Bottle o Tamoxifen
June.. no worries I will share! lol
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Now ladies - stop fighting over breakfast - I can make more if I need to.
Chevyboy - What fantastic news. I don't know what I would do if I could not hear.
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Chevyboy good news that you can hear
Jo so glad the Lyrica is working for you.
I also have had a dull aching pain in my cancer breast the last couple of days. Not bad but needed to take some asprin. It feels different than the pain I have had for nerve endings. I only feel it on the outside of my breast but I think it is because the inside half is completly numb. Not sure if I am going to get this feeling back or not. Part of it I am sure I will not get back because this is the 2nd lump and I already did not have feeling before this surgery.
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Anyone have vertigo as a side effect or should I plan for a CT scan.
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immarybell...I had it really bad back in Oct/Nov.. I would get dizzy and lightheaded and then 2x while I was driving nothing looked familiar, they ended up sending me for a CAT scan but all was good. I came off of Tam for a week for surgery and when I went back on I started slowly 5mg first week 10 the second and now split my dose 10mg in am 10mg in pm and that has helped it ALOT. I also started exercising and staying very hydrated to the point I am always lookinf for the nearest bathroom when I am out lol... and that seems to help too... But it is always a good idea to let your MO know.... good luck!
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My naturopath has me on everything that some of you ladies say your MO and others have told you not to be on. You're right . . . this is very confusing. I see my MO on the 14th so will have to ask him what his particular opinion on the subject is. But noone during rads told me anything about staying off any vitamins or supplements. This thread is the first I've heard that it may even be a problem. Wow . . . so much info!
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Pennythoughtssame here as my RO told me nothing about supplements. So much conflicting thoughts, hard to figure out who is right and who is wrong.....0
jo1955, glad you got a good night's sleep with new meds!
Chevyboy, glad to hear the new hearing aids work well! I had some hearing loss BEFORE I started the BC treatment path, and have had more ringing in my ears recently - not sure if I am losing more, but have not had them stop up on me, but I know this is not something to be taken lightly. You need to be able to hear in order to participate in a lot of social activities.
I had so much mental clouding, emotional roller coaster, and pain all over from the tamoxifen that I am on a "holiday" - my MO knows and agreed to it, although I am sure she thinks I should go back on it soon. I am already dealing with neuropathy fom chemo, and am on Neurontin for that, and I think the combination of tamox + neurontin pushed me over the edge physically and emotionally. So I am trying to come off ALL meds, get stronger, then consider the tamox 1/2 in the am and 1/2 in the pm like some of you suggested. Has anyone just started with half a dose for a few days or weeks and then increased over time rather than slamming your system with full dose every day to start with? I am what some people call "petite" and find my response to most meds is so negative and very hard on my body, wonder if a lower dose would work and still be "do-able." I would like to get the benefits of tamox, but not sure I can do 5 years if they are a living hell.
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n3ypb and welcome!!!! I know Eastcoastgirl is taking it slow as she is very sensitive to meds as well. I am sure some people will chime in and give you advice. I jumped right into it and I am on month 10 and I now seem to be getting the SE.....It is a shitty situation, no matter how we do it......Good luck to ya and keep us posted.0
n3ypb - Welcome to the Group. I started with 10 mg the first week and then did a split dose for about 2 weeks. Now, I take the whole dose with breakfast. The only SE I am having is neuropathy in the toes and am taking Lyrica for that. Like June said this is a shitty situation - we are damned if we do damned if we don't. What is a girl supposed to do?0
N3ypb ~ I did like June and jumped right in with the full 20 mgs. Had some problems early on, stopped for a week or two and have been on it steady. Welcome and hoping you have a SE free ride.
CHEVY ~ so glad that you are hearing with the aids. woo HOO
Penny ~ love YOUR hair !
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Hi Girls,
I jumped right in too! 20 mgs. every morning. So far, so good
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Has anyone noticed any changes in their hair texture? My hair looks different and having difficulties styling it. I am not complaining, just wondering if this could be the tamoxifen.
JO1955 Some words of comfort about neuropathy. I am a stage 3 colon cancer survivor, after 6 months of chemotherapy I had severe neuropathy for over a year. It has improved 90% after three years. It gets better!
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N3YPB..welcome sorry we had to meet this way but youwill find these ladies are wonderful. I had many issues when I first started in Sept I thought I cannot do this for 5 years, I came off for a week for surgery and I took it real slow going back on.. I am very sensitive to meds too... I did 5mg furst week 10mg the 2nd etc and now I spikt the dose 10mg in am and 10mg in om..that worked best for me.... Maybe when you go back on it that might be an option for you between that and exercising and staying very hydrated it seems to have helped at least with the debilatiating side effects...
MISSTW..I have fine hair anyway it seemed at one point to be getting finner and then I bought this shampoo with biotin in it I am not sure if that really helped or its just stopped thinning...Congrats on being a colon cancer survivor... you sound like a very strong lady!
JO What for dinner????
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MissTW - Thanks for the words of comfort. I don't have the neuropathy that bad and I do hope it eventually goes away. I would hate to think I have to do this for 5 years.
Tink - This is what I am having for dinner.
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Delicous JO you have done it again!!!
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Hi everyone!! Just checking in! Hope you are alldoing well. Welcome to the new ladies!
I had my US on Monday (a recheck) and left ovary (the one they were watching) was all clear....but right ovary had grown a 3cm cyst in 6 weeks time. ha....she said it was a simple cyst. These things develop and then take care of themselves....but will probably want to look again to make sure in 4-6 weeks. Well, that will be 3 US's and I just got my EOB and saw that they did not cover the first one, fun. So, now I will be on the phone with them getting them to pay it. Ugh
To those wondering about slowly starting up on the Tamox....I did and have done fairly well with it that way. I did it probably slower then most here. Still not at 20 but that's because I have exchange surgery this friday and wanted to stay at 10 until after.
Food looks great as always Jo!!
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Thanks girls! I just want to make sure I don't make any of you afraid to take Tamoxifen....I think it is because I am much older than you guys.... The "Senior Hearing Specialist" at Costco said I have 100% hearing loss in my left ear, & 60% loss in my right hear.....Well I knew that... but the hearing aids that I will get Thursday will help a lot. I know I won't hear the "same" as before, but I will be able to hear, anyway.
Hey, MissTW...Yes, my hair is much thinner, but seems to be leveling off... Just so fine & wispy now! I first noticed it when I had much more hair in my brush....but it seems to be going back to normal....
You guys, I'm probably not going to take any more meds....I'm just done.....I'm just afraid, again to try something else....At my age, it shouldn't make much difference anyway...I mean what will I do with 15 more years, Ha!
So I'll talk to you again after I get my new ears! xoxoxoxo
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June- yeah..a lot going on but it is simply my body saying' WoW!! What are you doing to me?" getting more sleep (ie. actually taking the sleeping aid every night and not trying it on my own right now) is helping....but my memory is a bit off lately...stress? the tamoxifen? the sleeping aid? hard to know..but getting to bed early enough may help. Have pain up and down my leg too but I suspect it is ankle, back and lunges with the trainerrelated!
LtotheK: Have you tried jojoba oil? it is really good for helping with hair regrowth in general.
Jo - great news!
Chevyboy- Have you met with a naturopath to help guide your 'no tami!' decision? s/he might have some ideas for you.
SherryC- the nurse seemed to imply that it is normal. I also asked my girlfriend who went through a lumpectomy , chemo, rads 7 years ago and she said she felt pangs off and on for a couple of years...and that the back of her arm was sill numb in a couple of places (she had something like 13 lymph nodes removed) I figure it is the scar tissue healing...and I will continue to massage it
n3ypb- many people on this train have started with 5 and then moved up...our bodies adjust to it, hence why they often say that the SEs stop with a bit of time....I am also small and generally do not react well to medications..have a number I am allergic to..I take half in the am and half in the pm and it seems to really help that way.
Eastcoastgirl- drag about the cyst! ..good they are going to watch it. I had a pap in December and was happy say all was fine..something to keep an eye on though...
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SAndee I sure hope you can get your sleepless nights worked out. Nothing worse than not sleeping
Jo Dinner looks fabulous. Just came in from walking and I'm starving.
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Tink - Went to Chili's with DH and friends. It was a last minute thing. When I got there, this is what I decided to have and they were sooooo good.
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JO I love ribs one of my favs!!!! glad you enjoyed!!!
Sandee hoping you get a good nights rest tonight!
ECG..Sorry about the cysts, my daughter has had them and had 2 rupture she is on meds now and hasnt had any in months. Glad they are going to keep checking on you. Good luck with your surgery..its this week isnt it?? will be thinking of you...hugs!!!!
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Jogreat selection tonight, my daughter is salivating right now.....such nosy kids, always checking out everything I do on the computer....ha ha, but seriously ribs is her favorite...
Hello all and nite nite I am bushed!
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Thanks Tink...I have a clear mind tonight so should be able to sleep...the gym mid-afternoon will hopefully help:)..packed for Thursday, no homework to correct, supper made and eaten and no snow on the horizon. YAY!! Go some great rainboots at walmart for $30 and plan on wearing them out in NYC on Thursday!
Jo- love the ribs....had someon the weekend at a friend's house. YUM@
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JUne your daughter should come to my house on Saturday. My husband is making brisket and ribs. yum
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My friend soaks his in cocacola overnight....then cooks them the next day on the barbque..fall off the bone ribs! Yowsers!
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OMG! I made it through my first day with the Lyrica and the toe pains are down to a dull ache. Feeling the best I have in 6 months. Had a super busy day at work and was on my feet all day. The piggies feel like any other day when it is crazy in my office. I hate the thought of having to take another med but I have to admit, it is better than the pains. Should sleep really good tonight.
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I had a lumpectomy times two and no lymph nodes removed and still get pain in the side of my breast sometimes. It is sharp and doesn't last long. When I asked the rad onc and the onc about it they didn't know the cause but state they have heard that from women a lot.
This vitamin stuff is too confusing and it seems there are no clear answers.
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June - I have been on Tami since Dec 15th.
I am actually feeling pretty good today. I had my bloodwork done for my 3 month check-up with my MO in two weeks - fingers crossed!
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So where do you guys find a Naturopath? Are they like consultants at the health food stores, like Whole Foods?0