Bottle o Tamoxifen
Happy Cancerversary Jo!!!
Two hard years and now the sun is peeking through - so glad you have reached that point. I thought I was getting there until my recent scare - that set me WAY back and turned my whole head gray! Not really, but I'll get back to where I was sooner rather than later this time, I think.
Time to focus on the good things and distance ourselves from the beast!
So glad the weekend is almost here - hope everyone has a great one!
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Well I enjoy a vacation from pain and now it's starting to come back. A bit dissapointed about it. I was hoping that my body was finally starting to adjust. I hope that it doesn't get back to the level it was, because that's not what I want. I finally am able to get back into things that I did before hand.
Have a fun filled day all! Love and light to all my sistas!!
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Trip update - We made it from deep south Texas to Layfette, LA - about 500 miles. We did not hit rain untill we were east of Houston and then we just ran in and out of light rain. Nothing to write home about. We left home at 8:00 this morning and at 6:00 I decided that was enough. Will write more tomorrow if we can get WIFI. Thanks everyone - today is a big milestone for me. Ya'll are the best!!!
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Happy Cancerversary Jo!!! Safe travels and have a wonderful time...
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Jo happy cancerversary I was wondering if you got into any weather, I almost called you. Hope tomorrows travels are just as good.
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Jo... safe travels! and happy Cancerversary! have a wonderful time,, you deserve it!!!
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Jo ~ Happy Cancerversary! woo HOO Stay safe in your travels.
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Trip Update - We are in Pensacola, Fl and have about 450 miles to our destination. We will go as far as Ocala tomorrow night. Drove in and out of some rain today - not too bad. Saw some of the flooding in La & MS. Heading out to dinner in a few. Will try and get on here tomorrow night for the last time before the cruise.
Thanks everyone for the cancerversary wishes. This is such a milestone. Almost ready to close the chapter with the PS. That comes on Sept 26th.
Hugs & Kisses to all my Tammi sisters.
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Hey gals hope everyone is having a good weekend. Keeps raining off and on here.
Got a call from my gastro doctor yesterday and one of my colon polyps was pre cancerous. I was a bit shocked as I really just thought I would get this over and done with and do it again in 10 years. Now I have to do it again in 3 years. But at leat it was found, if I had put it off the alternative would not have been good. I was on the way home from getting fitted at Victoria Secrets and buying pretty bra's so I was in too good of a mood to let it get me down.
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Sherry - It is good to know that the polyps were precancerous. Colonoscopy every three years? My heart goes out to you girl friend. You are a trooper and can do this. The brighter side is you did get to buy pretty bras. The question is - Would we have done this before BC? I know I wouldn't. In fact I hated bra shopping. We have put ourselves through so much, we might as well show those new girls off - LOL!
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Sherry, sorry about the polyp, but glad it is out. Much easier to treat it now with simple removal than waiting until it gets big and obstructs something or spreads. Victoria's Secret sounds like a great way to lift one's spirits!
Jo, so glad things are going well for your trip and all the other stuff you have been dealing with. Enjoy that vacation - you have truly earned it!!!!
DH and I are going to New Orleans next weekend - he has to work during the day, I don't!So I will hang out on my own during the day and enjoy a couple of evenings with him. We don't know how much damage there was where we will be staying, but I am looking forward to it regardless. NO is one of my top 4 favorite cities in the US and is where we had our honeymoon 30 years ago. Seems like only yesterday in some ways, seems like an eternity ago in others.
Had bx of small hard nodule in ALND armpit yesterday, results anticipated on Wednesday due to holiday weekend, etc. Am thinking positive thoughts - just a suture, sterile abscess, scar tissue, etc. She was pleased with the BMX results overall, but seemed to genuinely care that I was still having such neuropathic pain, so she checked with PT for additional myofascial release (which helped before) but I am not eligible for more PT for THAT until Nov. 1, so I am trying to be more religious about self-care stretching, massage, etc, and hope I won't even need the PT appointments by then (but I went ahead and scheduled as it takes nearly a month to get onto their schedule!).
I guess I am at about 2nd cancerversary also.... found it July 2010, had to wait until Aug 2010 to see MO and BS, had to wait another month until Sept. 2010 for surgery....finished chemo in Dec 2010.... fast-forward to Aug 2011 recurrence - BMX first week of Oct (I delayed it for a couple weeks as I had a trip planned with DH to Washington, DC, and am ever so glad I did!) - on & off tammi a couple of times .... time flies when you're havin' fun... trying to be optimistic about that bx.
Am really tired of all the SEs from chemo, meds, surgery.... but have a new mantra: "Gratitude leads to joy." So each morning I am setting my intention to be grateful, and you are all part of that meditation. Thank you all so much for your support, friendship, humor.
So many of you have had so much going on in your lives and families besides your own breast cancer, and I am continually amazed at just how strong you (and I) are! There are lots of challenges, lots of pain, lots of suffering, lots of losses and lots of grieving - and yet, through our love and support of each other, here we are! Still here, able to love, able to complain, moan & groan, laugh, be outrageous, be thoughtful, be able to appreciate a gentle breeze or prepare for storms.... there is much to be grateful for despite all the other stuff. Sending special lovingkindness to all of you who have had family members experiencing illness, cancer, death - just wanted to let you know that I care.0 -
BTW Paula, could you find some good eye candy to help distract me for a few days? Would be greatly appreciated!
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Linda happy cancerversary and have a great time in New Orleans. I love the food there.
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Good Morning Tammi Babes - DH and I are heading to the cruise terminal shortly. Have about a 45 minute drive. Can't wait to get on the ship. Will check in when I get back and also plan on having lots of pictures. Sending hugs to everyone. Later!
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Chase (if you are still reading!) your post made me smile. Glad to know I was not the only one.
Having said that, I have started tamoxifen and so far, no horrible SEs. Just an increase in mild hot flashes. They were slowly going away since finishing we go again. And whenever I think really stressful thoughts, I get a hot flash. It's very embarrassing at work!
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Having a great time in Ireland so far. Street signs are lacking but we survived driving and have now returned the car and have 2 more days in Dublin before heading home.
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ckgrayoh, YOU are by no means a hypocondriac!!!!! I have had so many issues come since this whole thing started!!!!! The hip & joint pain hits me really bad when I'm going upstairs. Those last few at school are a challenge!! Sometimes I wish the kids would either pull me oe push me
I am hoping when all this is over thatI will feel like a 50 (hard to believe that's what I will be) yr old woman instead of 80.
This the perfect place to let your heart out and feel good about yourself!!!!
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Thanks for the info gals. Jo, congrats, and I'm w/you on celebrating the day that sucker was gone. It hadn't occurred to me at all til as I'm typing, my 1 yr will be on Fri. Talk about having your head up your arse!
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Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. I missed each and every one of you but I have 4 plus pages to catch up on. This is the longest I have been away! This summer was so busy and very hard to pop on and chat.
Congrats to Jo and Linda on your canciversary. I guess I count my date from the date I was diagnosed which was 10 days before x-mas and it will be 3 years, boy does time fly by.
Jo have lots of fun on your much needed and deserved cruise. I know that your favorite drink awaits you.....
Having lots of sharp sharp pains in my radiated boob. Wondering if I should place a call or just leave it alone. Sometimes it can be so excruciating and stop me dead on my tracks. It has been a few months now and it is not all the time but I do have it at least 4-5 or more times a month. I hate to be a hypochondriac especially since I just saw my Onc a few months back and all appeared to be fine at the time.
Hugs to all of you ladies and I miss each and every one of you and I will get to reading some much needed pages.
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June - I still get pain in the side where I was radiated. Started about 12 to 18 months post rads and yes it will stop me in my tracks. Rad onc said she hears that a lot. Not sure if it is nerve damage or what.
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June good to see ya, glad you were busy with the kiddos this summer. Sorry to hear you are having pain in the radiated boob. I hear more and more of that. Too bad they don't really tell us all that in the beginning. Since I had my BMX all my breast pain is gone. woohoo for that!
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Just got back from our trip to Ireland. It was great. Now I have to decide when and if I want to go back on the Tamox.
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Peg welcome back, so glad you had a good trip. Keep us posted on your decision
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I was laying in bed last nite...wide awake...thinking I should take a 'Sleep Ease'. They are the same ingredient as benadryl. I decided to google it...apparently you can't take benadryl with tamoxifen...makes it not work. Also read that most anti-depressants make tamoxifen not work and that approximately one third of women on tamoxifen are also on anti-depressants...either for mood or hot flashes. There are some medications that don't affect tamoxifen. You guys may already know all of this but I know my onc didn't say anything to me. I will try to find the article again and link to it
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Folks, I have a Tamoxifen question for you of mroe experience with the beast.
Slight nausea and a little early awakening all leveled out and eventually went away. Fatgieu is more persistent and I'm trying to work through it. But what I am experiencing now are feelings of lightheadedness. You know, you're sitting on the couch typing on the computer and then --woah--you swoon internally for a second, and then you recover. Anyone else go through this?
Just curious.
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Scorchy I have always had the out of sorts kinda feeling for a long time. Then it goes away. I think that some here have had those feelings as well.
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Scorchy... yes I defitenly have that issue as well. As a matter of fact when I first started Tamoxifen it was so bad they did a CT scan and it was fine. It did subside but still comes and goes...
Peg welcome back glad you had a great trip!
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Love74 You are right about not being able to take benedryl or its generic of any form with Tammi. You could try Melatonin in different types. I take Midnight which is expensive but seems to work for me. There are lots of sleep aids with melatonin instead of anything with benedryl.
Peg- glad you had a nice trip
Paula- hope you are doing well and looking forward to Manday.
jo-hope you enjoyed your cruise.
I have been taking Claritin instead of my daily Zyrtec and it seems to be helping with morning aches. Could not hurt.
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Paula and Tinkertude: THANK YOU!
Now I don't feel like I have brain tumor to worry about on top of everything else.0 -
Christina- Glad to here I made you smile! The only problems I am having at this point is trouble staying asleep, so I am exhuasted in the mornings. Hot Flash in the middle of the night, I take my pill at night. I am also uncomfortable most of the night because I can't stretch out my left arm where my point was, it still cramps up. Glad to hear that your SE are not too bad. I am starting to get little twitching pains in reconstruction site. Weird!