    YEAH!  Glad to see my sistahs on Facebook.  I'm not on as much these days.  I hang out on FB most of the time...


  • EastCoastGrl
    EastCoastGrl Member Posts: 206
    edited February 2011

    I'm on FB too Jo!! ;) Sign up!

    Well, I am still not on full dose but I am hungry ALL the time! What the heck? No weight gain yet though. And, I am having an awful time lately with word retrieval...driving me crazy...and forgetfulness. Worse then before.

    Also, I feel very irritable...... alot. :( Not a good thing. Always very intuned to my "cycle" and where I am in it....knowing when to expect to be feeling anxious....or irritable or great, etc. But, since starting T I feel off? Just all mixed in and up...irritable then feel great and good then bam (and I mean BAM) incredibly irritable. All in all though, I have to say not too bad. I can live with these (although not sure my family can haha).

    I am still doing the glycine at night. 

    Also, I do take an 81mg aspirin daily. I started about a month or so ago. My Onc says its fine to do so. Even though it may not help protect against the SE of clots with Tamx since its a difference mechanism of clotting. But I mostly take it to help keep from having a recurrance. Read some studies about it and reduction of recurrance. 

    Jo, all of your food always looks yummy! Especially the home made goodies! ;) YUM

  • surfette
    surfette Member Posts: 108
    edited February 2011

    Regarding facebook, it is very easy to block people from finding you. Go to account, privacy settings, scroll down and click on "block lists" and put the persons name in and they will not be able to find you. I blocked an ex-boss of mine that I knew was lurking about.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    ECG...I get the same way, my moods are all over the place.. Today I woke up and just felt so down and then by noon felt great and then after dinner could of just balled and nothing happened just all over the place.. I hate that so much. I defetnely have the fuzziness and my thought process is not what it was  before...hoping these things will level out for you too!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    EastCoastGirl - I try to keep on the positive side of things.  I am feeling so good these days can't believe I have finally turned the corner and can see the bright side of things.  I have had such a horrible time since diagnosis - one problem after the other.  Now, I am not looking back.

     surfette - You are the second person to tell me that and that makes me feel much better about this.  The person I want to block gets in my business enough.  Everyone here will find her really irritating if she joins in with us - I would not want to be held responsible for that. 

  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2011

    EastCoastGrl and others,

    I also take a low dose aspirin. Right before my last visit to my oncologist, a new study came out about aspirin helping to prevent cancer, so I asked my onc about it. He said it couldn't hurt, so I started taking it.

     I am also on facebook. I haven't gotten around to PMing anyone to find out facebook names, but maybe soon. Feel free to PM me, as well. My husband is WAY ahead of my in the fb friend department, so I've got to get moving!  Wink

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    ECG and Tink I too feel that way and I am on month 10......I think in the beginning when I just started it was so noticeable and now I think it is more sporadic, but my moods have totally changed during PMS and the headaches are horrible.....I feel like the changes our bodies are going through are so common and yet so different.....make any sense?  Like hearing from Sweetie about being exhausted and she is closer to where I am in the months on the pill.....

    Surfetteyou are one smart lady......are you on FB?

  • surfette
    surfette Member Posts: 108
    edited February 2011

    Yes I am on fb, I spend waaaaayy too much time on there! If anyone wants to friend me, just send me a pm and I will give you a link to my page.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Well I think we need to work on Chevyboy.....are you on FB?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Good to know about the aspirin I had not heard about that and I will bring that up with my onc , may even call since I dont go back until June.. thanks for the info!

    JO That is the best attitude not to look back ! I know I have sooo much to be grateful for thats why those mood swings are even more aggravating... but I always say I thank God for the good days and know the bad days will not last forever!!!

  • Linda_M
    Linda_M Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2011

    Hi All,

    I have been lurking on this thread for a bit now.  Am still awaiting final diagnosis--having second excisional biopsy this coming Wednesday.  One thing my BS did say though is that if the biopsy is benign, I will be put on tamoxifen because I am so high risk.  After reading through here I have to say I'm scared.  I am the queen of side effects...I've suffered from depression since the birth of my first child 18 years ago--post partem so bad it was scary.  From that point on, I've suffered from it.  Sleep is my enemy now, and it seems that every pill I've ever had to take constipated me (is that TMI?).  I don't know where you all get your strength from, but my gosh you are all my hero.  I will continue to read and hope for the best.  I may try Glycine sounds like something that would help me.

    Edit to Add:  I have yet to see anyone who hasn't been positive for cancer to be taking there anyone on here?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    tinker - I have made a promise to myself to stay as positive asmuch as possible.  I know there will still be many bad days but I will deal with them as they crop and move on.  As I am writing this, my toes are aching soooo bad but that too shall pass.  Even the toes will not slow me down - heck gotta have them to get the feet moving. LOL!

  • dawney
    dawney Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2011

    Just checking in ladies - I take my dose all at once before bed and have finally been sleeping better but my memory recall seems to be getting worse.  I can't remember names and sometimes get my words all mixed up.  My husband said he is glad he knows me so well so he can figure out what the hell I am trying to say.  It hasn't really bothered me that much except when I do it at work....very frustrating!  After proofing my post I think it is messing with my typing skills as well!!  lol 

    Tomorrow I have two biopsies on my non-cancer breast.  The doctor thinks it is fat necrosis as I had a breast reduction years ago, I think it is too but can't help but be a little worried.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Dawney good luck tomorrow please keep us posted.!! hugs!

    JUNE..Your hysterical!!!!!

    LINDA..Dont worry about TMI, we share hear .:) I think we get alot of our strenght from eachother and I know for me from my faith as well... I decided I want to be a survivor and live so thats what I try to do ! Good luck with the rest of your results... hugs to you !

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011
    Oh DawneyI know how you feel about worrying when you feel you shouldn't....totally natural, please know we are thinking and praying for only good results and  please keep us posted.  You make me laugh about how well your husband knows you so he can know what you are talking kids are always like "Mom, what did you just say????",  then my dear hubby will take over.....thank gosh they do know us so well.....Good luck tomorrow!
  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Linda_M Welcome!  Please know that this is a great group of ladies and you will always find an answer here......good luck and please keep us posted!!!!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Good night ladies

    Once again I feel blessed to have found you all!

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2011

    Kiss kiss Tink, me too!!!!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2011

    HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY to all on the Tamox train -- the 'love' train!!! :):)

    Welcome new passengers!

    Tink - you nailed it on the exercise.  I have to force myself - but I do 1/2 hour everyday.  Once I'm about 10 minutes in, I'm so glad I did.

    Yes - aspirin is linked to preventing cancer & recurrence (as well as heart problems).  When I have time I'll look up some links.

    LindaM - seems to me I read somewhere that in some cases Tamox is given to high-risk women (with no diagnosis) or other drugs- like Evista I think.  I actually asked my onc about taking that instead of Tamox (as it doesn't have serious side effects) but he said it isn't approved for women already diagnosed.  Sometimes I wonder if FDA isn't getting in the way of alternatives.

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470
    edited February 2011

    June2268-I am also 45 and your post is exactly how I feel! I have always been an exerciser and was always able to stay pretty fit and motivated most of the time. I just find I'm dragging these days. I also have the problem with fuzzy memory and thinking at times. Still all and all I feel pretty blessed because I know SE can be worse. I just keep telling myself I really need to take this and that's it no ands,if's or buts. Now I just have to get more motivated again to work out  more.  Going to try running in the spring. My husband is a big into running and he keeps really fit and thin. I just wished I liked it more.

  • Inuitwoman
    Inuitwoman Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2011

    I started taking Tamoxifen in June 2006 after being diagnosed with BC and undergoing a left side mastectomy with a central node biopsy done, too.  No cancer in my nodes! Thank God.  Last year, I started to experience pelvic pain which took me into seeing my GYN.  I always kept up with my yearly PAP's which were normal.  They did a internal ultrasound which showed thickening of my uterus.  Normally it should be about 5 mm thick, mine was at 14 mm.  The Dr preformed a hysteroscopy and I talked with him about a hysterectomy.  He wanted me to talk with my Oncologist about it first.  The Oncologist recommended coming off Tamoxifen and hopefully that would take care of any future problems.  Well, in the last month, I've been experiencing pelvic pain once again.  This time it is more severe than it was a year ago.  I ended up in the ER and undergoing another ultra sound which showed thickening once again.  The ER doctor prescribed Dilaudid for the pain which restricts me from driving and pretty much leaving the house. I have an appointment with my Dr tomorrow and will ask to have a hysterectomy done this time.  I'd like to hear from others that have gone thru similar situations as mine.  How was your pain during this time.  It makes me nervous when I have pain due to my initial cancer diagnosis.  I may sound paranoid but I just can't help thinking that the Cancer has returned to another area.  I would appreciate to hear from others concerning this.  Thank you ~  Lorena

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2011

    Morning girls!  June, June, June...!  Honey, I think I signed up for Face Book, but I figure it is mostly for you young things!  Now WHY would I want to talk to any other than you gals?  I can do it here....I mean REALLY,  that would just make me "busier"...Ha!   I always wondered about that.. Can you say "more" on face book?  Or what is the difference than posting on here?   

    I tried signing up once, to get a free coupon for Coffee-mate, or something!  Don't know if I'll ever get it...this is just much easier...and all my free moments are spent trying to figure out what type of hearing aids I can get, whilst I natter about here feeling sorry for myself!  Wink  My Husband finally said "YOU DON'T NEED HEARING AIDS, YOU JUST NEED PEOPLE TO TALK LOUDER!"  Ha, ha!  Ain't THAT the truth...

    We had a really fun Sunday....Mile Hi Farmers Market, with DH's brother & sister in law...Ate & talked, walked around, bought 5 books (hard-back)...New...and only $2.50!!!!    Such beautiful weather too! 

    Who used to say that Janet?  The "Luuuuuuuv train?"   Did you see that gown Rihanna had on last night?  I mean almost had on?  I MEAN!!  Where was her Mother?  I used to have night-mares that I was running around naked somewhere....Man, talk about "flash-backs!"   And Lady Ga-ga?  That's when I went to bed.  What was THAT about?  I thought she was an alien from Soylent Green!  I don't think you see that much porn in a porn movie, ha!   Must just be me.  But everyone tries to "out-do" everyone else... DH got a kick out of it though...Tongue out  that 17 year old that he invisions himself....

    Okay, I'm done...  Happy Valentines Day!  Oh, DH bought me windshield wipers ....Ha, ha, I wanted the too!   xoxoxoxo

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011
  • peg119
    peg119 Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2011

    I love trying to keep up on all of these post.  I am on facebook everyday too.  The only problem I am having with "friending"  all of you on FB is keeping track of who is who since the facebook name is not the same as the names.  I need to figure out a system so I know who I friended and who I haven't.  If anyone has already thought of one let me know.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited February 2011

    Good Morning Ladies - Breakfast is served!


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Happy Valentines day lovely ladies!!!

    That looks delicious Jo much better than the oatmeal I just ate :)

    Chevyboy you are too funny, I got a crockpot for valentines day, mine broke last week lol. and I was happy to get it  :)

    Peg.. were friends on fb! :)

    Lorena..I am so sorry you are going through this. Please keep us posted on whats going on!!

    Higs and love to all todat Kiss